Category talk:Wren-math: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
(→‎Source code: Added some type aliases, a new method & tweaked some code.)
(→‎Source code: Added squareFree, cubeFree and powerFree methods to Int class.)
(60 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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===Source code===
===Source code===
<lang ecmascript>/* Module "math.wren" */
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">/* Module "math.wren" */

/* Math supplements the Num class with various other operations on numbers. */
/* Math supplements the Num class with various other operations on numbers. */
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static e { 2.71828182845904523536 } // base of natural logarithms
static e { 2.71828182845904523536 } // base of natural logarithms
static phi { 1.6180339887498948482 } // golden ratio
static phi { 1.6180339887498948482 } // golden ratio
static tau { 1.6180339887498948482 } // synonym for phi
static ln2 { 0.69314718055994530942 } // natural logarithm of 2
static ln2 { 0.69314718055994530942 } // natural logarithm of 2
static ln10 { 2.30258509299404568402 } // natural logarithm of 10
static ln10 { 2.30258509299404568402 } // natural logarithm of 10

// Special values.
// Log function.
static inf { 1/0 } // positive infinity
static ninf { (-1)/0 } // negative infinity
static nan { 0/0 } // nan

// Returns the base 'e' exponential of 'x'
static exp(x) { e.pow(x) }

// Log functions.
static log2(x) { x.log/ln2 } // Base 2 logarithm
static log10(x) { x.log/ln10 } // Base 10 logarithm
static log10(x) { x.log/ln10 } // Base 10 logarithm

// Hyperbolic trig functions.
// Hyperbolic trig functions.
static sinh(x) { (exp(x) - exp(-x))/2 } // sine
static sinh(x) { (x.exp - (-x).exp)/2 } // sine
static cosh(x) { (exp(x) + exp(-x))/2 } // cosine
static cosh(x) { (x.exp + (-x).exp)/2 } // cosine
static tanh(x) { sinh(x)/cosh(x) } // tangent
static tanh(x) { sinh(x)/cosh(x) } // tangent

// Inverse hyperbolic trig functions.
// Inverse hyperbolic trig functions.
static asinh(x) { (x + (x*x + 1).sqrt).ln } // sine
static asinh(x) { (x + (x*x + 1).sqrt).log } // sine
static acosh(x) { (x + (x*x - 1).sqrt).ln } // cosine
static acosh(x) { (x + (x*x - 1).sqrt).log } // cosine
static atanh(x) { ((1+x)/(1-x)).ln/2 } // tangent
static atanh(x) { ((1+x)/(1-x)).log/2 } // tangent

// Angle conversions.
// Angle conversions.
static radians(d) { d * Num.pi / 180}
static radians(d) { d * Num.pi / 180}
static degrees(r) { r * 180 / Num.pi }
static degrees(r) { r * 180 / Num.pi }

// Returns the cube root of 'x'.
static cbrt(x) { x.pow(1/3) }

// Returns the square root of 'x' squared + 'y' squared.
// Returns the square root of 'x' squared + 'y' squared.
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// Return the minimum and maximum of 'x' and 'y'.
static min(x, y) { (x < y) ? x : y }
static max(x, y) { (x > y) ? x : y }

// Round away from zero.
// Round away from zero.
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// Convenience version of above method which uses 0 for the 'mode' parameter.
// Convenience version of above method which uses 0 for the 'mode' parameter.
static toPlaces(x, p) { toPlaces(x, p, 0) }
static toPlaces(x, p) { toPlaces(x, p, 0) }

// Returns the linear interpolation of t between x and y, if t is in [0, 1] or
// linear extrapolation otherwise.
static lerp (x, y, t) { x + t * (y - x) }

// The power of 'p' which equals or first exceeds a non-negative number 'x'.
// 'p' must be an integer greater than 1.
// Returns a two element list containing the power and the exponent.
static nextPower(x, p) {
if (!((x is Num) && x >= 0)) Fiber.abort("x must be a non-negative number.")
if (!((p is Num) && p.isInteger && p > 1)) Fiber.abort("p must be an integer > 1.")
if (x <= 1) return [1, 0]
var pow = 1
var count = 0
while (x > pow) {
pow = pow * p
count = count + 1
return [pow, count]

// Returns the value of a polynomial when the unknown is 'x' using Horner's rule.
// Polynomials are represented by an ordered list of coefficients
// from the term with the highest degree down to the constant term.
static evalPoly(coefs, x) {
if (!(coefs is List) || coefs.count == 0 || !(coefs[0] is Num)) {
Fiber.abort("coefs must be a non-empty ordered list of numbers.")
if (!(x is Num)) Fiber.abort("x must be a number.")
var c = coefs.count
if (c == 1) return coefs[0]
var sum = coefs[0]
for (i in 1...c) sum = sum * x + coefs[i]
return sum

// Returns the coefficients of a polynomial following differentiation.
// Polynomials are represented as described in 'evalPoly' above.
static diffPoly(coefs) {
if (!(coefs is List) || coefs.count == 0 || !(coefs[0] is Num)) {
Fiber.abort("coefs must be a non-empty ordered list of numbers.")
var c = coefs.count - 1
if (c == 0) return [0]
var deriv = List.filled(c, 0)
for (i in 0...c) deriv[i] = (c - i) * coefs[i]
return deriv

// Attempts to find a real root of a polynomial using Newton's method from
// an initial guess, a given tolerance, a maximum number of iterations
// and a given multiplicity (usually 1).
// If a root is found, it is returned otherwise 'null' is returned.
// If the root is near an integer checks if the integer is in fact the root.
static rootPoly(coefs, guess, tol, maxIter, mult) {
var deg = coefs.count - 1
if (deg == 0) return null
if (deg == 1) return -coefs[1]/coefs[0]
if (deg == 2 && coefs[1]*coefs[1] - 4*coefs[0]*coefs[2] < 0) return null
if (Math.evalPoly(coefs, 0) == 0) return 0
var eps = 0.001
var deriv = Math.diffPoly(coefs)
var x0 = guess
var iter = 1
while (true) {
var den = Math.evalPoly(deriv, x0)
if (den == 0) {
x0 = (x0 >= 0) ? x0 + eps : x0 - eps
} else {
var num = Math.evalPoly(coefs, x0)
var x1 = x0 - num/den * mult
if ((x1 - x0).abs <= tol) {
var r = x1.round
if ((r - x1).abs <= eps && Math.evalPoly(coefs, r) == 0) return r
return x1
x0 = x1
if (iter == maxIter) break
iter = iter + 1
x0 = x0.round
if (Math.evalPoly(coefs, x0) == 0) return x0
return null

// Convenience versions of 'rootPoly' which use defaults for some parameters.
static rootpoly(coefs, guess) { rootPoly(coefs, guess, 1e-15, 100, 1) }
static rootPoly(coefs) { rootPoly(coefs, 0.001, 1e-15, 100, 1) }

// Gamma function using Lanczos approximation.
// Gamma function using Lanczos approximation.
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var sum = p[0]
var sum = p[0]
for (i in 0..7) sum = sum + p[i+1]/(x + i)
for (i in 0..7) sum = sum + p[i+1]/(x + i)
return 2.sqrt * Num.pi.sqrt * t.pow(x-0.5) * Math.exp(-t) * sum
return 2.sqrt * Num.pi.sqrt * t.pow(x-0.5) * (-t).exp * sum

// The natural logarithm of the absolute value of gamma(x).
static lgamma(x) {
if (x == 1 || x == 2) return 0
return Math.gamma(x).abs.log

// Returns the positive difference of two numbers.
static dim(x, y) { (x >= y) ? x - y : 0 }

// Static alternatives to instance methods in Num class.
// Clearer when both arguments are complex expressions.
static min(x, y) { (x < y) ? x : y }
static max(x, y) { (x > y) ? x : y }
static atan(x, y) { x.atan(y) }

/* Int contains various routines which are only applicable to integers. */
/* Int contains various routines which are only applicable to integers. */
class Int {
class Int {
// Maximum safe integer = 2^53 - 1.
// Truncated integer division (consistent with % operator).
static maxSafe { 9007199254740991 }
static quo(x, y) { (x/y).truncate }

// Floored integer division (consistent with 'mod' method below).
static div(x, y) { (x/y).floor }

// Floored integer division modulus.
static mod(x, y) { ((x % y) + y) % y }

// Returns the integer square root of 'x' or null if 'x' is negative.
static sqrt(x) { (x >= 0) ? x.sqrt.floor : null }

// Returns the integer cube root of 'x'.
static cbrt(x) { x.cbrt.truncate }

// Returns the integer 'n'th root of 'x' or null if 'x' is negative and 'n' is even.
static root(n, x) {
if (!(n is Num) || !n.isInteger || n < 1) {
Fiber.abort("n must be a positive integer.")
return (n == 1) ? x :
(n == 2) ? sqrt(x) :
(n == 3) ? cbrt(x) :
(n % 2 == 1) ? x.sign * x.abs.pow(1/n).floor :
(n >= 0) ? x.pow(1/n).floor : null

// Returns whether or not 'x' is a perfect square.
static isSquare(x) {
var s = sqrt(x)
return s * s == x

// Returns whether or not 'x' is a perfect cube.
static isCube(x) {
var c = cbrt(x)
return c * c * c == x

// Returns whether or not 'x' is a perfect 'n'th power.
static isPower(n, x) {
var r = root(n, x)
return r.pow(n) == x

// Returns the greatest common divisor of 'x' and 'y'.
// Returns the greatest common divisor of 'x' and 'y'.
Line 115: Line 245:
x = t
x = t
return x
return x.abs

// Returns the least common multiple of 'x' and 'y'.
// Returns the least common multiple of 'x' and 'y'.
static lcm(x, y) { (x*y).abs / gcd(x, y) }
static lcm(x, y) {
if (x == 0 && y == 0) return 0
return (x*y).abs / gcd(x, y)

// Returns the greatest common divisor of a list of integers 'a'.
static gcd(a) {
if (!(a is List) || a.count < 2) {
Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list of at least two integers.")
var g = gcd(a[0], a[1])
if (a.count == 2) return g
return gcd(a[2..-1] + [g])

// Returns the least common multiple of a list of integers 'a'.
static lcm(a) {
if (!(a is List) || a.count < 2) {
Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list of at least two integers.")
var l = lcm(a[0], a[1])
if (a.count == 2) return l
return lcm(a[2..-1] + [l])

// Private helper method for modMul method.
static checkedAdd_(a, b, c) {
var room = c - 1 - a
if (b <= room) {
a = a + b
} else {
a = b - room - 1
return a

// Returns 'x' multiplied by 'n' modulo 'm'.
static modMul(x, n, m) {
if (m == 0) Fiber.abort("Cannot take modMul with modulus 0.")
var sign = x.sign * n.sign
var z = 0
m = m.abs
x = x.abs % m
n = n.abs % m
if (n > x) {
var t = x
x = n
n = t
while (n > 0) {
if (n % 2 == 1) z = checkedAdd_(z, x, m)
x = checkedAdd_(x, x, m)
n = div(n, 2)
return z * sign

// Returns the remainder when 'b' raised to the power 'e' is divided by 'm'.
// Returns the remainder when 'b' raised to the power 'e' is divided by 'm'.
static modPow(b, e, m) {
static modPow(b, e, m) {
if (m == 1) return 0
if (m == 0) Fiber.abort("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0.")
if (m == 1 || m == -1) return 0
var r = 1
var r = 1
b = b % m
b = b % m
if (e < 0) {
e = -e
b = modInv(b, m)
while (e > 0) {
while (e > 0) {
if (e%2 == 1) r = (r*b) % m
if (b == 0) return 0
e = e >> 1
if (e % 2 == 1) r = modMul(r, b, m)
b = (b*b) % m
e = div(e, 2)
b = modMul(b, b, m)
return r
return r

// Returns the factorial of 'n'. Inaccurate for n > 18.
// Returns the multiplicative inverse of 'x' modulo 'n'.
static modInv(x, n) {
var r = n
var newR = x.abs
var t = 0
var newT = 1
while (newR != 0) {
var q = quo(r, newR)
var lastT = t
var lastR = r
t = newT
r = newR
newT = lastT - q * newT
newR = lastR - q * newR
if (r != 1) Fiber.abort("%(x) and %(n) are not co-prime.")
if (t < 0) t = t + n
return (x < 0) ? -t : t

// Returns the factorial of 'n'.
static factorial(n) {
static factorial(n) {
if (!(n is Num && n >= 0)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative integer")
if (!(n is Num && n >= 0 && n < 19)) {
Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative integer < 19.")
if (n < 2) return 1
if (n < 2) return 1
var fact = 1
var fact = 1
Line 143: Line 356:

// Determines whether 'n' is prime using a wheel with basis [2, 3].
// Returns the multinomial coefficient of n over a list f where sum(f) == n.
static isPrime(n) {
static multinomial(n, f) {
if (!(n is Num && n >= 0 && n < 19)) {
Fiber.abort("First argument must be a non-negative integer < 19.")
if (!(f is List)) Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a list.")
var sum = f.reduce { |acc, i| acc + i }
if (n != sum) {
Fiber.abort("The elements of the list must sum to 'n'.")
var prod = 1
for (e in f) {
if (e < 0) Fiber.abort("The elements of the list must be non-negative integers.")
if (e > 1) prod = prod * factorial(e)
return factorial(n)/prod

// Returns the binomial coefficent of n over k.
static binomial(n, k) { multinomial(n, [k, n-k]) }

// The highest prime less than 2^53.
static maxSafePrime { 9007199254740881 }

// Private helper method for 'isPrime' method.
// Returns true if 'n' is prime, false otherwise but uses the
// Miller-Rabin test which should be faster for 'n' >= 2 ^ 32.
static isPrimeMR_(n) {
if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
if (n%2 == 0) return n == 2
if (n%3 == 0) return n == 3
if (n%5 == 0) return n == 5
if (n%7 == 0) return n == 7
var a
if (n < 4759123141) {
a = [2, 7, 61]
} else if (n < 1122004669633) {
a = [2, 13, 23, 1662803]
} else if (n < 2152302898747) {
a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
} else if (n < 3474749660383) {
a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
} else if (n < 341550071728321) {
a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17]
} else {
a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
var nPrev = n - 1
var b = nPrev
var r = 0
while (b % 2 == 0) {
b = div(b, 2)
r = r + 1
for (i in 0...a.count) {
if (n >= a[i]) {
var x = modPow(a[i], b, n)
if (x != 1 && x != nPrev) {
var d = r - 1
var next = false
while (d != 0) {
x = modMul(x, x, n)
if (x == 1) return false
if (x == nPrev) {
next = true
d = d - 1
if (!next) return false
return true

// Determines whether 'n' is prime using a wheel with basis [2, 3, 5].
// Not accessing the wheel via a list improves performance by about 25%.
// Automatically changes to Miller-Rabin approach if 'n' >= 2 ^ 32.
static isPrime(n) {
if (!n.isInteger || n < 2) return false
if (!n.isInteger || n < 2) return false
if (n > 4294967295) return isPrimeMR_(n)
if (n%2 == 0) return n == 2
if (n%2 == 0) return n == 2
if (n%3 == 0) return n == 3
if (n%3 == 0) return n == 3
var d = 5
if (n%5 == 0) return n == 5
var d = 7
while (d*d <= n) {
while (d*d <= n) {
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 4
if (n%d == 0) return false
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 2
d = d + 2
if (n%d == 0) return false
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 4
d = d + 4
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 2
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 4
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 6
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 2
if (n%d == 0) return false
d = d + 6
if (n%d == 0) return false
return true
return true

// Sieves for primes up to and including 'limit'.
// Returns the next prime number greater than 'n'.
static nextPrime(n) {
if (n >= maxSafePrime) Fiber.abort("Argument is larger than maximum safe prime.")
if (n < 2) return 2
n = (n%2 == 0) ? n + 1 : n + 2
while (true) {
if (Int.isPrime(n)) return n
n = n + 2

// Returns the previous prime number less than 'n' or null if there isn't one.
static prevPrime(n) {
if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
if (n < 3) return null
if (n == 3) return 2
n = (n%2 == 0) ? n - 1 : n - 2
while (true) {
if (Int.isPrime(n)) return n
n = n - 2

// Returns the 'n'th prime number. For the formula used, see:
static getPrime(n) {
if (n < 1 || !n.isInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a positive integer.")
if (n < 8) return [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17][n-1]
var l1 = n.log
var l2 = l1.log
var l3 = (l2 - 2) / l1
var l4 = (l2*l2 - 6*l2 + 11) / (2*l1*l1)
var p = ((l1 + l2 + l3 - l4 - 1) * n).floor
var g = p.log.round
var pc = Int.primeCount(p)
p = p + (n - pc) * g
if (p % 2 == 0) p = p - 1
pc = Int.primeCount(p)
if (pc < n) {
for (i in pc...n) p = Int.nextPrime(p)
} else if (Int.isPrime(p)) {
for (i in n...pc) p = Int.prevPrime(p)
} else {
for (i in n..pc) p = Int.prevPrime(p)
return p

// Sieves for primes up to and including 'n'.
// If primesOnly is true returns a list of the primes found.
// If primesOnly is true returns a list of the primes found.
// If primesOnly is false returns a bool list 'c' of size (limit + 1) where:
// If primesOnly is false returns a bool list 'c' of size (n + 1) where:
// c[i] is false if 'i' is prime or true if 'i' is composite.
// c[i] is false if 'i' is prime or true if 'i' is composite.
static primeSieve(limit, primesOnly) {
static primeSieve(n, primesOnly) {
if (n < 2) return []
var primes = [2]
var k = ((n-3)/2).floor + 1
var marked = List.filled(k, true)
var limit = ((n.sqrt.floor - 3)/2).floor + 1
limit = limit.max(0)
for (i in 0...limit) {
if (marked[i]) {
var p = 2*i + 3
var s = ((p*p - 3)/2).floor
var j = s
while (j < k) {
marked[j] = false
j = j + p
for (i in 0...k) {
if (marked[i]) primes.add(2*i + 3)
if (primesOnly) return primes
var c = List.filled(n+1, true)
for (p in primes) c[p] = false
return c

// Convenience version of above method which uses true for the primesOnly parameter.
static primeSieve(n) { primeSieve(n, true) }

// Sieves for primes up to and including 'limit' using a segmented approach
// and returns a list of the primes found in order.
// Second argument needs to be the cache size (L1) of your machine in bytes.
// Translated from public domain C++ code at:
static segmentedSieve(limit, cacheSize) {
cacheSize = (cacheSize/8).floor // 8 bytes per list element
var sqroot = limit.sqrt.floor
var segSize = sqroot.max(cacheSize)
if (limit < 2) return []
if (limit < 2) return []
var c = [false] * (limit + 1) // composite = true
var allPrimes = [2]
c[0] = true
var isPrime = List.filled(sqroot + 1, true)
c[1] = true
var primes = []
var multiples = []
// if not primesOnly we need to process the even numbers > 2
if (!primesOnly) {
var i = 3
var i = 4
var n = 3
while (i <= limit) {
var s = 3
c[i] = true
var low = 0
while (low <= limit) {
var sieve = List.filled(segSize, true)
var high = limit.min(low + segSize - 1)
while (i * i <= high) {
if (isPrime[i]) {
var j = i * i
while (j <= sqroot) {
isPrime[j] = false
j = j + i
i = i + 2
i = i + 2
while (s * s <= high) {
if (isPrime[s]) {
multiples.add(s * s - low)
s = s + 2
for (ii in 0...primes.count) {
var j = multiples[ii]
var k = primes[ii] * 2
while (j < segSize) {
sieve[j] = false
j = j + k
multiples[ii] = j - segSize
while (n <= high) {
if (sieve[n - low]) allPrimes.add(n)
n = n + 2
low = low + segSize
var p = 3
return allPrimes
var p2 = p * p

while (p2 <= limit) {
// Computes and returns how many primes there are up to and including 'n'.
var i = p2
// See for details.
while (i <= limit) {
static primeCount(n) {
c[i] = true
i = i + 2*p
if (n < 2) return 0
if (n < 9) return ((n + 1)/2).floor
var masks = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
var half = { |n| (n - 1) >> 1 }
var rtlmt = n.sqrt.floor
var mxndx = Int.quo(rtlmt - 1, 2)
var arrlen = (mxndx + 1).max(2)
var smalls = List.filled(arrlen, 0)
var roughs = List.filled(arrlen, 0)
var larges = List.filled(arrlen, 0)
for (i in 0...arrlen) {
smalls[i] = i
roughs[i] = i + i + 1
larges[i] = Int.quo(Int.quo(n, i + i + 1) - 1 , 2)
var cullbuflen = Int.quo(mxndx + 8, 8)
var cullbuf = List.filled(cullbuflen, 0)
var nbps = 0
var rilmt = arrlen
var i = 1
while (true) {
var sqri = (i + i) * (i + 1)
if (sqri > mxndx) break
if ((cullbuf[i >> 3] & masks[i & 7]) != 0) {
i = i + 1
var ok = true
cullbuf[i >> 3] = cullbuf[i >> 3] | masks[i & 7]
while (ok) {
var bp = i + i + 1
p = p + 2
var c = sqri
ok = c[p]
while (c < arrlen) {
cullbuf[c >> 3] = cullbuf[c >> 3] | masks[c & 7]
c = c + bp
p2 = p * p
var nri = 0
for (ori in 0...rilmt) {
var r = roughs[ori]
var rci = r >> 1
if ((cullbuf[rci >> 3] & masks[rci & 7]) != 0) continue
var d = r * bp
var t = (d <= rtlmt) ? larges[smalls[d >> 1] - nbps] :
smalls[, d))]
larges[nri] = larges[ori] - t + nbps
roughs[nri] = r
nri = nri + 1
var si = mxndx
var pm = ((rtlmt/bp).floor - 1) | 1
while (pm >= bp) {
var c = smalls[pm >> 1]
var e = (pm * bp) >> 1
while (si >= e) {
smalls[si] = smalls[si] - c + nbps
si = si - 1
pm = pm - 2
rilmt = nri
nbps = nbps + 1
i = i + 1
var ans = larges[0] + ((rilmt + 2 * (nbps - 1)) * (rilmt - 1) / 2).floor
if (!primesOnly) return c
var primes = [2]
for (ri in 1...rilmt) ans = ans - larges[ri]
var i = 3
var ri = 1
while (i <= limit) {
while (true) {
if (!c[i]) primes.add(i)
var p = roughs[ri]
i = i + 2
var m = Int.quo(n, p)
var ei = smalls[, p))] - nbps
if (ei <= ri) break
ans = ans - (ei - ri) * (nbps + ri - 1)
for (sri in (ri + 1..ei)) {
ans = ans + smalls[, roughs[sri]))]
ri = ri + 1
return primes
return ans + 1

// Returns how many positive integers up to 'n' are relatively prime to 'n'.
// Convenience version of above method which uses true for the primesOnly parameter.
static primeSieve(limit) { primeSieve(limit, true) }
static totient(n) {
if (n < 1) return 0
var tot = n
var i = 2
while (i*i <= n) {
if (n%i == 0) {
while (n%i == 0) n = (n/i).floor
tot = tot - (tot/i).floor
if (i == 2) i = 1
i = i + 2
if (n > 1) tot = tot - (tot/n).floor
return tot

// Returns the prime factors of 'n' in order using a wheel with basis [2, 3, 5].
// Returns the prime factors of 'n' in order using a wheel with basis [2, 3, 5].
static primeFactors(n) {
static primeFactors(n) {
if (!n.isInteger || n < 2) return []
if (!n.isInteger || n < 2) return []
if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
var inc = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
var inc = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
var factors = []
var factors = []
Line 234: Line 732:
return factors
return factors

// Returns a list of the distinct prime factors of 'n' in order.
static distinctPrimeFactors(n) {
var factors = primeFactors(n)
if (factors.count < 2) return factors
for (i in factors.count-1..1) {
if (factors[i] == factors[i-1]) factors.removeAt(i)
return factors

// Returns a list of the distinct prime factors of 'n' together with the number
// of times each such factor is repeated.
static primePowers(n) {
var factors = primeFactors(n)
if (factors.count == 0) return []
var prev = factors[0]
var res = [[prev, 1]]
for (f in factors.skip(1)) {
if (f == prev) {
res[-1][1] = res[-1][1] + 1
} else {
res.add([f, 1])
prev = f
return res

// Returns true if the prime factorization of 'n' does not contain any
// factors which are repeated 'm' (or more) times, or false otherwise.
static powerFree(m, n) { Int.primePowers(n).all { |pp| pp[1] < m } }

// Covenience versions of above method for squares and cubes.
static squareFree(n) { powerFree(2, n) }
static cubeFree(n) { powerFree(3, n) }

// Returns all the divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
// Returns all the divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
static divisors(n) {
static divisors(n) {
if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return []
if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return []
if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
var divisors = []
var divisors = []
var divisors2 = []
var divisors2 = []
Line 259: Line 794:
var c = d.count
var c = d.count
return (c <= 1) ? [] : d[0..-2]
return (c <= 1) ? [] : d[0..-2]

// As 'divisors' method but uses a different algorithm.
// Better for larger numbers.
static divisors2(n) {
var pf = primeFactors(n)
if (pf.count == 0) return (n == 1) ? [1] : pf
var arr = []
if (pf.count == 1) {
arr.add([pf[0], 1])
} else {
var prevPrime = pf[0]
var count = 1
for (i in {
if (pf[i] == prevPrime) {
count = count + 1
} else {
arr.add([prevPrime, count])
prevPrime = pf[i]
count = 1
arr.add([prevPrime, count])
var divisors = []
var generateDivs
generateDivs = { |currIndex, currDivisor|
if (currIndex == arr.count) {
for (i in 0..arr[currIndex][1]) {, currDivisor)
currDivisor = currDivisor * arr[currIndex][0]
}, 1)
return divisors.sort()

// As 'properDivisors' but uses 'divisors2' method.
static properDivisors2(n) {
var d = divisors2(n)
var c = d.count
return (c <= 1) ? [] : d[0..-2]

// Returns the sum of all the divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
static divisorSum(n) {
if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return 0
if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
var total = 1
var power = 2
while (n % 2 == 0) {
total = total + power
power = 2 * power
n = div(n, 2)
var i = 3
while (i * i <= n) {
var sum = 1
power = i
while (n % i == 0) {
sum = sum + power
power = i * power
n = div(n, i)
total = total * sum
i = i + 2
if (n > 1) total = total * (n + 1)
return total

// Returns the number of divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
static divisorCount(n) {
if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return 0
if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
var count = 0
var prod = 1
while (n % 2 == 0) {
count = count + 1
n = div(n, 2)
prod = prod * (1 + count)
var i = 3
while (i * i <= n) {
count = 0
while (n % i == 0) {
count = count + 1
n = div(n, i)
prod = prod * (1 + count)
i = i + 2
if (n > 2) prod = prod * 2
return prod

// Private helper method which checks a number and base for validity.
static check_(n, b) {
if (!(n is Num && n.isInteger && n >= 0 && n <= Num.maxSafeInteger)) {
Fiber.abort("Number must be a non-negative 'safe' integer.")
if (!(b is Num && b.isInteger && b >= 2 && b < 64)) {
Fiber.abort("Base must be an integer between 2 and 63.")

// Returns a list of an integer n's digits in base b. Optionally checks n and b are valid.
static digits(n, b, check) {
if (check) check_(n, b)
if (n == 0) return [0]
var digs = []
while (n > 0) {
n = (n/b).floor
return digs[-1..0]

// Returns the sum of an integer n's digits in base b. Optionally checks n and b are valid.
static digitSum(n, b, check) {
if (check) check_(n, b)
var sum = 0
while (n > 0) {
sum = sum + (n%b)
n = (n/b).floor
return sum

// Returns the digital root and additive persistence of an integer n in base b.
// Optionally checks n and b are valid.
static digitalRoot(n, b, check) {
if (check) check_(n, b)
var ap = 0
while (n > b - 1) {
n = digitSum(n, b)
ap = ap + 1
return [n, ap]

// Returns a new integer formed by reversing the base 10 digits of 'n'.
// Works with positive, negative and zero integers.
static reverse(n, check) {
if (check) check_(n, b)
var m = (n >= 0) ? n : -n
var r = 0
while (m > 0) {
r = 10*r + m%10
m = div(m, 10)
return r * n.sign
// Convenience versions of the above methods which never check for validity
// and/or use base 10 by default.
static digits(n, b) { digits(n, b, false) }
static digits(n) { digits(n, 10, false) }
static digitSum(n, b) { digitSum(n, b, false) }
static digitSum(n) { digitSum(n, 10, false) }
static digitalRoot(n, b) { digitalRoot(n, b, false) }
static digitalRoot(n) { digitalRoot(n, 10, false) }
static reverse(n) { reverse(n, false) }

// Returns the unique non-negative integer that is associated with a pair
// of non-negative integers 'x' and 'y' according to Cantor's pairing function.
static cantorPair(x, y) {
if (x.type != Num || !x.isInteger || x < 0) {
Fiber.abort("Arguments must be non-negative integers.")
if (y.type != Num || !y.isInteger || y < 0) {
Fiber.abort("Arguments must be non-negative integers.")
return (x*x + 3*x + 2*x*y + y + y*y) / 2

// Returns the pair of non-negative integers that are associated with a single
// non-negative integer 'z' according to Cantor's pairing function.
static cantorUnpair(z) {
if (z.type != Num || !z.isInteger || z < 0) {
Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative integer.")
var i = (((1 + 8*z).sqrt-1)/2).floor
return [z - i*(1+i)/2, i*(3+i)/2 - z]

Stat contains various routines applicable to lists or ranges of numbers
Nums contains various routines applicable to lists or ranges of numbers
which are useful for statistical purposes.
many of which are useful for statistical purposes.
class Stat {
class Nums {
// Methods to calculate sum, various means, product and maximum/minimum element of 'a'.
// Methods to calculate sum, various means, product and maximum/minimum element of 'a'.
// The sum and product of an empty list are considered to be 0 and 1 respectively.
// The sum and product of an empty list are considered to be 0 and 1 respectively.
Line 278: Line 1,000:
static min(a) { a.reduce { |acc, x| (x < acc) ? x : acc } }
static min(a) { a.reduce { |acc, x| (x < acc) ? x : acc } }

// As above methods but applying a function 'f' to each element of 'a'
// Returns the median of a sorted list.
// before performing the operation.
// 'f' should take a single Num parameter and return a Num.
static sum(a, f) { a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + } }
static mean(a, f) { sum(a, f)/a.count }
static geometricMean(a, f) { a.reduce { |prod, x| prod *}.pow(1/a.count) }
static harmonicMean(a, f) { a.count / a.reduce { |acc, x| acc + 1/ } }
static quadraticMean(a, f) { (a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + }/a.count).sqrt }
static prod(a, f) { a.reduce(1) { |acc, x| acc * } }
static max(a, f) { a.reduce { |acc, x|
var fx =
return (fx > acc) ? fx : acc
} }
static min(a, f) { a.reduce { |acc, x|
var fx =
return (fx < acc) ? fx : acc
} }

// Returns the median of a sorted list 'a'.
static median(a) {
static median(a) {
var c = a.count
var c = a.count
Line 291: Line 1,031:

// Return a list whose first element is the number of occurrences of the mode(s)
// Returns a list whose first element is a list of the mode(s) of 'a'
// and the second element is a list of the mode(s) of a.
// and whose second element is the number of times the mode(s) occur.
static modes(a) {
static modes(a) {
var m = {}
var m = {}
Line 320: Line 1,060:

// Returns the population standard deviation of 'a'.
// Returns the population standard deviation of 'a'.
static popStdDev { popVariance(a).sqrt }
static popStdDev(a) { popVariance(a).sqrt }

// Returns the mean deviation of 'a'.
// Returns the mean deviation of 'a'.
Line 327: Line 1,067:
return a.reduce { |acc, x| acc + (x - m).abs } / a.count
return a.reduce { |acc, x| acc + (x - m).abs } / a.count

// Converts a string list to a corresponding numeric list.
static fromStrings(a) { { |s| Num.fromString(s) }.toList }

// Converts a numeric list to a corresponding string list.
static toStrings(a) { { |n| n.toString }.toList }

// Draws a horizontal bar chart on the terminal representing a list of numerical 'data'
// which must be non-negative. 'labels' is a list of the corresponding text for each bar.
// When printed and unless they are all the same length, 'labels' are right justified
// within their maximum length if 'rjust' is true, otherwise they are left justified.
// 'width' is the total width of the chart in characters to which the labels/data will
// automatically be scaled. 'symbol' is the character to be used to draw each bar,
// 'symbol2' is used to represent scaled non-zero data and 'symbol3' zero data which
// would otherwise be blank. The actual data is printed at the end of each bar.
static barChart (title, width, labels, data, rjust, symbol, symbol2, symbol3) {
var barCount = labels.count
if (data.count != barCount) Fiber.abort("Mismatch between labels and data.")
var maxLabelLen = max( { |l| l.count })
if (labels.any { |l| l.count < maxLabelLen }) {
if (rjust) {
labels = { |l| (" " * (maxLabelLen - l.count)) + l }.toList
} else {
labels = { |l| l + (" " * (maxLabelLen - l.count)) }.toList
var maxData = max(data)
var maxLen = width - maxLabelLen - maxData.toString.count - 2
var scaledData = { |d| (d * maxLen / maxData).floor }.toList
System.print("-" * Math.max(width, title.count))
for (i in 0...barCount) {
var bar = symbol * scaledData[i]
if (bar == "") bar = data[i] > 0 ? symbol2 : symbol3
System.print(labels[i] + " " + bar + " " + data[i].toString)
System.print("-" * Math.max(width, title.count))

// Convenience version of the above method which uses default symbols.
static barChart(title, width, labels, data, rjust) {
barChart(title, width, labels, data, rjust, "■", "◧", "□")

// As above method but uses right justification for labels.
static barChart(title, width, labels, data) {
barChart(title, width, labels, data, true, "■", "◧", "□")

// Plots a sequence of points 'pts' on x/y axes of lengths 'lenX'/'lenY' on the
// terminal automatically scaling them to those lengths. 'symbol' marks each point.
static plot(title, pts, lenX, lenY, symbol) {
var px = { |p| p[0] }
var py = { |p| p[1] }
var maxX = max(px).ceil
var minX = min(px).floor
var maxY = max(py).ceil
var minY = min(py).floor
var cy = max([maxY.toString.count, minY.toString.count, 5])
pts = { |p|
var q = [0, 0]
q[0] = Math.lerp(1, lenX, (p[0] - minX) / (maxX - minX)).round
q[1] = Math.lerp(1, lenY, (p[1] - minY) / (maxY - minY)).round
return q
pts.sort { |p, q| p[1] != q[1] ? p[1] > q[1] : p[0] < q[0] }
System.print("-" * (lenX + cy + 3))
var pc = 0
for (line in lenY..1) {
var s = ""
if (line == lenY) {
s = maxY.toString
} else if (line == 1) {
s = minY.toString
if (s.count < cy) System.write(" " * (cy - s.count))
System.write(s + "|")
var xs = []
while (pc < pts.count && pts[pc][1] == line) {
pc = pc + 1
if (xs.isEmpty) {
System.print(" " * lenX + "|")
} else {
var lastX = 0
for (x in xs) {
if (x == lastX) continue
if (x - lastX > 1) System.write(" " * (x - lastX - 1))
lastX = x
if (lenX > lastX) System.write(" " * (lenX - lastX))
System.print("|" + "-" * (lenX + cy + 1) + "|")
var minL = minX.toString.count
var maxL = maxX.toString.count
System.write("| y/x" + " " * (cy - 4) + "|")
System.print(minX.toString + " " * (lenX - minL - maxL) + maxX.toString + "|")
System.print("-" * (lenX + cy + 3))

// As above method but uses a default symbol.
static plot(title, pts, lenX, lenY) { plot(title, pts, lenX, lenY, "▮") }

/* Boolean supplements the Bool class with bitwise operations on boolean values. */
// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules.
class Boolean {
var Math_Math = Math
// Private helper method to convert a boolean to an integer.
var Math_Int = Int
static btoi_(b) { b ? 1 : 0 }
var Math_Stat = Stat</lang>

// Private helper method to convert an integer to a boolean.
static itob_(i) { i != 0 }

// Private helper method to check its arguments are both booleans.
static check_(b1, b2) {
if (!((b1 is Bool) && (b2 is Bool))) Fiber.abort("Both arguments must be booleans.")

// Returns the logical 'and' of its boolean arguments.
static and(b1, b2) {
check_(b1, b2)
return itob_(btoi_(b1) & btoi_(b2))

// Returns the logical 'or' of its boolean arguments.
static or(b1, b2) {
check_(b1, b2)
return itob_(btoi_(b1) | btoi_(b2))

// Returns the logical 'xor' of its boolean arguments.
static xor(b1, b2) {
check_(b1, b2)
return itob_(btoi_(b1) ^ btoi_(b2))

Latest revision as of 17:43, 11 March 2024

Source code

/* Module "math.wren" */

/* Math supplements the Num class with various other operations on numbers. */
class Math {
    // Constants.
    static e    { 2.71828182845904523536 } // base of natural logarithms
    static phi  { 1.6180339887498948482  } // golden ratio
    static ln2  { 0.69314718055994530942 } // natural logarithm of 2
    static ln10 { 2.30258509299404568402 } // natural logarithm of 10

    // Log function.
    static log10(x) { x.log/ln10 }  // Base 10 logarithm

    // Hyperbolic trig functions.
    static sinh(x) { (x.exp - (-x).exp)/2 } // sine
    static cosh(x) { (x.exp + (-x).exp)/2 } // cosine
    static tanh(x) { sinh(x)/cosh(x)      } // tangent

    // Inverse hyperbolic trig functions.
    static asinh(x) { (x + (x*x + 1).sqrt).log } // sine
    static acosh(x) { (x + (x*x - 1).sqrt).log } // cosine
    static atanh(x) { ((1+x)/(1-x)).log/2 }      // tangent

    // Angle conversions.
    static radians(d) { d * Num.pi / 180}
    static degrees(r) { r * 180 / Num.pi }

    // Returns the square root of 'x' squared + 'y' squared.
    static hypot(x, y) { (x*x + y*y).sqrt }

    // Returns the integer and fractional parts of 'x'. Both values have the same sign as 'x'.
    static modf(x) { [x.truncate, x.fraction] }

    // Returns the IEEE 754 floating-point remainder of 'x/y'.
    static rem(x, y) {
        if (x.isNan || y.isNan || x.isInfinity || y == 0) return nan
        if (!x.isInfinity && y.isInfinity) return x
        var nf = modf(x/y)
        if (nf[1] != 0.5) {
            return x - (x/y).round * y
        } else {
            var n = nf[0]
            if (n%2 == 1) n = (n > 0) ? n + 1 : n - 1
            return x - n * y

    // Round away from zero.
    static roundUp(x) { (x >= 0) ? x.ceil : x.floor }

    // Round to 'p' decimal places, maximum 14.
    // Mode parameter specifies the rounding mode:
    // < 0 towards zero, == 0 nearest, > 0 away from zero.
    static toPlaces(x, p, mode) {
        if (p < 0) p = 0
        if (p > 14) p = 14
        var pw = 10.pow(p)
        var nf = modf(x)
        x = nf[1] * pw
        x = (mode < 0) ? x.truncate : (mode == 0) ? x.round : roundUp(x)
        return nf[0] + x/pw

    // Convenience version of above method which uses 0 for the 'mode' parameter.
    static toPlaces(x, p) { toPlaces(x, p, 0) }

    // Returns the linear interpolation of t between x and y, if t is in [0, 1] or
    // linear extrapolation otherwise.
    static lerp (x, y, t) { x + t * (y - x) }

    // The power of 'p' which equals or first exceeds a non-negative number 'x'.
    // 'p' must be an integer greater than 1.
    // Returns a two element list containing the power and the exponent.
    static nextPower(x, p) {
        if (!((x is Num) && x >= 0)) Fiber.abort("x must be a non-negative number.")
        if (!((p is Num) && p.isInteger && p > 1)) Fiber.abort("p must be an integer > 1.")
        if (x <= 1) return [1, 0]
        var pow = 1
        var count = 0
        while (x > pow) {
            pow = pow * p
            count = count + 1
        return [pow, count]

    // Returns the value of a polynomial when the unknown is 'x' using Horner's rule.
    // Polynomials are represented by an ordered list of coefficients
    // from the term with the highest degree down to the constant term.
    static evalPoly(coefs, x) {
        if (!(coefs is List) || coefs.count == 0 || !(coefs[0] is Num)) {
           Fiber.abort("coefs must be a non-empty ordered list of numbers.")
        if (!(x is Num)) Fiber.abort("x must be a number.")
        var c = coefs.count
        if (c == 1) return coefs[0]
        var sum = coefs[0]
        for (i in 1...c) sum = sum * x + coefs[i]
        return sum

    // Returns the coefficients of a polynomial following differentiation.
    // Polynomials are represented as described in 'evalPoly' above.
    static diffPoly(coefs) {
        if (!(coefs is List) || coefs.count == 0 || !(coefs[0] is Num)) {
           Fiber.abort("coefs must be a non-empty ordered list of numbers.")
        var c = coefs.count - 1
        if (c == 0) return [0]
        var deriv = List.filled(c, 0)
        for (i in 0...c) deriv[i] = (c - i) * coefs[i]
        return deriv

    // Attempts to find a real root of a polynomial using Newton's method from
    // an initial guess, a given tolerance, a maximum number of iterations
    // and a given multiplicity (usually 1).
    // If a root is found, it is returned otherwise 'null' is returned.
    // If the root is near an integer checks if the integer is in fact the root.
    static rootPoly(coefs, guess, tol, maxIter, mult) {
        var deg = coefs.count - 1
        if (deg == 0) return null
        if (deg == 1) return -coefs[1]/coefs[0]
        if (deg == 2 && coefs[1]*coefs[1] - 4*coefs[0]*coefs[2] < 0) return null
        if (Math.evalPoly(coefs, 0) == 0) return 0
        var eps = 0.001
        var deriv = Math.diffPoly(coefs)
        var x0 = guess
        var iter = 1
        while (true) {
            var den = Math.evalPoly(deriv, x0)
            if (den == 0) {
                x0 = (x0 >= 0) ? x0 + eps : x0 - eps
            } else {
                var num = Math.evalPoly(coefs, x0)
                var x1 = x0 - num/den * mult
                if ((x1 - x0).abs <= tol) {
                    var r = x1.round
                    if ((r - x1).abs <= eps && Math.evalPoly(coefs, r) == 0) return r            
                    return x1
                x0 = x1
            if (iter == maxIter) break
            iter = iter + 1
        x0 = x0.round
        if (Math.evalPoly(coefs, x0) == 0) return x0
        return null

    // Convenience versions of 'rootPoly' which use defaults for some parameters.
    static rootpoly(coefs, guess) { rootPoly(coefs, guess, 1e-15, 100, 1) }
    static rootPoly(coefs) { rootPoly(coefs, 0.001, 1e-15, 100, 1) }

    // Gamma function using Lanczos approximation.
    static gamma(x) {
        var p = [
        var t = x + 6.5
        var sum = p[0]
        for (i in 0..7) sum = sum + p[i+1]/(x + i)
        return 2.sqrt * Num.pi.sqrt * t.pow(x-0.5) * (-t).exp * sum

    // The natural logarithm of the absolute value of gamma(x).
    static lgamma(x) {
        if (x == 1 || x == 2) return 0
        return Math.gamma(x).abs.log

    // Returns the positive difference of two numbers.
    static dim(x, y) { (x >= y) ? x - y : 0 }

    // Static alternatives to instance methods in Num class.
    // Clearer when both arguments are complex expressions.    
    static min(x, y)  { (x < y) ? x : y }
    static max(x, y)  { (x > y) ? x : y }
    static atan(x, y) { x.atan(y) }

/* Int contains various routines which are only applicable to integers. */
class Int {
    // Truncated integer division (consistent with % operator).
    static quo(x, y) { (x/y).truncate }

    // Floored integer division (consistent with 'mod' method below).
    static div(x, y) { (x/y).floor }

    // Floored integer division modulus.
    static mod(x, y) { ((x % y) + y) % y }

    // Returns the integer square root of 'x' or null if 'x' is negative.
    static sqrt(x) { (x >= 0) ? x.sqrt.floor : null }

    // Returns the integer cube root of 'x'.
    static cbrt(x) { x.cbrt.truncate }

    // Returns the integer 'n'th root of 'x' or null if 'x' is negative and 'n' is even.
    static root(n, x) {
        if (!(n is Num) || !n.isInteger || n < 1) {
            Fiber.abort("n must be a positive integer.")
        return (n == 1) ? x :
               (n == 2) ? sqrt(x) :
               (n == 3) ? cbrt(x) :
               (n % 2 == 1) ? x.sign * x.abs.pow(1/n).floor :
               (n >= 0) ? x.pow(1/n).floor : null

    // Returns whether or not 'x' is a perfect square.
    static isSquare(x) {
        var s = sqrt(x)
        return s * s == x

    // Returns whether or not 'x' is a perfect cube.
    static isCube(x) {
        var c = cbrt(x)
        return c * c * c == x

    // Returns whether or not 'x' is a perfect 'n'th power.
    static isPower(n, x) {
        var r = root(n, x)
        return r.pow(n) == x

    // Returns the greatest common divisor of 'x' and 'y'.
    static gcd(x, y) {
        while (y != 0) {
            var t = y
            y = x % y
            x = t
        return x.abs

    // Returns the least common multiple of 'x' and 'y'.
    static lcm(x, y) { 
        if (x == 0 && y == 0) return 0
        return (x*y).abs / gcd(x, y) 

    // Returns the greatest common divisor of a list of integers 'a'.
    static gcd(a) {
        if (!(a is List) || a.count < 2) {
            Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list of at least two integers.")
        var g = gcd(a[0], a[1])
        if (a.count == 2) return g
        return gcd(a[2..-1] + [g])

    // Returns the least common multiple of a list of integers 'a'.
    static lcm(a) {
        if (!(a is List) || a.count < 2) {
            Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list of at least two integers.")
        var l = lcm(a[0], a[1])
        if (a.count == 2) return l
        return lcm(a[2..-1] + [l])

    // Private helper method for modMul method.
    static checkedAdd_(a, b, c) {
        var room = c - 1 - a
        if (b <= room) {
            a = a + b
        } else {
            a = b - room - 1
        return a

    // Returns 'x' multiplied by 'n' modulo 'm'.
    static modMul(x, n, m) {
        if (m == 0) Fiber.abort("Cannot take modMul with modulus 0.")
        var sign = x.sign * n.sign
        var z = 0
        m = m.abs
        x = x.abs % m
        n = n.abs % m
        if (n > x) {
            var t = x
            x = n
            n = t
        while (n > 0) {
            if (n % 2 == 1) z = checkedAdd_(z, x, m)
            x = checkedAdd_(x, x, m)
            n = div(n, 2)
        return z * sign

    // Returns the remainder when 'b' raised to the power 'e' is divided by 'm'.
    static modPow(b, e, m) {
        if (m == 0) Fiber.abort("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0.")
        if (m == 1 || m == -1) return 0
        var r = 1
        b = b % m
        if (e < 0) {
            e = -e
            b = modInv(b, m)
        while (e > 0) {
            if (b == 0) return 0
            if (e % 2 == 1) r = modMul(r, b, m)
            e = div(e, 2)
            b = modMul(b, b, m)
        return r

    // Returns the multiplicative inverse of 'x'  modulo 'n'.
    static modInv(x, n) {
        var r = n
        var newR = x.abs
        var t = 0
        var newT = 1
        while (newR != 0) {
            var q = quo(r, newR)
            var lastT = t
            var lastR = r
            t = newT
            r = newR
            newT = lastT - q * newT
            newR = lastR - q * newR
        if (r != 1) Fiber.abort("%(x) and %(n) are not co-prime.")
        if (t < 0) t = t + n
        return (x < 0) ? -t : t

    // Returns the factorial of 'n'.
    static factorial(n) {
        if (!(n is Num && n >= 0 && n < 19)) {
            Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative integer < 19.")
        if (n < 2) return 1
        var fact = 1
        for (i in 2..n) fact = fact * i
        return fact

    // Returns the multinomial coefficient of n over a list f where sum(f) == n.
    static multinomial(n, f) {
        if (!(n is Num && n >= 0 && n < 19)) {
            Fiber.abort("First argument must be a non-negative integer < 19.")
        if (!(f is List)) Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a list.")
        var sum = f.reduce { |acc, i| acc + i }
        if (n != sum) {
            Fiber.abort("The elements of the list must sum to 'n'.")
        var prod = 1
        for (e in f) {
            if (e < 0) Fiber.abort("The elements of the list must be non-negative integers.")
            if (e > 1) prod = prod * factorial(e)
        return factorial(n)/prod

    // Returns the binomial coefficent of n over k.
    static binomial(n, k) { multinomial(n, [k, n-k]) }

    // The highest prime less than 2^53.
    static maxSafePrime { 9007199254740881 }

    // Private helper method for 'isPrime' method.
    // Returns true if 'n' is prime, false otherwise but uses the
    // Miller-Rabin test which should be faster for 'n' >= 2 ^ 32. 
    static isPrimeMR_(n) {
        if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
        if (n%2 == 0) return n == 2
        if (n%3 == 0) return n == 3
        if (n%5 == 0) return n == 5
        if (n%7 == 0) return n == 7
        var a
        if (n < 4759123141) {
            a = [2, 7, 61]
        } else if (n < 1122004669633) {
            a = [2, 13, 23, 1662803]
        } else if (n < 2152302898747) {
            a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
        } else if (n < 3474749660383) {
            a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
        } else if (n < 341550071728321) {
            a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17]
        } else {
            a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
        var nPrev = n - 1
        var b = nPrev
        var r = 0
        while (b % 2 == 0) {
            b = div(b, 2)
            r = r + 1
        for (i in 0...a.count) {
            if (n >= a[i]) {
                var x = modPow(a[i], b, n)
                if (x != 1 && x != nPrev) {
                    var d = r - 1
                    var next = false
                    while (d != 0) {
                        x = modMul(x, x, n)
                        if (x == 1) return false
                        if (x == nPrev) {
                            next = true
                        d = d - 1
                    if (!next) return false
        return true

    // Determines whether 'n' is prime using a wheel with basis [2, 3, 5].
    // Not accessing the wheel via a list improves performance by about 25%.
    // Automatically changes to Miller-Rabin approach if 'n' >= 2 ^ 32.
    static isPrime(n) {       
        if (!n.isInteger || n < 2) return false
        if (n > 4294967295) return isPrimeMR_(n)
        if (n%2 == 0) return n == 2
        if (n%3 == 0) return n == 3
        if (n%5 == 0) return n == 5
        var d = 7
        while (d*d <= n) {
            if (n%d == 0) return false
            d = d + 4
            if (n%d == 0) return false
            d = d + 2
            if (n%d == 0) return false
            d = d + 4
            if (n%d == 0) return false
            d = d + 2
            if (n%d == 0) return false 
            d = d + 4
            if (n%d == 0) return false
            d = d + 6
            if (n%d == 0) return false 
            d = d + 2
            if (n%d == 0) return false
            d = d + 6
            if (n%d == 0) return false          
        return true

    // Returns the next prime number greater than 'n'.
    static nextPrime(n) {
        if (n >= maxSafePrime) Fiber.abort("Argument is larger than maximum safe prime.")
        if (n < 2) return 2
        n = (n%2 == 0) ? n + 1 : n + 2
        while (true) {
            if (Int.isPrime(n)) return n
            n = n + 2

    // Returns the previous prime number less than 'n' or null if there isn't one.
    static prevPrime(n) {
        if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
        if (n < 3) return null
        if (n == 3) return 2
        n = (n%2 == 0) ? n - 1 : n - 2
        while (true) {
            if (Int.isPrime(n)) return n
            n = n - 2

    // Returns the 'n'th prime number. For the formula used, see:
    static getPrime(n) {
        if (n < 1 || !n.isInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a positive integer.")
        if (n < 8) return [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17][n-1]
        var l1 = n.log
        var l2 = l1.log
        var l3 = (l2 - 2) / l1
        var l4 = (l2*l2 - 6*l2 + 11) / (2*l1*l1)
        var p = ((l1 + l2 + l3 - l4 - 1) * n).floor
        var g = p.log.round
        var pc = Int.primeCount(p)
        p = p + (n - pc) * g
        if (p % 2 == 0) p = p - 1
        pc = Int.primeCount(p)
        if (pc < n) {
            for (i in pc...n) p = Int.nextPrime(p)
        } else if (Int.isPrime(p)) {
            for (i in n...pc) p = Int.prevPrime(p)
        } else {
            for (i in n..pc)  p = Int.prevPrime(p)
        return p

    // Sieves for primes up to and including 'n'.
    // If primesOnly is true returns a list of the primes found.
    // If primesOnly is false returns a bool list 'c' of size (n + 1) where:
    // c[i] is false if 'i' is prime or true if 'i' is composite.
    static primeSieve(n, primesOnly) {
        if (n < 2) return []
        var primes = [2]
        var k = ((n-3)/2).floor + 1
        var marked = List.filled(k, true)
        var limit = ((n.sqrt.floor - 3)/2).floor + 1
        limit = limit.max(0)
        for (i in 0...limit) {
            if (marked[i]) {
                var p = 2*i + 3
                var s = ((p*p - 3)/2).floor
                var j = s
                while (j < k) {
                    marked[j] = false
                    j = j + p
        for (i in 0...k) {
            if (marked[i]) primes.add(2*i + 3)
        if (primesOnly) return primes
        var c = List.filled(n+1, true)
        for (p in primes) c[p] = false
        return c

    // Convenience version of above method which uses true for the primesOnly parameter.
    static primeSieve(n) { primeSieve(n, true) }

    // Sieves for primes up to and including 'limit' using a segmented approach
    // and returns a list of the primes found in order.
    // Second argument needs to be the cache size (L1) of your machine in bytes.
    // Translated from public domain C++ code at:
    static segmentedSieve(limit, cacheSize) {
        cacheSize = (cacheSize/8).floor // 8 bytes per list element
        var sqroot = limit.sqrt.floor
        var segSize = sqroot.max(cacheSize)
        if (limit < 2) return []
        var allPrimes = [2]
        var isPrime = List.filled(sqroot + 1, true)
        var primes  = []
        var multiples = []
        var i = 3
        var n = 3
        var s = 3
        var low = 0
        while (low <= limit) {
            var sieve = List.filled(segSize, true)
            var high = limit.min(low + segSize - 1)
            while (i * i <= high) {
                if (isPrime[i]) {
                    var j = i * i
                    while (j <= sqroot) {
                        isPrime[j] = false
                        j = j + i
                i = i + 2
            while (s * s <= high) {
                if (isPrime[s]) {
                    multiples.add(s * s - low)
                s = s + 2
            for (ii in 0...primes.count) {
                var j = multiples[ii]
                var k = primes[ii] * 2
                while (j < segSize) {
                    sieve[j] = false
                    j = j + k
                multiples[ii] = j - segSize
            while (n <= high) {
                if (sieve[n - low]) allPrimes.add(n)
                n = n + 2
            low = low + segSize
        return allPrimes

    // Computes and returns how many primes there are up to and including 'n'.
    // See for details.
    static primeCount(n) {
        if (n < 2) return 0
        if (n < 9) return ((n + 1)/2).floor
        var masks = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
        var half = { |n| (n - 1) >> 1 }
        var rtlmt = n.sqrt.floor
        var mxndx = Int.quo(rtlmt - 1, 2)
        var arrlen = (mxndx + 1).max(2)
        var smalls = List.filled(arrlen, 0)
        var roughs = List.filled(arrlen, 0)
        var larges = List.filled(arrlen, 0)
        for (i in 0...arrlen) {
            smalls[i] = i
            roughs[i] = i + i + 1
            larges[i] = Int.quo(Int.quo(n, i + i + 1) - 1 , 2)
        var cullbuflen = Int.quo(mxndx + 8, 8)
        var cullbuf = List.filled(cullbuflen, 0)
        var nbps = 0
        var rilmt = arrlen
        var i = 1
        while (true) {
            var sqri = (i + i) * (i + 1)
            if (sqri > mxndx) break
            if ((cullbuf[i >> 3] & masks[i & 7]) != 0) {
                i = i + 1
            cullbuf[i >> 3] = cullbuf[i >> 3] | masks[i & 7]
            var bp = i + i + 1
            var c = sqri
            while (c < arrlen) {
                cullbuf[c >> 3] = cullbuf[c >> 3] | masks[c & 7]
                c = c + bp
            var nri = 0
            for (ori in 0...rilmt) {
                var r = roughs[ori]
                var rci = r >> 1
                if ((cullbuf[rci >> 3] & masks[rci & 7]) != 0) continue
                var d = r * bp
                var t = (d <= rtlmt) ? larges[smalls[d >> 1] - nbps] :
                                       smalls[, d))]
                larges[nri] = larges[ori] - t + nbps
                roughs[nri] = r
                nri = nri + 1
            var si = mxndx
            var pm = ((rtlmt/bp).floor - 1) | 1
            while (pm >= bp) {
                var c = smalls[pm >> 1]
                var e = (pm * bp) >> 1
                while (si >= e) {
                    smalls[si] = smalls[si] - c + nbps
                    si = si - 1
                pm = pm - 2
            rilmt = nri
            nbps = nbps + 1
            i = i + 1
        var ans = larges[0] + ((rilmt + 2 * (nbps - 1)) * (rilmt - 1) / 2).floor
        for (ri in 1...rilmt) ans = ans - larges[ri]
        var ri = 1
        while (true) {
            var p = roughs[ri]
            var m = Int.quo(n, p)
            var ei = smalls[, p))] - nbps
            if (ei <= ri) break
            ans = ans - (ei - ri) * (nbps + ri - 1)
            for (sri in (ri + 1..ei)) {
                ans = ans + smalls[, roughs[sri]))]
            ri = ri + 1
        return ans + 1

    // Returns how many positive integers up to 'n' are relatively prime to 'n'.
    static totient(n) {
        if (n < 1) return 0
        var tot = n
        var i = 2
        while (i*i <= n) {
            if (n%i == 0) {
                while (n%i == 0) n = (n/i).floor
                tot = tot - (tot/i).floor
            if (i == 2) i = 1
            i = i + 2
        if (n > 1) tot = tot - (tot/n).floor
        return tot

    // Returns the prime factors of 'n' in order using a wheel with basis [2, 3, 5].
    static primeFactors(n) {
        if (!n.isInteger || n < 2) return []
        if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
        var inc = [4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6]
        var factors = []
        while (n%2 == 0) {
            n = (n/2).truncate
        while (n%3 == 0) {
            n = (n/3).truncate
        while (n%5 == 0) {
            n = (n/5).truncate
        var k = 7
        var i = 0
        while (k * k <= n) {
            if (n%k == 0) {
                n = (n/k).truncate
            } else {
                k = k + inc[i]
                i = (i + 1) % 8
        if (n > 1) factors.add(n)
        return factors

    // Returns a list of the distinct prime factors of 'n' in order.
    static distinctPrimeFactors(n) {
        var factors = primeFactors(n)
        if (factors.count < 2) return factors
        for (i in factors.count-1..1) {
            if (factors[i] == factors[i-1]) factors.removeAt(i)
        return factors

    // Returns a list of the distinct prime factors of 'n' together with the number
    // of times each such factor is repeated.
    static primePowers(n) {
        var factors = primeFactors(n)
        if (factors.count == 0) return []
        var prev = factors[0]
        var res = [[prev, 1]]
        for (f in factors.skip(1)) {
            if (f == prev) {
                res[-1][1] = res[-1][1] + 1
            } else {
                res.add([f, 1])
            prev = f
        return res

    // Returns true if the prime factorization of 'n' does not contain any
    // factors which are repeated 'm' (or more) times, or false otherwise.
    static powerFree(m, n) { Int.primePowers(n).all { |pp| pp[1] < m } }

    // Covenience versions of above method for squares and cubes.
    static squareFree(n) { powerFree(2, n) }
    static cubeFree(n)   { powerFree(3, n) }

    // Returns all the divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
    static divisors(n) {
        if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return []
        if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
        var divisors = []
        var divisors2 = []
        var i = 1
        var k = (n%2 == 0) ? 1 : 2
        while (i <= n.sqrt) {
            if (n%i == 0) {
                var j = (n/i).floor
                if (j != i) divisors2.add(j)
            i = i + k
        if (!divisors2.isEmpty) divisors = divisors + divisors2[-1..0]
        return divisors

    // Returns all the divisors of 'n' excluding 'n'.
    static properDivisors(n) {
        var d = divisors(n)
        var c = d.count
        return (c <= 1) ? [] : d[0..-2]

    // As 'divisors' method but uses a different algorithm.
    // Better for larger numbers.
    static divisors2(n) {
        var pf = primeFactors(n)
        if (pf.count == 0) return (n == 1) ? [1] : pf
        var arr = []
        if (pf.count == 1) {
            arr.add([pf[0], 1])
        } else {
            var prevPrime = pf[0]
            var count = 1
            for (i in {
                if (pf[i] == prevPrime) {
                    count = count + 1
                } else {
                    arr.add([prevPrime, count])
                    prevPrime = pf[i]
                    count = 1
            arr.add([prevPrime, count])
        var divisors = []
        var generateDivs
        generateDivs = { |currIndex, currDivisor|
            if (currIndex == arr.count) {
            for (i in 0..arr[currIndex][1]) {
      , currDivisor)
                currDivisor = currDivisor * arr[currIndex][0]
        }, 1)
        return divisors.sort()

    // As 'properDivisors' but uses 'divisors2' method.
    static properDivisors2(n) {
        var d = divisors2(n)
        var c = d.count
        return (c <= 1) ? [] : d[0..-2]

    // Returns the sum of all the divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
    static divisorSum(n) {
        if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return 0
        if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
        var total = 1
        var power = 2
        while (n % 2 == 0) {
            total = total + power
            power = 2 * power
            n = div(n, 2)
        var i = 3
        while (i * i <= n) {
            var sum = 1
            power = i
            while (n % i == 0) {
                sum = sum + power
                power = i * power
                n = div(n, i)
            total = total * sum
            i = i + 2
        if (n > 1) total = total * (n + 1)
        return total

    // Returns the number of divisors of 'n' including 1 and 'n' itself.
    static divisorCount(n) {
        if (!n.isInteger || n < 1) return 0
        if (n > Num.maxSafeInteger) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a 'safe' integer.")
        var count = 0
        var prod = 1
        while (n % 2 == 0) {
            count = count + 1
            n = div(n, 2)
        prod = prod * (1 + count)
        var i = 3
        while (i * i <= n) {
            count = 0
            while (n % i == 0) {
                count = count + 1
                n = div(n, i)
            prod = prod * (1 + count)
            i = i + 2
         if (n > 2) prod = prod * 2
         return prod

    // Private helper method which checks a number and base for validity.
    static check_(n, b) {
        if (!(n is Num && n.isInteger && n >= 0 && n <= Num.maxSafeInteger)) {
            Fiber.abort("Number must be a non-negative 'safe' integer.")
        if (!(b is Num && b.isInteger && b >= 2 && b < 64)) {
            Fiber.abort("Base must be an integer between 2 and 63.")

    // Returns a list of an integer n's digits in base b. Optionally checks n and b are valid.
    static digits(n, b, check) {
        if (check) check_(n, b)
        if (n == 0) return [0]
        var digs = []
        while (n > 0) {
            n = (n/b).floor
        return digs[-1..0]

    // Returns the sum of an integer n's digits in base b. Optionally checks n and b are valid.
    static digitSum(n, b, check) {
        if (check) check_(n, b)
        var sum = 0
        while (n > 0) {
            sum = sum + (n%b)
            n = (n/b).floor
        return sum

    // Returns the digital root and additive persistence of an integer n in base b.
    // Optionally checks n and b are valid.
    static digitalRoot(n, b, check) {
        if (check) check_(n, b)
        var ap = 0
        while (n > b - 1) {
            n = digitSum(n, b)
            ap = ap + 1
        return [n, ap]

    // Returns a new integer formed by reversing the base 10 digits of 'n'.
    // Works with positive, negative and zero integers.
    static reverse(n, check) {
        if (check) check_(n, b)
        var m = (n >= 0) ? n : -n
        var r = 0
        while (m > 0) {
            r = 10*r + m%10
            m = div(m, 10)
        return r * n.sign
    // Convenience versions of the above methods which never check for validity
    // and/or use base 10 by default.    
    static digits(n, b)      { digits(n, b, false) }
    static digits(n)         { digits(n, 10, false) }
    static digitSum(n, b)    { digitSum(n, b, false) }
    static digitSum(n)       { digitSum(n, 10, false) }
    static digitalRoot(n, b) { digitalRoot(n, b, false) }
    static digitalRoot(n)    { digitalRoot(n, 10, false) }
    static reverse(n)        { reverse(n, false) }

    // Returns the unique non-negative integer that is associated with a pair 
    // of non-negative integers 'x' and 'y' according to Cantor's pairing function. 
    static cantorPair(x, y) {
        if (x.type != Num || !x.isInteger || x < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("Arguments must be non-negative integers.")
        if (y.type != Num || !y.isInteger || y < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("Arguments must be non-negative integers.")
        return (x*x + 3*x + 2*x*y + y + y*y) / 2

    // Returns the pair of non-negative integers that are associated with a single 
    // non-negative integer 'z' according to Cantor's pairing function. 
    static cantorUnpair(z) {
        if (z.type != Num || !z.isInteger || z < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative integer.")
        var i = (((1 + 8*z).sqrt-1)/2).floor      
        return [z - i*(1+i)/2, i*(3+i)/2 - z]

    Nums contains various routines applicable to lists or ranges of numbers
    many of which are useful for statistical purposes.
class Nums {
    // Methods to calculate sum, various means, product and maximum/minimum element of 'a'.
    // The sum and product of an empty list are considered to be 0 and 1 respectively.
    static sum(a)  { a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + x } }
    static mean(a) { sum(a)/a.count }
    static geometricMean(a) { a.reduce { |prod, x| prod * x}.pow(1/a.count) }
    static harmonicMean(a) { a.count / a.reduce { |acc, x| acc + 1/x } }
    static quadraticMean(a) { (a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + x*x }/a.count).sqrt }
    static prod(a) { a.reduce(1) { |acc, x| acc * x } }
    static max(a)  { a.reduce { |acc, x| (x > acc) ? x : acc } }
    static min(a)  { a.reduce { |acc, x| (x < acc) ? x : acc } }

    // As above methods but applying a function 'f' to each element of 'a' 
    // before performing the operation. 
    // 'f' should take a single Num parameter and return a Num.
    static sum(a, f)  { a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + } }
    static mean(a, f) { sum(a, f)/a.count }
    static geometricMean(a, f) { a.reduce { |prod, x| prod *}.pow(1/a.count) }
    static harmonicMean(a, f) { a.count / a.reduce { |acc, x| acc + 1/ } }
    static quadraticMean(a, f) { (a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + }/a.count).sqrt }
    static prod(a, f) { a.reduce(1) { |acc, x| acc * } }
    static max(a, f)  { a.reduce { |acc, x|
         var fx =
         return (fx > acc) ? fx : acc
    } }
    static min(a, f)  { a.reduce { |acc, x| 
         var fx =
         return (fx < acc) ? fx : acc 
    } }

    // Returns the median of a sorted list 'a'.
    static median(a) {
        var c = a.count
        if (c == 0) {
            Fiber.abort("An empty list cannot have a median")
        } else if (c%2 == 1) {
            return a[(c/2).floor]
        } else {
            var d = (c/2).floor
            return (a[d] + a[d-1])/2

    // Returns a list whose first element is a list of the mode(s) of 'a'
    // and whose second element is the number of times the mode(s) occur.
    static modes(a) {
        var m = {}
        for (e in a) m[e] = (!m[e]) ? 1 : m[e] + 1
        var max = 0
        for (e in a) if (m[e] > max) max = m[e]
        var res = []
        for (k in m.keys) if (m[k] == max) res.add(k)
        return [max, res]

    // Returns the sample variance of 'a'.
    static variance(a) {
        var m = mean(a)
        var c = a.count
        return (a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + x*x } - m*m*c) / (c-1)

    // Returns the population variance of 'a'.
    static popVariance(a) {
        var m = mean(a)
        return (a.reduce(0) { |acc, x| acc + x*x }) / a.count - m*m

    // Returns the sample standard deviation of 'a'.
    static stdDev(a) { variance(a).sqrt }

    // Returns the population standard deviation of 'a'.
    static popStdDev(a) { popVariance(a).sqrt }

    // Returns the mean deviation of 'a'.
    static meanDev(a) {
        var m = mean(a)
        return a.reduce { |acc, x| acc + (x - m).abs } / a.count

    // Converts a string list to a corresponding numeric list.
    static fromStrings(a) { { |s| Num.fromString(s) }.toList }

    // Converts a numeric list to a corresponding string list.
    static toStrings(a) { { |n| n.toString }.toList }

    // Draws a horizontal bar chart on the terminal representing  a list of numerical 'data'
    // which must be non-negative. 'labels' is a list of the corresponding text for each bar.
    // When printed and unless they are all the same length, 'labels' are right justified
    // within their maximum length if 'rjust' is true, otherwise they are left justified.
    // 'width' is the total width of the chart in characters to which the labels/data will
    // automatically be scaled. 'symbol' is the character to be used to draw each bar,
    // 'symbol2' is used to represent scaled non-zero data and 'symbol3' zero data which
    // would otherwise be blank. The actual data is printed at the end of each bar.
    static barChart (title, width, labels, data, rjust, symbol, symbol2, symbol3) {
        var barCount = labels.count
        if (data.count != barCount) Fiber.abort("Mismatch between labels and data.")
        var maxLabelLen = max( { |l| l.count })
        if (labels.any { |l| l.count < maxLabelLen }) {
            if (rjust) {
                labels = { |l| (" " * (maxLabelLen - l.count)) + l }.toList
            } else {
                labels = { |l| l + (" " * (maxLabelLen - l.count)) }.toList
        var maxData = max(data)
        var maxLen = width - maxLabelLen - maxData.toString.count - 2
        var scaledData = { |d| (d * maxLen / maxData).floor }.toList
        System.print("-" * Math.max(width, title.count))
        for (i in 0...barCount) {
            var bar = symbol * scaledData[i]
            if (bar == "") bar = data[i] > 0 ? symbol2 : symbol3
            System.print(labels[i] + " " + bar + " " + data[i].toString)
        System.print("-" * Math.max(width, title.count))

    // Convenience version of the above method which uses default symbols.
    static barChart(title, width, labels, data, rjust) {
        barChart(title, width, labels, data, rjust, "■", "◧", "□")

    // As above method but uses right justification for labels.
    static barChart(title, width, labels, data) {
        barChart(title, width, labels, data, true, "■", "◧", "□")

    // Plots a sequence of points 'pts' on x/y axes of lengths 'lenX'/'lenY' on the
    // terminal automatically scaling them to those lengths. 'symbol' marks each point.
    static plot(title, pts, lenX, lenY, symbol) {
        var px = { |p| p[0] }
        var py = { |p| p[1] }
        var maxX = max(px).ceil
        var minX = min(px).floor
        var maxY = max(py).ceil
        var minY = min(py).floor
        var cy = max([maxY.toString.count, minY.toString.count, 5])
        pts = { |p|
            var q = [0, 0]
            q[0] = Math.lerp(1, lenX, (p[0] - minX) / (maxX - minX)).round
            q[1] = Math.lerp(1, lenY, (p[1] - minY) / (maxY - minY)).round
            return q
        pts.sort { |p, q| p[1] != q[1] ? p[1] > q[1] : p[0] < q[0] }
        System.print("-" * (lenX + cy + 3))
        var pc = 0
        for (line in lenY..1) {
            var s = ""
            if (line == lenY) {
                s = maxY.toString
            } else if (line == 1) {
                s = minY.toString
            if (s.count < cy) System.write(" " * (cy - s.count))
            System.write(s + "|")
            var xs = []
            while (pc < pts.count && pts[pc][1] == line) {
                pc = pc + 1
            if (xs.isEmpty) {
                System.print(" " * lenX + "|")
            } else {
                var lastX = 0
                for (x in xs) {
                    if (x == lastX) continue
                    if (x - lastX > 1) System.write(" " * (x - lastX - 1))
                    lastX = x
                if (lenX > lastX) System.write(" " * (lenX - lastX))
        System.print("|" + "-" * (lenX + cy + 1) + "|")
        var minL = minX.toString.count
        var maxL = maxX.toString.count
        System.write("| y/x" + " " * (cy - 4) + "|")
        System.print(minX.toString + " " * (lenX - minL - maxL) + maxX.toString + "|")
        System.print("-" * (lenX + cy + 3))

    // As above method but uses a default symbol.
    static plot(title, pts, lenX, lenY) { plot(title, pts, lenX, lenY, "▮") }

/* Boolean supplements the Bool class with bitwise operations on boolean values. */
class Boolean {
    // Private helper method to convert a boolean to an integer.
    static btoi_(b) { b ? 1 : 0 }

    // Private helper method to convert an integer to a boolean.
    static itob_(i) { i != 0 }

    // Private helper method to check its arguments are both booleans.
    static check_(b1, b2) {
        if (!((b1 is Bool) && (b2 is Bool))) Fiber.abort("Both arguments must be booleans.")

    // Returns the logical 'and' of its boolean arguments.
    static and(b1, b2) {
        check_(b1, b2)
        return itob_(btoi_(b1) & btoi_(b2))

    // Returns the logical 'or' of its boolean arguments.
    static or(b1, b2) {
        check_(b1, b2)
        return itob_(btoi_(b1) | btoi_(b2))

    // Returns the logical 'xor' of its boolean arguments.
    static xor(b1, b2) {
        check_(b1, b2)
        return itob_(btoi_(b1) ^ btoi_(b2))