Chess player: Difference between revisions

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m (link to VPython 3D-Chess-Board, pygame)
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In the early times, chess used to be the prime example of artificial intelligence. Nowadays, some chess programs can beat a human master, and simple implementations can be written in a few pages of code.
In the early times, chess used to be the prime example of artificial intelligence. Nowadays, some chess programs can beat a human master, and simple implementations can be written in a few pages of code.

Write a program which plays chess against a human player. No need for graphics -- a textual user interface is sufficient.
Write a program which plays chess against a human player. <br>
No need for graphics -- a textual user interface is sufficient.

{{:Chess player/PicoLisp}}
{{:Chess player/PicoLisp}}

"Python Chess" is a chess game at the [ PyGame-Website] and [ Homepage].

There is a 3D-Chess-Board in the [ VPython contributed section].

Revision as of 02:06, 17 November 2014

This task has been flagged for clarification due to it being believed to be too difficult to implement in a reasonable amount of effort in more than one (usually very specialised) language. It may need to be divided into multiple tasks or modified substantially so that multiple implementations are practical, and that may cause code on this page in its current state to be flagged incorrect afterwards. See this page's Talk page for discussion.
Chess player is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

In the early times, chess used to be the prime example of artificial intelligence. Nowadays, some chess programs can beat a human master, and simple implementations can be written in a few pages of code.

Write a program which plays chess against a human player.
No need for graphics -- a textual user interface is sufficient.


This implementation supports all chess rules (including castling, pawn promotion and en passant), switching sides, unlimited undo/redo, and the setup, saving and loading of board positions to/from files.

# *Board a1 .. h8
# *White *Black *WKPos *BKPos *Pinned
# *Depth *Moved *Undo *Redo *Me *You

(load "@lib/simul.l")

### Fields/Board ###
# x y color piece whAtt blAtt

(setq *Board (grid 8 8))

(for (X . Lst) *Board
   (for (Y . This) Lst
      (=: x X)
      (=: y Y)
      (=: color (not (bit? 1 (+ X Y)))) ) )

(de *Straight `west `east `south `north)

(de *Diagonal
   ((This) (: 0 1  1  0 -1  1))   # Southwest
   ((This) (: 0 1  1  0 -1 -1))   # Northwest
   ((This) (: 0 1 -1  0 -1  1))   # Southeast
   ((This) (: 0 1 -1  0 -1 -1)) ) # Northeast

(de *DiaStraight
   ((This) (: 0 1  1  0 -1  1  0 -1  1))   # South Southwest
   ((This) (: 0 1  1  0 -1  1  0  1  1))   # West Southwest
   ((This) (: 0 1  1  0 -1 -1  0  1  1))   # West Northwest
   ((This) (: 0 1  1  0 -1 -1  0 -1 -1))   # North Northwest
   ((This) (: 0 1 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1 -1))   # North Northeast
   ((This) (: 0 1 -1  0 -1 -1  0  1 -1))   # East Northeast
   ((This) (: 0 1 -1  0 -1  1  0  1 -1))   # East Southeast
   ((This) (: 0 1 -1  0 -1  1  0 -1  1)) ) # South Southeast

### Pieces ###
(de piece (Typ Cnt Fld)
         (pack (mapcar '((Cls) (cdr (chop Cls))) Typ))
         Typ )
      (init> @ Cnt Fld) ) )

(class +White)
# color ahead

(dm init> (Cnt Fld)
   (=: ahead north)
   (extra Cnt Fld) )

(dm name> ()
   (pack " " (extra) " ") )

(dm move> (Fld)
   (adjMove '*White '*WKPos whAtt- whAtt+) )

(class +Black)
# color ahead

(dm init> (Cnt Fld)
   (=: color T)
   (=: ahead south)
   (extra Cnt Fld) )

(dm name> ()
   (pack '< (extra) '>) )

(dm move> (Fld)
   (adjMove '*Black '*BKPos blAtt- blAtt+) )

(class +piece)
# cnt field attacks

(dm init> (Cnt Fld)
   (=: cnt Cnt)
   (move> This Fld) )

(dm ctl> ())

(class +King +piece)

(dm name> () 'K)

(dm val> () 120)

(dm ctl> ()
   (unless (=0 (: cnt)) -10) )

(dm moves> ()
            (n0 (: cnt))
            (get (: field) (if (: color) 'whAtt 'blAtt)) )
         (tryCastle west T)
         (tryCastle east) )
      (try1Move *Straight)
      (try1Move *Diagonal) ) )

(dm attacks> ()
      (try1Attack *Straight)
      (try1Attack *Diagonal) ) )

(class +Castled)

(dm ctl> () 30)

(class +Queen +piece)

(dm name> () 'Q)

(dm val> () 90)

(dm moves> ()
      (tryMoves *Straight)
      (tryMoves *Diagonal) ) )

(dm attacks> ()
      (tryAttacks *Straight)
      (tryAttacks *Diagonal T) ) )

(class +Rook +piece)

(dm name> () 'R)

(dm val> () 47)

(dm moves> ()
   (make (tryMoves *Straight)) )

(dm attacks> ()
   (make (tryAttacks *Straight)) )

(class +Bishop +piece)

(dm name> () 'B)

(dm val> () 33)

(dm ctl> ()
   (when (=0 (: cnt)) -10) )

(dm moves> ()
   (make (tryMoves *Diagonal)) )

(dm attacks> ()
   (make (tryAttacks *Diagonal T)) )

(class +Knight +piece)

(dm name> () 'N)

(dm val> () 28)

(dm ctl> ()
   (when (=0 (: cnt)) -10) )

(dm moves> ()
   (make (try1Move *DiaStraight)) )

(dm attacks> ()
   (make (try1Attack *DiaStraight)) )

(class +Pawn +piece)

(dm name> () 'P)

(dm val> () 10)

(dm moves> ()
   (let (Fld1 ((: ahead) (: field))  Fld2 ((: ahead) Fld1))
            (tryPawnMove Fld1 Fld2)
            (=0 (: cnt))
            (tryPawnMove Fld2 T) )
         (tryPawnCapt (west Fld1) Fld2 (west (: field)))
         (tryPawnCapt (east Fld1) Fld2 (east (: field))) ) ) )

(dm attacks> ()
   (let Fld ((: ahead) (: field))
         (and (west Fld) (link @))
         (and (east Fld) (link @)) ) ) )

### Move Logic ###
(de inCheck (Color)
   (if Color (get *BKPos 'whAtt) (get *WKPos 'blAtt)) )

(de whAtt+ (This Pce)
   (=: whAtt (cons Pce (: whAtt))) )

(de whAtt- (This Pce)
   (=: whAtt (delq Pce (: whAtt))) )

(de blAtt+ (This Pce)
   (=: blAtt (cons Pce (: blAtt))) )

(de blAtt- (This Pce)
   (=: blAtt (delq Pce (: blAtt))) )

(de adjMove (Var KPos Att- Att+)
   (let (W (: field whAtt)  B (: field blAtt))
      (when (: field)
         (put @ 'piece NIL)
         (for F (: attacks) (Att- F This)) )
         (Fld (set Var (delq This (val Var))))
         ((: field) (push Var This)) )
      (ifn (=: field Fld)
         (=: attacks)
         (put Fld 'piece This)
         (and (isa '+King This) (set KPos Fld))
         (for F (=: attacks (attacks> This)) (Att+ F This)) )
      (reAtttack W (: field whAtt) B (: field blAtt)) ) )

(de reAtttack (W W2 B B2)
   (for This W
      (unless (memq This W2)
         (for F (: attacks) (whAtt- F This))
         (for F (=: attacks (attacks> This)) (whAtt+ F This)) ) )
   (for This W2
      (for F (: attacks) (whAtt- F This))
      (for F (=: attacks (attacks> This)) (whAtt+ F This)) )
   (for This B
      (unless (memq This B2)
         (for F (: attacks) (blAtt- F This))
         (for F (=: attacks (attacks> This)) (blAtt+ F This)) ) )
   (for This B2
      (for F (: attacks) (blAtt- F This))
      (for F (=: attacks (attacks> This)) (blAtt+ F This)) ) )

(de try1Move (Lst)
   (for Dir Lst
      (let? Fld (Dir (: field))
         (ifn (get Fld 'piece)
            (link (list This (cons This Fld)))
            (unless (== (: color) (get @ 'color))
                  (list This
                     (cons (get Fld 'piece))
                     (cons This Fld) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

(de try1Attack (Lst)
   (for Dir Lst
      (and (Dir (: field)) (link @)) )  )

(de tryMoves (Lst)
   (for Dir Lst
      (let Fld (: field)
            (NIL (setq Fld (Dir Fld)))
            (T (get Fld 'piece)
               (unless (== (: color) (get @ 'color))
                     (list This
                        (cons (get Fld 'piece))
                        (cons This Fld) ) ) ) )
            (link (list This (cons This Fld))) ) ) ) )

(de tryAttacks (Lst Diag)
   (use (Pce Cls Fld2)
      (for Dir Lst
         (let Fld (: field)
               (NIL (setq Fld (Dir Fld)))
               (link Fld)
                     (setq Pce (get Fld 'piece))
                     (<> (: color) (get Pce 'color)) ) )
               (T (== '+Pawn (setq Cls (last (type Pce))))
                     (setq Fld2 (Dir Fld))
                     (= (get Fld2 'y) (get ((get Pce 'ahead) Fld) 'y))
                     (link Fld2) ) )
               (T (memq Cls '(+Knight +Queen +King)))
               (T (and Pce (xor Diag (== Cls '+Bishop)))) ) ) ) ) )

(de tryPawnMove (Fld Flg)
   (unless (get Fld 'piece)
      (if Flg
         (link (list This (cons This Fld)))
         (for Cls '(+Queen +Knight +Rook +Bishop)
               (list This
                  (cons This)
                     (piece (list (car (type This)) Cls) (: cnt))
                     Fld ) ) ) ) ) ) )

(de tryPawnCapt (Fld1 Flg Fld2)
   (if (get Fld1 'piece)
      (unless (== (: color) (get @ 'color))
         (if Flg
               (list This
                  (cons (get Fld1 'piece))
                  (cons This Fld1) ) )
            (for Cls '(+Queen +Knight +Rook +Bishop)
                  (list This
                     (cons (get Fld1 'piece))
                     (cons This)
                        (piece (list (car (type This)) Cls) (: cnt))
                        Fld1 ) ) ) ) ) )
      (let? Pce (get Fld2 'piece)
            (== Pce (car *Moved))
            (= 1 (get Pce 'cnt))
            (isa '+Pawn Pce)
            (n== (: color) (get Pce 'color))
            (link (list This (cons Pce) (cons This Fld1))) ) ) ) )

(de tryCastle (Dir Long)
   (use (Fld1 Fld2 Fld Pce)
         (get (setq Fld1 (Dir (: field))) 'piece)
         (get Fld1 (if (: color) 'whAtt 'blAtt))
         (get (setq Fld2 (Dir Fld1)  Fld Fld2) 'piece)
         (when Long
               (get (setq Fld (Dir Fld)) 'piece)
               (get Fld (if (: color) 'whAtt 'blAtt)) ) )
            (== '+Rook (last (type (setq Pce (get (Dir Fld) 'piece)))))
            (=0 (get Pce 'cnt))
               (list This
                  (cons This)
                     (piece (cons (car (type This)) '(+Castled +King)) 1)
                     Fld2 )
                  (cons Pce Fld1) ) ) ) ) ) )

(de pinned (Fld Lst Color)
   (use (Pce L P)
            (NIL (setq Fld (Dir Fld)))
            (T (setq Pce (get Fld 'piece))
                  (= Color (get Pce 'color))
                  (setq L
                           (NIL (setq Fld (Dir Fld)))
                           (link Fld)
                           (T (setq P (get Fld 'piece))) ) ) )
                  (<> Color (get P 'color))
                  (memq (last (type P)) Lst)
                  (cons Pce L) ) ) )
         (link @) ) ) )

### Moves ###
# Move      ((p1 (p1 . f2))        . ((p1 . f1)))
# Capture   ((p1 (p2) (p1 . f2))   . ((p1 . f1) (p2 . f2)))
# Castle    ((K (K) (C . f2) (R . f4)) . ((R . f3) (K . f1)))
# Promote   ((P (P) (Q . f2))      . ((Q) (P . f1)))
# Capt/Prom ((P (p1) (P) (Q . f2)) . ((Q) (P . f1) (p1 . f2)))
(de moves (Color)
            (move (car Lst))
            (not (inCheck Color))
            (move (cdr Lst)) ) )
                  (cons Lst
                           '((Mov) (cons (car Mov) (get Mov 1 'field)))
                           (cdr Lst) ) ) ) )
               (moves> Pce) ) )
         (if Color *Black *White) ) ) )

(de move (Lst)
   (if (atom (car Lst))
      (inc (prop (push '*Moved (pop 'Lst)) 'cnt))
      (dec (prop (pop '*Moved) 'cnt)) )
   (for Mov Lst
      (move> (car Mov) (cdr Mov)) ) )

### Evaluation ###
(de mate (Color)
   (and (inCheck Color) (not (moves Color))) )

(de battle (Fld Prey Attacker Defender)
   (use Pce
         (NIL (setq Pce (mini 'val> Attacker)) 0)
         (setq Attacker (delq Pce Attacker))
         (NIL (and (asoq Pce *Pinned) (not (memq Fld @)))
            (max 0 (- Prey (battle Fld (val> Pce) Defender Attacker))) ) ) ) )

# Ref. Sargon, Dan and Kate Spracklen, Hayden 1978
(de cost (Color)
   (if (mate (not Color))
      (setq *Pinned
            (for Dir *Straight
               (pinned *WKPos '(+Rook +Queen))
               (pinned *BKPos '(+Rook +Queen) T) )
            (for Dir *Diagonal
               (pinned *WKPos '(+Bishop +Queen))
               (pinned *BKPos '(+Bishop +Queen) T) ) ) )
      (let (Ctl 0  Mat 0  Lose 0  Win1 NIL  Win2 NIL  Flg NIL)
         (use (White Black Col Same B)
            (for Lst *Board
               (for This Lst
                  (setq White (: whAtt)  Black (: blAtt))
                  ((if Color inc dec) 'Ctl (- (length White) (length Black)))
                  (let? Val (and (: piece) (val> @))
                     (setq Col (: piece color)  Same (== Col Color))
                     ((if Same dec inc) 'Ctl (ctl> (: piece)))
                           (setq B
                              (if Col
                                 (battle This Val White Black)
                                 (battle This Val Black White) ) ) )
                        (dec 'Val 5)
                        (if Same
                              Lose (max Lose B)
                              Flg (or Flg (== (: piece) (car *Moved))) )
                           (when (> B Win1)
                              (xchg 'B 'Win1)
                              (setq Win2 (max Win2 B)) ) ) )
                     ((if Same dec inc) 'Mat Val) ) ) ) )
         (unless (=0 Lose) (dec 'Lose 5))
         (if Flg
            (* 4 (+ Mat Lose))
            (when Win2
               (dec 'Lose (>> 1 (- Win2 5))) )
            (+ Ctl (* 4 (+ Mat Lose))) ) ) ) )

### Game ###
(de display (Res)
   (when Res
      (disp *Board T
               ((: piece) (name> @))
               ((: color) " - ")
               (T "   ") ) ) ) )
   (and (inCheck *You) (prinl "(+)"))
   Res )

(de moved? (Lst)
      (> 16 (length Lst))
      (find '((This) (n0 (: cnt))) Lst) ) )

(de bookMove (From To)
   (let Pce (get From 'piece)
      (list 0 (list (list Pce (cons Pce To)) (cons Pce From))) ) )

(de myMove ()
   (let? M
            ((moved? (if *Me *Black *White))
               (game *Me *Depth moves move cost) )
               (if (member (get *Moved 1 'field 'x) (1 2 3 5))
                  (bookMove 'e7 'e5)
                  (bookMove 'd7 'd5) ) )
            ((rand T) (bookMove 'e2 'e4))
            (T (bookMove 'd2 'd4)) ) )
      (move (car (push '*Undo M)))
      (off *Redo)
         (caar M)
         (cdr (asoq (caar M) (cdr M)))
         (pick cdr (cdar M)) ) ) )

(de yourMove (From To Cls)
               (== (caar Mov) (get From 'piece))
               (== To (pick cdr (cdar Mov)))
                  (not Cls)
                  (isa Cls (car (last (car Mov)))) ) ) )
         (moves *You) )
      (prog1 (car (push '*Undo @))
         (off *Redo)
         (move @) ) ) )

(de undo ()
   (move (cdr (push '*Redo (pop '*Undo)))) )

(de redo ()
   (move (car (push '*Undo (pop '*Redo)))) )

(de setup (Depth You Init)
   (setq *Depth (or Depth 5)  *You You  *Me (not You))
   (off *White *Black *Moved *Undo *Redo)
   (for Lst *Board
      (for This Lst (=: piece) (=: whAtt) (=: blAtt)) )
   (if Init
      (for L Init
         (with (piece (cadr L) 0 (car L))
            (unless (caddr L)
               (=: cnt 1)
               (push '*Moved This) ) ) )
         '((Cls Lst)
            (piece (list '+White Cls) 0 (car Lst))
            (piece '(+White +Pawn) 0 (cadr Lst))
            (piece '(+Black +Pawn) 0 (get Lst 7))
            (piece (list '+Black Cls) 0 (get Lst 8)) )
         '(+Rook +Knight +Bishop +Queen +King +Bishop +Knight +Rook)
         *Board ) ) )

(de main (Depth You Init)
   (setup Depth You Init)
   (display T) )

(de go Args
         ((not Args) (xchg '*Me '*You) (myMove))
         ((== '- (car Args)) (and *Undo (undo)))
         ((== '+ (car Args)) (and *Redo (redo)))
         ((apply yourMove Args) (display T) (myMove)) ) ) )

# Print position to file
(de ppos (File)
   (out File
         (list 'main *Depth *You
                        (: field)
                        (val This)
                        (not (memq This *Moved)) ) )
                  (append *White *Black) ) ) ) ) ) )


$ pil chess.l -main +
 8 |<R>|<N>|<B>|<Q>|<K>|<B>|<N>|<R>|
 7 |<P>|<P>|<P>|<P>|<P>|<P>|<P>|<P>|
 6 |   | - |   | - |   | - |   | - |
 5 | - |   | - |   | - |   | - |   |
 4 |   | - |   | - |   | - |   | - |
 3 | - |   | - |   | - |   | - |   |
 2 | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
 1 | R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R |
     a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h

Entering moves:

: (go e2 e4)

Undo moves:

: (go -)


: (go +)

Switch sides:

: (go)

Save position to a file:

: (ppos "file")

Load position from file:

: (load "file")


Library: pygame

"Python Chess" is a chess game at the PyGame-Website and Homepage.

Library: VPython

There is a 3D-Chess-Board in the VPython contributed section.