Formatted numeric output

Revision as of 05:34, 7 November 2007 by rosettacode>Mythago

Express a number in decimal as a fixed-length string with leading zeros.

Formatted numeric output
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

For example, the number 7.125 could be expressed as "00007.125".


with Ada.Text_Io.Editing; use Ada.Text_Io.Editing;
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;

procedure Zero_Fill is
   Pic_String: String := "<999999.99>";
   Pic : Picture := To_Picture(Pic_String);
   type Money is delta 0.01 digits 8;
   package Money_Output is new Decimal_Output(Money);
   use Money_Output;
   Value : Money := 37.25;
   Put(Item => Value, Pic => Pic);
end Zero_Fill;

The output of this program is



void printit(int val)
    printf ("%08d", val);    // Prints 8 digits with leading zeros


Forth has a rather rich set of number formatting words, which makes formatted output very flexible but sometime cumbersome.

Here one way to generate the required output. Note that the number generated is NOT truncated to the field width. If you wish to truncate the number, remove #s and 1- from the definition. (The 1- is necessary because #s always generates at least one digit, even if it's zero.)

\ format 'n' digits of the double word 'd'
: #n ( d n -- d )  0 ?do # loop ;

\ ud.0 prints an unsigned double
: ud.0 ( d n -- )  <# 1- #n #s #> type ;

\ d.0 prints a signed double
: d.0 ( d n -- )  >r tuck dabs <# r> 1- #n #s rot sign #> type ;

Usage example:

Type:    123 s>d  8 ud.0
Result:  00000123 ok
Type:    -123 s>d 8 d.0
Result:  -00000123 ok


n = 7.125
print, n, format='(f08.3)'
;==> 0007.125


var n = 123;
var str = ("00000" + n).slice(-5);
//or, put in browser URL: javascript:n=123;alert(("00000"+n).slice(-5));


Interpreter: Perl v5.x

my $num = 123.45
my $pad = '0' x (5 - length(int($num))) . $num;
# $pad is now 00123.45


The task is underspecified, so we present a few alternatives.

 ;;; field of length 12, 3 digits after decimal place
 format_print('~12,3,0,`*,`0F', [1299.19]);
 ;;; prints "00001299.190"
 format_print('~12,3,0,`*,`0F', [100000000000000000]);
 ;;; Since the number does not fit into the field prints "************"
 ;;; that is stars instead of the number
 format_print('~12,3,0,`*,`0F', [-1299.19]);
 ;;; prints "000-1299.190"
 ;;; that is _leading zeros_ before sign
 format_print('~3,1,12,`0:$', [1299.19]);
 ;;; prints "00001299.190"
 format_print('~3,1,12,`0:$', [-1299.19]);
 ;;; prints "-0001299.190"
 ;;; that is sign before leading zeros
 format_print('~3,1,12,`0:$', [100000000000000000]);
 ;;; prints "100000000000000000.000"
 ;;; that is uses more space if the number does not fit into
 ;;; fixed width


#tested in Python 2.4.1
n = 123
str = "%05d" % n  #5 places wide, leading zeros
print n, str
#output: 123 00123


7.125 "%09.3f" print


--Tested MS SQL 2005
declare @n int
select @n=123
select substring(convert(char(5), 10000+@n),2,4) as FourDigits

set @n=5
print "TwoDigits: " + substring(convert(char(3), 100+@n),2,2)
--Output: 05


set number 7.342
format "%08.3f" $number


needs values
value n
123 to n

2 import printf
" %08d" n printf