Composite numbers k with no single digit factors whose factors are all substrings of k: Difference between revisions

(Added Wren)
Line 15:
<lang julia>using Lazy
using Primes
containsitsonlytwodigfactors(n) = (s = string(n); !isprime(n) && all(t -> length(t) > 1 && contains(s, t), map(x -> string(x), collect(keys(factor(n))))))
seq = @>> Lazy.range(2) filter(containsitsonlytwodigfactors)
foreach(p -> print(lpad(last(p), 9), first(p) == 10 ? "\n" : ""), enumerate(take(20, seq)))
15317 59177 83731 119911 183347 192413 1819231 2111317 2237411 3129361
5526173 11610313 13436683 13731373 13737841 13831103 15813251 17692313 19173071 28118827
