Color quantization: Difference between revisions

(→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Add a Perl 6 example)
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See: [ Quantum-frog-16-perl6.png] (offsite .png image)
Gui app, shows original and modified side-by-side.
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Color_quantization.exw
include pGUI.e
function makeCluster(sequence pixels)
sequence rs = vslice(pixels,1),
gs = vslice(pixels,2),
bs = vslice(pixels,3)
integer n = length(pixels),
rd = max(rs)-min(rs),
gd = max(gs)-min(gs),
bd = max(bs)-min(bs)
atom score = n*rd*gd*bd
-- atom score = n*(rd+gd+bd) -- (this is how/where to experiment)
sequence centroid = sq_round({sum(rs)/n,sum(gs)/n,sum(bs)/n}),
ranges = {rd,gd,bd}
return {score,centroid,ranges,pixels}
end function
function colorQuant(imImage img, integer n)
integer width = im_width(img),
height = im_width(img)
-- Extract the original pixels from the image
sequence original = {}
integer dx = 1
for y=height-1 to 0 by -1 do
for x=0 to width-1 do
original = append(original,im_pixel(img, x, y)&dx)
dx += 1
end for
end for
-- Divide pixels into clusters
sequence cs = {makeCluster(original)}, unsplittable={}, centroid, volume, pixels
while length(cs)<n do
cs = sort(cs)
-- cs = reverse(sort(cs)) -- (to deliberately show a much worse result)
{?,centroid,volume,pixels} = cs[$]
integer {vr,vg,vb} = volume
integer pdx = iff(vr>vg and vr>vb?1:iff(vg>vb?2:3)),
c = centroid[pdx] -- (ie r=1, g=2, b=3)
sequence p1 = {}, p2 = {}
for i=1 to length(pixels) do
sequence p = pixels[i]
if p[pdx]<c then p1 = append(p1,p) else p2 = append(p2,p) end if
end for
if length(p1) and length(p2) then
cs[$] = makeCluster(p1)
cs = append(cs,makeCluster(p2))
unsplittable = append(unsplittable,cs[$])
cs = cs[1..$-1]
n -= 1
end if
end while
cs &= unsplittable
-- substitute all pixels with the centroid (aka cluster average)
for i=1 to length(cs) do
{?,centroid,?,pixels} = cs[i]
for p=1 to length(pixels) do
dx = pixels[p][4]
original[dx] = centroid
end for
end for
original = flatten(original) -- (needed for IupImageRGB)
Ihandle new_img = IupImageRGB(width, height, original)
return new_img
end function
atom pError = allocate(machine_word())
imImage im1 = imFileImageLoadBitmap("Quantum_frog.png",0,pError)
if im1=NULL then ?"error opening Quantum_frog.png" abort(0) end if
Ihandln image1 = IupImageFromImImage(im1),
image2 = colorQuant(im1,16),
label1 = IupLabel(),
label2 = IupLabel()
IupSetAttributeHandle(label1, "IMAGE", image1)
IupSetAttributeHandle(label2, "IMAGE", image2)
Ihandle dlg = IupDialog(IupHbox({label1, label2}))
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Color quantization")
