Death Star: Difference between revisions

m (added a related task.)
Line 1,239:
{x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, -1, 1},
Boxed -> False, Mesh -> False, Axes -> False, Background -> Black, PlotPoints -> 100]</lang>
The result is written in a PNG file. For this purpose, we used the modules “bitmap” and “grayscale_image” written for the tasks “Bitmap” and “Grayscale image”. To write the PNG file, we use the third party library “nimPNG”.
<lang Nim>import math
import bitmap, grayscale_image, nimPNG
Vector = array[3, float]
Sphere = object
cx, cy, cz: int
r: int
func dot(x, y: Vector): float {.inline.} =
x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1] + x[2] * y[2]
func normalize(v: var Vector) =
let invLen = 1 / sqrt(dot(v, v))
v[0] *= invLen
v[1] *= invLen
v[2] *= invLen
func hit(s: Sphere; x, y: int): tuple[z1, z2: float; hit: bool] =
let x = x -
let y = y -
let zsq = s.r * s.r - (x * x + y * y)
if zsq >= 0:
let zsqrt = sqrt(zsq.toFloat)
result = ( - zsqrt,, true)
result = (0.0, 0.0, false)
func deathStar(pos, neg: Sphere; k, amb: float; dir: Vector): GrayImage =
let w = pos.r * 4
let h = pos.r * 3
result = newGrayImage(w, h)
var vect: Vector
let deltaX = - w div 2
let deltaY = - h div 2
let xMax = + pos.r
let yMax = + pos.r
for y in ( - pos.r)..yMax:
for x in ( - pos.r)..xMax:
let (zb1, zb2, posHit) = pos.hit(x, y)
if not posHit: continue
var (zs1, zs2, negHit) = neg.hit(x, y)
if negHit:
if zs1 > zb1: negHit = false
elif zs2 > zb2: continue
if negHit:
vect[0] = ( - x).toFloat
vect[1] = ( - y).toFloat
vect[2] = - zs2
vect[0] = (x -
vect[1] = (y -
vect[2] = zb1 -
var s = dot(dir, vect)
if s < 0: s = 0
var lum = (255 * (s.pow(k) + amb) / (1 + amb)).toInt
if lum < 0: lum = 0
elif lum > 255: lum = 255
result[x - deltaX, y - deltaY] = Luminance(lum)
var dir: Vector = [float 20, -40, -10]
let pos = Sphere(cx: 0, cy: 0, cz: 0, r: 120)
let neg = Sphere(cx: -90, cy: -90, cz: -30, r: 100)
let grayImage = deathStar(pos, neg, 1.5, 0.2, dir)
# Save to PNG. We convert to an RGB image then transform the pixels
# in a sequence of bytes (actually a copy) in order to call "savePNG24".
let rgbImage = grayImage.toImage
var data = newSeqOfCap[byte](rgbImage.pixels.len * 3)
for color in rgbImage.pixels:
data.add([color.r, color.g, color.b])
echo savePNG24("death_star.png", data, rgbImage.w, rgbImage.h)</lang>
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