Consecutive primes with ascending or descending differences

Find and display here on this page, the longest sequence of consecutive prime numbers where the differences between the primes are strictly ascending.

Do the same for sequences of primes where the differences are strictly descending.

In both cases, show the sequence for primes   <   1 000 000.

If there are multiple sequences of the same length, only the first need be shown.

Consecutive primes with ascending or descending differences is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


<lang algol68>BEGIN # find sequences of primes where the gaps between the elements #

     # are strictly ascending/descending                            #
   # reurns a list of primes up to n #
   PROC prime list = ( INT n )[]INT:
           # sieve the primes to n #
           INT no = 0, yes = 1;
           [ 1 : n ]INT p;
           p[ 1 ] := no; p[ 2 ] := yes;
           FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO n DO p[ i ] := yes OD;
           FOR i FROM 4 BY 2 TO n DO p[ i ] := no  OD;
           FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO ENTIER sqrt( n ) DO
               IF p[ i ] = yes THEN FOR s FROM i * i BY i + i TO n DO p[ s ] := no OD FI
           # replace the sieve with a list #
           INT p pos := 0;
           FOR i TO n DO IF p[ i ] = yes THEN p[ p pos +:= 1 ] := i FI OD;
           p[ 1 : p pos ]
        END # prime list # ;
   # find the longest sequence of primes where the successive differences are ascending #
   INT max number   = 1 000 000;
   []INT primes     = prime list( max number );
   INT asc length  := 0;
   INT asc start   := 0;
   INT desc length := 0;
   INT desc start  := 0;
   FOR p FROM LWB primes TO UPB primes DO
       INT prev diff := 0;
       INT length    := 1;
       FOR s FROM p + 1 TO UPB primes
       WHILE INT diff = primes[ s ] - primes[ s - 1 ];
             diff > prev diff
           length   +:= 1;
           prev diff := diff
       IF length > asc length THEN
           # found a longer sequence #
           asc length := length;
           asc start  := p
   # find the longest sequence of primes where the successive differences are descending #
   FOR p FROM LWB primes TO UPB primes DO
       INT prev diff := max number + 1;
       INT length    := 1;
       FOR s FROM p + 1 TO UPB primes
       WHILE INT diff = primes[ s ] - primes[ s - 1 ];
             diff < prev diff
           length   +:= 1;
           prev diff := diff
       IF length > desc length THEN
           # found a longer sequence #
           desc length := length;
           desc start  := p
   # show the sequences #
   print( ( "For primes up to ", whole( max number, 0 ), newline ) );
   print( ( "    Longest sequence of primes with ascending differences contains "
          , whole( asc length, 0 )
          , " primes, first such sequence:"
          , newline
          , "(differences in brackets):"
          , newline
          , "        "
   print( ( whole( primes[ asc start ], 0 ) ) );
   FOR p FROM asc start + 1 TO asc start + ( asc length - 1 ) DO
       print( ( " (", whole( primes[ p ] - primes[ p - 1 ], 0 ), ") ", whole( primes[ p ], 0 ) ) )
   print( ( newline ) );
   print( ( "    Longest sequence of primes with descending differences contains "
          , whole( asc length, 0 )
          , " primes, first such sequence:"
          , newline
          , "(differences in brackets):"
          , newline
          , "        "
   print( ( whole( primes[ desc start ], 0 ) ) );
   FOR p FROM desc start + 1 TO desc start + ( desc length - 1 ) DO
       print( ( " (", whole( primes[ p ] - primes[ p - 1 ], 0 ), ") ", whole( primes[ p ], 0 ) ) )
   print( ( newline ) )


For primes up to 1000000
    Longest sequence of primes with ascending differences contains 8 primes, first such sequence:
(differences in brackets):
        128981 (2) 128983 (4) 128987 (6) 128993 (8) 129001 (10) 129011 (12) 129023 (14) 129037
    Longest sequence of primes with descending differences contains 8 primes, first such sequence:
(differences in brackets):
        322171 (22) 322193 (20) 322213 (16) 322229 (8) 322237 (6) 322243 (4) 322247 (2) 322249


<lang julia>using Primes

function primediffseqs(maxnum = 1_000_000)

   mprimes = primes(maxnum)
   diffs = map(p -> mprimes[p[1] + 1] - p[2], enumerate(@view mprimes[begin:end-1]))
   incstart, decstart = 1, 1
   bestinclength, bestdeclength = 0, 0
   for i in 1:length(diffs)-1
       foundinc, founddec = false, false
       for j in i+1:length(diffs)
           if diffs[j] <= diffs[j - 1]
               if(runlength = j - i) > bestinclength
                   bestinclength = runlength
                   incstart = i
               foundinc = true
           if diffs[j] >= diffs[j - 1]
               if(runlength = j - i) > bestdeclength
                   bestdeclength = runlength
                   decstart = i
               founddec = true
           foundinc && founddec && break
   println("Ascending: ", mprimes[incstart:incstart+bestinclength])
   println("Descending: ", mprimes[decstart:decstart+bestdeclength])




Ascending: [128981, 128983, 128987, 128993, 129001, 129011, 129023, 129037]
Descending: [322171, 322193, 322213, 322229, 322237, 322243, 322247, 322249]


integer pn = 1, -- prime numb
        lp = 2, -- last prime
        lg = 0, -- last gap
        pd = 0  -- prev d
sequence cr = {0,0},    -- curr run [a,d]
         mr = {{0},{0}} -- max runs  ""
while true do
    pn += 1
    integer p = get_prime(pn), gap = p-lp,
            d = compare(gap,lg)
    if p>1e6 then exit end if
    if d then
        integer i = (3-d)/2
        cr[i] = iff(d=pd?cr[i]:lp!=2)+1
        if cr[i]>mr[i][1] then mr[i] = {cr[i],pn} end if
    end if
    {pd,lp,lg} = {d,p,gap}
end while

for run=1 to 2 do
    integer {l,e} = mr[run]
    sequence p = apply(tagset(e,e-l),get_prime),
             g = sq_sub(p[2..$],p[1..$-1])
    printf(1,"longest %s run length %d: %v gaps: %v\n",
end for
longest ascending run length 8: {128981,128983,128987,128993,129001,129011,129023,129037} gaps: {2,4,6,8,10,12,14}
longest descending run length 8: {322171,322193,322213,322229,322237,322243,322247,322249} gaps: {22,20,16,8,6,4,2}


<lang perl6>use Math::Primesieve; use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

my $sieve =;

my $limit = 1000000;

my @primes = $sieve.primes($limit);

sub runs (&op) {

   my $diff = 1;
   my $run = 1;
   my @diff = flat 1, (1..^@primes).map: {
       my $next = @primes[$_] - @primes[$_ - 1];
       if &op($next, $diff) { ++$run } else { $run = 1 }
       $diff = $next;
   my $max = max @diff;
   my @runs = @diff.grep: * == $max, :k; {
       my @run = (0..$max) -> $r { @primes[$_ - $r] }
       flat roundrobin(@run».&comma, @run.rotor(2 => -1).map({[R-] $_})».fmt('(%d)'));
   } ).join: "\n"


say "Longest run(s) of ascending prime gaps up to {comma $limit}:\n" ~ runs(&infix:«>»);

say "\nLongest run(s) of descending prime gaps up to {comma $limit}:\n" ~ runs(&infix:«<»);</lang>

Longest run(s) of ascending prime gaps up to 1,000,000:
128,981 (2) 128,983 (4) 128,987 (6) 128,993 (8) 129,001 (10) 129,011 (12) 129,023 (14) 129,037
402,581 (2) 402,583 (4) 402,587 (6) 402,593 (8) 402,601 (12) 402,613 (18) 402,631 (60) 402,691
665,111 (2) 665,113 (4) 665,117 (6) 665,123 (8) 665,131 (10) 665,141 (12) 665,153 (24) 665,177

Longest run(s) of descending prime gaps up to 1,000,000:
322,171 (22) 322,193 (20) 322,213 (16) 322,229 (8) 322,237 (6) 322,243 (4) 322,247 (2) 322,249
752,207 (44) 752,251 (12) 752,263 (10) 752,273 (8) 752,281 (6) 752,287 (4) 752,291 (2) 752,293