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This is a close translation of the ATS. It may interest the reader to compare the two implementations.
This is a close translation of the ATS. It may interest the reader to compare the two implementations.

(Much of the extra complication in the ATS comes from arrays being a linear type, and values of linear type having to be local to any function using them. This limitation could have been worked around, and arrays more similar to OCaml arrays could have been used, but at a cost in safety and efficiency.)
(Much of the extra complication in the ATS comes from arrays being a linear type (whose "views" need tending), and from values of linear type having to be local to any function using them. This limitation could have been worked around, and arrays more similar to OCaml arrays could have been used, but at a cost in safety and efficiency.)

<lang OCaml>(*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
<lang OCaml>(*------------------------------------------------------------------*)

Revision as of 13:26, 8 April 2022

Compiler/lexical analyzer
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Lexical Analyzer

Definition from Wikipedia:

Lexical analysis is the process of converting a sequence of characters (such as in a computer program or web page) into a sequence of tokens (strings with an identified "meaning"). A program that performs lexical analysis may be called a lexer, tokenizer, or scanner (though "scanner" is also used to refer to the first stage of a lexer).

Create a lexical analyzer for the simple programming language specified below. The program should read input from a file and/or stdin, and write output to a file and/or stdout. If the language being used has a lexer module/library/class, it would be great if two versions of the solution are provided: One without the lexer module, and one with.

Input Specification

The simple programming language to be analyzed is more or less a subset of C. It supports the following tokens:

Name Common name Character sequence
Op_multiply multiply *
Op_divide divide /
Op_mod mod %
Op_add plus +
Op_subtract minus -
Op_negate unary minus -
Op_less less than <
Op_lessequal less than or equal <=
Op_greater greater than >
Op_greaterequal greater than or equal >=
Op_equal equal ==
Op_notequal not equal !=
Op_not unary not !
Op_assign assignment =
Op_and logical and &&
Op_or logical or ¦¦
  • The - token should always be interpreted as Op_subtract by the lexer. Turning some Op_subtract into Op_negate will be the job of the syntax analyzer, which is not part of this task.
Name Common name Character
LeftParen left parenthesis (
RightParen right parenthesis )
LeftBrace left brace {
RightBrace right brace }
Semicolon semi-colon ;
Comma comma ,
Name Character sequence
Keyword_if if
Keyword_else else
Keyword_while while
Keyword_print print
Keyword_putc putc
Identifiers and literals

These differ from the the previous tokens, in that each occurrence of them has a value associated with it.

Name Common name Format description Format regex Value
Identifier identifier one or more letter/number/underscore characters, but not starting with a number [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* as is
Integer integer literal one or more digits [0-9]+ as is, interpreted as a number
Integer char literal exactly one character (anything except newline or single quote) or one of the allowed escape sequences, enclosed by single quotes '([^'\n]|\\n|\\\\)' the ASCII code point number of the character, e.g. 65 for 'A' and 10 for '\n'
String string literal zero or more characters (anything except newline or double quote), enclosed by double quotes "[^"\n]*" the characters without the double quotes and with escape sequences converted
  • For char and string literals, the \n escape sequence is supported to represent a new-line character.
  • For char and string literals, to represent a backslash, use \\.
  • No other special sequences are supported. This means that:
    • Char literals cannot represent a single quote character (value 39).
    • String literals cannot represent strings containing double quote characters.
Zero-width tokens
Name Location
End_of_input when the end of the input stream is reached
White space
  • Zero or more whitespace characters, or comments enclosed in /* ... */, are allowed between any two tokens, with the exceptions noted below.
  • "Longest token matching" is used to resolve conflicts (e.g., in order to match <= as a single token rather than the two tokens < and =).
  • Whitespace is required between two tokens that have an alphanumeric character or underscore at the edge.
    • This means: keywords, identifiers, and integer literals.
    • e.g. ifprint is recognized as an identifier, instead of the keywords if and print.
    • e.g. 42fred is invalid, and neither recognized as a number nor an identifier.
  • Whitespace is not allowed inside of tokens (except for chars and strings where they are part of the value).
    • e.g. & & is invalid, and not interpreted as the && operator.

For example, the following two program fragments are equivalent, and should produce the same token stream except for the line and column positions:

  • <lang c>if ( p /* meaning n is prime */ ) {
   print ( n , " " ) ;
   count = count + 1 ; /* number of primes found so far */


  • <lang c>if(p){print(n," ");count=count+1;}</lang>
Complete list of token names
End_of_input  Op_multiply   Op_divide     Op_mod       Op_add     Op_subtract
Op_negate     Op_not        Op_less       Op_lessequal Op_greater Op_greaterequal
Op_equal      Op_notequal   Op_assign     Op_and       Op_or      Keyword_if
Keyword_else  Keyword_while Keyword_print Keyword_putc LeftParen  RightParen
LeftBrace     RightBrace    Semicolon     Comma        Identifier Integer
Output Format

The program output should be a sequence of lines, each consisting of the following whitespace-separated fields:

  1. the line number where the token starts
  2. the column number where the token starts
  3. the token name
  4. the token value (only for Identifier, Integer, and String tokens)
  5. the number of spaces between fields is up to you. Neatly aligned is nice, but not a requirement.

This task is intended to be used as part of a pipeline, with the other compiler tasks - for example:
lex < hello.t | parse | gen | vm

Or possibly:
lex hello.t lex.out
parse lex.out parse.out
gen parse.out gen.out
vm gen.out

This implies that the output of this task (the lexical analyzer) should be suitable as input to any of the Syntax Analyzer task programs.


The following error conditions should be caught:

Error Example
Empty character constant ''
Unknown escape sequence. \r
Multi-character constant. 'xx'
End-of-file in comment. Closing comment characters not found.
End-of-file while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found.
End-of-line while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found before end-of-line.
Unrecognized character.
Invalid number. Starts like a number, but ends in non-numeric characters. 123abc
Test Cases
Input Output

Test Case 1: <lang c>/*

 Hello world

print("Hello, World!\n");</lang>

    4      1 Keyword_print
    4      6 LeftParen
    4      7 String         "Hello, World!\n"
    4     24 RightParen
    4     25 Semicolon
    5      1 End_of_input

Test Case 2: <lang c>/*

 Show Ident and Integers

phoenix_number = 142857; print(phoenix_number, "\n");</lang>

    4      1 Identifier     phoenix_number
    4     16 Op_assign
    4     18 Integer         142857
    4     24 Semicolon
    5      1 Keyword_print
    5      6 LeftParen
    5      7 Identifier     phoenix_number
    5     21 Comma
    5     23 String         "\n"
    5     27 RightParen
    5     28 Semicolon
    6      1 End_of_input

Test Case 3: <lang c>/*

 All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will
 have to wait until syntax analysis

/* Print */ print /* Sub */ - /* Putc */ putc /* Lss */ < /* If */ if /* Gtr */ > /* Else */ else /* Leq */ <= /* While */ while /* Geq */ >= /* Lbrace */ { /* Eq */ == /* Rbrace */ } /* Neq */  != /* Lparen */ ( /* And */ && /* Rparen */ ) /* Or */ || /* Uminus */ - /* Semi */  ; /* Not */  ! /* Comma */ , /* Mul */ * /* Assign */ = /* Div */ / /* Integer */ 42 /* Mod */  % /* String */ "String literal" /* Add */ + /* Ident */ variable_name /* character literal */ '\n' /* character literal */ '\\' /* character literal */ ' '</lang>

    5     16   Keyword_print
    5     40   Op_subtract
    6     16   Keyword_putc
    6     40   Op_less
    7     16   Keyword_if
    7     40   Op_greater
    8     16   Keyword_else
    8     40   Op_lessequal
    9     16   Keyword_while
    9     40   Op_greaterequal
   10     16   LeftBrace
   10     40   Op_equal
   11     16   RightBrace
   11     40   Op_notequal
   12     16   LeftParen
   12     40   Op_and
   13     16   RightParen
   13     40   Op_or
   14     16   Op_subtract
   14     40   Semicolon
   15     16   Op_not
   15     40   Comma
   16     16   Op_multiply
   16     40   Op_assign
   17     16   Op_divide
   17     40   Integer             42
   18     16   Op_mod
   18     40   String          "String literal"
   19     16   Op_add
   19     40   Identifier      variable_name
   20     26   Integer             10
   21     26   Integer             92
   22     26   Integer             32
   23      1   End_of_input

Test Case 4: <lang c>/*** test printing, embedded \n and comments with lots of '*' ***/ print(42); print("\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n"); print("Print a slash n - \\n.\n");</lang>

    2      1 Keyword_print
    2      6 LeftParen
    2      7 Integer            42
    2      9 RightParen
    2     10 Semicolon
    3      1 Keyword_print
    3      6 LeftParen
    3      7 String          "\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n"
    3     38 RightParen
    3     39 Semicolon
    4      1 Keyword_print
    4      6 LeftParen
    4      7 String          "Print a slash n - \\n.\n"
    4     33 RightParen
    4     34 Semicolon
    5      1 End_of_input
Additional examples

Your solution should pass all the test cases above and the additional tests found Here.


The C and Python versions can be considered reference implementations.

Related Tasks


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Command_Line,


use Ada.Strings, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Streams, Ada.Exceptions;

procedure Main is

  package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
  package Lexer is
     type Token is (Op_multiply, Op_divide, Op_mod, Op_add, Op_subtract, Op_negate,
                    Op_less, Op_lessequal, Op_greater, Op_greaterequal, Op_equal,
                    Op_notequal, Op_not, Op_assign, Op_and, Op_or,
                    LeftParen, RightParen, LeftBrace, RightBrace, Semicolon, Comma,
                    Keyword_if, Keyword_else, Keyword_while, Keyword_print, Keyword_putc,
                    Identifier, Token_Integer, Token_String, End_of_input,
                    Empty_Char_Error, Invalid_Escape_Error, Multi_Char_Error, EOF_Comment_Error,
                    EOF_String_Error, EOL_String_Error, Invalid_Char_Error, Invalid_Num_Error
     subtype Operator is Token range Op_multiply .. Op_or;
     subtype Symbol is Token range Token'Succ(Operator'Last) .. Comma;
     subtype Keyword is Token range Token'Succ(Symbol'Last) .. Keyword_putc;
     subtype Error is Token range Empty_Char_Error .. Invalid_Num_Error;
     subtype Operator_or_Error is Token
       with Static_Predicate => Operator_or_Error in Operator | Error;
     subtype Whitespace is Character
       with Static_Predicate => Whitespace in ' ' | ASCII.HT | ASCII.CR | ASCII.LF;
     Lexer_Error : exception;
     Invalid_Escape_Code : constant Character := ASCII.NUL;
     procedure run(input : Stream_IO.File_Type);
  end Lexer;
  package body Lexer is
     use type Stream_IO.Count;
     procedure run(input : Stream_IO.File_Type) is
        type State is (State_Start, State_Identifier, State_Integer, State_Char, State_String,
        curr_state : State := State_Start;
        curr_char : Character;
        curr_col, curr_row, token_col, token_row : Positive := 1;
        token_text : Unbounded_String := Unbounded.Null_Unbounded_String;
        function look_ahead return Character is
           next_char : Character := ASCII.LF;
           if not Stream_IO.End_Of_File(input) then
              next_char := Character'Input(Stream_IO.Stream(input));
              Stream_IO.Set_Index(input, Stream_IO.Index(input) - 1);
           end if;
           return next_char;
        end look_ahead;
        procedure next_char is
           next : Character := Character'Input(Stream_IO.Stream(input));
           curr_col := curr_col + 1;
           if curr_char = ASCII.LF then
              curr_row := curr_row + 1;
              curr_col := 1;
           end if;
           curr_char := next;
        end next_char;
        procedure print_token(tok : Token; text : String := "") is
           procedure raise_error(text : String) is
              raise Lexer_Error with "Error: " & text;
           IO.Put(token_row'Image & ASCII.HT & token_col'Image & ASCII.HT);
           case tok is
              when Operator | Symbol | Keyword | End_of_input => IO.Put_Line(tok'Image);
              when Token_Integer => IO.Put_Line("INTEGER" & ASCII.HT & text);
              when Token_String  => IO.Put_Line("STRING" & ASCII.HT & ASCII.Quotation & text & ASCII.Quotation);
              when Identifier    => IO.Put_Line(tok'Image & ASCII.HT & text);
              when Empty_Char_Error => raise_error("empty character constant");
              when Invalid_Escape_Error => raise_error("unknown escape sequence: " & text);
              when Multi_Char_Error => raise_error("multi-character constant: " & text);
              when EOF_Comment_Error => raise_error("EOF in comment");
              when EOF_String_Error => raise_error("EOF in string");
              when EOL_String_Error => raise_error("EOL in string");
              when Invalid_Char_Error => raise_error("invalid character: " & curr_char);
              when Invalid_Num_Error => raise_error("invalid number: " & text);
           end case;
        end print_token;
        procedure lookahead_choose(determiner : Character; a, b : Operator_or_Error) is
           if look_ahead = determiner then
           end if;
        end lookahead_choose;
        function to_escape_code(c : Character) return Character is
           case c is
              when 'n' => return ASCII.LF;
              when '\' => return '\';
              when others =>
                 print_token(Invalid_Escape_Error, ASCII.Back_Slash & c);
                 return Invalid_Escape_Code;
           end case;
        end to_escape_code;
        curr_char := Character'Input(Stream_IO.Stream(input));
           case curr_state is
              when State_Start =>
                 token_col := curr_col;
                 token_row := curr_row;
                 case curr_char is
                    when '*' => print_token(Op_multiply);
                    when '/' =>
                       if look_ahead = '*' then
                          curr_state := State_Comment;
                       end if;
                    when '%' => print_token(Op_mod);
                    when '+' => print_token(Op_add);
                    when '-' => print_token(Op_subtract);
                    when '(' => print_token(LeftParen);
                    when ')' => print_token(RightParen);
                    when '{' => print_token(LeftBrace);
                    when '}' => print_token(RightBrace);
                    when ';' => print_token(Semicolon);
                    when ',' => print_token(Comma);
                    when '<' => lookahead_choose('=', Op_lessequal, Op_less);
                    when '>' => lookahead_choose('=', Op_greaterequal, Op_greater);
                    when '!' => lookahead_choose('=', Op_notequal, Op_not);
                    when '=' => lookahead_choose('=', Op_equal, Op_assign);
                    when '&' => lookahead_choose('&', Op_and, Invalid_Char_Error);
                    when '|' => lookahead_choose('|', Op_or, Invalid_Char_Error);
                    when 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' =>
                       Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                       curr_state := State_Identifier;
                    when '0' .. '9' =>
                       Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                       curr_state := State_Integer;
                    when  => curr_state := State_Char;
                    when ASCII.Quotation => curr_state := State_String;
                    when Whitespace => null;
                    when others => null;
                 end case;
              when State_Identifier =>
                 case curr_char is
                    when 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' =>
                       Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                    when others =>
                       if token_text = "if" then
                       elsif token_text = "else" then
                       elsif token_text = "while" then
                       elsif token_text = "print" then
                       elsif token_text = "putc" then
                          print_token(Identifier, To_String(token_text));
                       end if;
                       Unbounded.Set_Unbounded_String(token_text, "");
                       curr_state := State_Start;
                 end case;
              when State_Integer =>
                 case curr_char is
                    when '0' .. '9' =>
                       Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                    when 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' =>
                       print_token(Invalid_Num_Error, To_String(token_text));
                    when others =>
                       print_token(Token_Integer, To_String(token_text));
                       Unbounded.Set_Unbounded_String(token_text, "");
                       curr_state := State_Start;
                 end case;
              when State_Char =>
                 case curr_char is
                    when  =>
                       if Unbounded.Length(token_text) = 0 then
                       elsif Unbounded.Length(token_text) = 1 then
                          print_token(Token_Integer, Character'Pos(Element(token_text, 1))'Image);
                          print_token(Multi_Char_Error, To_String(token_text));
                       end if;
                       Set_Unbounded_String(token_text, "");
                       curr_state := State_Start;
                    when '\' =>
                       Unbounded.Append(token_text, to_escape_code(look_ahead));
                    when others => Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                 end case;
              when State_String =>
                 case curr_char is
                    when ASCII.Quotation =>
                       print_token(Token_String, To_String(token_text));
                       Set_Unbounded_String(token_text, "");
                       curr_state := State_Start;
                    when '\' =>
                       if to_escape_code(look_ahead) /= Invalid_Escape_Code then
                          Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                       end if;
                    when ASCII.LF | ASCII.CR => print_token(EOL_String_Error);
                    when others => Unbounded.Append(token_text, curr_char);
                 end case;
              when State_Comment =>
                 case curr_char is
                    when '*' =>
                       if look_ahead = '/' then
                          curr_state := State_Start;
                       end if;
                    when others => null;
                 end case;
           end case;
        end loop;
        when error : Stream_IO.End_Error =>
           if curr_state = State_String then
           end if;
        when error : Lexer.Lexer_Error => IO.Put_Line(Exception_Message(error));
     end run;
  end Lexer;
  source_file : Stream_IO.File_Type;


  if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count < 1 then
     IO.Put_Line("usage: lex [filename]");
  end if;
  Stream_IO.Open(source_file, Stream_IO.In_File, Ada.Command_Line.Argument(1));;


  when error : others => IO.Put_Line("Error: " & Exception_Message(error));

end Main; </lang>


Test case 3

 6	 40	OP_LESS
 10	 40	OP_EQUAL
 12	 40	OP_AND
 13	 40	OP_OR
 15	 16	OP_NOT
 15	 40	COMMA
 16	 40	OP_ASSIGN
 17	 16	OP_DIVIDE
 17	 40	INTEGER	42
 18	 16	OP_MOD
 18	 40	STRING	"String literal"
 19	 16	OP_ADD
 19	 40	IDENTIFIER	variable_name
 20	 26	INTEGER	 10
 21	 26	INTEGER	 92
 22	 26	INTEGER	 32


<lang algolw>begin

   %lexical analyser %
   % Algol W strings are limited to 256 characters in length so we limit source lines %
   % and tokens to 256 characters %
   integer     lineNumber, columnNumber;
   string(256) line;
   string(256) tkValue;
   integer     tkType, tkLine, tkColumn, tkLength, tkIntegerValue;
   logical     tkTooLong;
   string(1)   currChar;
   string(1)   newlineChar;
   integer     tOp_multiply   , tOp_divide        , tOp_mod       , tOp_add
         ,     tOp_subtract   , tOp_negate        , tOp_less      , tOp_lessequal
         ,     tOp_greater    , tOp_greaterequal  , tOp_equal     , tOp_notequal
         ,     tOp_not        , tOp_assign        , tOp_and       , tOp_or
         ,     tLeftParen     , tRightParen       , tLeftBrace    , tRightBrace
         ,     tSemicolon     , tComma            , tKeyword_if   , tKeyword_else
         ,     tKeyword_while , tKeyword_print    , tKeyword_putc , tIdentifier
         ,     tInteger       , tString           , tEnd_of_input , tComment
   string(16)  array tkName ( 1 :: 32 );
   % reports an error %
   procedure lexError( string(80) value message ); begin
       integer errorPos;
       write( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "**** Error at(", lineNumber, ",", columnNumber, "): " );
       errorPos := 0;
       while errorPos < 80 and message( errorPos // 1 ) not = "." do begin
           writeon( s_w := 0, message( errorPos // 1 ) );
           errorPos := errorPos + 1
       end while_not_at_end_of_message ;
       writeon( s_w := 0, "." )
   end lexError ;
   % gets the next source character %
   procedure nextChar ; begin
       if      columnNumber = LINE_WIDTH then begin
           currChar     := newlineChar;
           columnNumber := columnNumber + 1
       else if columnNumber > LINE_WIDTH then begin
           readcard( line );
           columnNumber := 1;
           if not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) then lineNumber := lineNumber + 1;
           currChar     := line( 0 // 1 )
       else begin
           currChar     := line( columnNumber // 1 );
           columnNumber := columnNumber + 1
   end nextChar ;
   % gets the next token, returns the token type %
   integer procedure nextToken ; begin
       % returns true if currChar is in the inclusive range lowerValue to upperValue %
       %         false otherwise %
       logical procedure range( string(1) value lowerValue, upperValue ) ; begin
           currChar >= lowerValue and currChar <= upperValue
       end range ;
       % returns true if the current character can start an identifier, false otherwise %
       logical procedure identifierStartChar ; begin
           currChar = "_" or range( "a", "z" ) or range( "A", "Z" )
       end identifierStartChar ;
       % add the current character to the token and get the next %
       procedure addAndNextChar ; begin
           if tkLength >= MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH then tkTooLong := true
           else begin
               tkValue( tkLength // 1 ) := currChar;
               tkLength                 := tkLength + 1
           end if_symbol_not_too_long ;
       end % addAndNextChar % ;
       % handle a single character token %
       procedure singleCharToken( integer value tokenType ) ; begin
           tkType := tokenType;
       end singleCharToken ;
       % handle a doubled character token: && or || %
       procedure doubleCharToken( integer value tokenType ) ; begin
           string(1) firstChar;
           firstChar := currChar;
           tkType    := tokenType;
           if currChar = firstChar then nextChar
           else % the character wasn't doubled % lexError( "Unrecognised character." );
       end singleCharToken ;
       % handle an operator or operator= token %
       procedure opOrOpEqual( integer value opToken, opEqualToken ) ; begin
           tkType := opToken;
           if currChar = "=" then begin
               % have operator= %
               tkType := opEqualToken;
           end if_currChar_is_equal ;
       end opOrOpEqual ;
       % handle a / operator or /* comment %
       procedure divideOrComment ; begin
           tkType := tOp_divide;
           if currChar = "*" then begin
               % have a comment %
               logical moreComment;
               tkType      := tComment;
               moreComment := true;
               while moreComment do begin
                   while currChar not = "*" and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do nextChar;
                   while currChar     = "*" and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do nextChar;
                   moreComment := ( currChar not = "/" and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) )
               end while_more_comment ;
               if not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE)
               then nextChar
               else lexError( "End-of-file in comment." )
           end if_currChar_is_star ;
       end divideOrComment ;
       % handle an indentifier or keyword %
       procedure identifierOrKeyword ; begin
           tkType := tIdentifier;
           while identifierStartChar or range( "0", "9" ) do addAndNextChar;
           % there are only 5 keywords, so we just test each in turn here %
           if      tkValue = "if"      then tkType  := tKeyword_if
           else if tkValue = "else"    then tkType  := tKeyword_else
           else if tkValue = "while"   then tkType  := tKeyword_while
           else if tkValue = "print"   then tkType  := tKeyword_print
           else if tkValue = "putc"    then tkType  := tKeyword_putc;
           if tkType not = tIdentifier then tkValue := "";
       end identifierOrKeyword ;
       % handle an integer literal %
       procedure integerLiteral ; begin
           logical overflowed;
           integer digit;
           overflowed := false;
           tkType     := tInteger;
           while range( "0", "9" ) do begin
               digit := ( decode( currChar ) - decode( "0" ) );
               if      tkIntegerValue > MAXINTEGER_OVER_10 then overflowed := true
               else if tkIntegerValue = MAXINTEGER_OVER_10
                   and digit          > MAXINTEGER_MOD_10  then overflowed := true
               else begin
                   tkIntegerValue := tkIntegerValue * 10;
                   tkIntegerValue := tkIntegerValue + digit;
           end while_have_a_digit ;
           if overflowed          then lexError( "Number too large." );
           if identifierStartChar then lexError( "Number followed by letter or underscore." );
       end integerLiteral ;
       % handle a char literal %
       procedure charLiteral ; begin
           if      currChar = "'" or currChar = newlineChar then lexError( "Invalid character constant." )
           else if currChar = "\" then begin
               % have an escape %
               if      currChar     = "n" then currChar := newlineChar
               else if currChar not = "\" then lexError( "Unknown escape sequence." )
           tkType         := tInteger;
           tkIntegerValue := decode( currChar );
           % should have a closing quoute next %
           if   currChar not = "'"
           then lexError( "Multi-character constant." )
           else nextChar
       end charLiteral ;
       % handle a string literal %
       procedure stringLiteral ; begin
           tkType            := tString;
           tkValue( 0 // 1 ) := currChar;
           tkLength          := 1;
           while currChar not = """" and currChar not = newlineChar and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do addAndNextChar;
           if      currChar = newlineChar then lexError( "End-of-line while scanning string literal." )
           else if XCPNOTED(ENDFILE)      then lexError( "End-of-file while scanning string literal." )
           else    % currChar must be """" % addAndNextChar
       end stringLiteral ;
       while begin
           % skip white space %
           while ( currChar = " " or currChar = newlineChar ) and not XCPNOTED(ENDFILE) do nextChar;
           % get the token %
           tkLine         := lineNumber;
           tkColumn       := columnNumber;
           tkValue        := "";
           tkLength       := 0;
           tkIntegerValue := 0;
           tkTooLong      := false;
           if      XCPNOTED(ENDFILE)   then tkType := tEnd_of_input
           else if currChar = "*"      then singleCharToken( tOp_multiply )
           else if currChar = "/"      then divideOrComment
           else if currChar = "%"      then singleCharToken( tOp_mod      )
           else if currChar = "+"      then singleCharToken( tOp_add )
           else if currChar = "-"      then singleCharToken( tOp_subtract )
           else if currChar = "<"      then opOrOpEqual( tOp_less,    tOp_lessequal     )
           else if currChar = ">"      then opOrOpEqual( tOp_greater, tOp_greaterequal  )
           else if currChar = "="      then opOrOpEqual( tOp_assign,  tOp_equal         )
           else if currChar = "!"      then opOrOpEqual( tOp_not,     tOp_notequal      )
           else if currChar = "&"      then doubleCharToken( tOp_and     )
           else if currChar = "|"      then doubleCharToken( tOp_or      )
           else if currChar = "("      then singleCharToken( tLeftParen  )
           else if currChar = ")"      then singleCharToken( tRightParen )
           else if currChar = "{"      then singleCharToken( tLeftBrace  )
           else if currChar = "}"      then singleCharToken( tRightBrace )
           else if currChar = ";"      then singleCharToken( tSemicolon  )
           else if currChar = ","      then singleCharToken( tComma      )
           else if identifierStartChar then identifierOrKeyword
           else if range( "0", "9" )   then integerLiteral
           else if currChar = "'"      then charLiteral
           else if currChar = """"     then stringLiteral
           else begin
               lexError( "Unrecognised character." );
               singleCharToken( tComment )
           end ;
           % continue until we get something other than a comment %
           tkType = tComment
       end do begin end;
       if tkTooLong then if   tkType = tString
                         then lexError( "String literal too long." )
                         else lexError( "Identifier too long."     );
   end nextToken ;
   % outputs the current token %
   procedure writeToken ; begin
       write( i_w := 5, s_w := 2, tkLine, tkColumn, tkName( tkType ) );
       if tkType = tInteger then writeon( i_w := 11, tkIntegerValue )
       else if tkLength > 0 then begin
           writeon( "  " );
           for tkPos := 0 until tkLength - 1 do writeon( s_w := 0, tkValue( tkPos // 1 ) );
   end writeToken ;
   LINE_WIDTH       := 256; MAXINTEGER_MOD_10  := MAXINTEGER rem 10;
   newlineChar      := code( 10 );
   tOp_multiply     :=  1; tkName( tOp_multiply     ) := "Op_multiply";
   tOp_divide       :=  2; tkName( tOp_divide       ) := "Op_divide";
   tOp_mod          :=  3; tkName( tOp_mod          ) := "Op_mod";
   tOp_add          :=  4; tkName( tOp_add          ) := "Op_add";
   tOp_subtract     :=  5; tkName( tOp_subtract     ) := "Op_subtract";
   tOp_negate       :=  6; tkName( tOp_negate       ) := "Op_negate";
   tOp_less         :=  7; tkName( tOp_less         ) := "Op_less";
   tOp_lessequal    :=  8; tkName( tOp_lessequal    ) := "Op_lessequal";
   tOp_greater      :=  9; tkName( tOp_greater      ) := "Op_greater";
   tOp_greaterequal := 10; tkName( tOp_greaterequal ) := "Op_greaterequal";
   tOp_equal        := 11; tkName( tOp_equal        ) := "Op_equal";
   tOp_notequal     := 12; tkName( tOp_notequal     ) := "Op_notequal";
   tOp_not          := 13; tkName( tOp_not          ) := "Op_not";
   tOp_assign       := 14; tkName( tOp_assign       ) := "Op_assign";
   tOp_and          := 15; tkName( tOp_and          ) := "Op_and";
   tOp_or           := 16; tkName( tOp_or           ) := "Op_or";
   tLeftParen       := 17; tkName( tLeftParen       ) := "LeftParen";
   tRightParen      := 18; tkName( tRightParen      ) := "RightParen";
   tLeftBrace       := 19; tkName( tLeftBrace       ) := "LeftBrace";
   tRightBrace      := 20; tkName( tRightBrace      ) := "RightBrace";
   tSemicolon       := 21; tkName( tSemicolon       ) := "Semicolon";
   tComma           := 22; tkName( tComma           ) := "Comma";
   tKeyword_if      := 23; tkName( tKeyword_if      ) := "Keyword_if";
   tKeyword_else    := 24; tkName( tKeyword_else    ) := "Keyword_else";
   tKeyword_while   := 25; tkName( tKeyword_while   ) := "Keyword_while";
   tKeyword_print   := 26; tkName( tKeyword_print   ) := "Keyword_print";
   tKeyword_putc    := 27; tkName( tKeyword_putc    ) := "Keyword_putc";
   tIdentifier      := 28; tkName( tIdentifier      ) := "Identifier";
   tInteger         := 29; tkName( tInteger         ) := "Integer";
   tString          := 30; tkName( tString          ) := "String";
   tEnd_of_input    := 31; tkName( tEnd_of_input    ) := "End_of_input";
   tComment         := 32; tkName( tComment         ) := "Comment";
   % allow the program to continue after reaching end-of-file %
   ENDFILE := EXCEPTION( false, 1, 0, false, "EOF" );
   % ensure the first call to nextToken reads the first line %
   lineNumber   := 0;
   columnNumber := LINE_WIDTH + 1;
   currChar     := " ";
   % get and print all tokens from standard input %
   while nextToken not = tEnd_of_input do writeToken;



Test case 3

    5     16  Keyword_print            
    5     40  Op_subtract     
    6     16  Keyword_putc            
    6     40  Op_less         
    7     16  Keyword_if            
    7     40  Op_greater      
    8     16  Keyword_else            
    8     40  Op_lessequal    
    9     16  Keyword_while            
    9     40  Op_greaterequal 
   10     16  LeftBrace       
   10     40  Op_equal        
   11     16  RightBrace      
   11     40  Op_notequal     
   12     16  LeftParen       
   12     40  Op_and          
   13     16  RightParen      
   13     40  Op_or           
   14     16  Op_subtract     
   14     40  Semicolon       
   15     16  Op_not          
   15     40  Comma           
   16     16  Op_multiply     
   16     40  Op_assign       
   17     16  Op_divide       
   17     40  Integer                  42  
   18     16  Op_mod          
   18     40  String              "String literal"
   19     16  Op_add          
   19     40  Identifier          variable_name
   20     26  Integer                  10  
   21     26  Integer                  92  
   22     26  Integer                  32  
   23      1  End_of_input    


One interesting feature of this implementation is my liberal use of a pushback buffer for input characters. This kept the code modular and easier to write.

(One point of note: the C "EOF" pseudo-character is detected in the following code by looking for a negative number. That EOF has to be negative and the other characters non-negative is implied by the ISO C standard.)

<lang ATS>(********************************************************************) (* Usage: lex [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]

  If INPUTFILE or OUTPUTFILE is "-" or missing, then standard input
  or standard output is used, respectively. *)
  1. define ATS_DYNLOADFLAG 0
  1. include "share/atspre_staload.hats"

staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats"

  1. define NIL list_nil ()
  2. define :: list_cons

%{^ /* alloca(3) is needed for ATS exceptions. */

  1. include <alloca.h>



  1. define NUM_TOKENS 31
  1. define TOKEN_ELSE 0
  2. define TOKEN_IF 1
  3. define TOKEN_PRINT 2
  4. define TOKEN_PUTC 3
  5. define TOKEN_WHILE 4
  6. define TOKEN_MULTIPLY 5
  7. define TOKEN_DIVIDE 6
  8. define TOKEN_MOD 7
  9. define TOKEN_ADD 8
  10. define TOKEN_SUBTRACT 9
  11. define TOKEN_NEGATE 10
  12. define TOKEN_LESS 11
  13. define TOKEN_LESSEQUAL 12
  14. define TOKEN_GREATER 13
  15. define TOKEN_GREATEREQUAL 14
  16. define TOKEN_EQUAL 15
  17. define TOKEN_NOTEQUAL 16
  18. define TOKEN_NOT 17
  19. define TOKEN_ASSIGN 18
  20. define TOKEN_AND 19
  21. define TOKEN_OR 20
  22. define TOKEN_LEFTPAREN 21
  23. define TOKEN_RIGHTPAREN 22
  24. define TOKEN_LEFTBRACE 23
  25. define TOKEN_RIGHTBRACE 24
  26. define TOKEN_SEMICOLON 25
  27. define TOKEN_COMMA 26
  28. define TOKEN_IDENTIFIER 27
  29. define TOKEN_INTEGER 28
  30. define TOKEN_STRING 29
  31. define TOKEN_END_OF_INPUT 30

typedef token_t =

 [i : int | TOKEN_ELSE <= i; i <= TOKEN_END_OF_INPUT] 
 int i

typedef tokentuple_t = (token_t, String, ullint, ullint) typedef token_names_vt = @[string][NUM_TOKENS]

vtypedef reserved_words_vt =


vtypedef reserved_word_tokens_vt =


vtypedef lookups_vt =

 [p_toknames : addr]
 [p_wordtab  : addr]
 [p_toktab   : addr]
   pf_toknames = token_names_vt @ p_toknames,
   pf_wordtab = reserved_words_vt @ p_wordtab,
   pf_toktab = reserved_word_tokens_vt @ p_toktab |
   toknames = ptr p_toknames,
   wordtab = ptr p_wordtab,
   toktab = ptr p_toktab

fn reserved_word_lookup

         (s         : String,
          lookups   : !lookups_vt,
          line_no   : ullint,
          column_no : ullint) : tokentuple_t =
 if string_length s < 2 then
   (TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no)
     macdef wordtab = !(lookups.wordtab)
     macdef toktab = !(lookups.toktab)
     val hashval =
       g1uint_mod (g1ofg0 (char2ui s[0] + char2ui s[1]),
                   g1i2u RESERVED_WORD_HASHTAB_SIZE)
     val token = toktab[hashval]
     if token = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER || s <> wordtab[hashval] then
       (TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no)
       (token, s, line_no, column_no)

(********************************************************************) (* Input allows pushback into a buffer. *)

typedef ch_t =

   ichar = int,
   line_no = ullint,
   column_no = ullint

typedef inp_t (n : int) =

 [0 <= n]
   file = FILEref,
   pushback = list (ch_t, n),
   line_no = ullint,
   column_no = ullint

typedef inp_t = [n : int] inp_t n

fn get_ch (inp : inp_t) : (ch_t, inp_t) =

 case+ (inp.pushback) of
 | NIL =>
     val c = fileref_getc (inp.file)
     val ch =
         ichar = c,
         line_no = inp.line_no,
         column_no = inp.column_no
     if c = char2i '\n' then
         val inp =
             file = inp.file,
             pushback = inp.pushback,
             line_no = succ (inp.line_no),
             column_no = 1ULL
         (ch, inp)
         val inp =
             file = inp.file,
             pushback = inp.pushback,
             line_no = inp.line_no,
             column_no = succ (inp.column_no)
         (ch, inp)
 | ch :: pushback =>
     val inp =
         file = inp.file,
         pushback = pushback,
         line_no = inp.line_no,
         column_no = inp.column_no
     (ch, inp)

fn push_back_ch (ch  : ch_t,

             inp : inp_t) : [n : pos] inp_t n =
   prval _ = lemma_list_param (inp.pushback)
     file = inp.file,
     pushback = ch :: (inp.pushback),
     line_no = inp.line_no,
     column_no = inp.column_no


exception unterminated_comment of (ullint, ullint) exception unterminated_character_literal of (ullint, ullint) exception multicharacter_literal of (ullint, ullint) exception unterminated_string_literal of (ullint, ullint, bool) exception unsupported_escape of (ullint, ullint, int) exception invalid_integer_literal of (ullint, ullint, String) exception unexpected_character of (ullint, ullint, int)

fn scan_comment (inp  : inp_t,

             line_no   : ullint,
             column_no : ullint) : inp_t =
   loop (inp : inp_t) : inp_t =
       val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
       if (ch.ichar) < 0 then
         $raise unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no)
       else if (ch.ichar) = char2i '*' then
           val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
           if (ch.ichar) < 0 then
             $raise unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no)
           else if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '/' then
             loop inp
         loop inp
   loop inp

fn skip_spaces_and_comments (inp : inp_t) : [n : pos] inp_t n =

   loop (inp : inp_t) : [n : pos] inp_t n =
       val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
       if isspace (ch.ichar) then
         loop inp
       else if (ch.ichar) = char2i '/' then
           val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
           if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '*' then
             loop (scan_comment (inp, ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
               val inp = push_back_ch (ch1, inp)
               val inp = push_back_ch (ch, inp)
         push_back_ch (ch, inp)
   loop inp

fn reverse_list_to_string

         {m   : int}
         (lst : list (char, m)) : string m =
   fill_array {n : nat | n <= m} .<n>.
              (arr : &(@[char][m + 1]),
               lst : list (char, n),
               n   : size_t n) : void =
     case+ lst of
     | NIL => ()
     | c :: tail =>
         arr[pred n] := c;
         fill_array (arr, tail, pred n)
   prval _ = lemma_list_param lst
   val m : size_t m = i2sz (list_length lst)
   val (pf, pfgc | p) = array_ptr_alloc<char> (succ m)
   val _ = array_initize_elt<char> (!p, succ m, '\0')
   val _ = fill_array (!p, lst, m)
   $UN.castvwtp0 @(pf, pfgc | p)

extern fun {} simple_scan$pred : int -> bool fun {} simple_scan {u : nat}

           (lst : list (char, u),
            inp : inp_t) :
   [m : nat]
   [n : pos]
   (list (char, m), inp_t n) =
   val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
   if simple_scan$pred (ch.ichar) then
     simple_scan<> (int2char0 (ch.ichar) :: lst, inp)
       val inp = push_back_ch (ch, inp)
       (lst, inp)

fn is_ident_start (c : int) :<> bool =

 isalpha (c) || c = char2i '_'

fn is_ident_continuation (c : int) :<> bool =

 isalnum (c) || c = char2i '_'

fn scan_identifier_or_reserved_word

         (inp     : inp_t,
          lookups : !lookups_vt) :
   (tokentuple_t, [n : pos] inp_t n) =
   val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
   val _ = assertloc (is_ident_start (ch.ichar))
   implement simple_scan$pred<> c = is_ident_continuation c
   val (lst, inp) = simple_scan (int2char0 (ch.ichar) :: NIL, inp)
   val s = reverse_list_to_string lst
   val toktup =
     reserved_word_lookup (s, lookups, ch.line_no, ch.column_no)
   (toktup, inp)

fn scan_integer_literal

         (inp     : inp_t,
          lookups : !lookups_vt) :
   (tokentuple_t, [n : pos] inp_t n) =
   val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
   val _ = assertloc (isdigit (ch.ichar))
   implement simple_scan$pred<> c = is_ident_continuation c
   val (lst, inp) = simple_scan (int2char0 (ch.ichar) :: NIL, inp)
   val s = reverse_list_to_string lst
             {n : nat} .<n>.
             (lst : list (char, n)) : void =
     case+ lst of
     | NIL => ()
     | c :: tail =>
       if isdigit c then
         check_they_are_all_digits tail
         $raise invalid_integer_literal (ch.line_no, ch.column_no, s)
   val _ = check_they_are_all_digits lst
   ((TOKEN_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)

fn ichar2integer_literal (c : int) : String0 =

   var buf = @[char][100] ('\0')
   val _ = $extfcall (int, "snprintf", addr@ buf, i2sz 99, "%d", c)
   val s = string1_copy ($UN.castvwtp0{String0} buf)
   strnptr2string s

fn scan_character_literal_without_checking_end (inp : inp_t) :

   (tokentuple_t, inp_t) =
   val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
   val _ = assertloc ((ch.ichar) = '\)
   val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
   if (ch1.ichar) < 0 then
     $raise unterminated_character_literal (ch.line_no, ch.column_no)
   else if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '\\' then
       val (ch2, inp) = get_ch inp
       if (ch2.ichar) < 0 then
         $raise unterminated_character_literal (ch.line_no,
       else if (ch2.ichar) = char2i 'n' then
           val s = ichar2integer_literal (char2i '\n')
           ((TOKEN_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
       else if (ch2.ichar) = char2i '\\' then
           val s = ichar2integer_literal (char2i '\\')
           ((TOKEN_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
         $raise unsupported_escape (ch1.line_no, ch1.column_no,
       val s = ichar2integer_literal (ch1.ichar)
       ((TOKEN_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)

fn scan_character_literal (inp : inp_t) : (tokentuple_t, inp_t) =

   val (tok, inp) =
     scan_character_literal_without_checking_end inp
   val line_no = (tok.2)
   val column_no = (tok.3)
   check_end (inp : inp_t) : inp_t =
       val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
       if (ch.ichar) = char2i '\ then
           loop_to_end (ch1 : ch_t,
                        inp : inp_t) : inp_t =
             if (ch1.ichar) < 0 then
               $raise unterminated_character_literal (line_no,
             else if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '\ then
               $raise multicharacter_literal (line_no, column_no)
                 val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
                 loop_to_end (ch1, inp)
           val inp = loop_to_end (ch, inp)
   val inp = check_end inp
   (tok, inp)

fn scan_string_literal (inp : inp_t) : (tokentuple_t, inp_t) =

   val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
   val _ = assertloc ((ch.ichar) = '"')
   scan {u : pos}
        (lst : list (char, u),
         inp : inp_t) :
       [m : pos] (list (char, m), inp_t) =
       val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
       if (ch1.ichar) < 0 then
         $raise unterminated_string_literal (ch.line_no,
                                             ch.column_no, false)
       else if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '\n' then
         $raise unterminated_string_literal (ch.line_no,
                                             ch.column_no, true)
       else if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '"' then
         (lst, inp)
       else if (ch1.ichar) <> char2i '\\' then
         scan (int2char0 (ch1.ichar) :: lst, inp)
           val (ch2, inp) = get_ch inp
           if (ch2.ichar) = char2i 'n' then
             scan ('n' :: '\\' :: lst, inp)
           else if (ch2.ichar) = char2i '\\' then
             scan ('\\' :: '\\' :: lst, inp)
             $raise unsupported_escape (ch1.line_no, ch1.column_no,
   val lst = '"' :: NIL
   val (lst, inp) = scan (lst, inp)
   val lst = '"' :: lst
   val s = reverse_list_to_string lst
   ((TOKEN_STRING, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)

fn get_next_token (inp  : inp_t,

               lookups : !lookups_vt) : (tokentuple_t, inp_t) =
   val inp = skip_spaces_and_comments inp
   val (ch, inp) = get_ch inp
   val ln = ch.line_no
   val cn = ch.column_no
   if ch.ichar < 0 then
     ((TOKEN_END_OF_INPUT, "", ln, cn), inp)
     case+ int2char0 (ch.ichar) of
     | ',' => ((TOKEN_COMMA, ",", ln, cn), inp)
     | ';' => ((TOKEN_SEMICOLON, ";", ln, cn), inp)
     | '\(' => ((TOKEN_LEFTPAREN, "(", ln, cn), inp)
     | ')' => ((TOKEN_RIGHTPAREN, ")", ln, cn), inp)
     | '\{' => ((TOKEN_LEFTBRACE, "{", ln, cn), inp)
     | '}' => ((TOKEN_RIGHTBRACE, "}", ln, cn), inp)
     | '*' => ((TOKEN_MULTIPLY, "*", ln, cn), inp)
     | '/' => ((TOKEN_DIVIDE, "/", ln, cn), inp)
     | '%' => ((TOKEN_MOD, "%", ln, cn), inp)
     | '+' => ((TOKEN_ADD, "+", ln, cn), inp)
     | '-' => ((TOKEN_SUBTRACT, "-", ln, cn), inp)
     | '<' =>
         val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
         if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '=' then
           ((TOKEN_LESSEQUAL, "<=", ln, cn), inp)
             val inp = push_back_ch (ch1, inp)
             ((TOKEN_LESS, "<", ln, cn), inp)
     | '>' =>
         val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
         if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '=' then
           ((TOKEN_GREATEREQUAL, ">=", ln, cn), inp)
             val inp = push_back_ch (ch1, inp)
             ((TOKEN_GREATER, ">", ln, cn), inp)
     | '=' =>
         val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
         if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '=' then
           ((TOKEN_EQUAL, "==", ln, cn), inp)
             val inp = push_back_ch (ch1, inp)
             ((TOKEN_ASSIGN, "=", ln, cn), inp)
     | '!' =>
         val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
         if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '=' then
           ((TOKEN_NOTEQUAL, "!=", ln, cn), inp)
             val inp = push_back_ch (ch1, inp)
             ((TOKEN_NOT, "!", ln, cn), inp)
     | '&' =>
         val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
         if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '&' then
           ((TOKEN_AND, "&&", ln, cn), inp)
           $raise unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
     | '|' =>
         val (ch1, inp) = get_ch inp
         if (ch1.ichar) = char2i '|' then
           ((TOKEN_OR, "||", ln, cn), inp)
           $raise unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
     | '"' =>
         val inp = push_back_ch (ch, inp)
         scan_string_literal inp
     | '\ =>
         val inp = push_back_ch (ch, inp)
         scan_character_literal inp
     | _ when isdigit (ch.ichar) =>
         val inp = push_back_ch (ch, inp)
         scan_integer_literal (inp, lookups)
     | _ when is_ident_start (ch.ichar) =>
         val inp = push_back_ch (ch, inp)
         scan_identifier_or_reserved_word (inp, lookups)
     | _ => $raise unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,

fn fprint_ullint_rightjust (outf : FILEref,

                        num  : ullint) : void =
 if num < 10ULL then
   fprint! (outf, "    ", num)
 else if num < 100ULL then
   fprint! (outf, "   ", num)
 else if num < 1000ULL then
   fprint! (outf, "  ", num)
 else if num < 10000ULL then
   fprint! (outf, " ", num)
   fprint! (outf, num)

fn print_token (outf  : FILEref,

            toktup  : tokentuple_t,
            lookups : !lookups_vt) : void =
   macdef toknames = !(lookups.toknames)
   val name = toknames[toktup.0]
   val str = (toktup.1)
   val line_no = (toktup.2)
   val column_no = (toktup.3)
   val _ = fprint_ullint_rightjust (outf, line_no)
   val _ = fileref_puts (outf, " ")
   val _ = fprint_ullint_rightjust (outf, column_no)
   val _ = fileref_puts (outf, "  ")
   val _ = fileref_puts (outf, name)
     case+ toktup.0 of
     | TOKEN_IDENTIFIER => fprint! (outf, "     ", str)
     | TOKEN_INTEGER => fprint! (outf, "        ", str)
     | TOKEN_STRING => fprint! (outf, "         ", str)
     | _ => ()
   fileref_putc (outf, '\n')

fn scan_text (outf  : FILEref,

          inp     : inp_t,
          lookups : !lookups_vt) : void =
   loop (inp     : inp_t,
         lookups : !lookups_vt) : void =
       val (toktup, inp) = get_next_token (inp, lookups)
       print_token (outf, toktup, lookups);
       if toktup.0 <> TOKEN_END_OF_INPUT then
         loop (inp, lookups)
   loop (inp, lookups)


fn main_program (inpf : FILEref,

             outf : FILEref) : int =
   (* Using a simple Scheme program, I found the following perfect
      hash for the reserved words, using the sum of the first two
      characters as the hash value. *)
   var reserved_words =
       ("if", "print", "else", "", "putc", "", "", "while", "")
   var reserved_word_tokens =
   var token_names =
   var lookups : lookups_vt =
       pf_toknames = view@ token_names,
       pf_wordtab = view@ reserved_words,
       pf_toktab = view@ reserved_word_tokens |
       toknames = addr@ token_names,
       wordtab = addr@ reserved_words,
       toktab = addr@ reserved_word_tokens
   val inp =
       file = inpf,
       pushback = NIL,
       line_no = 1ULL,
       column_no = 1ULL
   val _ = scan_text (outf, inp, lookups)
   val @{
         pf_toknames = pf_toknames,
         pf_wordtab = pf_wordtab,
         pf_toktab = pf_toktab |
         toknames = toknames,
         wordtab = wordtab,
         toktab = toktab
       } = lookups
   prval _ = view@ token_names := pf_toknames
   prval _ = view@ reserved_words := pf_wordtab
   prval _ = view@ reserved_word_tokens := pf_toktab

macdef lex_error = "Lexical error: "

implement main (argc, argv) =

   val inpfname =
     if 2 <= argc then
       $UN.cast{string} argv[1]
   val outfname =
     if 3 <= argc then
       $UN.cast{string} argv[2]
       val inpf =
         if (inpfname : string) = "-" then
           fileref_open_exn (inpfname, file_mode_r)
       val outf =
         if (outfname : string) = "-" then
           fileref_open_exn (outfname, file_mode_w)
       main_program (inpf, outf)
   | ~ unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no) =>
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "unterminated comment starting at ",
                  line_no, ":", column_no);
   | ~ unterminated_character_literal (line_no, column_no) =>
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "unterminated character literal starting at ",
                  line_no, ":", column_no);
   | ~ multicharacter_literal (line_no, column_no) =>
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "unsupported multicharacter literal starting at ",
                  line_no, ":", column_no);
   | ~ unterminated_string_literal (line_no, column_no,
                                    end_of_line) =>
       val s =
           if end_of_line then
             "end of line"
             "end of input"
         end : String
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "unterminated string literal (", s,
                  ") starting at ", line_no, ":", column_no);
   | ~ unsupported_escape (line_no, column_no, c) =>
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "unsupported escape \\",
                  int2char0 c, " starting at ",
                  line_no, ":", column_no);
   | ~ invalid_integer_literal (line_no, column_no, s) =>
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "invalid integer literal ", s,
                  " starting at ", line_no, ":", column_no);
   | ~ unexpected_character (line_no, column_no, c) =>
       fprintln! (stderr_ref, lex_error,
                  "unexpected character '", int2char0 c,
                  "' at ", line_no, ":", column_no);



$ patscc -O2 -DATS_MEMALLOC_GCBDW -o lex lex-in-ATS.dats -lgc && ./lex compiler-tests/testcase3.t
    5    16  Keyword_print
    5    40  Op_subtract
    6    16  Keyword_putc
    6    40  Op_less
    7    16  Keyword_if
    7    40  Op_greater
    8    16  Keyword_else
    8    40  Op_lessequal
    9    16  Keyword_while
    9    40  Op_greaterequal
   10    16  LeftBrace
   10    40  Op_equal
   11    16  RightBrace
   11    40  Op_notequal
   12    16  LeftParen
   12    40  Op_and
   13    16  RightParen
   13    40  Op_or
   14    16  Op_subtract
   14    40  Semicolon
   15    16  Op_not
   15    40  Comma
   16    16  Op_multiply
   16    40  Op_assign
   17    16  Op_divide
   17    40  Integer        42
   18    16  Op_mod
   18    40  String         "String literal"
   19    16  Op_add
   19    40  Identifier     variable_name
   20    26  Integer        10
   21    26  Integer        92
   22    26  Integer        32
   23     1  End_of_input


Tested with gawk 4.1.1 and mawk 1.3.4. <lang AWK> BEGIN {

 all_syms["tk_EOI"    ] = "End_of_input"
 all_syms["tk_Mul"    ] = "Op_multiply"
 all_syms["tk_Div"    ] = "Op_divide"
 all_syms["tk_Mod"    ] = "Op_mod"
 all_syms["tk_Add"    ] = "Op_add"
 all_syms["tk_Sub"    ] = "Op_subtract"
 all_syms["tk_Negate" ] = "Op_negate"
 all_syms["tk_Not"    ] = "Op_not"
 all_syms["tk_Lss"    ] = "Op_less"
 all_syms["tk_Leq"    ] = "Op_lessequal"
 all_syms["tk_Gtr"    ] = "Op_greater"
 all_syms["tk_Geq"    ] = "Op_greaterequal"
 all_syms["tk_Eq"     ] = "Op_equal"
 all_syms["tk_Neq"    ] = "Op_notequal"
 all_syms["tk_Assign" ] = "Op_assign"
 all_syms["tk_And"    ] = "Op_and"
 all_syms["tk_Or"     ] = "Op_or"
 all_syms["tk_If"     ] = "Keyword_if"
 all_syms["tk_Else"   ] = "Keyword_else"
 all_syms["tk_While"  ] = "Keyword_while"
 all_syms["tk_Print"  ] = "Keyword_print"
 all_syms["tk_Putc"   ] = "Keyword_putc"
 all_syms["tk_Lparen" ] = "LeftParen"
 all_syms["tk_Rparen" ] = "RightParen"
 all_syms["tk_Lbrace" ] = "LeftBrace"
 all_syms["tk_Rbrace" ] = "RightBrace"
 all_syms["tk_Semi"   ] = "Semicolon"
 all_syms["tk_Comma"  ] = "Comma"
 all_syms["tk_Ident"  ] = "Identifier"
 all_syms["tk_Integer"] = "Integer"
 all_syms["tk_String" ] = "String"
 ## single character only symbols
 symbols["{"   ] = "tk_Lbrace"
 symbols["}"   ] = "tk_Rbrace"
 symbols["("   ] = "tk_Lparen"
 symbols[")"   ] = "tk_Rparen"
 symbols["+"   ] = "tk_Add"
 symbols["-"   ] = "tk_Sub"
 symbols["*"   ] = "tk_Mul"
 symbols["%"   ] = "tk_Mod"
 symbols[";"   ] = "tk_Semi"
 symbols[","   ] = "tk_Comma"
 key_words["if"   ] = "tk_If"
 key_words["else" ] = "tk_Else"
 key_words["print"] = "tk_Print"
 key_words["putc" ] = "tk_Putc"
 key_words["while"] = "tk_While"
 # Set up an array that emulates the ord() function.
 input_file = "-"
 if (ARGC > 1)
   input_file = ARGV[1]
 RS=FS=""   # read complete file into one line $0
 getline < input_file
 the_ch = " " # dummy first char - but it must be a space
 the_col  = 0 # always points to the current character
 the_line = 1
 for (the_nf=1; ; ) {
   split(gettok(), t, SUBSEP)
   printf("%5s  %5s %-14s", t[2], t[3], all_syms[t[1]])
   if      (t[1] == "tk_Integer") printf("   %5s\n", t[4])
   else if (t[1] == "tk_Ident"  ) printf("  %s\n",   t[4])
   else if (t[1] == "tk_String" ) printf("  \"%s\"\n", t[4])
   else                           print("")
   if (t[1] == "tk_EOI")


        • show error and exit

function error(line, col, msg) {

 print(line, col, msg)


  1. get the next character from the input

function next_ch() {

 the_ch = $the_nf
 the_nf  ++
 the_col ++
 if (the_ch == "\n") {
   the_line ++
   the_col = 0
 return the_ch


        • 'x' - character constants

function char_lit(err_line, err_col) {

 n = ord[next_ch()]              # skip opening quote
 if (the_ch == "'") {
   error(err_line, err_col, "empty character constant")
 } else if (the_ch == "\\") {
   if (the_ch == "n")
     n = 10
   else if (the_ch == "\\")
     n = ord["\\"]
     error(err_line, err_col, "unknown escape sequence " the_ch)
 if (next_ch() != "'")
   error(err_line, err_col, "multi-character constant")
 return "tk_Integer" SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col SUBSEP n


        • process divide or comments

function div_or_cmt(err_line, err_col) {

 if (next_ch() != "*")
   return "tk_Div" SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col
 # comment found
 while (1) {
   if (the_ch == "*") {
     if (next_ch() == "/") {
       return gettok()
     } else if (the_ch == "") {
       error(err_line, err_col, "EOF in comment")
   } else {


        • "string"

function string_lit(start, err_line, err_col) {

 text = ""
 while (next_ch() != start) {
   if (the_ch == "")
     error(err_line, err_col, "EOF while scanning string literal")
   if (the_ch == "\n")
     error(err_line, err_col, "EOL while scanning string literal")
   text = text the_ch
 return "tk_String" SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col SUBSEP text


        • handle identifiers and integers

function ident_or_int(err_line, err_col) {

 is_number = 1
 text = ""
 while ((the_ch ~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/)  || (the_ch == "_")) {
   text = text the_ch
   if (! (the_ch ~ /^[0-9]+$/))
     is_number = 0
 if (text == "")
   error(err_line, err_col, "ident_or_int: unrecognized character: " the_ch)
 if (text ~ /^[0-9]/) {
   if (! is_number)
     error(err_line, err_col, "invalid number: " text)
   n = text + 0
   return "tk_Integer" SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col SUBSEP n
 if (text in key_words)
   return key_words[text] SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col
 return "tk_Ident" SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col SUBSEP text


        • look ahead for '>=', etc.

function follow(expect, ifyes, ifno, err_line, err_col) {

 if (next_ch() == expect) {
   return ifyes SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col
 if (ifno == tk_EOI)
   error(err_line, err_col, "follow: unrecognized character: " the_ch)
 return ifno SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col


        • return the next token type

function gettok() {

 while (the_ch == " " || the_ch == "\n" || the_ch == "\r")
 err_line = the_line
 err_col  = the_col
 if      (the_ch == "" )    return "tk_EOI" SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col
 else if (the_ch == "/")    return div_or_cmt(err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == "'")    return char_lit(err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == "<")    return follow("=", "tk_Leq", "tk_Lss",    err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == ">")    return follow("=", "tk_Geq", "tk_Gtr",    err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == "=")    return follow("=", "tk_Eq",  "tk_Assign", err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == "!")    return follow("=", "tk_Neq", "tk_Not",    err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == "&")    return follow("&", "tk_And", "tk_EOI",    err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch == "|")    return follow("|", "tk_Or",  "tk_EOI",    err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch =="\"")    return string_lit(the_ch, err_line, err_col)
 else if (the_ch in symbols) {
   sym = symbols[the_ch]
   return sym SUBSEP err_line SUBSEP err_col
 } else {
   return ident_or_int(err_line, err_col)

} </lang>

Output  —  count:

    1      1 Identifier      count
    1      7 Op_assign     
    1      9 Integer              1
    1     10 Semicolon     
    2      1 Keyword_while 
    2      7 LeftParen     
    2      8 Identifier      count
    2     14 Op_less       
    2     16 Integer             10
    2     18 RightParen    
    2     20 LeftBrace     
    3      5 Keyword_print 
    3     10 LeftParen     
    3     11 String          "count is: "
    3     23 Comma         
    3     25 Identifier      count
    3     30 Comma         
    3     32 String          "\n"
    3     36 RightParen    
    3     37 Semicolon     
    4      5 Identifier      count
    4     11 Op_assign     
    4     13 Identifier      count
    4     19 Op_add        
    4     21 Integer              1
    4     22 Semicolon     
    5      1 RightBrace    
    5      3 End_of_input 


Tested with gcc 4.81 and later, compiles warning free with -Wpedantic -pedantic -Wall -Wextra <lang C>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdarg.h>
  3. include <ctype.h>
  4. include <string.h>
  5. include <errno.h>
  6. include <stdbool.h>
  7. include <limits.h>
  1. define NELEMS(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
  1. define da_dim(name, type) type *name = NULL; \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0;  \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _max = 0
  1. define da_rewind(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0
  2. define da_redim(name) do {if (_qy_ ## name ## _p >= _qy_ ## name ## _max) \
                               name = realloc(name, (_qy_ ## name ## _max += 32) * sizeof(name[0]));} while (0)
  1. define da_append(name, x) do {da_redim(name); name[_qy_ ## name ## _p++] = x;} while (0)
  2. define da_len(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p

typedef enum {

   tk_EOI, tk_Mul, tk_Div, tk_Mod, tk_Add, tk_Sub, tk_Negate, tk_Not, tk_Lss, tk_Leq,
   tk_Gtr, tk_Geq, tk_Eq, tk_Neq, tk_Assign, tk_And, tk_Or, tk_If, tk_Else, tk_While,
   tk_Print, tk_Putc, tk_Lparen, tk_Rparen, tk_Lbrace, tk_Rbrace, tk_Semi, tk_Comma,
   tk_Ident, tk_Integer, tk_String

} TokenType;

typedef struct {

   TokenType tok;
   int err_ln, err_col;
   union {
       int n;                  /* value for constants */
       char *text;             /* text for idents */

} tok_s;

static FILE *source_fp, *dest_fp; static int line = 1, col = 0, the_ch = ' '; da_dim(text, char);

tok_s gettok(void);

static void error(int err_line, int err_col, const char *fmt, ... ) {

   char buf[1000];
   va_list ap;
   va_start(ap, fmt);
   vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
   printf("(%d,%d) error: %s\n", err_line, err_col, buf);


static int next_ch(void) { /* get next char from input */

   the_ch = getc(source_fp);
   if (the_ch == '\n') {
       col = 0;
   return the_ch;


static tok_s char_lit(int n, int err_line, int err_col) { /* 'x' */

   if (the_ch == '\)
       error(err_line, err_col, "gettok: empty character constant");
   if (the_ch == '\\') {
       if (the_ch == 'n')
           n = 10;
       else if (the_ch == '\\')
           n = '\\';
       else error(err_line, err_col, "gettok: unknown escape sequence \\%c", the_ch);
   if (next_ch() != '\)
       error(err_line, err_col, "multi-character constant");
   return (tok_s){tk_Integer, err_line, err_col, {n}};


static tok_s div_or_cmt(int err_line, int err_col) { /* process divide or comments */

   if (the_ch != '*')
       return (tok_s){tk_Div, err_line, err_col, {0}};
   /* comment found */
   for (;;) {
       if (the_ch == '*') {
           if (next_ch() == '/') {
               return gettok();
       } else if (the_ch == EOF)
           error(err_line, err_col, "EOF in comment");


static tok_s string_lit(int start, int err_line, int err_col) { /* "st" */

   while (next_ch() != start) {
       if (the_ch == '\n') error(err_line, err_col, "EOL in string");
       if (the_ch == EOF)  error(err_line, err_col, "EOF in string");
       da_append(text, (char)the_ch);
   da_append(text, '\0');
   return (tok_s){tk_String, err_line, err_col, {.text=text}};


static int kwd_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) {

   return strcmp(*(char **)p1, *(char **)p2);


static TokenType get_ident_type(const char *ident) {

   static struct {
       const char *s;
       TokenType sym;
   } kwds[] = {
       {"else",  tk_Else},
       {"if",    tk_If},
       {"print", tk_Print},
       {"putc",  tk_Putc},
       {"while", tk_While},
   }, *kwp;
   return (kwp = bsearch(&ident, kwds, NELEMS(kwds), sizeof(kwds[0]), kwd_cmp)) == NULL ? tk_Ident : kwp->sym;


static tok_s ident_or_int(int err_line, int err_col) {

   int n, is_number = true;
   while (isalnum(the_ch) || the_ch == '_') {
       da_append(text, (char)the_ch);
       if (!isdigit(the_ch))
           is_number = false;
   if (da_len(text) == 0)
       error(err_line, err_col, "gettok: unrecognized character (%d) '%c'\n", the_ch, the_ch);
   da_append(text, '\0');
   if (isdigit(text[0])) {
       if (!is_number)
           error(err_line, err_col, "invalid number: %s\n", text);
       n = strtol(text, NULL, 0);
       if (n == LONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE)
           error(err_line, err_col, "Number exceeds maximum value");
       return (tok_s){tk_Integer, err_line, err_col, {n}};
   return (tok_s){get_ident_type(text), err_line, err_col, {.text=text}};


static tok_s follow(int expect, TokenType ifyes, TokenType ifno, int err_line, int err_col) { /* look ahead for '>=', etc. */

   if (the_ch == expect) {
       return (tok_s){ifyes, err_line, err_col, {0}};
   if (ifno == tk_EOI)
       error(err_line, err_col, "follow: unrecognized character '%c' (%d)\n", the_ch, the_ch);
   return (tok_s){ifno, err_line, err_col, {0}};


tok_s gettok(void) { /* return the token type */

   /* skip white space */
   while (isspace(the_ch))
   int err_line = line;
   int err_col  = col;
   switch (the_ch) {
       case '{':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Lbrace, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '}':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Rbrace, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '(':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Lparen, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case ')':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Rparen, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '+':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Add, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '-':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Sub, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '*':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Mul, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '%':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Mod, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case ';':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Semi, err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case ',':  next_ch(); return (tok_s){tk_Comma,err_line, err_col, {0}};
       case '/':  next_ch(); return div_or_cmt(err_line, err_col);
       case '\: next_ch(); return char_lit(the_ch, err_line, err_col);
       case '<':  next_ch(); return follow('=', tk_Leq, tk_Lss,    err_line, err_col);
       case '>':  next_ch(); return follow('=', tk_Geq, tk_Gtr,    err_line, err_col);
       case '=':  next_ch(); return follow('=', tk_Eq,  tk_Assign, err_line, err_col);
       case '!':  next_ch(); return follow('=', tk_Neq, tk_Not,    err_line, err_col);
       case '&':  next_ch(); return follow('&', tk_And, tk_EOI,    err_line, err_col);
       case '|':  next_ch(); return follow('|', tk_Or,  tk_EOI,    err_line, err_col);
       case '"' : return string_lit(the_ch, err_line, err_col);
       default:   return ident_or_int(err_line, err_col);
       case EOF:  return (tok_s){tk_EOI, err_line, err_col, {0}};


void run(void) { /* tokenize the given input */

   tok_s tok;
   do {
       tok = gettok();
       fprintf(dest_fp, "%5d  %5d %.15s",
           tok.err_ln, tok.err_col,
           &"End_of_input    Op_multiply     Op_divide       Op_mod          Op_add          "
            "Op_subtract     Op_negate       Op_not          Op_less         Op_lessequal    "
            "Op_greater      Op_greaterequal Op_equal        Op_notequal     Op_assign       "
            "Op_and          Op_or           Keyword_if      Keyword_else    Keyword_while   "
            "Keyword_print   Keyword_putc    LeftParen       RightParen      LeftBrace       "
            "RightBrace      Semicolon       Comma           Identifier      Integer         "
            "String          "
           [tok.tok * 16]);
       if (tok.tok == tk_Integer)     fprintf(dest_fp, "  %4d",   tok.n);
       else if (tok.tok == tk_Ident)  fprintf(dest_fp, " %s",     tok.text);
       else if (tok.tok == tk_String) fprintf(dest_fp, " \"%s\"", tok.text);
       fprintf(dest_fp, "\n");
   } while (tok.tok != tk_EOI);
   if (dest_fp != stdout)


void init_io(FILE **fp, FILE *std, const char mode[], const char fn[]) {

   if (fn[0] == '\0')
       *fp = std;
   else if ((*fp = fopen(fn, mode)) == NULL)
       error(0, 0, "Can't open %s\n", fn);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   init_io(&source_fp, stdin,  "r",  argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "");
   init_io(&dest_fp,   stdout, "wb", argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "");
   return 0;


Output  —  test case 3:

    5     16 Keyword_print
    5     40 Op_subtract
    6     16 Keyword_putc
    6     40 Op_less
    7     16 Keyword_if
    7     40 Op_greater
    8     16 Keyword_else
    8     40 Op_lessequal
    9     16 Keyword_while
    9     40 Op_greaterequal
   10     16 LeftBrace
   10     40 Op_equal
   11     16 RightBrace
   11     40 Op_notequal
   12     16 LeftParen
   12     40 Op_and
   13     16 RightParen
   13     40 Op_or
   14     16 Op_subtract
   14     40 Semicolon
   15     16 Op_not
   15     40 Comma
   16     16 Op_multiply
   16     40 Op_assign
   17     16 Op_divide
   17     40 Integer            42
   18     16 Op_mod
   18     40 String          "String literal"
   19     16 Op_add
   19     40 Identifier      variable_name
   20     26 Integer            10
   21     26 Integer            92
   22     26 Integer            32
   23      1 End_of_input


Requires C#6.0 because of the use of null coalescing operators. <lang csharp> using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Rosetta {

   public enum TokenType {
       End_of_input, Op_multiply, Op_divide, Op_mod, Op_add, Op_subtract,
       Op_negate, Op_not, Op_less, Op_lessequal, Op_greater, Op_greaterequal,
       Op_equal, Op_notequal, Op_assign, Op_and, Op_or, Keyword_if,
       Keyword_else, Keyword_while, Keyword_print, Keyword_putc, LeftParen, RightParen,
       LeftBrace, RightBrace, Semicolon, Comma, Identifier, Integer, String, None
   /// <summary>
   /// Storage class for tokens
   /// </summary>
   public class Token {
       public TokenType Type { get; set; }
       public int Line { get; set; }
       public int Position { get; set; }
       public string Value { get; set; }
       public override string ToString() {
           if (Type == TokenType.Integer || Type == TokenType.Identifier) {
               return String.Format("{0,-5}  {1,-5}   {2,-14}     {3}", Line, Position, Type.ToString(), Value);
           } else if (Type == TokenType.String) {
               return String.Format("{0,-5}  {1,-5}   {2,-14}     \"{3}\"", Line, Position, Type.ToString(), Value.Replace("\n", "\\n"));
           return String.Format("{0,-5}  {1,-5}   {2,-14}", Line, Position, Type.ToString());
   /// <summary>
   /// C# Example of Lexical scanner for Rosetta Compiler
   /// </summary>
   public class LexicalScanner {
       // character classes 
       private const string _letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";        
       private const string _numbers = "0123456789";
       private const string _identifier = _letters + _numbers + "_";
       private const string _whitespace = " \t\n\r";
       // mappings from string keywords to token type 
       private Dictionary<string, TokenType> _keywordTokenTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, TokenType>() {
           { "if", TokenType.Keyword_if },
           { "else", TokenType.Keyword_else },
           { "while", TokenType.Keyword_while },
           { "print", TokenType.Keyword_print },
           { "putc", TokenType.Keyword_putc }
       // mappings from simple operators to token type
       private Dictionary<string, TokenType> _operatorTokenTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, TokenType>() {
           { "+", TokenType.Op_add },
           { "-", TokenType.Op_subtract },
           { "*", TokenType.Op_multiply },
           { "/", TokenType.Op_divide },
           { "%", TokenType.Op_mod },
           { "=", TokenType.Op_assign },
           { "<", TokenType.Op_less },
           { ">", TokenType.Op_greater },
           { "!", TokenType.Op_not },
       private List<string> _keywords;
       private string _operators = "+-*/%=<>!%";
       private string _code;
       private List<Token> tokens = new List<Token>();
       private int _line = 1;
       private int _position = 1;
       public string CurrentCharacter {
           get {
               try {
                   return _code.Substring(0, 1);
               } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                   return "";
       /// <summary>
       /// Lexical scanner initialiser
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="code">Code to be tokenised</param>
       public LexicalScanner (string code) {
           _code = code;
           _keywords = _keywordTokenTypeMap.Keys.ToList();
       /// <summary>
       /// Advance the cursor forward given number of characters
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="characters">Number of characters to advance</param>
       private void advance(int characters=1) {
           try {
               // reset position when there is a newline
               if (CurrentCharacter == "\n") {
                   _position = 0;
               _code = _code.Substring(characters, _code.Length - characters);
               _position += characters;
           } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
               _code = "";
       /// <summary>
       /// Outputs error message to the console and exits 
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="message">Error message to display to user</param>
       /// <param name="line">Line error occurred on</param>
       /// <param name="position">Line column that the error occurred at</param>
       public void error(string message, int line, int position) {
           // output error to the console and exit
           Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} @ {1}:{2}", message, line, position));
       /// <summary>
       /// Pattern matching using first & follow matching
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="recogniseClass">String of characters that identifies the token type
       /// or the exact match the be made if exact:true</param>
       /// <param name="matchClass">String of characters to match against remaining target characters</param>
       /// <param name="tokenType">Type of token the match represents.</param>
       /// <param name="notNextClass">Optional class of characters that cannot follow the match</param>
       /// <param name="maxLen">Optional maximum length of token value</param>
       /// <param name="exact">Denotes whether recogniseClass represents an exact match or class match. 
       /// Default: false</param>
       /// <param name="discard">Denotes whether the token is kept or discarded. Default: false</param>
       /// <param name="offset">Optiona line position offset to account for discarded tokens</param>
       /// <returns>Boolean indicating if a match was made </returns>
       public bool match(string recogniseClass, string matchClass, TokenType tokenType, 
                         string notNextClass=null, int maxLen=Int32.MaxValue, bool exact=false, 
                         bool discard=false, int offset=0) {
           // if we've hit the end of the file, there's no more matching to be done
           if (CurrentCharacter == "")
               return false;
           // store _current_ line and position so that our vectors point at the start
           // of each token
           int line = _line;
           int position = _position;
           // special case exact tokens to avoid needing to worry about backtracking
           if (exact) {
               if (_code.StartsWith(recogniseClass)) {
                   if (!discard) 
                       tokens.Add(new Token() { Type = tokenType, Value = recogniseClass, Line = line, Position = position - offset});   
                   return true;
               return false;
           // first match - denotes the token type usually
           if (!recogniseClass.Contains(CurrentCharacter))
               return false;
           string tokenValue = CurrentCharacter;
           // follow match while we haven't exceeded maxLen and there are still characters
           // in the code stream
           while ((matchClass ?? "").Contains(CurrentCharacter) && tokenValue.Length <= maxLen && CurrentCharacter != "") {
               tokenValue += CurrentCharacter;
           // ensure that any incompatible characters are not next to the token
           // eg 42fred is invalid, and neither recognized as a number nor an identifier.
           // _letters would be the notNextClass
           if (notNextClass != null && notNextClass.Contains(CurrentCharacter))
               error("Unrecognised character: " + CurrentCharacter, _line, _position);
           // only add tokens to the stack that aren't marked as discard - dont want
           // things like open and close quotes/comments
           if (!discard) {
               Token token = new Token() { Type = tokenType, Value = tokenValue, Line = line, Position = position - offset };
           return true;
       /// <summary>
       /// Tokenise the input code 
       /// </summary>
       /// <returns>List of Tokens</returns>
       public List<Token> scan() {
           while (CurrentCharacter != "") {
               // match whitespace
               match(_whitespace, _whitespace, TokenType.None, discard: true);
               // match integers
               match(_numbers, _numbers, TokenType.Integer, notNextClass:_letters);
               // match identifiers and keywords
               if (match(_letters, _identifier, TokenType.Identifier)) {
                   Token match = tokens.Last();
                   if (_keywords.Contains(match.Value))
                       match.Type = _keywordTokenTypeMap[match.Value];
               // match string similarly to comments without allowing newlines
               // this token doesn't get discarded though
               if (match("\"", null, TokenType.String, discard:true)) {
                   string value = "";
                   int position = _position;
                   while (!match("\"", null, TokenType.String, discard:true)) {
                       // not allowed newlines in strings
                       if (CurrentCharacter == "\n")
                           error("End-of-line while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found before end-of-line", _line, _position);
                       // end of file reached before finding end of string
                       if (CurrentCharacter == "")
                           error("End-of-file while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found", _line, _position);
                       value += CurrentCharacter;
                       // deal with escape sequences - we only accept newline (\n)
                       if (value.Length >= 2) {
                           string lastCharacters = value.Substring(value.Length - 2, 2);
                           if (lastCharacters[0] == '\\') {
                               if (lastCharacters[1] != 'n') {
                                   error("Unknown escape sequence. ", _line, position);
                               value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 2).ToString() + "\n";
                   tokens.Add(new Token() { Type = TokenType.String, Value = value, Line = _line, Position = position - 1});
               // match string literals
               if (match("'", null, TokenType.Integer, discard:true)) {
                   int value;
                   int position = _position;
                   value = CurrentCharacter.ToCharArray()[0];
                   // deal with empty literals 
                   if (value == '\)
                       error("Empty character literal", _line, _position);
                   // deal with escaped characters, only need to worry about \n and \\
                   // throw werror on any other
                   if (value == '\\') {
                       if (CurrentCharacter == "n") {
                           value = '\n';
                       } else if (CurrentCharacter == "\\") {
                           value = '\\';
                       } else {
                           error("Unknown escape sequence. ", _line, _position - 1);
                   // if we haven't hit a closing ' here, there are two many characters
                   // in the literal
                   if (!match("'", null, TokenType.Integer, discard: true))
                       error("Multi-character constant", _line, _position);
                   tokens.Add(new Rosetta.Token() { Type = TokenType.Integer, Value = value.ToString(), Line = _line, Position = position - 1 });
               // match comments by checking for starting token, then advancing 
               // until closing token is matched
               if (match("/*", null, TokenType.None, exact: true, discard: true)) {
                   while (!match("*/", null, TokenType.None, exact: true, discard: true)) {
                       // reached the end of the file without closing comment!
                       if (CurrentCharacter == "")
                           error("End-of-file in comment. Closing comment characters not found.", _line, _position);
               // match complex operators
               match("<=", null, TokenType.Op_lessequal, exact: true);
               match(">=", null, TokenType.Op_greaterequal, exact: true);
               match("==", null, TokenType.Op_equal, exact: true);
               match("!=", null, TokenType.Op_notequal, exact: true);
               match("&&", null, TokenType.Op_and, exact: true);
               match("||", null, TokenType.Op_or, exact: true);
               // match simple operators
               if (match(_operators, null, TokenType.None, maxLen:1)) {
                   Token match = tokens.Last();
                   match.Type = _operatorTokenTypeMap[match.Value];
               // brackets, braces and separators
               match("(", null, TokenType.LeftParen, exact: true);
               match(")", null, TokenType.RightParen, exact: true);
               match("{", null, TokenType.LeftBrace, exact: true);
               match("}", null, TokenType.RightBrace, exact: true);
               match(";", null, TokenType.Semicolon, exact: true);
               match(",", null, TokenType.Comma, exact: true);
           // end of file token
           tokens.Add(new Rosetta.Token() { Type = TokenType.End_of_input, Line = _line, Position = _position });
           return tokens;
       static void Main (string[] args) {
           StreamReader inputFile;
           // if we passed in a filename, read code from that, else
           // read code from stdin
           if (args.Length > 0) {
               string path = args[0];
               try {
                   inputFile = new StreamReader(path);
               } catch (IOException) {
                   inputFile = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput(8192));
           } else {
               inputFile = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput(8192));
           string code = inputFile.ReadToEnd();
           // strip windows line endings out
           code = code.Replace("\r", "");
           LexicalScanner scanner = new LexicalScanner(code);
           List<Token> tokens = scanner.scan();
           foreach(Token token in tokens) {

} </lang>

Output  —  test case 3:

5      16      Keyword_print
5      40      Op_subtract
6      16      Keyword_putc
6      40      Op_less
7      16      Keyword_if
7      40      Op_greater
8      16      Keyword_else
8      40      Op_lessequal
9      16      Keyword_while
9      40      Op_greaterequal
10     16      LeftBrace
10     40      Op_equal
11     16      RightBrace
11     40      Op_notequal
12     16      LeftParen
12     40      Op_and
13     16      RightParen
13     40      Op_or
14     16      Op_subtract
14     40      Semicolon
15     16      Op_not
15     40      Comma
16     16      Op_multiply
16     40      Op_assign
17     16      Op_divide
17     40      Integer            42
18     16      Op_mod
18     40      String             "String literal"
19     16      Op_add
19     40      Identifier         variable_name
20     26      Integer            10
21     26      Integer            92
22     26      Integer            32
23     1       End_of_input


Tested with GCC 9.3.0 (g++ -std=c++17) <lang cpp>#include <charconv> // std::from_chars

  1. include <fstream> // file_to_string, string_to_file
  2. include <functional> // std::invoke
  3. include <iomanip> // std::setw
  4. include <ios> // std::left
  5. include <iostream>
  6. include <map> // keywords
  7. include <sstream>
  8. include <string>
  9. include <utility> // std::forward
  10. include <variant> // TokenVal

using namespace std;

// ===================================================================================================================== // Machinery // ===================================================================================================================== string file_to_string (const string& path) {

   // Open file
   ifstream file {path, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate};
   if (!file)   throw (errno);
   // Allocate string memory
   string contents;
   // Read file contents into string
   file.seekg(0);, contents.size());
   return contents;


void string_to_file (const string& path, string contents) {

   ofstream file {path, ios::out | ios::binary};
   if (!file)    throw (errno);
   file.write(, contents.size());


template <class F> void with_IO (string source, string destination, F&& f) {

   string input;
   if (source == "stdin")    getline(cin, input);
   else                      input = file_to_string(source);
   string output = invoke(forward<F>(f), input);
   if (destination == "stdout")    cout << output;
   else                            string_to_file(destination, output);


// Add escaped newlines and backslashes back in for printing string sanitize (string s) {

   for (auto i = 0u; i < s.size(); ++i)
       if      (s[i] == '\n')    s.replace(i++, 1, "\\n");
       else if (s[i] == '\\')    s.replace(i++, 1, "\\\\");
   return s;


class Scanner { public:

   const char* pos;
   int         line   = 1;
   int         column = 1;
   Scanner (const char* source) : pos {source} {}
   inline char peek ()    { return *pos; }
   void advance ()
       if (*pos == '\n')    { ++line; column = 1; }
       else                 ++column;
   char next ()
       return peek();
   void skip_whitespace ()
       while (isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(peek())))

}; // class Scanner

// ===================================================================================================================== // Tokens // ===================================================================================================================== enum class TokenName {



using TokenVal = variant<int, string>;

struct Token {

   TokenName name;
   TokenVal  value;
   int       line;
   int       column;


const char* to_cstring (TokenName name) {

   static const char* s[] =
       "Op_multiply", "Op_divide", "Op_mod", "Op_add", "Op_subtract", "Op_negate",
       "Op_less", "Op_lessequal", "Op_greater", "Op_greaterequal", "Op_equal", "Op_notequal",
       "Op_not", "Op_assign", "Op_and", "Op_or",
       "LeftParen", "RightParen", "LeftBrace", "RightBrace", "Semicolon", "Comma",
       "Keyword_if", "Keyword_else", "Keyword_while", "Keyword_print", "Keyword_putc",
       "Identifier", "Integer", "String",
       "End_of_input", "Error"
   return s[static_cast<int>(name)];


string to_string (Token t) {

   ostringstream out;
   out << setw(2) << t.line << "   " << setw(2) << t.column  << "   ";
   switch (
       case (TokenName::IDENTIFIER)   : out << "Identifier        "   << get<string>(t.value);                  break;
       case (TokenName::INTEGER)      : out << "Integer           "   << left << get<int>(t.value);             break;
       case (TokenName::STRING)       : out << "String            \"" << sanitize(get<string>(t.value)) << '"'; break;
       case (TokenName::END_OF_INPUT) : out << "End_of_input";                                                  break;
       case (TokenName::ERROR)        : out << "Error             "   << get<string>(t.value);                  break;
       default                        : out << to_cstring(;
   out << '\n';
   return out.str();


// ===================================================================================================================== // Lexer // ===================================================================================================================== class Lexer { public:

   Lexer (const char* source) : s {source}, pre_state {s} {}
   bool has_more ()    { return s.peek() != '\0'; }
   Token next_token ()
       pre_state = s;
       switch (s.peek())
           case '*'  :    return simply(TokenName::OP_MULTIPLY);
           case '%'  :    return simply(TokenName::OP_MOD);
           case '+'  :    return simply(TokenName::OP_ADD);
           case '-'  :    return simply(TokenName::OP_SUBTRACT);
           case '{'  :    return simply(TokenName::LEFTBRACE);
           case '}'  :    return simply(TokenName::RIGHTBRACE);
           case '('  :    return simply(TokenName::LEFTPAREN);
           case ')'  :    return simply(TokenName::RIGHTPAREN);
           case ';'  :    return simply(TokenName::SEMICOLON);
           case ','  :    return simply(TokenName::COMMA);
           case '&'  :    return expect('&', TokenName::OP_AND);
           case '|'  :    return expect('|', TokenName::OP_OR);
           case '<'  :    return follow('=', TokenName::OP_LESSEQUAL,    TokenName::OP_LESS);
           case '>'  :    return follow('=', TokenName::OP_GREATEREQUAL, TokenName::OP_GREATER);
           case '='  :    return follow('=', TokenName::OP_EQUAL,        TokenName::OP_ASSIGN);
           case '!'  :    return follow('=', TokenName::OP_NOTEQUAL,     TokenName::OP_NOT);
           case '/'  :    return divide_or_comment();
           case '\ :    return char_lit();
           case '"'  :    return string_lit();
           default   :    if (is_id_start(s.peek()))    return identifier();
                          if (is_digit(s.peek()))       return integer_lit();
                          return error("Unrecognized character '", s.peek(), "'");
           case '\0' :    return make_token(TokenName::END_OF_INPUT);


   Scanner s;
   Scanner pre_state;
   static const map<string, TokenName> keywords;

   template <class... Args>
   Token error (Args&&... ostream_args)
       string code {pre_state.pos, (string::size_type) s.column - pre_state.column};
       ostringstream msg;
       (msg << ... << forward<Args>(ostream_args)) << '\n'
           << string(28, ' ') << "(" << s.line << ", " << s.column << "): " << code;
       if (s.peek() != '\0')    s.advance();
       return make_token(TokenName::ERROR, msg.str());

   inline Token make_token (TokenName name, TokenVal value = 0)
       return {name, value, pre_state.line, pre_state.column};

   Token simply (TokenName name)
       return make_token(name);

   Token expect (char expected, TokenName name)
       if ( == expected)    return simply(name);
       else                         return error("Unrecognized character '", s.peek(), "'");

   Token follow (char expected, TokenName ifyes, TokenName ifno)
       if ( == expected)    return simply(ifyes);
       else                         return make_token(ifno);

   Token divide_or_comment ()
       if ( != '*')    return make_token(TokenName::OP_DIVIDE);
       while ( != '\0')
           if (s.peek() == '*' && == '/')
               return next_token();
       return error("End-of-file in comment. Closing comment characters not found.");

   Token char_lit ()
       int n =;
       if (n == '\)    return error("Empty character constant");
       if (n == '\\')    switch (
                             case 'n'  :    n = '\n'; break;
                             case '\\' :    n = '\\'; break;
                             default   :    return error("Unknown escape sequence \\", s.peek());
       if ( != '\)    return error("Multi-character constant");
       return make_token(TokenName::INTEGER, n);

   Token string_lit ()
       string text = "";
       while ( != '"')
           switch (s.peek())
               case '\\' :    switch (
                                  case 'n'  :    text += '\n'; continue;
                                  case '\\' :    text += '\\'; continue;
                                  default   :    return error("Unknown escape sequence \\", s.peek());
               case '\n' :    return error("End-of-line while scanning string literal."
                                           " Closing string character not found before end-of-line.");
               case '\0' :    return error("End-of-file while scanning string literal."
                                           " Closing string character not found.");
               default   :    text += s.peek();
       return make_token(TokenName::STRING, text);

   static inline bool is_id_start (char c)    { return isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '_'; }
   static inline bool is_id_end   (char c)    { return isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '_'; }
   static inline bool is_digit    (char c)    { return isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c));             }

   Token identifier ()
       string text (1, s.peek());
       while (is_id_end(    text += s.peek();
       auto i = keywords.find(text);
       if (i != keywords.end())    return make_token(i->second);
       return make_token(TokenName::IDENTIFIER, text);

   Token integer_lit ()
       while (is_digit(;
       if (is_id_start(s.peek()))
           return error("Invalid number. Starts like a number, but ends in non-numeric characters.");
       int n;
       auto r = from_chars(pre_state.pos, s.pos, n);
       if ( == errc::result_out_of_range)    return error("Number exceeds maximum value");
       return make_token(TokenName::INTEGER, n);

}; // class Lexer

const map<string, TokenName> Lexer::keywords = {

   {"else",  TokenName::KEYWORD_ELSE},
   {"if",    TokenName::KEYWORD_IF},
   {"print", TokenName::KEYWORD_PRINT},
   {"putc",  TokenName::KEYWORD_PUTC},
   {"while", TokenName::KEYWORD_WHILE}


int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {

   string in  = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "stdin";
   string out = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : "stdout";
   with_IO(in, out, [](string input)
       Lexer lexer {};
       string s = "Location  Token name        Value\n"
       while (lexer.has_more())    s += to_string(lexer.next_token());
       return s;

} </lang>

Output  —  test case 3:
Location  Token name        Value
 5   16   Keyword_print
 5   40   Op_subtract
 6   16   Keyword_putc
 6   40   Op_less
 7   16   Keyword_if
 7   40   Op_greater
 8   16   Keyword_else
 8   40   Op_lessequal
 9   16   Keyword_while
 9   40   Op_greaterequal
10   16   LeftBrace
10   40   Op_equal
11   16   RightBrace
11   40   Op_notequal
12   16   LeftParen
12   40   Op_and
13   16   RightParen
13   40   Op_or
14   16   Op_subtract
14   40   Semicolon
15   16   Op_not
15   40   Comma
16   16   Op_multiply
16   40   Op_assign
17   16   Op_divide
17   40   Integer           42
18   16   Op_mod
18   40   String            "String literal"
19   16   Op_add
19   40   Identifier        variable_name
20   26   Integer           10
21   26   Integer           92
22   26   Integer           32
23    1   End_of_input


Using GnuCOBOL 2. By Steve Williams (with one change to get around a Rosetta Code code highlighter problem).

<lang cobol> >>SOURCE FORMAT IS FREE

  • > this code is dedicated to the public domain
  • > (GnuCOBOL) 2.3-dev.0

identification division. program-id. lexer. environment division. configuration section. repository. function all intrinsic. input-output section. file-control.

   select input-file assign using input-name
       status input-status
       organization line sequential.

data division.

file section. fd input-file. 01 input-record pic x(98).

working-storage section. 01 input-name pic x(32). 01 input-status pic xx. 01 input-length pic 99.

01 output-name pic x(32) value spaces. 01 output-status pic xx. 01 output-record pic x(64).

01 line-no pic 999 value 0. 01 col-no pic 99. 01 col-no-max pic 99. 01 col-increment pic 9 value 1. 01 start-col pic 99. 01 outx pic 99. 01 out-lim pic 99 value 48.

01 output-line value spaces.

   03  out-line pic zzzz9.
   03  out-column pic zzzzzz9.
   03  message-area.
       05  filler pic xxx.
       05  token pic x(16).
       05  out-value pic x(48).
       05  out-integer redefines out-value pic zzzzz9.
       05  out-integer1 redefines out-value pic zzzzzz9. *> to match the python lexer

01 error-record.

   03  error-line pic zzzz9 value 0.
   03  error-col pic zzzzzz9 value 0.
   03  error-message pic x(68) value spaces.

01 scan-state pic x(16) value spaces. 01 current-character pic x. 01 previous-character pic x.

procedure division chaining input-name. start-lexer.

   if input-name <> spaces
       open input input-file
       if input-status = '35'
           string 'in lexer ' trim(input-name) ' not found' into error-message
           perform report-error
   perform read-input-file
   perform until input-status <> '00'
       add 1 to line-no
       move line-no to out-line
       move length(trim(input-record,trailing)) to col-no-max
       move 1 to col-no
       move space to previous-character
       perform until col-no > col-no-max
           move col-no to out-column
           move input-record(col-no:1) to current-character
           evaluate scan-state
           when 'identifier'
               if current-character >= 'A' and <= 'Z'
               or (current-character >= 'a' and <= 'z')
               or (current-character >= '0' and <= '9')
               or current-character = '_'
                   perform increment-outx
                   move current-character to out-value(outx:1)
                   if col-no = col-no-max
                       perform process-identifier
                   perform process-identifier
                   if current-character <> space
                       move 0 to col-increment
           when 'integer'
               evaluate true
               when current-character >= '0' and <= '9'
                   perform increment-outx
                   move current-character to out-value(outx:1)
                   if col-no = col-no-max
                       move numval(out-value) to out-integer
                       move 'Integer' to token
               when current-character >= 'A' and <= 'Z'
               when current-character >= 'a' and <= 'z'
                   move 'in lexer invalid integer' to error-message
                   perform report-error
               when other
                   if outx > 5
                       move numval(out-value) to out-integer1 *> to match the python lexer
                       move numval(out-value) to out-integer
                   move 'Integer' to token
                   if current-character <> space
                       move 0 to col-increment
           when 'comment'
               if previous-character = '*' and current-character = '/' 
                   move 'comment' to token
           when 'quote'
               evaluate current-character also outx
               when '"' also 0
                   string 'in lexer empty string' into error-message
                   perform report-error
               when '"' also any
                   perform increment-outx
                   move current-character to out-value(outx:1)
                   move 'String' to token
               when other
                   if col-no = col-no-max
                       string 'in lexer missing close quote' into error-message
                       perform report-error
                       perform increment-outx
                       move current-character to out-value(outx:1)
           when 'character'
               evaluate current-character also outx
               when "'" also 0
                   string 'in lexer empty character constant' into error-message
                   perform report-error
               when "'" also 1
                   subtract 1 from ord(out-value(1:1)) giving out-integer
                   move 'Integer' to token
               when "'" also 2
                   evaluate true 
                   when out-value(1:2) = '\n'
                       move 10 to out-integer
                   when out-value(1:2) = '\\'
                       subtract 1 from ord('\') giving out-integer      *> ' (workaround a Rosetta Code highlighter problem)
                   when other
                       string 'in lexer unknown escape sequence ' out-value(1:2)
                           into error-message
                       perform report-error
                   move 'Integer' to token
               when "'" also any
                   string 'in lexer multicharacter constant' into error-message
                   perform report-error
               when other
                   if col-no = col-no-max
                       string 'in lexer missing close quote' into error-message
                       perform report-error
                   perform increment-outx
                   move current-character to out-value(outx:1)
           when 'and'
               evaluate previous-character also current-character
               when '&' also '&'
                   move 'Op_and' to token
               when other
                   string 'in lexer AND error' into error-message
                   perform report-error
           when 'or'
               evaluate previous-character also current-character
               when '|' also '|'
                   move 'Op_or' to token
               when other
                   string 'in lexer OR error' into error-message
                   perform report-error
           when 'ambiguous'
               evaluate previous-character also current-character
               when '/' also '*'
                   move 'comment' to scan-state
                   subtract 1 from col-no giving start-col
               when '/' also any
                   move 'Op_divide' to token
                   move 0 to col-increment
               when '=' also '='
                   move 'Op_equal' to token
               when '=' also any
                   move 'Op_assign' to token
                   move 0 to col-increment
               when '<' also '='
                   move 'Op_lessequal' to token
               when '<' also any
                   move 'Op_less' to token 
                   move 0 to col-increment
               when '>' also '='
                   move 'Op_greaterequal' to token
               when '>'also any
                   move 'Op_greater' to token
                   move 0 to col-increment
               when '!' also '='
                   move 'Op_notequal' to token
               when '!' also any
                   move 'Op_not' to token
                   move 0 to col-increment
               when other
                   display input-record
                   string 'in lexer ' trim(scan-state)
                       ' unknown character "' current-character '"'
                       ' with previous character "' previous-character '"'
                       into error-message
                   perform report-error
           when other
               move col-no to start-col
               evaluate current-character
               when space
               when >= 'A' and <= 'Z'
               when >= 'a' and <= 'z'
                   move 'identifier' to scan-state
                   move 1 to outx
                   move current-character to out-value
               when >= '0' and <= '9'
                   move 'integer' to scan-state
                   move 1 to outx
                   move current-character to out-value
               when '&'
                   move 'and' to scan-state
               when '|'
                   move 'or' to scan-state
               when '"'
                   move 'quote' to scan-state
                   move 1 to outx
                   move current-character to out-value
               when "'"
                   move 'character' to scan-state
                   move 0 to outx
               when '{'
                   move 'LeftBrace' to token
               when '}'
                   move 'RightBrace' to token
               when '('
                   move 'LeftParen' to token
               when ')'
                   move 'RightParen' to token
               when '+'
                   move 'Op_add' to token
               when '-'
                   move 'Op_subtract' to token
               when '*'
                   move 'Op_multiply' to token
               when '%'
                   move 'Op_mod' to token
               when ';'
                   move 'Semicolon' to token
               when ','
                   move 'Comma' to token
               when '/'
               when '<'
               when '>'
               when '='
               when '='
               when '<'
               when '>'
               when '!'
                   move 'ambiguous' to scan-state
               when other
                   string 'in lexer unknown character "' current-character '"'
                       into error-message
                   perform report-error
           if token <> spaces
               perform process-token
           move current-character to previous-character
           add col-increment to col-no
           move 1 to col-increment
       if scan-state = 'ambiguous'
           evaluate previous-character
           when '/'
               move 'Op_divide' to token
               perform process-token
           when '='
               move 'Op_assign' to token
               perform process-token
           when '<'
               move 'Op_less' to token 
               perform process-token
           when '>'
               move 'Op_greater' to token
               perform process-token
           when '!'
               move 'Op_not' to token
               perform process-token
           when other
               string 'in lexer unresolved ambiguous
                   "' previous-character '" at end of line'
               into error-message
               perform report-error
       perform read-input-file
   evaluate true
   when input-status <> '10'
       string 'in lexer ' trim(input-name) ' invalid input status ' input-status
           into error-message
       perform report-error
   when scan-state = 'comment'
       string 'in lexer unclosed comment at end of input' into error-message
       perform report-error
   move 'End_of_input' to token
   move 1 to out-column
   move 1 to start-col
   add 1 to line-no
   perform process-token
   close input-file
   stop run


   evaluate true
   when out-value = 'print'
       move 'Keyword_print' to token
       move spaces to out-value
   when out-value = 'while'
       move 'Keyword_while' to token
       move spaces to out-value
   when out-value = 'if'
       move 'Keyword_if' to token
       move spaces to out-value
   when out-value = 'else'
       move 'Keyword_else' to token
       move spaces to out-value
   when out-value = 'putc'
       move 'Keyword_putc' to token
       move spaces to out-value
   when other
       move 'Identifier' to token


   if outx >= out-lim
       string 'in lexer token value length exceeds ' out-lim into error-message
       perform report-error
   add 1 to outx


   if token <> 'comment'
       move start-col to out-column
       move line-no to out-line
       display output-line
   move 0 to start-col
   move spaces to scan-state message-area


   move line-no to error-line
   move start-col to error-col
   display error-record
   close input-file
   stop run with error status -1


   if input-name = spaces
       move '00' to input-status
       accept input-record on exception move '10' to input-status end-accept
       read input-file

end program lexer.</lang>

Output  —  test case 3:
prompt$ ./lexer <testcase3
    5     16   Keyword_print
    5     40   Op_subtract
    6     16   Keyword_putc
    6     40   Op_less
    7     16   Keyword_if
    7     40   Op_greater
    8     16   Keyword_else
    8     40   Op_lessequal
    9     16   Keyword_while
    9     40   Op_greaterequal
   10     16   LeftBrace
   10     40   Op_equal
   11     16   RightBrace
   11     40   Op_notequal
   12     16   LeftParen
   12     40   Op_and
   13     16   RightParen
   13     40   Op_or
   14     16   Op_subtract
   14     40   Semicolon
   15     16   Op_not
   15     40   Comma
   16     16   Op_multiply
   16     40   Op_assign
   17     16   Op_divide
   17     40   Integer             42
   18     16   Op_mod
   18     40   String          "String literal"
   19     16   Op_add
   19     40   Identifier      variable_name
   20     26   Integer             10
   21     26   Integer             92
   22     26   Integer             32
   23      1   End_of_input

Common Lisp

Lisp has a built-in reader and you can customize the reader by modifying its readtable. I'm also using the Gray stream, which is an almost standard feature of Common Lisp, for counting lines and columns.

<lang lisp>(defpackage #:lexical-analyzer

 (:use #:cl #:sb-gray)
 (:export #:main))

(in-package #:lexical-analyzer)

(defconstant +lex-symbols-package+ (or (find-package :lex-symbols)

                                      (make-package :lex-symbols)))

(defclass counting-character-input-stream (fundamental-character-input-stream)

 ((stream :type stream :initarg :stream :reader stream-of)
  (line :type fixnum :initform 1 :accessor line-of)
  (column :type fixnum :initform 0 :accessor column-of)
  (prev-column :type (or null fixnum) :initform nil :accessor prev-column-of))
 (:documentation "Character input stream that counts lines and columns."))

(defmethod stream-read-char ((stream counting-character-input-stream))

 (let ((ch (read-char (stream-of stream) nil :eof)))
   (case ch
      (incf (line-of stream))
      (setf (prev-column-of stream) (column-of stream)
            (column-of stream) 0))
      (incf (column-of stream))))

(defmethod stream-unread-char ((stream counting-character-input-stream) char)

 (unread-char char (stream-of stream))
 (case char
      (decf (line-of stream))
      (setf (column-of stream) (prev-column-of stream)))
      (decf (column-of stream)))))

(defstruct token

 (name nil :type symbol)
 (value nil :type t)
 (line nil :type fixnum)
 (column nil :type fixnum))

(defun lexer-error (format-control &rest args)

 (apply #'error format-control args))

(defun handle-divide-or-comment (stream char)

 (declare (ignore char))
 (case (peek-char nil stream t nil t)
   (#\* (loop with may-end = nil
                initially (read-char stream t nil t)
              for ch = (read-char stream t nil t)
              until (and may-end (char= ch #\/))
              do (setf may-end (char= ch #\*))
              finally (return (read stream t nil t))))
   (t (make-token :name :op-divide :line (line-of stream) :column (column-of stream)))))

(defun make-constant-handler (token-name)

 (lambda (stream char)
   (declare (ignore char))
   (make-token :name token-name :line (line-of stream) :column (column-of stream))))

(defun make-this-or-that-handler (expect then &optional else)

 (lambda (stream char)
   (declare (ignore char))
   (let ((line (line-of stream))
         (column (column-of stream))
         (next (peek-char nil stream nil nil t)))
     (cond ((and expect (char= next expect))
            (read-char stream nil nil t)
            (make-token :name then :line line :column column))
            (make-token :name else :line line :column column))
            (lexer-error "Unrecognized character '~A'" next))))))

(defun identifier? (symbol)

 (and (symbolp symbol)
      (not (keywordp symbol))
      (let ((name (symbol-name symbol)))
        (and (find (char name 0) "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" :test #'char-equal)
             (or (< (length name) 2)
                 (not (find-if-not (lambda (ch)
                                     (find ch "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
                                           :test #'char-equal))
                                   name :start 1)))))))

(defun id->keyword (id line column)

 (case id
   (lex-symbols::|if|    (make-token :name :keyword-if :line line :column column))
   (lex-symbols::|else|  (make-token :name :keyword-else :line line :column column))
   (lex-symbols::|while| (make-token :name :keyword-while :line line :column column))
   (lex-symbols::|print| (make-token :name :keyword-print :line line :column column))
   (lex-symbols::|putc|  (make-token :name :keyword-putc :line line :column column))
   (t nil)))

(defun handle-identifier (stream char)

 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
   (set-syntax-from-char char #\z)
   (let ((line (line-of stream))
         (column (column-of stream)))
     (unread-char char stream)
     (let ((obj (read stream t nil t)))
       (if (identifier? obj)
           (or (id->keyword obj line column)
               (make-token :name :identifier :value obj :line line :column column))
           (lexer-error "Invalid identifier name: ~A" obj))))))

(defun handle-integer (stream char)

 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
   (set-syntax-from-char char #\z)
   (let ((line (line-of stream))
         (column (column-of stream)))
     (unread-char char stream)
     (let ((obj (read stream t nil t)))
       (if (integerp obj)
           (make-token :name :integer :value obj :line line :column column)
           (lexer-error "Invalid integer: ~A" obj))))))

(defun handle-char-literal (stream char)

 (declare (ignore char))
 (let* ((line (line-of stream))
        (column (column-of stream))
        (ch (read-char stream t nil t))
        (parsed (case ch
                  (#\' (lexer-error "Empty character constant"))
                  (#\Newline (lexer-error "New line in character literal"))
                  (#\\ (let ((next-ch (read-char stream t nil t)))
                         (case next-ch
                           (#\n #\Newline)
                           (#\\ #\\)
                           (t (lexer-error "Unknown escape sequence: \\~A" next-ch)))))
                  (t ch))))
   (if (char= #\' (read-char stream t nil t))
       (make-token :name :integer :value (char-code parsed) :line line :column column)
       (lexer-error "Only one character is allowed in character literal"))))

(defun handle-string (stream char)

 (declare (ignore char))
 (loop with result = (make-array 0 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)
       with line = (line-of stream)
       with column = (column-of stream)
       for ch = (read-char stream t nil t)
       until (char= ch #\")
       do (setf ch (case ch
                     (#\Newline (lexer-error "New line in string"))
                     (#\\ (let ((next-ch (read-char stream t nil t)))
                            (case next-ch
                              (#\n #\Newline)
                              (#\\ #\\)
                              (t (lexer-error "Unknown escape sequence: \\~A" next-ch)))))
                     (t ch)))
          (vector-push-extend ch result)
       finally (return (make-token :name :string :value result :line line :column column))))

(defun make-lexer-readtable ()

 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
   (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
   (set-syntax-from-char #\\ #\z)
   (set-syntax-from-char #\# #\z)
   (set-syntax-from-char #\` #\z)
   ;; operators
   (set-macro-character #\* (make-constant-handler :op-multiply))
   (set-macro-character #\/ #'handle-divide-or-comment)
   (set-macro-character #\% (make-constant-handler :op-mod))
   (set-macro-character #\+ (make-constant-handler :op-add))
   (set-macro-character #\- (make-constant-handler :op-subtract))
   (set-macro-character #\< (make-this-or-that-handler #\= :op-lessequal :op-less))
   (set-macro-character #\> (make-this-or-that-handler #\= :op-greaterequal :op-greater))
   (set-macro-character #\= (make-this-or-that-handler #\= :op-equal :op-assign))
   (set-macro-character #\! (make-this-or-that-handler #\= :op-notequal :op-not))
   (set-macro-character #\& (make-this-or-that-handler #\& :op-and))
   (set-macro-character #\| (make-this-or-that-handler #\| :op-or))
   ;; symbols
   (set-macro-character #\( (make-constant-handler :leftparen))
   (set-macro-character #\) (make-constant-handler :rightparen))
   (set-macro-character #\{ (make-constant-handler :leftbrace))
   (set-macro-character #\} (make-constant-handler :rightbrace))
   (set-macro-character #\; (make-constant-handler :semicolon))
   (set-macro-character #\, (make-constant-handler :comma))
   ;; identifiers & keywords
   (set-macro-character #\_ #'handle-identifier t)
   (loop for ch across "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
         do (set-macro-character ch #'handle-identifier t))
         do (set-macro-character ch #'handle-identifier t))
   ;; integers
   (loop for ch across "0123456789"
         do (set-macro-character ch #'handle-integer t))
   (set-macro-character #\' #'handle-char-literal)
   ;; strings
   (set-macro-character #\" #'handle-string)

(defun lex (stream)

 (loop with *readtable* = (make-lexer-readtable)
       with *package* = +lex-symbols-package+
       with eof = (gensym)
       with counting-stream = (make-instance 'counting-character-input-stream :stream stream)
       for token = (read counting-stream nil eof)
       until (eq token eof)
       do (format t "~5D ~5D ~15A~@[ ~S~]~%"
                  (token-line token) (token-column token) (token-name token) (token-value token))
       finally (format t "~5D ~5D ~15A~%"
                       (line-of counting-stream) (column-of counting-stream) :end-of-input)
               (close counting-stream)))

(defun main ()

 (lex *standard-input*))</lang>
Output  —  test case 3:
    5    16 KEYWORD-PRINT  
    5    40 OP-SUBTRACT    
    6    16 KEYWORD-PUTC   
    6    40 OP-LESS        
    7    16 KEYWORD-IF     
    7    40 OP-GREATER     
    8    16 KEYWORD-ELSE   
    8    40 OP-LESSEQUAL   
    9    16 KEYWORD-WHILE  
   10    16 LEFTBRACE      
   10    40 OP-EQUAL       
   11    16 RIGHTBRACE     
   11    40 OP-NOTEQUAL    
   12    16 LEFTPAREN      
   12    40 OP-AND         
   13    16 RIGHTPAREN     
   13    40 OP-OR          
   14    16 OP-SUBTRACT    
   14    40 SEMICOLON      
   15    16 OP-NOT         
   15    40 COMMA          
   16    16 OP-MULTIPLY    
   16    40 OP-ASSIGN      
   17    16 OP-DIVIDE      
   17    40 INTEGER         42
   18    16 OP-MOD         
   18    40 STRING          "String literal"
   19    16 OP-ADD         
   19    40 IDENTIFIER      variable_name
   20    26 INTEGER         10
   21    26 INTEGER         92
   22    26 INTEGER         32
   23     1 END-OF-INPUT   


Works with: Elixir version 1.13.3
Translation of: ATS

<lang Elixir>#!/bin/env elixir

  1. -*- elixir -*-

defmodule Lex do

 def main args do
   {inpf_name, outf_name, exit_status} =
     case args do
       [] -> {"-", "-", 0}
       [name] -> {name, "-", 0}
       [name1, name2] -> {name1, name2, 0}
       [name1, name2 | _] -> {name1, name2, usage_error()}
   {inpf, outf, exit_status} =
     case {inpf_name, outf_name, exit_status} do
       {"-", "-", 0} -> {:stdio, :stdio, 0}
       {name1, "-", 0} ->
         {inpf, exit_status} = open_file(name1, [:read])
         {inpf, :stdio, exit_status}
       {"-", name2, 0} ->
         {outf, exit_status} = open_file(name2, [:write])
         {:stdio, outf, exit_status}
       {name1, name2, 0} ->
         {inpf, exit_status} = open_file(name1, [:read])
         if exit_status != 0 do
           {inpf, name2, exit_status}
           {outf, exit_status} = open_file(name2, [:write])
           {inpf, outf, exit_status}
       _ -> {inpf_name, outf_name, exit_status}
   exit_status =
     case exit_status do
       0 -> main_program inpf, outf
       _ -> exit_status
   # Choose one.
   System.halt exit_status     # Fast exit.
   #System.stop exit_status    # Laborious cleanup.
 def main_program inpf, outf do
   inp = make_inp inpf
   scan_text outf, inp
   exit_status = 0
 def open_file name, rw do
   case name, rw do
     {:ok, f} -> {f, 0}
     _ ->
       IO.write :stderr, "Cannot open "
       IO.write :stderr, name
       case rw do
         [:read] -> IO.puts " for input"
         [:write] -> IO.puts " for output"
       {name, 1}
 def scan_text outf, inp do
   {toktup, inp} = get_next_token inp
   print_token outf, toktup
   case toktup do
     {"End_of_input", _, _, _} -> :ok
     _ -> scan_text outf, inp
 def print_token outf, {tok, arg, line_no, column_no} do
   IO.write outf, (String.pad_leading "#{line_no}", 5)
   IO.write outf, " "
   IO.write outf, (String.pad_leading "#{column_no}", 5)
   IO.write outf, "  "
   IO.write outf, tok
   case tok do
     "Identifier" ->
       IO.write outf, "     "
       IO.write outf, arg
     "Integer" ->
       IO.write outf, "        "
       IO.write outf, arg
     "String" ->
       IO.write outf, "         "
       IO.write outf, arg
     _ -> :ok
   IO.puts outf, ""
      1. -------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. The token dispatcher.
 def get_next_token inp do
   inp = skip_spaces_and_comments inp
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   {chr, line_no, column_no} = ch
   ln = line_no
   cn = column_no
   case chr do
     :eof -> {{"End_of_input", "", ln, cn}, inp}
     "," -> {{"Comma", ",", ln, cn}, inp}
     ";" -> {{"Semicolon", ";", ln, cn}, inp}
     "(" -> {{"LeftParen", "(", ln, cn}, inp}
     ")" -> {{"RightParen", ")", ln, cn}, inp}
     "{" -> {{"LeftBrace", "{", ln, cn}, inp}
     "}" -> {{"RightBrace", "}", ln, cn}, inp}
     "*" -> {{"Op_multiply", "*", ln, cn}, inp}
     "/" -> {{"Op_divide", "/", ln, cn}, inp}
     "%" -> {{"Op_mod", "%", ln, cn}, inp}
     "+" -> {{"Op_add", "+", ln, cn}, inp}
     "-" -> {{"Op_subtract", "-", ln, cn}, inp}
     "<" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       {chr1, _, _} = ch1
       case chr1 do
         "=" -> {{"Op_lessequal", "<=", ln, cn}, inp}
         _ -> {{"Op_less", "<", ln, cn}, (push_back ch1, inp)}
     ">" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       {chr1, _, _} = ch1
       case chr1 do
         "=" -> {{"Op_greaterequal", ">=", ln, cn}, inp}
         _ -> {{"Op_greater", ">", ln, cn}, (push_back ch1, inp)}
     "=" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       {chr1, _, _} = ch1
       case chr1 do
         "=" -> {{"Op_equal", "==", ln, cn}, inp}
         _ -> {{"Op_assign", "=", ln, cn}, (push_back ch1, inp)}
     "!" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       {chr1, _, _} = ch1
       case chr1 do
         "=" -> {{"Op_notequal", "!=", ln, cn}, inp}
         _ -> {{"Op_not", "!", ln, cn}, (push_back ch1, inp)}
     "&" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       {chr1, _, _} = ch1
       case chr1 do
         "&" -> {{"Op_and", "&&", ln, cn}, inp}
         _ -> unexpected_character ln, cn, chr
     "|" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       {chr1, _, _} = ch1
       case chr1 do
         "|" -> {{"Op_or", "||", ln, cn}, inp}
         _ -> unexpected_character ln, cn, chr
     "\"" ->
       inp = push_back ch, inp
       scan_string_literal inp
     "'" ->
       inp = push_back ch, inp
       scan_character_literal inp
     _ ->
       cond do
         String.match? chr, ~r/^digit:$/u ->
           inp = push_back ch, inp
           scan_integer_literal inp
         String.match? chr, ~r/^[[:alpha:]_]$/u ->
           inp = push_back ch, inp
           scan_identifier_or_reserved_word inp
         true -> unexpected_character ln, cn, chr
      1. -------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. Skipping past spaces and /* ... */ comments.
      3. Comments are treated exactly like a bit of whitespace. They never
      4. make it to the dispatcher.
 def skip_spaces_and_comments inp do
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   {chr, line_no, column_no} = ch
   cond do
     chr == :eof -> push_back ch, inp
     String.match? chr, ~r/^space:$/u ->
       skip_spaces_and_comments inp
     chr == "/" ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       case ch1 do
         {"*", _, _} ->
           inp = scan_comment inp, line_no, column_no
           skip_spaces_and_comments inp
         _ -> push_back ch, (push_back ch1, inp)
     true -> push_back ch, inp
 def scan_comment inp, line_no, column_no do
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   case ch do
     {:eof, _, _} -> unterminated_comment line_no, column_no
     {"*", _, _} ->
       {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
       case ch1 do
         {:eof, _, _} -> unterminated_comment line_no, column_no
         {"/", _, _} -> inp
         _ -> scan_comment inp, line_no, column_no
     _ -> scan_comment inp, line_no, column_no
      1. -------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. Scanning of integer literals, identifiers, and reserved words.
      3. These three types of token are very similar to each other.
 def scan_integer_literal inp do
   # Scan an entire word, not just digits. This way we detect
   # erroneous text such as "23skidoo".
   {line_no, column_no, inp} = get_position inp
   {word, inp} = scan_word inp
   if String.match? word, (~r/^digit:+$/u) do
     {{"Integer", word, line_no, column_no}, inp}
     invalid_integer_literal line_no, column_no, word
 def scan_identifier_or_reserved_word inp do
   # It is assumed that the first character is of the correct type,
   # thanks to the dispatcher.
   {line_no, column_no, inp} = get_position inp
   {word, inp} = scan_word inp
   tok =
     case word do
       "if" -> "Keyword_if"
       "else" -> "Keyword_else"
       "while" -> "Keyword_while"
       "print" -> "Keyword_print"
       "putc" -> "Keyword_putc"
       _ -> "Identifier"
   {{tok, word, line_no, column_no}, inp}
 def scan_word inp, word\\"" do
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   {chr, _, _} = ch
   if String.match? chr, (~r/^[[:alnum:]_]$/u) do
     scan_word inp, (word <> chr)
     {word, (push_back ch, inp)}
 def get_position inp do
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   {_, line_no, column_no} = ch
   inp = push_back ch, inp
   {line_no, column_no, inp}
      1. -------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. Scanning of string literals.
      3. It is assumed that the first character is the opening quote, and
      4. that the closing quote is the same character.
 def scan_string_literal inp do
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   {quote_mark, line_no, column_no} = ch
   {contents, inp} = scan_str_lit inp, ch
   {{"String", quote_mark <> contents <> quote_mark,
     line_no, column_no},
 def scan_str_lit inp, ch, contents\\"" do
   {quote_mark, line_no, column_no} = ch    
   {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
   {chr1, line_no1, column_no1} = ch1
   if chr1 == quote_mark do 
     {contents, inp}
     case chr1 do
       :eof -> eoi_in_string_literal line_no, column_no
       "\n" -> eoln_in_string_literal line_no, column_no
       "\\" ->
         {ch2, inp} = get_ch inp
         {chr2, _, _} = ch2
         case chr2 do
           "n" -> scan_str_lit inp, ch, (contents <> "\\n")
           "\\" -> scan_str_lit inp, ch, (contents <> "\\\\")
           _ -> unsupported_escape line_no1, column_no1, chr2
       _ -> scan_str_lit inp, ch, (contents <> chr1)
      1. -------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. Scanning of character literals.
      3. It is assumed that the first character is the opening quote, and
      4. that the closing quote is the same character.
      5. The tedious part of scanning a character literal is distinguishing
      6. between the kinds of lexical error. (One might wish to modify the
      7. code to detect, as a distinct kind of error, end of line within a
      8. character literal.)
 def scan_character_literal inp do
   {ch, inp} = get_ch inp
   {_, line_no, column_no} = ch
   {ch1, inp} = get_ch inp
   {chr1, line_no1, column_no1} = ch1
   {intval, inp} =
     case chr1 do
       :eof -> unterminated_character_literal line_no, column_no
       "\\" ->
         {ch2, inp} = get_ch inp
         {chr2, _, _} = ch2
         case chr2 do
           :eof -> unterminated_character_literal line_no, column_no
           "n" -> {(:binary.first "\n"), inp}
           "\\" -> {(:binary.first "\\"), inp}
           _ -> unsupported_escape line_no1, column_no1, chr2
       _ -> {(:binary.first chr1), inp}
   inp = check_character_literal_end inp, ch
   Template:"Integer", "


Ctoken = symbol + op2c + op1c + keyword_or_identifier + integer + qstr + qchar

unfinished_comment_err = Cmt(Cline * Cb('SOC'), function (_, pos, line, socpos)

   error{err='unfinished_comment', line=line, column=socpos}

end) commentstart = Cg(Cp() * P'/*', 'SOC') commentrest = (P(1) - P'*/')^0 * (P'*/' + unfinished_comment_err) comment = commentstart * commentrest morecomment = Cg(Cp(), 'SOC') * commentrest

ws = (space^1 + comment)^0

bad_token_err = Cmt(Cline, function (_, pos, line)

   error{err='invalid_token', line=line, column=pos}


tokenpat = ws * Cline * Cp() * (C(-1) + Ctoken + bad_token_err) * Cp() /

   function (line, pos, token, nextpos)
       if pos == nextpos then -- at end of line; no token
           return nil
           token.line, token.column = line, pos
           return token, nextpos

closecomment_tokenpat = morecomment * tokenpat

function M.find_token(line, line_pos, line_number, in_comment)

   pattern = in_comment and closecomment_tokenpat or tokenpat
   return lpeg.match(pattern, line, line_pos, line_number)


return M</lang>

The lexer module uses finder.find_token to produce an iterator over the tokens in a source. <lang Lua>-- module lexer local M = {} -- only items added to M will publicly available (via 'return M' at end) local string, io, coroutine, yield = string, io, coroutine, coroutine.yield local error, pcall, type = error, pcall, type

local finder = require 'lpeg_token_finder' _ENV = {}

-- produces a token iterator given a source line iterator function M.tokenize_lineiter(lineiter)

   local function fatal(err)
       local msgtext = {
           unfinished_comment = "EOF inside comment started",
           invalid_token = "Invalid token",
           bad_escseq = "Invalid escape sequence",
       local fmt = "LEX ERROR: %s at line %d, column %d"
       error(string.format(fmt, msgtext[err.err], err.line, err.column))
   return coroutine.wrap(function()
       local line_number = 0
       local line_pos
       local in_comment -- where unfinished comment started 
       for line in lineiter do
           line_number = line_number + 1
           line_pos = 1
           local function scanline() -- yield current line's tokens
                   local token, pos = 
                       finder.find_token(line, line_pos, line_number, in_comment)
                   if token then
                       line_pos = pos
                       in_comment = nil
               until token == nil   
           if line then
               local ok, err = pcall(scanline)
               if ok then
                   in_comment = nil
               elseif type(err) == 'table' and err.err=='unfinished_comment' then
                   if not(in_comment and err.column==1) then
                       in_comment = err
               elseif type(err) == 'table' then
                   error(err) -- some internal error
       if in_comment then
           yield{name='End_of_input', line=line_number+1, column=1}
       return nil


exports -----------------------------

lexer = M.tokenize_lineiter

function M.tokenize_file(filename)

   return lexer(io.lines(filename))


function M.tokenize_text(text)

   return lexer(text:gmatch('[^\n]+'))


-- M._INTERNALS = _ENV return M </lang>

This script uses lexer.tokenize_text to show the token sequence produced from a source text.

<lang Lua>lexer = require 'lexer' format, gsub = string.format, string.gsub

function printf(fmt, ...) print(format(fmt, ...)) end

function stringrep(str)

   local subst = {['\n'] = "\\n", ['\\'] = '\\\\'} 
   return format('"%s"', gsub(str, '[\n\\]', subst))


function display(text)

   for t in lexer.tokenize_text(text) do 
       local value = ('String') and stringrep(t.value) or t.value or 
       printf("%4d %3d %-15s %s", t.line, t.column,, value)


test cases from Rosetta spec ------------------------

testing = true if testing then -- test case 1 display[[ /*

 Hello world

print("Hello, World!\n");]] print()

-- test ercase 2 display[[ /*

 Show Ident and Integers

phoenix_number = 142857; print(phoenix_number, "\n");]] print() -- etc. end </lang>

Using only standard libraries

This version replaces the lpeg_token_finder module of the LPeg version with this basic_token_finder module, altering the require expression near the top of the lexer module accordingly. Tested with Lua 5.3.5. (Note that select is a standard function as of Lua 5.2.)

<lang lua>-- module basic_token_finder local M = {} -- only items added to M will be public (via 'return M' at end) local table, string = table, string local error, tonumber, select, assert = error, tonumber, select, assert

local token_name = require 'token_name' _ENV = {}

function next_token(line, pos, line_num) -- match a token at line,pos

   local function m(pat)
       from, to, capture = line:find(pat, pos)
       if from then 
           pos = to + 1
           return capture 
   local function ptok(str) 
       return {name=token_name[str]}
   local function op2c()
       local text = m'^([<>=!]=)' or m'^(&&)' or m'^(||)'
       if text then return ptok(text) end
   local function op1c_or_symbol()
       local char = m'^([%*/%%%+%-<>!=%(%){};,])'
       if char then return ptok(char) end
   local function keyword_or_identifier()
       local text = m'^([%a_][%w_]*)'
       if text then
           local name = token_name[text]
           return name and {name=name} or {name='Identifier', value=text}
   local function integer()
       local text = m'^(%d+)%f[^%w_]'
       if text then return {name='Integer', value=tonumber(text)} end
   local subst = {['\\\\'] = '\\', ['\\n'] = '\n'}
   local function qchar()
       local text = m"^'([^\\])'" or m"^'(\\[\\n])'"
       if text then
           local value = #text==1 and text:byte() or subst[text]:byte()
           return {name='Integer', value=value}
   local function qstr()
       local text = m'^"([^"\n]*\\?)"'
       if text then
           local value = text:gsub('()(\\.?)', function(at, esc)
               local replace = subst[esc]
               if replace then 
                   return replace 
                   error{err='bad_escseq', line=line_num, column=pos+at-1}
           return {name='String', value=value}
   local found = (op2c() or op1c_or_symbol() or 
                  keyword_or_identifier() or integer() or qchar() or qstr()) 
   if found then
       return found, pos


function find_commentrest(line, pos, line_num, socpos)

   local sfrom, sto = line:find('%*%/', pos)
   if sfrom then
       return socpos, sto
       error{err='unfinished_comment', line=line_num, column=socpos}


function find_comment(line, pos, line_num)

   local sfrom, sto = line:find('^%/%*', pos)
   if sfrom then
       local efrom, eto = find_commentrest(line, sto+1, line_num, sfrom)
       return sfrom, eto


function find_morecomment(line, pos, line_num)

   return find_commentrest(line, pos, line_num, pos)


function find_whitespace(line, pos, line_num)

   local spos = pos
       local eto = select(2, line:find('^%s+', pos))
       if not eto then
           eto = select(2, find_comment(line, pos, line_num))
       if eto then pos = eto + 1 end
   until not eto
   return spos, pos - 1


function M.find_token(line, pos, line_num, in_comment)

   local spos = pos
   if in_comment then
       pos = 1 + select(2, find_morecomment(line, pos, line_num))
   pos = 1 + select(2, find_whitespace(line, pos, line_num))
   if pos > #line then
       return nil
       local token, nextpos = next_token(line, pos, line_num)
       if token then
           token.line, token.column = line_num, pos
           return token, nextpos
           error{err='invalid_token', line=line_num, column=pos}


-- M._ENV = _ENV return M</lang>

M2000 Interpreter

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module lexical_analyzer { a$={/* All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will have to wait until syntax analysis */ /* Print */ print /* Sub */ - /* Putc */ putc /* Lss */ < /* If */ if /* Gtr */ > /* Else */ else /* Leq */ <= /* While */ while /* Geq */ >= /* Lbrace */ { /* Eq */ == /* Rbrace */ } /* Neq */  != /* Lparen */ ( /* And */ && /* Rparen */ ) /* Or */ || /* Uminus */ - /* Semi */  ; /* Not */  ! /* Comma */ , /* Mul */ * /* Assign */ = /* Div */ / /* Integer */ 42 /* Mod */  % /* String */ "String literal" /* Add */ + /* Ident */ variable_name /* character literal */ '\n' /* character literal */ '\\' /* character literal */ ' ' } lim=Len(a$) LineNo=1 ColumnNo=1 Document Output$ Buffer Scanner as Integer*lim Return Scanner, 0:=a$ offset=0 buffer1$="" flag_rem=true Ahead=lambda Scanner (a$, offset)->{ =false Try { \\ second parameter is the offset in buffer units \\ third parameter is length in bytes =Eval$(Scanner, offset,2*len(a$))=a$ } } Ahead2=lambda Scanner (a$, offset)->{ =false Try { =Eval$(Scanner, offset,2) ~ a$ } } const nl$=chr$(13)+chr$(10), quo$="""", er$="@", Ansi=3 Try { Do If Ahead("/*", offset) Then { offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 While not Ahead("*/", offset) If Ahead(nl$, offset) Then lineNo++: ColumnNo=1 : offset+=2 Else offset++ : ColumnNo++ End If if offset>lim then Error "End-of-file in comment. Closing comment characters not found"+er$ End if End While offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 } Else.if Ahead(nl$, offset) Then{ LineNo++: ColumnNo=1 offset+=2 } Else.if Ahead(quo$, offset) Then { Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ strin=offset While not Ahead(quo$, offset) If Ahead("/", offset) Then offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 else offset++ : ColumnNo++ End if checkerror() End While Output$="String "+quote$(Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2))+nl$ offset++ : ColumnNo++ } Else.if Ahead("'", offset) Then { Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ strin=offset While not Ahead("'", offset) If Ahead("/", offset) Then offset+=2 : ColumnNo+=2 else offset++ : ColumnNo++ End if checkerror() End While lit$=format$(Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2)) select case len(lit$) case 1 Output$="Integer "+str$(asc(lit$),0)+nl$ case >1 {Error "Multi-character constant."+er$} case 0 {Error "Empty character constant."+er$} end select offset++ : ColumnNo++ } Else.if Ahead2("[a-z]", offset) Then { strin=offset Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ While Ahead2("[a-zA-Z0-9_]", offset) offset++ : ColumnNo++ End While Keywords(Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2)) } Else.if Ahead2("[0-9]", offset) Then { strin=offset Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} Integer ", LineNo, ColumnNo) offset++ : ColumnNo++ While Ahead2("[0-9]", offset) offset++ : ColumnNo++ End While if Ahead2("[a-zA-Z_]", offset) then {Error " Invalid number. Starts like a number, but ends in non-numeric characters."+er$} else Output$=Eval$(Scanner, strin, (offset-strin)*2)+nl$ end if } Else { Symbols(Eval$(Scanner, Offset, 2)) offset++ : ColumnNo++ } Until offset>=lim } er1$=leftpart$(error$,er$) if er1$<>"" then Print Report "Error:"+er1$ Output$="(Error)"+nl$+"Error:"+er1$ else Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10}", LineNo, ColumnNo)+" End_of_Input"+nl$ end if Clipboard Output$ Save.Doc Output$, "lex.t", Ansi document lex$ Load.Doc lex$,"lex.t", Ansi Report lex$

Sub Keywords(a$) select case a$ case "if" a$="Keyword_if" case "else" a$="Keyword_else" case "while" a$="Keyword_while" case "print" a$="Keyword_print" case "putc" a$="Keyword_putc" else case a$="Identifier "+a$ end select Output$=a$+nl$ End sub Sub Symbols(a$) select case a$ case " ", chr$(9) a$="" case "(" a$="LeftParen" case ")" a$="RightParen" case "{" a$="LeftBrace" case "}" a$="RightBrace" case ";" a$="Semicolon" case "," a$="Comma" case "*" a$="Op_multiply" case "/" a$="Op_divide" case "+" a$="Op_add" case "-" a$="Op_subtract" case "%" a$="Op_mod" case "<" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ a$="Op_lessequal" ColumnNo++ else a$="Op_less" end if } case ">" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_greaterequal" else a$="Op_greater" end if } case "=" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_equal" else a$="Op_assign" end if } case "!" { if Ahead("=", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_notequal" else a$="Op_not" end if } case "&" { if Ahead("&", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_and" else a$="" end if } case "|" { if Ahead("|", offset+1) Then offset++ ColumnNo++ a$="Op_or" else a$="" end if } else case {Error "Unrecognized character."+er$} end select if a$<>"" then Output$=format$("{0::-10}{1::-10} ", LineNo, ColumnNo)+a$+nl$ end if End Sub Sub checkerror() if offset>lim then { Error "End-of-line while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found before end-of-line."+er$ } else.if Ahead(nl$,offset) then { Error "End-of-file while scanning string literal. Closing string character not found."+er$ } End Sub } lexical_analyzer </lang>

         5        16 Keyword_print
         5        40 Op_subtract
         6        16 Keyword_putc
         6        40 Op_less
         7        16 Keyword_if
         7        40 Op_greater
         8        16 Keyword_else
         8        41 Op_lessequal
         9        16 Keyword_while
         9        41 Op_greaterequal
        10        16 LeftBrace
        10        41 Op_equal
        11        16 RightBrace
        11        41 Op_notequal
        12        16 LeftParen
        12        41 Op_and
        13        16 RightParen
        14        16 Op_subtract
        14        40 Semicolon
        15        16 Op_not
        15        40 Comma
        16        16 Op_multiply
        16        40 Op_assign
        17        16 Op_divide
        17        40 Integer 42
        18        16 Op_mod
        18        40 String "String literal"
        19        16 Op_add
        19        40 Identifier variable_name
        20        26 Integer 10
        21        26 Integer 92
        22        26 Integer 32
        23         1 End_of_Input


Translation of: ATS
Works with: Mercury version 20.06.1

<lang Mercury>% -*- mercury -*- % % Compile with maybe something like: % mmc -O4 --intermod-opt -E --make --warn-non-tail-recursion self-and-mutual lex %

- module lex.
- interface.
- import_module io.
- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
- implementation.
- import_module char.
- import_module exception.
- import_module int.
- import_module list.
- import_module stack.
- import_module string.
- type token_t
  ---> token_ELSE
  ;    token_IF
  ;    token_PRINT
  ;    token_PUTC
  ;    token_WHILE
  ;    token_MULTIPLY
  ;    token_DIVIDE
  ;    token_MOD
  ;    token_ADD
  ;    token_SUBTRACT
  ;    token_NEGATE
  ;    token_LESS
  ;    token_LESSEQUAL
  ;    token_GREATER
  ;    token_GREATEREQUAL
  ;    token_EQUAL
  ;    token_NOTEQUAL
  ;    token_NOT
  ;    token_ASSIGN
  ;    token_AND
  ;    token_OR
  ;    token_LEFTPAREN
  ;    token_RIGHTPAREN
  ;    token_LEFTBRACE
  ;    token_RIGHTBRACE
  ;    token_SEMICOLON
  ;    token_COMMA
  ;    token_IDENTIFIER
  ;    token_INTEGER
  ;    token_STRING
  ;    token_END_OF_INPUT.
- type ch_t  % The type of a fetched character.
  ---> {int,                % A character or `eof', stored as an int.
        int,                % The line number.
        int}.               % The column number.
- type inp_t  % The `inputter' type. Fetches one character.
  ---> inp_t(inpf :: text_input_stream,
             line_no :: int,
             column_no :: int,
             pushback :: stack(ch_t)).
- type toktup_t  % The type of a scanned token with its argument.
  ---> {token_t,     % The token kind.
        string,      % An argument. (May or may not be meaningful.)
        int,         % The starting line number.
        int}.        % The starting column number.

main(!IO) :-

   command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
       if (Args = [])
       then (InpF_filename = "-",
             OutF_filename = "-",
             main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO))
       else if (Args = [F1])
       then (InpF_filename = F1,
             OutF_filename = "-",
             main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO))
       else if (Args = [F1, F2])
       then (InpF_filename = F1,
             OutF_filename = F2,
             main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO))
       else usage_error(!IO)
- pred main_program(string::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO) :-

   open_InpF(InpF, InpF_filename, !IO),
   open_OutF(OutF, OutF_filename, !IO),
   init(InpF, Inp0),
   scan_text(OutF, Inp0, _, !IO).
- pred open_InpF(text_input_stream::out, string::in,
                 io::di, io::uo) is det.

open_InpF(InpF, InpF_filename, !IO) :-

   if (InpF_filename = "-")
   then (InpF = io.stdin_stream)
       open_input(InpF_filename, InpF_result, !IO),
           if (InpF_result = ok(F))
           then (InpF = F)
           else throw("Error: cannot open " ++ InpF_filename ++
                      " for input")
- pred open_OutF(text_output_stream::out, string::in,
                 io::di, io::uo) is det.

open_OutF(OutF, OutF_filename, !IO) :-

   if (OutF_filename = "-")
   then (OutF = io.stdout_stream)
       open_output(OutF_filename, OutF_result, !IO),
           if (OutF_result = ok(F))
           then (OutF = F)
           else throw("Error: cannot open " ++ OutF_filename ++
                      " for output")
- pred usage_error(io::di, io::uo) is det.

usage_error(!IO) :-

   progname("lex", ProgName, !IO),
   (io.format("Usage: %s [INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]\n",
              [s(ProgName)], !IO)),
   (io.write_string("If INPUT_FILE is \"-\" or not present then standard input is used.\n",
   (io.write_string("If OUTPUT_FILE is \"-\" or not present then standard output is used.\n",
   set_exit_status(1, !IO).
- pred scan_text(text_output_stream::in, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                 io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_text(OutF, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_next_token(TokTup, !Inp, !IO),
   print_token(TokTup, OutF, !IO),
   {Tok, _, _, _} = TokTup,
       if (Tok = token_END_OF_INPUT)
       then true
       else scan_text(OutF, !Inp, !IO)
- pred print_token(toktup_t::in, text_output_stream::in,
                   io::di, io::uo) is det.

print_token(TokTup, OutF, !IO) :-

   {Tok, Arg, Line_no, Column_no} = TokTup,
   token_name(Tok) = TokName,
   (io.format(OutF, "%5d %5d  %s",
              [i(Line_no), i(Column_no), s(TokName)],
       if (Tok = token_IDENTIFIER)
       then (io.format(OutF, "     %s", [s(Arg)], !IO))
       else if (Tok = token_INTEGER)
       then (io.format(OutF, "        %s", [s(Arg)], !IO))
       else if (Tok = token_STRING)
       then (io.format(OutF, "         %s", [s(Arg)], !IO))
       else true
   (io.format(OutF, "\n", [], !IO)).
- func token_name(token_t) = string is det.
- pred token_name(token_t::in, string::out) is det.

token_name(Tok) = Str :- token_name(Tok, Str). token_name(token_ELSE, "Keyword_else"). token_name(token_IF, "Keyword_if"). token_name(token_PRINT, "Keyword_print"). token_name(token_PUTC, "Keyword_putc"). token_name(token_WHILE, "Keyword_while"). token_name(token_MULTIPLY, "Op_multiply"). token_name(token_DIVIDE, "Op_divide"). token_name(token_MOD, "Op_mod"). token_name(token_ADD, "Op_add"). token_name(token_SUBTRACT, "Op_subtract"). token_name(token_NEGATE, "Op_negate"). token_name(token_LESS, "Op_less"). token_name(token_LESSEQUAL, "Op_lessequal"). token_name(token_GREATER, "Op_greater"). token_name(token_GREATEREQUAL, "Op_greaterequal"). token_name(token_EQUAL, "Op_equal"). token_name(token_NOTEQUAL, "Op_notequal"). token_name(token_NOT, "Op_not"). token_name(token_ASSIGN, "Op_assign"). token_name(token_AND, "Op_and"). token_name(token_OR, "Op_or"). token_name(token_LEFTPAREN, "LeftParen"). token_name(token_RIGHTPAREN, "RightParen"). token_name(token_LEFTBRACE, "LeftBrace"). token_name(token_RIGHTBRACE, "RightBrace"). token_name(token_SEMICOLON, "Semicolon"). token_name(token_COMMA, "Comma"). token_name(token_IDENTIFIER, "Identifier"). token_name(token_INTEGER, "Integer"). token_name(token_STRING, "String"). token_name(token_END_OF_INPUT, "End_of_input").

- pred get_next_token(toktup_t::out, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                      io::di, io::uo) is det.

get_next_token(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-

   skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO),
   get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
   {IChar, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
   LN = Line_no,
   CN = Column_no,
       if (IChar = eof)
           TokTup = {token_END_OF_INPUT, "", LN, CN}
           Char = det_from_int(IChar),
               if (Char = (','))
               then (TokTup = {token_COMMA, ",", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = (';'))
               then (TokTup = {token_SEMICOLON, ";", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('('))
               then (TokTup = {token_LEFTPAREN, "(", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = (')'))
               then (TokTup = {token_RIGHTPAREN, ")", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('{'))
               then (TokTup = {token_LEFTBRACE, "{", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('}'))
               then (TokTup = {token_RIGHTBRACE, "}", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('*'))
               then (TokTup = {token_MULTIPLY, "*", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('/'))
               then (TokTup = {token_DIVIDE, "/", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('%'))
               then (TokTup = {token_MOD, "%", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('+'))
               then (TokTup = {token_ADD, "+", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('-'))
               then (TokTup = {token_SUBTRACT, "-", LN, CN})
               else if (Char = ('<'))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
                           TokTup = {token_LESSEQUAL, "<=", LN, CN}
                           push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
                           TokTup = {token_LESS, "<", LN, CN}
               else if (Char = ('>'))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
                           TokTup = {token_GREATEREQUAL, ">=", LN, CN}
                           push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
                           TokTup = {token_GREATER, ">", LN, CN}
               else if (Char = ('='))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
                           TokTup = {token_EQUAL, "==", LN, CN}
                           push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
                           TokTup = {token_ASSIGN, "=", LN, CN}
               else if (Char = ('!'))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
                           TokTup = {token_NOTEQUAL, "!=", LN, CN}
                           push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
                           TokTup = {token_NOT, "!", LN, CN}
               else if (Char = ('&'))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('&'))
                           TokTup = {token_AND, "&&", LN, CN}
                       else throw("Error: unexpected character '" ++
                                  from_char(Char) ++ "' at " ++
                                  from_int(LN) ++ ":" ++
               else if (Char = ('|'))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('|'))
                           TokTup = {token_OR, "||", LN, CN}
                       else throw("Error: unexpected character '" ++
                                  from_char(Char) ++ "' at " ++
                                  from_int(LN) ++ ":" ++
               else if (Char = ('"'))
                   push_back(Ch, !Inp),
                   scan_string_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
               else if (Char = ('\))
                   push_back(Ch, !Inp),
                   scan_character_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
               else if (is_alpha(Char))
                   push_back(Ch, !Inp),
                       TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
               else if (is_digit(Char))
                   push_back(Ch, !Inp),
                   scan_integer_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
                   throw("Error: unexpected character '" ++
                         from_char(Char) ++ "' at " ++
                         from_int(LN) ++ ":" ++

- pred skip_spaces_and_comments(inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                                io::di, io::uo) is det.

skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch = {IChar, _, _},
       if (IChar = eof)
       then push_back(Ch, !Inp)
       if (is_whitespace(det_from_int(IChar)))
       then skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO)
       else if (IChar = to_int('/'))
           get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
           Ch1 = {IChar1, Line_no, Column_no},
               if (IChar1 = to_int('*'))
                   scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no,
                                !Inp, !IO),
                   skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO)
                   push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
                   push_back(Ch, !Inp)
       else push_back(Ch, !Inp)
- pred scan_comment(int::in, int::in, % line and column nos.
                    inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                    io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
   {IChar, _, _} = Ch,
       if (IChar = eof)
       then throw("Error: unterminated comment " ++
                  "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
           det_from_int(IChar) = Char,
               if (Char = ('*'))
                   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
                   {IChar1, _, _} = Ch1,
                       if (IChar1 = to_int('/'))
                       then true % End of comment has been reached.
                           push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
                           scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no, !Inp,
               else scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO)
- pred scan_character_literal(toktup_t::out,
                              inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                              io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_character_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch = {OpenQuote, Line_no, Column_no},
   CloseQuote = OpenQuote,
   scan_char_lit_contents(CodePoint, Line_no, Column_no,
                          !Inp, !IO),
   check_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO),
   Arg = from_int(CodePoint),
   TokTup = {token_INTEGER, Arg, Line_no, Column_no}.
- pred scan_char_lit_contents(int::out, int::in, int::in,
                              inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                              io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_char_lit_contents(CodePoint, Line_no, Column_no,

                      !Inp, !IO) :-
   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch1 = {IChar1, Line_no1, Column_no1},
       if (IChar1 = eof)
       then throw("Error: end of input in character literal " ++
                  "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
       else if (IChar1 = to_int('\\'))
           get_ch(Ch2, !Inp, !IO),
           Ch2 = {IChar2, _, _},
           (if (IChar2 = eof)
            then throw("Error: end of input in character literal " ++
                       "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
            else if (IChar2 = to_int('n'))
            then (CodePoint = to_int('\n'))
            else if (IChar2 = to_int('\\'))
            then (CodePoint = to_int('\\'))
            else throw("Error: unsupported escape \\" ++
                       from_char(det_from_int(IChar2)) ++
                       " at " ++ from_int(Line_no1) ++
                       ":" ++ from_int(Column_no1))
       else (CodePoint = IChar1)
- pred check_char_lit_end(int::in, int::in, int::in,
                          inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                          io::di, io::uo) is det.

check_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
       if (IChar1 = CloseQuote)
       then true
       else find_bad_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no,
                                  !Inp, !IO)
- pred find_bad_char_lit_end(int::in, int::in, int::in,
                             inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                             io::di, io::uo) is det.

find_bad_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(Ch2, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch2 = {IChar2, _, _},
       if (IChar2 = CloseQuote)
       then throw("Error: unsupported multicharacter literal " ++
                  " at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
       else if (IChar2 = eof)
       then throw("Error: end of input in character literal " ++
                  " at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
       else find_bad_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no,
                                  !Inp, !IO)
- pred scan_string_literal(toktup_t::out,
                           inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                           io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_string_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch = {OpenQuote, Line_no, Column_no},
   CloseQuote = OpenQuote,
   scan_string_lit_contents("", Str, CloseQuote,
                            Line_no, Column_no,
                            !Inp, !IO),
   Arg = from_char(det_from_int(OpenQuote)) ++
         Str ++ from_char(det_from_int(CloseQuote)),
   TokTup = {token_STRING, Arg, Line_no, Column_no}.
- pred scan_string_lit_contents(string::in, string::out, int::in,
                                int::in, int::in,
                                inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                                io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_string_lit_contents(Str0, Str, CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no,

                        !Inp, !IO) :-
   get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
   Ch1 = {IChar1, Line_no1, Column_no1},
       if (IChar1 = CloseQuote)
       then (Str = Str0)
       else if (IChar1 = eof)
       then throw("Error: end of input in string literal " ++
                  "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
       else if (IChar1 = to_int('\n'))
       then throw("Error: end of line in string literal " ++
                  "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
       else if (IChar1 = to_int('\\'))
           get_ch(Ch2, !Inp, !IO),
           Ch2 = {IChar2, _, _},
               if (IChar2 = to_int('n'))
                   Str1 = Str0 ++ "\\n",
                   scan_string_lit_contents(Str1, Str, CloseQuote,
                                            Line_no, Column_no,
                                            !Inp, !IO)
               else if (IChar2 = to_int('\\'))
                   Str1 = Str0 ++ "\\\\",
                   scan_string_lit_contents(Str1, Str, CloseQuote,
                                            Line_no, Column_no,
                                            !Inp, !IO)
               else if (IChar2 = eof)
               then throw("Error: end of input in string literal " ++
                          "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++
                          ":" ++ from_int(Column_no))
               else if (IChar2 = to_int('\n'))
               then throw("Error: end of line in string literal " ++
                          "starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++
                          ":" ++ from_int(Column_no))
               else throw("Error: unsupported escape \\" ++
                          from_char(det_from_int(IChar2)) ++
                          " at " ++ from_int(Line_no1) ++
                          ":" ++ from_int(Column_no1))
           Char1 = det_from_int(IChar1),
           Str1 = Str0 ++ from_char(Char1),
           scan_string_lit_contents(Str1, Str, CloseQuote,
                                    Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO)
- pred scan_identifier_or_reserved_word(toktup_t::out,
                                        inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                                        io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_identifier_or_reserved_word(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-

   scan_integer_or_word(Str, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO),
       if (Str = "if")
       then (TokTup = {token_IF, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
       else if (Str = "else")
       then (TokTup = {token_ELSE, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
       else if (Str = "while")
       then (TokTup = {token_WHILE, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
       else if (Str = "print")
       then (TokTup = {token_PRINT, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
       else if (Str = "putc")
       then (TokTup = {token_PUTC, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
       else (TokTup = {token_IDENTIFIER, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
- pred scan_integer_literal(toktup_t::out, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                            io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_integer_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-

   scan_integer_or_word(Str, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO),
       if (not is_all_digits(Str))
       then throw("Error: not a valid integer literal: " ++ Str)
       else (TokTup = {token_INTEGER, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
- pred scan_integer_or_word(string::out, int::out, int::out,
                            inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                            io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_integer_or_word(Str, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch({IChar, Line_no, Column_no}, !Inp, !IO),
       if (IChar = eof)
       then throw("internal error")
           Char = det_from_int(IChar),
           (if (not is_alnum_or_underscore(Char))
            then throw("internal error")
            else scan_int_or_word(from_char(Char), Str, !Inp, !IO))
- pred scan_int_or_word(string::in, string::out,
                        inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
                        io::di, io::uo) is det.

scan_int_or_word(Str0, Str, !Inp, !IO) :-

   get_ch(CharTup, !Inp, !IO),
   {IChar, _, _} = CharTup,
       if (IChar = eof)
           push_back(CharTup, !Inp),
           Str = Str0
           Char = det_from_int(IChar),
               if (not is_alnum_or_underscore(Char))
                   push_back(CharTup, !Inp),
                   Str = Str0
               else scan_int_or_word(Str0 ++ from_char(Char), Str,
                                     !Inp, !IO)
- pred init(text_input_stream::in, inp_t::out) is det.

init(Inpf, Inp) :-

   Inp = inp_t(Inpf, 1, 1, init).

- pred get_ch(ch_t::out, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
              io::di, io::uo) is det.

get_ch(Ch, Inp0, Inp, !IO) :-

   if (pop(Ch1, Inp0^pushback, Pushback))
       Ch = Ch1,
       Inp = (Inp0^pushback := Pushback)
       inp_t(Inpf, Line_no, Column_no, Pushback) = Inp0,
       read_char_unboxed(Inpf, Result, Char, !IO),
           if (Result = ok)
               Ch = {to_int(Char), Line_no, Column_no},
               Inp =
               (if (Char = ('\n'))
                then inp_t(Inpf, Line_no + 1, 1, Pushback)
                else inp_t(Inpf, Line_no, Column_no + 1, Pushback))
               Ch = {eof, Line_no, Column_no},
               Inp = Inp0
- pred push_back(ch_t::in, inp_t::in, inp_t::out) is det.

push_back(Ch, Inp0, Inp) :-

   Inp = (Inp0^pushback := push(Inp0^pushback, Ch)).
- func eof = int is det.

eof = -1.</lang>

$ mmc -O6 --intermod-opt -E --make --warn-non-tail-recursion self-and-mutual lex && ./lex compiler-tests/testcase3.t
Making Mercury/int3s/lex.int3
Making Mercury/ints/
Making Mercury/opts/lex.opt
Making Mercury/cs/lex.c
Making Mercury/os/lex.o
Making lex
    5    16  Keyword_print
    5    40  Op_subtract
    6    16  Keyword_putc
    6    40  Op_less
    7    16  Keyword_if
    7    40  Op_greater
    8    16  Keyword_else
    8    40  Op_lessequal
    9    16  Keyword_while
    9    40  Op_greaterequal
   10    16  LeftBrace
   10    40  Op_equal
   11    16  RightBrace
   11    40  Op_notequal
   12    16  LeftParen
   12    40  Op_and
   13    16  RightParen
   13    40  Op_or
   14    16  Op_subtract
   14    40  Semicolon
   15    16  Op_not
   15    40  Comma
   16    16  Op_multiply
   16    40  Op_assign
   17    16  Op_divide
   17    40  Integer        42
   18    16  Op_mod
   18    40  String         "String literal"
   19    16  Op_add
   19    40  Identifier     variable_name
   20    26  Integer        10
   21    26  Integer        92
   22    26  Integer        32
   23     1  End_of_input


Tested with Nim v0.19.4. Both examples are tested against all programs in Compiler/Sample programs.

Using string with regular expressions

<lang nim> import re, strformat, strutils


 TokenKind = enum
   tkUnknown = "UNKNOWN_TOKEN",
   tkMul = "Op_multiply",
   tkDiv = "Op_divide",
   tkMod = "Op_mod",
   tkAdd = "Op_add",
   tkSub = "Op_subtract",
   tkNeg = "Op_negate",
   tkLt = "Op_less",
   tkLte = "Op_lessequal",
   tkGt = "Op_greater",
   tkGte = "Op_greaterequal",
   tkEq = "Op_equal",
   tkNeq = "Op_notequal",
   tkNot = "Op_not",
   tkAsgn = "Op_assign",
   tkAnd = "Op_and",
   tkOr = "Op_or",
   tkLpar = "LeftParen",
   tkRpar = "RightParen",
   tkLbra = "LeftBrace",
   tkRbra = "RightBrace",
   tkSmc = "Semicolon",
   tkCom = "Comma",
   tkIf = "Keyword_if",
   tkElse = "Keyword_else",
   tkWhile = "Keyword_while",
   tkPrint = "Keyword_print",
   tkPutc = "Keyword_putc",
   tkId = "Identifier",
   tkInt = "Integer",
   tkChar = "Integer",
   tkStr = "String",
   tkEof = "End_of_input"
 Token = object
   kind: TokenKind
   value: string
 TokenAnn = object
   ## Annotated token with messages for compiler
   token: Token
   line, column: int

proc getSymbols(table: openArray[(char, TokenKind)]): seq[char] =

 result = newSeq[char]()
 for ch, tokenKind in items(table):
   result.add ch


 tkSymbols = { # single-char tokens
   '*': tkMul,
   '%': tkMod,
   '+': tkAdd,
   '-': tkSub,
   '(': tkLpar,
   ')': tkRpar,
   '{': tkLbra,
   '}': tkRbra,
   ';': tkSmc,
   ',': tkCom,
   '/': tkDiv, # the comment case /* ... */ is handled in `stripUnimportant`
 symbols = getSymbols(tkSymbols)

proc findTokenKind(table: openArray[(char, TokenKind)]; needle: char):

                 TokenKind =
 for ch, tokenKind in items(table):
   if ch == needle: return tokenKind

proc stripComment(text: var string, lineNo, colNo: var int) =

 var matches: array[1, string]
 if match(text, re"\A(/\*[\s\S]*?\*/)", matches):
   text = text[matches[0].len..^1]
   for s in matches[0]:
     if s == '\n':
       inc lineNo
       colNo = 1
       inc colNo

proc stripUnimportant(text: var string; lineNo, colNo: var int) =

 while true:
   if text.len == 0: return
   elif text[0] == '\n':
     inc lineNo
     colNo = 1
     text = text[1..^1]
   elif text[0] == ' ':
     inc colNo
     text = text[1..^1]
   elif text.len >= 2 and text[0] == '/' and text[1] == '*':
     stripComment(text, lineNo, colNo)
   else: return

proc lookAhead(ch1, ch2: char, tk1, tk2: TokenKind): (TokenKind, int) =

 if ch1 == ch2: (tk1, 2)
 else: (tk2, 1)

proc consumeToken(text: var string; tkl: var int): Token =

 ## Return token removing it from the `text` and write its length to
 ## `tkl`.  If the token can not be defined, return `tkUnknown` as a
 ## token, shrink text by 1 and write 1 to its length.
   matches: array[1, string]
   tKind: TokenKind
   val: string
 if text.len == 0:
   (tKind, tkl) = (tkEof, 0)
 # Simple characters
 elif text[0] in symbols: (tKind, tkl) = (tkSymbols.findTokenKind(text[0]), 1)
 elif text[0] == '<': (tKind, tkl) = lookAhead(text[1], '=', tkLte, tkLt)
 elif text[0] == '>': (tKind, tkl) = lookAhead(text[1], '=', tkGte, tkGt)
 elif text[0] == '=': (tKind, tkl) = lookAhead(text[1], '=', tkEq, tkAsgn)
 elif text[0] == '!': (tKind, tkl) = lookAhead(text[1], '=', tkNeq, tkNot)
 elif text[0] == '&': (tKind, tkl) = lookAhead(text[1], '&', tkAnd, tkUnknown)
 elif text[0] == '|': (tKind, tkl) = lookAhead(text[1], '|', tkOr, tkUnknown)
 # Keywords
 elif match(text, re"\Aif\b"): (tKind, tkl) = (tkIf, 2)
 elif match(text, re"\Aelse\b"): (tKind, tkl) = (tkElse, 4)
 elif match(text, re"\Awhile\b"): (tKind, tkl) = (tkWhile, 5)
 elif match(text, re"\Aprint\b"): (tKind, tkl) = (tkPrint, 5)
 elif match(text, re"\Aputc\b"): (tKind, tkl) = (tkPutc, 4)
 # Literals and identifiers
 elif match(text, re"\A([0-9]+)", matches):
   (tKind, tkl) = (tkInt, matches[0].len)
   val = matches[0]
 elif match(text, re"\A([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)", matches):
   (tKind, tkl) = (tkId, matches[0].len)
   val = matches[0]
 elif match(text, re"\A('(?:[^'\n]|\\\\|\\n)')", matches):
   (tKind, tkl) = (tkChar, matches[0].len)
   val = case matches[0]
         of r"' '": $ord(' ')
         of r"'\n'": $ord('\n')
         of r"'\\'": $ord('\\')
         else: $ord(matches[0][1]) # "'a'"[1] == 'a'
 elif match(text, re"\A(""[^""\n]*"")", matches):
   (tKind, tkl) = (tkStr, matches[0].len)
   val = matches[0]
 else: (tKind, tkl) = (tkUnknown, 1)
 text = text[tkl..^1]
 Token(kind: tKind, value: val)

proc tokenize*(text: string): seq[TokenAnn] =

 result = newSeq[TokenAnn]()
   lineNo, colNo: int = 1
   text = text
   token: Token
   tokenLength: int
 while text.len > 0:
   stripUnimportant(text, lineNo, colNo)
   token = consumeToken(text, tokenLength)
   result.add TokenAnn(token: token, line: lineNo, column: colNo)
   inc colNo, tokenLength

proc output*(s: seq[TokenAnn]): string =

   tokenKind: TokenKind
   value: string
   line, column: int
 for tokenAnn in items(s):
   line = tokenAnn.line
   column = tokenAnn.column
   tokenKind = tokenAnn.token.kind
   value = tokenAnn.token.value
     fmt"{line:>5}{column:>7} {tokenKind:<15}{value}"
       .strip(leading = false) & "\n")

when isMainModule:

 import os
 let input = if paramCount() > 0: readFile paramStr(1)
             else: readAll stdin
 echo input.tokenize.output


Using stream with lexer library

<lang nim> import lexbase, streams from strutils import Whitespace


 TokenKind = enum
   tkInvalid = "Invalid",
   tkOpMultiply = "Op_multiply",
   tkOpDivide = "Op_divide",
   tkOpMod = "Op_mod",
   tkOpAdd = "Op_add",
   tkOpSubtract = "Op_subtract",
   tkOpLess = "Op_less",
   tkOpLessEqual = "Op_lessequal",
   tkOpGreater = "Op_greater",
   tkOpGreaterEqual = "Op_greaterequal",
   tkOpEqual = "Op_equal",
   tkOpNotEqual = "Op_notequal",
   tkOpNot = "Op_not",
   tkOpAssign = "Op_assign",
   tkOpAnd = "Op_and",
   tkOpOr = "Op_or",
   tkLeftParen = "LeftParen",
   tkRightParen = "RightParen",
   tkLeftBrace = "LeftBrace",
   tkRightBrace = "RightBrace",
   tkSemicolon = "Semicolon",
   tkComma = "Comma",
   tkKeywordIf = "Keyword_if",
   tkKeywordElse = "Keyword_else",
   tkKeywordWhile = "Keyword_while",
   tkKeywordPrint = "Keyword_print",
   tkKeywordPutc = "Keyword_putc",
   tkIdentifier = "Identifier",
   tkInteger = "Integer",
   tkString = "String",
   tkEndOfInput = "End_of_input"
 Lexer = object of BaseLexer
   kind: TokenKind
   token, error: string
   startPos: int

template setError(l: var Lexer; err: string): untyped =

 l.kind = tkInvalid
 if l.error.len == 0:
   l.error = err

proc hasError(l: Lexer): bool {.inline.} =

 l.error.len > 0

proc open(l: var Lexer; input: Stream) {.inline.} =, input)
 l.startPos = 0
 l.kind = tkInvalid
 l.token = ""
 l.error = ""

proc handleNewLine(l: var Lexer) =

 case l.buf[l.bufpos]
 of '\c': l.bufpos = l.handleCR l.bufpos
 of '\n': l.bufpos = l.handleLF l.bufpos
 else: discard

proc skip(l: var Lexer) =

 while true:
   case l.buf[l.bufpos]
   of Whitespace:
     if l.buf[l.bufpos] notin NewLines:
       inc l.bufpos
       handleNewLine l
   of '/':
     if l.buf[l.bufpos + 1] == '*':
       inc l.bufpos, 2
       while true:
         case l.buf[l.bufpos]
         of '*':
           if l.buf[l.bufpos + 1] == '/':
             inc l.bufpos, 2
           else: inc l.bufpos
         of NewLines:
           handleNewLine l
         of EndOfFile:
           setError l, "EOF reached in comment"
           inc l.bufpos
     else: break
   else: break

proc handleSpecial(l: var Lexer): char =

 assert l.buf[l.bufpos] == '\\'
 inc l.bufpos
 case l.buf[l.bufpos]
 of 'n':
   l.token.add "\\n"
   result = '\n'
   inc l.bufpos
 of '\\':
   l.token.add "\\\\"
   result = '\\'
   inc l.bufpos
   setError l, "Unknown escape sequence: '\\" & l.buf[l.bufpos] & "'"
   result = '\0'

proc handleChar(l: var Lexer) =

 assert l.buf[l.bufpos] == '\
 l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
 l.kind = tkInvalid
 inc l.bufpos
 if l.buf[l.bufpos] == '\\':
   l.token = $ord(handleSpecial l)
   if hasError l: return
 elif l.buf[l.bufpos] == '\:
   setError l, "Empty character constant"
   l.token = $ord(l.buf[l.bufpos])
   inc l.bufpos
 if l.buf[l.bufpos] == '\:
   l.kind = tkInteger
   inc l.bufpos
   setError l, "Multi-character constant"

proc handleString(l: var Lexer) =

 assert l.buf[l.bufpos] == '"'
 l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
 l.token = "\""
 inc l.bufpos
 while true:
   case l.buf[l.bufpos]
   of '\\':
     discard handleSpecial l
     if hasError l: return
   of '"':
     l.kind = tkString
     add l.token, '"'
     inc l.bufpos
   of NewLines:
     setError l, "EOL reached before end-of-string"
   of EndOfFile:
     setError l, "EOF reached before end-of-string"
     add l.token, l.buf[l.bufpos]
     inc l.bufpos

proc handleNumber(l: var Lexer) =

 assert l.buf[l.bufpos] in {'0'..'9'}
 l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
 l.token = "0"
 while l.buf[l.bufpos] == '0': inc l.bufpos
 while true:
   case l.buf[l.bufpos]
   of '0'..'9':
     if l.token == "0":
       setLen l.token, 0
     add l.token, l.buf[l.bufpos]
     inc l.bufpos
   of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_':
     setError l, "Invalid number"
     l.kind = tkInteger

proc handleIdent(l: var Lexer) =

 assert l.buf[l.bufpos] in {'a'..'z'}
 l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
 setLen l.token, 0
 while true:
   if l.buf[l.bufpos] in {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'}:
     add l.token, l.buf[l.bufpos]
     inc l.bufpos
 l.kind = case l.token
          of "if": tkKeywordIf
          of "else": tkKeywordElse
          of "while": tkKeywordWhile
          of "print": tkKeywordPrint
          of "putc": tkKeywordPutc
          else: tkIdentifier

proc getToken(l: var Lexer): TokenKind =

 l.kind = tkInvalid
 setLen l.token, 0
 skip l
 case l.buf[l.bufpos]
 of '*':
   l.kind = tkOpMultiply
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '/':
   l.kind = tkOpDivide
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '%':
   l.kind = tkOpMod
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '+':
   l.kind = tkOpAdd
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '-':
   l.kind = tkOpSubtract
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '<':
   l.kind = tkOpLess
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
   if l.buf[l.bufpos] == '=':
     l.kind = tkOpLessEqual
     inc l.bufpos
 of '>':
   l.kind = tkOpGreater
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
   if l.buf[l.bufpos] == '=':
     l.kind = tkOpGreaterEqual
     inc l.bufpos
 of '=':
   l.kind = tkOpAssign
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
   if l.buf[l.bufpos] == '=':
     l.kind = tkOpEqual
     inc l.bufpos
 of '!':
   l.kind = tkOpNot
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
   if l.buf[l.bufpos] == '=':
     l.kind = tkOpNotEqual
     inc l.bufpos
 of '&':
   if l.buf[l.bufpos + 1] == '&':
     l.kind = tkOpAnd
     l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
     inc l.bufpos, 2
     setError l, "Unrecognized character"
 of '|':
   if l.buf[l.bufpos + 1] == '|':
     l.kind = tkOpOr
     l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
     inc l.bufpos, 2
     setError l, "Unrecognized character"
 of '(':
   l.kind = tkLeftParen
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of ')':
   l.kind = tkRightParen
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '{':
   l.kind = tkLeftBrace
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '}':
   l.kind = tkRightBrace
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of ';':
   l.kind = tkSemicolon
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of ',':
   l.kind = tkComma
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   inc l.bufpos
 of '\: handleChar l
 of '"': handleString l
 of '0'..'9': handleNumber l
 of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z': handleIdent l
 of EndOfFile:
   l.startPos = l.getColNumber l.bufpos
   l.kind = tkEndOfInput
   setError l, "Unrecognized character"
 result = l.kind

when isMainModule:

 import os, strformat
 proc main() =
   var l: Lexer
   if paramCount() < 1:
     open l, newFileStream stdin
     open l, newFileStream paramStr(1)
   while l.getToken notin {tkInvalid}:
     stdout.write &"{l.lineNumber:5}  {l.startPos + 1:5} {l.kind:<14}"
     if l.kind in {tkIdentifier, tkInteger, tkString}:
       stdout.write &"  {l.token}"
     stdout.write '\n'
     if l.kind == tkEndOfInput:
   if hasError l:
     echo &"({l.lineNumber},{l.getColNumber l.bufpos + 1}) {l.error}"


Using nothing but system and strutils

<lang nim>import strutils


 TokenKind* = enum
   tokMult = "Op_multiply", tokDiv = "Op_divide", tokMod = "Op_mod",
   tokAdd = "Op_add", tokSub = "Op_subtract", tokLess = "Op_less",
   tokLessEq = "Op_lessequal", tokGreater = "Op_greater",
   tokGreaterEq = "Op_greaterequal", tokEq = "Op_equal",
   tokNotEq = "Op_notequal", tokNot = "Op_not", tokAssign = "Op_assign",
   tokAnd = "Op_and", tokOr = "Op_or"
   tokLPar = "LeftParen", tokRPar = "RightParen"
   tokLBrace = "LeftBrace", tokRBrace = "RightBrace"
   tokSemi = "Semicolon", tokComma = "Comma"
   tokIf = "Keyword_if", tokElse = "Keyword_else", tokWhile = "Keyword_while",
   tokPrint = "Keyword_print", tokPutc = "Keyword_putc"
   tokIdent = "Identifier", tokInt = "Integer", tokChar = "Integer",
   tokString = "String"
   tokEnd = "End_of_input"
 Token* = object
   ln*, col*: int
   case kind*: TokenKind
   of tokIdent: ident*: string
   of tokInt: intVal*: int
   of tokChar: charVal*: char
   of tokString: stringVal*: string
   else: discard
 Lexer* = object
   input: string
   pos: int
   ln, col: int
 LexicalError* = object of CatchableError
   ln*, col*: int

proc error(lexer: var Lexer, message: string) =

 var err = newException(LexicalError, message)
 err.ln = lexer.ln
 err.col = lexer.col

template current: char =

 if lexer.pos < lexer.input.len: lexer.input[lexer.pos]
 else: '\x00'

template get(n: int): string =

 if lexer.pos < lexer.input.len:
   lexer.input[min(lexer.pos, lexer.input.len)..
               min(lexer.pos + n - 1, lexer.input.len)]
 else: ""

template next() =

 inc(lexer.pos); inc(lexer.col)
 if current() == '\n':
   lexer.col = 0
 elif current() == '\r':
   lexer.col = 0

proc skip(lexer: var Lexer) =

 while true:
   if current() in Whitespace:
     while current() in Whitespace:
   elif get(2) == "/*":
     next(); next()
     while get(2) != "*/":
       if current() == '\x00':
         lexer.error("Unterminated comment")
     next(); next()
   else: discard

proc charOrEscape(lexer: var Lexer): char =

 if current() != '\\':
   result = current()
   case current()
   of 'n': result = '\n'
   of '\\': result = '\\'
   else: lexer.error("Unknown escape sequence '\\" & current() & "'")

proc next*(lexer: var Lexer): Token =

   ln = lexer.ln
   col = lexer.col
 case current()
 of '*': result = Token(kind: tokMult); next()
 of '/': result = Token(kind: tokDiv); next()
 of '%': result = Token(kind: tokMod); next()
 of '+': result = Token(kind: tokAdd); next()
 of '-': result = Token(kind: tokSub); next()
 of '<':
   if current() == '=': result = Token(kind: tokLessEq)
   else: result = Token(kind: tokLess)
 of '>':
   if current() == '=':
     result = Token(kind: tokGreaterEq)
     result = Token(kind: tokGreater)
 of '=':
   if current() == '=':
     result = Token(kind: tokEq)
     result = Token(kind: tokAssign)
 of '!':
   if current() == '=':
     result = Token(kind: tokNotEq)
     result = Token(kind: tokNot)
 of '&':
   if current() == '&':
     result = Token(kind: tokAnd)
     lexer.error("'&&' expected")
 of '|':
   if current() == '|':
     result = Token(kind: tokOr)
     lexer.error("'||' expected")
 of '(': result = Token(kind: tokLPar); next()
 of ')': result = Token(kind: tokRPar); next()
 of '{': result = Token(kind: tokLBrace); next()
 of '}': result = Token(kind: tokRBrace); next()
 of ';': result = Token(kind: tokSemi); next()
 of ',': result = Token(kind: tokComma); next()
 of '\:
   if current() == '\: lexer.error("Empty character literal")
   let ch = lexer.charOrEscape()
   if current() != '\:
     lexer.error("Character literal must contain a single character or " &
                 "escape sequence")
   result = Token(kind: tokChar, charVal: ch)
 of '0'..'9':
   var number = ""
   while current() in Digits:
   if current() in IdentStartChars:
     lexer.error("Integer literal ends in non-digit characters")
   result = Token(kind: tokInt, intVal: parseInt(number))
 of '"':
   var str = ""
   while current() notin {'"', '\x00', '\n'}:
   if current() == '\x00':
     lexer.error("Unterminated string literal")
   elif current() == '\n':
     lexer.error("Line feed in string literal")
     result = Token(kind: tokString, stringVal: str)
 of IdentStartChars:
   var ident = $current()
   while current() in IdentChars:
   case ident
   of "if": result = Token(kind: tokIf)
   of "else": result = Token(kind: tokElse)
   of "while": result = Token(kind: tokWhile)
   of "print": result = Token(kind: tokPrint)
   of "putc": result = Token(kind: tokPutc)
   else: result = Token(kind: tokIdent, ident: ident)
 of '\x00':
   result = Token(kind: tokEnd)
   lexer.error("Unexpected character: '" & current() & "'")
 result.ln = ln
 result.col = col

proc peek*(lexer: var Lexer): Token =


proc initLexer*(input: string): Lexer =

 result = Lexer(input: input, pos: 0, ln: 1, col: 1)

when isMainModule:

 let code = readAll(stdin)
   lexer = initLexer(code)
   token: Token
 while true:
   token =
   stdout.write(token.ln, ' ', token.col, ' ', token.kind)
   case token.kind
   of tokInt: stdout.write(' ', token.intVal)
   of tokChar: stdout.write(' ', token.charVal.ord)
   of tokString: stdout.write(" \"", token.stringVal
                   .replace("\\", "\\\\")
                   .replace("\n", "\\n"), '"')
   of tokIdent: stdout.write(' ', token.ident)
   else: discard
   if token.kind == tokEnd:


Translation of: Icon
Translation of: ATS

There are very few changes from the ordinary Icon version: I/O is modified to use FileStreams; and the max procedure is removed, because there is an Object Icon builtin procedure.

<lang ObjectIcon># -*- ObjectIcon -*-

  1. The Rosetta Code lexical analyzer in Object Icon. Based upon the ATS
  2. implementation.
  3. Usage: lex [INPUTFILE [OUTPUTFILE]]
  4. If INPUTFILE or OUTPUTFILE is "-" or missing, then standard input
  5. or standard output is used, respectively. *)

import io

$define EOF -1

$define TOKEN_ELSE 0 $define TOKEN_IF 1 $define TOKEN_PRINT 2 $define TOKEN_PUTC 3 $define TOKEN_WHILE 4 $define TOKEN_MULTIPLY 5 $define TOKEN_DIVIDE 6 $define TOKEN_MOD 7 $define TOKEN_ADD 8 $define TOKEN_SUBTRACT 9 $define TOKEN_NEGATE 10 $define TOKEN_LESS 11 $define TOKEN_LESSEQUAL 12 $define TOKEN_GREATER 13 $define TOKEN_GREATEREQUAL 14 $define TOKEN_EQUAL 15 $define TOKEN_NOTEQUAL 16 $define TOKEN_NOT 17 $define TOKEN_ASSIGN 18 $define TOKEN_AND 19 $define TOKEN_OR 20 $define TOKEN_LEFTPAREN 21 $define TOKEN_RIGHTPAREN 22 $define TOKEN_LEFTBRACE 23 $define TOKEN_RIGHTBRACE 24 $define TOKEN_SEMICOLON 25 $define TOKEN_COMMA 26 $define TOKEN_IDENTIFIER 27 $define TOKEN_INTEGER 28 $define TOKEN_STRING 29 $define TOKEN_END_OF_INPUT 30

global whitespace global ident_start global ident_continuation

procedure main(args)

 local inpf, outf
 local pushback_buffer, inp, pushback
 initial {
   whitespace := ' \t\v\f\r\n'
   ident_start := '_' ++ &letters
   ident_continuation := ident_start ++ &digits
 inpf := FileStream.stdin
 outf := FileStream.stdout
 if 1 <= *args & args[1] ~== "-" then {
   inpf := FileStream(args[1], FileOpt.RDONLY) | stop(&why)
 if 2 <= *args & args[2] ~== "-" then {
   outf := FileStream(args[2], ior(FileOpt.WRONLY, 
                                   FileOpt.CREAT)) | stop(&why)
 pushback_buffer := []
 inp := create inputter(inpf, pushback_buffer)
 pushback := create repeat push(pushback_buffer, \@&source)
 @pushback                     #  The first invocation does nothing.
 scan_text(outf, inp, pushback)


procedure scan_text(outf, inp, pushback)

 local ch
 while /ch | ch[1] ~=== EOF do {
   skip_spaces_and_comments(inp, pushback)
   ch := @inp
   if ch[1] === EOF then {
     print_token(outf, [TOKEN_END_OF_INPUT, "", ch[2], ch[3]])
   } else {
     ch @pushback
     print_token(outf, get_next_token(inp, pushback))


procedure get_next_token(inp, pushback)

 local ch, ch1
 local ln, cn
 skip_spaces_and_comments(inp, pushback)
 ch := @inp
 ln := ch[2]                   # line number
 cn := ch[3]                   # column number
 case ch[1] of {
   "," : return [TOKEN_COMMA, ",", ln, cn]
   ";" : return [TOKEN_SEMICOLON, ";", ln, cn]
   "(" : return [TOKEN_LEFTPAREN, "(", ln, cn]
   ")" : return [TOKEN_RIGHTPAREN, ")", ln, cn]
   "{" : return [TOKEN_LEFTBRACE, "{", ln, cn]
   "}" : return [TOKEN_RIGHTBRACE, "}", ln, cn]
   "*" : return [TOKEN_MULTIPLY, "*", ln, cn]
   "/" : return [TOKEN_DIVIDE, "/", ln, cn]
   "%" : return [TOKEN_MOD, "%", ln, cn]
   "+" : return [TOKEN_ADD, "+", ln, cn]
   "-" : return [TOKEN_SUBTRACT, "-", ln, cn]
   "<" : {
     ch1 := @inp
     if ch1[1] === "=" then {
       return [TOKEN_LESSEQUAL, "<=", ln, cn]
     } else {
       ch1 @pushback
       return [TOKEN_LESS, "<", ln, cn]
   ">" : {
     ch1 := @inp
     if ch1[1] === "=" then {
       return [TOKEN_GREATEREQUAL, ">=", ln, cn]
     } else {
       ch1 @pushback
       return [TOKEN_GREATER, ">", ln, cn]
   "=" : {
     ch1 := @inp
     if ch1[1] === "=" then {
       return [TOKEN_EQUAL, "==", ln, cn]
     } else {
       ch1 @pushback
       return [TOKEN_ASSIGN, "=", ln, cn]
   "!" : {
     ch1 := @inp
     if ch1[1] === "=" then {
       return [TOKEN_NOTEQUAL, "!=", ln, cn]
     } else {
       ch1 @pushback
       return [TOKEN_NOT, "!", ln, cn]
   "&" : {
     ch1 := @inp
     if ch1[1] === "&" then {
       return [TOKEN_AND, "&&", ln, cn]
     } else {
       unexpected_character(ln, cn, ch)
   "|" : {
     ch1 := @inp
     if ch1[1] === "|" then {
       return [TOKEN_OR, "||", ln, cn]
     } else {
       unexpected_character(ln, cn, ch)
   "\"" : {
     ch @pushback
     return scan_string_literal(inp)
   "'" : {
     ch @pushback
     return scan_character_literal(inp, pushback)
   default : {
     if any(&digits, ch[1]) then {
       ch @pushback
       return scan_integer_literal(inp, pushback)
     } else if any(ident_start, ch[1]) then {
       ch @pushback
       return scan_identifier_or_reserved_word (inp, pushback)
     } else {
       unexpected_character(ln, cn, ch)


procedure scan_identifier_or_reserved_word(inp, pushback)

 local ch
 local s
 local line_no, column_no
 s := ""
 ch := @inp
 line_no := ch[2]
 column_no := ch[3]
 while EOF ~=== ch[1] & any(ident_continuation, ch[1]) do {
   s ||:= ch[1]
   ch := @inp
 ch @pushback
 return reserved_word_lookup (s, line_no, column_no)


procedure scan_integer_literal(inp, pushback)

 local ch
 local s
 local line_no, column_no
 s := ""
 ch := @inp
 line_no := ch[2]
 column_no := ch[3]
 while EOF ~=== ch[1] & any(ident_continuation, ch[1]) do {
   s ||:= ch[1]
   ch := @inp
 ch @pushback
 not upto(~&digits, s) | invalid_integer_literal(line_no, column_no, s)
 return [TOKEN_INTEGER, s, line_no, column_no]


procedure scan_character_literal(inp, pushback)

 local ch, ch1
 local close_quote
 local toktup
 local line_no, column_no
 ch := @inp                    # The opening quote.
 close_quote := ch[1]          # Same as the opening quote.
 ch @pushback
 line_no := ch[2]
 column_no := ch[3]
 toktup := scan_character_literal_without_checking_end(inp)
 ch1 := @inp
 while EOF ~=== ch1[1] & ch1[1] ~== close_quote do {
   case ch1[1] of {
     EOF : unterminated_character_literal(line_no, column_no)
     close_quote : multicharacter_literal(line_no, column_no)
     default : ch1 := @inp
 return toktup


procedure scan_character_literal_without_checking_end(inp)

 local ch, ch1, ch2
 ch := @inp                    # The opening quote.
 ch1 := @inp
 EOF ~=== ch1[1] | unterminated_character_literal(ch[2], ch[3])
 if ch1[1] == "\\" then {
   ch2 := @inp
   EOF ~=== ch2[1] | unterminated_character_literal(ch[2], ch[3])
   case ch2[1] of {
     "n" : return [TOKEN_INTEGER, string(ord("\n")), ch[2], ch[3]]
     "\\" : return [TOKEN_INTEGER, string(ord("\\")), ch[2], ch[3]]
     default : unsupported_escape(ch1[2], ch1[3], ch2)
 } else {
   return [TOKEN_INTEGER, string(ord(ch1[1])), ch[2], ch[3]]


procedure scan_string_literal(inp)

 local ch, ch1, ch2
 local line_no, column_no
 local close_quote
 local s
 local retval
 ch := @inp                    # The opening quote
 close_quote := ch[1]          # Same as the opening quote.
 line_no := ch[2]
 column_no := ch[3]
 s := ch[1]
 until \retval do {
   ch1 := @inp
   ch1[1] ~=== EOF |
       unterminated_string_literal (line_no, column_no,
                                    "end of input")
   ch1[1] ~== "\n" |
       unterminated_string_literal (line_no, column_no,
                                    "end of line")
   if ch1[1] == close_quote then {
     retval := [TOKEN_STRING, s || close_quote, line_no, column_no]
   } else if ch1[1] ~== "\\" then {
     s ||:= ch1[1]
   } else {
     ch2 := @inp
     EOF ~=== ch2[1] | unsupported_escape(line_no, column_no, ch2)
     case ch2[1] of {
       "n" : s ||:= "\\n"
       "\\" : s ||:= "\\\\"
       default : unsupported_escape(line_no, column_no, ch2)
 return retval


procedure skip_spaces_and_comments(inp, pushback)

 local ch, ch1
 repeat {
   ch := @inp
   (EOF === ch[1]) & { ch @pushback; return }
   if not any(whitespace, ch[1]) then {
     (ch[1] == "/") | { ch @pushback; return }
     (ch1 := @inp) | { ch @pushback; return }
     (ch1[1] == "*") | { ch1 @pushback; ch @pushback; return }
     scan_comment(inp, ch[2], ch[3])


procedure scan_comment(inp, line_no, column_no)

 local ch, ch1
 until (\ch)[1] == "*" & (\ch1)[1] == "/" do {
   ch := @inp
   (EOF === ch[1]) & unterminated_comment(line_no, column_no)
   if ch[1] == "*" then {
     ch1 := @inp
     (EOF === ch[1]) & unterminated_comment(line_no, column_no)


procedure reserved_word_lookup(s, line_no, column_no)

 # Lookup is by an extremely simple perfect hash.
 static reserved_words
 static reserved_word_tokens
 local hashval, token, toktup
 initial {
   reserved_words := ["if", "print", "else",
                      "", "putc", "",
                      "", "while", ""]
   reserved_word_tokens :=
 if *s < 2 then {
   toktup := [TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no]
 } else {
   hashval := ((ord(s[1]) + ord(s[2])) % (*reserved_words)) + 1
   token := reserved_word_tokens[hashval]
   if token = TOKEN_IDENTIFIER | s ~== reserved_words[hashval] then {
     toktup := [TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no]
   } else {
     toktup := [token, s, line_no, column_no]
 return toktup


procedure print_token(outf, toktup)

 static token_names
 local s_line, s_column
 initial {
   token_names := ["Keyword_else",
 /outf := FileStream.stdout
 s_line := string(toktup[3])
 s_column := string(toktup[4])
 writes(outf, right (s_line, max(5, *s_line)))
 writes(outf, " ")
 writes(outf, right (s_column, max(5, *s_column)))
 writes(outf, "  ")
 writes(outf, token_names[toktup[1] + 1])
 case toktup[1] of {
   TOKEN_IDENTIFIER : writes(outf, "     ", toktup[2])
   TOKEN_INTEGER : writes(outf, "        ", toktup[2])
   TOKEN_STRING : writes(outf, "         ", toktup[2])


procedure inputter(inpf, pushback_buffer)

 local buffer
 local line_no, column_no
 local c
 buffer := ""
 line_no := 1
 column_no := 1
 repeat {
     buffer? {
       until *pushback_buffer = 0 & pos(0) do {
         if *pushback_buffer ~= 0 then {
           suspend pop(pushback_buffer)
         } else {
           c := move(1)
           suspend [c, line_no, column_no]
           if c == "\n" then {
             line_no +:= 1
             column_no := 1
           } else {
             column_no +:= 1
     (buffer := reads(inpf, 2048)) |
         suspend [EOF, line_no, column_no]


procedure unterminated_comment(line_no, column_no)

 error("unterminated comment starting at ",
       line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure unexpected_character(line_no, column_no, ch)

 error("unexpected character '", ch[1], "' starting at ",
       line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure unterminated_string_literal (line_no, column_no, cause)

 error("unterminated string literal (", cause, ") starting at ",
       line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure unsupported_escape (line_no, column_no, ch)

 if ch[1] === EOF then {
   error("unexpected \\ at end of input",
         " starting at ", line_no, ":", column_no)
 } else {
   error("unsupported escape \\", ch[1],
         " starting at ", line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure invalid_integer_literal(line_no, column_no, s)

 error("invalid integer literal ", s,
       " starting at ", line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure unterminated_character_literal(line_no, column_no)

 error("unterminated character literal starting at ",
       line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure multicharacter_literal(line_no, column_no)

 error("unsupported multicharacter literal starting at ",
       line_no, ":", column_no)


procedure error(args[])

 write!([FileStream.stderr] ||| args)


$ oit -s -o lex lex-in-ObjectIcon.icn && ./lex compiler-tests/testcase3.t
    5    16  Keyword_print
    5    40  Op_subtract
    6    16  Keyword_putc
    6    40  Op_less
    7    16  Keyword_if
    7    40  Op_greater
    8    16  Keyword_else
    8    40  Op_lessequal
    9    16  Keyword_while
    9    40  Op_greaterequal
   10    16  LeftBrace
   10    40  Op_equal
   11    16  RightBrace
   11    40  Op_notequal
   12    16  LeftParen
   12    40  Op_and
   13    16  RightParen
   13    40  Op_or
   14    16  Op_subtract
   14    40  Semicolon
   15    16  Op_not
   15    40  Comma
   16    16  Op_multiply
   16    40  Op_assign
   17    16  Op_divide
   17    40  Integer        42
   18    16  Op_mod
   18    40  String         "String literal"
   19    16  Op_add
   19    40  Identifier     variable_name
   20    26  Integer        10
   21    26  Integer        92
   22    26  Integer        32
   23     1  End_of_input


Works with: OCaml version 4.12.1
Translation of: ATS

This is a close translation of the ATS. It may interest the reader to compare the two implementations.

(Much of the extra complication in the ATS comes from arrays being a linear type (whose "views" need tending), and from values of linear type having to be local to any function using them. This limitation could have been worked around, and arrays more similar to OCaml arrays could have been used, but at a cost in safety and efficiency.)

<lang OCaml>(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* The Rosetta Code lexical analyzer, in OCaml. Based on the ATS. *)

(* When you compare this code to the ATS code, please keep in mind

  that, although ATS has an ML-like syntax:
   * The type system is not the same at all.
   * Most ATS functions are not closures. Those that are will have
  special notations such as "<cloref1>" associated with them. *)

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* The following functions are compatible with ASCII. *)

let is_digit ichar =

 48 <= ichar && ichar <= 57

let is_lower ichar =

 97 <= ichar && ichar <= 122

let is_upper ichar =

 65 <= ichar && ichar <= 90

let is_alpha ichar =

 is_lower ichar || is_upper ichar

let is_alnum ichar =

 is_digit ichar || is_alpha ichar

let is_ident_start ichar =

 is_alpha ichar || ichar = 95

let is_ident_continuation ichar =

 is_alnum ichar || ichar = 95

let is_space ichar =

 ichar = 32 || (9 <= ichar && ichar <= 13)


let reverse_list_to_string lst =

 List.rev lst |> List.to_seq |> String.of_seq

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Character input more like that of C. There are various advantages

  and disadvantages to this method, but key points in its favor are:
  (a) it is how character input is done in the original ATS code, (b)
  Unicode code points are 21-bit positive integers. *)

let eof = (-1)

let input_ichar channel =

   int_of_char (input_char channel)
 | End_of_file -> eof


(* The type of an input character. *)

module Ch =

   type t =
       ichar : int;
       line_no : int;
       column_no : int

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Inputting with unlimited pushback, and with counting of lines and

  columns. *)

module Inp =

   type t =
       inpf : in_channel;
       pushback : Ch.t list;
       line_no : int;
       column_no : int
   let of_in_channel inpf =
     { inpf = inpf;
       pushback = [];
       line_no = 1;
       column_no = 1
   let get_ch inp =
     match inp.pushback with
     | ch :: tail ->
        (ch, {inp with pushback = tail})
     | [] ->
        let ichar = input_ichar inp.inpf in
        if ichar = int_of_char '\n' then
          ({ ichar = ichar;
             line_no = inp.line_no;
             column_no = inp.column_no },
           { inp with line_no = inp.line_no + 1;
                      column_no = 1 })
          ({ ichar = ichar;
             line_no = inp.line_no;
             column_no = inp.column_no },
           { inp with column_no = inp.column_no + 1 })
   let push_back_ch ch inp =
     {inp with pushback = ch :: inp.pushback}

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Tokens, appearing in tuples with arguments, and with line and

  column numbers. The tokens are integers, so they can be used as
  array indices. *)

(* (token, argument, line_no, column_no) *) type toktup_t = int * string * int * int

let token_ELSE = 0 let token_IF = 1 let token_PRINT = 2 let token_PUTC = 3 let token_WHILE = 4 let token_MULTIPLY = 5 let token_DIVIDE = 6 let token_MOD = 7 let token_ADD = 8 let token_SUBTRACT = 9 let token_NEGATE = 10 let token_LESS = 11 let token_LESSEQUAL = 12 let token_GREATER = 13 let token_GREATEREQUAL = 14 let token_EQUAL = 15 let token_NOTEQUAL = 16 let token_NOT = 17 let token_ASSIGN = 18 let token_AND = 19 let token_OR = 20 let token_LEFTPAREN = 21 let token_RIGHTPAREN = 22 let token_LEFTBRACE = 23 let token_RIGHTBRACE = 24 let token_SEMICOLON = 25 let token_COMMA = 26 let token_IDENTIFIER = 27 let token_INTEGER = 28 let token_STRING = 29 let token_END_OF_INPUT = 30

(* A *very* simple perfect hash for the reserved words. (Yes, this is

  overkill, except for demonstration of the principle.) *)

let reserved_words =

 [| "if"; "print"; "else"; ""; "putc"; ""; ""; "while"; "" |]

let reserved_word_tokens =

 [| token_IF; token_PRINT; token_ELSE; token_IDENTIFIER;
    token_PUTC; token_IDENTIFIER; token_IDENTIFIER; token_WHILE;
    token_IDENTIFIER |]

let reserved_word_lookup s line_no column_no =

 if String.length s < 2 then
   (token_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no)
   let hashval = (int_of_char s.[0] + int_of_char s.[1]) mod 9 in
   let token = reserved_word_tokens.(hashval) in
   if token = token_IDENTIFIER || s <> reserved_words.(hashval) then
     (token_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no)
     (token, s, line_no, column_no)

(* Token to string lookup. *)

let token_names =

 [| "Keyword_else";
    "End_of_input" |]

let token_name token =



exception Unterminated_comment of int * int exception Unterminated_character_literal of int * int exception Multicharacter_literal of int * int exception End_of_input_in_string_literal of int * int exception End_of_line_in_string_literal of int * int exception Unsupported_escape of int * int * int exception Invalid_integer_literal of int * int * string exception Unexpected_character of int * int * char

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Skipping past spaces and comments. (A comment in the target

  language is, if you think about it, a kind of space.) *)

let scan_comment inp line_no column_no =

 let rec loop inp =
   let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
   if ch.ichar = eof then
     raise (Unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no))
   else if ch.ichar = int_of_char '*' then
     let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
     if ch1.ichar = eof then
       raise (Unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no))
     else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '/' then
       loop inp
     loop inp
 loop inp

let skip_spaces_and_comments inp =

 let rec loop inp =
   let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
   if is_space ch.ichar then
     loop inp
   else if ch.ichar = int_of_char '/' then
     let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
     if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '*' then
       scan_comment inp ch.line_no ch.column_no |> loop
       let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
       let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
     Inp.push_back_ch ch inp
 loop inp

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Integer literals, identifiers, and reserved words. *)

(* In ATS the predicate for simple scan was supplied by template

  expansion, which (typically) produces faster code than passing a
  function or closure (although passing either of those could have
  been done). Here I pass the predicate as a function/closure. It is
  worth contrasting the methods. *)

let rec simple_scan pred lst inp =

 let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 if pred ch.ichar then
   simple_scan pred (char_of_int ch.ichar :: lst) inp
   (lst, Inp.push_back_ch ch inp)

(* Demonstration of one way to make a new closure in OCaml. (In ATS,

  one might see things that look similar but are actually template
  operations.) *)

let simple_scan_iic = simple_scan is_ident_continuation

let scan_integer_literal inp =

 let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 let _ = assert (is_digit ch.ichar) in
 let (lst, inp) = simple_scan_iic [char_of_int ch.ichar] inp in
 let s = reverse_list_to_string lst in
 if List.for_all (fun c -> is_digit (int_of_char c)) lst then
   ((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
   raise (Invalid_integer_literal (ch.line_no, ch.column_no, s))

let scan_identifier_or_reserved_word inp =

 let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 let _ = assert (is_ident_start ch.ichar) in
 let (lst, inp) = simple_scan_iic [char_of_int ch.ichar] inp in
 let s = reverse_list_to_string lst in
 let toktup = reserved_word_lookup s ch.line_no ch.column_no in
 (toktup, inp)

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* String literals. *)

let scan_string_literal inp =

 let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 let _ = assert (ch.ichar = int_of_char '"') in
 let rec scan lst inp =
   let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
   if ch1.ichar = eof then
     raise (End_of_input_in_string_literal
              (ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
   else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '\n' then
     raise (End_of_line_in_string_literal
              (ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
   else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '"' then
     (lst, inp)
   else if ch1.ichar <> int_of_char '\\' then
     scan (char_of_int ch1.ichar :: lst) inp
     let (ch2, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
     if ch2.ichar = int_of_char 'n' then
       scan ('n' :: '\\' :: lst) inp
     else if ch2.ichar = int_of_char '\\' then
       scan ('\\' :: '\\' :: lst) inp
       raise (Unsupported_escape (ch1.line_no, ch1.column_no,
 let lst = '"' :: [] in
 let (lst, inp) = scan lst inp in
 let lst = '"' :: lst in
 let s = reverse_list_to_string lst in
 ((token_STRING, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)

(*------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Character literals. *)

let scan_character_literal_without_checking_end inp =

 let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 let _ = assert (ch.ichar = int_of_char '\) in
 let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 if ch1.ichar = eof then
   raise (Unterminated_character_literal
            (ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
 else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '\\' then
   let (ch2, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
   if ch2.ichar = eof then
     raise (Unterminated_character_literal
              (ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
   else if ch2.ichar = int_of_char 'n' then
     let s = (int_of_char '\n' |> string_of_int) in
     ((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
   else if ch2.ichar = int_of_char '\\' then
     let s = (int_of_char '\\' |> string_of_int) in
     ((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
     raise (Unsupported_escape
              (ch1.line_no, ch1.column_no, ch2.ichar))
   let s = string_of_int ch1.ichar in
   ((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)

let scan_character_literal inp =

 let (toktup, inp) =
   scan_character_literal_without_checking_end inp in
 let (_, _, line_no, column_no) = toktup in
 let check_end inp =
   let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
   if ch.ichar = int_of_char '\ then
     let rec loop_to_end (ch1 : Ch.t) inp =
       if ch1.ichar = eof then
         raise (Unterminated_character_literal (line_no, column_no))
       else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '\ then
         raise (Multicharacter_literal (line_no, column_no))
         let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
         loop_to_end ch1 inp
     loop_to_end ch inp
 let inp = check_end inp in
 (toktup, inp)


let get_next_token inp =

 let inp = skip_spaces_and_comments inp in
 let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
 let ln = ch.line_no in
 let cn = ch.column_no in
 if ch.ichar = eof then
   ((token_END_OF_INPUT, "", ln, cn), inp)
   match char_of_int ch.ichar with
   | ',' -> ((token_COMMA, ",", ln, cn), inp)
   | ';' -> ((token_SEMICOLON, ";", ln, cn), inp)
   | '(' -> ((token_LEFTPAREN, "(", ln, cn), inp)
   | ')' -> ((token_RIGHTPAREN, ")", ln, cn), inp)
   | '{' -> ((token_LEFTBRACE, "{", ln, cn), inp)
   | '}' -> ((token_RIGHTBRACE, "}", ln, cn), inp)
   | '*' -> ((token_MULTIPLY, "*", ln, cn), inp)
   | '/' -> ((token_DIVIDE, "/", ln, cn), inp)
   | '%' -> ((token_MOD, "%", ln, cn), inp)
   | '+' -> ((token_ADD, "+", ln, cn), inp)
   | '-' -> ((token_SUBTRACT, "-", ln, cn), inp)
   | '<' ->
      let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
      if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
        ((token_LESSEQUAL, "<=", ln, cn), inp)
        let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
        ((token_LESS, "<", ln, cn), inp)
   | '>' ->
      let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
      if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
        ((token_GREATEREQUAL, ">=", ln, cn), inp)
        let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
        ((token_GREATER, ">", ln, cn), inp)
   | '=' ->
      let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
      if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
        ((token_EQUAL, "==", ln, cn), inp)
        let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
        ((token_ASSIGN, "=", ln, cn), inp)
   | '!' ->
      let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
      if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
        ((token_NOTEQUAL, "!=", ln, cn), inp)
        let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
        ((token_NOT, "!", ln, cn), inp)
   | '&' ->
      let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
      if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '&' then
        ((token_AND, "&&", ln, cn), inp)
        raise (Unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
                                     char_of_int ch.ichar))
   | '|' ->
      let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
      if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '|' then
        ((token_OR, "||", ln, cn), inp)
        raise (Unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
                                     char_of_int ch.ichar))
   | '"' ->
      let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
      scan_string_literal inp
   | '\ ->
      let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
      scan_character_literal inp
   | _ when is_digit ch.ichar ->
      let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
      scan_integer_literal inp
   | _ when is_ident_start ch.ichar ->
      let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
      scan_identifier_or_reserved_word inp
   | _ -> raise (Unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
                                       char_of_int ch.ichar))

let print_token outf toktup =

 let (token, arg, line_no, column_no) = toktup in
 let name = token_name token in
 let (padding, str) = 
   match 0 with
   | _ when token = token_IDENTIFIER -> ("     ", arg)
   | _ when token = token_INTEGER -> ("        ", arg)
   | _ when token = token_STRING -> ("         ", arg)
   | _ -> ("", "")
 Printf.fprintf outf "%5d %5d  %s%s%s\n"
   line_no column_no name padding str

let scan_text outf inp =

 let rec loop inp =
   let (toktup, inp) = get_next_token inp in
     print_token outf toktup;
     let (token, _, _, _) = toktup in
     if token <> token_END_OF_INPUT then
       loop inp
 loop inp


let main () =

 let inpf_filename =
   if 2 <= Array.length Sys.argv then
 let outf_filename =
   if 3 <= Array.length Sys.argv then
 let inpf =
   if inpf_filename = "-" then
     open_in inpf_filename
 let outf =
   if outf_filename = "-" then
     open_out outf_filename
 let inp = Inp.of_in_channel inpf in
 scan_text outf inp

main ()


$ ocamlopt -O2 && ./a.out compiler-tests/testcase3.t
    5    16  Keyword_print
    5    40  Op_subtract
    6    16  Keyword_putc
    6    40  Op_less
    7    16  Keyword_if
    7    40  Op_greater
    8    16  Keyword_else
    8    40  Op_lessequal
    9    16  Keyword_while
    9    40  Op_greaterequal
   10    16  LeftBrace
   10    40  Op_equal
   11    16  RightBrace
   11    40  Op_notequal
   12    16  LeftParen
   12    40  Op_and
   13    16  RightParen
   13    40  Op_or
   14    16  Op_subtract
   14    40  Semicolon
   15    16  Op_not
   15    40  Comma
   16    16  Op_multiply
   16    40  Op_assign
   17    16  Op_divide
   17    40  Integer        42
   18    16  Op_mod
   18    40  String         "String literal"
   19    16  Op_add
   19    40  Identifier     variable_name
   20    26  Integer        10
   21    26  Integer        92
   22    26  Integer        32
   23     1  End_of_input



Note: we do not print the line and token source code position for the simplicity.

<lang scheme> (import (owl parse))

(define (get-comment)

     (let-parses (
           (_ (get-imm #\*))
           (_ (get-imm #\/)))
     (let-parses (
           (_ get-byte)
           (_ (get-comment)))

(define get-whitespace

     (get-byte-if (lambda (x) (has? '(#\tab #\newline #\space #\return) x))) ; whitespace
     (let-parses ( ; comment
           (_ (get-imm #\/))
           (_ (get-imm #\*))
           (_ (get-comment)))

(define get-operator

  (let-parses (
        (operator (get-any-of
           (get-word "||" 'Op_or)
           (get-word "&&" 'Op_and)
           (get-word "!=" 'Op_notequal)
           (get-word "==" 'Op_equal)
           (get-word ">=" 'Op_greaterequal)
           (get-word "<=" 'Op_lessequal)
           (get-word "=" 'Op_assign)
           (get-word "!" 'Op_nop)
           (get-word ">" 'Op_greater)
           (get-word "<" 'Op_less)
           (get-word "-" 'Op_subtract)
           (get-word "+" 'Op_add)
           (get-word "%" 'Op_mod)
           (get-word "/" 'Op_divide)
           (get-word "*" 'Op_multiply))))
     (cons 'operator operator)))

(define get-symbol

  (let-parses (
        (symbol (get-any-of
           (get-word "(" 'LeftParen)
           (get-word ")" 'RightParen)
           (get-word "{" 'LeftBrace)
           (get-word "}" 'RightBrace)
           (get-word ";" 'Semicolon)
           (get-word "," 'Comma))))
     (cons 'symbol symbol)))

(define get-keyword

  (let-parses (
        (keyword (get-any-of
           (get-word "if" 'Keyword_if)
           (get-word "else" 'Keyword_else)
           (get-word "while" 'Keyword_while)
           (get-word "print" 'Keyword_print)
           (get-word "putc" 'Keyword_putc))))
     (cons 'keyword keyword)))

(define get-identifier

  (let-parses (
        (lead (get-byte-if              (lambda (x) (or (<= #\a x #\z) (<= #\A x #\Z) (= x #\_)))))
        (tail (get-greedy* (get-byte-if (lambda (x) (or (<= #\a x #\z) (<= #\A x #\Z) (= x #\_) (<= #\0 x #\9)))))))
     (cons 'identifier (bytes->string (cons lead tail)))))

(define get-integer

  (let-parses (
        (main (get-greedy+ (get-byte-if (lambda (x) (<= #\0 x #\9))))) )
     (cons 'integer (string->integer (bytes->string main)))))

(define get-character

  (let-parses (
        (_ (get-imm #\'))
        (char (get-any-of
           (get-word "\\n" #\newline)
           (get-word "\\\\" #\\)
           (get-byte-if (lambda (x) (not (or (eq? x #\') (eq? x #\newline)))))))
        (_ (get-imm #\')) )
     (cons 'character char)))

(define get-string

  (let-parses (
        (_ (get-imm #\")) ;"
        (data (get-greedy* (get-any-of
           (get-word "\\n" #\newline)
           (get-word "\\\\" #\\) ;\"
           (get-byte-if (lambda (x) (not (or (eq? x #\") (eq? x #\newline)))))))) ;", newline
        (_ (get-imm #\")) ) ;"
     (cons 'string (bytes->string data))))

(define get-token

  (let-parses (
        (_ (get-greedy* get-whitespace))
        (token (get-any-of
        )) )

(define token-parser

  (let-parses (
        (tokens (get-greedy+ get-token))
        (_ (get-greedy* get-whitespace)))

(define (translate source)

  (let ((stream (try-parse token-parser (str-iter source) #t)))
     (for-each print (car stream))
     (if (null? (cdr stream))
        (print 'End_of_input))))



Testing function: <lang scheme> (define (translate source)

  (let ((stream (try-parse token-parser (str-iter source) #t)))
     (for-each print (car stream))
     (if (null? (force (cdr stream)))
        (print 'End_of_input))))


Testcase 1

<lang scheme> (translate " /*

 Hello world

print(\"Hello, World!\\\\n\"); ")</lang>

(keyword . Keyword_print)
(symbol . LeftParen)
(string . Hello, World!\n)
(symbol . RightParen)
(symbol . Semicolon)
Testcase 2

<lang scheme> (translate " /*

 Show Ident and Integers

phoenix_number = 142857; print(phoenix_number, \"\\\\n\"); ")</lang>

(identifier . phoenix_number)
(operator . Op_assign)
(integer . 142857)
(symbol . Semicolon)
(keyword . Keyword_print)
(symbol . LeftParen)
(identifier . phoenix_number)
(symbol . Comma)
(string . \n)
(symbol . RightParen)
(symbol . Semicolon)
Testcase 3

<lang scheme> (translate " /*

 All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will
 have to wait until syntax analysis

/* Print */ print /* Sub */ - /* Putc */ putc /* Lss */ < /* If */ if /* Gtr */ > /* Else */ else /* Leq */ <= /* While */ while /* Geq */ >= /* Lbrace */ { /* Eq */ == /* Rbrace */ } /* Neq */  != /* Lparen */ ( /* And */ && /* Rparen */ ) /* Or */ || /* Uminus */ - /* Semi */  ; /* Not */  ! /* Comma */ , /* Mul */ * /* Assign */ = /* Div */ / /* Integer */ 42 /* Mod */  % /* String */ \"String literal\" /* Add */ + /* Ident */ variable_name /* character literal */ '\\n' /* character literal */ '\\\\' /* character literal */ ' ' ")</lang>

(keyword . Keyword_print)
(operator . Op_subtract)
(keyword . Keyword_putc)
(operator . Op_less)
(keyword . Keyword_if)
(operator . Op_greater)
(keyword . Keyword_else)
(operator . Op_lessequal)
(keyword . Keyword_while)
(operator . Op_greaterequal)
(symbol . LeftBrace)
(operator . Op_equal)
(symbol . RightBrace)
(operator . Op_notequal)
(symbol . LeftParen)
(operator . Op_and)
(symbol . RightParen)
(operator . Op_or)
(operator . Op_subtract)
(symbol . Semicolon)
(operator . Op_nop)
(symbol . Comma)
(operator . Op_multiply)
(operator . Op_assign)
(operator . Op_divide)
(integer . 42)
(operator . Op_mod)
(string . String literal)
(operator . Op_add)
(identifier . variable_name)
(character . 10)
(character . 92)
(character . 32)
Testcase 4

<lang scheme> (translate " /*** test printing, embedded \\\\n and comments with lots of '*' ***/ print(42); print(\"\\\\nHello World\\\\nGood Bye\\\\nok\\\\n\"); print(\"Print a slash n - \\\\\\\\n.\\\\n\"); ") </lang>

(keyword . Keyword_print)
(symbol . LeftParen)
(integer . 42)
(symbol . RightParen)
(symbol . Semicolon)
(keyword . Keyword_print)
(symbol . LeftParen)
(string . \nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n)
(symbol . RightParen)
(symbol . Semicolon)
(keyword . Keyword_print)
(symbol . LeftParen)
(string . Print a slash n - \\n.\n)
(symbol . RightParen)
(symbol . Semicolon)


<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'once';

  1. ----- Definition of the language to be lexed -----#

my @tokens = (

   # Name            | Format               | Value       #
   # --------------  |----------------------|-------------#
   ['Op_multiply'    , '*'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_divide'      , '/'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_mod'         , '%'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_add'         , '+'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_subtract'    , '-'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_lessequal'   , '<='                 ,             ],
   ['Op_less'        , '<'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_greaterequal', '>='                 ,             ],
   ['Op_greater'     , '>'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_equal'       , '=='                 ,             ],
   ['Op_assign'      , '='                  ,             ],
   ['Op_not'         , '!'                  ,             ],
   ['Op_notequal'    , '!='                 ,             ],
   ['Op_and'         , '&&'                 ,             ],
   ['Op_or'          , '||'                 ,             ],
   ['Keyword_else'   , qr/else\b/           ,             ],
   ['Keyword_if'     , qr/if\b/             ,             ],
   ['Keyword_while'  , qr/while\b/          ,             ],
   ['Keyword_print'  , qr/print\b/          ,             ],
   ['Keyword_putc'   , qr/putc\b/           ,             ],
   ['LeftParen'      , '('                  ,             ],
   ['RightParen'     , ')'                  ,             ],
   ['LeftBrace'      , '{'                  ,             ],
   ['RightBrace'     , '}'                  ,             ],
   ['Semicolon'      , ';'                  ,             ],
   ['Comma'          , ','                  ,             ],
   ['Identifier'     , qr/[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*/i, \&raw       ],
   ['Integer'        , qr/[0-9]+\b/         , \&raw       ],
   ['Integer'        , qr/'([^']*)(')?/     , \&char_val  ],
   ['String'         , qr/"([^"]*)(")?/     , \&string_raw],
   ['End_of_input'   , qr/$/                ,             ],


my $comment = qr/\/\* .+? (?: \*\/ | $ (?{die "End-of-file in comment\n"}) )/xs; my $whitespace = qr/(?: \s | $comment)*/x; my $unrecognized = qr/\w+ | ./x;

  1. | Returns the value of a matched char literal, or dies if it is invalid

sub char_val {

   my $str = string_val();
   die "Multiple characters\n" if length $str > 1;
   die "No character\n"        if length $str == 0;
   ord $str;


  1. | Returns the value of a matched string literal, or dies if it is invalid

sub string_val {

   my ($str, $end) = ($1, $2);
   die "End-of-file\n" if not defined $end;
   die "End-of-line\n" if $str =~ /\n/;
   $str =~ s/\\(.)/
         $1 eq 'n'  ? "\n"
       : $1 eq '\\' ? $1
       : $1 eq $end ? $1
       : die "Unknown escape sequence \\$1\n"


  1. | Returns the source string of a matched literal

sub raw { $& }

  1. | Returns the source string of a matched string literal, or dies if invalid

sub string_raw {

   string_val(); # Just for the error handling side-effects


  1. ----- Lexer "engine" -----#
  1. Construct the scanner regex:

my $tokens =

   join "|",
   map {
       my $format = $tokens[$_][1];
       "\n".(ref $format ? $format : quotemeta $format)." (*MARK:$_) ";
   } 0..$#tokens;

my $regex = qr/

   \G (?| $whitespace  \K (?| $tokens )
        | $whitespace? \K ($unrecognized) (*MARK:!) )


  1. Run the lexer:

my $input = do { local $/ = undef; <STDIN> }; my $pos = 0; my $linecol = linecol_accumulator();

while ($input =~ /$regex/g) {

   # Get the line and column number
   my ($line, $col) = $linecol->(substr $input, $pos, $-[0] - $pos);
   $pos = $-[0];
   # Get the token type that was identified by the scanner regex
   my $type = $main::REGMARK;
   die "Unrecognized token $1 at line $line, col $col\n" if $type eq '!';
   my ($name, $evaluator) = @{$tokens[$type]}[0, 2];
   # Get the token value
   my $value;
   if ($evaluator) {
       eval { $value = $evaluator->() };
       if ($@) { chomp $@; die "$@ in $name at line $line, col $col\n" }
   # Print the output line
   print "$line\t$col\t$name".($value ? "\t$value" : )."\n";


  1. | Returns a closure, which can be fed a string one piece at a time and gives
  2. | back the cumulative line and column number each time

sub linecol_accumulator {

   my ($line, $col) = (1, 1);
   sub {
       my $str = shift;
       my @lines = split "\n", $str, -1;
       my ($l, $c) = @lines ? (@lines - 1, length $lines[-1]) : (0, 0);
       if ($l) { $line += $l;  $col = 1 + $c }
       else    { $col += $c }
       ($line, $col)


Output  —  test case 3:
5       16      Keyword_print
5       40      Op_subtract
6       16      Keyword_putc
6       40      Op_less
7       16      Keyword_if
7       40      Op_greater
8       16      Keyword_else
8       40      Op_lessequal
9       16      Keyword_while
9       40      Op_greaterequal
10      16      LeftBrace
10      40      Op_equal
11      16      RightBrace
11      40      Op_not
11      41      Op_assign
12      16      LeftParen
12      40      Op_and
13      16      RightParen
13      40      Op_or
14      16      Op_subtract
14      40      Semicolon
15      16      Op_not
15      40      Comma
16      16      Op_multiply
16      40      Op_assign
17      16      Op_divide
17      40      Integer 42
18      16      Op_mod
18      40      String  "String literal"
19      16      Op_add
19      40      Identifier      variable_name
20      26      Integer 10
21      26      Integer 92
22      26      Integer 32
23      1       End_of_input

Alternate Perl Solution

Tested on perl v5.26.1 <lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl

use strict; # - source to tokens use warnings; # no warnings qw(qw);

my %keywords = map { $_, "Keyword_$_" } qw( while print if else putc ); my %tokens = qw[ ; Semicolon ( LeftParen ) RightParen { LeftBrace } RightBrace

 + Op_add - Op_subtract * Op_multiply % Op_mod = Op_assign >= Op_greaterequal
 != Op_notequal == Op_equal ! Op_not < Op_less <= Op_lessequal > Op_greater
 , Comma && Op_and || Op_or ];

local $_ = join , <>;

while( /\G (?|

   \s+              (?{ undef })
 | \d+[_a-zA-Z]\w*  (?{ die "invalid mixed number $&\n" })
 | \d+              (?{ "Integer $&" })
 | \w+              (?{ $keywords{$&} || "Identifier $&" })
 | ( [-;(){}+*%,] | [=!<>]=? | && | \|\| )
                    (?{ $tokens{$1} })
 | \/               (?{ 'Op_divide' }) (?: \* (?: [\s\S]*?\*\/ (?{ undef }) |
                         (?{ die "End-of-file in comment\n" }) ) )?
 | "[^"\n]*"        (?{ "String $&" })
 | "                (?{ die "unterminated string\n" })
 |                (?{ die "empty character constant\n" })
 | '([^\n\\])'      (?{ 'Integer ' . ord $1 })
 | '\\n'            (?{ 'Integer 10' })
 | '\\\\'           (?{ 'Integer 92' })
 | '                (?{ die "unterminated or bad character constant\n" }) #'
 | .                (?{ die "invalid character $&\n" })
 ) /gcx )
 defined $^R and printf "%5d %7d   %s\n",
   1 + $` =~ tr/\n//, 1 + length $` =~ s/.*\n//sr, $^R;

printf "%5d %7d %s\n", 1 + tr/\n//, 1, 'End_of_input';</lang>


Deviates from the task requirements in that it is written in a modular form so that the output from one stage can be used directly in the next, rather than re-loading from a human-readable form. If required, demo\rosetta\Compiler\extra.e (below) contains some code that achieves the latter. Code to print the human readable forms is likewise kept separate from any re-usable parts.

-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\core.e
-- ============================
--  Standard declarations and routines used by lex.exw, parse.exw, cgen.exw, and interp.exw
--  (included in distribution as above, which contains some additional sanity checks)
with javascript_semantics
global constant EOF = -1, STDIN = 0, STDOUT = 1

global enum NONE=0, UNARY=1, BINARY=2
global type nary(integer n) return n=NONE or n=UNARY or n=BINARY end type

global sequence tkNames = {}    -- eg/ie {"Op_multiply","Op_divide",..}
global sequence precedences = {}
global sequence narys = {}  -- NONE/UNARY/BINARY
global sequence operators = {} -- eg/ie {"*","/","+","-","<","<=",..}
global sequence opcodes = {}    -- idx to tkNames, matching operators

global constant KEYWORDS = new_dict()   -- eg/ie {"if"=>idx to tkNames}

global enum OPERATOR=1, DIGIT, LETTER   -- character classes

global sequence charmap = repeat(0,255)
                charmap['0'..'9'] = DIGIT
                charmap['A'..'Z'] = LETTER
                charmap['a'..'z'] = LETTER
                charmap['_'] = LETTER

function tkName(string s, nary n = NONE, integer precedence = -1)
    tkNames = append(tkNames,s)
    narys = append(narys,n)
    precedences = append(precedences,precedence)
    return length(tkNames)
end function

function tkOp(string s, string op, nary n, integer precedence)
    integer res = tkName(s, n, precedence)
    operators = append(operators,op)
    opcodes = append(opcodes,res)
    for i=1 to length(op) do
        charmap[op[i]] = OPERATOR
    end for
    return res
end function

function tkKw(string s, string keyword)
    integer res = tkName(s)
    putd(keyword, res, KEYWORDS)
    return res
end function

global constant
    tk_EOI           = tkName("End_of_input"),                      --1
    tk_mul           = tkOp("Op_multiply",      "*", BINARY,13),    --2
    tk_div           = tkOp("Op_divide",        "/", BINARY,13),    --3
    tk_mod           = tkOp("Op_mod",           "%", BINARY,13),    --4
    tk_add           = tkOp("Op_add",           "+", BINARY,12),    --5
    tk_sub           = tkOp("Op_subtract",      "-", BINARY,12),    --6
    tk_neg           = tkName("Op_negate",           UNARY, 14),    --7
    tk_not           = tkOp("Op_not",           "!", UNARY, 14),    --8
    tk_lt            = tkOp("Op_less",          "<", BINARY,10),    --9
    tk_le            = tkOp("Op_lessequal",     "<=",BINARY,10),    --10
    tk_gt            = tkOp("Op_greater",       ">", BINARY,10),    --11
    tk_ge            = tkOp("Op_greaterequal",  ">=",BINARY,10),    --12
    tk_eq            = tkOp("Op_equal",         "==",BINARY, 9),    --13
    tk_ne            = tkOp("Op_notequal",      "!=",BINARY, 9),    --14
    tk_assign        = tkOp("Op_assign",        "=", NONE,  -1),    --15
    tk_and           = tkOp("Op_and",           "&&",BINARY, 5),    --16
    tk_or            = tkOp("Op_or",            "||",BINARY, 4),    --17
    tk_if            = tkKw("Keyword_if",   "if"),                  --18
    tk_else          = tkKw("Keyword_else", "else"),                --19
    tk_while         = tkKw("Keyword_while","while"),               --20
    tk_print         = tkKw("Keyword_print","print"),               --21
    tk_putc          = tkKw("Keyword_putc", "putc"),                --22
    tk_LeftParen     = tkOp("LeftParen",        "(", NONE,  -1),    --23
    tk_RightParen    = tkOp("RightParen",       ")", NONE,  -1),    --24
    tk_LeftBrace     = tkOp("LeftBrace",        "{", NONE,  -1),    --25
    tk_RightBrace    = tkOp("RightBrace",       "}", NONE,  -1),    --26
    tk_Semicolon     = tkOp("Semicolon",        ";", NONE,  -1),    --27
    tk_Comma         = tkOp("Comma",            ",", NONE,  -1),    --28
    tk_Identifier    = tkName("Identifier"),                        --29
    tk_Integer       = tkName("Integer"),                           --30
    tk_String        = tkName("String"),                            --31
    tk_Sequence      = tkName("Sequence"),                          --32
    tk_Prints        = tkName("tk_Prints"),                         --33
    tk_Printi        = tkName("tk_Printi")                          --34

global integer input_file = STDIN,
               output_file = STDOUT

type strint(object o)
    return string(o) or integer(o)
end type

global strint tok_line, -- save of line/col at the start of
              tok_col   -- token/comment, for result/errors

global object oneline = ""

constant errfmt = "Line %s column %s:\n%s%s"

function errline()
    oneline = substitute(trim(oneline,"\r\n"),'\t',' ')
    string padding = repeat(' ',tok_col)
    return sprintf("%s\n%s^ ",{oneline,padding})
end function

global procedure error(sequence msg, sequence args={})
    if length(args) then
        msg = sprintf(msg,args)
    end if
    string el = iff(atom(oneline)?"":errline())
    if integer(tok_line) then tok_line = sprintf("%d",tok_line) end if
    if integer(tok_col) then tok_col = sprintf("%d",tok_col) end if
    {} = wait_key()
end procedure

include js_io.e -- fake file i/o for running under pwa/p2js

function open_file(string file_name, string mode)
    integer fn = iff(platform()=JS?js_open(file_name)
                                  :open(file_name, mode))
    if fn<=0 then
        printf(STDOUT, "Could not open %s", {file_name})
        {} = wait_key()
    end if
    return fn
end function

global procedure open_files(sequence cl)
    if length(cl)>2 then
        input_file = open_file(cl[3],"r")
        if length(cl)>3 then
            output_file = open_file(cl[4],"w")
        end if
    end if
end procedure

global procedure close_files()
    if platform()!=JS then
        if input_file!=STDIN then close(input_file) end if
        if output_file!=STDOUT then close(output_file) end if
    end if
end procedure

global function enquote(string s)
    return sprintf(`"%s"`,substitute(s,"\n","\\n"))
end function

global function unquote(string s)
    if s[1]!='\"' then ?9/0 end if
    if s[$]!='\"' then ?9/0 end if
    s = substitute(s[2..-2],"\\n","\n")
    return s
end function

For running under pwa/p2js, we also have a "fake file/io" component:

-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\js_io.e
-- =============================
--  Fake file i/o for running under pwa/p2js in a browser
--  Does not cover the human readable reload parts of extra.e
with javascript_semantics
constant {known_files,kfc} = columnize({
  All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will
  have to wait until syntax analysis
/* Print   */  print    /* Sub     */  -
/* Putc    */  putc     /* Lss     */  <
/* If      */  if       /* Gtr     */  >
/* Else    */  else     /* Leq     */  <=
/* While   */  while    /* Geq     */  >=
/* Lbrace  */  {        /* Eq      */  ==
/* Rbrace  */  }        /* Neq     */  !=
/* Lparen  */  (        /* And     */  &&
/* Rparen  */  )        /* Or      */  ||
/* Uminus  */  -        /* Semi    */  ;
/* Not     */  !        /* Comma   */  ,
/* Mul     */  *        /* Assign  */  =
/* Div     */  /        /* Integer */  42
/* Mod     */  %        /* String  */  "String literal"
/* Add     */  +        /* Ident   */  variable_name
/* character literal */  '\n'
/* character literal **/  '\\'
/* character literal */  ' '
/*** test printing, embedded \n and comments with lots of '*' ***/
print("\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n");
print("Print a slash n - \\n.\n");
 Simple prime number generator
count = 1;
n = 1;
limit = 100;
while (n < limit) {
    while ((k*k<=n) && (p)) {
    if (p) {
        print(n, " is prime\n");
        count = count + 1;
print("Total primes found: ", count, "\n");
/* Compute the gcd of 1071, 1029:  21 */
a = 1071;
b = 1029;
while (b != 0) {
    new_a = b;
    b     = a % b;
    a     = new_a;

integer fn, lineno

global function js_open(string filename)
    fn = find(filename,known_files)
    lineno = 0
    return fn
end function

global function js_gets()
    lineno += 1
    if lineno>length(kfc[fn]) then return EOF end if
    return kfc[fn][lineno]
end function

The main lexer is also written to be reusable by later stages.

-- demo\\rosetta\\Compiler\\lex.e
-- ==============================
--  The reusable part of lex.exw
--  This is only kept separate from core.e for consistency with later modules.

with javascript_semantics
include core.e

integer ch = ' ',
        line = 0,
        col = 0

procedure eof(string s)
    error("%s in %s literal",{iff(ch=EOF?"EOF":"EOL"),s})
end procedure

function next_ch()
    while 1 do
        col += 1
        if oneline=EOF then
            ch = EOF
        elsif col>length(oneline) then
            line += 1
            col = 0
            oneline = iff(platform()=JS?js_gets()
            ch = oneline[col]
        end if
    end while
    return ch
end function

constant whitespace = {' ','\t','\r','\n',#0B,#A0}
-- (0x0B is Vertical Tab, 0xA0 is Non-breaking space)

procedure skipspacesandcomments()
    while 1 do
        if not find(ch,whitespace) then
            if ch='/' and col<length(oneline) and oneline[col+1]='*' then
                tok_line = line -- (in case of EOF error)
                tok_col = col
                ch = next_ch()  -- (can be EOF)
                ch = next_ch()  -- (    ""    )
                while 1 do
                    if ch='*' then
                        ch = next_ch()
                        if ch='/' then exit end if
                    elsif ch=EOF then
                        error("EOF in comment")
                        ch = next_ch()
                    end if
                end while
            end if
        end if
        ch = next_ch()
    end while
end procedure

function escape_char(string s)
    ch = next_ch() -- (discard the '\\')
    if ch='n' then
        ch = '\n'
    elsif ch='\\' then
        ch = '\\'
    elsif ch=EOF
       or ch='\n' then
        error(`unknown escape sequence \%c`, {ch})
    end if
    return ch
end function

function char_lit()
    integer startch = ch,
            res = next_ch() -- (skip opening quote, save res)
    if ch=startch then
        error("empty character constant")
    elsif ch='\\' then
        res = escape_char("character")
    end if
    ch = next_ch()
    if ch=EOF
    or ch='\n' then
    elsif ch!=startch then
        error("multi-character constant")
    end if
    ch = next_ch()
    return {tk_Integer, res}
end function

function string_lit()
    integer startch = ch
    string text = ""
    while next_ch()!=startch do
        if ch=EOF
        or ch='\n' then
        elsif ch='\\' then
            ch = escape_char("string")
        end if
        text &= ch
    end while
    ch = next_ch()
    return {tk_String, text}
end function

function get_op()
    string operator = ""&ch
    ch = next_ch()
    while charmap[ch]=OPERATOR
      and find(operator&ch,operators) do
        -- (^ ie/eg merge ">=", but not ");")
        operator &= ch
        ch = next_ch()
    end while
    integer k = find(operator,operators)
    if k=0 then error("unknown operator") end if
    return {opcodes[k], 0} -- (0 unused)
end function

function get_int()
    integer i = 0
    while charmap[ch]=DIGIT do
        i = i*10 + (ch-'0')
        ch = next_ch()
    end while
    if charmap[ch]=LETTER then
        error("invalid number")
    end if
    return {tk_Integer, i}
end function

function get_ident()
    string text = ""
    while find(charmap[ch],{LETTER,DIGIT}) do
        text &= ch
        ch = next_ch()
    end while
    integer keyword = getd(text,KEYWORDS)
    if keyword!=NULL then
        return {keyword, 0} -- (0 unused)
    end if
    return {tk_Identifier, text}
end function

function get_token()
    tok_line = line
    tok_col  = col
    switch ch do
        case EOF  then return {tk_EOI, 0} -- (0 unused)
        case '\'' then return char_lit()
        case '"'  then return string_lit()
            switch charmap[ch] do
                case OPERATOR then return get_op()
                case DIGIT then return get_int()
                case LETTER then return get_ident()
                else error("unrecognized character: (%d)", {ch})
            end switch
    end switch
end function

global function lex()
    sequence toks = {}
    integer tok = -1
    object v
    while tok!=tk_EOI do
        {tok,v} = get_token()
        toks = append(toks,{tok_line,tok_col,tok,v})
    end while
    return toks
end function

Optional: if you need human-readable output/input at each (later) stage, so you can use pipes

-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\extra.e
-- =============================
--  Routines to reload human-readable files (deviation from task requirement)
without js -- (file i/o)

--The following can be used to load .lex files, as created by lex.exw:
-- (in place of the existing get_tok() in parse.e)
function get_tok()
    string line = trim(gets(input_file))
    sequence tok = split(line,' ',limit:=4,no_empty:=1)
    integer k = find(tok[3],tkNames)
    if k=0 then ?9/0 end if
    tok[3] = k
    return tok
end function

--The following can be used to load .ast files, as created by parse.exw:
-- (in place of the existing lex()/parse() pairs in cgen.exw and interp.exw)
function load_ast()
    string line = trim(gets(input_file))
    -- Each line has at least one token
    sequence node = split(line,' ',limit:=2,no_empty:=1)
    string node_type = node[1]
    if node_type == ";" then -- a terminal node
        return NULL
    end if

    integer n_type = find(node_type,tkNames)
    if n_type=0 then ?9/0 end if
    -- A line with two tokens is a leaf node
    -- Leaf nodes are: Identifier, Integer, String
    -- The 2nd token is the value
    if length(node)>1 then
        node[1] = n_type
        if n_type=tk_Integer then
            node[2] = to_integer(node[2])
        elsif n_type=tk_String then
            node[2] = unquote(node[2])
        end if
        return node
    end if
    object left = load_ast()
    object right = load_ast()
    return {n_type, left, right}
end function

Finally, a simple test driver for the specific task:

-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\lex.exw
-- =============================
with javascript_semantics
include lex.e

procedure main(sequence cl)
    sequence toks = lex()
    integer tok
    object v
    for i=1 to length(toks) do
        {tok_line,tok_col,tok,v} = toks[i]
        switch tok do
            case tk_Identifier: v = sprintf(" %s",v)
            case tk_Integer:    v = sprintf(" %5d",v)
            case tk_String:     v = sprintf(" %s",enquote(v))
            else                v = ""
        end switch
        printf(output_file, "%5d  %5d %-10s%s\n", {tok_line,tok_col,tkNames[tok],v})
    end for
end procedure

    2      1 Keyword_print
    2      6 LeftParen
    2      7 Integer       42
    2      9 RightParen
    2     10 Semicolon
    3      1 Keyword_print
    3      6 LeftParen
    3      7 String     "\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n"
    3     38 RightParen
    3     39 Semicolon
    4      1 Keyword_print
    4      6 LeftParen
    4      7 String     "Print a slash n - \n.\n"
    4     33 RightParen
    4     34 Semicolon
    5      1 End_of_input


<lang prolog>/*

   Test harness for the analyzer, not needed if we are actually using the output. 
  • /

load_file(File, Input) :- read_file_to_codes(File, Codes, []), maplist(char_code, Chars, Codes), atom_chars(Input,Chars).

test_file(File) :- load_file(File, Input), tester(Input).

tester(S) :- atom_chars(S,Chars), tokenize(Chars,L), maplist(print_tok, L), !.

print_tok(L) :- L =.. [Op,Line,Pos], format('~d\t~d\t~p~n', [Line,Pos,Op]). print_tok(string(Value,Line,Pos)) :- format('~d\t~d\tstring\t\t"~w"~n', [Line,Pos,Value]). print_tok(identifier(Value,Line,Pos)) :- format('~d\t~d\tidentifier\t~p~n', [Line,Pos,Value]). print_tok(integer(Value,Line,Pos)) :- format('~d\t~d\tinteger\t\t~p~n', [Line,Pos,Value]).

/* Tokenize

run the input over a DCG to get out the tokens.

In - a list of chars to tokenize Tokens = a list of tokens (excluding spaces).

  • /

tokenize(In,RelTokens) :- newline_positions(In,1,NewLines), tokenize(In,[0|NewLines],1,1,Tokens), check_for_exceptions(Tokens), exclude(token_name(space),Tokens,RelTokens).

tokenize([],NewLines,Pos,LineNo,[end_of_input(LineNo,Offset)]) :- position_offset(NewLines,Pos,Offset). tokenize(In,NewLines,Pos,LineNo,Out) :- position_offset(NewLines,Pos,Offset), phrase(tok(Tok,TokLen,LineNo,Offset),In,T), ( Tok = [] -> Out = Toks ; Out = [Tok|Toks] ), Pos1 is Pos + TokLen, update_line_no(LineNo,NewLines,Pos1,NewLineNo,NewNewLines), tokenize(T,NewNewLines,Pos1,NewLineNo,Toks).

update_line_no(LNo,[L],_,LNo,[L]). update_line_no(LNo,[L,Nl|T],Pos,LNo,[L,Nl|T]) :- Pos =< Nl. update_line_no(LNo,[_,Nl|T],Pos,LNo2,Nlines) :- Pos > Nl, succ(LNo,LNo1), update_line_no(LNo1,[Nl|T],Pos,LNo2,Nlines).

position_offset([Line|_],Pos,Offset) :- Offset is Pos - Line.

token_name(Name,Tok) :- functor(Tok,Name,_).

% Get a list of all the newlines and their position in the data % This is used to create accurate row/column numbers. newline_positions([],N,[N]). newline_positions(['\n'|T],N,[N|Nt]) :- succ(N,N1), newline_positions(T,N1,Nt). newline_positions([C|T],N,Nt) :- dif(C,'\n'), succ(N,N1), newline_positions(T,N1,Nt).

% The tokenizer can tokenize some things that it shouldn't, deal with them here. check_for_exceptions([]). % all ok check_for_exceptions([op_divide(L,P),op_multiply(_,_)|_]) :- format(atom(Error), 'Unclosed comment at line ~d,~d', [L,P]), throw(Error). check_for_exceptions([integer(_,L,P),identifier(_,_,_)|_]) :- format(atom(Error), 'Invalid identifier at line ~d,~d', [L,P]), throw(Error). check_for_exceptions([_|T]) :- check_for_exceptions(T).

/* A set of helper DCGs for the more complicated token types

  • /
- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).

identifier(I) --> c_types(I,csym). identifier(['_']) --> ['_']. identifier([]) --> [].

integer_(I,L) --> c_types(N,digit), { number_codes(I,N), length(N,L) }.

% get a sequence of characters of the same type ( c_types([C|T],Type) --> c_type(C,Type), c_types(T,Type). c_types([C],Type) --> c_type(C,Type). c_type(C,Type) --> [C],{ char_type(C,Type) }.

anything([]) --> []. anything([A|T]) --> [A], anything(T).

string_([]) --> []. string_([A|T]) --> [A], { dif(A,'\n') }, string_(T).

/* The token types are all handled by the tok DCG, order of predicates is important here.

  • /

% comment tok([],CLen,_,_) --> "/*", anything(A), "*/", { length(A,Len), CLen is Len + 4 }.

% toks tok(op_and(L,P),2,L,P) --> "&&". tok(op_or(L,P),2,L,P) --> "||". tok(op_lessequal(L,P),2,L,P) --> "<=". tok(op_greaterequal(L,P),2,L,P) --> ">=". tok(op_greaterequal(L,P),2,L,P) --> ">=". tok(op_equal(L,P),2,L,P) --> "==". tok(op_notequal(L,P),2,L,P) --> "!=". tok(op_assign(L,P),1,L,P) --> "=". tok(op_multiply(L,P),1,L,P) --> "*". tok(op_divide(L,P),1,L,P) --> "/". tok(op_mod(L,P),1,L,P) --> "%". tok(op_add(L,P),1,L,P) --> "+". tok(op_subtract(L,P),1,L,P) --> "-". tok(op_negate(L,P),1,L,P) --> "-". tok(op_less(L,P),1,L,P) --> "<". tok(op_greater(L,P),1,L,P) --> ">". tok(op_not(L,P),1,L,P) --> "!".

% symbols tok(left_paren(L,P),1,L,P) --> "(". tok(right_paren(L,P),1,L,P) --> ")". tok(left_brace(L,P),1,L,P) --> "{". tok(right_brace(L,P),1,L,P) --> "}". tok(semicolon(L,P),1,L,P) --> ";". tok(comma(L,P),1,L,P) --> ",".

% keywords tok(keyword_if(L,P),2,L,P) --> "if". tok(keyword_else(L,P),4,L,P) --> "else". tok(keyword_while(L,P),5,L,P) --> "while". tok(keyword_print(L,P),5,L,P) --> "print". tok(keyword_putc(L,P),4,L,P) --> "putc".

% identifier and literals tok(identifier(I,L,P),Len,L,P) --> c_type(S,csymf), identifier(T), { atom_chars(I,[S|T]), length([S|T],Len) }. tok(integer(V,L,P),Len,L,P) --> integer_(V,Len). tok(integer(I,L,P),4,L,P) --> "'\\\\'", { char_code('\\', I) }. tok(integer(I,L,P),4,L,P) --> "'\\n'", { char_code('\n', I) }. tok(integer(I,L,P),3,L,P) --> ['\], [C], ['\], { dif(C,'\n'), dif(C,'\), char_code(C,I) }. tok(string(S,L,P),SLen,L,P) --> ['"'], string_(A),['"'], { atom_chars(S,A), length(A,Len), SLen is Len + 2 }.

% spaces tok(space(L,P),Len,L,P) --> c_types(S,space), { length(S,Len) }.

% anything else is an error tok(_,_,L,P) --> { format(atom(Error), 'Invalid token at line ~d,~d', [L,P]), throw(Error) }.</lang>

5       16      keyword_print
5       40      op_subtract
6       16      keyword_putc
6       40      op_less
7       16      keyword_if
7       40      op_greater
8       16      keyword_else
8       40      op_lessequal
9       16      keyword_while
9       40      op_greaterequal
10      16      left_brace
10      40      op_equal
11      16      right_brace
11      40      op_notequal
12      16      left_paren
12      40      op_and
13      16      right_paren
13      40      op_or
14      16      op_subtract
14      40      semicolon
15      16      op_not
15      40      comma
16      16      op_multiply
16      40      op_assign
17      16      op_divide
17      40      integer         42
18      16      op_mod
18      40      string          "String literal"
19      16      op_add
19      40      identifier      variable_name
20      26      integer         10
21      26      integer         92
22      26      integer         32
22      29      end_of_input


Tested with Python 2.7 and 3.x <lang Python>from __future__ import print_function import sys

  1. following two must remain in the same order

tk_EOI, tk_Mul, tk_Div, tk_Mod, tk_Add, tk_Sub, tk_Negate, tk_Not, tk_Lss, tk_Leq, tk_Gtr, \ tk_Geq, tk_Eq, tk_Neq, tk_Assign, tk_And, tk_Or, tk_If, tk_Else, tk_While, tk_Print, \ tk_Putc, tk_Lparen, tk_Rparen, tk_Lbrace, tk_Rbrace, tk_Semi, tk_Comma, tk_Ident, \ tk_Integer, tk_String = range(31)

all_syms = ["End_of_input", "Op_multiply", "Op_divide", "Op_mod", "Op_add", "Op_subtract",

   "Op_negate", "Op_not", "Op_less", "Op_lessequal", "Op_greater", "Op_greaterequal",
   "Op_equal", "Op_notequal", "Op_assign", "Op_and", "Op_or", "Keyword_if",
   "Keyword_else", "Keyword_while", "Keyword_print", "Keyword_putc", "LeftParen",
   "RightParen", "LeftBrace", "RightBrace", "Semicolon", "Comma", "Identifier",
   "Integer", "String"]
  1. single character only symbols

symbols = { '{': tk_Lbrace, '}': tk_Rbrace, '(': tk_Lparen, ')': tk_Rparen, '+': tk_Add, '-': tk_Sub,

   '*': tk_Mul, '%': tk_Mod, ';': tk_Semi, ',': tk_Comma }

key_words = {'if': tk_If, 'else': tk_Else, 'print': tk_Print, 'putc': tk_Putc, 'while': tk_While}

the_ch = " " # dummy first char - but it must be a space the_col = 0 the_line = 1 input_file = None

        • show error and exit

def error(line, col, msg):

   print(line, col, msg)
        • get the next character from the input

def next_ch():

   global the_ch, the_col, the_line
   the_ch =
   the_col += 1
   if the_ch == '\n':
       the_line += 1
       the_col = 0
   return the_ch
        • 'x' - character constants

def char_lit(err_line, err_col):

   n = ord(next_ch())              # skip opening quote
   if the_ch == '\:
       error(err_line, err_col, "empty character constant")
   elif the_ch == '\\':
       if the_ch == 'n':
           n = 10
       elif the_ch == '\\':
           n = ord('\\')
           error(err_line, err_col, "unknown escape sequence \\%c" % (the_ch))
   if next_ch() != '\:
       error(err_line, err_col, "multi-character constant")
   return tk_Integer, err_line, err_col, n
        • process divide or comments

def div_or_cmt(err_line, err_col):

   if next_ch() != '*':
       return tk_Div, err_line, err_col
   # comment found
   while True:
       if the_ch == '*':
           if next_ch() == '/':
               return gettok()
       elif len(the_ch) == 0:
           error(err_line, err_col, "EOF in comment")
        • "string"

def string_lit(start, err_line, err_col):

   text = ""
   while next_ch() != start:
       if len(the_ch) == 0:
           error(err_line, err_col, "EOF while scanning string literal")
       if the_ch == '\n':
           error(err_line, err_col, "EOL while scanning string literal")
       text += the_ch
   return tk_String, err_line, err_col, text
        • handle identifiers and integers

def ident_or_int(err_line, err_col):

   is_number = True
   text = ""
   while the_ch.isalnum() or the_ch == '_':
       text += the_ch
       if not the_ch.isdigit():
           is_number = False
   if len(text) == 0:
       error(err_line, err_col, "ident_or_int: unrecognized character: (%d) '%c'" % (ord(the_ch), the_ch))
   if text[0].isdigit():
       if not is_number:
           error(err_line, err_col, "invalid number: %s" % (text))
       n = int(text)
       return tk_Integer, err_line, err_col, n
   if text in key_words:
       return key_words[text], err_line, err_col
   return tk_Ident, err_line, err_col, text
        • look ahead for '>=', etc.

def follow(expect, ifyes, ifno, err_line, err_col):

   if next_ch() == expect:
       return ifyes, err_line, err_col
   if ifno == tk_EOI:
       error(err_line, err_col, "follow: unrecognized character: (%d) '%c'" % (ord(the_ch), the_ch))
   return ifno, err_line, err_col
        • return the next token type

def gettok():

   while the_ch.isspace():
   err_line = the_line
   err_col  = the_col
   if len(the_ch) == 0:    return tk_EOI, err_line, err_col
   elif the_ch == '/':     return div_or_cmt(err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '\:    return char_lit(err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '<':     return follow('=', tk_Leq, tk_Lss,    err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '>':     return follow('=', tk_Geq, tk_Gtr,    err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '=':     return follow('=', tk_Eq,  tk_Assign, err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '!':     return follow('=', tk_Neq, tk_Not,    err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '&':     return follow('&', tk_And, tk_EOI,    err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '|':     return follow('|', tk_Or,  tk_EOI,    err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch == '"':     return string_lit(the_ch, err_line, err_col)
   elif the_ch in symbols:
       sym = symbols[the_ch]
       return sym, err_line, err_col
   else: return ident_or_int(err_line, err_col)
        • main driver

input_file = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) > 1:

       input_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r", 4096)
   except IOError as e:
       error(0, 0, "Can't open %s" % sys.argv[1])

while True:

   t = gettok()
   tok  = t[0]
   line = t[1]
   col  = t[2]
   print("%5d  %5d   %-14s" % (line, col, all_syms[tok]), end=)
   if tok == tk_Integer:  print("   %5d" % (t[3]))
   elif tok == tk_Ident:  print("  %s" %   (t[3]))
   elif tok == tk_String: print('  "%s"' % (t[3]))
   else:                  print("")
   if tok == tk_EOI:
Output  —  test case 3:

    5     16   Keyword_print
    5     40   Op_subtract
    6     16   Keyword_putc
    6     40   Op_less
    7     16   Keyword_if
    7     40   Op_greater
    8     16   Keyword_else
    8     40   Op_lessequal
    9     16   Keyword_while
    9     40   Op_greaterequal
   10     16   LeftBrace
   10     40   Op_equal
   11     16   RightBrace
   11     40   Op_notequal
   12     16   LeftParen
   12     40   Op_and
   13     16   RightParen
   13     40   Op_or
   14     16   Op_subtract
   14     40   Semicolon
   15     16   Op_not
   15     40   Comma
   16     16   Op_multiply
   16     40   Op_assign
   17     16   Op_divide
   17     40   Integer             42
   18     16   Op_mod
   18     40   String          "String literal"
   19     16   Op_add
   19     40   Identifier      variable_name
   20     26   Integer             10
   21     26   Integer             92
   22     26   Integer             32
   23      1   End_of_input


Tested with QB64 1.5 <lang vb>dim shared source as string, the_ch as string, tok as string, toktyp as string dim shared line_n as integer, col_n as integer, text_p as integer, err_line as integer, err_col as integer, errors as integer

declare function isalnum&(s as string) declare function isalpha&(s as string) declare function isdigit&(s as string) declare sub divide_or_comment declare sub error_exit(line_n as integer, col_n as integer, msg as string) declare sub follow(c as string, typ2 as string, typ1 as string) declare sub nextch declare sub nexttok declare sub read_char_lit declare sub read_ident declare sub read_number declare sub read_string

const c_integer = "Integer", c_ident = "Identifier", c_string = "String"

dim out_fn as string, out_tok as string

if command$(1) = "" then print "Expecting a filename": end open command$(1) for binary as #1 source = space$(lof(1)) get #1, 1, source close #1

out_fn = command$(2): if out_fn <> "" then open out_fn for output as #1

line_n = 1: col_n = 0: text_p = 1: the_ch = " "


   call nexttok
   select case toktyp
       case c_integer, c_ident, c_string: out_tok = tok
       case else:                         out_tok = ""
   end select
   if out_fn = "" then
       print err_line, err_col, toktyp, out_tok
       print #1, err_line, err_col, toktyp, out_tok
   end if

loop until errors or tok = "" if out_fn <> "" then close #1 end

' get next tok, toktyp sub nexttok

   toktyp = ""
   restart: err_line = line_n: err_col = col_n: tok = the_ch
   select case the_ch
       case " ", chr$(9), chr$(10): call nextch:          goto restart
       case "/": call divide_or_comment: if tok = "" then goto restart
       case "%": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_mod"
       case "(": call nextch: toktyp = "LeftParen"
       case ")": call nextch: toktyp = "RightParen"
       case "*": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_multiply"
       case "+": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_add"
       case ",": call nextch: toktyp = "Comma"
       case "-": call nextch: toktyp = "Op_subtract"
       case ";": call nextch: toktyp = "Semicolon"
       case "{": call nextch: toktyp = "LeftBrace"
       case "}": call nextch: toktyp = "RightBrace"
       case "&": call follow("&", "Op_and",          "")
       case "|": call follow("|", "Op_or",           "")
       case "!": call follow("=", "Op_notequal",     "Op_not")
       case "<": call follow("=", "Op_lessequal",    "Op_less")
       case "=": call follow("=", "Op_equal",        "Op_assign")
       case ">": call follow("=", "Op_greaterequal", "Op_greater")
       case chr$(34): call read_string
       case chr$(39): call read_char_lit
       case "": toktyp = "End_of_input"
       case else
           if isdigit&(the_ch) then
               call read_number
           elseif isalpha&(the_ch) then
               call read_ident
               call nextch
           end if
   end select

end sub

sub follow(c as string, if_both as string, if_one as string)

   call nextch
   if the_ch = c then
       tok = tok + the_ch
       call nextch
       toktyp = if_both
       if if_one = "" then call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "Expecting " + c): exit sub
       toktyp = if_one
   end if

end sub

sub read_string

   toktyp = c_string
   call nextch
       tok = tok + the_ch
       select case the_ch
           case chr$(10): call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "EOL in string"): exit sub
           case "":       call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "EOF in string"): exit sub
           case chr$(34): call nextch: exit sub
           case else:     call nextch
       end select

end sub

sub read_char_lit

   toktyp = c_integer
   call nextch
   if the_ch = chr$(39) then
       call error_exit(err_line, err_col, "Empty character constant"): exit sub
   end if
   if the_ch = "\" then
       call nextch
       if the_ch = "n" then
           tok = "10"
       elseif the_ch = "\" then
           tok = "92"
           call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "Unknown escape sequence:" + the_ch): exit sub
       end if
       tok = ltrim$(str$(asc(the_ch)))
   end if
   call nextch
   if the_ch <> chr$(39) then
       call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "Multi-character constant"): exit sub
   end if
   call nextch

end sub

sub divide_or_comment

   call nextch
   if the_ch <> "*" then
       toktyp = "Op_divide"
   else  ' skip comments
       tok = ""
       call nextch
           if the_ch = "*" then
               call nextch
               if the_ch = "/" then
                   call nextch
                   exit sub
               end if
           elseif the_ch = "" then
               call error_exit(line_n, col_n, "EOF in comment"): exit sub
               call nextch
           end if
   end if

end sub

sub read_ident

       call nextch
       if not isalnum&(the_ch) then exit do
       tok = tok + the_ch
   select case tok
       case "else":  toktyp = "keyword_else"
       case "if":    toktyp = "keyword_if"
       case "print": toktyp = "keyword_print"
       case "putc":: toktyp = "keyword_putc"
       case "while": toktyp = "keyword_while"
       case else:    toktyp = c_ident
   end select

end sub

sub read_number

   toktyp = c_integer
       call nextch
       if not isdigit&(the_ch) then exit do
       tok = tok + the_ch
   if isalpha&(the_ch) then
       call error_exit(err_line, err_col, "Bogus number: " + tok + the_ch): exit sub
   end if

end sub

function isalpha&(s as string)

 dim c as string
 c = left$(s, 1)
 isalpha& = c <> "" and instr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_", c) > 0

end function

function isdigit&(s as string)

 dim c as string
 c = left$(s, 1)
 isdigit& = c <> "" and instr("0123456789", c) > 0

end function

function isalnum&(s as string)

 dim c as string
 c = left$(s, 1)
 isalnum& = c <> "" and instr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_", c) > 0

end function

' get next char - fold cr/lf into just lf sub nextch

   the_ch = ""
   col_n = col_n + 1
   if text_p > len(source) then exit sub
   the_ch = mid$(source, text_p, 1)
   text_p = text_p + 1
   if the_ch = chr$(13) then
       the_ch = chr$(10)
       if text_p <= len(source) then
           if mid$(source, text_p, 1) = chr$(10) then
               text_p = text_p + 1
           end if
       end if
   end if
   if the_ch = chr$(10) then
       line_n = line_n + 1
       col_n = 0
   end if

end sub

sub error_exit(line_n as integer, col_n as integer, msg as string)

   errors = -1
   print line_n, col_n, msg

end sub </lang>

Output  —  test case 3:

 5             16           keyword_print
 5             40           Op_subtract
 6             16           keyword_putc
 6             40           Op_less
 7             16           keyword_if
 7             40           Op_greater
 8             16           keyword_else
 8             40           Op_lessequal
 9             16           keyword_while
 9             40           Op_greaterequal
 10            16           LeftBrace
 10            40           Op_equal
 11            16           RightBrace
 11            40           Op_notequal
 12            16           LeftParen
 12            40           Op_and
 13            16           RightParen
 13            40           Op_or
 14            16           Op_subtract
 14            40           Semicolon
 15            16           Op_not
 15            40           Comma
 16            16           Op_multiply
 16            40           Op_assign
 17            16           Op_divide
 17            40           Integer       42
 18            16           Op_mod
 18            40           String        "String literal"
 19            16           Op_add
 19            40           Identifier    variable_name
 20            26           Integer       10
 21            26           Integer       92
 22            26           Integer       32
 23            1            End_of_input


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require parser-tools/lex)


 [letter         (union (char-range #\a #\z) (char-range #\A #\Z))]
 [digit          (char-range #\0 #\9)]
 [underscore     #\_]
 [identifier     (concatenation (union letter underscore)
                                (repetition 0 +inf.0 (union letter digit underscore)))]
 [integer        (repetition 1 +inf.0 digit)]
 [char-content   (char-complement (char-set "'\n"))]
 [char-literal   (union (concatenation #\' char-content #\')
                        "'\\n'" "'\\\\'")]
 [string-content (union (char-complement (char-set "\"\n")))]
 [string-literal (union (concatenation #\" (repetition 0 +inf.0 string-content) #\")
                        "\"\\n\"" "\"\\\\\"")]
 [keyword        (union "if" "else" "while" "print" "putc")]
 [operator       (union "*" "/" "%" "+" "-" "-"
                        "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "==" "!="
                        "!" "=" "&&" "||")]
 [symbol         (union "(" ")" "{" "}" ";" ",")]
 [comment        (concatenation "/*" (complement (concatenation any-string "*/" any-string)) "*/")])

(define operators-ht

 (hash "*"  'Op_multiply "/"  'Op_divide    "%" 'Op_mod      "+"  'Op_add           "-"  'Op_subtract
       "<"  'Op_less     "<=" 'Op_lessequal ">" 'Op_greater  ">=" 'Op_greaterequal "==" 'Op_equal
       "!=" 'Op_notequal "!"  'Op_not       "=" 'Op_assign   "&&" 'Op_and          "||" 'Op_or))

(define symbols-ht

 (hash "(" 'LeftParen  ")" 'RightParen
       "{" 'LeftBrace  "}" 'RightBrace
       ";" 'Semicolon  "," 'Comma))

(define (lexeme->keyword l) (string->symbol (~a "Keyword_" l))) (define (lexeme->operator l) (hash-ref operators-ht l)) (define (lexeme->symbol l) (hash-ref symbols-ht l)) (define (lexeme->char l) (match l

                              ["'\\\\'" #\\]
                              ["'\\n'"  #\newline]
                              [_       (string-ref l 1)]))

(define (token name [value #f])

 (cons name (if value (list value) '())))

(define (lex ip)

 (port-count-lines! ip)
 (define my-lexer
    [integer        (token 'Integer (string->number lexeme))]
    [char-literal   (token 'Integer (char->integer (lexeme->char lexeme)))]
    [string-literal (token 'String  lexeme)]
    [keyword        (token (lexeme->keyword  lexeme))]
    [operator       (token (lexeme->operator lexeme))]
    [symbol         (token (lexeme->symbol   lexeme))]
    [comment        #f]
    [whitespace     #f]
    [identifier     (token 'Identifier lexeme)]
    [(eof)          (token 'End_of_input)]))
 (define (next-token) (my-lexer ip))

(define (string->tokens s)

 (port->tokens (open-input-string s)))

(define (port->tokens ip)

 (define next-token (lex ip))
 (let loop ()
   (match (next-token)
     [(position-token t (position offset line col) _)
      (set! col (+ col 1)) ; output is 1-based
      (match t
        [#f                   (loop)] ; skip whitespace/comments
        [(list 'End_of_input) (list (list line col 'End_of_input))]
        [(list name value)    (cons (list line col name value) (loop))]
        [(list name)          (cons (list line col name)       (loop))]
        [_ (error)])])))

(define test1 #<<TEST /*

 Hello world

print("Hello, World!\n");


(define test2 #<<TEST /*

 Show Ident and Integers

phoenix_number = 142857; print(phoenix_number, "\n");



(define test3 #<<TEST /*

 All lexical tokens - not syntactically correct, but that will
 have to wait until syntax analysis

/* Print */ print /* Sub */ - /* Putc */ putc /* Lss */ < /* If */ if /* Gtr */ > /* Else */ else /* Leq */ <= /* While */ while /* Geq */ >= /* Lbrace */ { /* Eq */ == /* Rbrace */ } /* Neq */  != /* Lparen */ ( /* And */ && /* Rparen */ ) /* Or */ || /* Uminus */ - /* Semi */  ; /* Not */  ! /* Comma */ , /* Mul */ * /* Assign */ = /* Div */ / /* Integer */ 42 /* Mod */  % /* String */ "String literal" /* Add */ + /* Ident */ variable_name /* character literal */ '\n' /* character literal */ '\\' /* character literal */ ' ' TEST


(define test4 #<<TEST /*** test printing, embedded \n and comments with lots of '*' ***/ print(42); print("\nHello World\nGood Bye\nok\n"); print("Print a slash n - \\n.\n"); TEST


(define test5 #<<TEST count = 1; while (count < 10) {

   print("count is: ", count, "\n");
   count = count + 1;



(define (display-tokens ts)

 (for ([t ts])
   (for ([x t])
     (display x) (display "\t\t"))

"TEST 1" (display-tokens (string->tokens test1)) "TEST 2" (display-tokens (string->tokens test2)) "TEST 3" (display-tokens (string->tokens test3)) "TEST 4" (display-tokens (string->tokens test4)) "TEST 5" (display-tokens (string->tokens test5)) </lang>


(formerly Perl 6) This is more complicated than strictly necessary for this task. It is set up to be easily adapted to do syntax analysis.

(Note: there are several bogus comments added solely to help with syntax highlighting.)

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.08

<lang perl6>grammar tiny_C {

   rule TOP { ^ <.whitespace>? <tokens> + % <.whitespace> <.whitespace> <eoi> }
   rule whitespace { [ <comment> + % <ws> | <ws> ] }
   token comment    { '/*' ~ '*/' .*? }
   token tokens {
       | <operator>   { make $/<operator>.ast   }
       | <keyword>    { make $/<keyword>.ast    }
       | <symbol>     { make $/<symbol>.ast     }
       | <identifier> { make $/<identifier>.ast }
       | <integer>    { make $/<integer>.ast    }
       | <char>       { make $/<char>.ast       }
       | <string>     { make $/<string>.ast     }
       | <error>
   proto token operator    {*}
   token operator:sym<*>   { '*'               { make 'Op_multiply'    } }
   token operator:sym</>   { '/'<!before '*'>  { make 'Op_divide'      } }
   token operator:sym<%>   { '%'               { make 'Op_mod'         } }
   token operator:sym<+>   { '+'               { make 'Op_add'         } }
   token operator:sym<->   { '-'               { make 'Op_subtract'    } }
   token operator:sym('<='){ '<='              { make 'Op_lessequal'   } }
   token operator:sym('<') { '<'               { make 'Op_less'        } }
   token operator:sym('>='){ '>='              { make 'Op_greaterequal'} }
   token operator:sym('>') { '>'               { make 'Op_greater'     } }
   token operator:sym<==>  { '=='              { make 'Op_equal'       } }
   token operator:sym<!=>  { '!='              { make 'Op_notequal'    } }
   token operator:sym<!>   { '!'               { make 'Op_not'         } }
   token operator:sym<=>   { '='               { make 'Op_assign'      } }
   token operator:sym<&&>  { '&&'              { make 'Op_and'         } }
   token operator:sym<||>  { '||'              { make 'Op_or'          } }
   proto token keyword      {*}
   token keyword:sym<if>    { 'if'    { make 'Keyword_if'    } }
   token keyword:sym<else>  { 'else'  { make 'Keyword_else'  } }
   token keyword:sym<putc>  { 'putc'  { make 'Keyword_putc'  } }
   token keyword:sym<while> { 'while' { make 'Keyword_while' } }
   token keyword:sym<print> { 'print' { make 'Keyword_print' } }
   proto token symbol  {*}
   token symbol:sym<(> { '(' { make 'LeftParen'  } }
   token symbol:sym<)> { ')' { make 'RightParen' } }
   token symbol:sym<{> { '{' { make 'LeftBrace'  } }
   token symbol:sym<}> { '}' { make 'RightBrace' } }
   token symbol:sym<;> { ';' { make 'Semicolon'   } }
   token symbol:sym<,> { ',' { make 'Comma'       } }
   token identifier { <[_A..Za..z]><[_A..Za..z0..9]>* { make 'Identifier ' ~ $/ } }
   token integer    { <[0..9]>+                       { make 'Integer '    ~ $/ } }
   token char {
       '\ [<-[']> | '\n' | '\\\\'] '\
       { make 'Char_Literal ' ~ $/.subst("\\n", "\n").substr(1, *-1).ord }
   token string {
       '"' <-["\n]>* '"' #'
           make 'String ' ~ $/;
           note 'Error: Unknown escape sequence.' and exit if (~$/ ~~ m:r/ <!after <[\\]>>[\\<-[n\\]>]<!before <[\\]>> /);
   token eoi { $ { make 'End_of_input' } }
   token error {
       | '\'\                   { note 'Error: Empty character constant.' and exit }
       | '\ <-[']> ** {2..*} '\ { note 'Error: Multi-character constant.' and exit }
       | '/*' <-[*]>* $             { note 'Error: End-of-file in comment.'   and exit }
       | '"' <-["]>* $              { note 'Error: End-of-file in string.'    and exit }
       | '"' <-["]>*? \n            { note 'Error: End of line in string.'    and exit } #'


sub parse_it ( $c_code ) {

   my $l;
   my @pos = gather for $c_code.lines>>.chars.kv -> $line, $v {
       take [ $line + 1, $_ ] for 1 .. ($v+1); # v+1 for newline
       $l = $line+2;
   @pos.push: [ $l, 1 ]; # capture eoi
   for flat $c_code<tokens>.list, $c_code<eoi> -> $m {
       say join "\t", @pos[$m.from].fmt('%3d'), $m.ast;


my $tokenizer = tiny_C.parse(@*ARGS[0].IO.slurp); parse_it( $tokenizer );</lang>

Output  —  test case 3:
  5  16 Keyword_print
  5  40 Op_subtract
  6  16 Keyword_putc
  6  40 Op_less
  7  16 Keyword_if
  7  40 Op_greater
  8  16 Keyword_else
  8  40 Op_lessequal
  9  16 Keyword_while
  9  40 Op_greaterequal
 10  16 LeftBrace
 10  40 Op_equal
 11  16 RightBrace
 11  40 Op_notequal
 12  16 LeftParen
 12  40 Op_and
 13  16 RightParen
 13  40 Op_or
 14  16 Op_subtract
 14  40 Semicolon
 15  16 Op_not
 15  40 Comma
 16  16 Op_multiply
 16  40 Op_assign
 17  16 Op_divide
 17  40 Integer 42
 18  16 Op_mod
 18  40 String "String literal"
 19  16 Op_add
 19  40	Identifier variable_name
 20  26	Char_Literal 10
 21  26	Char_Literal 92
 22  26	Char_Literal 32
 23   1	End_of_input


The complete implementation for the compiler tasks can be found in a GitHub repository at which includes full unit testing for the samples given in Compiler/Sample programs.

The following code implements a configurable (from a symbol map and keyword map provided as parameters) lexical analyzer.

<lang scala> package xyz.hyperreal.rosettacodeCompiler

import import scala.util.matching.Regex

object LexicalAnalyzer {

 private val EOT = '\u0004'
 val symbols =
     "*"  -> "Op_multiply",
     "/"  -> "Op_divide",
     "%"  -> "Op_mod",
     "+"  -> "Op_add",
     "-"  -> "Op_minus",
     "<"  -> "Op_less",
     "<=" -> "Op_lessequal",
     ">"  -> "Op_greater",
     ">=" -> "Op_greaterequal",
     "==" -> "Op_equal",
     "!=" -> "Op_notequal",
     "!"  -> "Op_not",
     "="  -> "Op_assign",
     "&&" -> "Op_and",
     "¦¦" -> "Op_or",
     "("  -> "LeftParen",
     ")"  -> "RightParen",
     "{"  -> "LeftBrace",
     "}"  -> "RightBrace",
     ";"  -> "Semicolon",
     ","  -> "Comma"
 val keywords =
     "if"    -> "Keyword_if",
     "else"  -> "Keyword_else",
     "while" -> "Keyword_while",
     "print" -> "Keyword_print",
     "putc"  -> "Keyword_putc"
 val alpha        = ('a' to 'z' toSet) ++ ('A' to 'Z')
 val numeric      = '0' to '9' toSet
 val alphanumeric = alpha ++ numeric
 val identifiers  = StartRestToken("Identifier", alpha + '_', alphanumeric + '_')
 val integers     = SimpleToken("Integer", numeric, alpha, "alpha characters may not follow right after a number")
 val characters =
                  "[^'\\n]|\\\\n|\\\\\\\\" r,
                  "invalid character literal",
                  "unclosed character literal")
 val strings =
   DelimitedToken("String", '"', "[^\"\\n]*" r, "invalid string literal", "unclosed string literal")
 def apply =
   new LexicalAnalyzer(4, symbols, keywords, "End_of_input", identifiers, integers, characters, strings)
 abstract class Token
 case class StartRestToken(name: String, start: Set[Char], rest: Set[Char])                       extends Token
 case class SimpleToken(name: String, chars: Set[Char], exclude: Set[Char], excludeError: String) extends Token
 case class DelimitedToken(name: String, delimiter: Char, pattern: Regex, patternError: String, unclosedError: String)
     extends Token


class LexicalAnalyzer(tabs: Int,

                     symbols: Map[String, String],
                     keywords: Map[String, String],
                     endOfInput: String,
                     identifier: LexicalAnalyzer.Token,
                     tokens: LexicalAnalyzer.Token*) {
 import LexicalAnalyzer._
 private val symbolStartChars = symbols.keys map (_.head) toSet
 private val symbolChars      = symbols.keys flatMap (_.toList) toSet
 private var curline: Int     = _
 private var curcol: Int      = _
 def fromStdin = fromSource(Source.stdin)
 def fromString(src: String) = fromSource(Source.fromString(src))
 def fromSource(ast: Source) = {
   curline = 1
   curcol = 1
   var s = (ast ++ Iterator(EOT)) map (new Chr(_)) toStream
   def token(name: String, first: Chr) = println(f"${first.line}%5d ${first.col}%6d $name")
   def value(name: String, v: String, first: Chr) = println(f"${first.line}%5d ${first.col}%6d $name%-14s $v")
   def until(c: Char) = {
     val buf = new StringBuilder
     def until: String =
       if (s.head.c == EOT || s.head.c == c)
       else {
         buf += getch
   def next = s = s.tail
   def getch = {
     val c = s.head.c
   def consume(first: Char, cs: Set[Char]) = {
     val buf = new StringBuilder
     def consume: String =
       if (s.head.c == EOT || !cs(s.head.c))
       else {
         buf += getch
     buf += first
   def comment(start: Chr): Unit = {
     if (s.head.c == EOT || s.tail.head.c == EOT)
       sys.error(s"unclosed comment ${}")
     else if (s.tail.head.c != '/') {
     } else {
   def recognize(t: Token): Option[(String, String)] = {
     val first = s
     t match {
       case StartRestToken(name, start, rest) =>
         if (start(first.head.c))
           Some((name, consume(first.head.c, rest)))
         else {
           s = first
       case SimpleToken(name, chars, exclude, excludeError) =>
         if (chars(first.head.c)) {
           val m = consume(first.head.c, chars)
           if (exclude(s.head.c))
             sys.error(s"$excludeError ${}")
             Some((name, m))
         } else {
           s = first
       case DelimitedToken(name, delimiter, pattern, patternError, unclosedError) =>
         if (first.head.c == delimiter) {
           val m = until(delimiter)
           if (s.head.c != delimiter)
             sys.error(s"$unclosedError ${}")
           else if (pattern.pattern.matcher(m).matches) {
             Some((name, s"$delimiter$m$delimiter"))
           } else
             sys.error(s"$patternError ${}")
         } else {
           s = first
   def tokenize: Unit =
     if (s.head.c == EOT)
       token(endOfInput, s.head)
     else {
       if (s.head.c.isWhitespace)
       else if (s.head.c == '/' && s.tail.head.c == '*')
       else if (symbolStartChars(s.head.c)) {
         val first = s.head
         val buf   = new StringBuilder
         while (!symbols.contains(buf.toString) && s.head.c != EOT && symbolChars(s.head.c)) buf += getch
         while (symbols.contains(buf.toString :+ s.head.c) && s.head.c != EOT && symbolChars(s.head.c)) buf += getch
         symbols get buf.toString match {
           case Some(name) => token(name, first)
           case None       => sys.error(s"unrecognized symbol: '${buf.toString}' ${}")
       } else {
         val first = s.head
         recognize(identifier) match {
           case None =>
             def find(t: Int): Unit =
               if (t == tokens.length)
                 sys.error(s"unrecognized character ${}")
                 recognize(tokens(t)) match {
                   case None            => find(t + 1)
                   case Some((name, v)) => value(name, v, first)
           case Some((name, ident)) =>
             keywords get ident match {
               case None          => value(name, ident, first)
               case Some(keyword) => token(keyword, first)
 private class Chr(val c: Char) {
   val line = curline
   val col  = curcol
   if (c == '\n') {
     curline += 1
     curcol = 1
   } else if (c == '\r')
     curcol = 1
   else if (c == '\t')
     curcol += tabs - (curcol - 1) % tabs
     curcol += 1
   def at = s"[${line}, ${col}]"
   override def toString: String = s"<$c, $line, $col>"

} </lang>


<lang scheme> (import (scheme base)

       (scheme char)
       (scheme file)
       (scheme process-context)
       (scheme write))

(define *symbols* (list (cons #\( 'LeftParen)

                       (cons #\) 'RightParen)
                       (cons #\{ 'LeftBrace)
                       (cons #\} 'RightBrace)
                       (cons #\; 'Semicolon)
                       (cons #\, 'Comma)
                       (cons #\* 'Op_multiply)
                       (cons #\/ 'Op_divide)
                       (cons #\% 'Op_mod)
                       (cons #\+ 'Op_add)
                       (cons #\- 'Op_subtract)))

(define *keywords* (list (cons 'if 'Keyword_if)

                        (cons 'else 'Keyword_else)
                        (cons 'while 'Keyword_while)
                        (cons 'print 'Keyword_print)
                        (cons 'putc 'Keyword_putc)))
return list of tokens from current port

(define (read-tokens)

 ; information on position in input
 (define line 1) 
 (define col 0)
 (define next-char #f) 
 ; get char, updating line/col posn
 (define (get-next-char) 
   (if (char? next-char) ; check for returned character
     (let ((c next-char))
       (set! next-char #f)
     (let ((c (read-char)))
       (cond ((and (not (eof-object? c))
                   (char=? c #\newline))
              (set! col 0)
              (set! line (+ 1 line))
               (set! col (+ 1 col))
 (define (push-char c)
   (set! next-char c))
 ; step over any whitespace or comments
 (define (skip-whitespace+comment)
   (let loop ()
     (let ((c (get-next-char)))
       (cond ((eof-object? c)
             ((char-whitespace? c) ; ignore whitespace
             ((char=? c #\/) ; check for comments
              (if (char=? (peek-char) #\*) ; found start of comment
                (begin ; eat comment
                  (let m ((c (get-next-char)))
                    (cond ((eof-object? c)
                           (error "End of file in comment"))
                          ((and (char=? c #\*)
                                (char=? (peek-char) #\/))
                           (get-next-char)) ; eat / and end
                            (m (get-next-char)))))
                  (loop)) ; continue looking for whitespace / more comments
                (push-char #\/))) ; not comment, so put / back and return
             (else ; return to stream, as not a comment or space char
               (push-char c))))))
 ; read next token from input
 (define (next-token)
   (define (read-string) ; returns string value along with " "  marks
     (let loop ((chars '(#\"))) ; " (needed to appease Rosetta code's highlighter)
       (cond ((eof-object? (peek-char))
              (error "End of file while scanning string literal."))
             ((char=? (peek-char) #\newline)
              (error "End of line while scanning string literal."))
             ((char=? (peek-char) #\") ; " 
              (get-next-char) ; consume the final quote
              (list->string (reverse (cons #\" chars)))) ; "  highlighter)
               (loop (cons (get-next-char) chars))))))
   (define (read-identifier initial-c) ; returns identifier as a Scheme symbol
     (do ((chars (list initial-c) (cons c chars))
          (c (get-next-char) (get-next-char)))
       ((or (eof-object? c) ; finish when hit end of file
            (not (or (char-numeric? c) ; or a character not permitted in an identifier
                     (char-alphabetic? c)
                     (char=? c #\_))))
        (push-char c) ; return last character to stream
        (string->symbol (list->string (reverse chars))))))
   (define (read-number initial-c) ; returns integer read as a Scheme integer
     (let loop ((res (digit-value initial-c))
                (c (get-next-char)))
       (cond ((char-alphabetic? c)
              (error "Invalid number - ends in alphabetic chars"))
             ((char-numeric? c)
              (loop (+ (* res 10) (digit-value c))
               (push-char c) ; return non-number to stream
   ; select op symbol based on if there is a following = sign
   (define (check-eq-extend start-line start-col opeq op)
     (if (char=? (peek-char) #\=)
       (begin (get-next-char) ; consume it
              (list start-line start-col opeq))
       (list start-line start-col op)))
   (let* ((start-line line)   ; save start position of tokens
          (start-col col)
          (c (get-next-char)))
     (cond ((eof-object? c)
            (list start-line start-col 'End_of_input))
           ((char-alphabetic? c) ; read an identifier
            (let ((id (read-identifier c)))
              (if (assq id *keywords*) ; check if identifier is a keyword
                (list start-line start-col (cdr (assq id *keywords*)))
                (list start-line start-col 'Identifier id))))
           ((char-numeric? c) ; read a number
            (list start-line start-col 'Integer (read-number c)))
             (case c
               ((#\( #\) #\{ #\} #\; #\, #\* #\/ #\% #\+ #\-)
                (list start-line start-col (cdr (assq c *symbols*))))
                (check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_lessequal 'Op_less))
                (check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_greaterequal 'Op_greater))
                (check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_equal 'Op_assign))
                (check-eq-extend start-line start-col 'Op_notequal 'Op_not))
               ((#\& #\|)
                (if (char=? (peek-char) c) ; looks for && or || 
                  (begin (get-next-char) ; consume second character if valid
                         (list start-line start-col 
                               (if (char=? c #\&) 'Op_and 'Op_or)))
                  (push-char c)))
               ((#\") ; " 
                (list start-line start-col 'String (read-string)))
                (let* ((c1 (get-next-char))
                       (c2 (get-next-char)))
                  (cond ((or (eof-object? c1)
                             (eof-object? c2))
                         (error "Incomplete character constant"))
                        ((char=? c1 #\')
                         (error "Empty character constant"))
                        ((and (char=? c2 #\') ; case of single character
                              (not (char=? c1 #\\)))
                         (list start-line start-col 'Integer (char->integer c1)))
                        ((and (char=? c1 #\\) ; case of escaped character
                              (char=? (peek-char) #\'))
                         (get-next-char) ; consume the ending '
                         (cond ((char=? c2 #\n)
                                (list start-line start-col 'Integer 10))
                               ((char=? c2 #\\)
                                (list start-line start-col 'Integer (char->integer c2)))
                                 (error "Unknown escape sequence"))))
                          (error "Multi-character constant")))))
                 (error "Unrecognised character")))))))
 (let loop ((tokens '())) ; loop, ignoring space/comments, while reading tokens
   (let ((tok (next-token)))
     (if (eof-object? (peek-char)) ; check if at end of input
       (reverse (cons tok tokens))
       (loop (cons tok tokens))))))

(define (lexer filename)

 (with-input-from-file filename 
                       (lambda () (read-tokens))))
output tokens to stdout, tab separated
line number, column number, token type, optional value

(define (display-tokens tokens)

   (lambda (token)
     (display (list-ref token 0))
     (display #\tab) (display (list-ref token 1))
     (display #\tab) (display (list-ref token 2))
     (when (= 4 (length token))
       (display #\tab) (display (list-ref token 3)))
read from filename passed on command line

(if (= 2 (length (command-line)))

 (display-tokens (lexer (cadr (command-line))))
 (display "Error: provide program filename\n"))



Output shown for "hello.c" example. Tested against all programs in Compiler/Sample programs.

4	1	Keyword_print
4	6	LeftParen
4	7	String	"Hello, World!\n"
4	24	RightParen
4	25	Semicolon
5	1	End_of_input


Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-dynamic
Library: Wren-str
Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-ioutil

<lang ecmascript>import "/dynamic" for Enum, Struct, Tuple import "/str" for Char import "/fmt" for Fmt import "/ioutil" for FileUtil import "os" for Process

var tokens = [



var Token = Enum.create("Token", tokens)

var TokData = Struct.create("TokData", ["eline", "ecol", "tok", "v"])

var Symbol = Tuple.create("Symbol", ["name", "tok"])

// symbol table var symtab = []

var curLine = "" var curCh = "" var lineNum = 0 var colNum = 0 var etx = 4 // used to signify EOI

var lines = [] var lineCount = 0

var errorMsg = { |eline, ecol, msg| Fiber.abort("(%(eline):%(ecol)) %(msg)") }

// add an identifier to the symbpl table var install = { |name, tok|

   var sym =, tok)


// search for an identifier in the symbol table var lookup = { |name|

   for (i in 0...symtab.count) {
       if (symtab[i].name == name) return i
   return -1


// read the next line of input from the source file var nextLine // recursive function nextLine = {

   if (lineNum == lineCount) {
       curCh = etx
       curLine = ""
       colNum = 1
   curLine = lines[lineNum]
   lineNum = lineNum + 1
   colNum = 0
   if (curLine == "")  // skip blank lines


// get the next char var nextChar = {

   if (colNum >= curLine.count)
   if (colNum < curLine.count) {
       curCh = curLine[colNum]
       colNum = colNum + 1


var follow = { |eline, ecol, expect, ifyes, ifno|

   if (curCh == expect) {
       return ifyes
   if (ifno == Token.EOI) {, ecol, "follow unrecognized character: " + curCh)
   return ifno


var getTok // recursive function getTok = {

   // skip whitespace
   while (curCh == " " || curCh == "\t" || curCh == "\n")
   var td =, colNum, 0, "")
   if (curCh == etx) {
       td.tok = Token.EOI
       return td
   if (curCh == "{") {
       td.tok = Token.Lbrace
       return td
   if (curCh == "}") {
       td.tok = Token.Rbrace
       return td
   if (curCh == "(") {
       td.tok = Token.Lparen
       return td
   if (curCh == ")") {
       td.tok = Token.Rparen
       return td
   if (curCh == "+") {
       td.tok = Token.Add
       return td
   if (curCh == "-") {
       td.tok = Token.Sub
       return td
   if (curCh == "*") {
       td.tok = Token.Mul
       return td
   if (curCh == "\%") {
       td.tok = Token.Mod
       return td
   if (curCh == ";") {
       td.tok = Token.Semi
       return td
   if (curCh == ",") {
       td.tok = Token.Comma
       return td
   if (curCh == "'") { // single char literals
       td.v = curCh.bytes[0].toString
       if (curCh == "'") {
 , td.ecol, "Empty character constant")
       if (curCh == "\\") {
           if (curCh == "n") {
               td.v = "10"
           } else if (curCh == "\\") {
               td.v = "92"
           } else {
     , td.ecol, "unknown escape sequence: "+ curCh)
       if (curCh != "'") {
 , td.ecol, "multi-character constant")
       td.tok = Token.Integer
       return td
   if (curCh == "<") {
       td.tok =, td.ecol, "=",  Token.Leq, Token.Lss)
       return td
   if (curCh == ">") {
       td.tok =, td.ecol, "=", Token.Geq, Token.Gtr)
       return td
   if (curCh == "!") {
       td.tok =, td.ecol, "=", Token.Neq, Token.Not)
       return td
   if (curCh == "=") {
       td.tok =, td.ecol, "=", Token.Eq, Token.Assign)
       return td
   if (curCh == "&") {
       td.tok =, td.ecol, "&", Token.And, Token.EOI)
       return td
   if (curCh == "|") {
       td.tok =, td.ecol, "|", Token.Or, Token.EOI)
       return td
   if (curCh == "\"") { // string
       td.v = curCh
       while (curCh != "\"") {
           if (curCh == "\n") {
     , td.ecol, "EOL in string")
           if (curCh == etx) {
     , td.ecol, "EOF in string")
           td.v = td.v + curCh
       td.v = td.v + curCh
       td.tok = Token.String
       return td
   if (curCh == "/") { // div or comment
       if (curCh != "*") {
           td.tok = Token.Div
           return td
       // skip comments
       while (true) {
           if (curCh == "*") {
               if (curCh == "/") {
           } else if (curCh == etx) {
     , td.ecol, "EOF in comment")
           } else {
   //integers or identifiers
   var isNumber = Char.isDigit(curCh)
   td.v = ""
   while (Char.isAsciiAlphaNum(curCh) || curCh == "_") {
       if (!Char.isDigit(curCh)) isNumber = false
       td.v = td.v + curCh
   if (td.v.count == 0) {, td.ecol, "unknown character: " + curCh)
   if (Char.isDigit(td.v[0])) {
       if (!isNumber) {
 , td.ecol, "invalid number: " + curCh)
       td.tok = Token.Integer
       return td
   var index =
   td.tok = (index == -1) ? Token.Ident : symtab[index].tok
   return td


var initLex = {"else", Token.Else)"if", Token.If)"print", Token.Print)"putc", Token.Putc)"while", Token.While)


var process = {

   var tokMap = {}
   tokMap[Token.EOI]     = "End_of_input"
   tokMap[Token.Mul]     = "Op_multiply"
   tokMap[Token.Div]     = "Op_divide"
   tokMap[Token.Mod]     = "Op_mod"
   tokMap[Token.Add]     = "Op_add"
   tokMap[Token.Sub]     = "Op_subtract"
   tokMap[Token.Negate]  = "Op_negate"
   tokMap[Token.Not]     = "Op_not"
   tokMap[Token.Lss]     = "Op_less"
   tokMap[Token.Leq]     = "Op_lessequal"
   tokMap[Token.Gtr]     = "Op_greater"
   tokMap[Token.Geq]     = "Op_greaterequal"
   tokMap[Token.Eq]      = "Op_equal"
   tokMap[Token.Neq]     = "Op_notequal"
   tokMap[Token.Assign]  = "Op_assign"
   tokMap[Token.And]     = "Op_and"
   tokMap[Token.Or]      = "Op_or"
   tokMap[Token.If]      = "Keyword_if"
   tokMap[Token.Else]    = "Keyword_else"
   tokMap[Token.While]   = "Keyword_while"
   tokMap[Token.Print]   = "Keyword_print"
   tokMap[Token.Putc]    = "Keyword_putc"
   tokMap[Token.Lparen]  = "LeftParen"
   tokMap[Token.Rparen]  = "RightParen"
   tokMap[Token.Lbrace]  = "LeftBrace"
   tokMap[Token.Rbrace]  = "RightBrace"
   tokMap[Token.Semi]    = "Semicolon"
   tokMap[Token.Comma]   = "Comma"
   tokMap[Token.Ident]   = "Identifier"
   tokMap[Token.Integer] = "Integer"
   tokMap[Token.String]  = "String"
   while (true) {
       var td =
       Fmt.write("$5d  $5d $-16s", td.eline, td.ecol, tokMap[td.tok])
       if (td.tok == Token.Integer || td.tok == Token.Ident || td.tok == Token.String) {
       } else {
       if (td.tok == Token.EOI) return


var args = Process.arguments if (args.count == 0) {

   System.print("Filename required")


lines = FileUtil.readLines(args[0]) lineCount = lines.count</lang>


For test case 3:

    5     16 Keyword_print   
    5     40 Op_subtract     
    6     16 Keyword_putc    
    6     40 Op_less         
    7     16 Keyword_if      
    7     40 Op_greater      
    8     16 Keyword_else    
    8     40 Op_lessequal    
    9     16 Keyword_while   
    9     40 Op_greaterequal 
   10     16 LeftBrace       
   10     40 Op_equal        
   11     16 RightBrace      
   11     40 Op_notequal     
   12     16 LeftParen       
   12     40 Op_and          
   13     16 RightParen      
   13     40 Op_or           
   14     16 Op_subtract     
   14     40 Semicolon       
   15     16 Op_not          
   15     40 Comma           
   16     16 Op_multiply     
   16     40 Op_assign       
   17     16 Op_divide       
   17     40 Integer         42
   18     16 Op_mod          
   18     40 String          "String literal"
   19     16 Op_add          
   19     40 Identifier      variable_name
   20     26 Integer         10
   21     26 Integer         92
   22     26 Integer         32
   23      1 End_of_input    


<lang zig> const std = @import("std");

pub const TokenType = enum {

   // More efficient implementation can be done with `std.enums.directEnumArray`.
   pub fn toString(self: @This()) []const u8 {
       return switch (self) {
           .unknown => "UNKNOWN",
           .multiply => "Op_multiply",
           .divide => "Op_divide",
           .mod => "Op_mod",
           .add => "Op_add",
           .subtract => "Op_subtract",
           .negate => "Op_negate",
           .less => "Op_less",
           .less_equal => "Op_lessequal",
           .greater => "Op_greater",
           .greater_equal => "Op_greaterequal",
           .equal => "Op_equal",
           .not_equal => "Op_notequal",
           .not => "Op_not",
           .assign => "Op_assign",
           .bool_and => "Op_and",
           .bool_or => "Op_or",
           .left_paren => "LeftParen",
           .right_paren => "RightParen",
           .left_brace => "LeftBrace",
           .right_brace => "RightBrace",
           .semicolon => "Semicolon",
           .comma => "Comma",
           .kw_if => "Keyword_if",
           .kw_else => "Keyword_else",
           .kw_while => "Keyword_while",
           .kw_print => "Keyword_print",
           .kw_putc => "Keyword_putc",
           .identifier => "Identifier",
           .integer => "Integer",
           .string => "String",
           .eof => "End_of_input",


pub const TokenValue = union(enum) {

   intlit: i32,
   string: []const u8,


pub const Token = struct {

   line: usize,
   col: usize,
   typ: TokenType = .unknown,
   value: ?TokenValue = null,


// Error conditions described in the task. pub const LexerError = error{



pub const Lexer = struct {

   content: []const u8,
   line: usize,
   col: usize,
   offset: usize,
   start: bool,
   const Self = @This();
   pub fn init(content: []const u8) Lexer {
       return Lexer{
           .content = content,
           .line = 1,
           .col = 1,
           .offset = 0,
           .start = true,
   pub fn buildToken(self: Self) Token {
       return Token{ .line = self.line, .col = self.col };
   pub fn buildTokenT(self: Self, typ: TokenType) Token {
       return Token{ .line = self.line, .col = self.col, .typ = typ };
   pub fn curr(self: Self) u8 {
       return self.content[self.offset];
   // Alternative implementation is to return `Token` value from `next()` which is
   // arguably more idiomatic version.
   pub fn next(self: *Self) ?u8 {
       // We use `start` in order to make the very first invocation of `next()` to return
       // the very first character. It should be possible to avoid this variable.
       if (self.start) {
           self.start = false;
       } else {
           const newline = self.curr() == '\n';
           self.offset += 1;
           if (newline) {
               self.col = 1;
               self.line += 1;
           } else {
               self.col += 1;
       if (self.offset >= self.content.len) {
           return null;
       } else {
           return self.curr();
   pub fn peek(self: Self) ?u8 {
       if (self.offset + 1 >= self.content.len) {
           return null;
       } else {
           return self.content[self.offset + 1];
   fn divOrComment(self: *Self) LexerError!?Token {
       var result = self.buildToken();
       if (self.peek()) |peek_ch| {
           if (peek_ch == '*') {
               _ =; // peeked character
               while ( |ch| {
                   if (ch == '*') {
                       if (self.peek()) |next_ch| {
                           if (next_ch == '/') {
                               _ =; // peeked character
                               return null;
               return LexerError.EndOfFileInComment;
       result.typ = .divide;
       return result;
   fn identifierOrKeyword(self: *Self) !Token {
       var result = self.buildToken();
       const init_offset = self.offset;
       while (self.peek()) |ch| : (_ = {
           switch (ch) {
               '_', 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '0'...'9' => {},
               else => break,
       const final_offset = self.offset + 1;
       if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.content[init_offset..final_offset], "if")) {
           result.typ = .kw_if;
       } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.content[init_offset..final_offset], "else")) {
           result.typ = .kw_else;
       } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.content[init_offset..final_offset], "while")) {
           result.typ = .kw_while;
       } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.content[init_offset..final_offset], "print")) {
           result.typ = .kw_print;
       } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, self.content[init_offset..final_offset], "putc")) {
           result.typ = .kw_putc;
       } else {
           result.typ = .identifier;
           result.value = TokenValue{ .string = self.content[init_offset..final_offset] };
       return result;
   fn string(self: *Self) !Token {
       var result = self.buildToken();
       result.typ = .string;
       const init_offset = self.offset;
       while ( |ch| {
           switch (ch) {
               '"' => break,
               '\n' => return LexerError.EndOfLineInString,
               '\\' => {
                   switch (self.peek() orelse return LexerError.EndOfFileInString) {
                       'n', '\\' => _ =, // peeked character
                       else => return LexerError.UnknownEscapeSequence,
               else => {},
       } else {
           return LexerError.EndOfFileInString;
       const final_offset = self.offset + 1;
       result.value = TokenValue{ .string = self.content[init_offset..final_offset] };
       return result;
   /// Choose either `ifyes` or `ifno` token type depending on whether the peeked
   /// character is `by`.
   fn followed(self: *Self, by: u8, ifyes: TokenType, ifno: TokenType) Token {
       var result = self.buildToken();
       if (self.peek()) |ch| {
           if (ch == by) {
               _ =; // peeked character
               result.typ = ifyes;
           } else {
               result.typ = ifno;
       } else {
           result.typ = ifno;
       return result;
   /// Raise an error if there's no next `by` character but return token with `typ` otherwise.
   fn consecutive(self: *Self, by: u8, typ: TokenType) LexerError!Token {
       const result = self.buildTokenT(typ);
       if (self.peek()) |ch| {
           if (ch == by) {
               _ =; // peeked character
               return result;
           } else {
               return LexerError.UnrecognizedCharacter;
       } else {
           return LexerError.UnrecognizedCharacter;
   fn integerLiteral(self: *Self) LexerError!Token {
       var result = self.buildTokenT(.integer);
       const init_offset = self.offset;
       while (self.peek()) |ch| {
           switch (ch) {
               '0'...'9' => _ =, // peeked character
               '_', 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z' => return LexerError.InvalidNumber,
               else => break,
       const final_offset = self.offset + 1;
       result.value = TokenValue{
           .intlit = std.fmt.parseInt(i32, self.content[init_offset..final_offset], 10) catch {
               return LexerError.InvalidNumber;
       return result;
   // This is a beautiful way of how Zig allows to remove bilerplate and at the same time
   // to not lose any error completeness guarantees.
   fn nextOrEmpty(self: *Self) LexerError!u8 {
       return orelse LexerError.EmptyCharacterConstant;
   fn integerChar(self: *Self) LexerError!Token {
       var result = self.buildTokenT(.integer);
       switch (try self.nextOrEmpty()) {
           '\, '\n' => return LexerError.EmptyCharacterConstant,
           '\\' => {
               switch (try self.nextOrEmpty()) {
                   'n' => result.value = TokenValue{ .intlit = '\n' },
                   '\\' => result.value = TokenValue{ .intlit = '\\' },
                   else => return LexerError.EmptyCharacterConstant,
               switch (try self.nextOrEmpty()) {
                   '\ => {},
                   else => return LexerError.MulticharacterConstant,
           else => {
               result.value = TokenValue{ .intlit = self.curr() };
               switch (try self.nextOrEmpty()) {
                   '\ => {},
                   else => return LexerError.MulticharacterConstant,
       return result;


pub fn lex(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, content: []u8) !std.ArrayList(Token) {

   var tokens = std.ArrayList(Token).init(allocator);
   var lexer = Lexer.init(content);
   while ( |ch| {
       switch (ch) {
           ' ' => {},
           '*' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.multiply)),
           '%' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.mod)),
           '+' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.add)),
           '-' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.subtract)),
           '<' => try tokens.append(lexer.followed('=', .less_equal, .less)),
           '>' => try tokens.append(lexer.followed('=', .greater_equal, .greater)),
           '=' => try tokens.append(lexer.followed('=', .equal, .assign)),
           '!' => try tokens.append(lexer.followed('=', .not_equal, .not)),
           '(' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.left_paren)),
           ')' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.right_paren)),
           '{' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.left_brace)),
           '}' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.right_brace)),
           ';' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.semicolon)),
           ',' => try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.comma)),
           '&' => try tokens.append(try lexer.consecutive('&', .bool_and)),
           '|' => try tokens.append(try lexer.consecutive('|', .bool_or)),
           '/' => {
               if (try lexer.divOrComment()) |token| try tokens.append(token);
           '_', 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z' => try tokens.append(try lexer.identifierOrKeyword()),
           '"' => try tokens.append(try lexer.string()),
           '0'...'9' => try tokens.append(try lexer.integerLiteral()),
           '\ => try tokens.append(try lexer.integerChar()),
           else => {},
   try tokens.append(lexer.buildTokenT(.eof));
   return tokens;


pub fn main() !void {

   var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
   defer arena.deinit();
   const allocator = arena.allocator();
   var arg_it = std.process.args();
   _ = try orelse unreachable; // program name
   const file_name =;
   // We accept both files and standard input.
   var file_handle = blk: {
       if (file_name) |file_name_delimited| {
           const fname: []const u8 = try file_name_delimited;
           break :blk try std.fs.cwd().openFile(fname, .{});
       } else {
           break :blk;
   defer file_handle.close();
   const input_content = try file_handle.readToEndAlloc(allocator, std.math.maxInt(usize));
   const tokens = try lex(allocator, input_content);
   const pretty_output = try tokenListToString(allocator, tokens);
   _ = try;


fn tokenListToString(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, token_list: std.ArrayList(Token)) ![]u8 {

   var result = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
   var w = result.writer();
   for (token_list.items) |token| {
       const common_args = .{ token.line, token.col, token.typ.toString() };
       if (token.value) |value| {
           const init_fmt = "{d:>5}{d:>7} {s:<15}";
           switch (value) {
               .string => |str| _ = try w.write(try std.fmt.allocPrint(
                   init_fmt ++ "{s}\n",
                   common_args ++ .{str},
               .intlit => |i| _ = try w.write(try std.fmt.allocPrint(
                   init_fmt ++ "{d}\n",
                   common_args ++ .{i},
       } else {
           _ = try w.write(try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{d:>5}{d:>7} {s}\n", common_args));
   return result.items;

} </lang>