Determine if a string is numeric

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 17:04, 2 January 2008 by rosettacode>TBH (→‎{{header|J}}: Minor code simplification.)
Determine if a string is numeric
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Demonstrates how to implement a custom IsNumeric method.


The first file is the package interface containing the declaration of the Is_Numeric function.

package Numeric_Tests is
   function Is_Numeric(Item : in String) return Boolean;
end Numeric_Tests;

The second file is the package body containing the implementation of the Is_Numeric function.

package body Numeric_Tests is

   -- Is_Numeric --

   function Is_Numeric (Item : in String) return Boolean is
      Result : Boolean := True;
         Int : Integer;
         Int := Integer'Value(Item);
         when others =>
            Result := False;
      if Result = False then
            Real : Float;
            Real := Float'Value(Item);
            Result := True;
            when others =>
      end if;
      return Result;
   end Is_Numeric;

end Numeric_Tests;

The last file shows how the Is_Numeric function can be called.

with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
with Numeric_Tests; use Numeric_Tests; 

procedure Isnumeric_Test is
   S1 : String := "152";
   S2 : String := "-3.1415926";
   S3 : String := "Foo123";
   Put_Line(S1 & " results in " & Boolean'Image(Is_Numeric(S1)));
   Put_Line(S2 & " results in " & Boolean'Image(Is_Numeric(S2)));
   Put_Line(S3 & " results in " & Boolean'Image(Is_Numeric(S3)));
end Isnumeric_Test;

The output of the program above is:

152 results in TRUE
-3.1415926 results in TRUE
Foo123 results in FALSE


PROC is numeric = (REF STRING string) BOOL: (
  BOOL out := TRUE;
  PROC call back false = (REF FILE f)BOOL: (out:= FALSE; TRUE);

  FILE memory;
  associate(memory, string);
  on value error(memory, call back false);
  on logical file end(memory, call back false);

  UNION (INT, REAL, COMPLEX) numeric:=pi;
  # use a FORMAT pattern instead of a regular expression #
  getf(memory, ($gl$, numeric));

PROC is numeric test = VOID: (
     s1 := "152",
     s2 := "-3.1415926",
     s3 := "Foo123";
   print((s1, " results in ", is numeric(s1), new line));
   print((s2, " results in ", is numeric(s2), new line));
   print((s3, " results in ", is numeric(s3), new line))

is numeric test

Result is:

152 results in T
-3.1415926 results in T
Foo123 results in F


Returns true (non-zero) if character-string parameter represents a signed or unsigned integer. Otherwise returns false (zero).

#include <stdlib.h>
int isNumeric (const char * s)
    char * p;
    strtol (s, &p, 10);
    return !*p;


Framework: .NET 2.0+

public static bool IsNumeric(string s)
    double Result;
    return double.TryParse(s, out Result);  // TryParse routines were added in Framework version 2.0.

string value = "123";
if (IsNumeric(value)) 
  // do something

Framework: .NET 1.0+

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public static bool IsNumeric(string s)
    return true;
    return false;


Adobe's ColdFusion

<cfset TestValue=34>
  TestValue: <cfoutput>#TestValue#</cfoutput>
<cfif isNumeric(TestValue)> is Numeric. <cfelse> is NOT Numeric. </cfif>
<cfset TestValue="NAS">
  TestValue: <cfoutput>#TestValue#</cfoutput>
<cfif isNumeric(TestValue)> is Numeric. <cfelse> is NOT Numeric. </cfif>


import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.regexp;
bool isNumeric(string s) {
    catch (Error e)
        return false;
    return true;
bool isInt(string s) {
    foreach(i, c; s) {
        if (i == 0 && (c == '-' || c == '+')) continue;
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') continue;
        return false;
    return true;
bool isInt2(string s) {
    return cast(bool)search(s, r"^[-+]?\d+$");
void main() {
    foreach(s; ["12", " 12\t", "hello12", "-12", "0-12", "+12", "0x10", "6b"]) {
        writefln("isNumeric(", s, ") = ", isNumeric(s));
        writefln("isInt(", s, ") = ", isInt(s));
        writefln("isInt2(", s, ") = ", isInt2(s));


Interpreter: gforth 0.6.2

: is-numeric ( addr len -- )
  2dup snumber? ?dup if      \ not standard, but >number is more cumbersome to use
   0< if
     -rot type ."  as integer = " .
     2swap type ."  as double = " <# #s #> type
  else 2dup >float if
    type ."  as float = " f.
    type ."  isn't numeric in base " base @ dec.
  then then ;

s" 1234" is-numeric    \ 1234 as integer = 1234
s" 1234." is-numeric    \ 1234. as double = 1234
s" 1234e" is-numeric    \ 1234e as float = 1234.
s" $1234" is-numeric    \ $1234 as integer = 4660  ( hex literal )
s" %1010" is-numeric    \ %1010 as integer = 10  ( binary literal )
s" beef" is-numeric    \ beef isn't numeric in base 10
s" beef" is-numeric    \ beef as integer = BEEF
s" &1234" is-numeric    \ &1234 as integer = 4D2 ( decimal literal )


This function is not particularly useful in a statically typed language. Instead, one would just attempt to convert the string to the desired type with read or reads, and handle parsing failure appropriately.

The task doesn't define which strings are considered "numeric", so we do Integers and Doubles, which should catch the most common cases (including hexadecimal 0x notation):

isInteger s = case reads s :: [(Integer, String)] of
  [(_, "")] -> True
  _         -> False

isDouble s = case reads s :: [(Double, String)] of
  [(_, "")] -> True
  _         -> False

isNumeric :: String -> Bool
isNumeric s = isInteger s || isDouble s

One can easily add isRational, isComplex etc. following the same pattern.


function isnumeric,input
  on_ioerror, false
  test = double(input)
  return, 1
  false: return, 0

Could be called like this:

if isnumeric('-123.45e-2') then print, 'yes' else print, 'no'
; ==> yes
if isnumeric('picklejuice') then print, 'yes' else print, 'no'
; ==> no


isNumeric=: [: _&~: (_".])
isNumericScalar=: [: (*./ *. 0=#@$) isNumeric
TXT=: ' is not a number.';' represents a scalar numeric value.'
sayIsNumericScalar=: , ;@(TXT{~isNumericScalar)

Examples of use:

   isNumeric '152'
   isNumeric '152 -3.1415926 Foo123'
1 1 0
   isNumericScalar '152 -3.1415926 Foo123'
   sayIsNumericScalar '-3.1415926'
-3.1415926 represents a scalar numeric value.


It's generally bad practice in Java to rely on an exception being thrown since exception handling is relatively expensive. If non-numeric strings are common, you're going to see a huge performance hit.

public boolean isNumeric(String input) {
  try {
    return true;
  catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    // s is not numeric
    return false;

Alternative 1 : Check that each character in the string is number. Note that this will only works for integers.

private static final boolean isNumeric(final String s) {
  for (int x = 0; x < s.length(); x++) {
    final char c = s.charAt(x);
    if (x == 0 && (c == '-')) continue;  // negative
    if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) continue;  // 0 - 9
    return false; // invalid
  return true; // valid

Alternative 2 : use a regular expression (a more elegant solution). Also, only for integers.

public static boolean IsNumeric(string inputData) {
 final static Regex isNumber = new Regex(@"^-{0,1}\d+$");
 Match m = isNumber.Match(inputData);
 return m.Success;


string value = "123.45e7";
if (isFinite(value)) 
  // do something
//Or, in web browser in URL box:
//  javascript:value="123.45e4"; if(isFinite(value)) {alert('numeric')} else {alert('non-numeric')}


fn isNumeric str =
        (str as integer) != undefined

isNumeric "123"

mIRC Scripting Language

Interpreter: mIRC

var %value = 3
if ($1 isnum) {
  echo -s $1 is numeric.


Compiler: GCC

The NSScanner class supports scanning of strings for various types. The scanFloat method will return TRUE if the string is numeric, even if the number is actually too long to be contained by the precision of a float.

if( [[NSScanner scannerWithString:@"-123.4e5"] scanFloat:nil] )
	NSLog( @"\"-123.4e5\" is numeric" );
	NSLog( @"\"-123.4e5\" is not numeric" );
if( [[NSScanner scannerWithString:@"Not a number"] scanFloat:nil] )
	NSLog( @"\"Not a number\" is numeric" );
	NSLog( @"\"Not a number\" is not numeric" );
// prints: "-123.4e5" is numeric
// prints: "Not a number" is not numeric


Interpreter: Perl 5.8

Quoting from perlfaq4:

How do I determine whether a scalar is a number/whole/integer/float?

Assuming that you don't care about IEEE notations like "NaN" or "Infinity", you probably just want to use a regular expression.

         if (/\D/)            { print "has nondigits\n" }
         if (/^\d+$/)         { print "is a whole number\n" }
         if (/^-?\d+$/)       { print "is an integer\n" }
         if (/^[+-]?\d+$/)    { print "is a +/- integer\n" }
         if (/^-?\d+\.?\d*$/) { print "is a real number\n" }
         if (/^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?&\.\d+)$/) { print "is a decimal number\n" }
         if (/^([+-]?)(?=\d&\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/)
                              { print "a C float\n" }

There are also some commonly used modules for the task. Util (distributed with 5.8) provides access to perl's internal function "looks_like_number" for determining whether a variable looks like a number. Data::Types exports functions that validate data types using both the above and other regular expressions. Thirdly, there is "Regexp::Common" which has regular expressions to match various types of numbers. Those three modules are available from the CPAN.

If you're on a POSIX system, Perl supports the "strtod" function. Its semantics are somewhat cumbersome, so here's a "getnum" wrapper function for more convenient access. This function takes a string and returns the number it found, or "undef" for input that isn't a C float. The "is_numeric" function is a front end to "getnum" if you just want to say, Is this a float?

          sub getnum {
              use POSIX qw(strtod);
              my $str = shift;
              $str =~ s/^\s+//;
              $str =~ s/\s+$//;
              $! = 0;
              my($num, $unparsed) = strtod($str);
              if (($str eq ) && ($unparsed != 0) && $!) {
                  return undef;
              } else {
                  return $num;
          sub is_numeric { defined getnum($_[0]) }

Or you could check out the String::Scanf module on the CPAN instead. The POSIX module (part of the standard Perl distribution) provides the "strtod" and "strtol" for converting strings to double and longs, respectively.


$string = '123';
if(is_numeric($string)) {


FUNCTION IsNumeric( value IN VARCHAR2 )
  help NUMBER;
  help := to_number( value );
  return( TRUE );
  WHEN others THEN
    return( FALSE );
Value VARCHAR2( 10 ) := '123';
IF( IsNumeric( Value ) )


s = '123'
  i = int(s)
except ValueError:
    # not numeric
    # numeric

Or for positive integers:

   s = '123'
   if s.isdigit():


 if Numeric===value


number? is a standard R5RS scheme predicate

 (define is-numeric? number?)


Interpreter: MS SQL Server 2005

declare @s varchar(10)
set @s = '1234.56'

print isnumeric(@s) --prints 1 if numeric, 0 if not.

if isnumeric(@s)=1 begin print 'Numeric' end 
else print 'Non-numeric'


 if { [string is double $varname] } then {  ... }

Also string is integer (, string is alnum etc etc)

Visual Basic .NET

Compiler: Visual Basic 2005

Dim Value As String = "123"
If IsNumeric(Value) Then
End If


Returns a flag of TRUE if character-string parameter represents a signed or unsigned integer. Otherwise returns a flag of FALSE. The success or failure is dependent on the source is valid in the current numeric base. The >number function also recognizes several optional prefixes for overriding the current base during conversion.

[ ( string -- flag )
  >number nip ] is isNumeric

( Some tests )
" 100" isNumeric .     ( succeeds, 100 is a valid decimal integer )
" 100.21" isNumeric .  ( fails, 100.21 is not an integer)
" a" isNumeric .       ( fails, 'a' is not a valid integer in the decimal base )
" $a" isNumeric .      ( succeeds, because $ is a valid override prefix )
                       ( denoting that the following character is a hexadecimal number )



Returns a True if numeric and a false if not.