Execute SNUSP/F Sharp: Difference between revisions

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m (Fixed syntax highlighting.)
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Line 1: Line 1:
{{implementation|SNUSP}}{{collection|RCSNUSP}}[[Category:F Sharp]]
This is the "modular" version. Perhaps I'll get around to bloated later. Allows infinite size data space to the left and right of the original data pointer. I originally mistook the meaning of ',' and had the user input an arbitrary number which I would place on the tape, but after looking at the sample multiplication program, realized that I was supposed to input the ascii value of the single key entered. Still, it seems like a good command to allow for reading an arbitrary value so I arbitrarily allocated '~' as the command for that purpose.
This is the [[F Sharp|F#]] implementation of the "modular" version. Perhaps I'll get around to bloated later. Allows infinite size data space to the left and right of the original data pointer. I originally mistook the meaning of '<code>,</code>' and had the user input an arbitrary number which I would place on the tape, but after looking at the sample multiplication program, realized that I was supposed to input the ascii value of the single key entered. Still, it seems like a good command to allow for reading an arbitrary value so I arbitrarily allocated '<code>~</code>' as the command for that purpose.

Bloated version below this modular version. Somehow this page has been set up so I can't seem to change the original comments to note this fact. Probably I'm just too dumb to know now.
Bloated version below this modular version. Somehow this page has been set up so I can't seem to change the original comments to note this fact. Probably I'm just too dumb to know now.
<br clear=all>
<lang fsharp>open System
===Modular SNUSP===
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Generic

Line 127: Line 130:
while ip.Valid() do
while ip.Valid() do
interpretCmd() |> ignore
interpretCmd() |> ignore
===Bloated SNUSP===
Okay, I did the bloated version and made a few other changes. Using * rather than ~ for inputting a number because it's easy for ~ to get lost in the visual sea of characters that makes up the typical program. Also made separate classes for the engine and the IP. I allow for infinite data space in both directions and threads not waiting for input run while other threads are blocked on input. I tried this on all the programs I could find. There don't appear to be any which really utilize the 2D data space, but I tested it with some simple test programs and it seems okay.
Okay, I did the bloated version and made a few other changes. Using <code>*</code> rather than <code>~</code> for inputting a number because it's easy for <code>~</code> to get lost in the visual sea of characters that makes up the typical program. Also made separate classes for the engine and the IP. I allow for infinite data space in both directions and threads not waiting for input run while other threads are blocked on input. I tried this on all the programs I could find. There don't appear to be any which really utilize the 2D data space, but I tested it with some simple test programs and it seems okay.
<lang fsharp>// Bloated RCSNUSP
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">// Bloated RCSNUSP
open System
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Generic
Line 371: Line 375:
let snusp = new SNUSP(pgm) // Create an engine
let snusp = new SNUSP(pgm) // Create an engine
snusp.Execute() // and run the program with it
snusp.Execute() // and run the program with it
snusp.ReturnValue() // Return the return value
snusp.ReturnValue() // Return the return value</syntaxhighlight>

==Example Inputs==
===Example Inputs===
<lang fsharp>let p1 = @"
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">let p1 = @"
read two characters ,>,==\ * /=================== ATOI ----------\
read two characters ,>,==\ * /=================== ATOI ----------\
convert to integers /=/@</@=/ * // /===== ITOA ++++++++++\ /----------/
convert to integers /=/@</@=/ * // /===== ITOA ++++++++++\ /----------/
Line 415: Line 418:
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"6=@@@+@+++++#")
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"6=@@@+@+++++#")</syntaxhighlight>

Latest revision as of 08:49, 1 September 2022

Execute SNUSP/F Sharp is an implementation of SNUSP. Other implementations of SNUSP.
Execute SNUSP/F Sharp is part of RCSNUSP. You may find other members of RCSNUSP at Category:RCSNUSP.

This is the F# implementation of the "modular" version. Perhaps I'll get around to bloated later. Allows infinite size data space to the left and right of the original data pointer. I originally mistook the meaning of ',' and had the user input an arbitrary number which I would place on the tape, but after looking at the sample multiplication program, realized that I was supposed to input the ascii value of the single key entered. Still, it seems like a good command to allow for reading an arbitrary value so I arbitrarily allocated '~' as the command for that purpose.

Bloated version below this modular version. Somehow this page has been set up so I can't seem to change the original comments to note this fact. Probably I'm just too dumb to know now.

Modular SNUSP

open System
open System.Collections.Generic

type IP (p:(int*int), d:(int*int), dim1, dim2) =
    let mutable _p = p
    let mutable _d = d
    let mutable _fValid = true
    member this.dim1 = dim1
    member this.dim2 = dim2
    member this.x = fst this.pos
    member this.y = snd this.pos
    member this.dx = fst this.dir
    member this.dy = snd this.dir
    member this.pos with get() = _p
                    and set newp = _p <- newp
    member this.dir with get() = _d
                    and set newd = _d <- newd
    member this.Clone() = new IP((this.x, this.y), (this.dx, this.dy), dim1, dim2)
    member this.Invalidate() = _fValid <- false
    member this.SetTo(ip : IP) = this.pos <- ip.pos; this.dir <- ip.dir
    member this.Advance() =
        this.pos <- ((fst this.pos) + (fst this.dir), (snd this.pos) + (snd this.dir))
    member this.Valid() = 
        _fValid && this.x >= 0 && this.x < dim2 && this.y >= 0 && this.y < dim2
    member this.Reflect(c) =
        match c with
        | '/' -> this.dir <- (-this.dy, -this.dx)
        | '\\' -> this.dir <- (this.dy, this.dx)
        | _ -> ignore()
let RCSNUSP (pgmStr : string) =
    let StringToPgm (str : string) =
        let stringsPre =
            str.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]).Split([|'\n'|])
            |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]))
        let maxLen =
            |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Length)
            |> Seq.max
        let strings =
            |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.PadRight(maxLen))
        |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]).ToCharArray())
        |> array2D

    let pgm = StringToPgm pgmStr
    let ptr = ref 0                                                     // Pointer into input
    let stk = new Stack<IP>()                                           // Instruction stack
    let input = ref (Array.create 100 0)

    let LocateStart pgm =
        let fFound = ref false
        let s1 =
            seq {
                for i = 0 to ((Array2D.length1 pgm)-1) do
                    for j = 0 to ((Array2D.length2 pgm)-1) do
                        yield (pgm.[i,j], (j, i)) }
            |> Seq.skipWhile (fun (c, _) -> fFound := !fFound || (c = '$'); not !fFound)
            |> Seq.truncate 1
            |> Seq.toArray

        if not !fFound then
            |> Seq.head
            |> snd
    let ip = new IP(LocateStart pgm, (1, 0), Array2D.length1 pgm, Array2D.length2 pgm)                                // Instruction Pointer

    let InputNumber() =
        let mutable fValid = false
        let mutable num = 0
        printfn "Enter a valid number"
        fValid <- Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), &num);
        while not fValid do
            printfn "Invalid input.  Please enter a valid number"
            fValid <- Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), &num);

    let InputAscii() =
        printfn "Enter an ascii character"
        let chOut = (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar)
        printfn ""
        int chOut

    let MovePtr fRight =
        if fRight then
            ptr := !ptr + 1
            if !ptr >= (!input).Length then
                Array.Resize(input, (!input).Length + 20)
            ptr := !ptr - 1
            if !ptr < 0 then
                let newInput = Array.create ((!input).Length + 20) 0
                Array.ConstrainedCopy(!input, 0, newInput, 20, (!input).Length)
                ptr := 19
    let interpretCmd() =
        //if @"><+-.,;/\?!@#".Contains(pgm.[ip.y, ip.x].ToString()) then
        //    printfn "TapePos: %d; TapeVal: %d; Pos (%d, %d) : %c" !ptr (!input).[!ptr] ip.x ip.y pgm.[ip.y, ip.x]
        //    Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
        match pgm.[ip.y, ip.x] with
        | '>' -> MovePtr true; ip.Advance()
        | '<' -> MovePtr false; ip.Advance()
        | '+' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- (!input).[!ptr] + 1; ip.Advance()
        | '-' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- (!input).[!ptr] - 1; ip.Advance()
        | '.' -> printf "%c" (char (!input).[!ptr]); ip.Advance()
        | ',' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- InputAscii(); ip.Advance()
        | '~' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- InputNumber(); ip.Advance()
        | '/' | '\\' -> ip.Reflect(pgm.[ip.y, ip.x]); ip.Advance()
        | '?' -> ip.Advance(); if (!input).[!ptr] = 0 then ip.Advance()
        | '!' -> ip.Advance(); ip.Advance()
        | '@' -> stk.Push(ip.Clone()); ip.Advance()
        | '#' -> if stk.Count = 0 then
        | _ -> ip.Advance()

    while ip.Valid() do
        interpretCmd() |> ignore

Bloated SNUSP

Okay, I did the bloated version and made a few other changes. Using * rather than ~ for inputting a number because it's easy for ~ to get lost in the visual sea of characters that makes up the typical program. Also made separate classes for the engine and the IP. I allow for infinite data space in both directions and threads not waiting for input run while other threads are blocked on input. I tried this on all the programs I could find. There don't appear to be any which really utilize the 2D data space, but I tested it with some simple test programs and it seems okay.

// Bloated RCSNUSP
open System
open System.Collections.Generic

type IP (p:(int*int), d:(int*int), dim1, dim2) =
    let mutable _p = p                                          // Current instruction position
    let mutable _d = d                                          // Current direction we're headed
    let mutable _fValid = true                                  // Override telling us we're invalid
    let mutable _dataptr = (0, 0)                               // Data Pointer
    let _callStack = new Stack<IP>()                            // Call stack
    let _dim1 = dim1                                            // Dimensions of our instruction space
    let _dim2 = dim2
    // Some properties for the above
    member t.pos     with get() = _p
                        and set newp = _p <- newp
    member t.dir     with get() = _d
                        and set newd = _d <- newd
    member t.dataptr   with get() = _dataptr
                          and set newp = _dataptr <- newp
    member t.x = fst t.pos                                      // X value of our instruction pointer
    member t.y = snd t.pos                                      // Y value of our instruction pointer
    member t.dx = fst t.dir                                     // X value of our direction
    member t.dy = snd t.dir                                     // Y value of our direction
    member private t.Clone() = new IP((t.x, t.y), (t.dx, t.dy), _dim1, _dim2)
                                                                // Used for call/return where we don't need the data pointer
    member t.Split() =
        let newThread = t.Clone()                               // New thread starts with same position/direction
        newThread.dataptr <- t.dataptr                      // but also inherits the same data position

    member t.Invalidate() = _fValid <- false
    member t.SetTo(ip : IP) = t.pos <- ip.pos; t.dir <- ip.dir
    member t.Advance() = t.pos <- ((fst t.pos) + (fst t.dir), (snd t.pos) + (snd t.dir))
                                                                // All important Advance moves the IP in the current direction
    member t.InRange() =
        t.x >= 0 && t.x < _dim2 && t.y >= 0 && t.y < _dim1      // See if the IP is still in instruction space

    member t.Valid() = _fValid && t.InRange()                   // See if we're valid
    member t.Reflect(c) =
        match c with                                            // See which character we're dealing with
        | '/' -> t.dir <- (-t.dy, -t.dx)                        // and do the
        | '\\' -> t.dir <- (t.dy, t.dx)                         // right thing
        | _ -> ignore()
    member t.Return() =
        if _callStack.Count = 0 then                            // If there's nothing on the call stack to return to
            t.Invalidate()                                      // kill ourselves
            t.SetTo(_callStack.Pop())                           // Otherwise, retrieve the old position and direction
            t.Advance()                                         // and advance twice to continue
    member t.Call() =
        _callStack.Push(t.Clone())                              // Push our return point onto the stack

type SNUSP (pgmStr : string) =
    let _pgm =
        let stringsPre =
            pgmStr.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]).Split([|'\n'|])         // Trim off any initial CR/LFs and split at internal CRs
            |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]))        // We may or may not still have left over 'n' and 'r's hanging around
        let maxLen =
            stringsPre                                          // Array of stripped program lines
            |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Length)                      // Find their length
            |> Seq.max                                          // and take the max
        let strings =
            stringsPre                                          // Array of stripped program lines
            |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.PadRight(maxLen))            // Pad them all the the max length
        |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.ToCharArray())                   // Turn all the lines to char arrays
        |> array2D                                              // Turn the whole thing into a 2D array

    let LocateStart pgm =
        let fFound = ref false
        let s1 =
            // It seems like this should just be an imperative nested for, but since F# doesn't have a break statement, once you
            // start into a for you have to go all the way through it.  The sequence below will stop as soon as it finds the '$'.
            seq {
                for i = 0 to ((Array2D.length1 pgm)-1) do
                    for j = 0 to ((Array2D.length2 pgm)-1) do
                        yield (pgm.[i,j], (j, i)) }             // Sequence of (value, position) pairs
            |> Seq.skipWhile (fun (c, _) -> fFound := !fFound || (c = '$'); not !fFound)
                                                                // Keep track of whether we found a '$" and only keep the good stuff
            |> Seq.truncate 1                                   // Stop as soon as we've found the '$'
            |> Seq.toArray                                      // Required to keep lazy evaluations from not actually finding anything at all

        if not !fFound then                                     // No '$' means start at (0,0)
            |> Seq.head                                         // else, the only value in the sequence is our '$'
            |> snd                                              // and the second value in it is it's position

    let _ips =
        let ret = new List<IP>()                                // list of currently active IPs
        ret.Add(new IP(LocateStart _pgm, (1, 0), Array2D.length1 _pgm, Array2D.length2 _pgm))
                                                                // Add our initial IP into it

    let _data2d = ref (Array2D.create 10 10 0)                  // 2D data space
    let mutable _fWaitingForKey = false                         // So we can handle ',' operator nicely
    let _lstSplitIps = new List<IP>()                           // List of IPs to be deleted after the current tick
    let _rnd = new Random()
    let mutable _builtString = ""

    member private t.ips = ref _ips
    member private t.ipLastRemoved = ref (new IP((0,0), (0,0), 0, 0))
                                                                // Last IP removed (for return value)
    member t.ReturnValue() = t.GetData (!t.ipLastRemoved)       // Return value

    member private t.InputNumber() =
        let mutable out = None                                  // No valid values yet
        if not _fWaitingForKey then                             // If necessary
            _fWaitingForKey <- true
            printf "Enter a valid number: "                     // Ask the user for a number
        if Console.KeyAvailable then                            // If the user has pressed a key
            let chNext = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar              // get the key
            if chNext = '\r' then                               // If they pressed enter
                printfn ""
                let mutable num = 0                             // set up a number to receive the final value
                let fValid = Int32.TryParse(_builtString, &num) // see if they entered a valid value
                if fValid then                                  // If they did, then
                    out <- Some(num)                            // Set our output to it
                    _fWaitingForKey <- false                    // And stop checking for keys
                else                                            // else
                    printf "Invalid input.  Please enter a valid number: "
                                                                // prompt for a valid value
                    _builtString <- ""                           // and reset the built string
                _builtString <- _builtString + chNext.ToString() // if no enter, just append the value to the built up string
        out                                                     // return our output

    member private t.InputAscii() =
        if not _fWaitingForKey then                             // If we haven't put up the prompt yet
            _fWaitingForKey <- true                             // keep track of the fact that we have
            printf "Enter an ascii character: "                 // and put the prompt up
        if Console.KeyAvailable then                            // If there are keys available
            let chOut = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar               // Get the key
            _fWaitingForKey <- false                            // Allow the prompt to be put up
            printfn ""                                          // print a CR,
            Some(int chOut)                                     // return with the booty
            None                                                // return nothing

    static member private OutputAscii(c) = printf "%c" c        // Print a single character

    member private t.ExpandData top left bottom right =
        let newInput = Array2D.create ((Array2D.length1 !_data2d) + top + bottom) (Array2D.length2 !_data2d + left + right) 0
                                                                // Create the new array with enough space
        for i in [0..((Array2D.length1 !_data2d) - 1)] do       // For each row
            for j in [0..((Array2D.length2 !_data2d) - 1)] do   // and column
                newInput.[i + top, j + left] <- (!_data2d).[i,j] // Copy old data to the new array
        _data2d := newInput                                     // Switch to the new array
        if top <> 0 || left <> 0 then                           // If necessary
            !t.ips |> Seq.iter (fun ip -> (ip.dataptr <- ((fst ip.dataptr) + left, ((snd ip.dataptr) + top))))
                                                                // Change data pointers in all the IPs

    member private t.MovePtr2d (ip:IP) (dx, dy) =
        ip.dataptr <- ((fst ip.dataptr) + dx, (snd ip.dataptr) + dy)
                                                                // Move the pointer
        match (dx, dy) with                                     // Check the result to see if we need to expand
        | (0,_) ->                                              // Check the vertical direction
            if (snd ip.dataptr) >= (Array2D.length1 !_data2d) then
                                                                // If we've overflowed the rows
                t.ExpandData 0 0 10 0                           // Expand on the bottom
            elif (snd ip.dataptr) < 0 then                    // If we've underflowed the rows
                t.ExpandData 10 0 0 0                           // Expand on the top
        | (_,0) ->                                              // Check the horizontal direction
            if (fst ip.dataptr) >= (Array2D.length2 !_data2d) then
                                                                // If we've overflowed the columns
                t.ExpandData 0 0 0 10                           // expand on the right
            elif (fst ip.dataptr) < 0 then                    // If we've underflowed columns
                t.ExpandData 0 10 0 0                           // expand on the left
        | _ -> raise <| new System.ArgumentException("Bad direction in MovePtr2d")
                                                                // This should never happen

    member private t.Split(ip:IP) =
        let newIp = ip.Split()                                  // Get an IP for the new thread
        newIp.Advance();                                        // advance it twice
        _lstSplitIps.Add(newIp)                                 // and add it to the list of splits

    member t.lstIp = !t.ips                                     // List of active IPs

    member private t.GetData (ip:IP) =
        (!_data2d).[snd ip.dataptr, fst ip.dataptr]             // Data being pointed at currently

    member private t.SetData (ip:IP) n =
        (!_data2d).[snd ip.dataptr, fst ip.dataptr] <- n        // Set the value at the current position

    member t.InterpretCmd(ip:IP) =                              // Interpret a single command for a single IP
        // Rudimentary debugging aid - interferes with any input and doesn't distinguish between threads
        //if @"><+-.,;:*/\?!@#".Contains(pgm.[ip.y, ip.x].ToString()) then
        //    printfn "TapePos: %A; TapeVal: %d; Pos (%d, %d) : %c" ip.dataptr (t.GetData ip) ip.x ip.y _pgm.[ip.y, ip.x]
        //    Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
        if ip.Valid() then
            match _pgm.[ip.y, ip.x] with
            | '>' -> t.MovePtr2d ip (1, 0); ip.Advance()
            | '<' -> t.MovePtr2d ip (-1, 0); ip.Advance()
            | ';' -> t.MovePtr2d ip (0, 1); ip.Advance()
            | ':' -> t.MovePtr2d ip (0, -1); ip.Advance()
            | '+' -> t.SetData ip ((t.GetData ip) + 1); ip.Advance()
            | '-' -> t.SetData ip ((t.GetData ip) - 1); ip.Advance()
            | '%' -> t.SetData ip (_rnd.Next(0, 256)); ip.Advance()
            | '.' -> SNUSP.OutputAscii(char (t.GetData ip)); ip.Advance()
            | ',' -> 
                let chOpt = t.InputAscii()                      // Check if there are any keys waiting
                if chOpt <> None then                           // If there are...
                    t.SetData ip (Option.get chOpt)             // set the current position to the ascii value of the key
                    ip.Advance()                                // and go on to the next instruction
            | '*' -> 
                let valOpt = t.InputNumber()                    // Do the same for numbers
                if valOpt <> None then
                    t.SetData ip (Option.get valOpt)
            | '/' | '\\' -> ip.Reflect(_pgm.[ip.y, ip.x]); ip.Advance()
            | '?' -> ip.Advance(); if (t.GetData ip) = 0 then ip.Advance()
            | '!' -> ip.Advance(); ip.Advance()
            | '&' -> t.Split(ip); ip.Advance()
            | '@' -> ip.Call(); ip.Advance()
            | '#' -> ip.Return()
            | _ -> ip.Advance()
            if not (ip.Valid()) then
                t.ipLastRemoved := ip

    member t.InterpretCmd() =                                   // Interpret a single command for each active IP
        _lstSplitIps.Clear()                                    // Clear the split array
        let ipRemovals =
            !t.ips                                              // Start with all ips
            |> Seq.filter (fun ip -> t.InterpretCmd(ip);        // Interpret the command
                                        not (ip.Valid()))       // Collect the IP if it went invalid
            |> Seq.toArray                                      // Force laziness to act
        ipRemovals                                              // For each invalid IP found
        |> Seq.iter (fun ip -> (!t.ips).Remove(ip) |> ignore)   // remove it from the list of active IPs
        _lstSplitIps                                            // For each new thread created
        |> Seq.iter (fun ip -> (!t.ips).Add(ip) |> ignore)      // Add it to the list of active IPs

    member t.Execute() =                                        // Execute til exit
        while (!t.ips).Count <> 0 do                            // While there are active threads
            t.InterpretCmd()                                    // Interpret commands

    static member Run(pgm) = 
        let snusp = new SNUSP(pgm)                              // Create an engine
        snusp.Execute()                                         // and run the program with it
        snusp.ReturnValue()                                     // Return the return value

Example Inputs

let p1 = @"
 read two characters    ,>,==\  *    /=================== ATOI   ----------\ 
 convert to integers /=/@</@=/  *   // /===== ITOA  ++++++++++\ /----------/ 
            multiply @ \=!\=========/ //           /++++++++++/ \----------\ 
        convert back !/@!\============/            \++++++++++\ /----------/ 
and print the result \/  \.#    *                  /++++++++++/ \--------#
/====================/          *                  \++++++++#
|    /-<+>\                    #/?=<<<<\!>>>>\                   />>+<+<-\ 
|   #\?===/! BMOV1 =====\       \->>>>+/    //  /======== BSPL2 !\======?/#
|    /->+<\         /===|=========== FMOV4 =/  //                /<<+>+>-\ 
|   #\?===/! FMOV1 =|===|==============\  /====/  /====== FSPL2 !\======?/#
|                /==|===|==============|==|=======/
|           * * *|* | * | * * * * * * *|* | * * *                /+<-\ 
|           * />@/<@/>>@/>>===\ /====>>\@<\@<\  *   /==== ADD2  !\>=?/<#
\===== MUL2 =?/>@\==<#<<<==\  \!\<<<<@\>>>>-?/\ *  //            /-\ 
            *    \\        \/@========|======</ * //  /== ZERO  !\?/#
            * * * \\* * * * | * * * * | * * * * *//  //
                   \\       |         \==========/  //
// Should print out multiplication of two input ascii values
RCSNUSP p1 |> ignore
printfn ""
printfn "Next three should all yield 48"
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"6=@@@+@+++++#")