Compiler/lexical analyzer: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
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22 26 Integer 32
22 26 Integer 32
23 1 End_of_input</pre>
23 1 End_of_input</pre>

{{works with|Erlang|24.3.3}}

<lang erlang>#!/bin/env escript

-record (inp_t, {inpf, pushback, line_no, column_no}).

main (Args) ->
main_program (Args).

main_program ([]) ->
scan_from_inpf_to_outf ("-", "-"),
halt (0);
main_program ([Inpf_filename]) ->
scan_from_inpf_to_outf (Inpf_filename, "-"),
halt (0);
main_program ([Inpf_filename, Outf_filename]) ->
scan_from_inpf_to_outf (Inpf_filename, Outf_filename),
halt (0);
main_program ([_, _ | _]) ->
ProgName = escript:script_name (),
io:put_chars (standard_error, "Usage: "),
io:put_chars (standard_error, ProgName),
io:put_chars (standard_error, " [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]\n"),
halt (1).

scan_from_inpf_to_outf ("-", "-") ->
scan_input (standard_io, standard_io);
scan_from_inpf_to_outf (Inpf_filename, "-") ->
case file:open (Inpf_filename, [read]) of
{ok, Inpf} -> scan_input (Inpf, standard_io);
_ -> open_failure (Inpf_filename, "input")
scan_from_inpf_to_outf ("-", Outf_filename) ->
case file:open (Outf_filename, [write]) of
{ok, Outf} -> scan_input (standard_io, Outf);
_ -> open_failure (Outf_filename, "output")
scan_from_inpf_to_outf (Inpf_filename, Outf_filename) ->
case file:open(Inpf_filename, [read]) of
{ok, Inpf} ->
case file:open (Outf_filename, [write]) of
{ok, Outf} -> scan_input (Inpf, Outf);
_ -> open_failure (Outf_filename, "output")
_ -> open_failure (Inpf_filename, "input")

open_failure (Filename, ForWhat) ->
ProgName = escript:script_name (),
io:put_chars (standard_error, ProgName),
io:put_chars (standard_error, ": failed to open \""),
io:put_chars (standard_error, Filename),
io:put_chars (standard_error, "\" for "),
io:put_chars (standard_error, ForWhat),
io:put_chars (standard_error, "\n"),
halt (1).

scan_input (Inpf, Outf) ->
scan_text (Outf, make_inp (Inpf)).

scan_text (Outf, Inp) ->
{TokTup, Inp1} = get_next_token (Inp),
print_token (Outf, TokTup),
case TokTup of
{"End_of_input", _, _, _} -> ok;
_ -> scan_text (Outf, Inp1)

print_token (Outf, {Tok, Arg, Line_no, Column_no}) ->
S_line_no = erlang:integer_to_list (Line_no),
S_column_no = erlang:integer_to_list (Column_no),
io:put_chars (Outf, string:pad (S_line_no, 5, leading)),
io:put_chars (Outf, " "),
io:put_chars (Outf, string:pad (S_column_no, 5, leading)),
io:put_chars (Outf, " "),
io:put_chars (Outf, Tok),
{Padding, Arg1} =
case Tok of
"Identifier" -> {" ", Arg};
"Integer" -> {" ", Arg};
"String" -> {" ", Arg};
_ -> {"", ""}
io:put_chars (Outf, Padding),
io:put_chars (Outf, Arg1),
io:put_chars ("\n").

%%% The token dispatcher.

get_next_token (Inp) ->
Inp00 = skip_spaces_and_comments (Inp),
{Ch, Inp0} = get_ch (Inp00),
{Char, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
Ln = Line_no,
Cn = Column_no,
case Char of
eof -> {{"End_of_input", "", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"," -> {{"Comma", ",", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
";" -> {{"Semicolon", ";", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"(" -> {{"LeftParen", "(", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
")" -> {{"RightParen", ")", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"{" -> {{"LeftBrace", "{", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"}" -> {{"RightBrace", "}", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"*" -> {{"Op_multiply", "*", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"/" -> {{"Op_divide", "/", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"%" -> {{"Op_mod", "%", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"+" -> {{"Op_add", "+", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"-" -> {{"Op_subtract", "-", Ln, Cn}, Inp0};
"<" ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
"=" -> {{"Op_lessequal", "<=", Ln, Cn}, Inp1};
_ -> {{"Op_less", "<", Ln, Cn}, push_back (Ch1, Inp1)}
">" ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
"=" -> {{"Op_greaterequal", ">=", Ln, Cn}, Inp1};
_ -> {{"Op_greater", ">", Ln, Cn}, push_back (Ch1, Inp1)}
"=" ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
"=" -> {{"Op_equal", "==", Ln, Cn}, Inp1};
_ -> {{"Op_assign", "=", Ln, Cn}, push_back (Ch1, Inp1)}
"!" ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
"=" -> {{"Op_notequal", "!=", Ln, Cn}, Inp1};
_ -> {{"Op_not", "!", Ln, Cn}, push_back (Ch1, Inp1)}
"&" ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
"&" -> {{"Op_and", "&&", Ln, Cn}, Inp1};
_ -> unexpected_character (Ln, Cn, Char)
"|" ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
"|" -> {{"Op_or", "||", Ln, Cn}, Inp1};
_ -> unexpected_character (Ln, Cn, Char)
"\"" ->
Inp1 = push_back (Ch, Inp0),
scan_string_literal (Inp1);
"'" ->
Inp1 = push_back (Ch, Inp0),
scan_character_literal (Inp1);
_ ->
case is_digit (Char) of
true ->
Inp1 = push_back (Ch, Inp0),
scan_integer_literal (Inp1);
false ->
case is_alpha_or_underscore (Char) of
true ->
Inp1 = push_back (Ch, Inp0),
scan_identifier_or_reserved_word (Inp1);
false ->
unexpected_character (Ln, Cn, Char)

%%% Skipping past spaces and /* ... */ comments.
%%% Comments are treated exactly like a bit of whitespace. They never
%%% make it to the dispatcher.

skip_spaces_and_comments (Inp) ->
{Ch, Inp0} = get_ch (Inp),
{Char, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
case classify_char (Char) of
eof -> push_back (Ch, Inp0);
space -> skip_spaces_and_comments (Inp0);
slash ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
case Ch1 of
{"*", _, _} ->
Inp2 = scan_comment (Inp1, Line_no, Column_no),
skip_spaces_and_comments (Inp2);
_ -> push_back (Ch, (push_back (Ch1, Inp1)))
other -> push_back (Ch, Inp0)

classify_char (Char) ->
case Char of
eof -> eof;
"/" -> slash;
_ -> case is_space (Char) of
true -> space;
false -> other

scan_comment (Inp, Line_no, Column_no) ->
{Ch0, Inp0} = get_ch (Inp),
case Ch0 of
{eof, _, _} -> unterminated_comment (Line_no, Column_no);
{"*", _, _} ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
case Ch1 of
{eof, _, _} ->
unterminated_comment (Line_no, Column_no);
{"/", _, _} -> Inp1;
_ -> scan_comment (Inp1, Line_no, Column_no)
_ -> scan_comment (Inp0, Line_no, Column_no)

is_space (S) ->
case re:run (S, "^[[:space:]]+$") of
{match, _} -> true;
_ -> false

%%% Scanning of integer literals, identifiers, and reserved words.
%%% These three types of token are very similar to each other.

scan_integer_literal (Inp) ->
%% Scan an entire word, not just digits. This way we detect
%% erroneous text such as "23skidoo".
{Line_no, Column_no, Inp1} = get_position (Inp),
{Word, Inp2} = scan_word (Inp1),
case is_digit (Word) of
true -> {{"Integer", Word, Line_no, Column_no}, Inp2};
false -> invalid_integer_literal (Line_no, Column_no, Word)

scan_identifier_or_reserved_word (Inp) ->
%% It is assumed that the first character is of the correct type,
%% thanks to the dispatcher.
{Line_no, Column_no, Inp1} = get_position (Inp),
{Word, Inp2} = scan_word (Inp1),
Tok =
case Word of
"if" -> "Keyword_if";
"else" -> "Keyword_else";
"while" -> "Keyword_while";
"print" -> "Keyword_print";
"putc" -> "Keyword_putc";
_ -> "Identifier"
{{Tok, Word, Line_no, Column_no}, Inp2}.

scan_word (Inp) ->
scan_word_loop (Inp, "").

scan_word_loop (Inp, Word0) ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp),
{Char1, _, _} = Ch1,
case is_alnum_or_underscore (Char1) of
true -> scan_word_loop (Inp1, Word0 ++ Char1);
false -> {Word0, push_back (Ch1, Inp1)}

get_position (Inp) ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp),
{_, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch1,
Inp2 = push_back (Ch1, Inp1),
{Line_no, Column_no, Inp2}.

is_digit (S) ->
case re:run (S, "^[[:digit:]]+$") of
{match, _} -> true;
_ -> false

is_alpha_or_underscore (S) ->
case re:run (S, "^[[:alpha:]_]+$") of
{match, _} -> true;
_ -> false

is_alnum_or_underscore (S) ->
case re:run (S, "^[[:alnum:]_]+$") of
{match, _} -> true;
_ -> false

%%% Scanning of string literals.
%%% It is assumed that the first character is the opening quote, and
%%% that the closing quote is the same character.

scan_string_literal (Inp) ->
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp),
{Quote_mark, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch1,
{Contents, Inp2} = scan_str_lit (Inp1, Ch1),
Toktup = {"String", Quote_mark ++ Contents ++ Quote_mark,
Line_no, Column_no},
{Toktup, Inp2}.

scan_str_lit (Inp, Ch) -> scan_str_lit_loop (Inp, Ch, "").

scan_str_lit_loop (Inp, Ch, Contents) ->
{Quote_mark, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp),
{Char1, Line_no1, Column_no1} = Ch1,
case Char1 of
Quote_mark -> {Contents, Inp1};
eof -> eoi_in_string_literal (Line_no, Column_no);
"\n" -> eoln_in_string_literal (Line_no, Column_no);
"\\" ->
{Ch2, Inp2} = get_ch (Inp1),
{Char2, _, _} = Ch2,
case Char2 of
"n" ->
scan_str_lit_loop (Inp2, Ch, Contents ++ "\\n");
"\\" ->
scan_str_lit_loop (Inp2, Ch, Contents ++ "\\\\");
_ ->
unsupported_escape (Line_no1, Column_no1, Char2)
_ -> scan_str_lit_loop (Inp1, Ch, Contents ++ Char1)

%%% Scanning of character literals.
%%% It is assumed that the first character is the opening quote, and
%%% that the closing quote is the same character.
%%% The tedious part of scanning a character literal is distinguishing
%%% between the kinds of lexical error. (One might wish to modify the
%%% code to detect, as a distinct kind of error, end of line within a
%%% character literal.)

scan_character_literal (Inp) ->
{Ch, Inp0} = get_ch (Inp),
{_, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
{Ch1, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp0),
{Char1, Line_no1, Column_no1} = Ch1,
{Intval, Inp3} =
case Char1 of
eof -> unterminated_character_literal (Line_no, Column_no);
"\\" ->
{Ch2, Inp2} = get_ch (Inp1),
{Char2, _, _} = Ch2,
case Char2 of
eof -> unterminated_character_literal (Line_no,
"n" -> {char_to_code ("\n"), Inp2};
"\\" -> {char_to_code ("\\"), Inp2};
_ -> unsupported_escape (Line_no1, Column_no1,
_ -> {char_to_code (Char1), Inp1}
Inp4 = check_character_literal_end (Inp3, Ch),
{{"Integer", Intval, Line_no, Column_no}, Inp4}.

char_to_code (Char) ->
%% Hat tip to
lists:flatmap (fun erlang:integer_to_list/1, Char).

check_character_literal_end (Inp, Ch) ->
{Char, _, _} = Ch,
{{Char1, _, _}, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp),
case Char1 of
Char -> Inp1;
_ -> find_char_lit_end (Inp1, Ch) % Handle a lexical error.

find_char_lit_end (Inp, Ch) ->
%% There is a lexical error. Determine which kind it fits into.
{Char, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
{{Char1, _, _}, Inp1} = get_ch (Inp),
case Char1 of
Char -> multicharacter_literal (Line_no, Column_no);
eof -> unterminated_character_literal (Line_no, Column_no);
_ -> find_char_lit_end (Inp1, Ch)

%%% Character-at-a-time input, with unrestricted pushback, and with
%%% line and column numbering.

make_inp (Inpf) ->
#inp_t{inpf = Inpf,
pushback = [],
line_no = 1,
column_no = 1}.

get_ch (Inp) ->
#inp_t{inpf = Inpf,
pushback = Pushback,
line_no = Line_no,
column_no = Column_no} = Inp,
case Pushback of
[Ch | Tail] ->
Inp1 = Inp#inp_t{pushback = Tail},
{Ch, Inp1};
[] ->
case io:get_chars (Inpf, "", 1) of
eof ->
Ch = {eof, Line_no, Column_no},
{Ch, Inp};
{error, _} ->
Ch = {eof, Line_no, Column_no},
{Ch, Inp};
Char ->
case Char of
"\n" ->
Ch = {Char, Line_no, Column_no},
Inp1 = Inp#inp_t{line_no = Line_no + 1,
column_no = 1},
{Ch, Inp1};
_ ->
Ch = {Char, Line_no, Column_no},
Inp1 =
Inp#inp_t{column_no = Column_no + 1},
{Ch, Inp1}

push_back (Ch, Inp) ->
Inp#inp_t{pushback = [Ch | Inp#inp_t.pushback]}.


invalid_integer_literal (Line_no, Column_no, Word) ->
error_abort ("invalid integer literal \"" ++
Word ++ "\" at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

unsupported_escape (Line_no, Column_no, Char) ->
error_abort ("unsupported escape \\" ++
Char ++ " at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

unexpected_character (Line_no, Column_no, Char) ->
error_abort ("unexpected character '" ++
Char ++ "' at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

eoi_in_string_literal (Line_no, Column_no) ->
error_abort ("end of input in string literal starting at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

eoln_in_string_literal (Line_no, Column_no) ->
error_abort ("end of line in string literal starting at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

unterminated_character_literal (Line_no, Column_no) ->
error_abort ("unterminated character literal starting at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

multicharacter_literal (Line_no, Column_no) ->
error_abort ("unsupported multicharacter literal starting at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

unterminated_comment (Line_no, Column_no) ->
error_abort ("unterminated comment starting at " ++
integer_to_list (Line_no) ++ ":" ++
integer_to_list (Column_no)).

error_abort (Message) ->
ProgName = escript:script_name (),
io:put_chars (standard_error, ProgName),
io:put_chars (standard_error, ": "),
io:put_chars (standard_error, Message),
io:put_chars (standard_error, "\n"),
halt (1).

%%% Instructions to GNU Emacs --
%%% local variables:
%%% mode: erlang
%%% erlang-indent-level: 3
%%% end: