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Given two computers on a network, send messages between them. The protocol used may be language-specific or not, and should be suitable for general distributed programming.
Given two computers on a network, send messages between them. The protocol used may be language-specific or not, and should be suitable for general distributed programming.

WinSock2 library created by derRaphael. Basic code structure created by Trikster.
<lang autohotkey>/*
WinSock2.ahk // a rewrite by derRaphael (w) Sep, 9 2008

based on the WinLIRC Script from Chris
and on the WinLIRC Rewrite by ZedGecko
__WSA_GetHostByName - Parts based upon scripts from DarviK
and Tasman. Not much left of the origin source, but it was
their achievement by doing the neccessary research.

; WS2 Connect - This establishes a connection to a named resource
; The parameter is to be passed in an URI:Port manner.
; Returns the socket upon successfull connection, otherwise it
; returns -1. In the latter case more Information is in the global
; variable __WSA_ErrMsg
; Usage-Example:
; Pop3_Socket := WS2_Connect("mail.isp.com:110")
; See the Doc for more Information.
WS2_Connect(lpszUrl) {


; split our targetURI
__WinINet_InternetCrackURL("info://" lpszUrl,"__WSA")

; name our port
WS2_Port := __WSA_nPort
; Init the Winsock connection
if ( !( __WSA_ScriptInit() ) ; Init the Scriptvariables
|| !( __WSA_Startup() ) ) { ; Fire up the WSA
WS2_CleanUp() ; Do a premature cleanup
return -1 ; and return an error indication
; check the URI if it's valid
if (RegExMatch(__WSA_lpszHostName,"[^\d.]+")) ; Must be different than IP
WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_GetHostByName(__WSA_lpszHostName)
} else { ; Let's check if the IP is valid
StringSplit,__WSA_tmpIPFragment, __WSA_lpszHostName,.
If ( ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%<0 )
|| ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%>255 )
|| ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment0!=4 ) ) {
__WSA_IPerror = 1
If (__WSA_IPerror=1)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "No valid IP Supplied"
WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_lpszHostName


; The htons function returns the value in TCP/IP network byte order.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738557(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_Port := DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", WS2_Port)

; The inet_addr function converts a string containing an IPv4 dotted-decimal
; address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure.
; inet_addr: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738563(VS.85).aspx
; IN_ADDR: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738571(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_InetAddr := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", WS2_IPAddress)

If ( ( __WSA_Socket:=__WSA_Socket() )
&& ( __WSA_Connect() ) )
return __WSA_Socket ; All went OK, return the SocketID
Else {
WS2_CleanUp() ; Do a premature cleanup
return -1 ; and return an error indication

; WS2 OnMessage - This function defines, whatever should happen when
; a Message is received on the socket.
; Expected Parameter:
; Ws2_Socket => Socket returned from WS2_Connect() Call
; UDF => An UserDefinedFunction to which the received
; Data will be passed to
; Optional Parameter:
; WindowMessage => A number indicating upon which WM_Message to react
; Returns -1 on error, 0 on success

WS2_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket,UDF,WindowMessage="") {
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
If ( ( StrLen(Ws2_Socket)=0 )
|| ( StrLen(UDF)=0 ) ) {
res := -1
} else {
If ( (StrLen(WindowMessage)=0)
|| (WindowMessage+0=0) )
WindowMessage := 0x5000
res := __WSA_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket, UDF, WindowMessage)
return res

WS2_SendData(WS2_Socket,DataToSend) {
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
If (__WSA_send(WS2_Socket, DataToSend)=-1) {
MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: Send-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg

; WS2 Cleanup - This needs to be called whenever Your Script exits
; Usually this is invoked by some OnExit, Label subroutines.
WS2_CleanUp() {

WS2_Disconnect(WS2_Socket) {
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
if (res := __WSA_CloseSocket(WS2_Socket))
MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: CloseSocket-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg

; WS2 ScriptInit - for internal use only
; Initializes neccessary variables for this Script.

; We're working with version 2 of Winsock
Local VersionRequested := 2
; from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx
Local AF_INET := 2
Local SOCK_STREAM := 1
Local IPPROTO_TCP := 6
Local FD_READ := 0x1
Local FD_CLOSE := 0x20


__WSA_WSVersion := VersionRequested
__WSA_SocketType := SOCK_STREAM
__WSA_SocketProtocol := IPPROTO_TCP
__WSA_SocketAF := AF_INET

__WSA_WOULDBLOCK := 10035 ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET
__WSA_CONNRESET := 10054 ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET

return 1

; WS2 Startup - for internal use only
; Initializes the Winsock 2 Adapter
Global WSAData, __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_WSVersion

; It's a good idea, to have a __WSA_ErrMsg Container, so any Error Msgs
; may be catched by the script.
__WSA_ErrMsg := ""

; Generate Structure for the lpWSAData
; as stated on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742213.aspx
; More on WSADATA (structure) to be found here:
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741563(VS.85).aspx
VarSetCapacity(WSAData, 32)
result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", __WSA_WSVersion, "UInt", &WSAData)

if (ErrorLevel)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup could not be called due to error " ErrorLevel "`n"
. "Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.`n"
if (result!=0)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup " __WSA_GetLastError()

If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0)
Return -1
Return 1

; WS2 Socket Descriptor - for internal use only
; Sets type and neccessary structures for a successfull connection
Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_SocketProtocol, __WSA_SocketType, __WSA_SocketAF

; Supposed to return a descriptor referencing the new socket
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket"
, "Int", __WSA_SocketAF
, "Int", __WSA_SocketType
, "Int", __WSA_SocketProtocol)
if (socket = -1)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\socket " __WSA_GetLastError()

If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0)
Return -1
Return __WSA_Socket


; WS2 Connection call - for internal use only
; Establishes a connection to a foreign IP at the specified port
Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_Port, __WSA_Socket, __WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SocketAF

; Generate socketaddr structure for the connect()
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740496(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_SockAddrNameLen := 16
VarSetCapacity(__WSA_SockAddr, __WSA_SockAddrNameLen)
NumPut(__WSA_SocketAF, __WSA_SockAddr, 0, "UShort")
NumPut(__WSA_Port, __WSA_SockAddr, 2, "UShort")
NumPut(__WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SockAddr, 4)

; The connect function establishes a connection to a specified socket.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737625(VS.85).aspx
result := DllCall("Ws2_32\connect"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "UInt", &__WSA_SockAddr
, "Int" , __WSA_SockAddrNameLen)
if (result)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\connect " __WSA_GetLastError()

If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0)
Return -1
Return 1

This code based originally upon an example by DarviK
and on the modifcations by Tasman
; Resolves canonical domainname to IP
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
; gethostbyname returns information about a domainname into a Hostent Structure
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738524(VS.85).aspx
IP := ""
if ((PtrHostent:=DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname","str",url)) != 0) {
Loop, 1 ; 3 is max No of retrieved addresses
If (PtrTmpIP := NumGet(NumGet(PtrHostent+12)+(offset:=(A_Index-1)*4),offset)) {
IP := (IP) ? IP "|" : ""
Loop, 4 ; Read our IP address
IP .= NumGet(PtrTmpIP+offset,(A_Index-1 ),"UChar") "."
IP := SubStr(IP,1,-1)
} else ; No more IPs left
result := IP
} else {
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\gethostbyname failed`n "
result := -1
return result

; Return the last Error with a lil bit o' text if neccessary
; Note: the txt variable is set to 0 when checking for received content
Err := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
ExtraInfo := __WSA_ErrLookUp(RegExReplace(Err,"[^\d]"))
If ((InStr(ExtraInfo,"Sorry, no")) || (txt!=1))
ExtraInfo := ""
Return ( txt ? "indicated Winsock error " : "")
. Err
. ( txt ? "`n" ExtraInfo : "")

; WS2 AsyncSelect - for internal use only
; Sets up an Notification Handler for Receiving Messages
; Expected Parameters: Socket from Initialisation
; Optional: NotificationMsg - default 0x5000
; WSA_DataReiceiver - an different Name to standard
; wm_* processor function.
; default __WSA_ReceiveData
; Returns -1 on Error, 0 on success
__WSA_AsyncSelect(__WSA_Socket, UDF, __WSA_NotificationMsg=0x5000


OnMessage(__WSA_NotificationMsg, __WSA_DataReceiver)
; The WSAAsyncSelect function requests Windows message-based notification
; of network events for a socket.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741540(VS.85).aspx
Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "UInt", __WSA_GetThisScriptHandle()
, "UInt", __WSA_NotificationMsg
, "Int", __WSA_lEvent)
if (Result) {
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect() " . __WSA_GetLastError()
Result := -1
Return Result

; WS2 Receive - for internal use only
; Triggers upon Notification Handler when Receiving Messages
__WSA_recv(wParam, lParam)
Global __WSA_UDF, __WSA_ErrMsg
; __WSA_UDF containes the name of the UserDefinedFunction to call when the event
; has been triggered and text may be processed (allthough the reveived text might
; be inclomplete, especially when receiving large chunks of data, like in eMail-
; attachments or sometimes in IRC). The UDF needs to accept two parameter: socket
; and the received buffer
__WSA_Socket := wParam
__WSA_BufferSize = 4096
VarSetCapacity(__WSA_Buffer, __WSA_BufferSize, 0)
__WSA_BufferLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "Str", __WSA_Buffer
, "Int", __WSA_BufferSize
, "Int", 0 )
if (__WSA_BufferLength = 0)
if (__WSA_BufferLength = -1)
__WSA_Err := __WSA_GetLastError(0)
; __WSA_WOULDBLOCK (from http://www.sockets.com/)
; The socket is marked as non-blocking (non-blocking operation mode), and
; the requested operation is not complete at this time. The operation is
; underway, but as yet incomplete.
if (__WSA_Err = __WSA_WOULDBLOCK )
return 1

; __WSA_CONNRESET: (from http://www.sockets.com/)
; A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally results from
; a loss of the connection on the remote socket due to a timeout or a reboot.
if (__WSA_Err != __WSA_CONNRESET)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\recv indicated Winsock error " __WSA_Err "`n"

if (StrLen(__WSA_UDF)!=0) ; If set, call UserDefinedFunction and pass Buffer to it
return 1

; WSA Send - for internal use only
; Users are encouraged to use the WS2_SendData() Function
__WSA_send(__WSA_Socket, __WSA_Data)
Global __WSA_ErrMsg

Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\send"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "Str", __WSA_Data
, "Int", StrLen(__WSA_Data)
, "Int", 0)
If (Result = -1)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\send " __WSA_GetLastError()
Return Result

; Closes Open Socket - for internal use only
; Returns 0 on success
Global __WSA_ErrMsg

Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket)
If (Result != 0)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\closesocket " __WSA_GetLastError()

Return result

; GetThisScriptHandle - for internal use only
; Returns the handle of the executing script

HiddenWindowsSave := A_DetectHiddenWindows

DetectHiddenWindows On
ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"))
DetectHiddenWindows %HiddenWindowsSave%

Return ScriptMainWindowId

; Lookup Winsock ErrCode - for internal use only
; This list is form http://www.sockets.com
__WSA_ErrLookUp(sNumber) {
WSA_ErrorList =
(LTrim Join`n
10004 - Interrupted system call
10009 - Bad file number
10013 - Permission denied
10014 - Bad address
10022 - Invalid argument
10024 - Too many open files
10035 - Operation would block
10036 - Operation now in progress
10037 - Operation already in progress
10038 - Socket operation on non-socket
10039 - D estination address required
10040 - Message too long
10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket
10042 - Bad protocol option
10043 - Protocol not supported
10044 - Socket type not supported
10045 - Operation not supported on socket
10046 - Protocol family not supported
10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family
10048 - Address already in use
10049 - Can't assign requested address
10050 - Network is down
10051 - Network is unreachable
10052 - Net dropped connection or reset
10053 - Software caused connection abort
10054 - Connection reset by peer
10055 - No buffer space available
10056 - Socket is already connected
10057 - Socket is not connected
10058 - Can't send after socket shutdown
10059 - Too many references, can't splice
10060 - Connection timed out
10061 - Connection refused
10062 - Too many levels of symbolic links
10063 - File name too long
10064 - Host is down
10065 - No Route to Host
10066 - Directory not empty
10067 - Too many processes
10068 - Too many users
10069 - Disc Quota Exceeded
10070 - Stale NFS file handle
10091 - Network SubSystem is unavailable
10092 - WINSOCK DLL Version out of range
10093 - Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed
10071 - Too many levels of remote in path
11001 - Host not found
11002 - Non-Authoritative Host not found
11003 - Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP
11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type
11004 - No address, look for MX record
ExNr := 0, ExErr := "Sorry, but no definition available."
RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"(?P<Nr>\d+) - (?P<Err>.*)",Ex)
if (sNumber = ExNr)
Return ExNr " means " ExErr "`n"
; WinINet InternetCrackURL - for internal use only
; v 0.1 / (w) 25.07.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
; This routine was originally posted here:
; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=209957#209957
local hModule, offset_name_length
hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "WinINet.Dll")

; SetUpStructures for URL_COMPONENTS / needed for InternetCrackURL
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385420(VS.85).aspx
offset_name_length:= "4-lpszScheme-255|16-lpszHostName-1024|28-lpszUserName-1024|"
. "36-lpszPassword-1024|44-lpszUrlPath-1024|52-lpszExtrainfo-1024"

; Struc Size ; Scheme Size ; Max Port Number
NumPut(60,URL_COMPONENTS,0), NumPut(255,URL_COMPONENTS,12), NumPut(0xffff,URL_COMPONENTS,24)

; Split the given URL; extract scheme, user, pass, authotity (host), port, path, and query (extrainfo)
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384376(VS.85).aspx
; Update variables to retrieve results
%arrayName%_%iCU_Name% := % %iCU_Name%
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule) ; unload the library
#SingleInstance, force
#Include WinSock2.ahk ; derRaphaels WinSock Rewrite
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
Gui, Add, Button, gB1, Button number One!
Gui, Add, Edit, vE1, Type in me!
Gui, Add, Button, gB2, Press me after you're done typing!
Gui, Add, DropDownList, vDDL1 gDDL1, Select something!||One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten
Gui, Add, Button, gB3, Click me!

Server := "irc.freenode.net"
Port := "6667"

Channel := "#UIHjbfilgbafLIEfbAIJCICBGncaiJBHiwehFIUHEIbnjKCINJEhiUAHEJcKLACui" ; Choose something long and random - a channel sure to be deserted.

Nick := "somenick" ; Register this! You can drop it later if you want, but register it!
Pass := "somepass" ; It can be any nick and any pass.

Name := "distributed program"

BotCmd := "!"
OtherBotCmd := "~"

OnExit, CleanUp
If (!Socket := WS2_Connect(Connection := Server . ":" . Port))
MsgBox, 16, Error!, An error occured wilist connecting to %Connection%

; Set OnMessage function
WS2_AsyncSelect(Socket, "DataProcess")
; Send AUTH info to the server
; USER A-trivial-nickname a-domain-like-google.com some-trivial-stuff :your-real-name
WS2_SendData(Socket, "USER " . Nick . " google.com AHKBOT :" . Name . "`n") ; All data send to the server must be
; followed by a newline.
; PASS A-trivial-pass
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PASS " . Pass . "`n")
; NICK A-trivial-nick
WS2_SendData(Socket, "NICK " . Nick . "`n")
; Join channel
; JOIN A-trivial-channel
WS2_SendData(Socket, "JOIN " . Channel . "`n")
Gui, Show

DataProcess(Socket, Data) ; OnMessage function
global Server,Port,Channel,Nick,Pass,Name,BotCMD
StringSplit, Param, Data, %A_Space%
Name := SubStr(Data, 2, InStr(Data, "!")-2)
StringReplace, Command, Param5, % Chr(10),, All
StringReplace, Command, Command, % Chr(13),, All
If (Param1 == "PING")
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PONG " . Param2 . "`n")
Else If (RegExMatch(Data, ":\" . BotCMD . " "))
If (Command == "B1"
MsgBox, The other person pressed Button Number One
Else If (Command == "B2E1")
MsgBox, The other person typed in Edit One then pressed Button Two
If (A_Index <= 6)
If Param%A_Index%
out := out . " " . Param%A_Index%
MsgBox, The other person typed:%out%
Else If (Command == "DDL1")
MsgBox, The other person selected %Param7% in the drop-down-list.
Else If (Command == "B3")
MsgBox, The other person clicked Button Three.
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B1"
Gui, Submit, NoHide
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B2E1 " . E1 . " | " . B2
Gui, Submit, NoHide
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " DDL1 " . DDL1
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B3"

Put the above on one computer, and run it. Then put the below on a different computer (no need for a network, just add Internet!) and run it.

<lang autohotkey>/*
WinSock2.ahk // a rewrite by derRaphael (w) Sep, 9 2008

based on the WinLIRC Script from Chris
and on the WinLIRC Rewrite by ZedGecko
__WSA_GetHostByName - Parts based upon scripts from DarviK
and Tasman. Not much left of the origin source, but it was
their achievement by doing the neccessary research.

; WS2 Connect - This establishes a connection to a named resource
; The parameter is to be passed in an URI:Port manner.
; Returns the socket upon successfull connection, otherwise it
; returns -1. In the latter case more Information is in the global
; variable __WSA_ErrMsg
; Usage-Example:
; Pop3_Socket := WS2_Connect("mail.isp.com:110")
; See the Doc for more Information.
WS2_Connect(lpszUrl) {


; split our targetURI
__WinINet_InternetCrackURL("info://" lpszUrl,"__WSA")

; name our port
WS2_Port := __WSA_nPort
; Init the Winsock connection
if ( !( __WSA_ScriptInit() ) ; Init the Scriptvariables
|| !( __WSA_Startup() ) ) { ; Fire up the WSA
WS2_CleanUp() ; Do a premature cleanup
return -1 ; and return an error indication
; check the URI if it's valid
if (RegExMatch(__WSA_lpszHostName,"[^\d.]+")) ; Must be different than IP
WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_GetHostByName(__WSA_lpszHostName)
} else { ; Let's check if the IP is valid
StringSplit,__WSA_tmpIPFragment, __WSA_lpszHostName,.
If ( ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%<0 )
|| ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%>255 )
|| ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment0!=4 ) ) {
__WSA_IPerror = 1
If (__WSA_IPerror=1)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "No valid IP Supplied"
WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_lpszHostName


; The htons function returns the value in TCP/IP network byte order.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738557(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_Port := DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", WS2_Port)

; The inet_addr function converts a string containing an IPv4 dotted-decimal
; address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure.
; inet_addr: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738563(VS.85).aspx
; IN_ADDR: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738571(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_InetAddr := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", WS2_IPAddress)

If ( ( __WSA_Socket:=__WSA_Socket() )
&& ( __WSA_Connect() ) )
return __WSA_Socket ; All went OK, return the SocketID
Else {
WS2_CleanUp() ; Do a premature cleanup
return -1 ; and return an error indication

; WS2 OnMessage - This function defines, whatever should happen when
; a Message is received on the socket.
; Expected Parameter:
; Ws2_Socket => Socket returned from WS2_Connect() Call
; UDF => An UserDefinedFunction to which the received
; Data will be passed to
; Optional Parameter:
; WindowMessage => A number indicating upon which WM_Message to react
; Returns -1 on error, 0 on success

WS2_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket,UDF,WindowMessage="") {
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
If ( ( StrLen(Ws2_Socket)=0 )
|| ( StrLen(UDF)=0 ) ) {
res := -1
} else {
If ( (StrLen(WindowMessage)=0)
|| (WindowMessage+0=0) )
WindowMessage := 0x5000
res := __WSA_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket, UDF, WindowMessage)
return res

WS2_SendData(WS2_Socket,DataToSend) {
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
If (__WSA_send(WS2_Socket, DataToSend)=-1) {
MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: Send-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg

; WS2 Cleanup - This needs to be called whenever Your Script exits
; Usually this is invoked by some OnExit, Label subroutines.
WS2_CleanUp() {

WS2_Disconnect(WS2_Socket) {
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
if (res := __WSA_CloseSocket(WS2_Socket))
MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: CloseSocket-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg

; WS2 ScriptInit - for internal use only
; Initializes neccessary variables for this Script.

; We're working with version 2 of Winsock
Local VersionRequested := 2
; from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx
Local AF_INET := 2
Local SOCK_STREAM := 1
Local IPPROTO_TCP := 6
Local FD_READ := 0x1
Local FD_CLOSE := 0x20


__WSA_WSVersion := VersionRequested
__WSA_SocketType := SOCK_STREAM
__WSA_SocketProtocol := IPPROTO_TCP
__WSA_SocketAF := AF_INET

__WSA_WOULDBLOCK := 10035 ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET
__WSA_CONNRESET := 10054 ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET

return 1

; WS2 Startup - for internal use only
; Initializes the Winsock 2 Adapter
Global WSAData, __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_WSVersion

; It's a good idea, to have a __WSA_ErrMsg Container, so any Error Msgs
; may be catched by the script.
__WSA_ErrMsg := ""

; Generate Structure for the lpWSAData
; as stated on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742213.aspx
; More on WSADATA (structure) to be found here:
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741563(VS.85).aspx
VarSetCapacity(WSAData, 32)
result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", __WSA_WSVersion, "UInt", &WSAData)

if (ErrorLevel)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup could not be called due to error " ErrorLevel "`n"
. "Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.`n"
if (result!=0)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup " __WSA_GetLastError()

If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0)
Return -1
Return 1

; WS2 Socket Descriptor - for internal use only
; Sets type and neccessary structures for a successfull connection
Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_SocketProtocol, __WSA_SocketType, __WSA_SocketAF

; Supposed to return a descriptor referencing the new socket
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket"
, "Int", __WSA_SocketAF
, "Int", __WSA_SocketType
, "Int", __WSA_SocketProtocol)
if (socket = -1)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\socket " __WSA_GetLastError()

If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0)
Return -1
Return __WSA_Socket


; WS2 Connection call - for internal use only
; Establishes a connection to a foreign IP at the specified port
Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_Port, __WSA_Socket, __WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SocketAF

; Generate socketaddr structure for the connect()
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740496(VS.85).aspx
__WSA_SockAddrNameLen := 16
VarSetCapacity(__WSA_SockAddr, __WSA_SockAddrNameLen)
NumPut(__WSA_SocketAF, __WSA_SockAddr, 0, "UShort")
NumPut(__WSA_Port, __WSA_SockAddr, 2, "UShort")
NumPut(__WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SockAddr, 4)

; The connect function establishes a connection to a specified socket.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737625(VS.85).aspx
result := DllCall("Ws2_32\connect"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "UInt", &__WSA_SockAddr
, "Int" , __WSA_SockAddrNameLen)
if (result)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\connect " __WSA_GetLastError()

If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0)
Return -1
Return 1

This code based originally upon an example by DarviK
and on the modifcations by Tasman
; Resolves canonical domainname to IP
Global __WSA_ErrMsg
; gethostbyname returns information about a domainname into a Hostent Structure
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738524(VS.85).aspx
IP := ""
if ((PtrHostent:=DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname","str",url)) != 0) {
Loop, 1 ; 3 is max No of retrieved addresses
If (PtrTmpIP := NumGet(NumGet(PtrHostent+12)+(offset:=(A_Index-1)*4),offset)) {
IP := (IP) ? IP "|" : ""
Loop, 4 ; Read our IP address
IP .= NumGet(PtrTmpIP+offset,(A_Index-1 ),"UChar") "."
IP := SubStr(IP,1,-1)
} else ; No more IPs left
result := IP
} else {
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\gethostbyname failed`n "
result := -1
return result

; Return the last Error with a lil bit o' text if neccessary
; Note: the txt variable is set to 0 when checking for received content
Err := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
ExtraInfo := __WSA_ErrLookUp(RegExReplace(Err,"[^\d]"))
If ((InStr(ExtraInfo,"Sorry, no")) || (txt!=1))
ExtraInfo := ""
Return ( txt ? "indicated Winsock error " : "")
. Err
. ( txt ? "`n" ExtraInfo : "")

; WS2 AsyncSelect - for internal use only
; Sets up an Notification Handler for Receiving Messages
; Expected Parameters: Socket from Initialisation
; Optional: NotificationMsg - default 0x5000
; WSA_DataReiceiver - an different Name to standard
; wm_* processor function.
; default __WSA_ReceiveData
; Returns -1 on Error, 0 on success
__WSA_AsyncSelect(__WSA_Socket, UDF, __WSA_NotificationMsg=0x5000


OnMessage(__WSA_NotificationMsg, __WSA_DataReceiver)
; The WSAAsyncSelect function requests Windows message-based notification
; of network events for a socket.
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741540(VS.85).aspx
Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "UInt", __WSA_GetThisScriptHandle()
, "UInt", __WSA_NotificationMsg
, "Int", __WSA_lEvent)
if (Result) {
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect() " . __WSA_GetLastError()
Result := -1
Return Result

; WS2 Receive - for internal use only
; Triggers upon Notification Handler when Receiving Messages
__WSA_recv(wParam, lParam)
Global __WSA_UDF, __WSA_ErrMsg
; __WSA_UDF containes the name of the UserDefinedFunction to call when the event
; has been triggered and text may be processed (allthough the reveived text might
; be inclomplete, especially when receiving large chunks of data, like in eMail-
; attachments or sometimes in IRC). The UDF needs to accept two parameter: socket
; and the received buffer
__WSA_Socket := wParam
__WSA_BufferSize = 4096
VarSetCapacity(__WSA_Buffer, __WSA_BufferSize, 0)
__WSA_BufferLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "Str", __WSA_Buffer
, "Int", __WSA_BufferSize
, "Int", 0 )
if (__WSA_BufferLength = 0)
if (__WSA_BufferLength = -1)
__WSA_Err := __WSA_GetLastError(0)
; __WSA_WOULDBLOCK (from http://www.sockets.com/)
; The socket is marked as non-blocking (non-blocking operation mode), and
; the requested operation is not complete at this time. The operation is
; underway, but as yet incomplete.
if (__WSA_Err = __WSA_WOULDBLOCK )
return 1

; __WSA_CONNRESET: (from http://www.sockets.com/)
; A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally results from
; a loss of the connection on the remote socket due to a timeout or a reboot.
if (__WSA_Err != __WSA_CONNRESET)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\recv indicated Winsock error " __WSA_Err "`n"

if (StrLen(__WSA_UDF)!=0) ; If set, call UserDefinedFunction and pass Buffer to it
return 1

; WSA Send - for internal use only
; Users are encouraged to use the WS2_SendData() Function
__WSA_send(__WSA_Socket, __WSA_Data)
Global __WSA_ErrMsg

Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\send"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket
, "Str", __WSA_Data
, "Int", StrLen(__WSA_Data)
, "Int", 0)
If (Result = -1)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\send " __WSA_GetLastError()
Return Result

; Closes Open Socket - for internal use only
; Returns 0 on success
Global __WSA_ErrMsg

Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket"
, "UInt", __WSA_Socket)
If (Result != 0)
__WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\closesocket " __WSA_GetLastError()

Return result

; GetThisScriptHandle - for internal use only
; Returns the handle of the executing script

HiddenWindowsSave := A_DetectHiddenWindows

DetectHiddenWindows On
ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId"))
DetectHiddenWindows %HiddenWindowsSave%

Return ScriptMainWindowId

; Lookup Winsock ErrCode - for internal use only
; This list is form http://www.sockets.com
__WSA_ErrLookUp(sNumber) {
WSA_ErrorList =
(LTrim Join`n
10004 - Interrupted system call
10009 - Bad file number
10013 - Permission denied
10014 - Bad address
10022 - Invalid argument
10024 - Too many open files
10035 - Operation would block
10036 - Operation now in progress
10037 - Operation already in progress
10038 - Socket operation on non-socket
10039 - D estination address required
10040 - Message too long
10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket
10042 - Bad protocol option
10043 - Protocol not supported
10044 - Socket type not supported
10045 - Operation not supported on socket
10046 - Protocol family not supported
10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family
10048 - Address already in use
10049 - Can't assign requested address
10050 - Network is down
10051 - Network is unreachable
10052 - Net dropped connection or reset
10053 - Software caused connection abort
10054 - Connection reset by peer
10055 - No buffer space available
10056 - Socket is already connected
10057 - Socket is not connected
10058 - Can't send after socket shutdown
10059 - Too many references, can't splice
10060 - Connection timed out
10061 - Connection refused
10062 - Too many levels of symbolic links
10063 - File name too long
10064 - Host is down
10065 - No Route to Host
10066 - Directory not empty
10067 - Too many processes
10068 - Too many users
10069 - Disc Quota Exceeded
10070 - Stale NFS file handle
10091 - Network SubSystem is unavailable
10092 - WINSOCK DLL Version out of range
10093 - Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed
10071 - Too many levels of remote in path
11001 - Host not found
11002 - Non-Authoritative Host not found
11003 - Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP
11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type
11004 - No address, look for MX record
ExNr := 0, ExErr := "Sorry, but no definition available."
RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"(?P<Nr>\d+) - (?P<Err>.*)",Ex)
if (sNumber = ExNr)
Return ExNr " means " ExErr "`n"
; WinINet InternetCrackURL - for internal use only
; v 0.1 / (w) 25.07.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
; This routine was originally posted here:
; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=209957#209957
local hModule, offset_name_length
hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "WinINet.Dll")

; SetUpStructures for URL_COMPONENTS / needed for InternetCrackURL
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385420(VS.85).aspx
offset_name_length:= "4-lpszScheme-255|16-lpszHostName-1024|28-lpszUserName-1024|"
. "36-lpszPassword-1024|44-lpszUrlPath-1024|52-lpszExtrainfo-1024"

; Struc Size ; Scheme Size ; Max Port Number
NumPut(60,URL_COMPONENTS,0), NumPut(255,URL_COMPONENTS,12), NumPut(0xffff,URL_COMPONENTS,24)

; Split the given URL; extract scheme, user, pass, authotity (host), port, path, and query (extrainfo)
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384376(VS.85).aspx
; Update variables to retrieve results
%arrayName%_%iCU_Name% := % %iCU_Name%
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule) ; unload the library
#SingleInstance, force
#Include WinSock2.ahk ; derRaphaels WinSock Rewrite
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
Gui, Add, Button, gB1, Button number One!
Gui, Add, Edit, vE1, Type in me!
Gui, Add, Button, gB2, Press me after you're done typing!
Gui, Add, DropDownList, vDDL1 gDDL1, Select something!||One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten
Gui, Add, Button, gB3, Click me!

Server := "irc.freenode.net"
Port := "6667"

Channel := "#UIHjbfilgbafLIEfbAIJCICBGncaiJBHiwehFIUHEIbnjKCINJEhiUAHEJcKLACui" ; Choose something long and random - a channel sure to be deserted.

Nick := "someothernick" ; Register this! You can drop it later if you want, but register it!
Pass := "someotherpass" ; It can be any nick and any pass.

Name := "distributed program"

BotCmd := "~"
OtherBotCmd := "!"

OnExit, CleanUp
If (!Socket := WS2_Connect(Connection := Server . ":" . Port))
MsgBox, 16, Error!, An error occured wilist connecting to %Connection%

; Set OnMessage function
WS2_AsyncSelect(Socket, "DataProcess")
; Send AUTH info to the server
; USER A-trivial-nickname a-domain-like-google.com some-trivial-stuff :your-real-name
WS2_SendData(Socket, "USER " . Nick . " google.com AHKBOT :" . Name . "`n") ; All data send to the server must be
; followed by a newline.
; PASS A-trivial-pass
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PASS " . Pass . "`n")
; NICK A-trivial-nick
WS2_SendData(Socket, "NICK " . Nick . "`n")
; Join channel
; JOIN A-trivial-channel
WS2_SendData(Socket, "JOIN " . Channel . "`n")
Gui, Show

DataProcess(Socket, Data) ; OnMessage function
global Server,Port,Channel,Nick,Pass,Name,BotCMD
StringSplit, Param, Data, %A_Space%
Name := SubStr(Data, 2, InStr(Data, "!")-2)
StringReplace, Command, Param5, % Chr(10),, All
StringReplace, Command, Command, % Chr(13),, All
If (Param1 == "PING")
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PONG " . Param2 . "`n")
Else If (RegExMatch(Data, ":\" . BotCMD . " "))
If (Command == "B1"
MsgBox, The other person pressed Button Number One
Else If (Command == "B2E1")
MsgBox, The other person typed in Edit One then pressed Button Two
If (A_Index <= 6)
If Param%A_Index%
out := out . " " . Param%A_Index%
MsgBox, The other person typed:%out%
Else If (Command == "DDL1")
MsgBox, The other person selected %Param7% in the drop-down-list.
Else If (Command == "B3")
MsgBox, The other person clicked Button Three.
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B1"
Gui, Submit, NoHide
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B2E1 " . E1 . " | " . B2
Gui, Submit, NoHide
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " DDL1 " . DDL1
WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B3"


Revision as of 15:45, 9 September 2009

Distributed programming
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given two computers on a network, send messages between them. The protocol used may be language-specific or not, and should be suitable for general distributed programming.


WinSock2 library created by derRaphael. Basic code structure created by Trikster. <lang autohotkey>/* WinSock2.ahk // a rewrite by derRaphael (w) Sep, 9 2008

based on the WinLIRC Script from Chris


and on the WinLIRC Rewrite by ZedGecko


__WSA_GetHostByName - Parts based upon scripts from DarviK and Tasman. Not much left of the origin source, but it was their achievement by doing the neccessary research.

  • /
WS2 Connect - This establishes a connection to a named resource
The parameter is to be passed in an URI
Port manner.
Returns the socket upon successfull connection, otherwise it
returns -1. In the latter case more Information is in the global
variable __WSA_ErrMsg
= WS2_Connect("mail.isp.com:110")
See the Doc for more Information.

WS2_Connect(lpszUrl) {

   ; split our targetURI 
   __WinINet_InternetCrackURL("info://" lpszUrl,"__WSA") 
   ; name our port 
   WS2_Port := __WSA_nPort 
   ; Init the Winsock connection 
   if (     !( __WSA_ScriptInit()           )         ; Init the Scriptvariables 
         || !( __WSA_Startup()              ) ) {     ; Fire up the WSA 
       WS2_CleanUp()         ; Do a premature cleanup 
       return -1             ; and return an error indication 
   ; check the URI if it's valid 
   if (RegExMatch(__WSA_lpszHostName,"[^\d.]+")) ; Must be different than IP 
       WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_GetHostByName(__WSA_lpszHostName) 
   } else {     ; Let's check if the IP is valid 
       StringSplit,__WSA_tmpIPFragment, __WSA_lpszHostName,. 
           If (    ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%<0   ) 
                || ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%>255 ) 
                || ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment0!=4          ) ) { 
               __WSA_IPerror = 1 
       If (__WSA_IPerror=1) 
           __WSA_ErrMsg .= "No valid IP Supplied" 
           WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_lpszHostName 
   ; The htons function returns the value in TCP/IP network byte order. 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738557(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_Port                := DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", WS2_Port) 
   ; The inet_addr function converts a string containing an IPv4 dotted-decimal 
   ; address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure. 
   ; inet_addr: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738563(VS.85).aspx 
   ; IN_ADDR:   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738571(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_InetAddr           := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", WS2_IPAddress) 
   If (     ( __WSA_Socket:=__WSA_Socket() ) 
         && ( __WSA_Connect()              )   ) 
       return __WSA_Socket   ; All went OK, return the SocketID 
   Else { 
       WS2_CleanUp()         ; Do a premature cleanup 
       return -1             ; and return an error indication 


WS2 OnMessage - This function defines, whatever should happen when
a Message is received on the socket.
Expected Parameter
Ws2_Socket => Socket returned from WS2_Connect() Call
UDF => An UserDefinedFunction to which the received
Data will be passed to
Optional Parameter
WindowMessage => A number indicating upon which WM_Message to react
Returns -1 on error, 0 on success

WS2_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket,UDF,WindowMessage="") {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   If (    ( StrLen(Ws2_Socket)=0 ) 
        || ( StrLen(UDF)=0        ) ) { 
       res := -1 
   } else { 
       If (    (StrLen(WindowMessage)=0) 
            || (WindowMessage+0=0)      ) 
           WindowMessage := 0x5000 
       res := __WSA_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket, UDF, WindowMessage) 
   return res 


WS2_SendData(WS2_Socket,DataToSend) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   If (__WSA_send(WS2_Socket, DataToSend)=-1) { 
       MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: Send-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg 


WS2 Cleanup - This needs to be called whenever Your Script exits
Usually this is invoked by some OnExit, Label subroutines.

WS2_CleanUp() {



WS2_Disconnect(WS2_Socket) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   if (res := __WSA_CloseSocket(WS2_Socket)) 
       MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: CloseSocket-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg 


WS2 ScriptInit - for internal use only
Initializes neccessary variables for this Script.

__WSA_ScriptInit() {

   ; We're working with version 2 of Winsock 
   Local VersionRequested    := 2 
   ; from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx 
   Local AF_INET             := 2 
   Local SOCK_STREAM         := 1 
   Local IPPROTO_TCP         := 6 
   Local FD_READ             := 0x1 
   Local FD_CLOSE            := 0x20 
   __AI_PASSIVE              := 1 
   __WSA_WSVersion           := VersionRequested 
   __WSA_SocketType          := SOCK_STREAM 
   __WSA_SocketProtocol      := IPPROTO_TCP 
   __WSA_SocketAF            := AF_INET 
   __WSA_lEvent              := FD_READ|FD_CLOSE 
   __WSA_WOULDBLOCK          := 10035  ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET 
   __WSA_CONNRESET           := 10054  ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET 
   return 1 


WS2 Startup - for internal use only
Initializes the Winsock 2 Adapter

__WSA_Startup() {

   Global WSAData, __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_WSVersion 
   ; It's a good idea, to have a __WSA_ErrMsg Container, so any Error Msgs 
   ; may be catched by the script. 
   __WSA_ErrMsg := "" 
   ; Generate Structure for the lpWSAData 
   ; as stated on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742213.aspx 
   ; More on WSADATA (structure) to be found here: 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741563(VS.85).aspx 
   VarSetCapacity(WSAData, 32) 
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", __WSA_WSVersion, "UInt", &WSAData) 
   if (ErrorLevel) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup could not be called due to error " ErrorLevel "`n" 
                     . "Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.`n" 
   if (result!=0) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return 1 


WS2 Socket Descriptor - for internal use only
Sets type and neccessary structures for a successfull connection

__WSA_Socket() {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_SocketProtocol, __WSA_SocketType, __WSA_SocketAF 
   ; Supposed to return a descriptor referencing the new socket 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket" 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketAF 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketType 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketProtocol) 
   if (socket = -1) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\socket " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return __WSA_Socket 


WS2 Connection call - for internal use only
Establishes a connection to a foreign IP at the specified port

__WSA_Connect() {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_Port, __WSA_Socket, __WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SocketAF 
   ; Generate socketaddr structure for the connect() 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740496(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_SockAddrNameLen  := 16 
   VarSetCapacity(__WSA_SockAddr, __WSA_SockAddrNameLen) 
   NumPut(__WSA_SocketAF, __WSA_SockAddr, 0, "UShort") 
   NumPut(__WSA_Port,     __WSA_SockAddr, 2, "UShort") 
   NumPut(__WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SockAddr, 4) 
   ; The connect function establishes a connection to a specified socket. 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737625(VS.85).aspx 
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\connect" 
                       , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                       , "UInt", &__WSA_SockAddr 
                       , "Int" , __WSA_SockAddrNameLen) 
   if (result) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\connect " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return 1 



This code based originally upon an example by DarviK 
and on the modifcations by Tasman 
  • /
Resolves canonical domainname to IP

__WSA_GetHostByName(url) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   ; gethostbyname returns information about a domainname into a Hostent Structure 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738524(VS.85).aspx 
   IP := "" 
   if ((PtrHostent:=DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname","str",url)) != 0) { 
       Loop, 1 ; 3 is max No of retrieved addresses 
           If (PtrTmpIP := NumGet(NumGet(PtrHostent+12)+(offset:=(A_Index-1)*4),offset)) { 
               IP := (IP) ? IP "|" : "" 
               Loop, 4 ; Read our IP address 
                   IP .= NumGet(PtrTmpIP+offset,(A_Index-1 ),"UChar") "." 
               IP := SubStr(IP,1,-1) 
           } else ; No more IPs left 
       result := IP 
   } else { 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\gethostbyname failed`n " 
       result := -1 
   return result 


Return the last Error with a lil bit o' text if neccessary
the txt variable is set to 0 when checking for received content

__WSA_GetLastError(txt=1) {

   Err       := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") 
   ExtraInfo := __WSA_ErrLookUp(RegExReplace(Err,"[^\d]")) 
   If ((InStr(ExtraInfo,"Sorry, no")) || (txt!=1)) 
       ExtraInfo := "" 
   Return ( txt ? "indicated Winsock error " : "") 
          . Err 
          . ( txt ? "`n" ExtraInfo : "") 


WS2 AsyncSelect - for internal use only
Sets up an Notification Handler for Receiving Messages
Expected Parameters
Socket from Initialisation
NotificationMsg - default 0x5000
WSA_DataReiceiver - an different Name to standard
wm_* processor function.
default __WSA_ReceiveData
Returns -1 on Error, 0 on success

__WSA_AsyncSelect(__WSA_Socket, UDF, __WSA_NotificationMsg=0x5000



   __WSA_UDF := UDF 
   OnMessage(__WSA_NotificationMsg, __WSA_DataReceiver) 
   ; The WSAAsyncSelect function requests Windows message-based notification 
   ; of network events for a socket. 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741540(VS.85).aspx 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect" 
               , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
               , "UInt", __WSA_GetThisScriptHandle() 
               , "UInt", __WSA_NotificationMsg 
               , "Int",  __WSA_lEvent) 
   if (Result) { 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect() " . __WSA_GetLastError() 
       Result := -1 
   Return Result 


WS2 Receive - for internal use only
Triggers upon Notification Handler when Receiving Messages

__WSA_recv(wParam, lParam) {

   Global __WSA_UDF, __WSA_ErrMsg 
   ; __WSA_UDF containes the name of the UserDefinedFunction to call when the event 
   ; has been triggered and text may be processed (allthough the reveived text might 
   ; be inclomplete, especially when receiving large chunks of data, like in eMail- 
   ; attachments or sometimes in IRC). The UDF needs to accept two parameter: socket 
   ; and the received buffer 
   __WSA_Socket := wParam 
   __WSA_BufferSize = 4096 
       VarSetCapacity(__WSA_Buffer, __WSA_BufferSize, 0) 
       __WSA_BufferLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv" 
                                       , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                                       , "Str",  __WSA_Buffer 
                                       , "Int",  __WSA_BufferSize 
                                       , "Int",  0 ) 
       if (__WSA_BufferLength = 0) 
       if (__WSA_BufferLength = -1) 
           __WSA_Err := __WSA_GetLastError(0) 
           ; __WSA_WOULDBLOCK (from http://www.sockets.com/) 
           ; The socket is marked as non-blocking (non-blocking operation mode), and 
           ; the requested operation is not complete at this time. The operation is 
           ; underway, but as yet incomplete. 
           if (__WSA_Err = __WSA_WOULDBLOCK ) 
               return 1 
           ; __WSA_CONNRESET: (from http://www.sockets.com/) 
           ; A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally results from 
           ; a loss of the connection on the remote socket due to a timeout or a reboot. 
           if (__WSA_Err != __WSA_CONNRESET) 
               __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\recv indicated Winsock error " __WSA_Err "`n" 
       if (StrLen(__WSA_UDF)!=0) ; If set, call UserDefinedFunction and pass Buffer to it 
   return 1 


WSA Send - for internal use only
Users are encouraged to use the WS2_SendData() Function

__WSA_send(__WSA_Socket, __WSA_Data) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\send" 
                      , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                      , "Str",  __WSA_Data 
                      , "Int", StrLen(__WSA_Data) 
                      , "Int", 0) 
  If (Result = -1) 
     __WSA_ErrMsg .=  "Ws2_32\send " __WSA_GetLastError() 
  Return Result 


Closes Open Socket - for internal use only
Returns 0 on success

__WSA_CloseSocket(__WSA_Socket) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket" 
                      , "UInt", __WSA_Socket) 
   If (Result != 0) 
     __WSA_ErrMsg .=  "Ws2_32\closesocket " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   Return result 


GetThisScriptHandle - for internal use only
Returns the handle of the executing script

__WSA_GetThisScriptHandle() {

   HiddenWindowsSave := A_DetectHiddenWindows 
   DetectHiddenWindows On 
   ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")) 
   DetectHiddenWindows %HiddenWindowsSave% 
   Return ScriptMainWindowId 


Lookup Winsock ErrCode - for internal use only
This list is form http://www.sockets.com

__WSA_ErrLookUp(sNumber) { WSA_ErrorList = (LTrim Join`n

   10004 - Interrupted system call 
   10009 - Bad file number 
   10013 - Permission denied 
   10014 - Bad address 
   10022 - Invalid argument 
   10024 - Too many open files 
   10035 - Operation would block 
   10036 - Operation now in progress 
   10037 - Operation already in progress 
   10038 - Socket operation on non-socket 
   10039 - D   estination address required 
   10040 - Message too long 
   10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket 
   10042 - Bad protocol option 
   10043 - Protocol not supported 
   10044 - Socket type not supported 
   10045 - Operation not supported on socket 
   10046 - Protocol family not supported 
   10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family 
   10048 - Address already in use 
   10049 - Can't assign requested address 
   10050 - Network is down 
   10051 - Network is unreachable 
   10052 - Net dropped connection or reset 
   10053 - Software caused connection abort 
   10054 - Connection reset by peer 
   10055 - No buffer space available 
   10056 - Socket is already connected 
   10057 - Socket is not connected 
   10058 - Can't send after socket shutdown 
   10059 - Too many references, can't splice 
   10060 - Connection timed out 
   10061 - Connection refused 
   10062 - Too many levels of symbolic links 
   10063 - File name too long 
   10064 - Host is down 
   10065 - No Route to Host 
   10066 - Directory not empty 
   10067 - Too many processes 
   10068 - Too many users 
   10069 - Disc Quota Exceeded 
   10070 - Stale NFS file handle 
   10091 - Network SubSystem is unavailable 
   10092 - WINSOCK DLL Version out of range 
   10093 - Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed 
   10071 - Too many levels of remote in path 
   11001 - Host not found 
   11002 - Non-Authoritative Host not found 
   11003 - Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP 
   11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type 
   11004 - No address, look for MX record 

) ExNr := 0, ExErr := "Sorry, but no definition available." Loop,Parse,WSA_ErrorList,`n {

   RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"(?P<Nr>\d+) - (?P<Err>.*)",Ex) 
   if (sNumber = ExNr) 

} Return ExNr " means " ExErr "`n" }

WinINet InternetCrackURL - for internal use only
v 0.1 / (w) 25.07.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
This routine was originally posted here

__WinINet_InternetCrackURL(lpszUrl,arrayName="URL") {

   local hModule, offset_name_length 
   hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "WinINet.Dll") 
   ; SetUpStructures for URL_COMPONENTS / needed for InternetCrackURL 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385420(VS.85).aspx 
   offset_name_length:= "4-lpszScheme-255|16-lpszHostName-1024|28-lpszUserName-1024|" 
                      . "36-lpszPassword-1024|44-lpszUrlPath-1024|52-lpszExtrainfo-1024" 
   ; Struc Size               ; Scheme Size                  ; Max Port Number 
   NumPut(60,URL_COMPONENTS,0), NumPut(255,URL_COMPONENTS,12), NumPut(0xffff,URL_COMPONENTS,24) 
   ; Split the given URL; extract scheme, user, pass, authotity (host), port, path, and query (extrainfo) 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384376(VS.85).aspx 
   ; Update variables to retrieve results 
       %arrayName%_%iCU_Name% := % %iCU_Name% 
   DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule)                    ; unload the library 


  1. Persistent
  2. SingleInstance, force
  3. Include WinSock2.ahk ; derRaphaels WinSock Rewrite

SetBatchLines, -1 SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% Gui, Add, Button, gB1, Button number One! Gui, Add, Edit, vE1, Type in me! Gui, Add, Button, gB2, Press me after you're done typing! Gui, Add, DropDownList, vDDL1 gDDL1, Select something!||One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten Gui, Add, Button, gB3, Click me!

Server  := "irc.freenode.net" Port  := "6667"

Channel := "#UIHjbfilgbafLIEfbAIJCICBGncaiJBHiwehFIUHEIbnjKCINJEhiUAHEJcKLACui" ; Choose something long and random - a channel sure to be deserted.

Nick := "somenick"  ; Register this! You can drop it later if you want, but register it! Pass := "somepass"  ; It can be any nick and any pass.

Name := "distributed program"

BotCmd := "!" OtherBotCmd := "~"

OnExit, CleanUp WS2_CleanUp() If (!Socket := WS2_Connect(Connection := Server . ":" . Port)) {

  MsgBox, 16, Error!, An error occured wilist connecting to %Connection%


  ; Set OnMessage function
  WS2_AsyncSelect(Socket, "DataProcess")
  ; Send AUTH info to the server
  ; USER A-trivial-nickname a-domain-like-google.com some-trivial-stuff :your-real-name
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "USER " . Nick . " google.com AHKBOT :" . Name . "`n") ; All data send to the server must be
                                                                              ; followed by a newline.
  ; PASS A-trivial-pass
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "PASS " . Pass . "`n")
  ; NICK A-trivial-nick
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "NICK " . Nick . "`n")
  ; Join channel
  ; JOIN A-trivial-channel
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "JOIN " . Channel . "`n")
  Gui, Show


DataProcess(Socket, Data) ; OnMessage function {

  global Server,Port,Channel,Nick,Pass,Name,BotCMD
  StringSplit, Param, Data, %A_Space%
  Name := SubStr(Data, 2, InStr(Data, "!")-2)
  StringReplace, Command, Param5, % Chr(10),, All
  StringReplace, Command, Command, % Chr(13),, All
  If (Param1 == "PING")
     WS2_SendData(Socket, "PONG " . Param2 . "`n")
  Else If (RegExMatch(Data, ":\" . BotCMD . " "))
     If (Command == "B1"
        MsgBox, The other person pressed Button Number One
     Else If (Command == "B2E1")
        MsgBox, The other person typed in Edit One then pressed Button Two
           If (A_Index <= 6)
           If Param%A_Index%
              out := out . " " . Param%A_Index%
        MsgBox, The other person typed:%out%
     Else If (Command == "DDL1")
        MsgBox, The other person selected %Param7% in the drop-down-list.
     Else If (Command == "B3")
        MsgBox, The other person clicked Button Three.

} B1: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B1" return B2: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B2E1 " . E1 . " | " . B2 return DDL1: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " DDL1 " . DDL1 return B3: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B3" return CleanUp: GuiClose: WS2_CleanUp() ExitApp</lang>

Put the above on one computer, and run it. Then put the below on a different computer (no need for a network, just add Internet!) and run it.

<lang autohotkey>/* WinSock2.ahk // a rewrite by derRaphael (w) Sep, 9 2008

based on the WinLIRC Script from Chris


and on the WinLIRC Rewrite by ZedGecko


__WSA_GetHostByName - Parts based upon scripts from DarviK and Tasman. Not much left of the origin source, but it was their achievement by doing the neccessary research.

  • /
WS2 Connect - This establishes a connection to a named resource
The parameter is to be passed in an URI
Port manner.
Returns the socket upon successfull connection, otherwise it
returns -1. In the latter case more Information is in the global
variable __WSA_ErrMsg
= WS2_Connect("mail.isp.com:110")
See the Doc for more Information.

WS2_Connect(lpszUrl) {

   ; split our targetURI 
   __WinINet_InternetCrackURL("info://" lpszUrl,"__WSA") 
   ; name our port 
   WS2_Port := __WSA_nPort 
   ; Init the Winsock connection 
   if (     !( __WSA_ScriptInit()           )         ; Init the Scriptvariables 
         || !( __WSA_Startup()              ) ) {     ; Fire up the WSA 
       WS2_CleanUp()         ; Do a premature cleanup 
       return -1             ; and return an error indication 
   ; check the URI if it's valid 
   if (RegExMatch(__WSA_lpszHostName,"[^\d.]+")) ; Must be different than IP 
       WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_GetHostByName(__WSA_lpszHostName) 
   } else {     ; Let's check if the IP is valid 
       StringSplit,__WSA_tmpIPFragment, __WSA_lpszHostName,. 
           If (    ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%<0   ) 
                || ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment%A_Index%>255 ) 
                || ( __WSA_tmpIPFragment0!=4          ) ) { 
               __WSA_IPerror = 1 
       If (__WSA_IPerror=1) 
           __WSA_ErrMsg .= "No valid IP Supplied" 
           WS2_IPAddress := __WSA_lpszHostName 
   ; The htons function returns the value in TCP/IP network byte order. 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738557(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_Port                := DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", WS2_Port) 
   ; The inet_addr function converts a string containing an IPv4 dotted-decimal 
   ; address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure. 
   ; inet_addr: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738563(VS.85).aspx 
   ; IN_ADDR:   http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738571(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_InetAddr           := DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", WS2_IPAddress) 
   If (     ( __WSA_Socket:=__WSA_Socket() ) 
         && ( __WSA_Connect()              )   ) 
       return __WSA_Socket   ; All went OK, return the SocketID 
   Else { 
       WS2_CleanUp()         ; Do a premature cleanup 
       return -1             ; and return an error indication 


WS2 OnMessage - This function defines, whatever should happen when
a Message is received on the socket.
Expected Parameter
Ws2_Socket => Socket returned from WS2_Connect() Call
UDF => An UserDefinedFunction to which the received
Data will be passed to
Optional Parameter
WindowMessage => A number indicating upon which WM_Message to react
Returns -1 on error, 0 on success

WS2_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket,UDF,WindowMessage="") {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   If (    ( StrLen(Ws2_Socket)=0 ) 
        || ( StrLen(UDF)=0        ) ) { 
       res := -1 
   } else { 
       If (    (StrLen(WindowMessage)=0) 
            || (WindowMessage+0=0)      ) 
           WindowMessage := 0x5000 
       res := __WSA_AsyncSelect(Ws2_Socket, UDF, WindowMessage) 
   return res 


WS2_SendData(WS2_Socket,DataToSend) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   If (__WSA_send(WS2_Socket, DataToSend)=-1) { 
       MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: Send-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg 


WS2 Cleanup - This needs to be called whenever Your Script exits
Usually this is invoked by some OnExit, Label subroutines.

WS2_CleanUp() {



WS2_Disconnect(WS2_Socket) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   if (res := __WSA_CloseSocket(WS2_Socket)) 
       MsgBox, 16, %A_ScriptName%: CloseSocket-Error, % __WSA_ErrMsg 


WS2 ScriptInit - for internal use only
Initializes neccessary variables for this Script.

__WSA_ScriptInit() {

   ; We're working with version 2 of Winsock 
   Local VersionRequested    := 2 
   ; from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx 
   Local AF_INET             := 2 
   Local SOCK_STREAM         := 1 
   Local IPPROTO_TCP         := 6 
   Local FD_READ             := 0x1 
   Local FD_CLOSE            := 0x20 
   __AI_PASSIVE              := 1 
   __WSA_WSVersion           := VersionRequested 
   __WSA_SocketType          := SOCK_STREAM 
   __WSA_SocketProtocol      := IPPROTO_TCP 
   __WSA_SocketAF            := AF_INET 
   __WSA_lEvent              := FD_READ|FD_CLOSE 
   __WSA_WOULDBLOCK          := 10035  ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET 
   __WSA_CONNRESET           := 10054  ; http://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm#WSAECONNRESET 
   return 1 


WS2 Startup - for internal use only
Initializes the Winsock 2 Adapter

__WSA_Startup() {

   Global WSAData, __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_WSVersion 
   ; It's a good idea, to have a __WSA_ErrMsg Container, so any Error Msgs 
   ; may be catched by the script. 
   __WSA_ErrMsg := "" 
   ; Generate Structure for the lpWSAData 
   ; as stated on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742213.aspx 
   ; More on WSADATA (structure) to be found here: 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741563(VS.85).aspx 
   VarSetCapacity(WSAData, 32) 
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", __WSA_WSVersion, "UInt", &WSAData) 
   if (ErrorLevel) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup could not be called due to error " ErrorLevel "`n" 
                     . "Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.`n" 
   if (result!=0) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAStartup " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return 1 


WS2 Socket Descriptor - for internal use only
Sets type and neccessary structures for a successfull connection

__WSA_Socket() {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_SocketProtocol, __WSA_SocketType, __WSA_SocketAF 
   ; Supposed to return a descriptor referencing the new socket 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms742212(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket" 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketAF 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketType 
                           , "Int", __WSA_SocketProtocol) 
   if (socket = -1) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\socket " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return __WSA_Socket 


WS2 Connection call - for internal use only
Establishes a connection to a foreign IP at the specified port

__WSA_Connect() {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg, __WSA_Port, __WSA_Socket, __WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SocketAF 
   ; Generate socketaddr structure for the connect() 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740496(VS.85).aspx 
   __WSA_SockAddrNameLen  := 16 
   VarSetCapacity(__WSA_SockAddr, __WSA_SockAddrNameLen) 
   NumPut(__WSA_SocketAF, __WSA_SockAddr, 0, "UShort") 
   NumPut(__WSA_Port,     __WSA_SockAddr, 2, "UShort") 
   NumPut(__WSA_InetAddr, __WSA_SockAddr, 4) 
   ; The connect function establishes a connection to a specified socket. 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737625(VS.85).aspx 
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\connect" 
                       , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                       , "UInt", &__WSA_SockAddr 
                       , "Int" , __WSA_SockAddrNameLen) 
   if (result) 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\connect " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   If (StrLen(__WSA_ErrMsg)>0) 
       Return -1 
       Return 1 



This code based originally upon an example by DarviK 
and on the modifcations by Tasman 
  • /
Resolves canonical domainname to IP

__WSA_GetHostByName(url) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   ; gethostbyname returns information about a domainname into a Hostent Structure 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms738524(VS.85).aspx 
   IP := "" 
   if ((PtrHostent:=DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname","str",url)) != 0) { 
       Loop, 1 ; 3 is max No of retrieved addresses 
           If (PtrTmpIP := NumGet(NumGet(PtrHostent+12)+(offset:=(A_Index-1)*4),offset)) { 
               IP := (IP) ? IP "|" : "" 
               Loop, 4 ; Read our IP address 
                   IP .= NumGet(PtrTmpIP+offset,(A_Index-1 ),"UChar") "." 
               IP := SubStr(IP,1,-1) 
           } else ; No more IPs left 
       result := IP 
   } else { 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\gethostbyname failed`n " 
       result := -1 
   return result 


Return the last Error with a lil bit o' text if neccessary
the txt variable is set to 0 when checking for received content

__WSA_GetLastError(txt=1) {

   Err       := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") 
   ExtraInfo := __WSA_ErrLookUp(RegExReplace(Err,"[^\d]")) 
   If ((InStr(ExtraInfo,"Sorry, no")) || (txt!=1)) 
       ExtraInfo := "" 
   Return ( txt ? "indicated Winsock error " : "") 
          . Err 
          . ( txt ? "`n" ExtraInfo : "") 


WS2 AsyncSelect - for internal use only
Sets up an Notification Handler for Receiving Messages
Expected Parameters
Socket from Initialisation
NotificationMsg - default 0x5000
WSA_DataReiceiver - an different Name to standard
wm_* processor function.
default __WSA_ReceiveData
Returns -1 on Error, 0 on success

__WSA_AsyncSelect(__WSA_Socket, UDF, __WSA_NotificationMsg=0x5000



   __WSA_UDF := UDF 
   OnMessage(__WSA_NotificationMsg, __WSA_DataReceiver) 
   ; The WSAAsyncSelect function requests Windows message-based notification 
   ; of network events for a socket. 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms741540(VS.85).aspx 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect" 
               , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
               , "UInt", __WSA_GetThisScriptHandle() 
               , "UInt", __WSA_NotificationMsg 
               , "Int",  __WSA_lEvent) 
   if (Result) { 
       __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect() " . __WSA_GetLastError() 
       Result := -1 
   Return Result 


WS2 Receive - for internal use only
Triggers upon Notification Handler when Receiving Messages

__WSA_recv(wParam, lParam) {

   Global __WSA_UDF, __WSA_ErrMsg 
   ; __WSA_UDF containes the name of the UserDefinedFunction to call when the event 
   ; has been triggered and text may be processed (allthough the reveived text might 
   ; be inclomplete, especially when receiving large chunks of data, like in eMail- 
   ; attachments or sometimes in IRC). The UDF needs to accept two parameter: socket 
   ; and the received buffer 
   __WSA_Socket := wParam 
   __WSA_BufferSize = 4096 
       VarSetCapacity(__WSA_Buffer, __WSA_BufferSize, 0) 
       __WSA_BufferLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv" 
                                       , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                                       , "Str",  __WSA_Buffer 
                                       , "Int",  __WSA_BufferSize 
                                       , "Int",  0 ) 
       if (__WSA_BufferLength = 0) 
       if (__WSA_BufferLength = -1) 
           __WSA_Err := __WSA_GetLastError(0) 
           ; __WSA_WOULDBLOCK (from http://www.sockets.com/) 
           ; The socket is marked as non-blocking (non-blocking operation mode), and 
           ; the requested operation is not complete at this time. The operation is 
           ; underway, but as yet incomplete. 
           if (__WSA_Err = __WSA_WOULDBLOCK ) 
               return 1 
           ; __WSA_CONNRESET: (from http://www.sockets.com/) 
           ; A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally results from 
           ; a loss of the connection on the remote socket due to a timeout or a reboot. 
           if (__WSA_Err != __WSA_CONNRESET) 
               __WSA_ErrMsg .= "Ws2_32\recv indicated Winsock error " __WSA_Err "`n" 
       if (StrLen(__WSA_UDF)!=0) ; If set, call UserDefinedFunction and pass Buffer to it 
   return 1 


WSA Send - for internal use only
Users are encouraged to use the WS2_SendData() Function

__WSA_send(__WSA_Socket, __WSA_Data) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\send" 
                      , "UInt", __WSA_Socket 
                      , "Str",  __WSA_Data 
                      , "Int", StrLen(__WSA_Data) 
                      , "Int", 0) 
  If (Result = -1) 
     __WSA_ErrMsg .=  "Ws2_32\send " __WSA_GetLastError() 
  Return Result 


Closes Open Socket - for internal use only
Returns 0 on success

__WSA_CloseSocket(__WSA_Socket) {

   Global __WSA_ErrMsg 
   Result := DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket" 
                      , "UInt", __WSA_Socket) 
   If (Result != 0) 
     __WSA_ErrMsg .=  "Ws2_32\closesocket " __WSA_GetLastError() 
   Return result 


GetThisScriptHandle - for internal use only
Returns the handle of the executing script

__WSA_GetThisScriptHandle() {

   HiddenWindowsSave := A_DetectHiddenWindows 
   DetectHiddenWindows On 
   ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")) 
   DetectHiddenWindows %HiddenWindowsSave% 
   Return ScriptMainWindowId 


Lookup Winsock ErrCode - for internal use only
This list is form http://www.sockets.com

__WSA_ErrLookUp(sNumber) { WSA_ErrorList = (LTrim Join`n

   10004 - Interrupted system call 
   10009 - Bad file number 
   10013 - Permission denied 
   10014 - Bad address 
   10022 - Invalid argument 
   10024 - Too many open files 
   10035 - Operation would block 
   10036 - Operation now in progress 
   10037 - Operation already in progress 
   10038 - Socket operation on non-socket 
   10039 - D   estination address required 
   10040 - Message too long 
   10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket 
   10042 - Bad protocol option 
   10043 - Protocol not supported 
   10044 - Socket type not supported 
   10045 - Operation not supported on socket 
   10046 - Protocol family not supported 
   10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family 
   10048 - Address already in use 
   10049 - Can't assign requested address 
   10050 - Network is down 
   10051 - Network is unreachable 
   10052 - Net dropped connection or reset 
   10053 - Software caused connection abort 
   10054 - Connection reset by peer 
   10055 - No buffer space available 
   10056 - Socket is already connected 
   10057 - Socket is not connected 
   10058 - Can't send after socket shutdown 
   10059 - Too many references, can't splice 
   10060 - Connection timed out 
   10061 - Connection refused 
   10062 - Too many levels of symbolic links 
   10063 - File name too long 
   10064 - Host is down 
   10065 - No Route to Host 
   10066 - Directory not empty 
   10067 - Too many processes 
   10068 - Too many users 
   10069 - Disc Quota Exceeded 
   10070 - Stale NFS file handle 
   10091 - Network SubSystem is unavailable 
   10092 - WINSOCK DLL Version out of range 
   10093 - Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed 
   10071 - Too many levels of remote in path 
   11001 - Host not found 
   11002 - Non-Authoritative Host not found 
   11003 - Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP 
   11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type 
   11004 - No address, look for MX record 

) ExNr := 0, ExErr := "Sorry, but no definition available." Loop,Parse,WSA_ErrorList,`n {

   RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"(?P<Nr>\d+) - (?P<Err>.*)",Ex) 
   if (sNumber = ExNr) 

} Return ExNr " means " ExErr "`n" }

WinINet InternetCrackURL - for internal use only
v 0.1 / (w) 25.07.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
This routine was originally posted here

__WinINet_InternetCrackURL(lpszUrl,arrayName="URL") {

   local hModule, offset_name_length 
   hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "WinINet.Dll") 
   ; SetUpStructures for URL_COMPONENTS / needed for InternetCrackURL 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385420(VS.85).aspx 
   offset_name_length:= "4-lpszScheme-255|16-lpszHostName-1024|28-lpszUserName-1024|" 
                      . "36-lpszPassword-1024|44-lpszUrlPath-1024|52-lpszExtrainfo-1024" 
   ; Struc Size               ; Scheme Size                  ; Max Port Number 
   NumPut(60,URL_COMPONENTS,0), NumPut(255,URL_COMPONENTS,12), NumPut(0xffff,URL_COMPONENTS,24) 
   ; Split the given URL; extract scheme, user, pass, authotity (host), port, path, and query (extrainfo) 
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384376(VS.85).aspx 
   ; Update variables to retrieve results 
       %arrayName%_%iCU_Name% := % %iCU_Name% 
   DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule)                    ; unload the library 


  1. Persistent
  2. SingleInstance, force
  3. Include WinSock2.ahk ; derRaphaels WinSock Rewrite

SetBatchLines, -1 SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% Gui, Add, Button, gB1, Button number One! Gui, Add, Edit, vE1, Type in me! Gui, Add, Button, gB2, Press me after you're done typing! Gui, Add, DropDownList, vDDL1 gDDL1, Select something!||One|Two|Three|Four|Five|Six|Seven|Eight|Nine|Ten Gui, Add, Button, gB3, Click me!

Server  := "irc.freenode.net" Port  := "6667"

Channel := "#UIHjbfilgbafLIEfbAIJCICBGncaiJBHiwehFIUHEIbnjKCINJEhiUAHEJcKLACui" ; Choose something long and random - a channel sure to be deserted.

Nick := "someothernick"  ; Register this! You can drop it later if you want, but register it! Pass := "someotherpass"  ; It can be any nick and any pass.

Name := "distributed program"

BotCmd := "~" OtherBotCmd := "!"

OnExit, CleanUp WS2_CleanUp() If (!Socket := WS2_Connect(Connection := Server . ":" . Port)) {

  MsgBox, 16, Error!, An error occured wilist connecting to %Connection%


  ; Set OnMessage function
  WS2_AsyncSelect(Socket, "DataProcess")
  ; Send AUTH info to the server
  ; USER A-trivial-nickname a-domain-like-google.com some-trivial-stuff :your-real-name
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "USER " . Nick . " google.com AHKBOT :" . Name . "`n") ; All data send to the server must be
                                                                              ; followed by a newline.
  ; PASS A-trivial-pass
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "PASS " . Pass . "`n")
  ; NICK A-trivial-nick
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "NICK " . Nick . "`n")
  ; Join channel
  ; JOIN A-trivial-channel
  WS2_SendData(Socket, "JOIN " . Channel . "`n")
  Gui, Show


DataProcess(Socket, Data) ; OnMessage function {

  global Server,Port,Channel,Nick,Pass,Name,BotCMD
  StringSplit, Param, Data, %A_Space%
  Name := SubStr(Data, 2, InStr(Data, "!")-2)
  StringReplace, Command, Param5, % Chr(10),, All
  StringReplace, Command, Command, % Chr(13),, All
  If (Param1 == "PING")
     WS2_SendData(Socket, "PONG " . Param2 . "`n")
  Else If (RegExMatch(Data, ":\" . BotCMD . " "))
     If (Command == "B1"
        MsgBox, The other person pressed Button Number One
     Else If (Command == "B2E1")
        MsgBox, The other person typed in Edit One then pressed Button Two
           If (A_Index <= 6)
           If Param%A_Index%
              out := out . " " . Param%A_Index%
        MsgBox, The other person typed:%out%
     Else If (Command == "DDL1")
        MsgBox, The other person selected %Param7% in the drop-down-list.
     Else If (Command == "B3")
        MsgBox, The other person clicked Button Three.

} B1: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B1" return B2: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B2E1 " . E1 . " | " . B2 return DDL1: Gui, Submit, NoHide WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " DDL1 " . DDL1 return B3: WS2_SendData(Socket, "PRIVMSG " . Channel . " :" . OtherBotCmd . " B3" return CleanUp: GuiClose: WS2_CleanUp() ExitApp</lang>



Works with: Tango


<lang d>module distributedserver ; import tango.net.ServerSocket, tango.text.convert.Integer,

      tango.text.Util, tango.io.Stdout ;

void main() {

 auto Ip = new InternetAddress("localhost", 12345) ;    
 auto server = new ServerSocket(Ip) ;
 auto socket = server.accept ;     
 auto buffer = new char[socket.bufferSize] ;
 bool quit = false ;
 while(!quit) {
   bool error = false ;    
   try {
     auto len = socket.input.read(buffer) ;
     auto cmd = (len > 0) ? delimit(buffer[0..len], " ") : [""] ;              
     Stdout(cmd).newline.flush ;
     switch (cmd[0]) {
       case "square":
         socket.output.write(toString(toInt(cmd[1]) * toInt(cmd[1]))) ; break ;
         socket.output.write(toString(toInt(cmd[1]) + toInt(cmd[2]))) ; break ;
       case "quit": 
         socket.output.write("Server Shut down") ;           
         quit = true ; break ;
       default: error = true ;
   } catch (Exception e) 
     error = true ;
   if(error) socket.output.write("<Error>") ;    
   if(socket) socket.close ;
   if(!quit) socket = server.accept ;     
 if(socket) socket.close ;



<lang d>module distributedclient ; import tango.net.SocketConduit, tango.net.InternetAddress,

      tango.text.Util, tango.io.Stdout ;

void main(char[][] args) {

 if(args.length> 1) {
   try {
     auto Ip = new InternetAddress("localhost", 12345) ;    
     auto socket = new SocketConduit ;     
     socket.connect(Ip) ;
     auto buffer = new char[socket.bufferSize] ;
     socket.output.write(join(args[1..$]," ")) ;
     auto len = socket.input.read(buffer) ;    
     if(len > 0) Stdout(buffer[0..len]).newline ;
     if(socket) socket.close ;
   } catch(Exception e) 
     Stdout(e.msg).newline ;
 } else
   Stdout("usage: supply argument as,\n\tquit\n"
     "\tsquare <number>\n\tadd <number> <number>").newline ;



Protocol: Pluribus

This service cannot be used except by clients which know the URL designating it, messages are encrypted, and the client authenticates the server. However, it is vulnerable to denial-of-service by any client knowing the URL.


(The protocol is symmetric; this program is the server only in that it is the one which is started first and exports an object.)

<lang e> def storage := [].diverge()

def logService {
  to log(line :String) {
    storage.push([timer.now(), line])
  to search(substring :String) {
    var matches := []
    for [time, line] ? (line.startOf(substring) != -1) in storage {
      matches with= [time, line]
    return matches

def sturdyRef := makeSturdyRef.temp(logService)

This will print the URL of the service and run it until aborted.


The URL provided by the server is given as the argument to this program.

<lang e> def [uri] := interp.getArgs()

def sturdyRef := <captp>.sturdyFromURI(uri)
def logService := sturdyRef.getRcvr()

logService <- log("foot")
logService <- log("shoe")

when (def result := logService <- search("foo")) -> {
  for [time, line] in result {
    println(`At $time: $line`)


The protocol is erlang's own



<lang erlang> -module(srv).

-export([start/0, wait/0]).

start() ->
   erlang:set_cookie(node(), rosetta),
   Pid = spawn(srv,wait,[]),
   io:fwrite("~p ready~n",[node(Pid)]),

wait() ->
       {echo, Pid, Any} ->
           io:fwrite("-> ~p from ~p~n", [Any, node(Pid)]),
           Pid ! {hello, Any},
       Any -> io:fwrite("Error ~p~n", [Any])



<lang erlang> -module(client).

-export([start/0, wait/0]).

start() ->
   erlang:set_cookie(node(), rosetta),
   {ok,Srv} = init:get_argument(server),
   io:fwrite("conencting to ~p~n", [Srv]),
   {srv, list_to_atom(Srv)} ! {echo,self(), hi},

wait() ->
       {hello, Any} -> io:fwrite("Received ~p~n", [Any]);
       Any -> io:fwrite("Error ~p~n", [Any])

running it (*comes later)

|erlc srv.erl
|erl -run srv start -noshell
 srv@agneyam ready
*-> hi from client@agneyam
|erlc client.erl
|erl -run client start -run init stop -noshell -server srv@agneyam
 conencting to "srv@agneyam"
 Received hi


Distributed Objects are natural to Objective-C, and OpenStep and derivated framework offers an easy way of using remote objects as if it were local. The client must only know the protocol the remote object support. For the rest, calling a remote object's method or local object's method is transparent.

Works with: GNUstep


The server vending the object with the name DistributedAction

ActionObjectProtocol.h <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> // our protocol allows "sending" "strings", but we can implement // everything we could for a "local" object @protocol ActionObjectProtocol - (NSString *)sendMessage: (NSString *)msg; @end</lang>

ActionObject.h <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

  1. import "ActionObjectProtocol.h"

@interface ActionObject : NSObject <ActionObjectProtocol>

 // we do not have much for this example!


ActionObject.m <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

  1. import "ActionObject.h"

@implementation ActionObject -(NSString *)sendMessage: (NSString *)msg {

 NSLog(@"client sending message %@", msg);
 return @"server answers ...";

} @end</lang>

server.m <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

  1. import "ActionObject.h"

int main (void) {

 NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
 ActionObject *action;
 NSConnection *connect;
 NSSocketPort *port;
 pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
 action = [[ActionObject alloc] init];
 port = (NSSocketPort *)[NSSocketPort port];
 // initWithTCPPort: 1234 and other methods are not supported yet
 // by GNUstep
 connect = [NSConnection 

connectionWithReceivePort: port sendPort: port]; // or sendPort: nil

 [connect setRootObject: action];
 /* "vend" the object ActionObject as DistributedAction; on GNUstep
    the Name Server that allows the resolution of the registered name
    is bound to port 538 */
 if ([connect registerName:@"DistributedAction"

withNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] ] == NO)

   NSLog(@"can't register the server DistributedAction");
 NSLog(@"waiting for messages...");
 [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];
 [pool release];
 return 0;



client.m <lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

  1. import "ActionObjectProtocol.h"

int main(void) {

 NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
 NSArray *args;
 id <ActionObjectProtocol> action;
 NSString *msg, *backmsg;
 pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
 action = (id <ActionObjectProtocol>)
     rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName: @"DistributedAction" 
     host: @"localhost"
     usingNameServer: [NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] ];
 if (action == nil)
   NSLog(@"can't connect to the server");
 args = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
 if ([args count] == 1)
   NSLog(@"specify a message");
 msg = [args objectAtIndex: 1];
 // "send" (call the selector "sendMessage:" of the (remote) object
 // action) the first argument's text as msg, store the message "sent
 // back" and then show it in the log
 backmsg = [action sendMessage: msg];
 [pool release];
 return 0;



Works with: JoCaml

Minimalistic distributed logger with synchronous channels using the join calculus on top of OCaml.


<lang ocaml> open Printf

 let create_logger () =
   def log(text) & logs(l) =
       printf "Logged: %s\n%!" text;
       logs((text, Unix.gettimeofday ())::l) & reply to log
    or search(text) & logs(l) =
       logs(l) & reply List.filter (fun (line, _) -> line = text) l to search
     spawn logs([]);
     (log, search)
 def wait() & finished() = reply to wait
 let register name service = Join.Ns.register Join.Ns.here name service

 let () =
   let log, search = create_logger () in
     register "log" log;
     register "search" search;
     Join.Site.listen (Unix.ADDR_INET (Join.Site.get_local_addr(), 12345));
     wait ()</lang>


<lang ocaml> open Printf

 let ns_there = Join.Ns.there (Unix.ADDR_INET (Join.Site.get_local_addr(), 12345))

 let lookup name = Join.Ns.lookup ns_there name
 let log : string -> unit = lookup "log"
 let search : string -> (string * float) list = lookup "search"

 let find txt =
   printf "Looking for %s...\n" txt;
   List.iter (fun (line, time) ->
                printf "Found: '%s' at t = %f\n%!" (String.escaped line) time)
     (search txt)

 let () =
   log "bar";
   find "foo";
   log "foo";
   log "shoe";
   find "foo"</lang>


Works with: Python version 2.4 and 2.6


Protocol: XML-RPC


<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/env python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import SimpleXMLRPCServer

class MyHandlerInstance:

   def echo(self, data):
       Method for returning data got from client
       return 'Server responded: %s' % data
   def div(self, num1, num2):
       Method for divide 2 numbers
       return num1/num2

def foo_function():

   A function (not an instance method)
   return True

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8000

server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer((HOST, PORT))

  1. register built-in system.* functions.


  1. register our instance


  1. register our function as well



   # serve forever

except KeyboardInterrupt:

   print 'Exiting...'



<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/env python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import xmlrpclib

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8000

rpc = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://%s:%d" % (HOST, PORT))

  1. print what functions does server support

print 'Server supports these functions:', print ' '.join(rpc.system.listMethods())

  1. echo something

rpc.echo("We sent this data to server")

  1. div numbers

print 'Server says: 8 / 4 is: %d' % rpc.div(8, 4)

  1. control if foo_function returns True

if rpc.foo_function():

   print 'Server says: foo_function returned True'



Protocol: HTTP


<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import BaseHTTPServer

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8000

  1. we just want to write own class, we replace do_GET method. This could be extended, I just added basics
  2. see; http://docs.python.org/lib/module-BaseHTTPServer.html

class MyHTTPHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

   def do_GET(self):
       # send 200 (OK) message
       # send header
       self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
       # send context
       self.wfile.write("<html><head><title>Our Web Title</title></head>")


This is our body. You wanted to visit %s page

</body>" % self.path)


if __name__ == '__main__':

   server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer((HOST, PORT), MyHTTPHandler)
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
       print 'Exiting...'



<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import httplib

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8000

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, PORT) conn.request("GET", "/somefile")

response = conn.getresponse() print 'Server Status: %d' % response.status

print 'Server Message: %s' % response.read() </lang>

Socket, Plain Text

Protocol: Plain Text


<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import SocketServer

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8000

  1. our instance that will upper whatever it gets and send back to client

class UpperCaseHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):

   def handle(self):
       print '%s connected' % self.client_address[0]
       # get what client sends
       get = self.rfile.readline()
       # write back to client

if __name__ == '__main__':

   tcpserver = SocketServer.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), UpperCaseHandler)
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
       print 'Exiting...'



<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import socket

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 8000

DATA = "my name is eren"

  1. connect to server and send data

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((HOST, PORT)) sock.send("%s\n" % DATA)

  1. get

response = sock.recv(256) sock.close()

print "We sent: %s" % DATA print 'Server responded: %s' % response </lang>


Note: You should install Pyro (http://pyro.sourceforge.net) first and run pyro-ns binary to run code below.


<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import Pyro.core import Pyro.naming

  1. create instance that will return upper case

class StringInstance(Pyro.core.ObjBase):

   def makeUpper(self, data):
       return data.upper()

class MathInstance(Pyro.core.ObjBase):

   def div(self, num1, num2):
       return num1/num2

if __name__ == '__main__':

   server = Pyro.core.Daemon()
   name_server = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator().getNS()
   server.connect(StringInstance(), 'string')
   server.connect(MathInstance(), 'math')
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
       print 'Exiting...'



<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import Pyro.core

DATA = "my name is eren" NUM1 = 10 NUM2 = 5

string = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI("PYRONAME://string") math = Pyro.core.getProxyForURI("PYRONAME://math")

print 'We sent: %s' % DATA print 'Server responded: %s\n' % string.makeUpper(DATA)

print 'We sent two numbers to divide: %d and %d' % (NUM1, NUM2) print 'Server responded the result: %s' % math.div(NUM1, NUM2) </lang>


Note: You should install Spread (http://www.spread.org) and its python bindings (http://www.python.org/other/spread/)


You don't need any code for server. You should start "spread" daemon by typing "spread -c /etc/spread.conf -n localhost". If you want more configuration, look at /etc/spread.conf.

After starting daemon, if you want to make sure that it is running, enter spuser -s 4803 command where 4803 is your port set in spread.conf, you will see prompt, type j user, you should see something like this message: Received REGULAR membership for group test with 3 members, where I am member 2

Client (Listener)

<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import spread

PORT = '4803'

  1. connect spread daemon

conn = spread.connect(PORT)

  1. join the room


print 'Waiting for messages... If you want to stop this script, please stop spread daemon' while True:

   recv = conn.receive()
   if hasattr(recv, 'sender') and hasattr(recv, 'message'):
       print 'Sender: %s' % recv.sender
       print 'Message: %s' % recv.message


Client (Sender)

<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import spread

PORT = '4803'

conn = spread.connect(PORT) conn.join('test')

conn.multicast(spread.RELIABLE_MESS, 'test', 'hello, this is message sent from python') conn.disconnect() </lang>



Library: dRuby

The "druby:" protocol uses TCP/IP sockets for communication.

Server <lang ruby> require 'drb/drb'

 # The URI for the server to connect to
 class TimeServer
   def get_current_time
     return Time.now
 # The object that handles requests on the server
 FRONT_OBJECT = TimeServer.new
 $SAFE = 1   # disable eval() and friends
 DRb.start_service(URI, FRONT_OBJECT)
 # Wait for the drb server thread to finish before exiting.

Client <lang ruby> require 'drb/drb'

 # The URI to connect to
 SERVER_URI = "druby://localhost:8787"
 # Start a local DRbServer to handle callbacks.
 # Not necessary for this small example, but will be required
 # as soon as we pass a non-marshallable object as an argument
 # to a dRuby call.
 timeserver = DRbObject.new_with_uri(SERVER_URI)
 puts timeserver.get_current_time</lang>


A rudimentary IRC Server <lang tcl>proc main {} {

   global connections
   set connections [dict create]
   socket -server handleConnection 12345
   vwait dummyVar ;# enter the event loop


proc handleConnection {channel clientaddr clientport} {

   global connections
   dict set connections $channel address "$clientaddr:$clientport"
   fconfigure $channel -buffering line
   fileevent $channel readable [list handleMessage $channel]


proc handleMessage {channel} {

   global connections
   if {[gets $channel line] == -1} {
       disconnect $channel
   } else {
       if {[string index [string trimleft $line] 0] eq "/"} {
           set words [lassign [split [string trim $line]] command]
           handleCommand $command $words $channel
       } else {
           echo $line $channel


proc disconnect {channel} {

   global connections
   dict unset connections $channel
   fileevent $channel readable ""
   close $channel


proc handleCommand {command words channel} {

   global connections
   switch -exact -- [string tolower $command] {
       /nick {
           dict set connections $channel nick [lindex $words 0]
       /quit {
           echo bye $channel
           disconnect $channel
       default {
           puts $channel "\"$command\" not implemented"


proc echo {message senderchannel} {

   global connections
   foreach channel [dict keys $connections] {
       if {$channel ne $senderchannel} {
           set time [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%T"]
           set nick [dict get $connections $channel nick]
           puts $channel [format "\[%s\] %s: %s" $time $nick $message]


main</lang> Client <lang tcl>proc main {} {

   global argv argc
   if {$argc != 2} {
       error "usage: [info script] serveraddress serverport"
   connect {*}$argv
   vwait dummyVar


proc connect {addr port} {

   global sock
   set sock [socket $addr $port]
   fconfigure $sock -buffering line
   fileevent $sock readable getFromServer
   fileevent stdin readable sendToServer


proc getFromServer {} {

   global sock
   if {[gets $sock line] == -1} {
       puts "disconnected..."
   } else {
       puts $line


proc sendToServer {} {

   global sock
   set msg [string trim [gets stdin]]
   if {[string length $msg] > 0} {
       puts $sock $msg




Uses netcat


(echo 1; echo 2; echo 3) | nc -l 1024


nc 1024 | wc -l