Abundant odd numbers: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Delphi}}: changed position of inc(N,2) to get the right solution for thousandth abundant odd number
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m (→‎{{header|Delphi}}: changed position of inc(N,2) to get the right solution for thousandth abundant odd number)
Line 772:
C := 0;
while C < 25 do begin
Inc(N, 2);
if N < SumProperDivisors(N) then begin
WriteLn(Format('%u: %u', [C, N]));
Inc(N, 2);
while C < 1000 do begin
if N < SumProperDivisors(N) then Inc(C);
Inc(N, 2);
if N < SumProperDivisors(N) then Inc(C);
WriteLn(Format('The one thousandth abundant odd number is: %u', [N]));
Line 817:
24: 10395
25: 11025
The one thousandth abundant odd number is: 492977492975
The first abundant odd number above one billion is: 1000000575
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