Draw a sphere: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|ALGOL W}}: Tweaked characters used to make the shading slightly smoother)
(Added Forth entry)
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{{works with|gforth|0.7.3}}
Inspired by C version but simplified.
Traditionaly, Forth use Fixed-Point Arithmetic (here with a 1000 scale). Integer square root function is hand coded.

===ASCII output===
<lang forth>: 3dup 2 pick 2 pick 2 pick ;

: sqrt ( u -- sqrt ) ( Babylonian method )
dup 2/ ( first square root guess is half )
dup 0= if drop exit then ( sqrt[0]=0, sqrt[1]=1 )
begin dup >r 2dup / r> + 2/ ( stack: square old-guess new-guess )
2dup > while ( as long as guess is decreasing )
nip repeat ( forget old-guess and repeat )
drop nip ;

: normalize ( x1 y1 z1 -- x1' y1' z1' ) ( normalise down to 1000 )
3dup dup * rot dup * rot dup * + + sqrt 1000 / >r ( length )
r@ / rot r@ / rot r> / rot ;

: r2-y2-x2 ( x y r -- z2 ) dup * swap dup * - swap dup * - ;

: shade ( u -- c ) C" @#&eo%*!:. " + c@ ;

: map-to-shade ( u -- u ) 0 shade * 1000 / 1 max 0 shade min ;

: dot-light ( x y z -- i ) ( hard coded light vector z, y, x )
-770 * rot 461 * rot 461 * + +
0 min 1000 / ;

: intensity ( x y z -- u ) dot-light dup * 1000 / map-to-shade ;

: pixel ( x y r -- c )
3dup r2-y2-x2 dup 0> if ( if in disk )
sqrt nip normalize intensity shade ( z=sqrt[r2-x2-y2] )
else 2drop 2drop bl ( else blank )
then ;

: draw ( r -- ) ( r x1000 )
1000 * dup dup negate do
dup dup negate do
dup I 500 + J 500 + rot pixel emit
500 +loop
1000 +loop drop ;

20 draw
10 draw</lang>

<pre> eeooooeeeeee&&&##
%*!::...... ........::::!!!!***%%%oooeee&&&##@@@@@@
%!!::... .....::::!!!!***%%%oooeee&&&##@@@@@@@
%*!::... .....::::!!!****%%%oooee&&&###@@@@@@@@
*!::... .....:::!!!!***%%%oooeee&&&###@@@@@@@@
o*!::.. .....::::!!!***%%%oooeee&&&###@@@@@@@@@@
o*!::.. .....::::!!!***%%%oooeee&&&####@@@@@@@@@@
o*!::... ....::::!!!!***%%%oooeee&&&&###@@@@@@@@@@@
o*!!::.. .....::::!!!****%%%oooeee&&&####@@@@@@@@@@@@
%*!::... .....::::!!!!***%%%%oooeee&&&####@@@@@@@@@@@@
o%*!::.... .....::::!!!!****%%%oooeeee&&&###@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
%**!:::.... ......::::!!!!****%%%ooooeee&&&####@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
e%**!!::..... .......:::::!!!!****%%%ooooeee&&&&####@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*:. ..::!!*%ooe&#@@@
*: ..:!!*%ooe&#@@@@
!. ..::!*%%oe&&#@@@@
!. ..::!*%%oee&#@@@@@
!: ..:!!*%%oe&&#@@@@@@
%!. ..:!!**%ooe&&#@@@@@@@
%!:. ..::!!**%ooe&&##@@@@@@@
%!::.. ...:::!!*%%ooee&##@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ok</pre>

===PGM output===
The same program as the ASCII one is translated to produce a PGM portable pixmap image file.
<lang forth>: 3dup 2 pick 2 pick 2 pick ;

: sqrt ( u -- sqrt ) ( Babylonian method )
dup 2/ ( first square root guess is half )
dup 0= if drop exit then ( sqrt[0]=0, sqrt[1]=1 )
begin dup >r 2dup / r> + 2/ ( stack: square old-guess new-guess )
2dup > while ( as long as guess is decreasing )
nip repeat ( forget old-guess and repeat )
drop nip ;

: normalize ( x1 y1 z1 -- x1' y1' z1' ) ( normalise down to 1000 )
3dup dup * rot dup * rot dup * + + sqrt 1000 / >r ( length )
r@ / rot r@ / rot r> / rot ;

: r2-y2-x2 ( x y r -- z2 ) dup * swap dup * - swap dup * - ;

0 value fileidstore
: image-open ( r -- )
outfile-id to fileidstore
s" sphere.pgm" w/o create-file throw to outfile-id
s\" P2\n" type 2* dup . .
s\" \n255" type ;
: image-close outfile-id close-file throw fileidstore to outfile-id ;

: map-to-shade 255 * 1000 / 1 max 255 min ;

: dot-light ( x y z -- i ) ( hard coded light vector z, y, x )
-770 * rot 461 * rot 461 * + +
0 min 1000 / ;

: intensity ( x y z -- u ) dot-light dup * 1000 / map-to-shade ;

: pixel ( x y r -- c )
3dup r2-y2-x2 dup 0> if ( if in disk )
sqrt nip normalize intensity ( z=sqrt[r2-x2-y2] )
else 2drop 2drop 255 ( else blank )
then ;

: draw ( r -- ) ( r x1000 )
dup image-open
1000 * dup dup negate do
dup dup negate do
dup I 500 + J 500 + rot pixel .
1000 +loop
1000 +loop drop image-close ;

200 draw</lang>
