Brace expansion: Difference between revisions

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{{incorrect|AutoHotkey|Output for edge cases is wrong.}}

<lang autohotkey>; AutoHotkey runs Perl-compatible regular expressions no problem
<lang autohotkey>;This one is a lot more simpler than the rest
BraceExp(string, del:="`n") {
t=~/{Downloads,Pictures}/ *.{jpg,gif,png} ; Note I added a space so the RosettaCode syntax highlighting will work. The AutoHotkey interpreter handles it no problem.
Loop, Parse, string
msgbox % expand(t)
if (A_LoopField = "{")
t=It{{em,alic}iz,erat}e{d,}, please.
msgbox % expand(t)
t={,{,gotta have{ ,\, again\, }}more }cowbell!
substring .= A_LoopField
msgbox % expand(t)
substr := SubStr(string, InStr(string, "{")+1, InStr(string, "}")-InStr(string, "{")-1)
t={}} some }{,{\\{ edge, edge} \,}{ cases, {here} \\\\\}
Loop, Parse, substr, `,
msgbox % expand(t)
toreturn .= substring . A_LoopField . del
return toreturn

Msgbox, % BraceExp("enable_{video,audio}")
expand(t) {
Msgbox, % BraceExp("apple {bush,tree}")
t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\\\", "\!") ; if you want to use these character combinations literally in your string, just switch these susbstitutions to something unicode
Msgbox, % BraceExp("h{i,ello}")
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\,", "\#")
Msgbox, % BraceExp("rosetta{code,stone}")</lang>
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\\{", "\@")
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\\}", "\&")
While a or b
; expand (braces with multiple commas) which are (apparently inside something else)
t:=RegExReplace(t, "Sxm)^(.*) ([{,]) ([^{},]*) \{ ([^{},]*) , ([^{},]* , [^{}]*) \} ([^{},]*?) ([},]) (.*)$", "$1$2$3$4$6,$3{$5}$6$7$8", a)
; expand (braces with single commas) which are (apparently inside something else)
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "Sxm)^(.*) ([{,]) ([^{},]*) \{ ([^{},]*) , ([^{},]*) \} ([^{},]*?) ([},]) (.*)$", "$1$2$3$4$6,$3$5$6$7$8", b)
While a or b
; expand braces with single commas
t:=RegExReplace(t, "Sxm)^(.*) \{ ([^{},]*) , ([^{},]*) \} (.*)$", "$1$2$4`r`n$1$3$4", a)
; expand braces with multiple commas
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "Sxm)^(.*) \{ ([^{},]*) , ([^{},]* , [^{}]*) \} (.*)$", "$1$2$4`r`n$1{$3}$4", b)
t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\!", "\\")
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\#", "\,")
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\@", "\{")
,t:=RegExReplace(t, "\\&", "\}")
Return t

apple bush
Itemized, please.
apple tree
Itemize, please.
Italicized, please.
Italicize, please.
Iterated, please.
Iterate, please.

more cowbell!
gotta have more cowbell!
gotta have\, again\, more cowbell!

{}} some {\\edge }{ cases, here\\\}
{}} some {\\edgy }{ cases, here\\\}</pre>
