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ABC problem: Difference between revisions

add Elm solution
(add Elm solution)
Line 3,852:
Squad: true
Confuse: true
{{works with|Elm|0.19.1}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="elm">
import Html exposing (div, p, text)
type alias Block = (Char, Char)
writtenWithBlock : Char -> Block -> Bool
writtenWithBlock letter (firstLetter, secondLetter) =
letter == firstLetter || letter == secondLetter
canMakeWord : List Block -> String -> Bool
canMakeWord blocks word =
checkWord w examinedBlocks blocksToExamine =
case (String.uncons w, blocksToExamine) of
(Nothing, _) -> True
(Just _, []) -> False
(Just (firstLetter, restOfWord), firstBlock::restOfBlocks) ->
if writtenWithBlock firstLetter firstBlock
then checkWord restOfWord [] (examinedBlocks ++ restOfBlocks)
else checkWord w (firstBlock::examinedBlocks) restOfBlocks
checkWord (String.toUpper word) [] blocks
exampleBlocks =
[ ('B', 'O')
, ('X', 'K')
, ('D', 'Q')
, ('C', 'P')
, ('N', 'A')
, ('G', 'T')
, ('R', 'E')
, ('T', 'G')
, ('Q', 'D')
, ('F', 'S')
, ('J', 'W')
, ('H', 'U')
, ('V', 'I')
, ('A', 'N')
, ('O', 'B')
, ('E', 'R')
, ('F', 'S')
, ('L', 'Y')
, ('P', 'C')
, ('Z', 'M')
exampleWords =
["", "A", "bark", "BoOK", "TrEAT", "COmMoN", "Squad", "conFUsE"]
main =
let resultStr (w, b) = "\"" ++ w ++ "\"" ++ ": " ++ if b then "True" else "False" in
List.map (\ w -> (w, canMakeWord exampleBlocks w) |> resultStr) exampleWords
|> List.map (\s -> p [][text s])
|> div []
"": True
"A": True
"bark": True
"BoOK": False
"TrEAT": True
"COmMoN": False
"Squad": True
"conFUsE": True
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