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{{works with|Mercury|20.06.1}}

<lang Mercury>% -*- mercury -*-
% Compile with maybe something like:
% mmc -O4 --intermod-opt -E --make --warn-non-tail-recursion self-and-mutual lex

:- module lex.

:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.

:- implementation.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module exception.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module stack.
:- import_module string.

:- type token_t
---> token_ELSE
; token_IF
; token_PRINT
; token_PUTC
; token_WHILE
; token_MULTIPLY
; token_DIVIDE
; token_MOD
; token_ADD
; token_SUBTRACT
; token_NEGATE
; token_LESS
; token_GREATER
; token_EQUAL
; token_NOTEQUAL
; token_NOT
; token_ASSIGN
; token_AND
; token_OR
; token_COMMA
; token_INTEGER
; token_STRING
; token_END_OF_INPUT.

:- type ch_t % The type of a fetched character.
---> {int, % A character or `eof', stored as an int.
int, % The line number.
int}. % The column number.

:- type inp_t % The `inputter' type. Fetches one character.
---> inp_t(inpf :: text_input_stream,
line_no :: int,
column_no :: int,
pushback :: stack(ch_t)).

:- type toktup_t % The type of a scanned token with its argument.
---> {token_t, % The token kind.
string, % An argument. (May or may not be meaningful.)
int, % The starting line number.
int}. % The starting column number.

main(!IO) :-
command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
if (Args = [])
then (InpF_filename = "-",
OutF_filename = "-",
main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO))
else if (Args = [F1])
then (InpF_filename = F1,
OutF_filename = "-",
main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO))
else if (Args = [F1, F2])
then (InpF_filename = F1,
OutF_filename = F2,
main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO))
else usage_error(!IO)

:- pred main_program(string::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
main_program(InpF_filename, OutF_filename, !IO) :-
open_InpF(InpF, InpF_filename, !IO),
open_OutF(OutF, OutF_filename, !IO),
init(InpF, Inp0),
scan_text(OutF, Inp0, _, !IO).

:- pred open_InpF(text_input_stream::out, string::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
open_InpF(InpF, InpF_filename, !IO) :-
if (InpF_filename = "-")
then (InpF = io.stdin_stream)
open_input(InpF_filename, InpF_result, !IO),
if (InpF_result = ok(F))
then (InpF = F)
else throw("Error: cannot open " ++ InpF_filename ++
" for input")

:- pred open_OutF(text_output_stream::out, string::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
open_OutF(OutF, OutF_filename, !IO) :-
if (OutF_filename = "-")
then (OutF = io.stdout_stream)
open_output(OutF_filename, OutF_result, !IO),
if (OutF_result = ok(F))
then (OutF = F)
else throw("Error: cannot open " ++ OutF_filename ++
" for output")

:- pred usage_error(io::di, io::uo) is det.
usage_error(!IO) :-
progname("lex", ProgName, !IO),
(io.format("Usage: %s [INPUT_FILE [OUTPUT_FILE]]\n",
[s(ProgName)], !IO)),
(io.write_string("If INPUT_FILE is \"-\" or not present then standard input is used.\n",
(io.write_string("If OUTPUT_FILE is \"-\" or not present then standard output is used.\n",
set_exit_status(1, !IO).

:- pred scan_text(text_output_stream::in, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_text(OutF, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_next_token(TokTup, !Inp, !IO),
print_token(TokTup, OutF, !IO),
{Tok, _, _, _} = TokTup,
if (Tok = token_END_OF_INPUT)
then true
else scan_text(OutF, !Inp, !IO)

:- pred print_token(toktup_t::in, text_output_stream::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
print_token(TokTup, OutF, !IO) :-
{Tok, Arg, Line_no, Column_no} = TokTup,
token_name(Tok) = TokName,
(io.format(OutF, "%5d %5d %s",
[i(Line_no), i(Column_no), s(TokName)],
if (Tok = token_IDENTIFIER)
then (io.format(OutF, " %s", [s(Arg)], !IO))
else if (Tok = token_INTEGER)
then (io.format(OutF, " %s", [s(Arg)], !IO))
else if (Tok = token_STRING)
then (io.format(OutF, " %s", [s(Arg)], !IO))
else true
(io.format(OutF, "\n", [], !IO)).

:- func token_name(token_t) = string is det.
:- pred token_name(token_t::in, string::out) is det.
token_name(Tok) = Str :- token_name(Tok, Str).
token_name(token_ELSE, "Keyword_else").
token_name(token_IF, "Keyword_if").
token_name(token_PRINT, "Keyword_print").
token_name(token_PUTC, "Keyword_putc").
token_name(token_WHILE, "Keyword_while").
token_name(token_MULTIPLY, "Op_multiply").
token_name(token_DIVIDE, "Op_divide").
token_name(token_MOD, "Op_mod").
token_name(token_ADD, "Op_add").
token_name(token_SUBTRACT, "Op_subtract").
token_name(token_NEGATE, "Op_negate").
token_name(token_LESS, "Op_less").
token_name(token_LESSEQUAL, "Op_lessequal").
token_name(token_GREATER, "Op_greater").
token_name(token_GREATEREQUAL, "Op_greaterequal").
token_name(token_EQUAL, "Op_equal").
token_name(token_NOTEQUAL, "Op_notequal").
token_name(token_NOT, "Op_not").
token_name(token_ASSIGN, "Op_assign").
token_name(token_AND, "Op_and").
token_name(token_OR, "Op_or").
token_name(token_LEFTPAREN, "LeftParen").
token_name(token_RIGHTPAREN, "RightParen").
token_name(token_LEFTBRACE, "LeftBrace").
token_name(token_RIGHTBRACE, "RightBrace").
token_name(token_SEMICOLON, "Semicolon").
token_name(token_COMMA, "Comma").
token_name(token_IDENTIFIER, "Identifier").
token_name(token_INTEGER, "Integer").
token_name(token_STRING, "String").
token_name(token_END_OF_INPUT, "End_of_input").

:- pred get_next_token(toktup_t::out, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
get_next_token(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-
skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO),
get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
{IChar, Line_no, Column_no} = Ch,
LN = Line_no,
CN = Column_no,
if (IChar = eof)
TokTup = {token_END_OF_INPUT, "", LN, CN}
Char = det_from_int(IChar),
if (Char = (','))
then (TokTup = {token_COMMA, ",", LN, CN})
else if (Char = (';'))
then (TokTup = {token_SEMICOLON, ";", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('('))
then (TokTup = {token_LEFTPAREN, "(", LN, CN})
else if (Char = (')'))
then (TokTup = {token_RIGHTPAREN, ")", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('{'))
then (TokTup = {token_LEFTBRACE, "{", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('}'))
then (TokTup = {token_RIGHTBRACE, "}", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('*'))
then (TokTup = {token_MULTIPLY, "*", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('/'))
then (TokTup = {token_DIVIDE, "/", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('%'))
then (TokTup = {token_MOD, "%", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('+'))
then (TokTup = {token_ADD, "+", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('-'))
then (TokTup = {token_SUBTRACT, "-", LN, CN})
else if (Char = ('<'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
TokTup = {token_LESSEQUAL, "<=", LN, CN}
push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
TokTup = {token_LESS, "<", LN, CN}
else if (Char = ('>'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
TokTup = {token_GREATEREQUAL, ">=", LN, CN}
push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
TokTup = {token_GREATER, ">", LN, CN}
else if (Char = ('='))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
TokTup = {token_EQUAL, "==", LN, CN}
push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
TokTup = {token_ASSIGN, "=", LN, CN}
else if (Char = ('!'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = to_int('='))
TokTup = {token_NOTEQUAL, "!=", LN, CN}
push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
TokTup = {token_NOT, "!", LN, CN}
else if (Char = ('&'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = to_int('&'))
TokTup = {token_AND, "&&", LN, CN}
else throw("Error: unexpected character '" ++
from_char(Char) ++ "' at " ++
from_int(LN) ++ ":" ++
else if (Char = ('|'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = to_int('|'))
TokTup = {token_OR, "||", LN, CN}
else throw("Error: unexpected character '" ++
from_char(Char) ++ "' at " ++
from_int(LN) ++ ":" ++
else if (Char = ('"'))
push_back(Ch, !Inp),
scan_string_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
else if (Char = ('\''))
push_back(Ch, !Inp),
scan_character_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
else if (is_alpha(Char))
push_back(Ch, !Inp),
TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
else if (is_digit(Char))
push_back(Ch, !Inp),
scan_integer_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO)
throw("Error: unexpected character '" ++
from_char(Char) ++ "' at " ++
from_int(LN) ++ ":" ++

:- pred skip_spaces_and_comments(inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
Ch = {IChar, _, _},
if (IChar = eof)
then push_back(Ch, !Inp)
if (is_whitespace(det_from_int(IChar)))
then skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO)
else if (IChar = to_int('/'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, Line_no, Column_no},
if (IChar1 = to_int('*'))
scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO),
skip_spaces_and_comments(!Inp, !IO)
push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
push_back(Ch, !Inp)
else push_back(Ch, !Inp)

:- pred scan_comment(int::in, int::in, % line and column nos.
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
{IChar, _, _} = Ch,
if (IChar = eof)
then throw("Error: unterminated comment " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
det_from_int(IChar) = Char,
if (Char = ('*'))
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
{IChar1, _, _} = Ch1,
if (IChar1 = to_int('/'))
then true % End of comment has been reached.
push_back(Ch1, !Inp),
scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no, !Inp,
else scan_comment(Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO)

:- pred scan_character_literal(toktup_t::out,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_character_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
Ch = {OpenQuote, Line_no, Column_no},
CloseQuote = OpenQuote,
scan_char_lit_contents(CodePoint, Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO),
check_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO),
Arg = from_int(CodePoint),
TokTup = {token_INTEGER, Arg, Line_no, Column_no}.

:- pred scan_char_lit_contents(int::out, int::in, int::in,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_char_lit_contents(CodePoint, Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, Line_no1, Column_no1},
if (IChar1 = eof)
then throw("Error: end of input in character literal " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
else if (IChar1 = to_int('\\'))
get_ch(Ch2, !Inp, !IO),
Ch2 = {IChar2, _, _},
(if (IChar2 = eof)
then throw("Error: end of input in character literal " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
else if (IChar2 = to_int('n'))
then (CodePoint = to_int('\n'))
else if (IChar2 = to_int('\\'))
then (CodePoint = to_int('\\'))
else throw("Error: unsupported escape \\" ++
from_char(det_from_int(IChar2)) ++
" at " ++ from_int(Line_no1) ++
":" ++ from_int(Column_no1))
else (CodePoint = IChar1)

:- pred check_char_lit_end(int::in, int::in, int::in,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
check_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, _, _},
if (IChar1 = CloseQuote)
then true
else find_bad_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO)

:- pred find_bad_char_lit_end(int::in, int::in, int::in,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
find_bad_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch2, !Inp, !IO),
Ch2 = {IChar2, _, _},
if (IChar2 = CloseQuote)
then throw("Error: unsupported multicharacter literal " ++
" at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
else if (IChar2 = eof)
then throw("Error: end of input in character literal " ++
" at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
else find_bad_char_lit_end(CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO)

:- pred scan_string_literal(toktup_t::out,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_string_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch, !Inp, !IO),
Ch = {OpenQuote, Line_no, Column_no},
CloseQuote = OpenQuote,
scan_string_lit_contents("", Str, CloseQuote,
Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO),
Arg = from_char(det_from_int(OpenQuote)) ++
Str ++ from_char(det_from_int(CloseQuote)),
TokTup = {token_STRING, Arg, Line_no, Column_no}.

:- pred scan_string_lit_contents(string::in, string::out, int::in,
int::in, int::in,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_string_lit_contents(Str0, Str, CloseQuote, Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(Ch1, !Inp, !IO),
Ch1 = {IChar1, Line_no1, Column_no1},
if (IChar1 = CloseQuote)
then (Str = Str0)
else if (IChar1 = eof)
then throw("Error: end of input in string literal " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
else if (IChar1 = to_int('\n'))
then throw("Error: end of line in string literal " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++ ":" ++
else if (IChar1 = to_int('\\'))
get_ch(Ch2, !Inp, !IO),
Ch2 = {IChar2, _, _},
if (IChar2 = to_int('n'))
Str1 = Str0 ++ "\\n",
scan_string_lit_contents(Str1, Str, CloseQuote,
Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO)
else if (IChar2 = to_int('\\'))
Str1 = Str0 ++ "\\\\",
scan_string_lit_contents(Str1, Str, CloseQuote,
Line_no, Column_no,
!Inp, !IO)
else if (IChar2 = eof)
then throw("Error: end of input in string literal " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++
":" ++ from_int(Column_no))
else if (IChar2 = to_int('\n'))
then throw("Error: end of line in string literal " ++
"starting at " ++ from_int(Line_no) ++
":" ++ from_int(Column_no))
else throw("Error: unsupported escape \\" ++
from_char(det_from_int(IChar2)) ++
" at " ++ from_int(Line_no1) ++
":" ++ from_int(Column_no1))
Char1 = det_from_int(IChar1),
Str1 = Str0 ++ from_char(Char1),
scan_string_lit_contents(Str1, Str, CloseQuote,
Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO)

:- pred scan_identifier_or_reserved_word(toktup_t::out,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_identifier_or_reserved_word(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-
scan_integer_or_word(Str, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO),
if (Str = "if")
then (TokTup = {token_IF, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
else if (Str = "else")
then (TokTup = {token_ELSE, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
else if (Str = "while")
then (TokTup = {token_WHILE, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
else if (Str = "print")
then (TokTup = {token_PRINT, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
else if (Str = "putc")
then (TokTup = {token_PUTC, Str, Line_no, Column_no})
else (TokTup = {token_IDENTIFIER, Str, Line_no, Column_no})

:- pred scan_integer_literal(toktup_t::out, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_integer_literal(TokTup, !Inp, !IO) :-
scan_integer_or_word(Str, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO),
if (not is_all_digits(Str))
then throw("Error: not a valid integer literal: " ++ Str)
else (TokTup = {token_INTEGER, Str, Line_no, Column_no})

:- pred scan_integer_or_word(string::out, int::out, int::out,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_integer_or_word(Str, Line_no, Column_no, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch({IChar, Line_no, Column_no}, !Inp, !IO),
if (IChar = eof)
then throw("internal error")
Char = det_from_int(IChar),
(if (not is_alnum_or_underscore(Char))
then throw("internal error")
else scan_int_or_word(from_char(Char), Str, !Inp, !IO))

:- pred scan_int_or_word(string::in, string::out,
inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
scan_int_or_word(Str0, Str, !Inp, !IO) :-
get_ch(CharTup, !Inp, !IO),
{IChar, _, _} = CharTup,
if (IChar = eof)
push_back(CharTup, !Inp),
Str = Str0
Char = det_from_int(IChar),
if (not is_alnum_or_underscore(Char))
push_back(CharTup, !Inp),
Str = Str0
else scan_int_or_word(Str0 ++ from_char(Char), Str,
!Inp, !IO)

:- pred init(text_input_stream::in, inp_t::out) is det.
init(Inpf, Inp) :-
Inp = inp_t(Inpf, 1, 1, init).

:- pred get_ch(ch_t::out, inp_t::in, inp_t::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
get_ch(Ch, Inp0, Inp, !IO) :-
if (pop(Ch1, Inp0^pushback, Pushback))
Ch = Ch1,
Inp = (Inp0^pushback := Pushback)
inp_t(Inpf, Line_no, Column_no, Pushback) = Inp0,
read_char_unboxed(Inpf, Result, Char, !IO),
if (Result = ok)
Ch = {to_int(Char), Line_no, Column_no},
Inp =
(if (Char = ('\n'))
then inp_t(Inpf, Line_no + 1, 1, Pushback)
else inp_t(Inpf, Line_no, Column_no + 1, Pushback))
Ch = {eof, Line_no, Column_no},
Inp = Inp0

:- pred push_back(ch_t::in, inp_t::in, inp_t::out) is det.
push_back(Ch, Inp0, Inp) :-
Inp = (Inp0^pushback := push(Inp0^pushback, Ch)).

:- func eof = int is det.
eof = -1.</lang>

<pre>$ mmc -O6 --intermod-opt -E --make --warn-non-tail-recursion self-and-mutual lex && ./lex compiler-tests/testcase3.t
Making Mercury/int3s/lex.int3
Making Mercury/ints/
Making Mercury/opts/lex.opt
Making Mercury/cs/lex.c
Making Mercury/os/lex.o
Making lex
5 16 Keyword_print
5 40 Op_subtract
6 16 Keyword_putc
6 40 Op_less
7 16 Keyword_if
7 40 Op_greater
8 16 Keyword_else
8 40 Op_lessequal
9 16 Keyword_while
9 40 Op_greaterequal
10 16 LeftBrace
10 40 Op_equal
11 16 RightBrace
11 40 Op_notequal
12 16 LeftParen
12 40 Op_and
13 16 RightParen
13 40 Op_or
14 16 Op_subtract
14 40 Semicolon
15 16 Op_not
15 40 Comma
16 16 Op_multiply
16 40 Op_assign
17 16 Op_divide
17 40 Integer 42
18 16 Op_mod
18 40 String "String literal"
19 16 Op_add
19 40 Identifier variable_name
20 26 Integer 10
21 26 Integer 92
22 26 Integer 32
23 1 End_of_input</pre>
