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Formal power series: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Added Wren)
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% cos evaluate [expr acos(0)]
<lang ecmascript>import "/rat" for Rat
class Gene {
coef(n) {}
class Term {
construct new(gene) {
_gene = gene
_cache = []
gene { _gene }
[n] {
if (n < 0) return Rat.zero
if (n >= _cache.count) {
for (i in _cache.count..n) _cache.add(gene.coef(i))
return _cache[n]
class FormalPS {
static DISP_TERM { 12 }
static X_VAR { "x" }
construct new() {
_term = null
construct new(term) {
_term = term
term { _term }
static fromPolynomial(polynomial) {
class PolyGene is Gene {
construct new (polynomial) { _polynomial = polynomial }
coef(n) { (n < 0 || n >= _polynomial.count) ? Rat.zero : _polynomial[n] }
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(PolyGene.new(polynomial)))
copyFrom(other) { _term = other.term }
inverseCoef(n) {
var res = List.filled(n+1, null)
res[0] = _term[0].inverse
for (i in 1..n) {
for (j in 0...i) res[i] = res[i] + _term[i - j] * res[j]
res[i] = -res[0] * res[i]
return res[n]
+(other) {
class AddGene is Gene {
construct new(fps, other) {
_fps = fps
_other = other
coef(n) { _fps.term[n] + _other.term[n] }
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(AddGene.new(this, other)))
-(other) {
class SubGene is Gene {
construct new(fps, other) {
_fps = fps
_other = other
coef(n) { _fps.term[n] - _other.term[n] }
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(SubGene.new(this, other)))
*(other) {
class MulGene is Gene {
construct new(fps, other) {
_fps = fps
_other = other
coef(n) {
var res = Rat.zero
for (i in 0..n) res = res + _fps.term[i] * _other.term[n-i]
return res
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(MulGene.new(this, other)))
/(other) {
class DivGene is Gene {
construct new(fps, other) {
_fps = fps
_other = other
coef(n) {
var res = Rat.zero
for (i in 0..n) res = res + _fps.term[i] * _other.inverseCoef(n-i)
return res
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(DivGene.new(this, other)))
diff() {
class DiffGene is Gene {
construct new(fps) { _fps = fps }
coef(n) { _fps.term[n+1] * Rat.new(n+1) }
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(DiffGene.new(this)))
intg() {
class IntgGene is Gene {
construct new(fps) { _fps= fps }
coef(n) { (n == 0) ? Rat.zero : _fps.term[n-1] * Rat.new(1, n) }
return FormalPS.new(Term.new(IntgGene.new(this)))
toString_(dpTerm) {
var sb = ""
var c = _term[0]
Rat.showAsInt = true
if (c != Rat.zero) sb = sb + c.toString
for (i in 1...dpTerm) {
c = term[i]
if (c != Rat.zero) {
if (c > Rat.zero && sb.count > 0) sb = sb + " + "
var xvar = FormalPS.X_VAR
sb = sb +
((c == Rat.one) ? xvar :
(c == Rat.minusOne) ? " - %(xvar)" :
(c.num < 0) ? " - %(-c)%(xvar)" : "%(c)%(xvar)")
if (i > 1) sb = sb + "^%(i)"
if (sb.count == 0) sb = "0"
sb = sb + " + ..."
return sb
toString { toString_(FormalPS.DISP_TERM) }
var cos = FormalPS.new()
var sin = cos.intg()
cos.copyFrom(FormalPS.fromPolynomial([Rat.one]) - sin.intg())
System.print("SIN(x) = %(sin)")
System.print("COS(x) = %(cos)")</lang>
SIN(x) = x - 1/6x^3 + 1/120x^5 - 1/5040x^7 + 1/362880x^9 - 1/39916800x^11 + ...
COS(x) = 1 - 1/2x^2 + 1/24x^4 - 1/720x^6 + 1/40320x^8 - 1/3628800x^10 + ...


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