Closest-pair problem: Difference between revisions

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m (... and further reading (they are not all exactly references))
m (endfors in the pseudocodes)
Line 16: Line 16:
minPoints ← { P(i), P(j) }
minPoints ← { P(i), P(j) }
'''return''' minDistance, minPoints
'''return''' minDistance, minPoints
Line 47: Line 49:
k ← k + 1
k ← k + 1
'''return''' closest, closestPair
'''return''' closest, closestPair

Revision as of 11:57, 12 May 2009

Closest-pair problem
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Closest-pair problem. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

The aim of this task is to provide a function to find the closest two points among a set of given points in two dimensions, i.e. to solve the Closest pair of points problem in the planar case.

The straightforward solution is a O(n2) algorithm (which we can call brute-force algorithm); the pseudocode (using indexes) could be simply:

bruteForceClosestPair of P(1), P(2), ... P(N)
if N < 2 then
  minDistance ← |P(1) - P(2)|
  minPoints ← { P(1), P(2) }
  foreach i ∈ [1, N-1]
    foreach j ∈ [i+1, N]
      if |P(i) - P(j)| < minDistance then
        minDistance ← |P(i) - P(j)|
        minPoints ← { P(i), P(j) } 
  return minDistance, minPoints

A better algorithm is based on the recursive divide&conquer approach, as explained also at Wikipedia, which is O(n log n); a pseudocode could be:

closestPair of P(1), P(2), ... P(N)
if N ≤ 3 then
  return closest points of P using brute-force algorithm
  xP ← P ordered by the x coordinate, in ascending order
  PL ← points of xP from 1 to ⌈N/2⌉
  PR ← points of xP from ⌈N/2⌉+1 to N
  (dL, pairL) ← closestPair of PL
  (dR, pairR) ← closestPair of PR
  (dmin, pairmin) ← (dR, pairR)
  if dL < dR then
    (dmin, pairmin) ← (dL, pairL)
  xM ← xP(⌈N/2⌉)x
  S ← { p ∈ xP : |xM - px| < dmin }
  yP ← S ordered by the y coordinate, in ascending order
  nP ← number of points in yP
  (closest, closestPair) ← (dmin, pairmin)
  for i from 1 to nP - 1
    k ← i + 1
    while k ≤ nP and yP(k)y - yP(k)y < dmin
      if |yP(k) - yP(i)| < closest then
        (closest, closestPair) ← (|yP(k) - yP(i)|, {yP(k), yP(i)})
      k ← k + 1
  return closest, closestPair

References and further reading


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <math.h>
  4. include <assert.h>

typedef struct {

 double x, y;

} point_t;

inline double distance(point_t *p1, point_t *p2) {

 return sqrt((p1->x - p2->x)*(p1->x - p2->x) +

(p1->y - p2->y)*(p1->y - p2->y)); }</lang>

We need an ad hoc sort function; here is a modified version of what you can find at Quicksort.

<lang c>typedef int(*comparator)(const void *, const void *); void quick(point_t *P, int *left, int *right, comparator compar) {

 if (right > left) {
   int pivot = left[(right-left)/2];
   int *r = right, *l = left;
   do {
     while (compar(&P[*l], &P[pivot]) < 0) l++;
     while (compar(&P[*r], &P[pivot]) > 0) r--;
     if (l <= r) {
       int t = *l;
       *l++ = *r;
       *r-- = t;
   } while (l <= r);
   quick(P, left, r, compar);
   quick(P, l, right, compar);

} void m_qsort(point_t *P, int *array, int length, comparator compar) {

 quick(P, array, array+length-1, compar);


int sort_index_by_x(const void *ra, const void *rb) {

 const point_t *a = ra, *b = rb;
 double d = a->x - b->x;
 return (d<0) ? -1 : ( (d==0) ? 0 : 1);


int sort_index_by_y(const void *ra, const void *rb) {

 const point_t *a = ra, *b = rb;
 double d = a->y - b->y;
 return (d<0) ? -1 : ( (d==0) ? 0 : 1 );


<lang c>double closest_pair_simple(point_t *P, int *pts, int num, int *pia, int *pib) {

 int i, j;
 if ( num < 2 ) return HUGE_VAL;
 double ird = distance(&P[pts[0]], &P[pts[1]]);
 *pia = pts[0]; *pib = pts[1];
 for(i=0; i < (num-1); i++) {
   for(j=i+1; j < num; j++) {
     double t;
     t = distance(&P[pts[i]], &P[pts[j]]);
     if ( t < ird ) {

ird = t; *pia = pts[i]; *pib = pts[j];

 return ird;


<lang c>double closest_pair(point_t *P, int *xP, int N, int *iA, int *iB) {

 int *yP, i, k;
 int *PL, *PR;
 int lA, lB, rA, rB, midx;
 double dL, dR, dmin, xm, closest;
 int nS;
 if ( N <= 3 ) return closest_pair_simple(P, xP, N, iA, iB);
 m_qsort(P, xP, N, sort_index_by_x);
 midx = ceil((double)N/2.0) - 1;
 PL = malloc(sizeof(int)*(midx+1));       assert(PL != NULL);
 PR = malloc(sizeof(int)*(N-(midx+1)));   assert(PR != NULL);
 for(i=0;i <= midx; i++) PL[i] = xP[i];
 for(i=midx+1; i < N; i++) PR[i-(midx+1)] = xP[i];
 dL = closest_pair(P, PL, midx+1, &lA, &lB);
 dR = closest_pair(P, PR, (N-(midx+1)), &rA, &rB);
 if ( dL < dR ) {
   dmin = dL;
   *iA = lA; *iB = lB;
 } else {
   dmin = dR;
   *iA = rA; *iB = rB;
 xm = P[xP[midx]].x;
 yP = malloc(sizeof(int)*N); assert(yP != NULL);
 nS = 0;
 for(i=0; i < N; i++) {
   if ( fabs(xm - P[xP[i]].x) < dmin ) {
     yP[nS++] = xP[i];
 closest = dmin;
 if (nS > 1) { 
   m_qsort(P, yP, nS, sort_index_by_y);
   for(i=0; i < (nS-1); i++) {
     k = i + 1;
     while( (k < nS) && ( (P[yP[k]].y - P[yP[i]].y) < dmin ) ) {

double d = distance(&P[yP[i]], &P[yP[k]]); if ( d < closest ) { closest = d; *iA = yP[i]; *iB = yP[k]; } k++;

 free(PR); free(PL);
 return closest;



<lang c>#define NP 10000

int main() {

 point_t *points;
 int i;
 int p[2], *indexes;
 double c;
 points = malloc(sizeof(point_t)*NP);
 indexes = malloc(sizeof(int)*NP);
 for(i=0; i < NP; i++) {
   points[i].x = 20.0*((double)rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)) - 10.0;
   points[i].y = 20.0*((double)rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)) - 10.0;
   indexes[i] = i;
 c = closest_pair_simple(points, indexes, NP, p, p+1);
 printf("%lf %d %d (%lf)\n", c, p[0], p[1], distance(&points[p[0]], &points[p[1]]));
 c = closest_pair(points, indexes, NP, p, p+1);
 printf("%lf %d %d (%lf)\n", c, p[0], p[1], distance(&points[p[0]], &points[p[1]]));
 free(points); free(indexes); 


The closest_pair_simple gave 1.85user 0.00system 0:01.86elapsed, while the closest_pair gave 0.04user 0.00system 0:00.04elapsed, using the time command.


<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use List::Util qw(min); use POSIX qw(ceil);

sub dist {

   my ( $a, $b) = @_;
   return sqrt( (${$a}[0] - @{$b}[0])**2 +
                (@{$a}[1] - @{$b}[1])**2 );


sub closest_pair_simple {

   my $ra = shift;
   my @arr = @$ra;
   my $inf = 1e600;
   return $inf if (scalar(@arr) < 2);
   my ( $a, $b, $d ) = ($arr[0], $arr[1], dist($arr[0], $arr[1]));
   while( scalar(@arr) > 0 ) {

my $p = pop @arr; foreach my $l (@arr) { my $t = dist($p, $l); ($a, $b, $d) = ($p, $l, $t) if $t < $d; }

   return ($a, $b, $d);


sub closest_pair {

   my $ra = shift;
   my @arr = @$ra;
   my $N = @arr;
   return closest_pair_simple($ra) if ( scalar(@arr) <= 3 );
   my $inf = 1e600;
   my @xP = sort { ${$a}[0] <=> ${$b}[0] } @arr;
   my $midx = ceil($N/2)-1;
   my @PL = @xP[0 .. $midx];
   my @PR = @xP[$midx+1 .. $N-1];
   my ($al, $bl, $dL) = closest_pair(\@PL);
   my ($ar, $br, $dR) = closest_pair(\@PR);
   my ($m1, $m2, $dmin) = ($al, $bl, $dL);
   ($m1, $m2, $dmin) = ($ar, $br, $dR) if ( $dR < $dL );
   my $xm = ${$xP[$midx]}[0];
   my @S = ();
   foreach my $p (@xP) {

push @S, $p if ( abs($xm - ${$p}[0]) < $dmin );

   my @yP = sort { ${$a}[1] <=> ${$b}[1] } @S;
   if ( scalar(@yP) > 0 ) {

my ( $w1, $w2, $closest ) = ($m1, $m2, $dmin); foreach my $i (0 .. ($#yP - 1)) {

my $k = $i + 1; while ( ($k <= $#yP) && ( (${$yP[$k]}[1] - ${$yP[$i]}[1]) < $dmin) ) { my $d = dist($yP[$k], $yP[$i]); ($w1, $w2, $closest) = ($yP[$k], $yP[$i], $d) if ($d < $closest); $k++; } } return ($w1, $w2, $closest);

   } else {

return ($m1, $m2, $dmin);



my @points = (); my $N = 5000;

foreach my $i (1..$N) {

   push @points, [rand(20)-10.0, rand(20)-10.0];


  1. my ($a, $b, $d) = closest_pair_simple(\@points);
  2. print "$d\n";

my ($a1, $b1, $d1) = closest_pair(\@points); print "$d1\n";

exit 0;</lang>

Time for the brute-force algorithm gave 40.63user 0.12system 0:41.06elapsed, while the divide&conqueer algorithm gave 0.38user 0.00system 0:00.38elapsed with 5000 points.


<lang python>"""

 Compute nearest pair of points using two algorithms
 First algorithm is 'brute force' comparison of every possible pair.
 Second, 'divide and conquer', is based on: 


from random import randint

infinity = float('inf')

  1. Note the use of complex numbers to represent 2D points making distance == abs(P1-P2)

def bruteForceClosestPair(point):

   numPoints = len(point)
   if numPoints < 2:
       return infinity, (None, None)
   return min( ((abs(point[i] - point[j]), (point[i], point[j]))
                for i in range(numPoints-1)
                for j in range(i+1,numPoints)),
               key=lambda x: x[0])

def closestPair(point):

   xP = sorted(point, key= lambda p: p.real)
   yP = sorted(point, key= lambda p: p.imag)
   return _closestPair(xP, yP)

def _closestPair(xP, yP):

   numPoints = len(xP)
   if numPoints <= 3:
       return bruteForceClosestPair(xP)
   Pl = xP[:numPoints/2]
   Pr = xP[numPoints/2:]
   Yl, Yr = [], []
   xDivider = Pl[-1].real
   for p in yP:
       if p.real <= xDivider:
   dl, pairl = _closestPair(Pl, Yl)
   dr, pairr = _closestPair(Pr, Yr)
   dm, pairm = (dl, pairl) if dl < dr else (dr, pairr)
   # Points within dm of xDivider sorted by Y coord
   closeY = [p for p in yP  if abs(p.real - xDivider) < dm]
   numCloseY = len(closeY)
   if numCloseY > 1:
       # There is a proof that you only need compare a max of 7 next points
       closestY = min( ((abs(closeY[i] - closeY[j]), (closeY[i], closeY[j]))
                        for i in range(numCloseY-1)
                        for j in range(i+1,min(i+8, numCloseY))),
                       key=lambda x: x[0])
       return (dm, pairm) if dm <= closestY[0] else closestY
       return dm, pairm

def times():

    Time the different functions
   import timeit
   functions = [bruteForceClosestPair, closestPair]
   for f in functions:
       print 'Time for', f.__name__, timeit.Timer(
           '%s(pointList)' % f.__name__,
           'from closestpair import %s, pointList' % f.__name__).timeit(number=1)

pointList = [randint(0,1000)+1j*randint(0,1000) for i in range(2000)]

if __name__ == '__main__':

   pointList = [(5+9j), (9+3j), (2+0j), (8+4j), (7+4j), (9+10j), (1+9j), (8+2j), 10j, (9+6j)]
   print pointList
   print '  bruteForceClosestPair:', bruteForceClosestPair(pointList)
   print '            closestPair:', closestPair(pointList)
   for i in range(10):
       pointList = [randint(0,10)+1j*randint(0,10) for i in range(10)]
       print '\n', pointList
       print ' bruteForceClosestPair:', bruteForceClosestPair(pointList)
       print '           closestPair:', closestPair(pointList)
   print '\n'


Sample output followed by timing comparisons

[(5+9j), (9+3j), (2+0j), (8+4j), (7+4j), (9+10j), (1+9j), (8+2j), 10j, (9+6j)]
  bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((8+4j), (7+4j)))
            closestPair: (1.0, ((8+4j), (7+4j)))

[(10+6j), (7+0j), (9+4j), (4+8j), (7+5j), (6+4j), (1+9j), (6+4j), (1+3j), (5+0j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (0.0, ((6+4j), (6+4j)))
           closestPair: (0.0, ((6+4j), (6+4j)))

[(4+10j), (8+5j), (10+3j), (9+7j), (2+5j), (6+7j), (6+2j), (9+6j), (3+8j), (5+1j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((9+7j), (9+6j)))
           closestPair: (1.0, ((9+7j), (9+6j)))

[(10+0j), (3+10j), (10+7j), (1+8j), (5+10j), (8+8j), (4+7j), (6+2j), (6+10j), (9+3j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((5+10j), (6+10j)))
           closestPair: (1.0, ((5+10j), (6+10j)))

[(3+7j), (5+3j), 0j, (2+9j), (2+5j), (9+6j), (5+9j), (4+3j), (3+8j), (8+7j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((3+7j), (3+8j)))
           closestPair: (1.0, ((4+3j), (5+3j)))

[(4+3j), (10+9j), (2+7j), (7+8j), 0j, (3+10j), (10+2j), (7+10j), (7+3j), (1+4j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (2.0, ((7+8j), (7+10j)))
           closestPair: (2.0, ((7+8j), (7+10j)))

[(9+2j), (9+8j), (6+4j), (7+0j), (10+2j), (10+0j), (2+7j), (10+7j), (9+2j), (1+5j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (0.0, ((9+2j), (9+2j)))
           closestPair: (0.0, ((9+2j), (9+2j)))

[(3+3j), (8+2j), (4+0j), (1+1j), (9+10j), (5+0j), (2+3j), 5j, (5+0j), (7+0j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (0.0, ((5+0j), (5+0j)))
           closestPair: (0.0, ((5+0j), (5+0j)))

[(1+5j), (8+3j), (8+10j), (6+8j), (10+9j), (2+0j), (2+7j), (8+7j), (8+4j), (1+2j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((8+3j), (8+4j)))
           closestPair: (1.0, ((8+3j), (8+4j)))

[(8+4j), (8+6j), (8+0j), 0j, (10+7j), (10+6j), 6j, (1+3j), (1+8j), (6+9j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (1.0, ((10+7j), (10+6j)))
           closestPair: (1.0, ((10+7j), (10+6j)))

[(6+8j), (10+1j), 3j, (7+9j), (4+10j), (4+7j), (5+7j), (6+10j), (4+7j), (2+4j)]
 bruteForceClosestPair: (0.0, ((4+7j), (4+7j)))
           closestPair: (0.0, ((4+7j), (4+7j)))

Time for bruteForceClosestPair 4.57953371169
Time for closestPair 0.122539596513
Time for bruteForceClosestPair 5.13221177552
Time for closestPair 0.124602707886
Time for bruteForceClosestPair 4.83609397284
Time for closestPair 0.119326618327


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

These class methods return a three elements array, where the first two items are the points, while the third is the distance between them (which having the two points, can be computed; but it was easier to keep it already computed in the third position of the array).

<lang smalltalk>Object subclass: ClosestPair [

 ClosestPair class >> raiseInvalid: arg [
       signalOn: arg
       reason: 'specify at least two points'
 ClosestPair class >> bruteForce: pointsList [ |dist from to points|
   (pointsList size < 2) ifTrue: [ ^ FloatD infinity ].
   points := pointsList asOrderedCollection.
   from := points at: 1. to := points at: 2.
   dist := from dist: to.
   [ points isEmpty ]
   whileFalse: [ |p0|
     p0 := points removeFirst.
     points do: [ :p |
       ((p0 dist: p) <= dist)
       ifTrue: [ from := p0. to := p. dist := p0 dist: p. ]
   ^ { from. to. from dist: to }
 ClosestPair class >> orderByX: points [
   ^ points asSortedCollection: [:a :b| (a x) < (b x) ]
 ClosestPair class >> orderByY: points [
   ^ points asSortedCollection: [:a :b| (a y) < (b y) ]
 ClosestPair class >> splitLeft: pointsList [
   ^ pointsList copyFrom: 1 to: ((pointsList size / 2) ceiling)
 ClosestPair class >> splitRight: pointsList [ |s|
   ^ pointsList copyFrom: (((pointsList size / 2) ceiling) + 1) to: (pointsList size).
 ClosestPair class >> minBetween: a and: b [
   (a at: 3) < (b at: 3)
     ifTrue: [ ^a ]
     ifFalse: [ ^b ]
 ClosestPair class >> recursiveDAndC: pointsList [
   |orderedByX pR pL minL minR minDist middleVLine joiningStrip tDist nP|
   (pointsList size <= 3)
     ifTrue: [ ^ self bruteForce: pointsList ].
   orderedByX := self orderByX: pointsList.
   pR := self splitLeft: orderedByX.
   pL := self splitRight: orderedByX.
   minR := self recursiveDAndC: pR.
   minL := self recursiveDAndC: pL.
   minDist := self minBetween: minR and: minL.
   middleVLine := (orderedByX at: ((orderedByX size / 2) ceiling)) x.
   joiningStrip := self 
                     orderByY: (pointsList 
                                  select: [ :p |
                                     ((middleVLine - (p x)) abs) < (minDist at: 3) 
   tDist := minDist.
   nP := joiningStrip size.
     1 to: (nP - 1) do: [ :i | |k|
       k := i + 1.
       [ (k <= nP) 
         & ( ((joiningStrip at: (k min: nP)) y - (joiningStrip at: i) y) < (minDist at: 3) ) ]
       whileTrue: [
         ((joiningStrip at: i) dist: (joiningStrip at: k)) < (tDist at: 3)
         ifTrue: [ tDist := { joiningStrip at: i. joiningStrip at: k.
                              (joiningStrip at: i) dist: (joiningStrip at: k) } ].
         k := k + 1.
   ^ tDist



<lang smalltalk>|coll cp ran| "Let's use the same seed to be sure of the results..." ran := Random seed: 100.

coll := (1 to: 10000 collect: [ :a |

         Point x: (ran next)*10 y: (ran next)*10 ]).

cp := ClosestPair bruteForce: coll. ((cp at: 3) asScaledDecimal: 7) displayNl.


cp := ClosestPair recursiveDAndC: coll. ((cp at: 3) asScaledDecimal: 7) displayNl.</lang>

The brute-force approach with 10000 points, run with the time tool, gave

224.21user 1.31system 3:46.84elapsed 99%CPU

while the recursive divide&conquer algorithm gave

2.37user 0.01system 0:02.56elapsed 93%CPU

(Of course these results must be considered relative and taken cum grano salis; time counts also the time taken to initialize the Smalltalk environment, and I've taken no special measures to avoid the system load falsifying the results)


Each point is represented as a list of two floating-point numbers, the first being the x coordinate, and the second being the y. <lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. retrieve the x-coordinate

proc x p {lindex $p 0}

  1. retrieve the y-coordinate

proc y p {lindex $p 1}

proc distance {p1 p2} {

   expr {hypot(([x $p1]-[x $p2]), ([y $p1]-[y $p2]))}


proc closest_bruteforce {points} {

   set n [llength $points]
   set mindist Inf
   set minpts {}
   for {set i 0} {$i < $n - 1} {incr i} {
       for {set j [expr {$i + 1}]} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
           set p1 [lindex $points $i]
           set p2 [lindex $points $j]
           set dist [distance $p1 $p2]
           if {$dist < $mindist} {
               set mindist $dist
               set minpts [list $p1 $p2]
   return [list $mindist $minpts]


proc closest_recursive {points} {

   set n [llength $points]
   if {$n <= 3} {
       return [closest_bruteforce $points]
   set xP [lsort -real -increasing -index 0 $points]
   set mid [expr {int(ceil($n/2.0))}]
   set PL [lrange $xP 0 [expr {$mid-1}]]
   set PR [lrange $xP $mid end]
   set procname [lindex [info level 0] 0]
   lassign [$procname $PL] dL pairL
   lassign [$procname $PR] dR pairR
   if {$dL < $dR} {
       set dmin $dL
       set dpair $pairL
   } else {
       set dmin $dR
       set dpair $pairR
   set xM [x [lindex $PL end]]
   foreach p $xP {
       if {abs($xM - [x $p]) < $dmin} {
           lappend S $p
   set yP [lsort -real -increasing -index 1 $S]
   set closest Inf
   set nP [llength $yP]
   for {set i 0} {$i <= $nP-2} {incr i} {
       set yPi [lindex $yP $i]
       for {set k [expr {$i+1}]; set yPk [lindex $yP $k]} {
           $k < $nP-1 && ([y $yPk]-[y $yPi]) < $dmin
       } {incr k; set yPk [lindex $yP $k]} {
           set dist [distance $yPk $yPi]
           if {$dist < $closest} {
               set closest $dist
               set closestPair [list $yPi $yPk]
   expr {$closest < $dmin ? [list $closest $closestPair] : [list $dmin $dpair]}


  1. testing

set N 10000 for {set i 1} {$i <= $N} {incr i} {

   lappend points [list [expr {rand()*100}] [expr {rand()*100}]]


  1. instrument the number of calls to [distance] to examine the
  2. efficiency of the recursive solution

trace add execution distance enter comparisons proc comparisons args {incr ::comparisons}

puts [format "%-10s %9s %9s %s" method compares time closest] foreach method {bruteforce recursive} {

   set ::comparisons 0
   set time [time {set ::dist($method) [closest_$method $points]} 1]
   puts [format "%-10s  %9d  %9d  %s" $method $::comparisons [lindex $time 0] [lindex $::dist($method) 0]]

}</lang> Example output

method      compares      time closest
bruteforce  49995000 512967207 0.0015652738546658382
recursive      14613    488094 0.0015652738546658382

Note that the lindex and llength commands are both O(1).