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'''Stress Test Output:'''

This is the output for the 700 element stress test, which is an input of a 700X700 grid with a single line of live cells horizontally in the center.



Revision as of 18:05, 14 December 2015

Conway's Game of Life
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is the best-known example of a cellular automaton.

Conway's game of life is described here:

A cell C is represented by a 1 when alive or 0 when dead, in an m-by-m square array of cells. We calculate N - the sum of live cells in C's eight-location neighbourhood, then cell C is alive or dead in the next generation based on the following table:

   C   N                 new C
   1   0,1             ->  0  # Lonely
   1   4,5,6,7,8       ->  0  # Overcrowded
   1   2,3             ->  1  # Lives
   0   3               ->  1  # It takes three to give birth!
   0   0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8 ->  0  # Barren

Assume cells beyond the boundary are always dead.

The "game" is actually a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, needing no input from human players. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves.

Although you should test your implementation on more complex examples such as the glider in a larger universe, show the action of the blinker (three adjoining cells in a row all alive), over three generations, in a 3 by 3 grid.

See also

6502 Assembly

Works with: [] version 1.2

<lang 6502asm>randfill: stx $01  ;$200 for indirect

           ldx #$02         ;addressing
           stx $02

randloop: lda $fe ;generate random

           and #$01         ;pixels on the
           sta ($01),Y      ;screen
           jsr inc0103
           cmp #$00
           bne randloop
           lda $02
           cmp #$06
           bne randloop

clearmem: lda #$df ;set $07df-$0a20

           sta $01          ;to $#00
           lda #$07
           sta $02

clearbyte: lda #$00

           sta ($01),Y
           jsr inc0103
           cmp #$20
           bne clearbyte
           lda $02
           cmp #$0a
           bne clearbyte

starttick: copyscreen: lda #$00 ;set up source

           sta $01          ;pointer at
           sta $03          ;$01/$02 and
           lda #$02         ;dest pointer
           sta $02          ;at $03/$04
           lda #$08
           sta $04
           ldy #$00

copybyte: lda ($01),Y ;copy pixel to

           sta ($03),Y      ;back buffer
           jsr inc0103      ;increment pointers
           cmp #$00         ;check to see
           bne copybyte     ;if we're at $600
           lda $02          ;if so, we've
           cmp #$06         ;copied the
           bne copybyte     ;entire screen

conway: lda #$df ;apply conway rules

           sta $01          ;reset the pointer
           sta $03          ;to $#01df/$#07df
           lda #$01         ;($200 - $21)
           sta $02          ;($800 - $21)
           lda #$07
           sta $04

onecell: lda #$00 ;process one cell

           ldy #$01         ;upper cell
           adc ($03),Y
           ldy #$41         ;lower cell
           adc ($03),Y

chkleft: tax ;check to see

           lda $01          ;if we're at the
           and #$1f         ;left edge
           cpy #$1f
           beq rightcells

leftcells: ldy #$00 ;upper-left cell

           adc ($03),Y
           ldy #$20         ;left cell
           adc ($03),Y
           ldy #$40         ;lower-left cell
           adc ($03),Y

chkright: tax ;check to see

           lda $01          ;if we're at the
           and #$1f         ;right edge
           cpy #$1e
           beq evaluate

rightcells: ldy #$02 ;upper-right cell

           adc ($03),Y
           ldy #$22         ;right cell
           adc ($03),Y
           ldy #$42         ;lower-right cell
           adc ($03),Y

evaluate: ldx #$01 ;evaluate total

           ldy #$21         ;for current cell
           cmp #$03         ;3 = alive
           beq storex
           ldx #$00
           cmp #$02         ;2 = alive if
           bne storex       ;c = alive
           lda ($03),Y
           and #$01

storex: txa ;store to screen

           sta ($01),Y
           jsr inc0103      ;move to next cell

conwayloop: cmp #$e0 ;if not last cell,

           bne onecell      ;process next cell
           lda $02
           cmp #$05
           bne onecell
           jmp starttick    ;run next tick

inc0103: lda $01 ;increment $01

           cmp #$ff         ;and $03 as 16-bit
           bne onlyinc01    ;pointers
           inc $02
           inc $04

onlyinc01: inc $01

           lda $01
           sta $03


<lang Lisp>(defun print-row (row)

  (if (endp row)
      (prog2$ (if (first row)
                  (cw "[]")
                  (cw "  "))
              (print-row (rest row)))))

(defun print-grid-r (grid)

  (if (endp grid)
      (progn$ (cw "|")
              (print-row (first grid))
              (cw "|~%")
              (print-grid-r (rest grid)))))

(defun print-line (l)

  (if (zp l)
      (prog2$ (cw "-")
              (print-line (1- l)))))

(defun print-grid (grid)

  (progn$ (cw "+")
          (print-line (* 2 (len (first grid))))
          (cw "+~%")
          (print-grid-r grid)
          (cw "+")
          (print-line (* 2 (len (first grid))))
          (cw "+~%")))

(defun neighbors-row-r (row)

  (if (endp (rest (rest row)))
      (list (if (first row) 1 0))
      (cons (+ (if (first row) 1 0)
               (if (third row) 1 0))
            (neighbors-row-r (rest row)))))

(defun neighbors-row (row)

  (cons (if (second row) 1 0)
        (neighbors-row-r row)))

(defun zip+ (xs ys)

  (if (or (endp xs) (endp ys))
      (append xs ys)
      (cons (+ (first xs) (first ys))
            (zip+ (rest xs) (rest ys)))))

(defun counts-row (row)

  (if (endp row)
      (cons (if (first row) 1 0)
            (counts-row (rest row)))))

(defun neighbors-r (grid prev-counts curr-counts next-counts

                        prev-neighbors curr-neighbors
  (if (endp (rest grid))
      (list (zip+ (zip+ prev-counts
                  (neighbors-row (first grid))))
      (cons (zip+ (zip+ (zip+ prev-counts next-counts)
                        (zip+ prev-neighbors next-neighbors))
            (neighbors-r (rest grid)
                         (counts-row (third grid))
                         (neighbors-row (third grid))))))

(defun neighbors (grid)

  (neighbors-r grid
               (counts-row (first grid))
               (counts-row (second grid))
               (neighbors-row (first grid))
               (neighbors-row (second grid))))

(defun life-rules-row (life neighbors)

  (if (or (endp life) (endp neighbors))
      (cons (or (and (first life)
                     (or (= (first neighbors) 2)
                         (= (first neighbors) 3)))
                (and (not (first life))
                     (= (first neighbors) 3)))
            (life-rules-row (rest life) (rest neighbors)))))

(defun life-rules-r (grid neighbors)

  (if (or (endp grid) (endp neighbors))
      (cons (life-rules-row (first grid) (first neighbors))
            (life-rules-r (rest grid) (rest neighbors)))))

(defun conway-step (grid)

  (life-rules-r grid (neighbors grid)))

(defun conway (grid steps)

  (if (zp steps)
      (progn$ (print-grid grid)
              (conway (conway-step grid) (1- steps)))))</lang>
|  []  |
|  []  |
|  []  |
|      |
|      |
|  []  |
|  []  |
|  []  |


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Life is

  type Cell is (O, X); -- Two states of a cell
     -- Computation of neighborhood
  function "+" (L, R : Cell) return Integer is
     case L is
        when O =>
           case R is
              when O => return 0;
              when X => return 1;
           end case;
        when X =>
           case R is
              when O => return 1;
              when X => return 2;
           end case;
     end case;
  end "+";
  function "+" (L : Integer; R : Cell) return Integer is
     case R is
        when O => return L;
        when X => return L + 1;
     end case;
  end "+";
     -- A colony of cells. The borders are dire and unhabited
  type Petri_Dish is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Cell;
  procedure Step (Culture : in out Petri_Dish) is
     Above : array (Culture'Range (2)) of Cell := (others => O);
     Left  : Cell;
     This  : Cell;
     for I in Culture'First (1) + 1 .. Culture'Last (1) - 1 loop
        Left := O;
        for J in Culture'First (2) + 1 .. Culture'Last (2) - 1 loop
           case Above        (J-1) + Above        (J) + Above        (J+1) +
                Left                                  + Culture (I,   J+1) +
                Culture (I+1, J-1) + Culture (I+1, J) + Culture (I+1, J+1) is
              when 2 =>     -- Survives if alive
                 This := Culture (I, J);
              when 3 =>     -- Survives or else multiplies
                 This := X;
              when others => -- Dies
                 This := O;
           end case;
           Above (J-1) := Left;
           Left        := Culture (I, J);
           Culture (I, J) := This;
        end loop;
        Above (Above'Last - 1) := Left;
     end loop;
  end Step;
  procedure Put (Culture : Petri_Dish) is
     for I in Culture'Range loop
        for J in Culture'Range loop
           case Culture (I, J) is
              when O => Put (' ');
              when X => Put ('#');
           end case;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Put;
  Blinker : Petri_Dish := (2..4 =>(O,O,X,O,O), 1|5 =>(O,O,O,O,O));
  Glider  : Petri_Dish :=
            (  (O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O),


  for Generation in 1..3 loop
     Put_Line ("Blinker" & Integer'Image (Generation));
     Put (Blinker);
     Step (Blinker);
  end loop;
  for Generation in 1..5 loop
     Put_Line ("Glider" & Integer'Image (Generation));
     Put (Glider);
     Step (Glider);
  end loop;

end Life;</lang> The solution uses one cell thick border around square Petri dish as uninhabited dire land. This simplifies computations of neighborhood. Sample output contains 3 generations of the blinker and 5 of the glider:

Blinker 1


Blinker 2


Blinker 3


Glider 1


Glider 2

 # #

Glider 3

 # #

Glider 4


Glider 5



See Conway's Game of Life/ALGOL 68


APL2 (Dialog) Example in one line

APL \ 1130 example (very old APL dialect via simulator)

From: APL \ 1130 Samples

The following APL \ 1130 code will need APL385 font installed to display correctly.
See Download APL TT Font


[0] NG←LIFE CG;W [1] W←CG+(¯1⊖CG)+(1⊖CG)+(¯1⌽CG)+(1⌽CG) [2] W←W+(1⊖1⌽CG)+(¯1⊖1⌽CG)+(1⊖¯1⌽CG)+(¯1⊖¯1⌽CG) [3] NG←(3=W)+(CG∧4=W)

     RP←5 5⍴0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

     LIFE RP

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


ARM Assembly

Works with: TI-Nspire

<lang ARM Assembly> .string "PRG"

lcd_ptr .req r4 active_fb .req r5 inactive_fb .req r6 offset_r .req r7 backup_fb .req r8

@ start push {r4-r10, r12, lr}

ldr lcd_ptr, =0xC0000000 @ address of the LCD controller adr offset_r, offsets ldrh r0, [offset_r, #6] @ 0xffff is already in memory because -1 is in the offsets table str r0, [lcd_ptr, #0x200] @ set up paletted colors: 1 is black, 0 is white

ldr r2, [lcd_ptr, #0x18] @ load lcd configuration bic r2, #14 orr r2, #6 @ Set color mode to 8 bpp, paletted str r2, [lcd_ptr, #0x18]

ldr backup_fb, [lcd_ptr, #0x10] @ Save address of OS framebuffer

@ allocate a buffer for game state / framebuffer ldr r0, =153600 @ 320 * 240 * 2 add r0, #8 svc #5 @ malloc push {r0} orr inactive_fb, r0, #7 add inactive_fb, #1 add active_fb, inactive_fb, #76800

@ fill buffer with random ones and zeroes ldr r10, =76800 mov r9, #0 1: subs r10, r10, #1 strb r9, [active_fb, r10] @ zero other framebuffer svc #206 @ rand syscall and r0, r0, #1 strb r0, [inactive_fb, r10] bne 1b

@ set first and last rows to zero mov r2, #320 mov r1, #0 mov r0, inactive_fb push {r1,r2} svc #7 @ memset pop {r1,r2} ldr r3, =76480 add r0, r0, r3 svc #7

@ beginning of main loop, swap framebuffers 3: ldr r0, =76480 @ 320 * 239 str inactive_fb, [lcd_ptr, #0x10] mov inactive_fb, active_fb ldr active_fb, [lcd_ptr, #0x10]

@ per-pixel loop 2: mov r1, #16 @ 8 * 2 mov r2, #0 sub r0, #1

@ loop to count up neighboring living cells 1: subs r1, #2 ldrsh r3, [offset_r, r1] @ cant use lsl #1 add r3, r3, r0 ldrb r3, [active_fb, r3] add r2, r2, r3 bne 1b @ at end of loop, r1 and r3 can be discarded

@ decides whether the cell should live or die based on neighbors ldrb r1, [active_fb, r0] add r2, r2, r1 teq r2, #3 moveq r1, #1 teqne r2, #4 movne r1, #0 strb r1, [inactive_fb, r0] teq r0, #320 bne 2b

@ checks if the escape key is pressed ldr r0, =0x900E001C ldr r1, [r0] tst r1, #0x80 beq 3b

str backup_fb, [lcd_ptr, #0x10] @ restores OS framebuffer

pop {r0} svc #6 @ free buffer pop {r4-r10, r12, pc} offsets: .hword -321, -320, -319, -1, 1, 319, 320, 321 </lang>


ahk discussion <lang autohotkey>rows := cols := 10  ; set grid dimensions i = -1,0,1, -1,1, -1,0,1  ; neighbors' x-offsets j = -1,-1,-1, 0,0, 1,1,1  ; neighbors' y-offsets StringSplit i, i, `,  ; make arrays StringSplit j, j, `,

Loop % rows {  ; setup grid of checkboxes

  r := A_Index, y := r*17-8                     ; looks good in VISTA
  Loop % cols {
     c := A_Index, x := c*17-5
     Gui Add, CheckBox, x%x% y%y% w17 h17 vv%c%_%r% gCheck

} Gui Add, Button, % "x12 w" x+2, step  ; button to step to next generation Gui Show Return


  GuiControlGet %A_GuiControl%                  ; manual set of cells


ButtonStep:  ; move to next generation

  Loop % rows {
     r := A_Index
     Loop % cols {
        c := A_Index, n := 0
        Loop 8                                  ; w[x,y] <- new states
           x := c+i%A_Index%, y := r+j%A_Index%, n += 1=v%x%_%y%
        GuiControl,,v%c%_%r%,% w%c%_%r% := v%c%_%r% ? n=2 || n=3 : n=3
  Loop % rows {                                 ; update v[x,y] = states
     r := A_Index
     Loop % cols
        v%A_Index%_%r% := w%A_Index%_%r%


GuiClose:  ; exit when GUI is closed ExitApp</lang>


50x20 grid (hardcoded) with empty border, filled with random cells, running for 220 generations, using ANSI escape-codes for output to terminal: <lang AWK> BEGIN {

c=220; d=619; i=10000; 
printf("\033[2J");      # Clear screen
while(i--) m[i]=0;
while(d--) m[int(rand()*1000)]=1;
 for(i=52; i<=949; i++){
  if(m[i]==0 && d==3) n[i]=1;
  else if(m[i]==1 && d<2) n[i]=0;
       else if(m[i]==1 && d>3) n[i]=0;
 printf("\033[1;1H");   # Home cursor
 for(i=1;i<=1000;i++)   # gridsize 50x20
  if(n[i]) printf("O"); else printf(".");
  if(!(i%50)) printf("\n");
 printf("%3d\n",c);     # Countdown
 x=30000; while(x--) ;  # Delay

} </lang>





This example is in need of improvement:

Improve performance and add a way to interactively seed the map.

This implementation uses the full screen buffer instead of a 3x3 grid. This naive, unoptimized version gets less than 1 FPS. <lang axe>Full

While getKey(0) End

ClrDraw .BLINKER Pxl-On(45,45) Pxl-On(46,45) Pxl-On(47,45)

.GLIDER Pxl-On(1,1) Pxl-On(2,2) Pxl-On(2,3) Pxl-On(3,1) Pxl-On(3,2)

Repeat getKey(0)


End Return

Lbl EVOLVE For(Y,0,63)

 If N=3??(N=2?pxl-Test(X,Y))

End Return</lang>



"Thunderbird" methuselah evolution in the Game of Life (created with BASIC-256)

Saving to PNG files function is omited. You can find it in the Galton box animation example.

<lang basic256># Conway's_Game_of_Life

X = 59 : Y = 35 : H = 4

fastgraphics graphsize X*H,Y*H

dim c(X,Y) : dim cn(X,Y) : dim cl(X,Y) </lang><lang basic256>

  1. Thunderbird methuselah

c[X/2-1,Y/3+1] = 1 : c[X/2,Y/3+1] = 1 : c[X/2+1,Y/3+1] = 1 c[X/2,Y/3+3] = 1 : c[X/2,Y/3+4] = 1 : c[X/2,Y/3+5] = 1

s = 0 do color black rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight alive = 0 : stable = 1 s = s + 1 for y = 0 to Y-1 for x = 0 to X-1 xm1 = (x-1+X)%X : xp1 = (x+1+X)%X ym1 = (y-1+Y)%Y : yp1 = (y+1+Y)%Y cn[x,y] = c[xm1,y] + c[xp1,y] cn[x,y] = c[xm1,ym1] + c[x,ym1] + c[xp1,ym1] + cn[x,y] cn[x,y] = c[xm1,yp1] + c[x,yp1] + c[xp1,yp1] + cn[x,y] if c[x,y] = 1 then if cn[x,y] < 2 or cn[x,y] > 3 then cn[x,y] = 0 else cn[x,y] = 1 alive = alive + 1 end if else if cn[x,y] = 3 then cn[x,y] = 1 alive = alive + 1 else cn[x,y] = 0 end if end if if c[x,y] then if cn[x,y] then if cl[x,y] then color purple # adult if not cl[x,y] then color green # newborn else if cl[x,y] then color red # old if not cl[x,y] then color yellow # shortlived end if rect x*H,y*H,H,H end if next x next y refresh pause 0.06 # Copy arrays for i = 0 to X-1 for j = 0 to Y-1 if cl[i,j]<>cn[i,j] then stable = 0 cl[i,j] = c[i,j] c[i,j] = cn[i,j] next j next i until not alive or stable

if not alive then print "Died in "+s+" iterations" color black rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight refresh else print "Stabilized in "+(s-2)+" iterations" end if</lang>

 Stabilized in 243 iterations


<lang bbcbasic> dx% = 64

     dy% = 64
     DIM old&(dx%+1,dy%+1), new&(dx%+1,dy%+1)
     VDU 23,22,dx%*4;dy%*4;16,16,16,0
     REM Set blinker:
     old&(50,50) = 1 : old&(50,51) = 1 : old&(50,52) = 1
     REM Set glider:
     old&(5,7) = 1 : old&(6,7) = 1 : old&(7,7) = 1 : old&(7,6) = 1 : old&(6,5) = 1
     REM Draw initial grid:
     FOR X% = 1 TO dx%
       FOR Y% = 1 TO dy%
         IF old&(X%,Y%) GCOL 11 ELSE GCOL 4
         PLOT 69, X%*8-6, Y%*8-4
     NEXT X%
     REM Run:
     GCOL 4,0
       FOR X% = 1 TO dx%
         FOR Y% = 1 TO dy%
           S% = old&(X%-1,Y%) + old&(X%,Y%-1) + old&(X%-1,Y%-1) + old&(X%+1,Y%-1) + \
           \    old&(X%+1,Y%) + old&(X%,Y%+1) + old&(X%-1,Y%+1) + old&(X%+1,Y%+1)
           O% = old&(X%,Y%)
           N% = -(S%=3 OR (O%=1 AND S%=2))
           new&(X%,Y%) = N%
           IF N%<>O% PLOT X%*8-6, Y%*8-4
       NEXT X%
       SWAP old&(), new&()
       WAIT 30
     UNTIL FALSE</lang>


<lang fb>'FreeBASIC Conway's Game of Life 'May 2015 '

     grid  = 300  '480 by 480
     gridy = grid
     gridx = grid
     pointsize = 5 'pixels
     steps = 10

press$ = ""

     red = 4 'red is color 6
     white = 15 'color
     black = 0 'color
     'color 0 normaly is black
     'color 1 normaly is dark blue
     'color 2 normaly is green
      bot = 35 'this is 35 lines from the top of the page
     dim old( grid + 10, grid +10), new( grid +10, grid +10)

'Set blinker:

    ' old( 160, 160) =1: old( 160, 170) =1 : old( 160, 180) =1

'Set blinker:

    ' old( 160, 20) =1: old( 160, 30) =1 : old( 160, 40) =1

'Set blinker:

    ' old( 20, 20) =1: old( 20, 30) =1 : old( 20, 40) =1

'Set glider:

   '  old(  50,  70) =1: old(  60,  70) =1: old(  70,  70) =1
   ' old(  70,  60) =1: old(  60,  50) =1

' ' Thunderbird methuselah 'X = 59 : Y = 35 : H = 4 'c[X/2-1,Y/3+1] = 1 : c[X/2,Y/3+1] = 1 : c[X/2+1,Y/3+1] = 1 'c[X/2,Y/3+3] = 1 : c[X/2,Y/3+4] = 1 : c[X/2,Y/3+5] = 1

'xb = 59 : yb = 35 ' old( Xb/2-1,Yb/3+1) =1: old(Xb/2,Yb/3+1) =1: old(Xb/2+1,Yb/3+1) =1 ' old( Xb/2,Yb/3+3) =1: old(Xb/2,Yb/3+4) =1 :old(Xb/2,Yb/3+5) = 1 'r-pentomino ' old( 150,140) =1: old( 160,140) =1 ' old( 140,150) =1 :old( 150,150) =1 ' old( 150,160) =1

'Die Hard around 150 generations ' old( 150,140) =1: old(160,140) =1 : old(160,150) =1 ' old( 200,150) =1: old(210,150) =1 : old(210,130) = 1 : old(220,150) = 1

'Acorn around 450 generations ' it looks like this: ' 0X ' 000X ' XX00XXX

   old( 180,200) =1
   old( 200,210) =1
   old( 170,220) =1 :old( 180,220) =1 : old( 210,220) =1 : old( 220,220) =1 : old( 

230,220) =1

Screen 20 'Resolution 800x600 with at least 256 colors

color white line (10,10)-(gridx,gridy),,B 'box from top left to bottom right

Locate bot, 1 'Use a standard place on the bottom of the page color white print " Welcome to Conway's Game of Life" Print " Using a consrained playing field (300x300), the Acorn seed runs" print " for about 450 generations before it becomes stable (or stale)." print " Enter any key to start" beep sleep

Do ' flush the key input buffer

   press$ = Inkey

Loop Until press$ = "" print " "

'Draw initial grid

     for x = 10 to gridX step steps
       for y = 10 to gridY step steps
         color white 'old(x,y)
         if old(x,y) = 1 then circle (x, y), pointsize,,,,, F
       next y
     next x

' Locate bot, 1 color white print " Welcome to Conway's Game of Life" Print " Using a consrained playing field, the Acorn seed runs for " print " about 450 generations before it becomes stable (or stale)." color red print " Enter spacebar to continue or pause, ESC to stop" sleep ' Do ' flush the key input buffer

   press$ = Inkey

Loop Until press$ = ""

       press$ = INKEY
          gen = gen + 1
          locate bot+5,1
          color white
          print " Gen = "; gen
       for x = 10 to gridX step steps
         for y = 10 to gridY step steps
           'find number of live Moore neighbours
      neighbours = old( x - steps, y - steps) +old( x , y - steps) 
      neighbours = neighbours + old( x + steps, y -steps)
      neighbours = neighbours + old( x - steps, y) + old( x + steps, y) 
      neighbours = neighbours + old( x - steps, y + steps)
      neighbours = neighbours + old( x, y + steps) +old( x + steps, y + steps)
           was =old( x, y)
           if was =0 then
               if neighbours =3 then N =1 else N =0
               if neighbours =3  or neighbours =2 then N =1 else N =0
           end if
           new( x, y) = N
           if n = 2 then color white
           if n = 1 then color red
           if n = 0 then color black
           circle (x, y), pointsize,,,,, F
           if press$ = CHR$(27) goto 10
           if press$ = " " then 
              Do      ' flush the key input buffer
              press$ = Inkey
              Loop Until press$ = ""
            press$ = INKEY
         next y
       next x

color white line (10,10)-(gridx,gridy),,B 'box from top left to bottom right locate bot,1 ' 't = timer 'do 'loop until timer > t + .2

sleep 70 ' might not be slow enough '

       for x =10 to gridX step steps
         for y =10 to gridY step steps
           old( x, y) =new( x, y)
         next y
       next x

LOOP ' UNTIL press$ = CHR$(27) 'return to do loop up top until "esc" key is pressed.

10 color white locate bot+3,1 print " " 'clear instructions locate bot+6,1 Print " Press any key to exit " sleep End</lang>

Liberty BASIC

It will run slow for grids above say 25! <lang lb>

     gridX = 20
     gridY = gridX
     mult      =500 /gridX
     pointSize =360 /gridX
     dim old( gridX +1, gridY +1), new( gridX +1, gridY +1)

'Set blinker:

     old( 16, 16) =1: old( 16, 17) =1 : old( 16, 18) =1

'Set glider:

     old(  5,  7) =1: old(  6,  7) =1: old(  7,  7) =1
     old(  7,  6) =1: old(  6,  5) =1
     WindowWidth  =570
     WindowHeight =600
     open "Conway's 'Game of Life'." for graphics_nsb_nf as #w
     #w "trapclose [quit]"
     #w "down ; size "; pointSize
     #w "fill black"

'Draw initial grid

     for x = 1 to gridX
       for y = 1 to gridY
         '#w "color "; int( old( x, y) *256); " 0 255"
         if old( x, y) <>0 then #w "color red" else #w "color darkgray"
         #w "set "; x *mult +20; " "; y *mult +20
       next y
     next x

' ______________________________________________________________________________ 'Run

       for x =1 to gridX
         for y =1 to gridY
           'find number of live Moore neighbours
           neighbours =old( x -1, y -1) +old( x, y -1) +old( x +1, y -1)+_
                       old( x -1, y)                   +old( x +1, y   )+_
                       old( x -1, y +1) +old( x, y +1) +old( x +1, y +1)
           was =old( x, y)
           if was =0 then
               if neighbours =3 then N =1 else N =0
               if neighbours =3  or neighbours =2 then N =1 else N =0
           end if
           new( x, y) = N
           '#w "color "; int( N /8 *256); " 0 255"
           if N <>0 then #w "color red" else #w "color darkgray"
           #w "set "; x *mult +20; " "; y *mult +20
         next y
       next x


       for x =1 to gridX
         for y =1 to gridY
           old( x, y) =new( x, y)
         next y
       next x

'Re-run until interrupted...

     loop until FALSE

'User shutdown received

   close #w



<lang PureBasic>EnableExplicit Define.i x, y ,Xmax ,Ymax ,N Xmax = 13 : Ymax = 20 Dim world.i(Xmax+1,Ymax+1) Dim Nextworld.i(Xmax+1,Ymax+1)

Glider test
world(1,1)=1 : world(1,2)=0 : world(1,3)=0
world(2,1)=0 : world(2,2)=1 : world(2,3)=1
world(3,1)=1 : world(3,2)=1 : world(3,3)=0

OpenConsole() EnableGraphicalConsole(1) ClearConsole() Print("Press any key to interrupt") Repeat

 PrintN(LSet("", Xmax+2, "-"))
;---------- endless world ---------
 For y = 1 To Ymax
 For x = 1 To Xmax
 world(0     ,0     )=world(Xmax,Ymax)
 world(Xmax+1,Ymax+1)=world(1   ,1   )
 world(Xmax+1,0     )=world(1   ,Ymax)
 world(     0,Ymax+1)=world(Xmax,1   )
;---------- endless world ---------
 For y = 1 To Ymax
   For x = 1 To Xmax
     N = world(x-1,y-1)+world(x-1,y)+world(x-1,y+1)+world(x,y-1)
     N + world(x,y+1)+world(x+1,y-1)+world(x+1,y)+world(x+1,y+1)
     If (world(x,y) And (N = 2 Or N = 3))Or (world(x,y)=0 And N = 3)
 PrintN(LSet("", Xmax+2, "-"))
 ;Swap world() , Nextworld()    ;PB  <4.50
 CopyArray(Nextworld(), world());PB =>4.50
 Dim Nextworld.i(Xmax+1,Ymax+1) 

Until Inkey() <> ""

PrintN("Press any key to exit"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""</lang> Sample output:


This implementation is loosely based on the Processing Version. It uses the home screen and draws cells as "X"s. It is extremely slow, and limited to a bounding box of 16 by 8. In order for it to work, you need to initialize arrays [A] and [B] to be 18x10. <lang ti83b> PROGRAM:CONWAY

While 1
If [A](Y,X)
Output(X-1,Y-1," ")
If ([A](Y,X) and (N=2 or N=3)) or (not([A](Y,X)) and N=3)

</lang> Here is an additional, very simple program to input the top corner of the GRAPH screen into the starting array. Make sure to draw on pixels in the rectangle (1,1) to (8,16). <lang ti83b>PROGRAM:PIC2LIFE




This program draws its cells as 2x2 blocks on the graph screen. In order to avoid needing external storage for the previous generation, it uses the upper-left corner of each block to mark the next generation's state in all cells, then updates each cell to match its corner pixel.

A further improvement would be to have an option to start with the existing picture rather than clearing, and stop at a point where the picture has clean 2x2 blocks.

<lang ti89b>Define life(pattern) = Prgm

 Local x,y,nt,count,save,xl,yl,xh,yh
 Define nt(y,x) = when(pxlTest(y,x), 1, 0)
 setGraph("Axes", "Off")→save[1]
 setGraph("Grid", "Off")→save[2]
 setGraph("Labels", "Off")→save[3]
 If pattern = "blinker" Then
   PxlOn  36,80
   PxlOn  38,80
   PxlOn  40,80
 ElseIf pattern = "glider" Then
   PxlOn  38,76
   PxlOn  36,78
   PxlOn  36,80
   PxlOn  38,80
   PxlOn  40,80
 ElseIf pattern = "r" Then
   PxlOn  38,78
   PxlOn  36,82
   PxlOn  36,80
   PxlOn  38,80
   PxlOn  40,80
 While getKey() = 0
   © Expand upper-left corner to whole cell
   For y,yl,yh,2
     For x,xl,xh,2
       If pxlTest(y,x) Then
         PxlOn y+1,x
         PxlOn y+1,x+1
         PxlOn y,  x+1
         PxlOff y+1,x
         PxlOff y+1,x+1
         PxlOff y,  x+1
   © Compute next generation
   For y,yl,yh,2
     For x,xl,xh,2
       nt(y-1,x-1) + nt(y-1,x) + nt(y-1,x+2) + nt(y,x-1) + nt(y+1,x+2) + nt(y+2,x-1) + nt(y+2,x+1) + nt(y+2,x+2) → count
       If count = 3 Then
         PxlOn y,x
       ElseIf count ≠ 2 Then
         PxlOff y,x
 © Restore changed options
 setGraph("Axes", save[1])
 setGraph("Grid", save[2])
 setGraph("Labels", save[3])



A life-program written in Brainf***

With Example-Output.


Play game of life on your console: gcc -std=c99 -Wall game.c; ./a.out [width] [height] <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <unistd.h>
  1. define for_x for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
  2. define for_y for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
  3. define for_xy for_x for_y

void show(void *u, int w, int h) { int (*univ)[w] = u; printf("\033[H"); for_y { for_x printf(univ[y][x] ? "\033[07m \033[m" : " "); printf("\033[E"); } fflush(stdout); }

void evolve(void *u, int w, int h) { unsigned (*univ)[w] = u; unsigned new[h][w];

for_y for_x { int n = 0; for (int y1 = y - 1; y1 <= y + 1; y1++) for (int x1 = x - 1; x1 <= x + 1; x1++) if (univ[(y1 + h) % h][(x1 + w) % w]) n++;

if (univ[y][x]) n--; new[y][x] = (n == 3 || (n == 2 && univ[y][x])); } for_y for_x univ[y][x] = new[y][x]; }

void game(int w, int h) { unsigned univ[h][w]; for_xy univ[y][x] = rand() < RAND_MAX / 10 ? 1 : 0; while (1) { show(univ, w, h); evolve(univ, w, h); usleep(200000); } }

int main(int c, char **v) { int w = 0, h = 0; if (c > 1) w = atoi(v[1]); if (c > 2) h = atoi(v[2]); if (w <= 0) w = 30; if (h <= 0) h = 30; game(w, h); }</lang> Also see Conway's Game of Life/C


Considering that the simplest implementation in C++ would lack any use of the object-oriented paradigm, this code was specifically written to demonstrate the various object-oriented features of C++. Thus, while it is somewhat verbose, it fully simulates Conway's Game of Life and is relatively simple to expand to feature different starting shapes. <lang c>#include <iostream>

  1. define HEIGHT 4
  2. define WIDTH 4

struct Shape { public:

   char xCoord;
   char yCoord;
   char height;
   char width;
   char **figure;


struct Glider : public Shape {

   static const char GLIDER_SIZE = 3;
   Glider( char x , char y );


struct Blinker : public Shape {

   static const char BLINKER_HEIGHT = 3;
   static const char BLINKER_WIDTH = 1;
   Blinker( char x , char y );


class GameOfLife { public:

   GameOfLife( Shape sh );
   void print();
   void update();
   char getState( char state , char xCoord , char yCoord , bool toggle);
   void iterate(unsigned int iterations);


   char world[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
   char otherWorld[HEIGHT][WIDTH];
   bool toggle;
   Shape shape;


GameOfLife::GameOfLife( Shape sh ) :

   shape(sh) ,


   for ( char i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ ) {
       for ( char j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ ) {
           world[i][j] = '.';
   for ( char i = shape.yCoord; i - shape.yCoord < shape.height; i++ ) {
       for ( char j = shape.xCoord; j - shape.xCoord < shape.width; j++ ) {
           if ( i < HEIGHT && j < WIDTH ) {
               world[i][j] = 
                   shape.figure[ i - shape.yCoord ][j - shape.xCoord ];


void GameOfLife::print() {

   if ( toggle ) {
       for ( char i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ ) {
           for ( char j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ ) {
               std::cout << world[i][j];
           std::cout << std::endl;
   } else {
       for ( char i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ ) {
           for ( char j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ ) {
               std::cout << otherWorld[i][j];
           std::cout << std::endl;
   for ( char i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++ ) {
       std::cout << '=';
   std::cout << std::endl;


void GameOfLife::update() {

   if (toggle) {
       for ( char i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ ) {
           for ( char j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ ) {
               otherWorld[i][j] = 
                   GameOfLife::getState(world[i][j] , i , j , toggle);
       toggle = !toggle;
   } else {
       for ( char i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++ ) {
           for ( char j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++ ) {
               world[i][j] = 
                   GameOfLife::getState(otherWorld[i][j] , i , j , toggle);
       toggle = !toggle;


char GameOfLife::getState( char state, char yCoord, char xCoord, bool toggle ) {

   char neighbors = 0;
   if ( toggle ) {
       for ( char i = yCoord - 1; i <= yCoord + 1; i++ ) {
           for ( char j = xCoord - 1; j <= xCoord + 1; j++ ) {
               if ( i == yCoord && j == xCoord ) {
               if ( i > -1 && i < HEIGHT && j > -1 && j < WIDTH ) {
                   if ( world[i][j] == 'X' ) {
   } else {
       for ( char i = yCoord - 1; i <= yCoord + 1; i++ ) {
           for ( char j = xCoord - 1; j <= xCoord + 1; j++ ) {
               if ( i == yCoord && j == xCoord ) {
               if ( i > -1 && i < HEIGHT && j > -1 && j < WIDTH ) {
                   if ( otherWorld[i][j] == 'X' ) {
   if (state == 'X') {
       return ( neighbors > 1 && neighbors < 4 ) ? 'X' : '.';
   else {
       return ( neighbors == 3 ) ? 'X' : '.';


void GameOfLife::iterate( unsigned int iterations ) {

   for ( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ) {


Glider::Glider( char x , char y ) {

   xCoord = x;
   yCoord = y;
   height = GLIDER_SIZE;
   width = GLIDER_SIZE;
   figure = new char*[GLIDER_SIZE];
   for ( char i = 0; i < GLIDER_SIZE; i++ ) {
       figure[i] = new char[GLIDER_SIZE];
   for ( char i = 0; i < GLIDER_SIZE; i++ ) {
       for ( char j = 0; j < GLIDER_SIZE; j++ ) {
           figure[i][j] = '.';
   figure[0][1] = 'X';
   figure[1][2] = 'X';
   figure[2][0] = 'X';
   figure[2][1] = 'X';
   figure[2][2] = 'X';


Glider::~Glider() {

   for ( char i = 0; i < GLIDER_SIZE; i++ ) {
       delete[] figure[i];
   delete[] figure;


Blinker::Blinker( char x , char y ) {

   xCoord = x;
   yCoord = y;
   height = BLINKER_HEIGHT;
   width = BLINKER_WIDTH;
   figure = new char*[BLINKER_HEIGHT];
   for ( char i = 0; i < BLINKER_HEIGHT; i++ ) {
       figure[i] = new char[BLINKER_WIDTH];
   for ( char i = 0; i < BLINKER_HEIGHT; i++ ) {
       for ( char j = 0; j < BLINKER_WIDTH; j++ ) {
           figure[i][j] = 'X';


Blinker::~Blinker() {

   for ( char i = 0; i < BLINKER_HEIGHT; i++ ) {
       delete[] figure[i];
   delete[] figure;


int main() {

   Glider glider(0,0);
   GameOfLife gol(glider);
   Blinker blinker(1,0);
   GameOfLife gol2(blinker);

} </lang>


first a glider, then a blinker, over a few iterations

(reformatted for convenience).

.X.. .... .... .... ....
..X. X.X. ..X. .X.. ..X.
XXX. .XX. X.X. ..XX ...X
.... .X.. .XX. .XX. .XXX
==== ==== ==== ==== ====

.X.. .... .X.. 
.X.. XXX. .X..
.X.. .... .X..
.... .... ....
==== ==== ====

Alternate version

Another aproach - a pretty simple one.
This version allows you to start the automata with different set of rules. Just for the fun of it.


<lang cpp>

  1. include <algorithm>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <iostream>
  4. include <string>

typedef unsigned char byte;

class world { public:

   world( int x, int y ) : _wid( x ), _hei( y ) {
       int s = _wid * _hei * sizeof( byte );
       _cells = new byte[s];
       memset( _cells, 0, s );
   ~world() {
       delete [] _cells;
   int wid() const {
       return _wid;
   int hei() const {
       return _hei;
   byte at( int x, int y ) const {
       return _cells[x + y * _wid];
   void set( int x, int y, byte c ) {
       _cells[x + y * _wid] = c;
   void swap( world* w ) {
       memcpy( _cells, w->_cells, _wid * _hei * sizeof( byte ) );


   int _wid, _hei;
   byte* _cells;

}; class rule { public:

   rule( world* w ) : wrd( w ) {
       wid = wrd->wid();
       hei = wrd->hei();
       wrdT = new world( wid, hei );
   ~rule() {
       if( wrdT ) delete wrdT;
   bool hasLivingCells() {
       for( int y = 0; y < hei; y++ )
           for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ )
               if( wrd->at( x, y ) ) return true;
       std::cout << "*** All cells are dead!!! ***\n\n";
       return false;
   void swapWrds() {
       wrd->swap( wrdT );
   void setRuleB( std::vector<int>& birth ) {
       _birth = birth;
   void setRuleS( std::vector<int>& stay ) {
       _stay = stay;
   void applyRules() {
       int n;
       for( int y = 0; y < hei; y++ ) {
           for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ ) {
               n = neighbours( x, y );
               if( wrd->at( x, y ) ) {
                   wrdT->set( x, y, inStay( n ) ? 1 : 0 );
               } else {
                   wrdT->set( x, y, inBirth( n ) ? 1 : 0 );


   int neighbours( int xx, int yy ) {
       int n = 0, nx, ny;
       for( int y = -1; y < 2; y++ ) {
           for( int x = -1; x < 2; x++ ) {
               if( !x && !y ) continue;
               nx = ( wid + xx + x ) % wid;
               ny = ( hei + yy + y ) % hei;
               n += wrd->at( nx, ny ) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
       return n;
   bool inStay( int n ) {
       return( _stay.end() != find( _stay.begin(), _stay.end(), n ) );
   bool inBirth( int n ) {
       return( _birth.end() != find( _birth.begin(), _birth.end(), n ) );
   int wid, hei;
   world *wrd, *wrdT;
   std::vector<int> _stay, _birth;

}; class cellular { public:

   cellular( int w, int h ) : rl( 0 ) {
       wrd = new world( w, h );
   ~cellular() {
       if( rl ) delete rl;
       delete wrd;
   void start( int r ) {
       rl = new rule( wrd );
       gen = 1;
       std::vector<int> t;
       switch( r ) {
           case 1: // conway
               t.push_back( 2 ); t.push_back( 3 ); rl->setRuleS( t );
               t.clear(); t.push_back( 3 ); rl->setRuleB( t );
           case 2: // amoeba
               t.push_back( 1 ); t.push_back( 3 ); t.push_back( 5 ); t.push_back( 8 ); rl->setRuleS( t );
               t.clear(); t.push_back( 3 ); t.push_back( 5 ); t.push_back( 7 ); rl->setRuleB( t );
           case 3: // life34
               t.push_back( 3 ); t.push_back( 4 ); rl->setRuleS( t );
               rl->setRuleB( t );
           case 4: // maze
               t.push_back( 1 ); t.push_back( 2 ); t.push_back( 3 ); t.push_back( 4 ); t.push_back( 5 ); rl->setRuleS( t );
               t.clear(); t.push_back( 3 ); rl->setRuleB( t );
       /* just for test - shoud read from a file */
       /* GLIDER */
       wrd->set( 6, 1, 1 ); wrd->set( 7, 2, 1 );
       wrd->set( 5, 3, 1 ); wrd->set( 6, 3, 1 );
       wrd->set( 7, 3, 1 );
       /* BLINKER */
       wrd->set( 1, 3, 1 ); wrd->set( 2, 3, 1 );
       wrd->set( 3, 3, 1 );


   void display() {
       system( "cls" );
       int wid = wrd->wid(),
           hei = wrd->hei();
       std::cout << "+" << std::string( wid, '-' ) << "+\n";
       for( int y = 0; y < hei; y++ ) {
           std::cout << "|";
           for( int x = 0; x < wid; x++ ) {
               if( wrd->at( x, y ) ) std::cout << "#";
               else std::cout << ".";
           std::cout << "|\n";
       std::cout << "+" << std::string( wid, '-' ) << "+\n";
       std::cout << "Generation: " << gen << "\n\nPress [RETURN] for the next generation...";
   void generation() {
       do {
       while ( rl->hasLivingCells() );
   rule* rl;
   world* wrd;
   int gen; 


int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   cellular c( 20, 12 );
   std::cout << "\n\t*** CELLULAR AUTOMATA ***" << "\n\n Which one you want to run?\n\n\n";
   std::cout << " [1]\tConway's Life\n [2]\tAmoeba\n [3]\tLife 34\n [4]\tMaze\n\n > ";
   int o; 
   do {
       std::cin >> o;
   while( o < 1 || o > 4 );
   c.start( o );
   return system( "pause" );

} </lang>


+--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |......#.............| |....................| |....................| |....................| |.......#............| |..#..#.#............| |.......#............| |..#...#.............| |.###.###............| |..#...##............| |.###.#.#............| |..#....##...........| |....................| |..#...#.............| |......##............| |..#...##............| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| |....................| +--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+ Generation: 1 Generation: 2 Generation: 3 Generation: 4


<lang csharp> using System; using System.Text; using System.Threading;

namespace ConwaysGameOfLife {

   // Plays Conway's Game of Life on the console with a random initial state.
   class Program
       // The delay in milliseconds between board updates.
       private const int DELAY = 50;

       // The cell colors.
       private const ConsoleColor DEAD_COLOR = ConsoleColor.White;
       private const ConsoleColor LIVE_COLOR = ConsoleColor.Black;

       // The color of the cells that are off of the board.
       private const ConsoleColor EXTRA_COLOR = ConsoleColor.Gray;

       private const char EMPTY_BLOCK_CHAR = ' ';
       private const char FULL_BLOCK_CHAR = '\u2588';

       // Holds the current state of the board.
       private static bool[,] board;

       // The dimensions of the board in cells.
       private static int width = 32;
       private static int height = 32;

       // True if cell rules can loop around edges.
       private static bool loopEdges = true;

       static void Main(string[] args)
           // Use initializeRandomBoard for a larger, random board.


           // Run the game until the Escape key is pressed.
           while (!Console.KeyAvailable || Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) {

               // Wait for a bit between updates.

       // Sets up the Console.
       private static void initializeConsole()
           Console.BackgroundColor = EXTRA_COLOR;

           Console.CursorVisible = false;

           // Each cell is two characters wide.
           // Using an extra row on the bottom to prevent scrolling when drawing the board.
           int width = Math.Max(Program.width, 8) * 2 + 1;
           int height = Math.Max(Program.height, 8) + 1;
           Console.SetWindowSize(width, height);
           Console.SetBufferSize(width, height);

           Console.BackgroundColor = DEAD_COLOR;
           Console.ForegroundColor = LIVE_COLOR;

       // Creates the initial board with a random state.
       private static void initializeRandomBoard()
           var random = new Random();

           Program.board = new bool[Program.width, Program.height];
           for (var y = 0; y < Program.height; y++) {
               for (var x = 0; x < Program.width; x++) {
                   // Equal probability of being true or false.
                   Program.board[x, y] = random.Next(2) == 0;

       // Creates a 3x3 board with a blinker.
       private static void initializeDemoBoard()
           Program.width = 3;
           Program.height = 3;

           Program.loopEdges = false;

           Program.board = new bool[3, 3];
           Program.board[1, 0] = true;
           Program.board[1, 1] = true;
           Program.board[1, 2] = true;

       // Draws the board to the console.
       private static void drawBoard()
           // One Console.Write call is much faster than writing each cell individually.
           var builder = new StringBuilder();

           for (var y = 0; y < Program.height; y++) {
               for (var x = 0; x < Program.width; x++) {
                   char c = Program.board[x, y] ? FULL_BLOCK_CHAR : EMPTY_BLOCK_CHAR;

                   // Each cell is two characters wide.

           // Write the string to the console.
           Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
           Console.Write (builder.ToString());

       // Moves the board to the next state based on Conway's rules.
       private static void updateBoard()
           // A temp variable to hold the next state while it's being calculated.
           bool[,] newBoard = new bool[Program.width, Program.height];

           for (var y = 0; y < Program.height; y++) {
               for (var x = 0; x < Program.width; x++) {
                   var n = countLiveNeighbors(x, y);
                   var c = Program.board[x, y];

                   // A live cell dies unless it has exactly 2 or 3 live neighbors.
                   // A dead cell remains dead unless it has exactly 3 live neighbors.
                   newBoard[x, y] = c && (n == 2 || n == 3) || !c && n == 3;

           // Set the board to its new state.
           Program.board = newBoard;

       // Returns the number of live neighbors around the cell at position (x,y).
       private static int countLiveNeighbors(int x, int y)
           // The number of live neighbors.
           int value = 0;

           // This nested loop enumerates the 9 cells in the specified cells neighborhood.
           for (var j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
               // If loopEdges is set to false and y+j is off the board, continue.
               if (!Program.loopEdges && y + j < 0 || y + j >= Program.height) {

               // Loop around the edges if y+j is off the board.
               int k = (y + j + Program.height) % Program.height;

               for (var i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
                   // If loopEdges is set to false and x+i is off the board, continue.
                   if (!Program.loopEdges && x + i < 0 || x + i >= Program.width) {

                   // Loop around the edges if x+i is off the board.
                   int h = (x + i + Program.width) % Program.width;

                   // Count the neighbor cell at (h,k) if it is alive.
                   value += Program.board[h, k] ? 1 : 0;

           // Subtract 1 if (x,y) is alive since we counted it as a neighbor.
           return value - (Program.board[x, y] ? 1 : 0);



Output: <lang> Frame 1: Frame 2: Frame 3:


██████ ██ ██████




<lang chapel> config const gridHeight: int = 3; config const gridWidth: int = 3;

enum State { dead = 0, alive = 1 };

class ConwaysGameofLife {

 var gridDomain: domain(2);
 var computeDomain: subdomain( gridDomain );
 var grid: [gridDomain] int;
 proc ConwaysGameofLife( height: int, width: int ) {
   this.gridDomain = {0..#height+2, 0..#width+2};
   this.computeDomain = this.gridDomain.expand( -1 );
 proc step(){
   var tempGrid: [this.computeDomain] State;
   forall (i,j) in this.computeDomain {
     var isAlive = this.grid[i,j] == State.alive;
     var numAlive = (+ reduce this.grid[ i-1..i+1, j-1..j+1 ]) - if isAlive then 1 else 0;      
     tempGrid[i,j] = if ( (2 == numAlive && isAlive) || numAlive == 3 ) then State.alive else State.dead ;
   this.grid[this.computeDomain] = tempGrid;
 proc this( i: int, j: int ) ref : State {
   return this.grid[i,j];
 proc prettyPrint(): string {
   var str: string;
   for i in this.gridDomain.dim(1) {
     if i == 0 || i == gridDomain.dim(1).last {
       for j in this.gridDomain.dim(2) {
         str += "-";
     } else {
       for j in this.gridDomain.dim(2) {
         if j == 0 || j == this.gridDomain.dim(2).last {
           str += "|";
         } else {
           str += if this.grid[i,j] == State.alive then "#" else " ";
     str += "\n";
   return str;


proc main{

 var game = new ConwaysGameofLife( gridHeight, gridWidth );
 game[gridHeight/2 + 1, gridWidth/2     ] = State.alive;
 game[gridHeight/2 + 1, gridWidth/2 + 1 ] = State.alive;
 game[gridHeight/2 + 1, gridWidth/2 + 2 ] = State.alive;
 for i in 1..3 {
   writeln( game.prettyPrint() );

} </lang> Output:

|   |
|   |

| # |
| # |
| # |

|   |
|   |


Based on the implementation by Christophe Grand here: This implementation models the live cells as a set of coordinates. <lang lisp>(defn moore-neighborhood x y

 (for [dx [-1 0 1]
       dy [-1 0 1]
       :when (not (= [dx dy] [0 0]))]
   [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)]))

(defn step [set-of-cells]

 (set (for [[cell count] (frequencies (mapcat moore-neighborhood set-of-cells))
            :when (or (= 3 count)
                      (and (= 2 count) (contains? set-of-cells cell)))]

(defn print-world

 ([set-of-cells] (print-world set-of-cells 10))
 ([set-of-cells world-size]
    (let [r (range 0 (+ 1 world-size))]
      (pprint (for [y r] (apply str (for [x r] (if (set-of-cells [x y]) \# \.))))))))

(defn run-life [world-size num-steps set-of-cells]

 (loop [s num-steps 
        cells set-of-cells]
   (print-world cells world-size)
   (when (< 0 s) 
     (recur (- s 1) (step cells)))))

(def *blinker* #{[1 2] [2 2] [3 2]}) (def *glider* #{[1 0] [2 1] [0 2] [1 2] [2 2]}) </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun next-life (array &optional results)

 (let* ((dimensions (array-dimensions array))
        (results (or results (make-array dimensions :element-type 'bit))))
   (destructuring-bind (rows columns) dimensions
     (labels ((entry (row col)
                "Return array(row,col) for valid (row,col) else 0."
                (if (or (not (< -1 row rows))
                        (not (< -1 col columns)))
                  (aref array row col)))
              (neighbor-count (row col &aux (count 0))
                "Return the sum of the neighbors of (row,col)."
                (dolist (r (list (1- row) row (1+ row)) count)
                  (dolist (c (list (1- col) col (1+ col)))
                    (unless (and (eql r row) (eql c col))
                      (incf count (entry r c))))))
              (live-or-die? (current-state neighbor-count)
                (if (or (and (eql current-state 1)
                             (<=  2 neighbor-count 3))
                        (and (eql current-state 0)
                             (eql neighbor-count 3)))
       (dotimes (row rows results)
         (dotimes (column columns)
           (setf (aref results row column)
                 (live-or-die? (aref array row column)
                               (neighbor-count row column)))))))))

(defun print-grid (grid &optional (out *standard-output*))

 (destructuring-bind (rows columns) (array-dimensions grid)
   (dotimes (r rows grid)
     (dotimes (c columns (terpri out))
       (write-char (if (zerop (aref grid r c)) #\+ #\#) out)))))

(defun run-life (&optional world (iterations 10) (out *standard-output*))

 (let* ((world (or world (make-array '(10 10) :element-type 'bit)))
        (result (make-array (array-dimensions world) :element-type 'bit)))
   (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((eql i iterations) world)
     (terpri out) (print-grid world out)
     (psetq world (next-life world result)
            result world))))</lang>

<lang lisp>(run-life (make-array '(3 3)

                     :element-type 'bit
                     :initial-contents '((0 0 0) 
                                         (1 1 1)
                                         (0 0 0)))





A version using a sparse list of living cells rather than an explicit board.

<lang lisp>(defun moore-neighborhood (cell)

 (let ((r '(-1 0 1)))

(lambda (delta-x) (loop for delta-y in r unless (and (= delta-x 0) (= delta-y 0)) collect (cons (+ (car cell) delta-x) (+ (cdr cell) delta-y)))) r)))

(defun frequencies (cells)

 (let ((h (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
   (loop for c in cells
      if (gethash c h)
        do (incf (gethash c h))
      do (setf (gethash c h) 1))

(defun life-step (cells)

 (let ((f (frequencies (mapcan #'moore-neighborhood cells))))
   (loop for k being the hash-keys in f
      when (or 

(= (gethash k f) 3) (and (= (gethash k f) 2) (member k cells :test #'equal))) collect k)))

(defun print-world (live-cells &optional (world-size 10))

 (dotimes (y world-size)
   (dotimes (x world-size)
     (if (member (cons x y) live-cells :test #'equal)

(format t "X") (format t ".")))

   (format t "~%")))

(defun run-life (world-size steps cells)

 (print-world cells world-size)
 (format t "~%")
 (when (< 0 steps)
   (run-life world-size (- steps 1) (life-step cells))))

(defparameter *blinker* '((1 . 2) (2 . 2) (3 . 2))) (defparameter *glider* '((1 . 0) (2 . 1) (0 . 2) (1 . 2) (2 . 2)))</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm, std.array, std.conv;

struct GameOfLife {

 enum Cell : char { dead = ' ', alive = '#' }
 Cell[][] grid, newGrid;
 this(in int x, in int y) pure nothrow @safe {
   grid = new typeof(grid)(y + 2, x + 2);
   newGrid = new typeof(grid)(y + 2, x + 2);
 void opIndexAssign(in string[] v, in size_t y, in size_t x)
 pure /*nothrow*/ @safe /*@nogc*/ {
   foreach (immutable nr, row; v)
     foreach (immutable nc, state; row)
       grid[y + nr][x + nc] =!Cell;
 void iteration() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
   newGrid[0][] = Cell.dead;
   newGrid[$ - 1][] = Cell.dead;
   foreach (row; newGrid)
     row[0] = row[$ - 1] = Cell.dead;
   foreach (immutable r; 1 .. grid.length - 1)
     foreach (immutable c; 1 .. grid[0].length - 1) {
       uint count = 0;
       foreach (immutable i; -1 .. 2)
         foreach (immutable j; -1 .. 2)
           if (i != 0 || j != 0)
             count += grid[r + i][c + j] == Cell.alive;
       immutable a = count == 3 ||
                     (count == 2 && grid[r][c] == Cell.alive);
       newGrid[r][c] = a ? Cell.alive : Cell.dead;
 string toString() const pure /*nothrow @safe*/ {
   auto ret = "-".replicate(grid[0].length - 1) ~ "\n";
   foreach (const row; grid[1 .. $ - 1])
     ret ~= "|%(%c%)|\n".format(row[1 .. $ - 1]);
   return ret ~ "-".replicate(grid[0].length - 1);


void main() /*@safe*/ {

 immutable glider1 = ["  #", "# #", " ##"];
 immutable glider2 = ["#  ", "# #", "## "];
 auto uni = GameOfLife(60, 20);
 uni[3,  2] = glider1;
 uni[3, 15] = glider2;
 uni[3, 19] = glider1;
 uni[3, 32] = glider2;
 uni[5, 50] = [" #  #", "#  ", "#   #", "#### "];
 foreach (immutable _; 0 .. 20) {


Output, first iteration:
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|   #          #     #          #                            |
| # #          # # # #          # #                          |
|  ##          ##   ##          ##                 #  #      |
|                                                 #          |
|                                                 #   #      |
|                                                 ####       |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                                            |

Faster Version

Same output. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm, std.typetuple,

      std.array, std.conv;

struct GameOfLife {

 enum Cell : char { dead = ' ', alive = '#' }
 Cell[] grid, newGrid;
 immutable size_t nCols;
 this(in int nx, in int ny) pure nothrow @safe {
   nCols = nx + 2;
   grid = new typeof(grid)(nCols * (ny + 2));
   newGrid = new typeof(grid)(grid.length);
 void opIndexAssign(in string[] v, in size_t y, in size_t x)
 pure /*nothrow*/ @safe /*@nogc*/ {
   foreach (immutable nr, const row; v)
     foreach (immutable nc, immutable state; row)
       grid[(y + nr) * nCols + x + nc] =!Cell;
 void iteration() pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
   newGrid[0 .. nCols] = Cell.dead;
   newGrid[$ - nCols .. $] = Cell.dead;
   foreach (immutable nr; 1 .. (newGrid.length / nCols) - 1) {
     newGrid[nr * nCols + 0] = Cell.dead;
     newGrid[nr * nCols + nCols - 1] = Cell.dead;
   foreach (immutable nr; 1 .. (grid.length / nCols) - 1) {
     size_t nr_nCols = nr * nCols;
     foreach (immutable nc; 1 .. nCols - 1) {
       uint count = 0;
       /*static*/ foreach (immutable i; TypeTuple!(-1, 0, 1))
         /*static*/ foreach (immutable j; TypeTuple!(-1, 0, 1))
           static if (i != 0 || j != 0)
             count += (grid[nr_nCols + i * nCols + nc + j] == Cell.alive);
       immutable a = count == 3 ||
                     (count == 2 && grid[nr_nCols + nc] == Cell.alive);
       newGrid[nr_nCols + nc] = a ? Cell.alive : Cell.dead;
   swap(grid, newGrid);
 string toString() const pure /*nothrow @safe*/ {
   string ret = "-".replicate(nCols - 1) ~ "\n";
   foreach (immutable nr; 1 .. (grid.length / nCols) - 1)
     ret ~= "|%(%c%)|\n".format(grid[nr * nCols + 1 .. nr * nCols + nCols - 1]);
   return ret ~ "-".replicate(nCols - 1);


void main() {

 immutable glider1 = ["  #", "# #", " ##"];
 immutable glider2 = ["#  ", "# #", "## "];
 auto uni = GameOfLife(60, 20);
 uni[3,  2] = glider1;
 uni[3, 15] = glider2;
 uni[3, 19] = glider1;
 uni[3, 32] = glider2;
 uni[5, 50] = [" #  #", "#  ", "#   #", "#### "];
 foreach (immutable _; 0 .. 20) {



<lang dart>/**

  • States of a cell. A cell is either [ALIVE] or [DEAD].
  • The state contains its [symbol] for printing.
  • /

class State {

 const State(this.symbol);
 static final ALIVE = const State('#');
 static final DEAD = const State(' ');
 final String symbol;



  • The "business rule" of the game. Depending on the count of neighbours,
  • the [cellState] changes.
  • /

class Rule {

 reactToNeighbours(int neighbours) {
   if (neighbours == 3) {
     cellState = State.ALIVE;
   } else if (neighbours != 2) {
     cellState = State.DEAD;
 var cellState;



  • A coordinate on the [Grid].
  • /

class Point {

 const Point(this.x, this.y);
 operator +(other) => new Point(x + other.x, y + other.y);
 final int x;
 final int y;



  • List of the relative indices of the 8 cells around a cell.
  • /

class Neighbourhood {

 List<Point> points() {
   return [
     new Point(LEFT, UP), new Point(MIDDLE, UP), new Point(RIGHT, UP),
     new Point(LEFT, SAME), new Point(RIGHT, SAME),
     new Point(LEFT, DOWN), new Point(MIDDLE, DOWN), new Point(RIGHT, DOWN)
 static final LEFT = -1;
 static final MIDDLE = 0;
 static final RIGHT = 1;
 static final UP = -1;
 static final SAME = 0;
 static final DOWN = 1;



  • The grid is an endless, two-dimensional [field] of cell [State]s.
  • /

class Grid {

 Grid(this.xCount, this.yCount) {
   _field = new Map();
   _neighbours = new Neighbourhood().points();
 set(point, state) {
   _field[_pos(point)] = state;
 State get(point) {
   var state = _field[_pos(point)];
   return state != null ? state : State.DEAD;
 int countLiveNeighbours(point) =>
   _neighbours.filter((offset) => get(point + offset) == State.ALIVE).length;
 _pos(point) => '${(point.x + xCount) % xCount}:${(point.y + yCount) % yCount}';
 print() {
   var sb = new StringBuffer();
   iterate((point) { sb.add(get(point).symbol); }, (x) { sb.add("\n"); });
   return sb.toString();
 iterate(eachCell, [finishedRow]) {
   for (var x = 0; x < xCount; x++) {
     for (var y = 0; y < yCount; y++) {
        eachCell(new Point(x, y));
     if(finishedRow != null) {
 final xCount, yCount;
 List<Point> _neighbours;
 Map<String, State> _field;



  • The game updates the [grid] in each step using the [Rule].
  • /

class Game {

 tick() {
   var newGrid = createNewGrid();
   grid.iterate((point) {
     var rule = new Rule(grid.get(point));
     newGrid.set(point, rule.cellState);
   grid = newGrid;
 createNewGrid() => new Grid(grid.xCount, grid.yCount);
 printGrid() => print(grid.print());
 Grid grid;


main() {

 // Run the GoL with a blinker.


runBlinker() {

 var game = new Game(createBlinkerGrid());
 for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {


createBlinkerGrid() {

 var grid = new Grid(4, 4);
 return grid;


loadBlinker(grid) => blinkerPoints().forEach((point) => grid.set(point, State.ALIVE));

blinkerPoints() => [new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(2, 1)];</lang>

Test cases driving the design of this code: <lang dart>#import('<path to sdk>/lib/unittest/unittest.dart');

main() {

 group('rules', () {
   test('should let living but lonely cell die', () {
     var rule = new Rule(State.ALIVE);
     expect(rule.cellState, State.DEAD);
   test('should let proper cell live on', () {
     var rule = new Rule(State.ALIVE);
     expect(rule.cellState, State.ALIVE);
   test('should let dead cell with three neighbours be reborn', () {
     var rule = new Rule(State.DEAD);
     expect(rule.cellState, State.ALIVE);
   test('should let living cell with too many neighbours die', () {
     var rule = new Rule(State.ALIVE);
     expect(rule.cellState, State.DEAD);
 group('grid', () {
   var origin = new Point(0, 0);
   test('should have state', () {
     var grid = new Grid(1, 1);
     expect(grid.get(origin), State.DEAD);
     grid.set(origin, State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.get(origin), State.ALIVE);
   test('should have dimension', () {
     var grid = new Grid(2, 3);
     expect(grid.get(origin), State.DEAD);
     grid.set(origin, State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.get(origin), State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.get(new Point(1, 2)), State.DEAD);
     grid.set(new Point(1, 2), State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.get(new Point(1, 2)), State.ALIVE);
   test('should be endless', () {
     var grid = new Grid(2, 4);
     grid.set(new Point(2, 4), State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.get(origin), State.ALIVE);
     grid.set(new Point(-1, -1), State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.get(new Point(1, 3)), State.ALIVE);
   test('should print itself', () {
     var grid = new Grid(1, 2);
     grid.set(new Point(0, 1), State.ALIVE);
     expect(grid.print(), " #\n");
 group('game', () {
   test('should exists', () {
    var game = new Game(null);
    expect(game, isNotNull);
   test('should create a new grid when ticked', () {
     var grid = new Grid(1, 1);
     var game = new Game(grid);
     expect(game.grid !== grid);
   test('should have a grid with the same dimension after tick', (){
     var game = new Game(new Grid(2, 3));
     expect(game.grid.xCount, 2);
     expect(game.grid.yCount, 3);
   test('should apply rules to middle cell', (){
     var grid = new Grid(3, 3);
     grid.set(new Point(1, 1), State.ALIVE);
     var game = new Game(grid);
     expect(game.grid.get(new Point(1, 1)), State.DEAD);
     grid.set(new Point(0, 0), State.ALIVE);
     grid.set(new Point(1, 0), State.ALIVE);
     game = new Game(grid);
     expect(game.grid.get(new Point(1, 1)), State.ALIVE);
   test('should apply rules to all cells', (){
     var grid = new Grid(3, 3);
     grid.set(new Point(0, 1), State.ALIVE);
     grid.set(new Point(1, 0), State.ALIVE);
     grid.set(new Point(1, 1), State.ALIVE);
     var game = new Game(grid);
     expect(game.grid.get(new Point(0, 0)), State.ALIVE);







Just does three generations of a blinker in a dead-boundary grid, as specified. (User:Kevin Reid has graphical and wrapping versions.)

<lang e>def gridWidth := 3 def gridHeight := 3 def X := 0..!gridWidth def Y := 0..!gridHeight

def makeFlexList := <elib:tables.makeFlexList> def makeGrid() {

 def storage := makeFlexList.fromType(<type:java.lang.Boolean>, gridWidth * gridHeight)
 storage.setSize(gridWidth * gridHeight)
 def grid {
   to __printOn(out) {
     for y in Y {
       for x in X {
         out.print(grid[x, y].pick("#", " "))
   to get(xb :int, yb :int) {
     return if (xb =~ x :X && yb =~ y :Y) {
       storage[y * gridWidth + x]
     } else {
   to put(x :X, y :Y, c :boolean) { 
     storage[y * gridWidth + x] := c
 return grid


def mooreNeighborhood := [[-1,-1],[0,-1],[1,-1],[-1,0],[1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1]] def computeNextLife(prevGrid, nextGrid) {

 for y in Y {
   for x in X {
     var neighbors := 0
     for [nx, ny] ? (prevGrid[x+nx, y+ny]) in mooreNeighborhood {
       neighbors += 1
     def self := prevGrid[x, y]
     nextGrid[x, y] := (self && neighbors == 2 || neighbors == 3)


var currentFrame := makeGrid() var nextFrame := makeGrid() currentFrame[1, 0] := true currentFrame[1, 1] := true currentFrame[1, 2] := true

for _ in 1..3 {

 def frame := nextFrame
 computeNextLife(currentFrame, frame)
 nextFrame := currentFrame
 currentFrame := frame



Library: Ecere

<lang eC> import "ecere"

define seed = 12345; define popInit = 1000; define width = 100; define height = 100; define cellWidth = 4; define cellHeight = 4;

Array<byte> grid { size = width * height }; Array<byte> newState { size = width * height };

class GameOfLife : Window {

  caption = $"Conway's Game of Life";
  background = lightBlue;
  borderStyle = sizable;
  hasMaximize = true;
  hasMinimize = true;
  hasClose = true;
  clientSize = { width * cellWidth, height * cellHeight };
  Timer tickTimer
     delay = 0.05, started = true, userData = this;
     bool DelayExpired()
        int y, x, ix = 0;
        for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
           for(x = 0; x < width; x++, ix++)
              int nCount = 0;
              byte alive;
              if(x > 0       && y > 0        && grid[ix - width - 1]) nCount++;
              if(               y > 0        && grid[ix - width    ]) nCount++;
              if(x < width-1 && y > 0        && grid[ix - width + 1]) nCount++;
              if(x > 0                       && grid[ix         - 1]) nCount++;
              if(x < width - 1               && grid[ix         + 1]) nCount++;
              if(x > 0       && y < height-1 && grid[ix + width - 1]) nCount++;
              if(               y < height-1 && grid[ix + width    ]) nCount++;
              if(x < width-1 && y < height-1 && grid[ix + width + 1]) nCount++;
                 alive = nCount >= 2 && nCount <= 3; // Death
                 alive = nCount == 3; // Birth
              newState[ix] = alive;
        memcpy(grid.array, newState.array, width * height);
        return true;
  void OnRedraw(Surface surface)
     int x, y;
     int ix = 0;
     surface.background = navy;
     for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
        for(x = 0; x < width; x++, ix++)
              int sy = y * cellHeight;
              int sx = x * cellWidth;
              surface.Area(sx, sy, sx + cellWidth-1, sy + cellHeight-1);
  bool OnCreate()
     int i;
     for(i = 0; i < popInit; i++)
        int x = GetRandom(0, width-1);
        int y = GetRandom(0, height-1);
        grid[y * width + x] = 1;
     return true;


GameOfLife life {}; </lang>


<lang Erlang>



-define(CHAR_DEAD, 32).  % " " -define(CHAR_ALIVE, 111).  % "o" -define(CHAR_BAR, 45).  % "-"

-define(GEN_INTERVAL, 100).

-record(state, {x  :: non_neg_integer()

              ,y            :: non_neg_integer()
              ,n            :: pos_integer()
              ,bar          :: nonempty_string()
              ,board        :: array()
              ,gen_count    :: pos_integer()
              ,gen_duration :: non_neg_integer()
              ,print_time   :: non_neg_integer()

%% ============================================================================ %% API %% ============================================================================

bang(Args) ->

   [X, Y] = [atom_to_integer(A) || A <- Args],
   {Time, Board} = timer:tc(fun() -> init_board(X, Y) end),
   State = #state{x            = X
                 ,y            = Y
                 ,n            = X * Y
                 ,bar          = [?CHAR_BAR || _ <- lists:seq(1, X)]
                 ,board        = Board
                 ,gen_count    = 1  % Consider inital state to be generation 1
                 ,gen_duration = Time
                 ,print_time   = 0  % There was no print time yet

%% ============================================================================ %% Internal %% ============================================================================


   #state{x            = X
         ,y            = Y
         ,n            = N
         ,bar          = Bar
         ,board        = Board
         ,gen_count    = GenCount
         ,gen_duration = Time
         ,print_time   = LastPrintTime
   }=State) ->
   {PrintTime, ok} = timer:tc(
       fun() ->
           do_print_screen(Board, Bar, X, Y, N, GenCount, Time, LastPrintTime)
   {NewTime, NewBoard} = timer:tc(
       fun() ->
           next_generation(X, Y, Board)
   NewState = State#state{board        = NewBoard
                         ,gen_count    = GenCount + 1
                         ,gen_duration = NewTime
                         ,print_time   = PrintTime
   NewTimeMil = NewTime / 1000,
   NextGenDelay = at_least_zero(round(?GEN_INTERVAL - NewTimeMil)),

at_least_zero(Integer) when Integer >= 0 -> Integer; at_least_zero(_) -> 0.

do_print_screen(Board, Bar, X, Y, N, GenCount, Time, PrintTime) ->

   ok = do_print_status(Bar, X, Y, N, GenCount, Time, PrintTime),
   ok = do_print_board(Board).

do_print_status(Bar, X, Y, N, GenCount, TimeMic, PrintTimeMic) ->

   TimeSec = TimeMic / 1000000,
   PrintTimeSec = PrintTimeMic / 1000000,
   ok = io:format("~s~n", [Bar]),
   ok = io:format(
       "X: ~b Y: ~b CELLS: ~b GENERATION: ~b DURATION: ~f PRINT TIME: ~f~n",
       [X, Y, N, GenCount, TimeSec, PrintTimeSec]
   ok = io:format("~s~n", [Bar]).

do_print_board(Board) ->

   % It seems that just doing a fold should be faster than map + to_list
   % combo, but, after measuring several times, map + to_list has been
   % consistently (nearly twice) faster than either foldl or foldr.
   RowStrings = array:to_list(
           fun(_, Row) ->
                       fun(_, State) ->
   ok = lists:foreach(
       fun(RowString) ->
           ok = io:format("~s~n", [RowString])

state_to_char(0) -> ?CHAR_DEAD; state_to_char(1) -> ?CHAR_ALIVE.

next_generation(W, H, Board) ->

       fun(Y, Row) ->
               fun(X, State) ->
                   Neighbors = filter_offsides(H, W, neighbors(X, Y)),
                   States = neighbor_states(Board, Neighbors),
                   LiveNeighbors = lists:sum(States),
                   new_state(State, LiveNeighbors)

new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors < 2 -> 0; new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors < 4 -> 1; new_state(1, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors > 3 -> 0; new_state(0, LiveNeighbors) when LiveNeighbors =:= 3 -> 1; new_state(State, _LiveNeighbors) -> State.

neighbor_states(Board, Neighbors) ->

   [array:get(X, array:get(Y, Board)) || {X, Y} <- Neighbors].

filter_offsides(H, W, Coordinates) ->

   [{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- Coordinates, is_onside(X, Y, H, W)].

is_onside(X, Y, H, W) when (X >= 0) and (Y >= 0) and (X < W) and (Y < H) -> true; is_onside(_, _, _, _) -> false.

neighbors(X, Y) ->

   [{X + OffX, Y + OffY} || {OffX, OffY} <- offsets()].

offsets() ->

   [offset(D) || D <- directions()].

offset('N') -> { 0, -1}; offset('NE') -> { 1, -1}; offset('E') -> { 1, 0}; offset('SE') -> { 1, 1}; offset('S') -> { 0, 1}; offset('SW') -> {-1, 1}; offset('W') -> {-1, 0}; offset('NW') -> {-1, -1}.

directions() ->

   ['N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'].

init_board(X, Y) ->

   array:map(fun(_, _) -> init_row(X) end, array:new(Y)).

init_row(X) ->

   array:map(fun(_, _) -> init_cell_state() end, array:new(X)).

init_cell_state() ->

   crypto:rand_uniform(0, 2).

atom_to_integer(Atom) ->




The following F# implementation uses

for visualization and is easily compiled into a standalone executable:

<lang fsharp>let count (a: _ [,]) x y =

 let m, n = a.GetLength 0, a.GetLength 1
 let mutable c = 0
 for x in x-1..x+1 do
   for y in y-1..y+1 do
     if x>=0 && x<m && y>=0 && y<n && a.[x, y] then
       c <- c + 1
 if a.[x, y] then c-1 else c

let rule (a: _ [,]) x y =

 match a.[x, y], count a x y with
 | true, (2 | 3) | false, 3 -> true
 | _ -> false

open System.Windows open System.Windows.Media.Imaging

[<System.STAThread>] do

 let rand = System.Random()
 let n = 256
 let game = Array2D.init n n (fun _ _ -> rand.Next 2 = 0) |> ref
 let image = Controls.Image(Stretch=Media.Stretch.Uniform)
 let format = Media.PixelFormats.Gray8
 let pixel = Array.create (n*n) 0uy
 let update _ =
   game := rule !game |> Array2D.init n n
   for x in 0..n-1 do
     for y in 0..n-1 do
       pixel.[x+y*n] <- if (!game).[x, y] then 255uy else 0uy
   image.Source <-
     BitmapSource.Create(n, n, 1.0, 1.0, format, null, pixel, n)
 Media.CompositionTarget.Rendering.Add update
 Window(Content=image, Title="Game of Life")
 |> (Application()).Run |> ignore</lang>


gencell uses an optimization for the core Game of Life rules: new state = (old state | neighbors == 3).

<lang forth> \ The fast wrapping requires dimensions that are powers of 2.

1 6 lshift constant w \ 64
1 4 lshift constant h \ 16

: rows    w * 2* ;
1 rows constant row
h rows constant size

create world size allot
world   value old
old w + value new

variable gens
: clear  world size erase     0 gens ! ;
: age  new old to new to old  1 gens +! ;

: col+  1+ ;
: col-  1- dup w and + ; \ avoid borrow into row
: row+  row + ;
: row-  row - ;
: wrap ( i -- i ) [ size w - 1- ] literal and ;
: w@ ( i -- 0/1 ) wrap old + c@ ;
: w! ( 0/1 i -- ) wrap old + c! ;

: foreachrow ( xt -- )
  size 0 do  I over execute  row +loop drop ;

: showrow ( i -- ) cr
  old + w over + swap do I c@ if [char] * else bl then emit loop ;
: show  ['] showrow foreachrow  cr ." Generation " gens @ . ;

: sum-neighbors ( i -- i n )
  dup  col- row- w@
  over      row- w@ +
  over col+ row- w@ +
  over col-      w@ +
  over col+      w@ +
  over col- row+ w@ +
  over      row+ w@ +
  over col+ row+ w@ + ;
: gencell ( i -- )
  sum-neighbors  over old + c@
  or 3 = 1 and   swap new + c! ;
: genrow ( i -- )
  w over + swap do I gencell loop ;
: gen  ['] genrow foreachrow  age ;

: life  begin gen 0 0 at-xy show key? until ;
\ patterns
char | constant '|'
: pat ( i addr len -- )
  rot dup 2swap  over + swap do
    I c@ '|' = if drop row+ dup else
    I c@ bl  = 1+ over w!  col+ then
  loop 2drop ;

: blinker s" ***" pat ;
: toad s" ***| ***" pat ;
: pentomino s" **| **| *" pat ;
: pi s" **| **|**" pat ;
: glider s"  *|  *|***" pat ;
: pulsar s" *****|*   *" pat ;
: ship s"  ****|*   *|    *|   *" pat ;
: pentadecathalon s" **********" pat ;
: clock s"  *|  **|**|  *" pat ;
clear  0 glider show

Generation 0  ok
gen show

* *
Generation 1  ok</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran> PROGRAM LIFE_2D


  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: gridsize = 10
  LOGICAL :: cells(0:gridsize+1,0:gridsize+1) = .FALSE.
  INTEGER :: i, j, generation=0
  REAL :: rnums(gridsize,gridsize)

!  Start patterns
!  **************
!  cells(2,1:3) = .TRUE.                                                  ! Blinker
!  cells(3,4:6) = .TRUE. ; cells(4,3:5) = .TRUE.                          ! Toad
!  cells(1,2) = .TRUE. ; cells(2,3) = .TRUE. ; cells(3,1:3) = .TRUE.      ! Glider
   cells(3:5,3:5) = .TRUE. ; cells(6:8,6:8) = .TRUE.                      ! Figure of Eight
!  WHERE (rnums>0.6) cells(1:gridsize,1:gridsize) = .TRUE.                ! Random universe
  CALL Drawgen(cells(1:gridsize, 1:gridsize), generation)
  DO generation = 1, 8
     CALL Nextgen(cells)
     CALL Drawgen(cells(1:gridsize, 1:gridsize), generation)


  SUBROUTINE Drawgen(cells, gen)
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: cells(:,:)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: gen

    WRITE(*, "(A,I0)") "Generation ", gen 
    DO i = 1, SIZE(cells,1)
       DO j = 1, SIZE(cells,2)
          IF (cells(i,j)) THEN
             WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE = "NO") "#"
             WRITE(*, "(A)", ADVANCE = "NO") " "
          END IF
       END DO
    END DO

 SUBROUTINE Nextgen(cells)
    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: cells(0:,0:)
    LOGICAL :: buffer(0:SIZE(cells, 1)-1, 0:SIZE(cells, 2)-1)
    INTEGER :: neighbours, i, j
    buffer = cells   ! Store current status
    DO i = 1, SIZE(cells, 1)-2
       DO j = 1, SIZE(cells, 2)-2
         if(buffer(i, j)) then
           neighbours = sum(count(buffer(i-1:i+1, j-1:j+1), 1)) - 1
           neighbours = sum(count(buffer(i-1:i+1, j-1:j+1), 1))
         end if
         SELECT CASE(neighbours)
           CASE (0:1, 4:8)
              cells(i,j) = .FALSE.
           CASE (2)
              ! No change
           CASE (3)
              cells(i,j) = .TRUE.
         END SELECT
       END DO
    END DO

 Generation 0
 Generation 1
 Generation 2
Figure of Eight (a period eight oscillator)
 Generation 0
 Generation 1
   # #      
  #   #     
   #   #    
    #   #   
     #   #  
      # #   
 Generation 2
  ### #     
   #   #    
    #   #   
     # ###  
 Generation 3
  #   #     
  #  # #    
    # #  #  
     #   #  
 Generation 4
  # ##      
 ###  #     
   # # #    
    # # #   
     #  ### 
      ## #  
 Generation 5
 #   #      
 #    #     
   # # #    
    # # #   
     #    # 
      #   # 
 Generation 6
  # ###     
    ## #    
    # ##    
     ### #  
 Generation 7
   ## #     
     # ##   
 Generation 8


<lang funl>import lists.zipWithIndex import util.Regex

data Rule( birth, survival )

val Mirek = Regex( '([0-8]+)/([0-8]+)' ) val Golly = Regex( 'B([0-8]+)/S([0-8]+)' )

def decode( rule ) =

 def makerule( b, s ) = Rule( [int(d) | d <- b], [int(d) | d <- s] )
 case rule
   Mirek( s, b ) -> makerule( b, s )
   Golly( b, s ) -> makerule( b, s )
   _ -> error( "unrecognized rule: $rule" )

def fate( state, crowding, rule ) = crowding in rule( int(state) )

def crowd( buffer, x, y ) =

 res = 0
 def neighbour( x, y ) =
   if x >= 0 and x < N and y >= 0 and y < N
     res += int( buffer(x, y) )
 for i <- x-1..x+1
   neighbour( i, y - 1 )
   neighbour( i, y + 1 )
 neighbour( x - 1, y )
 neighbour( x + 1, y )

def display( buffer ) =

 for j <- 0:N
   for i <- 0:N
     print( if buffer(i, j) then '*' else '\u00b7' )

def generation( b1, b2, rule ) =

 for i <- 0:N, j <- 0:N
   b2(i, j) = fate( b1(i, j), crowd(b1, i, j), rule )

def pattern( p, b, x, y ) =

 for (r, j) <- zipWithIndex( list(WrappedString(p).stripMargin().split('\n')).drop(1).dropRight(1) )
   for i <- 0:r.length()
     b(x + i, y + j) = r(i) == '*'

var current = 0 val LIFE = decode( '23/3' ) val N = 4 val buffers = (array( N, N, (_, _) -> false ), array( N, N ))

def reset =

 for i <- 0:N, j <- 0:N
   buffers(0)(i, j) = false
 current = 0

def iteration =

 display( buffers(current) )
 generation( buffers(current), buffers(current = (current + 1)%2), LIFE )
 println( 5'-' )

// two patterns to be tested blinker =


glider =

 | *
 |  *

// load "blinker" pattern and run for three generations pattern( blinker, buffers(0), 0, 0 )

repeat 3


// clear grid, load "glider" pattern and run for five generations reset() pattern( glider, buffers(0), 0, 0 )

repeat 5



<lang go>package main

import ( "bytes" "fmt" "math/rand" "time" )

type Field struct { s [][]bool w, h int }

func NewField(w, h int) Field { s := make([][]bool, h) for i := range s { s[i] = make([]bool, w) } return Field{s: s, w: w, h: h} }

func (f Field) Set(x, y int, b bool) { f.s[y][x] = b }

func (f Field) Next(x, y int) bool { on := 0 for i := -1; i <= 1; i++ { for j := -1; j <= 1; j++ { if f.State(x+i, y+j) && !(j == 0 && i == 0) { on++ } } } return on == 3 || on == 2 && f.State(x, y) }

func (f Field) State(x, y int) bool { for y < 0 { y += f.h } for x < 0 { x += f.w } return f.s[y%f.h][x%f.w] }

type Life struct { w, h int a, b Field }

func NewLife(w, h int) *Life { a := NewField(w, h) for i := 0; i < (w * h / 2); i++ { a.Set(rand.Intn(w), rand.Intn(h), true) } return &Life{ a: a, b: NewField(w, h), w: w, h: h, } }

func (l *Life) Step() { for y := 0; y < l.h; y++ { for x := 0; x < l.w; x++ { l.b.Set(x, y, l.a.Next(x, y)) } } l.a, l.b = l.b, l.a }

func (l *Life) String() string { var buf bytes.Buffer for y := 0; y < l.h; y++ { for x := 0; x < l.w; x++ { b := byte(' ') if l.a.State(x, y) { b = '*' } buf.WriteByte(b) } buf.WriteByte('\n') } return buf.String() }

func main() { l := NewLife(80, 15) for i := 0; i < 300; i++ { l.Step() fmt.Print("\x0c") fmt.Println(l) time.Sleep(time.Second / 30) } }</lang> Running this program will compute and draw the first 300 "frames". The final frame looks like this:

        ** ****        *                                                        
         * **                                                                   
          *                                         **                          
*                                                  *  *                         
 *                   **        ****                 **                         *
  *                  **       *  **                                             
  *                      **        *                                            
                         **      *                                              
  ****              *        *                                     **         * 
 ***   **           *         ** ****                             *  *        **
* **     *  **      *              **                              **           
  *    *** ***                                                                  
            * **                                                                
         **   **       **                                                       
         ** *  *      * *                                                       


<lang Groovy> class GameOfLife {

int generations int dimensions def board

GameOfLife(generations = 5, dimensions = 5) { this.generations = generations this.dimensions = dimensions this.board = createBlinkerBoard() }

static def createBlinkerBoard() { [ [].withDefault{0}, [0,0,1].withDefault{0}, [0,0,1].withDefault{0}, [0,0,1].withDefault{0} ].withDefault{[]} }

static def createGliderBoard() { [ [].withDefault{0}, [0,0,1].withDefault{0}, [0,0,0,1].withDefault{0}, [0,1,1,1].withDefault{0} ].withDefault{[]} }

static def getValue(board, point) { def x,y (x,y) = point if(x < 0 || y < 0) { return 0 } board[x][y] ? 1 : 0 }

static def countNeighbors(board, point) { def x,y (x,y) = point def neighbors = 0 neighbors += getValue(board, [x-1,y-1]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x-1,y]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x-1,y+1]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x,y-1]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x,y+1]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x+1,y-1]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x+1,y]) neighbors += getValue(board, [x+1,y+1]) neighbors }

static def conwaysRule(currentValue, neighbors) { def newValue = 0 if(neighbors == 3 || (currentValue && neighbors == 2)) { newValue = 1 } newValue }

static def createNextGeneration(currentBoard, dimensions) { def newBoard = [].withDefault{[].withDefault{0}} (0..(dimensions-1)).each { row -> (0..(dimensions-1)).each { column -> def point = [row, column] def currentValue = getValue(currentBoard, point) def neighbors = countNeighbors(currentBoard, point) newBoard[row][column] = conwaysRule(currentValue, neighbors) } } newBoard }

static def printBoard(generationCount, board, dimensions) { println "Generation ${generationCount}" println '*' * 80 (0..(dimensions-1)).each { row -> (0..(dimensions-1)).each { column -> print board[row][column] ? 'X' : '.' } print System.getProperty('line.separator') } println }

def start() { (1..generations).each { generation -> printBoard(generation, this.board, this.dimensions) this.board = createNextGeneration(this.board, this.dimensions) } }


// Blinker def game = new GameOfLife() game.start()

// Glider game = new GameOfLife(10, 10) game.board = game.createGliderBoard() game.start() </lang>

The output of this program:

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Generation 1

Generation 2

Generation 3

Generation 4

Generation 5

Generation 6

Generation 7

Generation 8

Generation 9

Generation 10


<lang haskell>import Data.Array.Unboxed

type Grid = UArray (Int,Int) Bool

-- The grid is indexed by (y, x).

life :: Int -> Int -> Grid -> Grid {- Returns the given Grid advanced by one generation. -} life w h old =

   listArray b (map f (range b))
 where b@((y1,x1),(y2,x2)) = bounds old
       f (y, x) = ( c && (n == 2 || n == 3) ) || ( not c && n == 3 )
         where c = get x y
               n = count [get (x + x') (y + y') |
                   x' <- [-1, 0, 1], y' <- [-1, 0, 1],
                   not (x' == 0 && y' == 0)]
       get x y | x < x1 || x > x2 = False
               | y < y1 || y > y2 = False
               | otherwise       = old ! (y, x)

count :: [Bool] -> Int count = length . filter id</lang>

Example of use:

<lang haskell>import Data.List (unfoldr)

grid :: [String] -> (Int, Int, Grid) grid l = (width, height, a)

 where (width, height) = (length $ head l, length l)
       a = listArray ((1, 1), (height, width)) $ concatMap f l
       f = map g
       g '.' = False
       g _   = True

printGrid :: Int -> Grid -> IO () printGrid width = mapM_ f . split width . elems

 where f = putStrLn . map g
       g False = '.'
       g _     = '#'

split :: Int -> [a] -> a split n = takeWhile (not . null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n)

blinker = grid


glider = grid


printLife :: Int -> (Int, Int, Grid) -> IO () printLife n (w, h, g) = mapM_ f $ take n $ iterate (life w h) g

 where f g = do
           putStrLn "------------------------------"
           printGrid w g

main = printLife 10 glider</lang>

Here's the gridless version. It could probably be improved with some light use of Data.Set, but I leave that as an exercise for the reader. Note that the function lifeStep is the solution in its entirety. The rest of this code deals with printing and test data for the particular model of the world we're using.

<lang haskell>module Main where import Data.List

lifeStep :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] lifeStep cells = [head g | g <- grouped cells, viable g]

 where grouped = group . sort . concatMap neighbors
       neighbors (x, y) = [(x+dx, y+dy) | dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1], (dx,dy) /= (0,0)]
       viable [_,_,_] = True
       viable [c,_] = c `elem` cells
       viable _ = False

showWorld :: [(Int, Int)] -> IO () showWorld cells = mapM_ putStrLn $ worldToGrid cells

 where worldToGrid cells =  x <- [least..greatest | y <- [least..greatest]]
       cellChar cell = if cell `elem` cells then '#' else '.'
       (least, greatest) = worldBounds cells

worldBounds cells = (least, greatest)

 where least = min x y
       greatest = max x' y'
       (x, y) = head cells
       (x', y') = last cells

runLife :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> IO () runLife steps cells = rec (steps - 1) cells

 where rec 0 cells = showWorld cells
       rec s cells = do showWorld cells
                        putStrLn ""
                        rec (s - 1) $ lifeStep cells

glider = [(1, 0), (2, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)] blinker = [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]

main :: IO () main = do

 putStrLn "Glider >> 10"
 putStrLn "------------"
 runLife 10 glider
 putStrLn ""
 putStrLn "Blinker >> 3"
 putStrLn "------------"
 runLife 3 blinker</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang icon>global limit

procedure main(args)

   n := args[1] | 50        # default is a 50x50 grid
   limit := args[2] | &null #  optional limit to number of generations
   write("Enter the starting pattern, end with EOF")
   grid := getInitialGrid(n)


  1. This procedure reads in the initial pattern, inserting it
  2. into an nXn grid of cells. The nXn grid also gets a
  3. new border of empty cells, which just makes the test simpler
  4. for determining what do with a cell on each generation.
  5. It would be better to let the user move the cursor and click
  6. on cells to create/delete living cells, but this version
  7. assumes a simple ASCII terminal.

procedure getInitialGrid(n)

   static notBlank, allStars
   initial {
       notBlank := ~' '            
       allStars := repl("*",*notBlank)
   g := []                # store as an array of strings
   put(g,repl(" ",n))
   while r := read() do {                        # read in rows of grid
       r := left(r,n)                            #   force each to length n
       put(g," "||map(r,notBlank,allStars)||" ") #   and making any life a '*'
   while *g ~= (n+2) do
       put(g,repl(" ",n))
   return g


  1. Simple-minded procedure to 'play' Life from a starting grid.

procedure play(grid)

   while not allDone(grid) do {
       grid := onePlay(grid)


  1. Display the grid

procedure display(g)

   every write(!g)


  1. Compute one generation of Life from the current one.

procedure onePlay(g)

   ng := []
   every put(ng, !g)        # new generation starts as copy of old
   every ng[r := 2 to *g-1][c := 2 to *g-1] := case sum(g,r,c) of {
                           3:       "*"     # cell lives (or is born)
                           2:       g[r][c] # cell unchanged
                           default: " "     # cell dead
   return ng


  1. Return the number of living cells surrounding the current cell.

procedure sum(g,r,c)

   cnt := 0
   every (i := -1 to 1, j := -1 to 1) do
       if ((i ~= 0) | (j ~= 0)) & (g[r+i][c+j] == "*") then cnt +:= 1
   return cnt


  1. Check to see if all the cells have died or we've exceeded the
  2. number of allowed generations.

procedure allDone(g)

  static count
  initial count := 0
  return ((count +:= 1) > \limit) | (trim(!g) == " ")


A sample run:

->life 3 3
Enter the starting pattern, end with EOF



Solution: <lang j>pad=: 0,0,~0,.0,.~] life=: (3 3 (+/ e. 3+0,4&{)@,;._3 ])@pad NB. the above could also be a one-line solution: life=: (3 3 (+/ e. 3+0,4&{)@,;._3 ])@(0,0,~0,.0,.~]) </lang>

In other words, given a life instance, the next generation can be found by:

  1. . adding extra empty cells, surrounding the life instance,
  2. . tessellating the result, finding every overlapping 3 by 3 subinstance,
  3. . totaling the number of live cells in each subinstance,
  4. . treating a subinstance as a live cell iff that total is a member of the sequence 3,x where x is 3 if the center cell was previously dead, and 4 if the center cell was previously alive (that said, note that 4 is also the index of the center cell, with the sub instance arranged as a flat list).

Example (showing generations 0, 1 and 2 of a blinker): <lang j> life^:0 1 2 #:0 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0</lang>

Example (showing start and six following generations of a glider)

<lang j> blocks=: (2 2$2) ((7 u:' ▗▖▄▝▐▞▟▘▚▌▙▀▜▛█') {~ #.@,);._3 >.&.-:@$ {. ]</lang>

   blocks"2 life^:(i.7) 4 5{.#:1 5 3







JAMES II/Rule-based Cellular Automata

Library: JAMES II

<lang j2carules>@caversion 1;

dimensions 2;

//using Moore neighborhood neighborhood moore;

//available states state DEAD, ALIVE;


if current state is ALIVE and the 
neighborhood does not contain 2 or 
3 ALIVE states the cell changes to 
  • /



if current state is DEAD and there 
are exactly 3 ALIVE cells in the 
neighborhood the cell changes to 
  • /

rule{DEAD}:ALIVE{3}->ALIVE;</lang> Animated output for the blinker example:


<lang java>public class GameOfLife{ public static void main(String[] args){ String[] dish= { "_#_", "_#_", "_#_",}; int gens= 3; for(int i= 0;i < gens;i++){ System.out.println("Generation " + i + ":"); print(dish); dish= life(dish); } }

public static String[] life(String[] dish){ String[] newGen= new String[dish.length]; for(int row= 0;row < dish.length;row++){//each row newGen[row]= ""; for(int i= 0;i < dish[row].length();i++){//each char in the row String above= "";//neighbors above String same= "";//neighbors in the same row String below= "";//neighbors below if(i == 0){//all the way on the left //no one above if on the top row //otherwise grab the neighbors from above above= (row == 0) ? null : dish[row - 1].substring(i, i + 2); same= dish[row].substring(i + 1, i + 2); //no one below if on the bottom row //otherwise grab the neighbors from below below= (row == dish.length - 1) ? null : dish[row + 1] .substring(i, i + 2); }else if(i == dish[row].length() - 1){//right //no one above if on the top row //otherwise grab the neighbors from above above= (row == 0) ? null : dish[row - 1].substring(i - 1, i + 1); same= dish[row].substring(i - 1, i); //no one below if on the bottom row //otherwise grab the neighbors from below below= (row == dish.length - 1) ? null : dish[row + 1] .substring(i - 1, i + 1); }else{//anywhere else //no one above if on the top row //otherwise grab the neighbors from above above= (row == 0) ? null : dish[row - 1].substring(i - 1, i + 2); same= dish[row].substring(i - 1, i) + dish[row].substring(i + 1, i + 2); //no one below if on the bottom row //otherwise grab the neighbors from below below= (row == dish.length - 1) ? null : dish[row + 1] .substring(i - 1, i + 2); } int neighbors= getNeighbors(above, same, below); if(neighbors < 2 || neighbors > 3){ newGen[row]+= "_";//<2 or >3 neighbors -> die }else if(neighbors == 3){ newGen[row]+= "#";//3 neighbors -> spawn/live }else{ newGen[row]+= dish[row].charAt(i);//2 neighbors -> stay } } } return newGen; }

public static int getNeighbors(String above, String same, String below){ int ans= 0; if(above != null){//no one above for(char x: above.toCharArray()){//each neighbor from above if(x == '#') ans++;//count it if someone is here } } for(char x: same.toCharArray()){//two on either side if(x == '#') ans++;//count it if someone is here } if(below != null){//no one below for(char x: below.toCharArray()){//each neighbor below if(x == '#') ans++;//count it if someone is here } } return ans; }

public static void print(String[] dish){ for(String s: dish){ System.out.println(s); } } }</lang>

Generation 0:
Generation 1:
Generation 2:


This fills in a random 10% of the grid, then activates the Game on it. Uncomment the call to the setCustomConfig function to use your own input. Just mind the grid limits. Use the input file given below to create a cool screensaver on your terminal. <lang java> //package conway;

import java.util.*; import*;

public class GameOfLife { //Set grid size int l=20,b=60; public static void main(String[] args) {

GameOfLife now=new GameOfLife(); now.setGame(); } void setGame() { char[][] config=new char[l][b]; startGame(config,l,b); } void startGame(char[][] mat,int l, int b) { Scanner s=new Scanner(; String ch=""; float per=0; while(!ch.equals("y")) { per=setConfig(mat); //setCustomConfig(mat,"GOLglidergun.txt"); display2D(mat); System.out.println((per*100)+"% of grid filled."); System.out.println("Begin? y/n"); ch=s.nextLine(); } while(!ch.equals("x")) { mat=transform(mat,l,b); display2D(mat);

System.out.println("Ctrl+Z to stop.");

try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Something went horribly wrong."); }

//ch=s.nextLine(); } s.close(); System.out.println("Game Over"); }

char[][] transform(char[][] mat,int l, int b) {

char[][] newmat=new char[l][b]; for(int i=0;i<l;i++) for(int j=0;j<b;j++) newmat[i][j]=flip(mat,i,j); return newmat; } char flip(char[][] mat,int i, int j) { int count=around(mat,i,j); if(mat[i][j]=='*') { if(count<2||count>3) return '_'; return '*'; } else { if(count==3) return '*'; return '_'; } } int around(char[][] mat, int i, int j) { int count=0; for(int x=i-1;x<=i+1;x++) for(int y=j-1;y<=j+1;y++) { if(x==i&&y==j) continue; count+=eval(mat,x,y); } return count; } int eval(char[][] mat, int i, int j) { if(i<0||j<0||i==l||j==b) return 0; if(mat[i][j]=='*') return 1; return 0; }

float setCustomConfig(char[][] arr,String infile) { try { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(infile)); String line; for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { line=br.readLine(); for(int j=0;j<arr[0].length;j++) arr[i][j]=line.charAt(j); } br.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } return 0; }

float setConfig(char[][] arr) { //Enter percentage of grid to be filled. float per=0.10f;//(float)Math.random(); for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) setConfig1D(arr[i],per); return per; } void setConfig1D(char[] arr,float per) { for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { if(Math.random()<per) arr[i]='*'; else arr[i]='_'; } } void display2D(char[][] arr) { for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) display1D(arr[i]); System.out.println(); } void display1D(char[] arr) { for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) System.out.print(arr[i]); System.out.println(); } } </lang>

Glider Gun design. Save it in GOLglidergun.txt and uncomment the setCustomConfig function.



See Conway's Game of Life/Java/Swing


Works with: SpiderMonkey
Works with: V8

<lang javascript>function GameOfLife () {

this.init = function (turns,width,height) { this.board = new Array(height); for (var x = 0; x < height; x++) { this.board[x] = new Array(width); for (var y = 0; y < width; y++) { this.board[x][y] = Math.round(Math.random()); } } this.turns = turns; }

this.nextGen = function() { this.boardNext = new Array(this.board.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.board.length; i++) { this.boardNext[i] = new Array(this.board[i].length); } for (var x = 0; x < this.board.length; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < this.board[x].length; y++) { var n = 0; for (var dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (var dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0){} else if (typeof this.board[x+dx] !== 'undefined' && typeof this.board[x+dx][y+dy] !== 'undefined' && this.board[x+dx][y+dy]) { n++; } } } var c = this.board[x][y]; switch (n) { case 0: case 1: c = 0; break; case 2: break; case 3: c = 1; break; default: c = 0; } this.boardNext[x][y] = c; } } this.board = this.boardNext.slice(); }

this.print = function() { for (var x = 0; x < this.board.length; x++) { var l = ""; for (var y = 0; y < this.board[x].length; y++) { if (this.board[x][y]) l += "X"; else l += " "; } print(l); } }

this.start = function() { for (var t = 0; t < this.turns; t++) { print("---\nTurn "+(t+1)); this.print(); this.nextGen() } }


var game = new GameOfLife();

print("---\n3x3 Blinker over three turns."); game.init(3); game.board = [ [0,0,0], [1,1,1], [0,0,0]]; game.start();

print("---\n10x6 Glider over five turns."); game.init(5); game.board = [ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]; game.start();

print("---\nRandom 5x10"); game.init(5,5,10); game.start();</lang>

3x3 Blinker over three turns.
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
10x6 Glider over five turns.
Turn 1
Turn 2
 X X      
Turn 3
 X X      
Turn 4
Turn 5
Random 5x10
Turn 1
X   X
X   X
Turn 2
  X X
 X X 
Turn 3
X   X
Turn 4
X  X 
Turn 5
Library: HTML5

Essentially the same as the above straight JavaScript but displayed in an HTML5 Canvas. <lang javascript> <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript">

function GameOfLife () {

this.init = function (turns,width,height) { this.board = new Array(height); for (var x = 0; x < height; x++) { this.board[x] = new Array(width); for (var y = 0; y < width; y++) { this.board[x][y] = Math.round(Math.random()); } } this.turns = turns; }

this.nextGen = function() { this.boardNext = new Array(this.board.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.board.length; i++) { this.boardNext[i] = new Array(this.board[i].length); } for (var x = 0; x < this.board.length; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < this.board[x].length; y++) { var n = 0; for (var dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (var dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) { if ( dx == 0 && dy == 0){} else if (typeof this.board[x+dx] !== 'undefined' && typeof this.board[x+dx][y+dy] !== 'undefined' && this.board[x+dx][y+dy]) { n++; } } } var c = this.board[x][y]; switch (n) { case 0: case 1: c = 0; break; case 2: break; case 3: c = 1; break; default: c = 0; } this.boardNext[x][y] = c; } } this.board = this.boardNext.slice(); }

this.print = function(ctx,w,h) { if (!w) w = 8; if (!h) h = 8; for (var x = 0; x < this.board.length; x++) { var l = ""; for (var y = 0; y < this.board[x].length; y++) { if (this.board[x][y]) // x and y reversed to draw matrix like it looks in source // rather than the "actual" positions ctx.fillStyle = "orange"; else ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(y*h,x*w,h,w); } } }

this.start = function(ctx,w,h) { for (var t = 0; t < this.turns; t++) { this.print(ctx,w,h); this.nextGen() } }


function init() { // Change document title and text under canvas document.title = "Conway's Game of Life";

// Setup game boards for Conway's Game of Life var blinker = new GameOfLife(); blinker.board = [ [0,1,0], [0,1,0], [0,1,0]];

var glider = new GameOfLife(); glider.board = [ [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0], [0,1,1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0]];

var random = new GameOfLife(); random.init(null,8,8);

// Get canvas contexts or return 1 blinker.canvas = document.getElementById('blinker'); glider.canvas = document.getElementById('glider'); random.canvas = document.getElementById('random'); if (blinker.canvas.getContext && glider.canvas.getContext && random.canvas.getContext) { blinker.ctx = blinker.canvas.getContext('2d'); glider.ctx = glider.canvas.getContext('2d'); random.ctx = random.canvas.getContext('2d'); } else { return 1; }

// Run main() at set interval setInterval(function(){run(glider,glider.ctx,25,25)},250); setInterval(function(){run(blinker,blinker.ctx,25,25)},250); setInterval(function(){run(random,random.ctx,25,25)},250); return 0; }

function run(game,ctx,w,h) { game.print(ctx,w,h); game.nextGen()

return 0; }

</script> </head> <body onLoad="init();"> 3x3 Blinker
<canvas id="blinker" width="75" height="75"> No canvas support found! </canvas>

6x6 Glider
<canvas id="glider" width="150" height="150"> No canvas support found! </canvas>

8x8 Random
<canvas id="random" width="200" height="200"> No canvas support found! </canvas>
</body> </html></lang>


for 3x3 Blinker

More functional style: <lang javascript> const _ = require('lodash');

/////////////////// // LODASH IMPORT // ///////////////////

// import all lodash functions to the main namespace, but isNaN not to cause conflicts _.each(_.keys(_), k => global[k === 'isNaN' ? '_isNaN' : k] = _[k]);

/////////////// // FUNCTIONS // /////////////// const WORLD_WIDTH = 3,

     WORLD_HEIGHT = 3,
     displayWorld = (world) => console.log(map(world, x => x.join(' ')).join('\n') + '\n'),
     aliveNeighbours = (world, x, y) => chain(range(-1, 2))
                                         .reduce((acc, i) => acc.concat(map(range(-1, 2), ii => [i, ii])), [])
                                         .reject(partial(isEqual, [0, 0]))
                                         .map(i => {
                                           try {
                                             return world[x + i[0]][y + i[1]];
                                           } catch (err) {
                                             return null;
     isAlive = (cell, numAliveNeighbours) => (cell === 1 && inRange(numAliveNeighbours, 2, 4)) || (cell === 0 && numAliveNeighbours === 3) ? 1 : 0,
     updateWorld = (world) => map(world, (row, rowidx) => map(row, (cell, colidx) => isAlive(cell, aliveNeighbours(world, rowidx, colidx))));

// let world = map(range(WORLD_WIDTH), partial(ary(map, 2), range(WORLD_HEIGHT), partial(random, 0, 1, false))); let world = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]];

setInterval(() => {

 world = updateWorld(world)

}, 1000); </lang>


Works with: jq version 1.4

In this implementation, a "world" is simply a suitably constructed string as illustrated by world3 and world11 below. The "game" can be played either by creating separate frames (using frames(n)) or by calling animation(n; sleep) with sleep approximately equal to the number of milliseconds between refreshes. <lang jq># Notes on the implementation:

  1. 1. For efficiency, the implementation requires that the world
  2. has boundaries, as illustrated in the examples.
  3. 2. For speed, the simulation uses the exploded string.
  4. 3. The ASCII values of the "alive" and "empty" symbols are
  5. hardcoded: "." => 46; " " => 32
  6. 4. To adjust the refresh rate, adjust the input to "spin".

def lines: split("\n")|length;

def cols: split("\n")[0]|length + 1; # allow for the newline

  1. Is there a "." (46) at [x,y] relative to position i,
  2. assuming the width is w?
  3. Input is an array; result is 0 or 1 so we can easily count the total.

def isAlive(x; y; i; w): if .[i+ w*y + x] == 46 then 1 else 0 end;

def neighborhood(i;w):

 isAlive(-1; -1; i; w) + isAlive(0; -1; i; w) + isAlive(1; -1; i; w) +
 isAlive(-1;  0; i; w)                        + isAlive(1;  0; i; w) +
 isAlive(-1;  1; i; w) + isAlive(0;  1; i; w) + isAlive(1;  1; i; w) ;
  1. The basic rules:

def evolve(cell; sum) :

 if   cell == 46 then if sum == 2 or sum == 3 then 46 else 32 end
 elif cell == 32 then if sum == 3 then 46 else 32 end
 else cell
 end ;
  1. [world, lines, cols] | next(w) => [world, lines, cols]

def next:

 .[0] as $world | .[1] as $lines | .[2] as $w
 | reduce range(0; $world|length) as $i
     .[$i] as $c
     | if $c == 32 or $c == 46 then
          # updates are "simultaneous" i.e. relative to $world, not "."
          ($world | neighborhood($i; $w)) as $sum
          | evolve($c; $sum) as $next
          | if $c == $next then . else .[$i] = $next end
       else .
       end )
 | [., $lines, $w] ;

</lang> Animation: <lang jq># "clear screen": def cls: "\u001b[2J";

  1. Input: an integer; 1000 ~ 1 sec

def spin:

 reduce range(1; 500 * .) as $i
   (0; . + ($i|cos)*($i|cos) + ($i|sin)*($i|sin) )
 |  "" ;

  1. Animate n steps;
  2. if "sleep" is non-negative then cls and
  3. sleep about "sleep" ms between frames.

def animate(n; sleep):

 if n == 0 then empty
 else (if sleep >= 0 then cls else "" end),
      (.[0]|implode), n, "\n",
      ( next|animate(n-1; sleep) )
 end ;

  1. Input: a string representing the initial state

def animation(n; sleep):

 [ explode, lines, cols] | animate(n; sleep) ;

  1. Input: a string representing the initial state

def frames(n): animation(n; -1); </lang> Examples: <lang jq>def world3: "+---+\n" + "| |\n" + "|...|\n" + "| |\n" + "+---+\n" ;

def world11: "+-----------+\n" + "| |\n" + "| .. |\n" + "| ... |\n" + "| .. |\n" + "| |\n" + "+-----------+\n" ;</lang>

Task: <lang jq>world3 | frames(3)</lang>


<lang sh>$ jq -n -r -f Game_of_life.jq

+---+ | | |...| | | +---+


+---+ | . | | . | | . | +---+


+---+ | | |...| | | +---+


Animation example <lang jq># Animation of 100 frames with approximately 1 second between each update: world11 | animation(100; 1000)</lang>


Works with: julia version 0.3.5

Using the CellularAutomata package:

<lang cpp>julia> Pkg.add("CellularAutomata") INFO: Installing CellularAutomata v0.1.2 INFO: Package database updated

julia> using CellularAutomata

julia> gameOfLife{T<:Int}(n::T, m::T, gen::T) = CA2d([3], [2,3], int(randbool(n, m)), gen) gameOfLife (generic function with 1 method)

julia> gameOfLife(15, 30, 5) 30x15x5 Cellular Automaton</lang>

       # ##   #   ######  ###  ### ##
       #    ####    #  #  # ##  #####
         ## #   # ## ###   ## # # ## 
       #  # ##### # # # ## #     #  #
         ##  ## # #  ##     ###      
       #   #### ## ## ### # # # # # #
       # ## ##### #  ##### # ## ### #
        ### #   ##        ####  ## # 
        #### #   ## ##   ### ###  ###
         ## ####   #######  #    ## #
           # ## ##### ## #### # #####
        ##  ## ##### # # # #  #   # #
        #   # ## ##   ## ##   ##### #
        ##   # #   #  # #############
       #      ## #    # ###  ##  ##  

                # ###          #     
       #    # ## #      # #   #      
        ###     # #      #     ##    
        #   #   # # #   # ##  ## ####
        ###       #       # # ## # # 
       #           ##     #     # # #
                  ####        #      
                   ##  #             
               # ##    #      ##    #
        #      #                     
        #  #                #  ##   #
        ## #         #      # #     #
            #       ##              #
        ##   #   #   ##     #       #
          #  # ##                    

             #    ##                 
        ##     #         #    # #    
        ## # #  # ##    #  #    #####
           #      #       ## #   # ##
        ##       ## #     #  ##      
       ###           #     # ## #####
                  #  #               
                 #   ##       ##     
                # ##                 
                #             # #    
        # #                  # #     
        #####       ##       # #   ##
          # #       #        #     ##
       # #  ### #   ###              
         #    ### ####               

        ##      ###                  
       #### # #  #             ## ## 
        ##  #    ###     # ##  ##   #
            #            ### ## ##  #
         ##      ###      #    ##    
       # #       #####      #### ####
       ##           ##       #  #####
                 # ####              
                # #           #      
                 #            ##     
       ## #                  # ##    
        #   #       ##      ##     ##
                   #  #       #    # 
        ##### # ##    #             #
        #   #   # #   #

          ## # ## #
          ## #     #           ### ##
          # #    ##      # ###    # #
       ## ##             #   ##  #
       ####      #       ##
         ##      #   #      ##
        #        #          ## ##
       #         ###  #          ####
                # ####        ##
                 #           #  #
       ###                  ## ##   #
        ##          ##      ## #   ##
        # # ##      # #      #     #
       ####### ####  ###
            ##    #


<lang lua>function Evolve( cell )

   local m = #cell
   local cell2 = {}
   for i = 1, m do
       cell2[i] = {}
       for j = 1, m do
           cell2[i][j] = cell[i][j]
   for i = 1, m do
       for j = 1, m do
           local count
           if cell2[i][j] == 0 then count = 0 else count = -1 end
           for x = -1, 1 do
               for y = -1, 1 do
                   if i+x >= 1 and i+x <= m and j+y >= 1 and j+y <= m and cell2[i+x][j+y] == 1 then count = count + 1 end
           if count < 2 or count > 3 then cell[i][j] = 0 end
           if count == 3 then cell[i][j] = 1 end
   return cell


m = 3 -- number rows / colums num_iterations = 10

cell = {} for i = 1, m do

   cell[i] = {}
   for j = 1, m do
       cell[i][j] = 0


cell[2][2], cell[2][1], cell[2][3] = 1, 1, 1

for l = 1, num_iterations do

   for i = 1, m do
       for j = 1, m do
           if cell[i][j] == 1 then io.write( "#" ) else io.write( " " ) end
       io.write( "\n" )
   cell = Evolve( cell )

end </lang>


MATLAB has a builtin Game of Life GUI. Type <lang matlab>life</lang> to run it. To view the code, type

<lang matlab>open(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'matlab', 'demos', 'life.m'))</lang>

Here is an example code, more simple (runs the game of life for N generations in a square of side S) :

<lang matlab>function GoL(S, N) %

   colormap copper; whitebg('black');
   G= round(rand(S));
   A = [S 1:S-1]; B = [2:S 1];
   for k=1:N
       Sum = G(A,:)+G(B,:)+G(:,B)+G(:,A)+G(A,B)+G(A,A)+G(B,B)+G(B,A);
       G = double((G & (Sum == 2)) | (Sum == 3));
       surf(G); view([0 90]); pause(0.001)


Mathematica / Wolfram Language

Mathematica has cellular automaton functionality built in, so implementing Conway's Game of Life is a one-liner: <lang Mathematica>CellularAutomaton[{224,{2,{{2,2,2},{2,1,2},{2,2,2}}},{1,1}}, startconfiguration, steps];</lang> Example of a glyder progressing 8 steps and showing the 9 frames afterwards as grids of hashes and dots: <lang Mathematica>results=CellularAutomaton[{224,{2,{{2,2,2},{2,1,2},{2,2,2}}},{1,1}},{{{0,1,0},{0,0,1},{1,1,1}},0},8];


gives back:











<lang maxima>life(A) := block(

  [p, q, B: zerofor(A), s],
  [p, q]: matrix_size(A),
  for i thru p do (
     for j thru q do (
        s: 0,
        if j > 1 then s: s + A[i, j - 1],
        if j < q then s: s + A[i, j + 1],
        if i > 1 then (
           s: s + A[i - 1, j],
           if j > 1 then s: s + A[i - 1, j - 1],
           if j < q then s: s + A[i - 1, j + 1]
        if i < p then (
           s: s + A[i + 1, j],
           if j > 1 then s: s + A[i + 1, j - 1],
           if j < q then s: s + A[i + 1, j + 1]
        B[i, j]: charfun(s = 3 or (s = 2 and A[i, j] = 1))


/* a glider */

L: matrix([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

         [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])$

gen(A, n) := block(thru n do A: life(A), A)$

gen(L, 4); matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

      [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])</lang>


Translation of: C

<lang nim>import os, strutils, math

randomize() var w, h: int if paramCount() >= 2:

 w = parseInt(paramStr(1))
 h = parseInt(paramStr(2))

if w <= 0: w = 30 if h <= 0: h = 30

  1. Initialize

var univ, utmp = newSeq[seq[bool]] h for y in 0 .. <h:

 univ[y].newSeq w
 utmp[y].newSeq w
 for x in 0 .. <w:
   if random(10) < 1:
     univ[y][x] = true

while true:

 # Show
 stdout.write "\e[H"
 for y in 0 .. <h:
   for x in 0 .. <w:
     stdout.write if univ[y][x]: "\e[07m  \e[m" else: "  "
   stdout.write "\e[E"
 # Evolve
 for y in 0 .. <h:
   for x in 0 .. <w:
     var n = 0
     for y1 in y-1 .. y+1:
       for x1 in x-1 .. x+1:
         if univ[(y1+h) mod h][(x1 + w) mod w]:
           inc n
     if univ[y][x]: dec n
     utmp[y][x] = n == 3 or (n == 2 and univ[y][x])
 sleep 200</lang>


<lang ocaml>let get g x y =

 try g.(x).(y)
 with _ -> 0

let neighbourhood g x y =

 (get g (x-1) (y-1)) +
 (get g (x-1) (y  )) +
 (get g (x-1) (y+1)) +
 (get g (x  ) (y-1)) +
 (get g (x  ) (y+1)) +
 (get g (x+1) (y-1)) +
 (get g (x+1) (y  )) +
 (get g (x+1) (y+1)) 

let next_cell g x y =

 let n = neighbourhood g x y in
 match g.(x).(y), n with
 | 1, 0 | 1, 1                      -> 0  (* lonely *)
 | 1, 4 | 1, 5 | 1, 6 | 1, 7 | 1, 8 -> 0  (* overcrowded *)
 | 1, 2 | 1, 3                      -> 1  (* lives *)
 | 0, 3                             -> 1  (* get birth *)
 | _ (* 0, (0|1|2|4|5|6|7|8) *)     -> 0  (* barren *)

let copy g = Array.copy g

let next g =

 let width = Array.length g
 and height = Array.length g.(0)
 and new_g = copy g in
 for x = 0 to pred width do
   for y = 0 to pred height do
     new_g.(x).(y) <- (next_cell g x y)

let print g =

 let width = Array.length g
 and height = Array.length g.(0) in
 for x = 0 to pred width do
   for y = 0 to pred height do
     if g.(x).(y) = 0
     then print_char '.'
     else print_char 'o'

put the code above in a file named "", and then use it in the ocaml toplevel like this:

# #use "";;
val get : int array array -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
val neighbourhood : int array array -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
val next_cell : int array array -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
val copy : 'a array array -> 'a array array = <fun>
val next : int array array -> int array array = <fun>
val print : int array array -> unit = <fun>

# let g = [|
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
  [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; |];
|] ;;
val g : int array array =
  [|[|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|];
    [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|]|]
# print g;;
- : unit = ()
# print (next g) ;;
- : unit = ()

A graphical version

This implementation has 6 starting patterns (most get quite large) and a random option, and you can set the grid size. <lang OCaml>let alive = 0 let dead = 0xFFFFFF

let iteration ib ob m n =

  let rule = function 3,_ | 2,true -> alive | _ -> dead in
  let f x y =
     if x >= 0 && x < m && y >= 0 && y < n && ib.(x).(y) = alive
     then 1 else 0 in
  let count b q =
     let a, c, p, r = b-1, b+1, q-1, q+1 in
     f a p + f a q + f a r + f b p + f b r + f c p + f c q + f c r in
  for i = 0 to m-1 do
     for j = 0 to n-1 do
        ob.(i).(j) <- rule (count i j, ib.(i).(j) = alive)

let make_random w h bd =

  Random.self_init ();
  for i = 0 to w-1 do
     for j = 0 to h-1 do
        bd.(i).(j) <- if Random.bool () then alive else dead

let set_cells a b cells w h bd =

  let w', h' = w/2 - a, h/2 - b in
  List.iter (fun (i,j) -> bd.(i+w').(j+h') <- alive) cells

let make_blinker = set_cells 1 1 [(1,0); (1,1); (1,2)]

let make_acorn =

  set_cells 1 3 [(0,1); (1,3); (2,0); (2,1); (2,4); (2,5); (2,6)]

let make_growth =

  set_cells 2 3
  [(0,6); (1,4); (1,6); (1,7); (2,4); (2,6); (3,4); (4,2); (5,0); (5,2)]

let make_rabbits =

  set_cells 1 3
  [(0,0); (0,4); (0,5); (0,6); (1,0); (1,1); (1,2); (1,5); (2,1)]

let make_engine =

  set_cells (-100) (-100)
  [(0,1); (0,3); (1,0); (2,1); (2,4); (3,3); (3,4); (3,5); (4,26); (4,27); (5,26); (5,27)]

let make_line w h bd =

  let w', h', l = w/2, h/2, w/3 in
  for i = -l to l do bd.(i+w').(h') <- alive done

let () =

  let argc = Array.length Sys.argv in
  let init =
     let default () = (print_endline "Using random start"; make_random) in
     if argc < 2 then default () else
     match Sys.argv.(1) with
        | "acorn" -> make_acorn
        | "blinker" -> make_blinker
        | "growth" -> make_growth
        | "engine" -> make_engine
        | "line" -> make_line
        | "rabbits" -> make_rabbits
        | "random" -> make_random
        | "-h" -> Printf.printf
           "Usage: %s [acorn|growth|blinker|engine|line|rabbits|random] width height\n" Sys.argv.(0);
           exit 0
        | _ -> default () in
  let width = if argc > 2 then int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) else 300 in
  let height = if argc > 3 then int_of_string Sys.argv.(3) else 300 in
  let bd1 = Array.make_matrix width height dead in
  let bd2 = Array.make_matrix width height dead in
  let border = 5 in
  let disp m = Graphics.draw_image (Graphics.make_image m) border border in
  init width height bd1;
  Graphics.open_graph (Printf.sprintf " %dx%d" (height+2*border) (width+2*border));
  while true do
     disp bd1;
     iteration bd1 bd2 width height;
     disp bd2;
     iteration bd2 bd1 width height

Compile with:

ocamlopt -o life graphics.cmxa

and run with

./life acorn 250 250

If you run the blinker it will probably blink too fast to see unless you choose a large grid size.


<lang oorexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 07.08.2014 Walter Pachl Conway's Game of life graphical
  • Input is a file containing the initial pattern.
  • The compute area is extended when needed
  • (i.e., when cells are born outside the current compute area)
  • When computing the pattern sequence is complete, the graphical
  • output starts and continues until Cancel is pressed.
  • 10.08.2014 WP fixed the output of what.txt
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Parse Arg what speed
If what='?' Then Do
  Say 'Create a file containing the pattern to be processed'
  Say 'named ( such as this for the octagon):'
  Say '   **   '
  Say '  *  *  '
  Say ' *    * '
  Say '*      *'
  Say '*      *'
  Say ' *    * '
  Say '  *  *  '
  Say '   **   '
  Say 'Run the program by entering "rexx conlife somename [pause]"',
                                                'on the command line.'
  Say '(pause is the amount of milliseconds between 2 pictures.',
                                                    'default is 1000)'
  Say 'A file somename.lst will be created.'
  Say 'Hereafter you will see the patterns development',
                                                    'in a new window.'
  Say 'Press the Cancel button to end the presentation.'
Parse Version interpreter '_' level '('
If interpreter<>'REXX-ooRexx' Then Do
  Say interpreter  level
  Say 'This program must be run with object Rexx.'
If what= Then what='octagon'
If right(what,3)='.in' then
If lines(infile)=0 Then Do
  Say 'Input file' infile 'not found.'
  Say 'Enter conlife ? for help.'
If speed= Then
Call tl what
--'type' what'.lst'
d = .drawDlg~new
if d~initCode <> 0 then do
   say 'The Draw dialog was not created correctly.  Aborting.'
   return d~initCode
return 0
requires "ooDialog.cls"
class 'drawDlg' subclass UserDialog
attribute interrupted unguarded
method init
  expose walterFont
  forward class (super) continue
  -- colornames:
  --  1 dark red      7 light grey   13 red
  --  2 dark green    8 pale green   14 light green
  --  3 dark yellow   9 light blue   15 yellow
  --  4 dark blue    10 white        16 blue
  --  5 purple       11 grey         17 pink
  --  6 blue grey    12 dark grey    18 turquoise
  self~interrupted = .true
  -- Create a font to write the nice big letters and digits
  opts = .directory~new
  opts~weight = 700
  walterFont = self~createFontEx("Arial",14,opts)
  walterFont = self~createFontEx("Courier",18,opts)
  if \self~createcenter(200, 235,"Walter's Clock", , ,"System",14) then
     self~initCode = 1
method defineDialog
  self~createPushButton(/*IDC_PB_DRAW*/100,  0,  0,240,200,"DISABLED NOTAB")  -- The drawing surface.
  self~createPushButton(IDCANCEL,160,220, 35, 12,,"&Cancel")
method initDialog unguarded
  expose x y dc myPen change al. fid nn what array
  change = 0
  x = self~factorx
  y = self~factory
  dc = self~getButtonDC(100)
  myPen   = self~createPen(1,'solid',0)
  t    = .TimeSpan~fromMicroSeconds(500000) -- .5 seconds
  msg  = .Message~new(self,'life')
  alrm = .Alarm~new(t, msg)
  Do s=1 to array~items
    Parse Var al.s ' == ' al.s
  --say 'nn'nn
  Call lineout fid
method interrupt unguarded
  self~interrupted = .true
method cancel unguarded -- Stop the drawing program and quit.
  expose x y
  self~interrupted = .true
  return self~cancel:super
method leaving unguarded -- Best place to clean up resources
  expose dc myPen walterFont
method life unguarded /* draw individual pixels */
  expose x y dc myPen change walterFont al. nn what
  mx = trunc(20*x); my = trunc(20*y); size = 400
  curPen = self~objectToDC(dc, myPen)
  -- Select the nice big letters and digits into the device context to use to
  -- to write with:
  curFont = self~fontToDC(dc, walterFont)
  -- Create a white brush and select it into the device to paint with.
  whiteBrush = self~createBrush(10)
  curBrush   = self~objectToDC(dc, whiteBrush)
  -- Paint the drawing area surface with the white brush
  self~rectangle(dc, 1, 1, 500, 600, 'FILL')
  self~writeDirect(dc,  10, 20,'Conways Game of Life')
  self~writeDirect(dc,  10, 40,.local~title)
  self~writeDirect(dc,  10,460,'Walter Pachl, 8 Aug 2014')
  do s=1 By 1 until self~interrupted
    self~interrupted = .false
    If s>1 Then Do
      Do While ali<>
        Parse Var ali x ',' y ali
    self~draw_square(dc, 380, 10,100,10)
    self~writeDirect(dc, 340, 20,time())
    self~writeDirect(dc, 340, 40,right(sm,2) 'of' right(nn,2))
    Do While ali<>
      Parse Var ali x ',' y ali
--    self~interrupted = .true
    self~objectToDC(dc, curPen)
    self~objectToDC(dc, curBrush)
    call msSleep .local~myspeed
method pause
  j = msSleep(10)
method draw_square
 Use Arg dc, x, y, d, c
 Do zx=x-d to x+d
   Do zy=y-d to y+d
     self~drawPixel(dc, zx, zy, c)
method quot
 Parse Arg x,y
 If y=0 Then Return '???'
 Else Return x/y
routine tl

/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 02.08.2014 Walter Pachl
  • Input is a file containing the initial pattern
  • The compute area is extended when needed
  • (cells are born outside the current compute area)
  • The program stops when the picture shown is the same as the first
  • or equal to the previous one
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Parse Arg f If f= Then f='bipole' fid=f'.in' oid=f'.txt'; 'erase' oid oil=f'.lst'; 'erase' oil debug=0 If debug Then Do

 dbg=f'.xxx'; 'erase' dbg

ml=0 l.= ol.= Parse Value '10 10' With xb yb xc=copies(' ',xb) Do ri=yb+1 By 1 While lines(fid)>0


ri=ri-1 ml=ml+xb ri=ri+yb yy=ri a.=' ' b.=' ' m.= x.= list.= Parse Value 1 ml 1 yy With xmi xma ymi yma Parse Value '-10 30 -10 30' With xmi xma ymi yma Parse Value '999 -999 999 -999 999 -999 999 -999',

      With xmin xmax ymin ymax xlo xhi  ylo yhi

Do y=1 To yy

 Do x=1 By 1 While l<>
   Parse Var l c +1 l
   If c='*' Then

Call show Do step=1 To 60

 Call store
 If step>1 & is_equal(step,1) Then Leave
 If step>1 & is_equal(step,step-1) Then Leave
 Call show_neighbors
 Do y=yma To ymi By -1
   ol=format(x,3)' '
   Do x=xmi To xma
     If a.x.y=' ' Then Do             /* dead cell                  */
       If neighbors=3 Then Do
         b.x.y='*'                    /*  gets life                 */
         mmo=xmi xma ymi yma
         mm=xmi xma ymi yma
         If mm<>mmo Then
           Call debug mmo '1->' mm
       Else                           /* life cell                  */
         b.x.y=' '                    /*  remains dead              */
     Else Do                          /* life cell                  */
       If neighbors=2 |,
          neighbors=3 Then Do
         b.x.y='*'  /*  remains life              */
         mmo=xmi xma ymi yma
         mm=xmi xma ymi yma
         If mm<>mmo Then
           Call debug mmo '2->' mm
         b.x.y=' '  /*  dies                      */
 /* b. is the new state and is now copied to a.                     */
 Do y=yma To ymi By -1
   Do x=xmi To xma

/* Output name and all states */ Call lineout oid,' 'f st=' +' /* top and bottom border */ sb=' +' /* top and bottom border */ Do s=1 To step


array=.array~new Do y=ymin To ymax

 Do s=1 To step
   Do x=xmin To xmax
     If substr(m.s.y,x,1)='*' Then Do

Do y=ymin To ymax

 Do s=1 To step
   Do x=xmin To xmax
     If substr(m.s.y,x,1)='*' Then Do
       list.s=list.s (x-xlo+1)','||(y-ylo+1)
   array[s]=s '-' words(list.s) '==' list.s
 --Call lineout oid,ol '|'

height=yhi-ylo+1 width=xhi-xlo+1 .local~dxval=(48-width)%2 .local~dyval=(48-height)%2 Call o st /* top border */ xl.='|' Do y=ymax To ymin By -1

 Do s=1 To step

Do y=ymax To ymin By -1

 Call o ' 'xl.y

Call o sb /* bottom border */ Call lineout oid Say 'frames are shown in' oid If debug Then Do

 Say 'original area' 1 ml '/' 1 yy
 Say 'compute area ' xmi xma '/' ymi yma
 Say 'used area    ' xlo xhi '/' ylo yhi

Do s=1 To step

 call lineout oil,s '==>' words(list.s) '=='  list.s


o: Parse Arg lili

  Call lineout oid,lili

set: Parse Arg x,y


neighbors: Procedure Expose a. debug

 Parse Arg x,y
 do xa=x-1 to x+1
   do ya=y-1 to y+1
     If xa<>x | ya<>y then
       If a.xa.ya='*' Then
 Return neighbors

store: /* store current state (a.) in lines m.step.* */ Do y=yma To ymi By -1

 Do x=xmi To xma
 If ol<> then Do
   If p>0 Then
 --If pos('*',ol)>0 Then Do
 --  Say '====>' right(step,2) right(y,3) '>'ol'<'  xmin xmax
 --  Say '              'copies('1234567890',3)
 --  End


is_equal: /* test ist state a.b is equal to state a.a */

 Parse Arg a,b
 Do y=yy To 1 By -1
   If x.b.y<>x.a.y Then
     Return 0
 Return 1

show: Procedure Expose dbg a. yy ml debug Do y=-5 To 13

 Do x=-5 To 13
 Call debug ol


show_neighbors: Procedure Expose a. xmi xma ymi yma dbg debug

 Do y=yma To ymi By -1
   ol=format(y,3)' '
   Do x=xmi To xma
   Call debug ol


 If debug Then
   Return lineout(dbg,arg(1))


 |   | * |   |
 |***| * |***|
 |   | * |   |
1 ==> 3 ==  1,2 2,2 3,2
2 ==> 3 ==  2,1 2,2 2,3
3 ==> 3 ==  1,2 2,2 3,2    


<lang oz>declare

 Rules = [rule(c:1 n:[0 1]             new:0)  %% Lonely
          rule(c:1 n:[4 5 6 7 8]       new:0)  %% Overcrowded
          rule(c:1 n:[2 3]             new:1)  %% Lives
          rule(c:0 n:[3]               new:1)  %% It takes three to give birth!
          rule(c:0 n:[0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8] new:0)  %% Barren
 Blinker = ["..."
 Toad = ["...."
 Glider = [".#.........."
 Init = Blinker
 MaxGen = 2
 %% G(i) -> G(i+1)
 fun {Evolve Gi}
    fun {Get X#Y}
       Row = {CondSelect Gi Y unit}
       {CondSelect Row X 0} %% cells beyond boundaries are dead (0)
    fun {GetNeighbors X Y}
       {Map [X-1#Y-1  X#Y-1  X+1#Y-1
             X-1#Y           X+1#Y
             X-1#Y+1  X#Y+1  X+1#Y+1]
    {Record.mapInd Gi
     fun {$ Y Row}
        {Record.mapInd Row
         fun {$ X C}
            N = {Sum {GetNeighbors X Y}}
            for Rule in Rules return:Return do
               if C == Rule.c andthen {Member N Rule.n} then
 %% For example: [".#"
 %%                "#."] -> grid(1:row(1:0 2:1) 2:row(1:1 2:0))
 fun {ReadG LinesList}
    {List.toTuple grid
     {Map LinesList
      fun {$ Line}
         {List.toTuple row
          {Map Line
           fun {$ C}
              if C == &. then 0
              elseif C == &# then 1
 %% Inverse to ReadG
 fun {ShowG G}
    {Map {Record.toList G}
     fun {$ Row}
        {Map {Record.toList Row}
         fun {$ C}
            if C == 0 then &.
            elseif C == 1 then &#
 %% Helpers
 fun {Sum Xs} {FoldL Xs Number.'+' 0} end
 fun lazy {Iterate F V} V|{Iterate F {F V}} end
 G0 = {ReadG Init}
 Gn = {Iterate Evolve G0}


    Gi in Gn
    I in 0..MaxGen
    {System.showInfo "\nGen. "#I}
    {ForAll {ShowG Gi} System.showInfo}


Uses crt for console output. Can make use of a "torus"-world. Optimized for speed on a Haswell CPU (without PrintGen ~ 8.5 Cpu-cyles/coordinate ) <lang pascal>program Gol; // Game of life {$IFDEF FPC}

  //save as gol.pp/gol.pas
 {$Mode delphi}


 //for Delphi save as gol.dpr
 {$Apptype Console}

{$ENDIF} uses



 colMax = 76;
 rowMax = 22;
 dr = colMax+2; // element count of one row
 cDelay = 20;  // delay in ms

(* expand field by one row/column before and after for easier access no special treatment of torus

  • )


 tFldElem  = byte;//0..1
 tpFldElem = ^tFldElem;
 tRow = array[0..colMax+1] of tFldElem;
 tpRow = ^tRow;
 tBoard = array[0..rowMax+1] of tRow;
 tpBoard = ^tBoard;
 tpBoards = array[0..1] of tpBoard;


 tIntArr = array[0..2*dr+2] of tFldElem;
 tpIntArr = ^tIntArr;


 aBoard,bBoard : tBoard;
 pBoards :tpBoards;
 gblActBoard : byte;
 gblUseTorus :boolean;
 gblGenCnt   : integer;

procedure PrintGen; const

 cChar: array[0..1] of char = (' ','#');


 p0 : tpIntArr;
 col,row: integer;
 s : string[colMax];


 For row := 1 to rowMax do
   p0 := @pBoards[gblActBoard]^[row,0];;
   For col := 1 to colMax do
     s[col] := cChar[p0[col]];


procedure Init0(useTorus:boolean); begin

 gblUseTorus := useTorus;
 gblGenCnt := 0;
 pBoards[0] := @aBoard;
 pBoards[1] := @bBoard;
 gblActBoard := 0;


procedure InitRandom(useTorus:boolean); var

 col,row : integer;


 For row := 1 to rowMax do
   For col := 1 to colMax do
     aBoard[row,col]:= tFldElem(random>0.9);


procedure InitBlinker(useTorus:boolean); var

 col,row : integer;


 For col := 1 to colMax do
   IF (col+2) mod 4 = 0 then
     For row := 1 to rowmax do
       IF row mod 4 <> 0 then
         aBoard[row,col]:= 1;


procedure Torus; var

 p0 : tpIntArr;
 row: integer;


 //copy column 1-> colMax+1 and colMax-> 0
 p0 := @pBoards[gblActBoard]^[1,0];
 For row := 1 to rowMax do
   p0^[0] := p0^[colMax];
   p0^[colmax+1] := p0^[1];
   //next row
   p0 := Pointer(PtrUint(p0)+SizeOf(tRow));
 //copy row  1-> rowMax+1
 //copy row  rowMax-> 0


function Survive(p: tpIntArr):tFldElem; //p points to actual_board [row-1,col-1] //calculates the sum of alive around [row,col] aka p^[dr+1] //really fast using fpc 2.6.4 no element on stack const

 cSurvives : array[boolean,0..8] of byte =
             //0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8     sum of alive neighbours
             ((0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0),   {alive =false 1->born}
              (0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0));  {alive =true  0->die }


 sum : integer;


 // row above
 // sum := byte(aBoard[row-1,col-1])+byte(aBoard[row-1,col])+byte(aBoard[row-1,col+1]);
 sum :=     integer(p^[     0])+integer(p^[     1])+integer(p^[     2]);
 sum := sum+integer(p^[  dr+0])                    +integer(p^[  dr+2]);
 sum := sum+integer(p^[2*dr+0])+integer(p^[2*dr+1])+integer(p^[2*dr+2]);
 survive := cSurvives[boolean(p^[dr+1]),sum];


procedure NextGen; var

 p0,p1 : tpFldElem;
 row: NativeInt;
 col :NativeInt;


 if gblUseTorus then
 p1 := @pBoards[1-gblActBoard]^[1,1];
 //One row above and one column before because of survive
 p0 := @pBoards[  gblActBoard]^[0,0];
 For row := rowMax-1 downto 0 do
   For col := colMax-1 downto 0 do
     p1^ := survive(tpIntArr(p0));
   // jump over the borders
 //aBoard := bBoard;
 gblActBoard :=1-gblActBoard;



 until keypressed;

end. </lang>


Basic implementation; prints a matrix representing the state of the game directly. Supports large games but this example uses only the required 3 X 3 blinker. <lang parigp>step(M)={


}; M=[0,1,0;0,1,0;0,1,0]; for(i=1,3,print(M);M=step(M))</lang>


This a perl example the simulates Conway's life starting with a random grid of the given size for the given number of steps. Example: numrows numcols numiterations 5 10 15 

would do 15 iterations over 5 rows and 10 columns.

<lang perl>my ($width, $height, $generations) = @ARGV;

my $printed;

sub generate {

      {[ (map { rand () < 0.5 } 1 .. $width), 0 ]}
      1 .. $height),
  [(0) x ($width + 1)];


sub nexgen {

  my @prev = map {[@$_]} @_;
  my @new = map {[ (0) x ($width + 1) ]} 0 .. $height;
  foreach my $row ( 0 .. $height - 1 ) {
      foreach my $col ( 0 .. $width - 1 ) {
          my $val =
            $prev[ $row - 1 ][ $col - 1 ] +
            $prev[ $row - 1 ][ $col     ] +
            $prev[ $row - 1 ][ $col + 1 ] +
            $prev[ $row     ][ $col - 1 ] +
            $prev[ $row     ][ $col + 1 ] +
            $prev[ $row + 1 ][ $col - 1 ] +
            $prev[ $row + 1 ][ $col     ] +
            $prev[ $row + 1 ][ $col + 1 ];
          $new[$row][$col] =
              ( $prev[$row][$col] && $val == 2 || $val == 3 );
  return @new;


sub printlife {

  my @life = @_;
  if ($printed) {

# Move the cursor up to print over prior generation. print "\e[1A" x $height;

  $printed = 1;
  foreach my $row ( 0 .. $height - 1 ) {
      foreach my $col ( 0 .. $width - 1 ) {
            ? "\e[33;45;1m \e[0m"
            : "\e[1;34;1m \e[0m");
      print "\n";


my @life = generate; print "Start\n"; printlife @life; foreach my $stage ( 1 .. $generations ) {

  sleep 1;
  print "Generation $stage\n\e[1A";
  @life = nexgen @life;
  printlife @life;

} print "\n";</lang>

Another version, takes up the whole area of your terminal. Using warping edges.<lang Perl>my $w = `tput cols` - 1; my $h = `tput lines` - 1; my $r = "\033[H";

my @universe = map([ map(rand(1) < .1, 1 .. $w) ], 1 .. $h); sub iterate { my @new = map([ map(0, 1 .. $w) ], 1 .. $h); for my $i (0 .. $h - 1) { for my $j (0 .. $w - 1) { my $neighbor = 0; for ( [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [ 0, -1], [ 0, 1], [ 1, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1] ) { my $y = $_->[0] + $i; my $x = $_->[1] + $j; $neighbor += $universe[$y % $h][$x % $w]; last if $neighbor > 3; }

$new[$i][$j] = $universe[$i][$j] ? ($neighbor == 2 or $neighbor == 3) : $neighbor == 3; }} @universe = @new; }

while(1) { print $r; print map((map($_ ? "#" : " ", @$_), "\n"), @universe); iterate; }</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2014.02-38-g1726c7d built on MoarVM version 2014.02-18-g3c82a79

<lang perl6>class Automaton {

   subset World of Str where {

.lines>>.chars.uniq == 1 and m/^^<[.#\n]>+$$/

   has Int ($.width, $.height);
   has @.a;

   multi method new (World $s) { :width(.pick.chars), :height(.elems), :a( .map: { [ .comb ] } )

       given $s.lines;

   method gist { join "\n", map { [~] @$_ }, @!a }

   method C (Int $r, Int $c --> Bool) {

@!a[$r % $!height][$c % $!width] eq '#';

   method N (Int $r, Int $c --> Int) {

+grep ?*, map { self.C: |@$_ }, [ $r - 1, $c - 1], [ $r - 1, $c ], [ $r - 1, $c + 1], [ $r , $c - 1], [ $r , $c + 1], [ $r + 1, $c - 1], [ $r + 1, $c ], [ $r + 1, $c + 1];


   method succ { :$!width, :$!height, :a( gather for ^$.height -> $r { take [ gather for ^$.width -> $c { take (self.C($r, $c) == 1 && self.N($r, $c) == 2|3 ) || (self.C($r, $c) == 0 && self.N($r, $c) == 3) ?? '#' !! '.' } ] } )



my Automaton $glider .= new: '............ ............ ............ .......###.. .......#.... ........#... ............';

for ^10 {

   say $glider++;
   say '--';



This example uses 'grid' and 'disp' from "lib/simul.l". These functions maintain an array of multiply linked objects, and are also used in the chess program and other games in the distribution. <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l")

(de life (DX DY . Init)

  (let Grid (grid DX DY)
     (for This Init
        (=: life T) )
        (disp Grid NIL
           '((This) (if (: life) "X " "  ")) )
        (wait 1000)
        (for Col Grid
           (for This Col
              (let N  # Count neighbors
                    '((Dir) (get (Dir This) 'life))
                       west east south north
                       ((X) (south (west X)))
                       ((X) (north (west X)))
                       ((X) (south (east X)))
                       ((X) (north (east X))) ) )
                 (=: next  # Next generation
                    (if (: life)
                       (>= 3 N 2)
                       (= N 3) ) ) ) ) )
        (for Col Grid  # Update
           (for This Col
              (=: life (: next)) ) ) ) ) )

(life 5 5 b3 c3 d3)</lang> Output:

 3   X X X
   a b c d e
 4     X
 3     X
 2     X
   a b c d e
 3   X X X
   a b c d e


<lang PL/I>(subscriptrange): Conway: procedure options (main); /* 20 November 2013 */

  /* A grid of (1:100, 1:100) is desired; the array GRID is defined as (0:101, 0:101), */
  /* to satisfy the requirement that elements off-grid are zero.                       */
  declare n fixed binary; /* grid size) */
  put ('What grid size do you want?');
  get (n);
  put skip list ('Generating a grid of size ' || trim(n) );


  declare grid (0:n+1,0:n+1) bit(1) initial ((*) '0'b);
  declare new  (0:n+1,0:n+1) bit(1);
  declare cell(3,3) defined grid(1sub-2+i, 2sub-2+j) bit (1);
  declare (i, j, k) fixed binary;
  /* Initialize some cells. */
  grid(2,2) = '1'b; grid(2,3) = '1'b; grid(2,4) = '1'b;
  /* Print the initial state. */
  put list ('Initial pattern:');
  do i = 1 to n;
     put skip;
     do j = 1 to n;
        put edit (grid(i,j)) (b(1));
  do k = 1 to 4;
     /* Do one generation of life */
     new = '0'b;
     /* For each C, the center of a 3 x 3 cell matrix. */
     do i = 1 to n;
        do j = 1 to n;
           if grid(i,j) then
              select (sum(cell)-1);
                 when (0,1)       new(i,j) = '0'b;
                 when (4,5,6,7,8) new(i,j) = '0'b;
                 when (2,3)       new(i,j) = '1'b;
              select (sum(cell));
                 when (3)         new(i,j) = '1'b;
                 otherwise        new(i,j) = '0'b;
     grid = new; /* Update GRID with the new generation. */
     /* Print the generation. */
     put skip(2) list ('Generation ' || trim(k));
     do i = 1 to n;
        put skip;
        do j = 1 to n;
           put edit (grid(i,j)) (b(1));

end; end Conway;</lang> Results:

What grid size do you want? 

Generating a grid of size 5 

Initial conditions: 

Generation 1 

Generation 2 

Generation 3 

Generation 4 


<lang PostScript>%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 400 400

/size 400 def

realtime srand /rand1 { rand 2147483647 div } def

/m { moveto } bind def /l { rlineto} bind def /drawboard {

       0 1 n 1 sub { /y exch def
       0 1 n 1 sub { /x exch def
               board x get y get 1 eq {
                       x c mul y c mul m
                       c 0 l 0 c l c neg 0 l
                       closepath fill
               } if
       } for } for

} def

/r1n { dup 0 lt { n add } if dup n ge { n sub } if } def /neighbors { /y exch def /x exch def 0

       y 1 sub 1 y 1 add { r1n /y1 exch def
       x 1 sub 1 x 1 add { r1n /x1 exch def
               board x1 get y1 get add
       } for } for
       board x get y get sub

} def

/iter {

       [0 1 n 1 sub { /x exch def
       [0 1 n 1 sub { /y exch def
               x y neighbors
               board x get y get
               0 eq    { 3 eq {1}{0} ifelse }
                       { dup 2 eq exch 3 eq or {1}{0} ifelse } ifelse
       } for ]
       } for ] def

} def

/n 200 def /initprob .15 def /c size n div def /board [ n {[ n { rand1 initprob le {1}{0} ifelse } repeat]} repeat ] def

1000 { drawboard showpage iter } repeat %%EOF</lang>


<lang Prolog> %----------------------------------------------------------------------% % GAME OF LIFE  % %  % % Adapt the prediacte grid_size according to the grid size of the  % % start pic.  % % Modify the number of generations.  % % Run PROLOG and type '[gol].' to compile the source file.  % % Create a subfolder <subfolder> where your resides and place  % % your initial PBM '<filename>0.0000.pbm' inside <subfolder>.  % % You need to adjust the number of zeros after <filename>. The  % % sequence of zeros after '0.' must be as long as the number of  % % generations. This is important to obtain a propper animation.  % % (Maybe someone knows a better solution for this)  % % Start PROLOG and run  % %  % % cellular('./<subloder>/<filename>').  % %  % % Inside <subfolder> run the following shell command  % %  % % convert -delay 25 -loop 0 <filename>* <filename>.gif  % %  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------%

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Special thanks to René Thiemann improving the runtime performance.  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------%

% Size of the 2D grid grid_size(300). % Number of generations generations(1000).

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Main procedure: generate n generations of life and store each file.  % % cellular( +File path )  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% cellular(I) :- grid_size(GS), string_concat(I,'0.0000.pbm',I1), read_pbm(I1,GS,M), cellular_(I,M,GS,1), !.

cellular_(I,M,GS,N) :- N1 is N+1, format(atom(N0),'~4d',N), string_concat(I,N0,I1), string_concat(I1,'.pbm',I2), step(M,M1), write_pbm(M1,GS,I2), !, cellular_(I,M1,GS,N1). cellular_(_,_,_,GE) :- generations(GE),!.

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Apply the Game Of Life rule set to every cell.  % % step( +OldMatrix, +NewMatrix )  % %  % % ss | s | ... | s ss ... step_ss  % % ----+---+-----+--- s ... step_s  % % ii | i | ... | i ii ... step_ii  % % ----+---+-----+--- i ... step_i  % %  : | : |  : | : ee ... step_ee  % % ----+---+-----+--- e ... step_e  % % ii | i | ... | i  % % ----+---+-----+---  % % ee | e | ... | e  % %  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% step([R1,R2|M],[H|T]) :- step_ss(R1,R2,H), !, step_([R1,R2|M],T).

step_([R1,R2,R3|M],[H|T]) :- step_ii(R1,R2,R3,H), step_([R2,R3|M],T), !. step_([R1,R2],[H]) :- step_ee(R1,R2,H).

% Start case step_ss([A1,A2|R1],[B1,B2|R2],[H|T]) :- rule([0,0,0],[0,A1,A2],[0,B1,B2],H), step_s([A1,A2|R1],[B1,B2|R2],T). step_s([A1,A2,A3|R1],[B1,B2,B3|R2],[H|T]) :- rule([0,0,0],[A1,A2,A3],[B1,B2,B3],H), step_s([A2,A3|R1],[B2,B3|R2],T). step_s([A1,A2],[B1,B2],[H]) :- rule([0,0,0],[A1,A2,0],[B1,B2,0],H).

% Immediate case step_ii([A1,A2|R1],[B1,B2|R2],[C1,C2|R3],[H|T]) :- rule([0,A1,A2],[0,B1,B2],[0,C1,C2],H), step_i([A1,A2|R1],[B1,B2|R2],[C1,C2|R3],T). step_i([A1,A2,A3|R1],[B1,B2,B3|R2],[C1,C2,C3|R3],[H|T]) :- rule([A1,A2,A3],[B1,B2,B3],[C1,C2,C3],H), step_i([A2,A3|R1],[B2,B3|R2],[C2,C3|R3],T). step_i([A1,A2],[B1,B2],[C1,C2],[H]) :- rule([A1,A2,0],[B1,B2,0],[C1,C2,0],H).

% End case step_ee([A1,A2|R1],[B1,B2|R2],[H|T]) :- rule([0,A1,A2],[0,B1,B2],[0,0,0],H), step_e([A1,A2|R1],[B1,B2|R2],T). step_e([A1,A2,A3|R1],[B1,B2,B3|R2],[H|T]) :- rule([A1,A2,A3],[B1,B2,B3],[0,0,0],H), step_e([A2,A3|R1],[B2,B3|R2],T). step_e([A1,A2],[B1,B2],[H]) :- rule([A1,A2,0],[B1,B2,0],[0,0,0],H).

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % o Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live  % % cell, as if by reproduction.  % % o Any other dead cell remains dead.  % % o Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if  % % caused by under-population.  % % o Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the  % % next generation.  % % o Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by  % % overcrowding.  % %  % % [Source: Wikipedia]  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% rule([A,B,C],[D,0,F],[G,H,I],1) :- A+B+C+D+F+G+H+I =:= 3. rule([_,_,_],[_,0,_],[_,_,_],0). rule([A,B,C],[D,1,F],[G,H,I],0) :- A+B+C+D+F+G+H+I < 2. rule([A,B,C],[D,1,F],[G,H,I],1) :- A+B+C+D+F+G+H+I =:= 2. rule([A,B,C],[D,1,F],[G,H,I],1) :- A+B+C+D+F+G+H+I =:= 3. rule([A,B,C],[D,1,F],[G,H,I],0) :- A+B+C+D+F+G+H+I > 3.

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Read a 2bit Protable Bitmap into a GS x GS 2-dimensional list.  % % read_pbm( +File path, +Grid size, -List 2D )  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% read_pbm(F,GS,M) :- open(F,read,S), skip(S,10), skip(S,10), get(S,C), read_file(S,C,L), nest(L,GS,M), close(S).

read_file(S,C,[CHR|T]) :- CHR is C-48, get(S,NC), read_file(S,NC,T). read_file(_,-1,[]) :- !.

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Morph simple list into a 2-dimensional one with size GS x GS  % % nest( ?List simple, ?Grid size, ?2D list )  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% nest(L,GS,[H|T]) :- length(H,GS), append(H,S,L), nest(S,GS,T). nest(L,GS,[L]) :- length(L,S), S =< GS, !.

%----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Write a GS x GS 2-dimensional list into a 2bit Protable Bitmap.  % % write_pbm( +List 2D, +Grid size, +File path )  % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% write_pbm(L,GS,F) :- open(F,write,S), write(S,'P1'), nl(S), write(S,GS), put(S,' '), write(S,GS), nl(S), write_file(S,L), close(S).

write_file(S,[H|T]) :- write_line(S,H), nl(S), write_file(S,T). write_file(_,[]) :- !.

write_line(S,[H|T]) :- write(S,H), put(S,' '), write_line(S,T). write_line(_,[]) :- !. </lang>

Sample output:


Using defaultdict

This implementation uses defaultdict(int) to create dictionaries that return the result of calling int(), i.e. zero for any key not in the dictionary. This 'trick allows celltable to be initialized to just those keys with a value of 1.

Python allows many types other than strings and ints to be keys in a dictionary. The example uses a dictionary with keys that are a two entry tuple to represent the universe, which also returns a default value of zero. This simplifies the calculation N as out-of-bounds indexing of universe returns zero.

<lang python>import random from collections import defaultdict

printdead, printlive = '-#' maxgenerations = 3 cellcount = 3,3 celltable = defaultdict(int, {

(1, 2): 1,
(1, 3): 1,
(0, 3): 1,
} ) # Only need to populate with the keys leading to life
    1. Start States
  1. blinker

u = universe = defaultdict(int) u[(1,0)], u[(1,1)], u[(1,2)] = 1,1,1

    1. toad
  1. u = universe = defaultdict(int)
  2. u[(5,5)], u[(5,6)], u[(5,7)] = 1,1,1
  3. u[(6,6)], u[(6,7)], u[(6,8)] = 1,1,1
    1. glider
  1. u = universe = defaultdict(int)
  2. maxgenerations = 16
  3. u[(5,5)], u[(5,6)], u[(5,7)] = 1,1,1
  4. u[(6,5)] = 1
  5. u[(7,6)] = 1
    1. random start
  1. universe = defaultdict(int,
  2. # array of random start values
  3. ( ((row, col), random.choice((0,1)))
  4. for col in range(cellcount[0])
  5. for row in range(cellcount[1])
  6. ) ) # returns 0 for out of bounds

for i in range(maxgenerations):

   print "\nGeneration %3i:" % ( i, )
   for row in range(cellcount[1]):
       print "  ", .join(str(universe[(row,col)])
                           for col in range(cellcount[0])).replace(
                               '0', printdead).replace('1', printlive)
   nextgeneration = defaultdict(int)
   for row in range(cellcount[1]):
       for col in range(cellcount[0]):
           nextgeneration[(row,col)] = celltable[
               ( universe[(row,col)],
                 -universe[(row,col)] + sum(universe[(r,c)]
                                            for r in range(row-1,row+2)
                                            for c in range(col-1, col+2) )
               ) ]
   universe = nextgeneration</lang>


Generation   0:

Generation   1:

Generation   2:

Boardless approach

A version using the boardless approach. A world is represented as a set of (x, y) coordinates of all the alive cells.

<lang python>from collections import Counter

def life(world, N):

   "Play Conway's game of life for N generations from initial world."
   for g in range(N+1):
       display(world, g)
       counts = Counter(n for c in world for n in offset(neighboring_cells, c))
       world = {c for c in counts 
               if counts[c] == 3 or (counts[c] == 2 and c in world)}

neighboring_cells = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),

                    ( 0, -1),          ( 0, 1), 
                    ( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1)]

def offset(cells, delta):

   "Slide/offset all the cells by delta, a (dx, dy) vector."
   (dx, dy) = delta
   return {(x+dx, y+dy) for (x, y) in cells}

def display(world, g):

   "Display the world as a grid of characters."
   print '          GENERATION {}:'.format(g)
   Xs, Ys = zip(*world)
   Xrange = range(min(Xs), max(Xs)+1)
   for y in range(min(Ys), max(Ys)+1):
       print .join('#' if (x, y) in world else '.'
                     for x in Xrange)

blinker = {(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)} block = {(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0)} toad = {(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 2), (1, 3), (1, 1)} glider = {(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 1)} world = (block | offset(blinker, (5, 2)) | offset(glider, (15, 5)) | offset(toad, (25, 5))

          | {(18, 2), (19, 2), (20, 2), (21, 2)} | offset(block, (35, 7)))

life(world, 5)</lang>

          GENERATION 0:
          GENERATION 1:
          GENERATION 2:
          GENERATION 3:
          GENERATION 4:
          GENERATION 5:


<lang r># Generates a new board - either a random one, sample blinker or gliders, or user specified. gen.board <- function(type="random", nrow=3, ncol=3, seeds=NULL) {

      return(matrix(runif(nrow*ncol) > 0.5, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol))
   } else if(type=="blinker")
      seeds <- list(c(2,1),c(2,2),c(2,3))
   } else if(type=="glider")
      seeds <- list(c(1,2),c(2,3),c(3,1), c(3,2), c(3,3))
   board <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol) 
   for(k in seq_along(seeds))
     board[seedsk[1],seedsk[2]] <- TRUE


  1. Returns the number of living neighbours to a location

count.neighbours <- function(x,i,j) {

  sum(x[max(1,i-1):min(nrow(x),i+1),max(1,j-1):min(ncol(x),j+1)]) - x[i,j]


  1. Implements the rulebase <- function(board, i, j) {

  N <- count.neighbours(board,i,j)
  (N == 3 || (N ==2 && board[i,j]))


  1. Generates the next interation of the board from the existing one

evolve <- function(board) {

  newboard <- board
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(board)))
     for(j in seq_len(ncol(board)))
        newboard[i,j] <-,i,j)         


  1. Plays the game. By default, the board is shown in a plot window, though output to the console if possible. <- function(board, nsteps=50, timebetweensteps=0.25, graphicaloutput=TRUE) {

  if(!require(lattice)) stop("lattice package could not be loaded")   
  nr <- nrow(board)
  for(i in seq_len(nsteps))
        print(levelplot(t(board[nr:1,]), colorkey=FALSE)) 
     } else print(board)  
     newboard <- evolve(board)
        message("board is static")
     } else if(sum(newboard) < 1)
        message("everything is dead")
     } else board <- newboard


  1. Example usage"blinker"))"glider", 18, 20)), 50, 50))</lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require 2htdp/image 2htdp/universe)

Grid object

(define (make-empty-grid m n)

 (build-vector m (lambda (y) (make-vector n 0))))

(define rows vector-length)

(define (cols grid)

 (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0)))

(define (make-grid m n living-cells)

 (let loop ([grid (make-empty-grid m n)]
            [cells living-cells])
   (if (empty? cells)
       (loop (2d-set! grid (caar cells) (cadar cells) 1) (cdr cells)))))

(define (2d-ref grid i j)

 (cond [(< i 0) 0]
       [(< j 0) 0]
       [(>= i (rows grid)) 0]
       [(>= j (cols grid)) 0]
       [else (vector-ref (vector-ref grid i) j)]))

(define (2d-refs grid indices)

 (map (lambda (ind) (2d-ref grid (car ind) (cadr ind))) indices))

(define (2d-set! grid i j val)

 (vector-set! (vector-ref grid i) j val)
cartesian product of 2 lists

(define (cart l1 l2)

 (if (empty? l1)
     (append (let loop ([n (car l1)] [l l2])
               (if (empty? l) '() (cons (list n (car l)) (loop n (cdr l)))))
             (cart (cdr l1) l2))))
Count living cells in the neighbourhood

(define (n-count grid i j)

 (- (apply + (2d-refs grid (cart (list (- i 1) i (+ i 1))
                                 (list (- j 1) j (+ j 1)))))
    (2d-ref grid i j)))
Rules and updates of the grid
rules are stored in a 2d array
r_i,j = new state of a cell
in state i with j neighboors

(define conway-rules

 (list->vector (list (list->vector '(0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0))
                     (list->vector '(0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)))))

(define (next-state rules grid i j)

 (let ([current (2d-ref grid i j)]
       [N (n-count grid i j)])
   (2d-ref rules current N)))

(define (next-grid rules grid)

 (let ([new-grid (make-empty-grid (rows grid) (cols grid))])
   (let loop ([i 0] [j 0])
     (if (>= i (rows grid))
         (if (>= j (cols grid))
             (loop (+ i 1) 0)
             (begin (2d-set! new-grid i j (next-state rules grid i j))
                    (loop i (+ j 1))))))))

(define (next-grid! rules grid)

 (let ([new-grid (next-grid rules grid)])
   (let loop ((i 0))
     (if (< i (rows grid))
       (begin (vector-set! grid i (vector-ref new-grid i))
              (loop (+ i 1)))
Image / Animation

(define (grid->image grid)

 (let ([m (rows grid)] [n (cols grid)] [size 5])
   (let loop ([img (rectangle (* m size) (* n size) "solid" "white")]
              [i 0] [j 0])
     (if (>= i (rows grid))
         (if (>= j (cols grid))
             (loop img (+ i 1) 0)
             (if (= (2d-ref grid i j) 1)
                 (loop (underlay/xy img (* i (+ 1 size)) (* j (+ 1 size))
                                    (square (- size 2) "solid" "black"))
                       i (+ j 1))
                 (loop img i (+ j 1))))))))

(define (game-of-life grid refresh_time)

 (animate (lambda (n)
            (if (= (modulo n refresh_time) 0)
                (grid->image (next-grid! conway-rules grid))
                (grid->image grid)))))

(define (blinker)

 (make-grid 3 3 '((0 1) (1 1) (2 1))))

(define (thunder)

 (make-grid 70 50 '((30 19) (30 20) (30 21) (29 17) (30 17) (31 17))))

(define (cross)

 (let loop ([i 0] [l '()])
   (if (>= i 80)
       (make-grid 80 80 l)
       (loop (+ i 1) (cons (list i i) (cons (list (- 79 i) i) l))))))
To run examples
(game-of-life (blinker) 30)
(game-of-life (thunder) 2)
(game-of-life (cross) 2)


Output for an 80x80 cross:


<lang Retro> create world

 20 20 * allot

create next

 20 20 * allot

create initial ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ) ( 0 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 1 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , ( 2 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , ( 3 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 4 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 5 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 6 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 7 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 8 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 9 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 10 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 11 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 12 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 13 ) 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 14 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 15 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 16 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , ( 17 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , ( 18 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ( 19 ) 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,

( Assumes anything outside the bounds is "dead" ) {{

 variable surrounding
 : get   ( rc- )
   2over [ 0 19 within ] bi@ and
   [ world + [ 20 * ] dip + @ ] [ 2drop 0 ] if ;
 : neighbor?  ( rc- )  get +surrounding ;
 : NW  ( rc-rc )  2over [ 1- ] bi@     neighbor? ;
 : NN  ( rc-rc )  2over [ 1- ] dip     neighbor? ;
 : NE  ( rc-rc )  2over [ 1- ] dip 1+  neighbor? ;
 : WW  ( rc-rc )  2over 1-             neighbor? ;
 : EE  ( rc-rc )  2over 1+             neighbor? ;
 : SW  ( rc-rc )  2over [ 1+ ] dip 1-  neighbor? ;
 : SS  ( rc-rc )  2over [ 1+ ] dip     neighbor? ;
 : SE  ( rc-rc )  2over [ 1+ ] bi@     neighbor? ;
 : count    ( rc-rcn )
   0 !surrounding
   WW    EE
   SW SS SE @surrounding ;
 : alive  ( rc-n )
   [ 0 1 within ] [ drop 0 ] when
   [ 4 8 within ] [ drop 0 ] when
   [ 2 3 within ] [ drop 1 ] when ;
 : dead   ( rc-n )
   [ 3 =        ] [ drop 1 ] when
   [ 0 2 within ] [ drop 0 ] when
   [ 4 8 within ] [ drop 0 ] when ;
 : newState  ( rc-n )
   2over get 1 = [ alive ] [ dead ] if ;
 : set   ( nrc- )  next + [ 20 * ] dip + ! ;
 : cols  ( r- )
   20 [ over swap newState 2rot set ] iter drop ;
 : output  ( n- )  [ 'o ] [ '. ] if putc space ;


 : display  ( - )
   cr world 20 [ 20 [ @+ output ] times cr ] times drop ;
 : start    ( - )
   initial world 20 20 * copy display ;
 : gen      ( - )
   20 [ cols ] iter  next world 20 20 * copy ;
 : delay  ( - )  time 1+ [ time over <= ] while drop ;
 : run    ( n- )
   [ delay clear gen display ] times ;


start 20 run</lang>


version 1

This version has been trimmed down from the original REXX program, otherwise the size of the program (with all its options and optional formatting) would probably be on the big side for general viewing, and maybe a wee bit complex to demonstrate how to program for this task. <lang rexx>/*REXX program displays Conway's game of life, it stops after N repeats.*/ signal on halt /*handle cell growth interruptus.*/ parse arg peeps '(' rows cols empty life! clearScreen repeats generations

      rows = p(rows               3)  /*the maximum number of cell rows*/
      cols = p(cols               3)  /* "     "       "    "   "  cols*/
     emp = pickChar(empty 'blank')    /*an empty cell character (glyph)*/
  clearScr = p(clearScreen        0)  /*1 indicates to clear the screen*/

clearscr=1 clearscr=0

     life! = pickChar(life!     '☼')  /*the gylph looks like an ameba. */
      reps = p(repeats            2)  /*stop if there are   2  repeats.*/

generations = p(generations 100) /*number of generations allowed. */ usw=max(linesize()-1,cols) /*usable screen width for display*/

  1. reps=0; $.=emp /*the universe is new, and barren*/

gens=abs(generations) /*use this for convenience. */ x=space(peeps); upper x /*elide superfluous spaces; upper*/ if x== then x='BLINKER' /*if none specified, use BLINKER.*/ if x=='BLINKER' then x='2,1 2,2 2,3' if x=='GLIDER' then x='48,11 48,12 48,13 49,13 50,12' if x=='OCTAGON' then x='1,5 1,6 2,4 2,7 3,3 3,8 4,2 4,9 5,2 5,9 6,3 6,8 7,4 7,7 8,5 8,6' call assign. /*assign the initial state cells.*/ call showCells /*show initial state of the cells*/

                                      /* [↓]  cell colony grow/live/die*/
    do life=1  for gens; call assign@ /*construct the next generation. */
    if generations>0 | life==gens  then call showCells    /*display it?*/
    end   /*life*/

fin: exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*───────────────────────────────SHOWCELLS subroutine───────────────────*/ showCells: if clearScr then 'CLS' /* ◄─── change this for your OS.*/ call showRows /*show the rows in proper order. */ say right(copies('▒',usw) life,usw) /*show fence between generations.*/ if _== then call fin /*if no life, then stop the run.*/ if !._ then #reps=#reps+1 /*we detected a repeated pattern.*/ !._=1 /*existence state & compare later*/ if reps\==0 & #reps<=reps then return /*so far, so good regarding reps.*/ say; say ' "Life" repeated itself' reps "times, simulation has ended." call fin /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*───────────────────────────────1─liner subroutines───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ $: parse arg _row,_col; return $._row._col==life! assign$: do r=1 for rows; do c=1 for cols; $.r.c=@.r.c; end; end; return assign.: do while x\==; parse var x r ',' c x; $.r.c=life!; rows=max(rows,r); cols=max(cols,c); end; life=0; !.=0; return assign?:  ?=$.r.c; n=neighbors(); if ?==emp then do;if n==3 then ?=life!; end; else if n<2 | n>3 then ?=emp; @.r.c=?; return assign@: @.=emp; do r=1 for rows; do c=1 for cols; call assign?; end; end; call assign$; return halt: say; say 'REXX program halted.'; say; exit 0 neighbors: rm=r-1; rp=r+1; cm=c-1; cp=c+1; return $(rm,cm)+$(rm,c)+$(rm,cp)+$(r,cm)+$(r,cp)+$(rp,cm)+$(rp,c)+$(rp,cp) p: return word(arg(1),1) pickChar: _=p(arg(1)); arg u .; if u=='BLANK' then _=' '; L=length(_); if L==3 then _=d2c(_);if L==2 then _=x2c(_); return _ showRows: _=; do r=rows by -1 for rows; z=; do c=1 for cols; z=z||$.r.c; end; z=strip(z,'T',emp); say z; _=_||z; end; return</lang> This REXX program makes use of   LINESIZE   REXX program (or BIF) which is used to determine the screen width (or linesize) of the terminal (console).
The   LINESIZE.REX   REXX program is included here   ──►   LINESIZE.REX.

output   when using the default input:


▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 0
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 1


▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 2
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 3


▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 4

  "Life" repeated itself 2 times, simulation has ended.

version 2

<lang rexx>/* REXX ---------------------------------------------------------------

  • 02.08.2014 Walter Pachl
  • Input is a file containing the initial pattern
  • The compute area is extended when needed
  • (cells are born outside the current compute area)
  • The program stops when the picture shown is the same as the first
  • or equal to the previous one
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Parse Arg f If f= Then f='bipole' fid=f'.in' oid=f'.txt'; 'erase' oid debug=0 If debug Then Do

 dbg=f'.xxx'; 'erase' dbg

ml=0 l.= Do ri=3 By 1 While lines(fid)>0

 l.ri='  'linein(fid)

ml=ml+2 ri=ri+1 yy=ri If debug Then

 say 'ml='ml 'yy='yy

yb=1 a.=' ' b.=' ' m.= x.= Parse Value 1 ml 1 yy With xmi xma ymi yma Parse Value '999 0' With xmin xmax Parse Value '999 0' With ymin ymax

Do y=1 To yy

 Do x=1 By 1 While l<>
   Parse Var l c +1 l
   If c='*' Then Do

Call show Do step=1 To 60

 Call store
 If step>1 & is_equal(step,1) Then Leave
 If step>1 & is_equal(step,step-1) Then Leave
   Call show_neighbors
 Do y=yma To ymi By -1
   ol=format(x,2)' '
   Do x=xmi To xma
     If a.x.y=' ' Then Do             /* dead cell                  */
       If neighbors=3 Then Do
         b.x.y='*'                    /*  gets life                 */
         mmo=xmi xma ymi yma
         mm=xmi xma ymi yma
         If mm<>mmo Then
           Call debug mmo '->' mm
       Else                           /* life cell                  */
         b.x.y=' '                    /*  remains dead              */
     Else Do                          /* life cell                  */
       If neighbors=2 |,
          neighbors=3 Then b.x.y='*'  /*  remains life              */
                      Else b.x.y=' '  /*  dies                      */
 /* b. is the new state and is now copied to a.                     */
 Do y=yma To ymi By -1
   Do x=xmi To xma

/* Output name and all states */ Call lineout oid,' 'f st=' +' /* top and bottom border */ sb=' +' /* top and bottom border */ Do s=1 To step


Call lineout oid,st /* top border */ Do y=ymin To ymax

 Do s=1 To step
   ol=ol '|' substr(m.s.y,xmin,xmax-xmin+1)
 Call lineout oid,ol '|'

Call lineout oid,sb /* bottom border */ Call lineout oid 'type' oid If debug Then Do

 Say 'original area' 1 ml '/' 1 yy
 Say 'compute area ' xmi xma '/' ymi yma


set: Parse Arg x,y


neighbors: Procedure Expose a. debug

 Parse Arg x,y
 do xa=x-1 to x+1
   do ya=y-1 to y+1
     If xa<>x | ya<>y then
       If a.xa.ya='*' Then
 Return neighbors

store: /* store current state (a.) in lines m.step.* */ Do y=yy To 1 By -1

 Do x=1 To ml
 If ol<> then Do
   If p>0 Then
 Call debug '====>' right(step,2) y ol  xmin xmax


is_equal: /* test ist state a.b is equal to state a.a */

 Parse Arg a,b
 Do y=yy To 1 By -1
   If x.b.y<>x.a.y Then
     Return 0
 Return 1

show: Procedure Expose dbg a. yy ml debug Do y=1 To yy

 Do x=1 To ml
 Call debug ol


show_neighbors: Procedure Expose a. xmi xma ymi yma dbg debug

 Do y=yma To ymi By -1
   ol=format(y,2)' '
   Do x=xmi To xma
   Call debug ol


 If debug Then
   Return lineout(dbg,arg(1))
|     |  *  |     |
| *** |  *  | *** |
|     |  *  |     |
|    **    |    **    |   *  *   |          |          |    **    |
|   *  *   |   ****   |   *  *   |   *  *   |   ****   |   *  *   |
|  *    *  |  *    *  | ** ** ** |  * ** *  |  * ** *  |  *    *  |
| *      * | **    ** |   *  *   |   *  *   |  **  **  | *      * |
| *      * | **    ** |   *  *   |   *  *   |  **  **  | *      * |
|  *    *  |  *    *  | ** ** ** |  * ** *  |  * ** *  |  *    *  |
|   *  *   |   ****   |   *  *   |   *  *   |   ****   |   *  *   |
|    **    |    **    |   *  *   |          |          |    **    |


<lang ruby>def game_of_life(name, size, generations, initial_life=nil)

 board = new_board size
 seed board, size, initial_life
 print_board board, name, 0
 reason = generations.times do |gen|
   new = evolve board, size
   print_board new, name, gen+1
   break :all_dead if barren? new, size
   break :static   if board == new
   board = new
 if    reason == :all_dead then puts "no more life."
 elsif reason == :static   then puts "no movement"
 else                           puts "specified lifetime ended"


def new_board(n) {, 0)}


def seed(board, n, points=nil)

 if points.nil?
   # randomly seed board
   indices = []
   n.times {|x| n.times {|y| indices << [x,y] }}
   indices.shuffle[0,10].each {|x,y| board[y][x] = 1}
   points.each {|x, y| board[y][x] = 1}


def evolve(board, n)

 new = new_board n
 n.times {|i| n.times {|j| new[i][j] = fate board, i, j, n}}


def fate(board, i, j, n)

 i1 = [0, i-1].max; i2 = [i+1, n-1].min
 j1 = [0, j-1].max; j2 = [j+1, n-1].min
 sum = 0
 for ii in (i1..i2)
   for jj in (j1..j2)
     sum += board[ii][jj] if not (ii == i and jj == j)
 (sum == 3 or (sum == 2 and board[i][j] == 1)) ? 1 : 0


def barren?(board, n)

 n.times {|i| n.times {|j| return false if board[i][j] == 1}}


def print_board(m, name, generation)

 puts "#{name}: generation #{generation}"
 m.each {|row| row.each {|val| print "#{val == 1 ? '#' : '.'} "}; puts}


game_of_life "blinker", 3, 2, [[1,0],[1,1],[1,2]] game_of_life "glider", 4, 4, [[1,0],[2,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2]] game_of_life "random", 5, 10</lang>

blinker: generation 0
. # . 
. # . 
. # . 
blinker: generation 1
. . . 
# # # 
. . . 
blinker: generation 2
. # . 
. # . 
. # . 
specified lifetime ended

glider: generation 0
. # . . 
. . # . 
# # # . 
. . . . 
glider: generation 1
. . . . 
# . # . 
. # # . 
. # . . 
glider: generation 2
. . . . 
. . # . 
# . # . 
. # # . 
glider: generation 3
. . . . 
. # . . 
. . # # 
. # # . 
glider: generation 4
. . . . 
. . # . 
. . . # 
. # # # 
specified lifetime ended

random: generation 0
. . . # # 
. . . # . 
. . . # . 
# . . . # 
# . # # # 
random: generation 1
. . . # # 
. . # # . 
. . . # # 
. # # . # 
. # . # # 
random: generation 2
. . # # # 
. . # . . 
. # . . # 
. # . . . 
. # . # # 
random: generation 3
. . # # . 
. # # . # 
. # # . . 
# # . # # 
. . # . . 
random: generation 4
. # # # . 
. . . . . 
. . . . # 
# . . # . 
. # # # . 
random: generation 5
. . # . . 
. . # # . 
. . . . . 
. # . # # 
. # # # . 
random: generation 6
. . # # . 
. . # # . 
. . . . # 
. # . # # 
. # . # # 
random: generation 7
. . # # . 
. . # . # 
. . . . # 
. . . . . 
. . . # # 
random: generation 8
. . # # . 
. . # . # 
. . . # . 
. . . # # 
. . . . . 
random: generation 9
. . # # . 
. . # . # 
. . # . . 
. . . # # 
. . . . . 
random: generation 10
. . # # . 
. # # . . 
. . # . # 
. . . # . 
. . . . . 
specified lifetime ended

Class version

The above implementation uses only methods. Below is one that is object-oriented and feels perhaps a bit more Ruby-ish.

<lang ruby>class Game

 def initialize(name, size, generations, initial_life=nil)
   @size = size
   @board = size, initial_life
   @board.display name, 0
   reason = generations.times do |gen|
     new_board = evolve
     new_board.display name, gen+1
     break :all_dead if new_board.barren?
     break :static   if @board == new_board
     @board = new_board
   case reason
   when :all_dead  then puts "No more life."
   when :static    then puts "No movement."
   else                 puts "Specified lifetime ended."
 def evolve
   life = {|i,j| cell_fate(i,j)} @size, life
 def cell_fate(i, j)
   left_right = [0, i-1].max .. [i+1, @size-1].min
   top_bottom = [0, j-1].max .. [j+1, @size-1].min
   sum = 0
   for x in left_right
     for y in top_bottom
       sum += @board[x,y].value if x != i or y != j
   sum == 3 or (sum == 2 and @board[i,j].alive?)


class GameBoard

 include Enumerable
 def initialize(size, initial_life=nil)
   @size = size
   @board = { { false}}
   seed_board initial_life
 def seed_board(life)
   if life.nil?
     # randomly seed board
     each_index.to_a.sample(10).each {|x,y| @board[y][x].live}
     life.each {|x,y| @board[y][x].live}
 def each
   @size.times {|x| @size.times {|y| yield @board[y][x] }}
 def each_index
   return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given?
   @size.times {|x| @size.times {|y| yield x,y }}
 def [](x, y)
 def ==(board) ==
 def barren?
   none? {|cell| cell.alive?}
 def life {|x,y| @board[y][x].alive?}
 def display(name, generation)
   puts "#{name}: generation #{generation}"
   puts {|row| {|cell| cell.alive? ? '#' : '.'}.join(' ')}
 def apocalypse
   # utility function to entirely clear the game board
   each {|cell| cell.die}


class Cell

 def initialize(alive) @alive = alive  end
 def alive?;           @alive          end
 def value;            @alive ? 1 : 0  end
 def live;             @alive = true   end
 def die;              @alive = false  end

end "blinker", 3, 2, [[1,0],[1,1],[1,2]] "glider", 4, 4, [[1,0],[2,1],[0,2],[1,2],[2,2]] "random", 5, 10</lang>


See Conway's Game of Life/Scala


Works with: Scheme version implementing R6RS (tested with PLT Scheme, Petite Chez Scheme)

<lang Scheme>

An R6RS Scheme implementation of Conway's Game of Life --- assumes
all cells outside the defined grid are dead
if n is outside bounds of list, return 0 else value at n

(define (nth n lst)

 (cond ((> n (length lst)) 0)
       ((< n 1) 0)
       ((= n 1) (car lst))
       (else (nth (- n 1) (cdr lst)))))
return the next state of the supplied universe

(define (next-universe universe)

 ;value at (x, y)
 (define (cell x y)
   (if (list? (nth y universe))
       (nth x (nth y universe))
 ;sum of the values of the cells surrounding (x, y)
 (define (neighbor-sum x y)
   (+ (cell (- x 1) (- y 1))
      (cell (- x 1) y)
      (cell (- x 1) (+ y 1))
      (cell x (- y 1))
      (cell x (+ y 1))
      (cell (+ x 1) (- y 1))
      (cell (+ x 1) y)
      (cell (+ x 1) (+ y 1))))
 ;next state of the cell at (x, y)
 (define (next-cell x y)
   (let ((cur (cell x y))
         (ns (neighbor-sum x y)))
     (cond ((and (= cur 1)
                 (or (< ns 2) (> ns 3)))
           ((and (= cur 0) (= ns 3))
           (else cur))))
 ;next state of row n
 (define (row n out)
   (let ((w (length (car universe))))
     (if (= (length out) w)
         (row n
              (cons (next-cell (- w (length out)) n)
 ;a range of ints from bot to top
 (define (int-range bot top)
   (if (> bot top) '()
       (cons bot (int-range (+ bot 1) top))))
 (map (lambda (n)
        (row n '()))
      (int-range 1 (length universe))))
represent the universe as a string

(define (universe->string universe)

 (define (prettify row)
   (apply string-append
          (map (lambda (b)
                 (if (= b 1) "#" "-"))
 (if (null? universe)
     (string-append (prettify (car universe))
                    (universe->string (cdr universe)))))
starting with seed, show reps states of the universe

(define (conway seed reps)

 (when (> reps 0)
   (display (universe->string seed))
   (conway (next-universe seed) (- reps 1))))
--- Example Universes --- ;;
blinker in a 3x3 universe

(conway '((0 1 0)

         (0 1 0)
         (0 1 0)) 5)
glider in an 8x8 universe

(conway '((0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0)

         (0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)
         (0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
         (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
         (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
         (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
         (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
         (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) 30)</lang>




































Library: CImg

SequenceL Code: <lang sequencel>life(Cells(2))[I, J] := let numNeighbors := Cells[I-1,J-1] + Cells[I-1,J] + Cells[I-1,J+1] + Cells[I,J-1] +/*current cell*/Cells[I,J+1] + Cells[I+1,J-1] + Cells[I+1,J] + Cells[I+1,J+1]; in 0 when I=1 or J=1 or I=size(Cells) or J=size(Cells[I]) //On Border else 0 when numNeighbors < 2 or numNeighbors > 3 //Cell Dies else 1 when Cells[I,J] = 1 and numNeighbors = 2 or numNeighbors = 3 //Cell lives on or is born. else Cells[I,J]; //No Change

stressTestInput(n(0))[y,x] := 0 when not y = n / 2 else 1 foreach y within 1 ... n, x within 1 ... n;</lang>

C++ Driver Code: <lang c>#include <iostream>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <fstream>
  4. include <cerrno>
  1. include "Cimg.h"
  1. include "SL_Generated.h"

using namespace std; using namespace cimg_library;

char titleBuffer[200];

std::string get_file_contents(const char*);

int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int cores = 0; int maxSize = 700;

int drawSkip = 1; int drawWait = 0;

string inputFile = "test";

if(argc > 1) { inputFile = argv[1]; } if(argc > 2) { cores = atoi(argv[2]); }

if(argc > 3) { maxSize = atoi(argv[3]); }

if(argc > 4) { drawSkip = atoi(argv[4]);

if(drawSkip < 0) { drawWait = abs(drawSkip); drawSkip = 1; } }


SLTimer drawTimer;

sprintf(titleBuffer, "Conway's Game of Life in SequenceL: %d Cores", cores);

int width = 0; int height = 0;

//Read input file-------------- Sequence<Sequence<int>> initialGrid;

if(inputFile != "test") { stringstream ss(get_file_contents(inputFile.c_str())); string stringItem; vector<int> elems; char delim = ',';

getline(ss, stringItem, delim); width = atoi(stringItem.c_str()); getline(ss, stringItem, delim); height = atoi(stringItem.c_str());

while(getline(ss, stringItem, delim)) { elems.push_back(atoi(stringItem.c_str())); }

//Sequence Pointer Constructor---- int gridDims[] = {height, width, 0}; Sequence<Sequence<int>> tempGrid( (void*)&elems[0], gridDims); initialGrid.hard_copy(tempGrid, 0); //----------------------------- } else { width = maxSize; height = maxSize; sl_stressTestInput(maxSize, cores, initialGrid); } //--------

Sequence<Sequence<int>> result;

const unsigned char black[] = {0};

CImg<unsigned char> visu(width * 4, height * 4, 1, 1, 0); CImgDisplay draw_disp(visu, titleBuffer); cout << "Conway's Game of Life in SequenceL" << endl << "Cores: " << cores << endl;

int generations = 0; double compTime = 0; double drawTime = 0; SLTimer t;

while(!draw_disp.is_closed()) { t.start(); sl_life(initialGrid, cores, result); generations++; initialGrid.hard_copy(result, 0); t.stop(); compTime += t.getTime();


if(drawSkip > 0 && generations % drawSkip == 0) {


for(int i = 1; i <= result.size(); i++) { for(int j = 1; j <= result[i].size(); j++) { if(result[i][j] == 1) visu.draw_circle((j-1) * 4, (i - 1) * 4, 2, black, 1); } }


int drawWidth = maxSize; int drawHeight = maxSize;

if(width < height) { drawWidth = ((double)drawHeight * ((double)width / (double)height)); } else { drawHeight = ((double)drawWidth * ((double)height / (double)width)); }

draw_disp.resize(drawWidth, drawHeight, false);

draw_disp.wait(drawWait); drawTimer.stop(); drawTime += drawTimer.getTime(); } }

cout << "Total Generations: " << generations << endl;

cout << "Average Compute Time: " << compTime / generations << " seconds" << endl;

cout << "Average Draw Time: " << drawTime / generations << " seconds" << endl;


return 0; }

std::string get_file_contents(const char *filename) {

 std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
 if (in)
   std::string contents;
   in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
   in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);[0], contents.size());



SequenceL Intended Use:

life(int(2)); stressTestInput(int(0))

Running the program:

  • If no inputs are provided, a 700 element stress test is performed.
  • Argument 1 is the input file ("test" to run stress test).
  • Argument 2 is the optional number of cores which defaults to 0(all cores).
  • Argument 3 is the size to make the largest dimension of the display window.
  • Argument 4 is the number of frames to skip when drawing.

Sample Input:




Stress Test Output:

This is the output for the 700 element stress test, which is an input of a 700X700 grid with a single line of live cells horizontally in the center.



Compiler: GNU SETL

This version uses a live cell set representation (set of coordinate pairs.) This example first appeared here. <lang setl>program life;


 initialMatrix =

loop init

 s := initialLiveSet();


 nm := {[[x+dx, y+dy], [x, y]]: [x, y] in s, dx in {-1..1}, dy in {-1..1}};
 s := {c: t = nm{c} | 3 in {#t, #(t less c)}};


proc output(s);

 (for y in [0..24])
   (for x in [0..78])
     nprint(if [x, y] in s then "#" else " " end);
 select([], 250);

end proc;

proc initialLiveSet();

 return {[x,y]: row = initialMatrix(y), c = row(x) | c = '#'};

end proc;

end program;</lang>


Somewhat verbose but functional and type-checked implementation (tested with chibi-scheme and Shen/SBCL). Running this shows ten iterations of a toad. <lang Shen>(tc +)

(datatype subtype

 (subtype B A); X : B;
 X : A;)

(datatype integer

 if (integer? X)
 X: integer;
 (subtype integer number);)

(datatype bit

 if (< X 2)
 X: bit;
 (subtype bit integer);)

(datatype row

 [] : row;
 C : bit; Row : row;
 [C | Row] : row;)

(datatype universe

 [] : universe;
 R : row; Uni : universe;
 [R | Uni] : universe;)

(define conway-nth

 \\ returns value of x from row if it exists, else 0
 { number --> row --> bit }
 _ [] -> 0
 N _ -> 0 where (< N 0)
 0 [A|B] -> A
 N [A|B] -> (conway-nth (- N 1) B))

(define row-retrieve

 { number --> universe --> row }
 _ [] -> []
 0 [] -> []
 0 [A|B] -> A
 N [A|B] -> (row-retrieve (- N 1) B))

(define cell-retrieve

 { number --> number --> universe --> bit }
 X Y Universe -> (conway-nth X (row-retrieve Y Universe)))

(define neighbors

 \\ takes an X and Y, retrieves the number of neighbors
 { number --> number --> universe --> number }
 X Y Universe -> (let ++ (+ 1)
                      -- (/. X (- X 1))
                   (+ (cell-retrieve (++ X) Y Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve (++ X) (++ Y) Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve (++ X) (-- Y) Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve (-- X) Y Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve (-- X) (++ Y) Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve (-- X) (-- Y) Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve X (++ Y) Universe)
                      (cell-retrieve X (-- Y) Universe))))

(define handle-alive

 { number --> number --> universe --> bit }
 X Y Universe -> (if (or (= (neighbors X Y Universe) 2)
                         (= (neighbors X Y Universe) 3))
                     1 0))

(define handle-dead

 { number --> number --> universe --> bit }
 X Y Universe -> (if (= (neighbors X Y Universe) 3)
                     1 0))

(define next-row

 \\ first argument must be a previous row, second must be 0 when
 \\ first called, third must be a Y value and the final must be the
 \\ current universe
 { row --> number --> number --> universe --> row }
 [] _ _ _ -> []
 [1|B] X Y Universe -> (cons (handle-alive X Y Universe)
                             (next-row B (+ X 1) Y Universe))
 [_|B] X Y Universe -> (cons (handle-dead X Y Universe)
                             (next-row B (+ X 1) Y Universe)))

(define next-universe

 \\ both the first and second arguments must be the same universe,
 \\ the third must be 0 upon first call
 { universe --> number --> universe --> universe }
 [] _ _ -> []
 [Row|Rest] Y Universe -> (cons (next-row Row 0 Y Universe)
                                (next-universe Rest (+ Y 1) Universe)))

(define display-row

 { row --> number }
 [] -> (nl)
 [1|Rest] -> (do (output "* ")
                 (display-row Rest))
 [_|Rest] -> (do (output "  ")
                 (display-row Rest)))

(define display-universe

 { universe --> number }
 [] -> (nl 2)
 [Row|Rest] -> (do (display-row Row)
                   (display-universe Rest)))

(define iterate-universe

 { number --> universe --> number }
 0 _ -> (nl)
 N Universe -> (do (display-universe Universe)
                   (iterate-universe (- N 1)
                                     (next-universe Universe 0 Universe))))


[[0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 1 1 1 0]
 [0 1 1 1 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0]])</lang>


Translation of: Perl

<lang ruby>var w = `tput cols`.to_i-1; var h = `tput lines`.to_i-1; var r = "\033[H";

var dirs = [[-1,-1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [ 0,-1],

           [ 0, 1], [ 1,-1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1]];

var universe = h.of { w.of {1.rand < 0.1} };

func iterate {

   var new = h.of { w.of(false) };
   range(h-1).each { |i|
       range(w-1).each { |j|
       var neighbor = 0;
       dirs.each { |dir|
           var (y, x) = (dir[0] + i, dir[1] + j);
           neighbor += (universe[y % h][x % w] ? 1 : 0);
           neighbor > 3 && break;
       new[i][j] = (universe[i][j]
                       ? (neighbor ~~ [2,3])
                       : (neighbor ==    3));
   universe = new;


loop {

   print r;
   say{|row|{|cell| cell ? '#' : ' '}.join()}.join("\n");



Microsoft SQL here:

Works with: Oracle

<lang sql> -- save these lines in a file called -- setupworld.sql

-- turn off feedback for cleaner display

set feedback off

-- 3 x 3 world

-- alive has coordinates of living cells

drop table alive;

create table alive (x number,y number);

-- three alive up the middle -- * -- * -- *

insert into alive values (2,1); insert into alive values (2,2); insert into alive values (2,3);


-- save these lines in a file called newgeneration.sql

-- adjact contains one row for each pair of -- coordinates that is adjacent to a living cell

drop table adjacent;

create table adjacent (x number,y number);

-- add row for each of the 8 adjacent squares

insert into adjacent select x-1,y-1 from alive; insert into adjacent select x-1,y from alive; insert into adjacent select x-1,y+1 from alive; insert into adjacent select x,y-1 from alive; insert into adjacent select x,y+1 from alive; insert into adjacent select x+1,y-1 from alive; insert into adjacent select x+1,y from alive; insert into adjacent select x+1,y+1 from alive;


-- delete rows for squares that are outside the world

delete from adjacent where x<1 or y<1 or x>3 or y>3;


-- table counts is the number of live cells -- adjacent to that point

drop table counts;

create table counts as select x,y,count(*) n from adjacent a group by x,y;

-- C N new C -- 1 0,1 -> 0 # Lonely -- 1 4,5,6,7,8 -> 0 # Overcrowded -- 1 2,3 -> 1 # Lives -- 0 3 -> 1 # It takes three to give birth! -- 0 0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8 -> 0 # Barren

-- delete the ones who die

delete from alive a where ((a.x,a.y) not in (select x,y from counts)) or ((select c.n from counts c where a.x=c.x and a.y=c.y) in (1,4,5,6,7,8));

-- insert the ones that are born

insert into alive a select x,y from counts c where c.n=3 and ((c.x,c.y) not in (select x,y from alive));


-- create output table

drop table output;

create table output as select rownum y,' ' x1,' ' x2,' ' x3 from dba_tables where rownum < 4;

update output set x1='*' where (1,y) in (select x,y from alive);

update output set x2='*' where (2,y) in (select x,y from alive);

update output set x3='*' where (3,y) in (select x,y from alive);


-- output configuration

select x1||x2||x3 WLD from output order by y desc; </lang>

Running in sqlplus:

SQL> @setupworld
SQL> @newgeneration



SQL> @newgeneration

SQL> @newgeneration




Note using non-blocking assignments, so that the code behaves as if every cell is updated in parallel on each clock edge. (I didn't need to use a clock here, but doing so looks more like standard verilog coding that is familiar to hardware designers). <lang SystemVerilog>module gol;

 parameter NUM_ROWS = 20;
 parameter NUM_COLS = 32;
 bit [NUM_COLS:1] cell[1:NUM_ROWS];
 bit clk;
 initial begin
   cell[10][10:8] = 3'b111;
   cell[11][10:8] = 3'b100;
   cell[12][10:8] = 3'b010;
   repeat(8) #5 clk = ~clk;
 always @(posedge clk) begin
   foreach (cell[y,x]) begin
     automatic int count = $countones({ cell[y-1][x-1+:3], cell[y][x-1], cell[y][x+1], cell[y+1][x-1+:3] });
     if (count == 3) cell[y][x] <= 1'b1;
     else if (count != 2) cell[y][x] <= 1'b0;
 always @(negedge clk) begin
   foreach (cell[y]) $display( "  %b", cell[y] );



Works with: Tcl version 8.5

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc main {} {

   evolve 3 blinker [initialize_tableau {3 3} {{0 1} {1 1} {2 1}}]
   evolve 5 glider  [initialize_tableau {4 4} {{0 1} {1 2} {2 0} {2 1} {2 2}}]


proc evolve {generations name tableau} {

   for {set gen 1} {$gen <= $generations} {incr gen} {
       puts "$name generation $gen:"
       print $tableau
       set tableau [next_generation $tableau]
   puts ""


proc initialize_tableau {size initial_life} {

   lassign $size ::max_x ::max_y 
   set tableau [blank_tableau]
   foreach point $initial_life {
       lset tableau {*}$point 1
   return $tableau


proc blank_tableau {} {

   return [lrepeat $::max_x [lrepeat $::max_y 0]]


proc print {tableau} {

   foreach row $tableau {puts [string map {0 . 1 #} [join $row]]}


proc next_generation {tableau} {

   set new [blank_tableau]
   for {set x 0} {$x < $::max_x} {incr x} {
       for {set y 0} {$y < $::max_y} {incr y} {
           lset new $x $y [fate [list $x $y] $tableau]
   return $new


proc fate {point tableau} {

   set current [value $point $tableau]
   set neighbours [sum_neighbours $point $tableau]
   return [expr {($neighbours == 3) || ($neighbours == 2 && $current == 1)}]


proc value {point tableau} {

   return [lindex $tableau {*}$point]


proc sum_neighbours {point tableau} {

   set sum 0
   foreach neighbour [get_neighbours $point] {
       incr sum [value $neighbour $tableau]
   return $sum


proc get_neighbours {point} {

   lassign $point x y
   set results [list]
   foreach x_off {-1 0 1} {
       foreach y_off {-1 0 1} {
           if { ! ($x_off == 0 && $y_off == 0)} {
               set i [expr {$x + $x_off}] 
               set j [expr {$y + $y_off}]
               if {(0 <= $i && $i < $::max_x) && (0 <= $j && $j < $::max_y)} {
                   lappend results [list $i $j]
   return $results



blinker generation 1:
. # .
. # .
. # .
blinker generation 2:
. . .
# # #
. . .
blinker generation 3:
. # .
. # .
. # .

glider generation 1:
. # . .
. . # .
# # # .
. . . .
glider generation 2:
. . . .
# . # .
. # # .
. # . .
glider generation 3:
. . . .
. . # .
# . # .
. # # .
glider generation 4:
. . . .
. # . .
. . # #
. # # .
glider generation 5:
. . . .
. . # .
. . . #
. # # #


Three functions are defined: rule takes a pair (c,<n..>) representing a cell and its list of neighboring cells to the new cell, neighborhoods takes board of cells <<c..>..> to a structure <<(c,<n..>)..>..> explicitly pairing each cell with its neighborhood, and evolve(n) takes a board <<c..>..> to a sequence of n boards evolving from it.

<lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

rule = -: ^(~&,~&l?(~&r-={2,3},~&r-={3})^|/~& length@F)* pad0 iota512

neighborhoods = ~&thth3hthhttPCPthPTPTX**K7S+ swin3**+ swin3@hNSPiCihNCT+ --<0>*+ 0-*

evolve "n" = next"n" rule**+ neighborhoods</lang> test program: <lang Ursala>blinker =

(==`O)**t -[ +++ OOO +++]-

glider =

(==`O)**t -[ +O++++ ++O+++ OOO+++ ++++++ ++++++]-

  1. show+

examples = mat0 ~&?(`O!,`+!)*** evolve3(blinker)-- evolve5(glider)</lang>









Vedit macro language

This implementation uses an edit buffer for data storage and to show results. For purpose of this task, the macro writes the initial pattern in the buffer. However, easier way to enter patterns would be by editing them directly in the edit buffer before starting the macro (in which case the Ins_Text commands would be omitted).

The macro calculates one generation and then waits for a key press before calculating the next generation.

The algorithm used is kind of reverse to the one normally used in Life implementations. Instead of counting cells around each location, this implementation finds each living cell and then increments the values of the 8 surrounding cells. After going through all the living cells, each location of the grid contains an unique ascii value depending on the original value (dead or alive) and the number of living cells in surrounding positions. Two Replace commands are then used to change characters into '.' or 'O' to represent dead and living cells in the new generation.

<lang vedit>IT("Generation 0 ") IN IT(".O.") IN IT(".O.") IN IT(".O.")

  1. 9 = 2 // number of generations to calculate
  2. 10 = Cur_Line
  3. 11 = Cur_Col-1

for (#2 = 1; #2 <= #9; #2++) {

   Get_Key("Next gen...", STATLINE)
   itoa(#2, 20, LEFT)
   GL(1) GC(12) Reg_Ins(20, OVERWRITE)

} EOF Return

// Calculate one generation


Goto_Line(2) While (At_EOF == 0) {

 Search("|A",ERRBREAK)		// find next living cell
 #3 = Cur_Line
 #4 = #7 = #8 = Cur_Col
 if (#4 > 1) {			// increment cell at left
     #7 = #4-1
 if (#4 < #11) {		// increment cell at right
     #8 = #4+1
 if (#3 > 2) {			// increment 3 cells above
 if (#3 < #10) {		// increment 3 cells below


Replace("[1QR]", "O", REGEXP+BEGIN+ALL) // these cells alive Replace("[/-7P-X]", ".", REGEXP+BEGIN+ALL) // these cells dead Return

// increment values of 3 characters in a row


for (#1 = #7; #1 <= #8; #1++) {


} Return</lang>

Generation 0    

Generation 1    

Generation 2    


Mapping over a matrix. <lang wortel>@let {

 life &m ~!* m &[a y] ~!* a &[v x] @let {
   neigh @sum [
     @`-x 1 @`-y 1 m  @`x @`-y 1 m  @`+x 1 @`-y 1 m
     @`-x 1 @`y    m                @`+x 1 @`y    m
     @`-x 1 @`+y 1 m  @`x @`+y 1 m  @`+x 1 @`+y 1 m
   @+ || = neigh 3 && v = neigh 2
 blinker [
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   [0 1 1 1 0]
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   !^life 0 blinker
   !^life 1 blinker
   !^life 2 blinker


 [[0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 1 1 1 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]]
 [[0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 1 0 0]
  [0 0 1 0 0]
  [0 0 1 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]]
 [[0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 1 1 1 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]]

Different solution by using functions that operate on matrices. <lang wortel>@let {

 ; Translation of the APL game of life (
 life &m @let {
   ; create functions that work on two matrices
   makemf  &f @[\@mapm @[\@mapm f ^@,] ^@,]
   addm    !makemf ^+
   orm     !makemf ^||
   andm    !makemf ^&&
   eqm     !makemf ^=
   ; bool matrix to number matrix
   tonum   *^*^@+
   ; create a matrix of value v in the shape of matrix m
   repm    &[v m] @rep #m &,@rep #m.0 v
   ; move a matrix in directions by padding zeroes
   movel   \!*~t0j
   mover   \!*~i0SO
   moveu   &m ~, &,@rep #m.0 0 !~t m
   moved   &m  , &,@rep #m.0 0 !~i m
   ; cache up and down
   mu      !moveu m
   md      !moved m
   ; calculate the neighbours
   neigh   !/addm [
     !movel mu  mu  !mover mu
     !movel m       !mover m
     !movel md  md  !mover md

   ; ((neigh = 2) AND m) OR (neigh = 3)
   ; (2 neighbours AND alive) OR (3 neighbours)
   !tonum !!orm !!andm m !!eqm neigh !!repm 2 m
                !!eqm neigh !!repm 3 m
 blinker [
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   [0 1 1 1 0]
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   [0 0 0 0 0]
   !^life 0 blinker
   !^life 1 blinker
   !^life 2 blinker


 [[0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 1 1 1 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]]
 [[0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 1 0 0]
  [0 0 1 0 0]
  [0 0 1 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]]
 [[0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 1 1 1 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]
  [0 0 0 0 0]]


<lang XPL0>def M=3; \array size char NowGen(M+2, M+2), \size with surrounding borders

       NewGen(M+2, M+2);

int X, Y, I, J, N, Gen; code ChOut=8, CrLf=9;

[for Y:= 0 to M+1 do \set up initial state

   for X:= 0 to M+1 do
       [NowGen(X,Y):= ^ ;  NewGen(X,Y):= ^ ];

NowGen(1,2):= ^#; NowGen(2,2):= ^#; NowGen(3,2):= ^#;

for Gen:= 1 to 3 do

       [for Y:= 1 to M do                      \show current generation
           [for X:= 1 to M do [ChOut(0, NowGen(X,Y));  ChOut(0,^ )];
       for Y:= 1 to M do                       \determine next generation
           for X:= 1 to M do
               [N:= 0;                         \count adjacent live (#) cells
               for J:= Y-1 to Y+1 do
                   for I:= X-1 to X+1 do
                       if NowGen(I,J) = ^# then N:= N+1;
               if NowGen(X,Y) = ^# then N:= N-1;       \don't count center
               NewGen(X,Y):= ^ ;                       \assume death
               if N=2 then NewGen(X,Y):= NowGen(X,Y)   \actually no change
               else if N=3 then NewGen(X,Y):= ^#;      \actually birth
       I:= NowGen;  NowGen:= NewGen;  NewGen:= I;      \swap arrays


# # # 


# # #


So when the following templates <lang xml><xsl:template match="/table">

<xsl:apply-templates />


<xsl:template match="tr">

<xsl:apply-templates /> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="td"> <xsl:variable name="liveNeighbours"> <xsl:apply-templates select="current()" mode="countLiveNeighbours" /> </xsl:variable> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="(current() = 'X' and $liveNeighbours = 2) or $liveNeighbours = 3"> <xsl:call-template name="live" /> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:call-template name="die" /> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="td" mode="countLiveNeighbours"> <xsl:variable name="currentX" select="count(preceding-sibling::td) + 1" /> <xsl:variable name="precedingRow" select="parent::tr/preceding-sibling::tr[1]" /> <xsl:variable name="followingRow" select="parent::tr/following-sibling::tr[1]" /> <xsl:variable name="neighbours" select="$precedingRow/td[$currentX - 1] | $precedingRow/td[$currentX] | $precedingRow/td[$currentX + 1] | preceding-sibling::td[1] | following-sibling::td[1] | $followingRow/td[$currentX - 1] | $followingRow/td[$currentX] | $followingRow/td[$currentX + 1]" /> <xsl:value-of select="count($neighbours[text() = 'X'])" /> </xsl:template> <xsl:template name="die"> _


<xsl:template name="live">


</xsl:template></lang> are applied against the document

<lang html>



then the transformed XML document contains the new universe evolved by one tick:

<lang html>




<lang zkl>class Life{

  fcn init(n, r1,c1, r2,c2, etc){
     var N=n, cells=Data(n*n), tmp=Data(n*n),
       ds=T(T(-1,-1),T(-1,0),T(-1,1), T(0,-1),T(0,1), T(1,-1),T(1,0),T(1,1));
     (N*N).pump(Void,cells.append.fpM("1-",0));	// clear board
     icells.pump(Void,Void.Read,fcn(row,col){ cells[row*N+col]=1 });
  fcn get(row,col){
     if((0<=row<N) and (0<=col<N)) return(cells[row*N+col]);
  fcn postToastie(row,col){
     ((n==2 and c==1) or n==3).toInt()
  fcn cycle{
     foreach row in (N){ foreach col in (N) { 
        tmp.append(postToastie(row,col)) } }
     t:=cells; cells=tmp; tmp=t;
  fcn toString{
        (if(c)"*" else "-") + (if( "" else "\n")
  fcn toAnsi{
        (if(c)"\e[07m  \e[m" else "  ") + (if( "" else "\e[E")
  fcn dance(n=300){ do(n){ toAnsi().print(); Atomic.sleep(0.2); cycle(); } }

}</lang> The data structure is a Data, which is a linear block of bytes. <lang zkl>cells:=Life(4, 0,1, 1,1, 2,1); // blinker do(3){ cells.println("="*4); cells.cycle(); }

cells:=Life(30, 0,1, 1,2, 2,0, 2,1, 2,2); // glider;</lang>


Just the glider (reformatted), if you have an ANSI terminal (eg xterm), you'll see the glider moving down the screen.

-*--    ----   -*--
-*--    ***-   -*--
-*--    ----   -*--
----    ----   ----
====    ====   ====


<lang ZPL>program Life;

config var

    n : integer = 100;


    BigR = [0 .. n+1, 0 .. n+1];
    R    = [1 .. n,   1 .. n  ];


    nw   = [-1, -1]; north = [-1, 0]; ne   = [-1, 1];
    west = [ 0, -1];                  east = [ 0, 1];
    sw   = [ 1, -1]; south = [ 1, 0]; se   = [ 1, 1];


    TW   : [BigR] boolean; -- The World
    NN   : [R]    integer; -- Number of Neighbours

procedure Life(); begin

    -- Initialize world
    [R]  repeat
         NN := TW@nw   + TW@north + TW@ne   +
               TW@west +            TW@east + 
               TW@sw   + TW@south + TW@se;
         TW := (TW & NN = 2) | ( NN = 3);
    until !(|<< TW);
