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→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX language. -- ~~~~
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(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX language. -- ~~~~)
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[[/Retro|Implementation in Retro]].
<lang rexx>/*REXX program to implement the Brainfûck (self-censored) language. */
#.=0 /*initialize the infinite "tape".*/
p=0 /*the "tape" cell pointer. */
!=0 /* ! is the instruction pointer.*/
parse arg $ /*allow CBLF to specify a BF pgm.*/
/* │ No pgm? Then use default.*/
if $='' then $=, /* ↓ displays: Hello, World! */
"+++++ +++++ initialize cell #0 to 10",
"[ loop keeps adding to the next four cells",
" > +++++++ add 7 to cell #1; final result: 70",
" > ++++++++++ add 10 to cell #2; final result: 100",
" > +++ add 3 to cell #3; final result 30",
" > + add 1 to cell #4; final result 10",
" <<<< - decrement cell #0",
"> ++ . display 'H' which is ASCII 72 (decimal) ",
"> + . display 'e' which is ASCII 101 (decimal) ",
"+++++++ . display 'l' which is ASCII 108 (decimal) ",
". display 'l' which is ASCII 108 (decimal) ",
"+++ . display 'o' which is ASCII 111 (decimal) ",
"> ++ . display ' ' which is ASCII 32 (decimal) ",
"<< +++++++++++++++ . display 'W' which is ASCII 87 (decimal) ",
"> . display 'o' which is ASCII 111 (decimal) ",
"+++ . display 'r' which is ASCII 114 (decimal) ",
"------ . display 'l' which is ASCII 108 (decimal) ",
"-------- . display 'd' which is ASCII 100 (decimal) ",
"> + . display '!' which is ASCII 33 (decimal) ",
"> . display '\n' which is ASCII 10 (decimal) "
/*with REXX, \n is superfluous.*/
do forever; !=!+1; if !==0 | !>length($) then leave; x=substr($,!,1)
select /*examine the current instruction*/
when x=='+' then #.p=#.p + 1 /*increment the "tape" cell by 1.*/
when x=='-' then #.p=#.p - 1 /*decrement the "tape" cell by 1.*/
when x=='>' then p=p + 1 /*increment the pointer by 1.*/
when x=='<' then p=p - 1 /*decrement the pointer by 1.*/
when x=='[' then != forward() /*go forward to ]+1 if #.P =0.*/
when x==']' then !=backward() /*go backward to [+1 if #.P ¬0.*/
when x=='.' then call charout ,d2c(#.p) /*display a "tape" cell.*/
when x==',' then do; say 'input a value:'; parse pull #.p; end
otherwise iterate
end /*select*/
end /*forever*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────FORWARD subroutine──────────────────*/
forward: if #.p\==0 then return !; c=1 /* C is the [ nested counter.*/
do k=!+1 to length($); z=substr($,k,1)
if z=='[' then do; c=c+1; iterate; end
if z==']' then do; c=c-1; if c==0 then leave; end
end /*k*/
return k
/*──────────────────────────────────BACKWARD subroutine─────────────────*/
backward: if #.p==0 then return !; c=1 /* C is the ] nested counter.*/
do k=!-1 to 1 by -1; z=substr($,k,1)
if z==']' then do; c=c+1; iterate; end
if z=='[' then do; c=c-1; if c==0 then return k+1; end
end /*k*/
return k</lang>
'''output''' when using the default program as input
<pre style="overflow:scroll">
Hello World!