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<lang Racket>
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class

;; This is an implementation of the Octree Quantization algorithm. This implementation
;; follows the sketch in:
;; Dean Clark. Color Quantization using Octrees. Dr. Dobbs Portal, January 1, 1996.
;; This code is adapted from the color quantizer in the implementation of Racket's
;; file/gif standard library.


;; To view an example of the quantizer, run the following test submodule
;; in DrRacket:
(module+ test
(require racket/block net/url)
(define frog
(define url (string->url ""))
(define frog-ip (get-pure-port url))
(define bitmap (make-object bitmap% frog-ip))
(close-input-port frog-ip)

;; Display the original:
(print frog)
;; And the quantized version (16 colors):
(print (quantize-bitmap frog 16)))


;; quantize-bitmap: bitmap positive-number -> bitmap
;; Given a bitmap, returns a new bitmap quantized to, at most, n colors.
(define (quantize-bitmap bm n)
(let* ([width (send bm get-width)]
[height (send bm get-height)]
[len (* width height 4)]
[source-buffer (make-bytes len)]
[_ (send bm get-argb-pixels 0 0 width height source-buffer)]
[an-octree (make-octree-from-argb source-buffer n)]
[dest-buffer (make-bytes len)])
(let quantize-bitmap-loop ([i 0])
(when (< i len)
(let* ([i+1 (+ i 1)]
[i+2 (+ i 2)]
[i+3 (+ i 3)]
[a (bytes-ref source-buffer i)]
[r (bytes-ref source-buffer i+1)]
[g (bytes-ref source-buffer i+2)]
[b (bytes-ref source-buffer i+3)])
[(alpha-opaque? a)
(let-values ([(new-r new-g new-b)
(octree-lookup an-octree r g b)])
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i 255)
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i+1 new-r)
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i+2 new-g)
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i+3 new-b))]
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i 0)
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i+1 0)
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i+2 0)
(bytes-set! dest-buffer i+3 0)]))
(quantize-bitmap-loop (+ i 4))))
(let* ([new-bm (make-object bitmap% width height)]
[dc (make-object bitmap-dc% new-bm)])
(send dc set-argb-pixels 0 0 width height dest-buffer)
(send dc set-bitmap #f)

;; make-octree-from-argb: bytes positive-number -> octree
;; Constructs an octree ready to quantize the colors from an-argb.
(define (make-octree-from-argb an-argb n)
(unless (> n 0)
(raise-type-error 'make-octree-from-argb "positive number" n))
(let ([an-octree (new-octree)]
[len (bytes-length an-argb)])
(let make-octree-loop ([i 0])
(when (< i len)
(let ([a (bytes-ref an-argb i)]
[r (bytes-ref an-argb (+ i 1))]
[g (bytes-ref an-argb (+ i 2))]
[b (bytes-ref an-argb (+ i 3))])
(when (alpha-opaque? a)
(octree-insert-color! an-octree r g b)
(let reduction-loop ()
(when (> (octree-leaf-count an-octree) n)
(octree-reduce! an-octree)
(make-octree-loop (+ i 4))))
(octree-finalize! an-octree)

;; alpha-opaque? byte -> boolean
;; Returns true if the alpha value is considered opaque.
(define (alpha-opaque? a)
(>= a 128))

;; The maximum level height of an octree.
(define MAX-LEVEL 7)

;; A color is a (vector byte byte byte)

;; An octree is a:
(define-struct octree (root ; node
leaf-count ; number
reduction-heads ; (vectorof (or/c node #f))
palette) ; (vectorof (or/c color #f))
;; reduction-heads is used to accelerate the search for a reduction candidate.

;; A subtree node is a:
(define-struct node (leaf? ; bool
npixels ; number -- number of pixels this subtree node represents
redsum ; number
greensum ; number
bluesum ; number
children ; (vectorof (or/c #f node))
next ; (or/c #f node)
palette-index) ; (or/c #f byte?)
;; node-next is used to accelerate the search for a reduction candidate.

;; new-octree: -> octree
(define (new-octree)
(let* ([root-node (make-node #f ;; not a leaf
0 ;; no pixels under us yet
0 ;; red sum
0 ;; green sum
0 ;; blue sum
(make-vector 8 #f) ;; no children so far
#f ;; next
#f ;; palette-index
(make-octree root-node
0 ; no leaves so far
(make-vector (add1 MAX-LEVEL) #f) ; no reductions so far
(make-vector 256 #(0 0 0)))]) ; the palette
;; Although we'll almost never reduce to this level, initialize the first
;; reducible node to the root, for completeness sake.
(vector-set! (octree-reduction-heads an-octree) 0 root-node)

;; rgb->index: natural-number byte byte byte -> octet
;; Given a level and an (r,g,b) triplet, returns an octet that can be used
;; as an index into our octree structure.
(define (rgb->index level r g b)
(bitwise-ior (bitwise-and 4 (arithmetic-shift r (- level 5)))
(bitwise-and 2 (arithmetic-shift g (- level 6)))
(bitwise-and 1 (arithmetic-shift b (- level 7)))))

;; octree-insert-color!: octree byte byte byte -> void
;; Accumulates a new r,g,b triplet into the octree.
(define (octree-insert-color! an-octree r g b)
(node-insert-color! (octree-root an-octree) an-octree r g b 0))

;; node-insert-color!: node octree byte byte byte natural-number -> void
;; Adds a color to the node subtree. While we hit #f, we create new nodes.
;; If we hit an existing leaf, we accumulate our color into it.
(define (node-insert-color! a-node an-octree r g b level)
(let insert-color-loop ([a-node a-node]
[level level])
(cond [(node-leaf? a-node)
;; update the leaf with the new color
(set-node-npixels! a-node (add1 (node-npixels a-node)))
(set-node-redsum! a-node (+ (node-redsum a-node) r))
(set-node-greensum! a-node (+ (node-greensum a-node) g))
(set-node-bluesum! a-node (+ (node-bluesum a-node) b))]
;; create the child node if necessary
(let ([index (rgb->index level r g b)])
(unless (vector-ref (node-children a-node) index)
(let ([new-node (make-node (= level MAX-LEVEL) ; leaf?
0 ; npixels
0 ; redsum
0 ; greensum
0 ; bluesum
(make-vector 8 #f) ; no children yet
#f ; and no next node yet
#f ; or palette index
(vector-set! (node-children a-node) index new-node)
[(= level MAX-LEVEL)
;; If we added a leaf, mark it in the octree.
(set-octree-leaf-count! an-octree
(add1 (octree-leaf-count an-octree)))]
;; Attach the node as a reducible node if it's interior.
new-node (vector-ref (octree-reduction-heads an-octree)
(add1 level)))
(vector-set! (octree-reduction-heads an-octree)
(add1 level)
;; and recur on the child node.
(insert-color-loop (vector-ref (node-children a-node) index)
(add1 level)))])))

;; octree-reduce!: octree -> void
;; Reduces one of the subtrees, collapsing the children into a single node.
(define (octree-reduce! an-octree)
(node-reduce! (pop-reduction-candidate! an-octree) an-octree))

;; node-reduce!: node octree -> void
;; Reduces the interior node.
(define (node-reduce! a-node an-octree)
(for ([child (in-vector (node-children a-node))]
#:when child)
(set-node-npixels! a-node (+ (node-npixels a-node)
(node-npixels child)))
(set-node-redsum! a-node (+ (node-redsum a-node)
(node-redsum child)))
(set-node-greensum! a-node (+ (node-greensum a-node)
(node-greensum child)))
(set-node-bluesum! a-node (+ (node-bluesum a-node)
(node-bluesum child)))
(set-octree-leaf-count! an-octree (sub1 (octree-leaf-count an-octree))))
(set-node-leaf?! a-node #t)
(set-octree-leaf-count! an-octree (add1 (octree-leaf-count an-octree))))

;; find-reduction-candidate!: octree -> node
;; Returns a bottom-level interior node for reduction. Also takes the
;; candidate out of the conceptual queue of reduction candidates.
(define (pop-reduction-candidate! an-octree)
(let loop ([i MAX-LEVEL])
[(vector-ref (octree-reduction-heads an-octree) i)
(lambda (candidate-node)
(when (> i 0)
(vector-set! (octree-reduction-heads an-octree) i
(node-next candidate-node)))
(loop (sub1 i))])))

;; octree-finalize!: octree -> void
;; Finalization does a few things:
;; * Walks through the octree and reduces any interior nodes with just one leaf child.
;; Optimizes future lookups.
;; * Fills in the palette of the octree and the palette indexes of the leaf nodes.
;; * Note: palette index 0 is always reserved for the transparent color.
(define (octree-finalize! an-octree)
;; Collapse one-leaf interior nodes.
(let loop ([a-node (octree-root an-octree)])
(for ([child (in-vector (node-children a-node))]
#:when (and child (not (node-leaf? child))))
(loop child)
(when (interior-node-one-leaf-child? a-node)
(node-reduce! a-node an-octree))))

;; Attach palette entries.
(let ([current-palette-index 1])
(let loop ([a-node (octree-root an-octree)])
(cond [(node-leaf? a-node)
(let ([n (node-npixels a-node)])
(vector-set! (octree-palette an-octree) current-palette-index
(vector (quotient (node-redsum a-node) n)
(quotient (node-greensum a-node) n)
(quotient (node-bluesum a-node) n)))
(set-node-palette-index! a-node current-palette-index)
(set! current-palette-index (add1 current-palette-index)))]
(for ([child (in-vector (node-children a-node))]
#:when child)
(loop child))]))))

;; interior-node-one-leaf-child?: node -> boolean
(define (interior-node-one-leaf-child? a-node)
(let ([child-list (filter values (vector->list (node-children a-node)))])
(and (= (length child-list) 1)
(node-leaf? (car child-list)))))

;; octree-lookup: octree byte byte byte -> (values byte byte byte)
;; Returns the palettized color.
(define (octree-lookup an-octree r g b)
(let* ([index (node-lookup-index (octree-root an-octree) an-octree r g b 0)]
[vec (vector-ref (octree-palette an-octree) index)])
(values (vector-ref vec 0)
(vector-ref vec 1)
(vector-ref vec 2))))

;; node-lookup-index: node byte byte byte natural-number -> byte
;; Returns the palettized color index.
(define (node-lookup-index a-node an-octree r g b level)
(let loop ([a-node a-node]
[level level])
(if (node-leaf? a-node)
(node-palette-index a-node)
(let ([child (vector-ref (node-children a-node) (rgb->index level r g b))])
(unless child
(error 'node-lookup-index
"color (~a, ~a, ~a) not previously inserted"
r g b))
(loop child (add1 level))))))
