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Rather than spend a lot of time trying to write my own (likely mediocre) program, I thought I'd simply post a link to [ notnil/chess] which explains its various capabilities quite well. However, you need to look at the code itself to see that it can cope with all types of move including castling, ''en passant'' capture and promotion to a piece of the player's choice.
Rather than spend a lot of time trying to write my own (likely mediocre) program, I thought I'd simply post a link to [ notnil/chess] which explains its various capabilities quite well. However, you need to look at the code itself to see that it can cope with all types of move including castling, ''en passant'' capture and promotion to a piece of the player's choice.

Primarily written to see if I could find all moves with one regex. The answer was "mostly", the main problem being
some moves require history (the current state of the board is not sufficient for castling and en passant).
I also wanted to try different methods of making moves. It does not play well, but then neither do I.
<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::ROText;
use List::Util qw( any sum0 shuffle first );

my $startingposition = our $board = <<END;

my $size = 80;
my $message = 'Initializing...';
my ($from, $moving, $over);
my (%legal, %canmove, @previous, $castleleft, $castleright, $enpassant);
my @location = map { my $row = $_; map "$_$row", 'a' .. 'i' } reverse 1 .. 8;
my %values = qw( - 0 p 100 n 350 b 350 r 525 q 1e3 k 1e4);
my %names = qw(p pawn r rook n knight b bishop q queen k king);
our @moves;

my $g = qr/.{8}/s;
my $gm = qr/.{9}/s;
my $gp = qr/.{7}/s;
my $gpp = qr/.{6}/s;

my $opp = qr/[a-z]/;
my $oppe = qr/[a-z-]/;
my $whitemoves = qr/(?|
(?| # forward
(Q|R) (?: -* | $g (?:- $g)* ) ($oppe) # rectangular
| (Q|B) (?: $gp (?:- $gp)* | $gm (?:- $gm)* ) ($oppe) # diagonal
| (K) (?: | $gp | $g | $gm ) ($oppe)
| (N) (?: $gm . $g | $gp . $g | . $gm | $gpp (?=..) ) ($oppe)
) (?{ push @moves, [$1, @-[1,2], $2] })
(?| # backward
($oppe) (?: -* | $g (?:- $g)* ) (Q|R) # rectangular
| ($oppe) (?: $gp (?:- $gp)* | $gm (?:- $gm)* ) (Q|B) # diagonal
| ($oppe) (?: | $gp | $g | $gm ) (K)
| ($oppe) (?: $gm . $g | $gp . $g | . $gm | $gpp (?=..) ) (N)
| (-) $g (P)
| ($opp) (?: $gm | $gp ) (P)
) (?{ push @moves, [$2, @-[2,1], $1] })
(-) $g (-) $g (P) .*\n.{8}$ (?{ push @moves, [$3, @-[3,1], $1, $-[2]] })
) (*FAIL) /x;

$opp = qr/[A-Z]/;
$oppe = qr/[A-Z-]/;
my $blackmoves = qr/(?|
(?| # forward
(q|r) (?: -* | $g (?:- $g)* ) ($oppe) # rectangular
| (q|b) (?: $gp (?:- $gp)* | $gm (?:- $gm)* ) ($oppe) # diagonal
| (k) (?: | $gp | $g | $gm ) ($oppe)
| (n) (?: $gm . $g | $gp . $g | . $gm | $gpp (?=..) ) ($oppe)
| (p) $g (-)
| (p) (?: $gm | $gp ) ($opp)
) (?{ push @moves, [$1, @-[1,2], $2] })
^.{8}\n.* (p) $g (-) $g (-) (?{ push @moves, [$1, @-[1,3], $3, $-[2]] })
(?| # backward
($oppe) (?: -* | $g (?:- $g)* ) (q|r) # rectangular
| ($oppe) (?: $gp (?:- $gp)* | $gm (?:- $gm)* ) (q|b) # diagonal
| ($oppe) (?: | $gp | $g | $gm ) (k)
| ($oppe) (?: $gm . $g | $gp . $g | . $gm | $gpp (?=..) ) (n)
) (?{ push @moves, [$2, @-[2,1], $1] })
) (*FAIL) /x;

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->title( 'Chess' );
my $label = $mw->Label( -textvariable => \$message, -font => 'times 20',
)->pack(-fill => 'x');
$mw->Frame(-height => 20, -bg => 'darkblue',
)->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
my $grid = $mw->Frame->pack;
my @squares = map { my $me = $_; $_ % 9 == 8 ? 'oops' :
do { my $w = $grid->Canvas( -width => $size, -height => $size,
-bd => 0, -relief => 'flat', -highlightthickness => 0,
-bg => ($_ % 9 + int $_ / 9) % 2 ? 'brown3' : 'brown2',
)->grid( -row => 1 + int $_ / 9, -column => 1 + $_ % 9 );
$w->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-4>' => sub{$w->yviewMoveto(0)} );
$w->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-5>' => sub{$w->yviewMoveto(0)} );
$w->Tk::bind('<1>' => sub { click($me) } );
$w }
} 0 .. 71;
for my $n (0 .. 7)
$grid->Label(-text => $n + 1,
)->grid( -row => 8 - $n, -column => $_) for 0, 9;
$grid->Label(-text => ('a' ... 'h')[$n],
)->grid( -row => $_, -column => 1 + $n) for 0, 9;
$mw->Frame(-height => 20, -bg => 'darkblue',
)->pack(-fill => 'x', -expand => 1);
$mw->Button(-text => $_->[0], -command => $_->[1], -font => 24,
)->pack( -side => 'left', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1) for
[Restart => \&restart],
['Previous State' => \&previous],
['Random Move' => \&random],
[Help => \&help],
[Exit => sub {$mw->destroy}];


-M $0 < 0 and exec $0, @ARGV;

sub restart
$from = $over = undef;
$enpassant = -1;
$castleleft = $castleright = 1;
@previous =
[ ($board = $startingposition), $castleleft, $castleright, $enpassant ];
show( $board );
$message = (incheck($board, 1) && "** IN CHECK ** ") . 'White to move';
$label->configure(-bg => 'gray85');
$label->configure(-fg => 'black');

sub previous
$over and $mw->bell, return;
@previous and ($board, $castleleft, $castleright, $enpassant) =
@{ pop @previous };

sub random
$over || keys %legal == 0 and $mw->bell, return;
($from, my $to) = split ' ', (keys %legal)[rand keys %legal];
# ($from, my $to) = map @$_,
# (sort { $values{substr $board, $b->[1], 1} <=>
# $values{substr $board, $a->[1], 1} }
# map [ split ],
# shuffle keys %legal)[0];
$moving = substr $board, $from, 1;

sub click
$over and $mw->bell, return;
my $pos = shift;
my $piece = substr $board, $pos, 1;
if( defined $from )
if( $piece eq 'R' and $legal{"$from $pos"} and $from == 67 and
$pos == 63 || $pos == 70 ) # castle
push @previous, [ $board, $castleleft, $castleright, $enpassant ];
$pos == 63 ? $board =~ s/R---K/--KR-/ : $board =~ s/K--R/-RK-/;
$castleright = $castleleft = 0;
elsif( $pos == $enpassant and $piece eq '-' and
$from == $enpassant + 8 and substr($board, $from, 1) eq 'P' )
substr($board, $enpassant, 10) =~ s/-(.{7})Pp/P$1--/s
or die "enpassant";
$enpassant = -1;
elsif( $pos == $enpassant and $piece eq '-' and
$from == $enpassant + 10 and substr($board, $from, 1) eq 'P' )
substr($board, $enpassant, 11) =~ s/-(.{8})pP/P$1--/s
or die "enpassant";
$enpassant = -1;
elsif( $piece =~ /[a-z-]/ and $legal{"$from $pos"} )
push @previous, [ $board, $castleleft, $castleright, $enpassant ];
substr $board, $from, 1, '-';
substr $board, $pos, 1, $moving;
1 while $board =~ s/^.*\KP/Q/; # promotion
$board =~ s/p(?=.*$)/q/g; # promotion
$from == 67 and $castleleft = $castleright = 0; # no castle king
$from == 63 and $castleleft = 0; # left rook
$from == 70 and $castleright = 0; # right rook
else { $mw->bell }
$from = $piece = undef;
if( not $over )
$message = 'White to move';
$label->configure(-bg => 'gray85');
if( ! $over and incheck($board, 1) )
$message =~ s/^/** IN CHECK ** /;
$label->configure(-bg => 'yellow');
elsif( $piece =~ /[A-Z]/ and $canmove{$pos} )
$from = $pos;
$moving = $piece;
$message = "White moving $names{lc $moving} from $location[$from]";
$squares[$from]->itemconfigure('all', -fill => 'yellow');
$piece =~ /[A-Z]/ and $mw->bell;
$from = $piece = undef;
$message = 'White to move';

sub scale { map $size * $_ >> 3, @_ };

sub show
while( $board =~ /./g )
my $c = $squares[ my $pos = $-[0] ];
my $char = uc $&;
my $color = $& =~ /[A-Z]/ ? 'white' : 'black';
if( $char eq 'P' )
$c->createOval(scale(3, 3, 5, 5));
$c->createArc(scale(2, 4.8, 6, 9), -start => 0, -extent => 180);
$c->itemconfigure('all', -outline => undef);
elsif( $char eq 'N' )
$c->createPolygon( scale(2, 7, 1, 4, 3, 1, 7, 4, 6, 5, 4, 4, 5.5, 7));
elsif( $char eq 'K' )
$c->createPolygon( scale(1, 7, 3.5, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 3, 2.5,
2, 3.5, 2, 3.5, 1, 4.5, 1, 4.5, 2, 5.5, 2, 5.5, 3, 4.5, 3, 4.5,
4, 7, 7));
$c->createArc( scale(1, 4, 4, 10), -start => 60, -extent => 120,
-outline => undef);
$c->createArc( scale(4, 4, 7, 10), -start => 0, -extent => 120,
-outline => undef);
elsif( $char eq 'Q' )
$c->createPolygon( scale(2, 7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 5, 5, 7, 2, 6, 7));
elsif( $char eq 'R' )
$c->createPolygon( scale(1, 7, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1,
2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 5, 1, 5, 2, 6, 2, 6, 1,
7, 1, 7, 3, 6, 3, 7, 7));
elsif( $char eq 'B' )
$c->createPolygon(scale(3, 7, 2, 6, 4, 1, 6, 6, 5, 7));
$c->createOval(scale(3.5, 1, 4.5, 2), -outline => undef);
$c->itemconfigure('all', -fill => $color);

sub newboard
my ($piece, $from, $to, $was) = @{ +shift };
my $newboard = $board;
substr $newboard, $from, 1, '-';
substr $newboard, $to, 1, $piece;

sub incheck # board, 1=whiteincheck 0=blackincheck
my ($newboard, $who) = @_;
local @moves;
$newboard =~ ( $who ? $blackmoves : $whitemoves );
any { $_->[3] =~ /k/i } @moves;

sub blink
my $pos = shift;
$message = 'Black moving...';
for ( ('green', 'red') x 2 )
$squares[$pos]->itemconfigure('all', -fill => $_);
select undef, undef, undef, 0.1;

sub findlegal
local @moves;
$board =~ $whitemoves;
%legal = %canmove = ();
$legal{ $_->[1] . ' ' . $_->[2] } = $canmove{$_->[1]} = 1 for
grep { ! incheck(newboard($_), 1) } @moves;
@moves = ();
if( $castleleft and $board =~ /R---K...\n\z/ )
$board =~ $blackmoves;
my $attack = any { $_->[2] =~ /6[567]/ } @moves;
$attack or $legal{"67 63"} = $canmove{67} = 1;
if( $castleright and $board =~ /K--R\n\z/ )
@moves or $board =~ $blackmoves;
my $attack = any { $_->[2] =~ /6[789]/ } @moves;
$attack or $legal{"67 70"} = $canmove{67} = 1;
if( $enpassant > 0 )
substr($board, $enpassant + $_, 1) eq 'P' and
$legal{$enpassant + $_ . " $enpassant"} = $canmove{$enpassant + $_} = 1
for 8, 10;
if( not %legal )
$over = 1;
$message = incheck($board, 1) ? "CHECKMATE" : "DRAW";
$label->configure(-bg => 'red');
$label->configure(-fg => 'white');

sub islegal { $legal{"@_"} }

sub score
my $bb = newboard(shift);
sum0 map(-$values{+lc}, $bb =~ /[A-Z]/g), map $values{$_}, $bb =~ /[a-z]/g;

sub lookahead
my $bb = shift;
local @moves;
$bb =~ $blackmoves;
# print "black moves : " . @moves, "\n";
my @bbest;
for my $bmove ( @moves )
my $freedom;
local $board = newboard($bmove);
local @moves;
$board =~ $whitemoves;
$freedom = @moves;
my @wbest;
for my $wmove ( @moves )
local $board = newboard($wmove);
local @moves;
$board =~ $blackmoves;
my @bbest2;
for my $bmove2 ( @moves )
push @bbest2, [ $bmove, score($bmove2), $freedom ];
push @wbest, first { not incheck( newboard($wmove, 0) ) }
sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } shuffle @bbest2;
push @bbest, first { not incheck( newboard($bmove, 1) ) }
sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
grep defined $_->[1],
shuffle @wbest;
map $_->[0], sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] or $b->[2] <=> $a->[2] }
grep defined $_->[1],
shuffle @bbest;

sub playblack
$message = 'Black thinking...';
$label->configure(-bg => 'gray85');
@moves = lookahead($board);
my $themove = first { ! incheck(newboard($_), 0) } @moves;
if( not $themove )
$over = 1;
$message = incheck( $board, 0 ) ? "CHECKMATE" : "DRAW";
$label->configure(-bg => 'red');
$label->configure(-fg => 'white');
blink( $themove->[1] );
$board = newboard $themove;
$enpassant = $themove->[4] // -1;
1 while $board =~ s/^.*\KP/Q/;
$board =~ s/p(?=.*$)/q/g;

sub help
my $help = $mw->Toplevel;
$help->title("Chess Help");
my $ro = $help->ROText( -font => 'times 14', -height => 12, -width => 60,
$help->Button(-text => 'Dismiss', -command => sub {$help->destroy},
)->pack(-fill => 'x');
$ro->insert(end => <<END);

You are playing White, the program is playing Black.

To move or capture : left click on piece to move,
it should turn yellow if a legal move for that piece exists,
then left click on the destination square.

To castle : left click on the King, then left click on a Rook.

To capture "en passant" : left click on your Pawn,
then left click on the square the opponent's Pawn skipped over.
