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15 puzzle game
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


Implement the   Fifteen Puzzle Game.


<lang AutoHotkey>S := 16 Grid := [], Direc := ["Up","Down","Left","Right"], w := S * 2.5 Gui, font, S%S% Gui, add, text, y1 loop, 4 { i := A_Index loop, 4 { j := A_Index if j = 1 Gui, add, button, v%i%_%j% xs y+1 w%w% gButton -TabStop, % Grid[i,j] := j + (i-1) * 4 else Gui, add, button, v%i%_%j% x+1 yp w%w% gButton -TabStop, % Grid[i,j] := j + (i-1) * 4 } } GuiControl, Hide, 4_4 Gui, add, Button , % "xs gScramble w" 4 * w + 3, Scramble Gui, show,, 15 Puzzle return


GuiClose: ExitApp return


Scramble: loop, 500 { Random, Rnd, 1,4 gosub, % "move" Direc[Rnd] } return


Button: x := StrSplit(A_GuiControl, "_").1 , y := StrSplit(A_GuiControl, "_").2 if Abs(x-i) > 1 || Abs(y-j) > 1 || Abs(x-i) = Abs(y-j) return gosub, % (x>i) ? "moveDown" : (x<i) ? "moveUp" : (y>j) ? "moveRight" : (y<j) ? "moveLeft" : "" return

  1. IfWinActive, 15 Puzzle

up:: MoveUp: if i=1 return GuiControl, Hide, % i-1 "_" j GuiControl, Show, % i "_" j GuiControl,, %i%_%j%, % Grid[i-1, j] Grid[i, j] := Grid[i-1, j], Grid[--i, j] := 16 return


Down:: MoveDown: if i=4 return GuiControl, Hide, % i+1 "_" j GuiControl, Show, % i "_" j GuiControl,, %i%_%j%, % Grid[i+1, j] Grid[i, j] := Grid[i+1, j], Grid[++i, j] := 16 return


Left:: MoveLeft: if j=1 return GuiControl, Hide, % i "_" j-1 GuiControl, Show, % i "_" j GuiControl,, %i%_%j%, % Grid[i, j-1] Grid[i, j] := Grid[i, j-1], Grid[i, --j] := 16 return


Right:: MoveRight: if j=4 return GuiControl, Hide, % i "_" j+1 GuiControl, Show, % i "_" j GuiControl,, %i%_%j%, % Grid[i, j+1] Grid[i, j] := Grid[i, j+1], Grid[i, ++j] := 16 return

  1. IfWinActive


Works with: C sharp version 6

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms;

public class FifteenPuzzle {

   const int gridSize = 4; //Standard 15 puzzle is 4x4
   const bool evenSized = gridSize % 2 == 0;
   const int blockCount = gridSize * gridSize;
   const int last = blockCount - 1;
   const int buttonSize = 50;
   const int buttonMargin = 3; //default = 3
   const int formEdge = 9;
   static readonly Random rnd = new Random();
   static readonly Font buttonFont = new Font("Arial", 15.75F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
   readonly Button[] buttons = new Button[blockCount];
   readonly int[] grid = new int[blockCount];
   readonly int[] positionOf = new int[blockCount];
   int moves = 0;
   DateTime start;
   public static void Main(string[] args)
       FifteenPuzzle p = new FifteenPuzzle();
       Form f = p.BuildForm();
   public FifteenPuzzle()
       for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {
           grid[i] = i;
           positionOf[i] = i;
   Form BuildForm()
       Button startButton = new Button {
           Font = new Font("Arial", 9.75F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))),
           Size = new Size(86, 23),
           Location = new Point(formEdge,
               (buttonSize + buttonMargin * 2) * gridSize + buttonMargin + formEdge),
           Text = "New Game",
           UseVisualStyleBackColor = true
       startButton.Click += (sender, e) => Shuffle();
       int size = buttonSize * gridSize + buttonMargin * gridSize * 2 + formEdge * 2;
       Form form = new Form {
           Text = "Fifteen",
           ClientSize = new Size(width: size, height: size + buttonMargin * 2 + startButton.Height)
       for (int index = 0; index < blockCount; index++) {
           Button button = new Button {
               Font = buttonFont,
               Size = new Size(buttonSize, buttonSize),
               //Margin = new Padding(buttonMargin),
               Text = (index + 1).ToString(),
               UseVisualStyleBackColor = true
           SetLocation(button, index);
           buttons[index] = button;
           int i = index;
           button.Click += (sender, e) => ButtonClick(i);
       return form;
   void ButtonClick(int i)
       if (buttons[last].Visible) return;
       int target = positionOf[i];
       if (positionOf[i] / gridSize == positionOf[last] / gridSize) {
           while (positionOf[last] < target) {
               Swap(last, grid[positionOf[last] + 1]);
           while (positionOf[last] > target) {
               Swap(last, grid[positionOf[last] - 1]);
       } else if (positionOf[i] % gridSize == positionOf[last] % gridSize) {
           while (positionOf[last] < target) {
               Swap(last, grid[positionOf[last] + gridSize]);
           while (positionOf[last] > target) {
               Swap(last, grid[positionOf[last] - gridSize]);
       if (Solved()) {
           TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - start;
           elapsed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Round(elapsed.TotalSeconds, 0));
           buttons[last].Visible = true;
           MessageBox.Show($"Solved in {moves} moves. Time: {elapsed}");
   bool Solved() => Enumerable.Range(0, blockCount - 1).All(i => positionOf[i] == i);
   static void SetLocation(Button button, int index)
       int row = index / gridSize, column = index % gridSize;
       button.Location = new Point(
           (buttonSize + buttonMargin * 2) * column + buttonMargin + formEdge,
           (buttonSize + buttonMargin * 2) * row + buttonMargin + formEdge);
   void Shuffle()
       for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {
           int r = rnd.Next(i, blockCount);
           int g = grid[r];
           grid[r] = grid[i];
           grid[i] = g;
       for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {
           positionOf[grid[i]] = i;
           SetLocation(buttons[grid[i]], i);
       if (!Solvable()) Swap(0, 1); //Swap any 2 blocks
       buttons[last].Visible = false;
       moves = 0;
       start = DateTime.Now;
   bool Solvable()
       bool parity = true;
       for (int i = 0; i < blockCount - 2; i++) {
           for (int j = i + 1; j < blockCount - 1; j++) {
               if (positionOf[j] < positionOf[i]) parity = !parity;
       if (evenSized && positionOf[last] / gridSize % 2 == 0) parity = !parity;
       return parity;
   void Swap(int a, int b)
       Point location = buttons[a].Location;
       buttons[a].Location = buttons[b].Location;
       buttons[b].Location = location;
       int p = positionOf[a];
       positionOf[a] = positionOf[b];
       positionOf[b] = p;
       grid[positionOf[a]] = a;
       grid[positionOf[b]] = b;



<lang cpp>

  1. include <time.h>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <string>
  4. include <iostream>

class p15 { public :

   void play() {
       bool p = true;
       std::string a;
       while( p ) {
           while( !isDone() ) { drawBrd();getMove(); }
           std::cout << "\n\nCongratulations!\nPlay again (Y/N)?";
           std::cin >> a; if( a != "Y" && a != "y" ) break;


   void createBrd() {
       int i = 1; std::vector<int> v;
       for( ; i < 16; i++ ) { brd[i - 1] = i; }
       brd[15] = 0; x = y = 3;
       for( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
           getCandidates( v );
           move( v[rand() % v.size()] );
   void move( int d ) {
       int t = x + y * 4;
       switch( d ) {
           case 1: y--; break;
           case 2: x++; break;
           case 4: y++; break;
           case 8: x--;
       brd[t] = brd[x + y * 4];
       brd[x + y * 4] = 0;
   void getCandidates( std::vector<int>& v ) {
       if( x < 3 ) v.push_back( 2 ); if( x > 0 ) v.push_back( 8 );
       if( y < 3 ) v.push_back( 4 ); if( y > 0 ) v.push_back( 1 );
   void drawBrd() {
       int r; std::cout << "\n\n";
       for( int y = 0; y < 4; y++ ) {
           std::cout << "+----+----+----+----+\n";
           for( int x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) {
               r = brd[x + y * 4];
               std::cout << "| ";
               if( r < 10 ) std::cout << " ";
               if( !r ) std::cout << "  ";
               else std::cout << r << " ";
           std::cout << "|\n";
       std::cout << "+----+----+----+----+\n";
   void getMove() {
       std::vector<int> v; getCandidates( v );
       std::vector<int> p; getTiles( p, v ); unsigned int i;
       while( true ) {
           std::cout << "\nPossible moves: ";
           for( i = 0; i < p.size(); i++ ) std::cout << p[i] << " ";
           int z; std::cin >> z;
           for( i = 0; i < p.size(); i++ )
               if( z == p[i] ) { move( v[i] ); return; }
   void getTiles( std::vector<int>& p, std::vector<int>& v ) {
       for( unsigned int t = 0; t < v.size(); t++ ) {
           int xx = x, yy = y;
           switch( v[t] ) {
               case 1: yy--; break;
               case 2: xx++; break;
               case 4: yy++; break;
               case 8: xx--;
           p.push_back( brd[xx + yy * 4] );
   bool isDone() {
       for( int i = 0; i < 15; i++ ) {
           if( brd[i] != i + 1 ) return false;
       return true;
   int brd[16], x, y;

}; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   srand( ( unsigned )time( 0 ) );
   p15 p; p.play(); return 0;

} </lang>

| 11 |  5 | 12 |  3 |
| 10 |  7 |  6 |  4 |
| 13 |    |  2 |  1 |
| 15 | 14 |  8 |  9 |

Possible moves: 2 13 14 7


Tested with GnuCOBOL

<lang cobol> >>SOURCE FORMAT FREE

  • > This code is dedicated to the public domain
  • > This is GNUCOBOL 2.0

identification division. program-id. fifteen. environment division. configuration section. repository. function all intrinsic. data division. working-storage section.

01 r pic 9. 01 r-empty pic 9. 01 r-to pic 9. 01 r-from pic 9.

01 c pic 9. 01 c-empty pic 9. 01 c-to pic 9. 01 c-from pic 9.

01 display-table.

   03  display-row occurs 4.
       05  display-cell occurs 4 pic 99.

01 tile-number pic 99. 01 tile-flags pic x(16).

01 display-move value spaces.

   03  tile-id pic 99.

01 row-separator pic x(21) value all '.'. 01 column-separator pic x(3) value ' . '.

01 inversions pic 99. 01 current-tile pic 99.

01 winning-display pic x(32) value

   &   '05060708'
   &   '09101112'
   &   '13141500'.

procedure division. start-fifteen.

   display 'start fifteen puzzle'
   display '    enter a two-digit tile number and press <enter> to move'
   display '    press <enter> only to exit'
   *> tables with an odd number of inversions are not solvable
   perform initialize-table with test after until inversions = 0
   perform show-table
   accept display-move
   perform until display-move = spaces
       perform move-tile
       perform show-table
       move spaces to display-move
       accept display-move
   stop run


   compute tile-number = random(seconds-past-midnight) *> seed only
   move spaces to tile-flags
   move 0 to current-tile inversions
   perform varying r from 1 by 1 until r > 4
   after c from 1 by 1 until c > 4
       perform with test after
       until tile-flags(tile-number + 1:1) = space
           compute tile-number = random() * 100
           compute tile-number = mod(tile-number, 16)
       move 'x' to tile-flags(tile-number + 1:1)
       if tile-number > 0 and < current-tile
           add 1 to inversions
       move tile-number to display-cell(r,c) current-tile
   compute inversions = mod(inversions,2)


   if display-table = winning-display
       display 'winning'
   display space row-separator
   perform varying r from 1 by 1 until r > 4
       perform varying c from 1 by 1 until c > 4
           display column-separator with no advancing
           if display-cell(r,c) = 00
               display '  ' with no advancing
               move r to r-empty
               move c to c-empty
               display display-cell(r,c) with no advancing
       display column-separator
   display space row-separator


   if not (tile-id numeric and tile-id >= 01 and <= 15)
       display 'invalid tile number'
       exit paragraph
   *> find the entered tile-id row and column (r,c)
   perform varying r from 1 by 1 until r > 4
   after c from 1 by 1 until c > 4
       if display-cell(r,c) = tile-id
           exit perform
   *> show-table filled (r-empty,c-empty)
   evaluate true
   when r = r-empty
       if c-empty < c
           *> shift left
           perform varying c-to from c-empty by 1 until c-to > c
               compute c-from = c-to + 1
               move display-cell(r-empty,c-from) to display-cell(r-empty,c-to)
          *> shift right
          perform varying c-to from c-empty by -1 until c-to < c
              compute c-from = c-to - 1
              move display-cell(r-empty,c-from) to display-cell(r-empty,c-to)
      move 00 to display-cell(r,c)
   when c = c-empty
       if r-empty < r
           *>shift up
           perform varying r-to from r-empty by 1 until r-to > r
               compute r-from = r-to + 1
               move display-cell(r-from,c-empty) to display-cell(r-to,c-empty)
           *> shift down
           perform varying r-to from r-empty by -1 until r-to < r
               compute r-from = r-to - 1
               move display-cell(r-from,c-empty) to display-cell(r-to,c-empty)
       move 00 to display-cell(r,c)
   when other
        display 'invalid move'

end program fifteen.</lang>

prompt$ cobc -xj fifteen.cbl
start fifteen puzzle
    enter a two-digit tile number and press <enter> to move
    press <enter> only to exit
 . 05 . 14 . 08 . 12 .
 . 01 . 10 . 03 . 09 .
 . 02 . 15 . 13 . 11 .
 . 06 .    . 07 . 04 .


<lang haskell>import Data.Array import System.Random

type Puzzle = Array (Int, Int) Int

main :: IO () main = do

   putStrLn "Please enter the difficulty level: 0, 1 or 2"
   userInput <- getLine
   let diffLevel = read userInput
   if userInput == "" || any (\c -> c < '0' || c > '9') userInput || diffLevel > 2 || diffLevel < 0
       then putStrLn "That is not a valid difficulty level." >> main
       else shufflePuzzle ([10, 50, 100] !! diffLevel) solvedPuzzle >>= gameLoop

gameLoop :: Puzzle -> IO () gameLoop puzzle

   | puzzle == solvedPuzzle = putStrLn "You solved the puzzle!" >> printPuzzle puzzle
   | otherwise = do
   printPuzzle puzzle
   putStrLn "Please enter number to move"
   userInput <- getLine
   if any (\c -> c < '0' || c > '9') userInput
       then putStrLn "That is not a valid number." >> gameLoop puzzle
       else let move = read userInput in
           if move `notElem` validMoves puzzle
               then putStrLn "This move is not available." >> gameLoop puzzle
               else gameLoop (applyMove move puzzle)

validMoves :: Puzzle -> [Int] validMoves puzzle = [puzzle ! (row', column') |

                    row' <- [rowEmpty-1..rowEmpty+1], column' <- [columnEmpty-1..columnEmpty+1],
                    row' < 4, row' >= 0, column' < 4, column' >= 0,
                    (row' == rowEmpty) /= (column' == columnEmpty)]
   where (rowEmpty, columnEmpty) = findIndexOfNumber 16 puzzle

applyMove :: Int -> Puzzle -> Puzzle applyMove numberToMove puzzle = puzzle // [(indexToMove, 16), (emptyIndex, numberToMove)]

   where indexToMove = findIndexOfNumber numberToMove puzzle
         emptyIndex = findIndexOfNumber 16 puzzle

findIndexOfNumber :: Int -> Puzzle -> (Int, Int) findIndexOfNumber number puzzle = case filter (\idx -> number == puzzle ! idx)

                                             (indices puzzle) of
                                     [idx] -> idx
                                     _ -> error "BUG: number not in puzzle"

printPuzzle :: Puzzle -> IO () printPuzzle puzzle = do

   putStrLn "+--+--+--+--+"
   putStrLn $ "|" ++ formatCell (0, 0) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (0, 1) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (0, 2) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (0, 3) ++ "|"
   putStrLn "+--+--+--+--+"
   putStrLn $ "|" ++ formatCell (1, 0) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (1, 1) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (1, 2) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (1, 3) ++ "|"
   putStrLn "+--+--+--+--+"
   putStrLn $ "|" ++ formatCell (2, 0) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (2, 1) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (2, 2) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (2, 3) ++ "|"
   putStrLn "+--+--+--+--+"
   putStrLn $ "|" ++ formatCell (3, 0) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (3, 1) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (3, 2) ++ "|" ++ formatCell (3, 3) ++ "|"
   putStrLn "+--+--+--+--+"
   where formatCell idx
             | i == 16 = "  "
             | i > 9 = show i
             | otherwise = " " ++ show i
             where i = puzzle ! idx

solvedPuzzle :: Puzzle solvedPuzzle = listArray ((0, 0), (3, 3)) [1..16]

shufflePuzzle :: Int -> Puzzle -> IO Puzzle shufflePuzzle 0 puzzle = return puzzle shufflePuzzle numOfShuffels puzzle = do

   let moves = validMoves puzzle
   randomIndex <- randomRIO (0, length moves - 1)
   let move = moves !! randomIndex
   shufflePuzzle (numOfShuffels - 1) (applyMove move puzzle)</lang>


Please enter the difficulty level: 0, 1 or 2
| 1| 6| 2| 4|
| 5|10| 3| 8|
| 9|14| 7|11|
|13|  |15|12|
Please enter number to move
| 1| 6| 2| 4|
| 5|10| 3| 8|
| 9|  | 7|11|
Please enter number to move



<lang J>require'general/misc/prompt'

genboard=:3 :0

 b=. ?~16
 if. 0<C.!.2 b do.
   b=. (<0 _1)C. b
 a: (b i.0)} <"0 b


done=: (<"0]1+i.15),a:

shift=: |.!._"0 2 taxi=: |:,/"2(_1 1 shift i.4 4),_1 1 shift"0 1/ i.4 4

showboard=:3 :0

 echo 'current board:'
 echo 4 4$y


help=:0 :0

 Slide a number block into the empty space
 until you get:

┌──┬──┬──┬──┐ │1 │2 │3 │4 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │5 │6 │7 │8 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │9 │10│11│12│ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │13│14│15│ │ └──┴──┴──┴──┘

 Or type 'q' to quit.


getmove=:3 :0

 showboard y
 blank=. y i. a:
 options=. /:~ ;y {~ _ -.~ blank { taxi
 whilst. -. n e. options do.
   echo 'Valid moves: ',":options
   t=. prompt 'move which number? '
   if. 'q' e. t do.
     echo 'giving up'
   elseif. 'h' e. t do.
     echo help
     showboard y
   n=. {._".t
 (<blank,y i.<n) C. y


game=: 3 :0

 echo '15 puzzle'
 echo 'h for help, q to quit'
 board=. genboard
 whilst. -. done-:board do.
   board=. getmove board
 showboard board
 echo 'You win.'


Most of this is user interface code. We initially shuffle the numbers randomly, then check their parity and swap the first and last squares if needed. Then, for each move, we allow the user to pick one of the taxicab neighbors of the empty square.

A full game would be too big to be worth showing here, so for the purpose of giving a glimpse of what this looks like in action we replace the random number generator with a constant:

<lang J> game 15 puzzle h for help, q to quit current board: ┌──┬──┬──┬──┐ │1 │2 │3 │4 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │5 │6 │7 │8 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │9 │10│ │11│ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │13│14│15│12│ └──┴──┴──┴──┘ Valid moves: 7 10 11 15 move which number? 11 current board: ┌──┬──┬──┬──┐ │1 │2 │3 │4 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │5 │6 │7 │8 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │9 │10│11│ │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │13│14│15│12│ └──┴──┴──┴──┘ Valid moves: 8 11 12 move which number? 12 current board: ┌──┬──┬──┬──┐ │1 │2 │3 │4 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │5 │6 │7 │8 │ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │9 │10│11│12│ ├──┼──┼──┼──┤ │13│14│15│ │ └──┴──┴──┴──┘ You win.</lang>


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*;

public class FifteenPuzzle extends JPanel {

   final static int numTiles = 15;
   final static int side = 4;
   Random rand = new Random();
   int[] tiles = new int[numTiles + 1];
   int tileSize, blankPos, margin, gridSize;
   public FifteenPuzzle() {
       final int dim = 640;
       margin = 80;
       tileSize = (dim - 2 * margin) / side;
       gridSize = tileSize * side;
       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(dim, dim));
       setForeground(new Color(0x6495ED)); // cornflowerblue 
       setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 60));
       addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
           public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
               int ex = e.getX() - margin;
               int ey = e.getY() - margin;
               if (ex < 0 || ex > gridSize || ey < 0 || ey > gridSize)
               int c1 = ex / tileSize;
               int r1 = ey / tileSize;
               int c2 = blankPos % side;
               int r2 = blankPos / side;
               if ((c1 == c2 && Math.abs(r1 - r2) == 1)
                       || (r1 == r2 && Math.abs(c1 - c2) == 1)) {
                   int clickPos = r1 * side + c1;
                   tiles[blankPos] = tiles[clickPos];
                   tiles[clickPos] = 0;
                   blankPos = clickPos;
   final void shuffle() {
       do {
           // don't include the blank space in the shuffle, leave it
           // in the home position
           int n = numTiles;
           while (n > 1) {
               int r = rand.nextInt(n--);
               int tmp = tiles[r];
               tiles[r] = tiles[n];
               tiles[n] = tmp;
       } while (!isSolvable());
   void reset() {
       for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++)
           tiles[i] = (i + 1) % tiles.length;
       blankPos = numTiles;
   /*  Only half the permutations of the puzzle are solvable.
       Whenever a tile is preceded by a tile with higher value it counts
       as an inversion. In our case, with the blank space in the home
       position, the number of inversions must be even for the puzzle
       to be solvable.
       See also:
   boolean isSolvable() {
       int countInversions = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < numTiles; i++) {
           for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
               if (tiles[j] > tiles[i])
       return countInversions % 2 == 0;
   void drawGrid(Graphics2D g) {
       for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
           if (tiles[i] == 0)
           int r = i / side;
           int c = i % side;
           int x = margin + c * tileSize;
           int y = margin + r * tileSize;
           g.fillRoundRect(x, y, tileSize, tileSize, 25, 25);
           g.drawRoundRect(x, y, tileSize, tileSize, 25, 25);
           drawCenteredString(g, String.valueOf(tiles[i]), x, y);
   void drawCenteredString(Graphics2D g, String s, int x, int y) {
       FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
       int asc = fm.getAscent();
       int dec = fm.getDescent();
       x = x + (tileSize - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2;
       y = y + (asc + (tileSize - (asc + dec)) / 2);
       g.drawString(s, x, y);
   public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.setTitle("Fifteen Puzzle");
           f.add(new FifteenPuzzle(), BorderLayout.CENTER);


Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2016-01

Most of this is interface code. Reused substantial portions from the 2048 task. Use the arrow keys to slide tiles, press 'q' to quit or 'n' for a new puzzle. Requires a POSIX termios aware terminal. Ensures that the puzzle is solvable by shuffling the board with an even number of swaps, then checking for even taxicab parity for the empty space. <lang perl6>use Term::termios;

constant $saved = Term::termios.new(fd => 1).getattr; constant $termios = Term::termios.new(fd => 1).getattr;

  1. raw mode interferes with carriage returns, so
  2. set flags needed to emulate it manually

$termios.unset_iflags(<BRKINT ICRNL ISTRIP IXON>); $termios.unset_lflags(< ECHO ICANON IEXTEN ISIG>); $termios.setattr(:DRAIN);

  1. reset terminal to original setting on exit

END { $saved.setattr(:NOW) }

constant n = 4; # board size constant cell = 6; # cell width

constant $top = join '─' x cell, '┌', '┬' xx n-1, '┐'; constant $mid = join '─' x cell, '├', '┼' xx n-1, '┤'; constant $bot = join '─' x cell, '└', '┴' xx n-1, '┘';

my %dir = (

  "\e[A" => 'up',
  "\e[B" => 'down',
  "\e[C" => 'right',
  "\e[D" => 'left',


my @solved = [1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,' ']; my @board; new();

sub new () {

   loop {
       @board = shuffle();
       last if parity-ok(@board);


sub shuffle () {

   my @c = [1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,' '];
   for (^16).pick(*) -> $y, $x {
       my ($yd, $ym, $xd, $xm) = ($y div n, $y mod n, $x div n, $x mod n);
       my $temp    = @c[$ym;$yd];
       @c[$ym;$yd] = @c[$xm;$xd];
       @c[$xm;$xd] = $temp;


sub parity-ok (@b) {

   so (sum @b».grep(/' '/,:k).grep(/\d/, :kv)) %% 2;


sub row (@row) { '│' ~ (join '│', @row».&center) ~ '│' }

sub center ($s){

   my $c   = cell - $s.chars;
   my $pad = ' ' x ceiling($c/2);
   sprintf "%{cell}s", "$s$pad";


sub draw-board {

   print qq:to/END/;

Press direction arrows to move.

Press q to quit. Press n for a new puzzle.

$top { join "\n\t$mid\n\t", map { .&row }, @board } $bot

{ (so @board ~~ @solved) ?? 'Solved!!' !! } END }

sub slide (@c is copy) {

   my $t = (grep { /' '/ }, :k, @c)[0];
   return @c unless $t and $t > 0;
   @c[$t,$t-1] = @c[$t-1,$t];


multi sub move('up') {

   map { @board[*;$_] = reverse slide reverse @board[*;$_] }, ^n;


multi sub move('down') {

   map { @board[*;$_] = slide @board[*;$_] }, ^n;


multi sub move('left') {

   map { @board[$_] = reverse slide reverse @board[$_] }, ^n;


multi sub move('right') {

   map { @board[$_] = slide @board[$_] }, ^n;


loop {

   # Read up to 4 bytes from keyboard buffer.
   # Page navigation keys are 3-4 bytes each.
   # Specifically, arrow keys are 3.
   my $key = $*IN.read(4).decode;
   move %dir{$key} if so %dir{$key};
   last if $key eq 'q'; # (q)uit
   new() if $key eq 'n';

}</lang> Sample screen shot:

	Press direction arrows to move.

	Press q to quit. Press n for a new puzzle.

	│  2   │  1   │  10  │  14  │
	│  15  │  11  │  12  │      │
	│  13  │  3   │  6   │  7   │
	│  9   │  4   │  5   │  8   │


Works with: Python version 3.X

unoptimized <lang python> Structural Game for 15 - Puzzle with different difficulty levels from random import randint

class Puzzle:

   def __init__(self):
       self.items = {}
       self.position = None
   def main_frame(self):
       d = self.items
       print('|%s|%s|%s|%s|' % (d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]))
       print('|%s|%s|%s|%s|' % (d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8]))
       print('|%s|%s|%s|%s|' % (d[9], d[10], d[11], d[12]))
       print('|%s|%s|%s|%s|' % (d[13], d[14], d[15], d[16]))
   def format(self, ch):
       ch = ch.strip()
       if len(ch) == 1:
           return '  ' + ch + '  '
       elif len(ch) == 2:
           return '  ' + ch + ' '
       elif len(ch) == 0:
           return '     '
   def change(self, to):
       fro = self.position
       for a, b in self.items.items():
           if b == self.format(str(to)):
               to = a
       self.items[fro], self.items[to] = self.items[to], self.items[fro]
       self.position = to
   def build_board(self, difficulty):
       for i in range(1, 17):
           self.items[i] = self.format(str(i))
       tmp = 0
       for a, b in self.items.items():
           if b == '  16 ':
               self.items[a] = '     '
               tmp = a
       self.position = tmp
       if difficulty == 0:
           diff = 10
       elif difficulty == 1:
           diff = 50
           diff = 100
       for _ in range(diff):
           lst = self.valid_moves()
           lst1 = []
           for j in lst:
           self.change(lst1[randint(0, len(lst1)-1)])
   def valid_moves(self):
       pos = self.position
       if pos in [6, 7, 10, 11]:
           return self.items[pos - 4], self.items[pos - 1],\
                  self.items[pos + 1], self.items[pos + 4]
       elif pos in [5, 9]:
           return self.items[pos - 4], self.items[pos + 4],\
                  self.items[pos + 1]
       elif pos in [8, 12]:
           return self.items[pos - 4], self.items[pos + 4],\
                  self.items[pos - 1]
       elif pos in [2, 3]:
           return self.items[pos - 1], self.items[pos + 1], self.items[pos + 4]
       elif pos in [14, 15]:
           return self.items[pos - 1], self.items[pos + 1],\
                 self.items[pos - 4]
       elif pos == 1:
           return self.items[pos + 1], self.items[pos + 4]
       elif pos == 4:
           return self.items[pos - 1], self.items[pos + 4]
       elif pos == 13:
           return self.items[pos + 1], self.items[pos - 4]
       elif pos == 16:
           return self.items[pos - 1], self.items[pos - 4]
   def game_over(self):
       flag = False
       for a, b in self.items.items():
           if b == '     ':
               if a == int(b.strip()):
                   flag = True
                   flag = False
       return flag

g = Puzzle() g.build_board(int(input('Enter the difficulty : 0 1 2\n2 '

                       '=> highest 0=> lowest\n')))

g.main_frame() print('Enter 0 to exit') while True:

   print('Hello user:\nTo change the position just enter the no. near it')
   lst = g.valid_moves()
   lst1 = []
   for i in lst:
       print(i.strip(), '\t', end=)
   x = int(input())
   if x == 0:
   elif x not in lst1:
       print('Wrong move')
   if g.game_over():
       print('You WON')


Enter the difficulty : 0 1 2
2 => highest 0=> lowest
|  1  |  7  |  2  |  4  |
|  5  |  6  |  3  |  12 |
|  9  |  8  |  11 |  15 |
|  13 |  10 |  14 |     |
Enter 0 to exit
Hello user:
To change the position just enter the no. near it
14 	15 	
|  1  |  7  |  2  |  4  |
|  5  |  6  |  3  |  12 |
|  9  |  8  |  11 |  15 |
|  13 |  10 |     |  14 |
Hello user:
To change the position just enter the no. near it
10 	14 	11 	


This is a GUI game; and there are difficulties getting screen shots onto RC. Use the arrow keys to slide the blank square.

It uses the 2htdp/universe package.

<lang racket>#lang racket/base (require 2htdp/universe 2htdp/image racket/list racket/match)

(define ((fifteen->pict (finished? #f)) fifteen)

 (for/fold ((i (empty-scene 0 0))) ((r 4))
   (define row
     (for/fold ((i (empty-scene 0 0))) ((c 4))
       (define v (list-ref fifteen (+ (* r 4) c)))
       (define cell
         (if v
              "center" "center"
              (rectangle 50 50 'outline (if finished? "white" "blue"))
              (text (number->string v) 30 "black"))
             (rectangle 50 50 'solid (if finished? "white" "powderblue"))))
       (beside i cell)))
   (above i row)))

(define (move-space fifteen direction)

 (define idx (for/first ((i (in-naturals)) (x fifteen) #:unless x) i))
 (define-values (row col) (quotient/remainder idx 4))
 (define dest (+ idx (match direction
                       ['l #:when (> col 0) -1]
                       ['r #:when (< col 3)  1]
                       ['u #:when (> row 0) -4]
                       ['d #:when (< row 3)  4]
                       [else 0])))
   (list-set (list-set fifteen idx (list-ref fifteen dest)) dest #f))

(define (key-move-space fifteen a-key)

 (cond [(key=? a-key "left") (move-space fifteen 'l)]
       [(key=? a-key "right") (move-space fifteen 'r)]
       [(key=? a-key "up") (move-space fifteen 'u)]
       [(key=? a-key "down") (move-space fifteen 'd)]
       [else fifteen]))

(define (shuffle-15 fifteen shuffles)

 (for/fold ((rv fifteen)) ((_ shuffles))
   (move-space rv (list-ref '(u d l r) (random 4)))))

(define fifteen0 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 #f))

(define (solved-world? w) (equal? w fifteen0))

(big-bang (shuffle-15 fifteen0 200)

         (name "Fifteen")
         (to-draw (fifteen->pict))
         (stop-when solved-world? (fifteen->pict #t))
         (on-key key-move-space))</lang>


This REXX version allows the user to specify the size of the puzzle   (N,   where   NxN   is the size of the puzzle).

With some more complexity, the REXX computer program could be changed to allow multiple-tile moves   (so that, for instance, three tiles could be slide to the right). <lang rexx>/*REXX program implements the 15-puzzle (AKA: Gem Puzzle, Boss Puzzle, Mystic Square).*/ parse arg N seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if N== | N=="," then N=4 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if datatype(seed,'W') then call random ,,seed /*use repeatability seed for RANDOM BIF*/ sep='────────'; prompt=sep 'Please enter a tile number ' sep " (or Quit)." pad=translate(sep,,'─')" "; nn=N*N-1; nh=N*N; w=length(nn); $=; @.=

      do i=1  for nn;  $=$ i;   end /*i*/       /* [◄]  build a solution for testing.  */

done=$ /* [↓] scramble the tiles in puzzle. */

      do j=1  for nn;  a=random(1,words($));   @.j=word($,a);   $=delword($,a,1)
      end   /*j*/
  do  until  puzz=done  &  @.nh==             /*perform moves until puzzle is solved.*/
  x=0;   call showGrid 1;    say;   say prompt;       pull x _ .
  if abbrev('QUIT',x,1)  then do;   say;   say;   say sep "quitting.";   exit;   end
      when x ==            then errMsg= "nothing entered"
      when _\==            then errMsg= "too many items entered"
      when \datatype(x,'N')  then errMsg= "tile number isn't numeric"
      when \datatype(x,'W')  then errMsg= "tile number isn't an integer"
      when x=0               then errMsg= "tile number can't be zero"
      when x<0               then errMsg= "tile number can't be negative"
      when x>nn              then errMsg= "tile number can't be greater then"   nn
      otherwise                   errMsg=
      end   /*select*/                          /* [↑]  verify the human entered data. */
  if errMsg\==  then do;  say sep errMsg".";  iterate; end /*possible error message? */
  call showGrid 0;      g=                                   /*validate, is move is OK?*/
  rm=holeRow-1;  rp=holeRow+1;  cm=holeCol-1;  cp=holeCol+1  /*these are possible moves*/
  g=!.rm.holeCol  !.rp.holeCol  !.holeRow.cm  !.holeRow.cp   /*  "    "   legal     "  */
  if wordpos(x,g)==0  then do;  say sep   'tile'   x   "can't be moved.";   iterate;  end
  @.hole=x;   @.tile=;   call showGrid 0        /*move specified tile ───► puzzle hole.*/
  end   /*until*/

call showGrid 1; say; say sep 'Congratulations! The' nn"-puzzle is solved." exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ showGrid: parse arg show;  !.=; #=0; x=x/1; puzz=

         top= '╔'copies(copies("═", w)'╦', N);      top=left(top, length(top) -1)"╗"
         bar= '╠'copies(copies("═", w)'╬', N);      bar=left(bar, length(bar) -1)"╣"
         bot= '╚'copies(copies("═", w)'╩', N);      bot=left(bot, length(bot) -1)"╝"
         if show  then say pad top
              do   r=1  for N;      z='║'
                do c=1  for N;      #=#+1;     y=@.#;    puzz=puzz y;   !.r.c=y
                _=right(@.#,w)"║";             z=z || _               /* [↓]  find hole*/
                if @.#==  then do;  hole=#;  holeRow=r;   holeCol=c;    end
                if @.#==x   then do;  tile=#;  tileRow=r;   tileCol=c;    end
                end   /*c*/                                           /* [↑]  find  X. */
              if show  then do;  say pad z;  if r\==N  then say pad bar;  end
              end     /*r*/
         if show  then say pad bot

output   when using the default input:

           ║10║ 7║ 8║11║
           ║ 4║ 3║15║ 1║
           ║ 9║12║ 2║13║
           ║14║ 5║ 6║  ║

──────── Please enter a tile number  ────────  (or Quit).
           ║10║ 7║ 8║11║
           ║ 4║ 3║15║ 1║
           ║ 9║12║ 2║  ║
           ║14║ 5║ 6║13║

──────── Please enter a tile number  ────────  (or Quit).
           ║10║ 7║ 8║11║
           ║ 4║ 3║15║  ║
           ║ 9║12║ 2║ 1║
           ║14║ 5║ 6║13║

──────── Please enter a tile number  ────────  (or Quit).
           ║10║ 7║ 8║11║
           ║ 4║ 3║  ║15║
           ║ 9║12║ 2║ 1║
           ║14║ 5║ 6║13║

──────── Please enter a tile number  ────────  (or Quit).

──────── quitting.


CalmoSoft Fifteen Puzzle Game written in Ring Programming Language (http://ring-lang.net)

Output: [video]

The code: <lang ring>load "guilib.ring"

load "guilib.ring"

app1 = new qapp {

       empty = 16  
       nrold = 4 
       button = list(52)   
       sizebtn = list(7)
       win1 = new qwidget() {
                  setwindowtitle("Calmosoft Fifteen Puzzle Game")
                  for n = 1 to 16
                        col = n%4
                        if col = 0 col = 4 ok
                        row = ceil(n/4)
                        button[n] = new qpushbutton (win1)
                                           setclickevent("movetile(" + string(n) +")")   
                  button[16] {settext("")}
                  for n = 4 to 7
                              sizebtn[n] = new qpushbutton(win1)   
                                                 col = n%4
                                                 settext(string(n) + "x" + string(n))
                                                 setclickevent("size(" + string(n) + ")")
                  button[17] = new qpushbutton(win1)   
                  button[18] = new qpushbutton(win1)   
                  button[19] = new qpushbutton(win1)   
                  scramblebtn = new qpushbutton(win1)
                  resetbtn = new qpushbutton(win1)   


func scramble

      for n= 1 to 10000   
           up = (empty = (nr - nrold))
           down = (empty = (nr + nrold))
           left = ((empty = (nr - 1)) and ((nr % nrold) != 1))
           right = ((empty = (nr + 1)) and ((nr % nrold) != 0))
           move = up or down or left  or right
           if move = 1 and (nr != 0)
              button[nr] { temp = text() }
              button[empty]  {settext(temp)}
              button[nr]  {settext("")}
              empty = nr

func movetile nr2

      if (nr2 = nrold*nrold-1 and button[nr2].text() = "Back")
          up = (empty = (nr2 - nrold))
          down = (empty = (nr2 + nrold))
          left = ((empty = (nr2- 1)) and ((nr2 % nrold) != 1))
          right = ((empty = (nr2 + 1)) and ((nr2 % nrold) != 0))
          move = up or down or left  or right
          if move = 1    
             button[nr2] { temp2 = text() }
             button[empty]  {settext(temp2)}
             button[nr2]  {settext("")}
             empty = nr2

func resettiles

       empty = nrold*nrold
       for i = 1 to nrold*nrold-1
            button[i] {settext(string(i))}
       button[nrold*nrold] {settext("")}

func pHere

       if button[nrold*nrold-1].text() != "" and button[nrold*nrold+2].text() = "Here"
          button[nrold*nrold-1] { temp = text() }
          button[nrold*nrold+2] {settext(temp)}
          for n = 1 to nrold*nrold
          button[nrold*nrold-1]  {settext("Back")}
          return ok

func pBack

       button[nrold*nrold+2] { temp = text() }
       button[nrold*nrold-1] {settext(temp)}
       button[nrold*nrold+2] {settext("Here")}
       for n = 1 to nrold*nrold

func rotateleft

       if button[nrold*nrold+2].text() != "Here"  
          button[nrold*nrold+2] {settext(string(number(button[nrold*nrold+2].text())-1))}
          return ok

func rotateright

       if button[nrold*nrold+2].text() != "Here"  
          button[nrold*nrold+2] {settext(string(number(button[nrold*nrold+2].text())+1))}
          return ok

func size nr

               newsize = nr%4
               for n = 1 to nrold*nrold+3
               for n = 1 to nr*nr
                    col = n%nr
                    if col = 0 col = nr ok
                    row = ceil(n/nr)
                    button[n] = new qpushbutton(win1)
                                       setclickevent("movetile(" + string(n) +")")   
               button[nr*nr+1] = new qpushbutton(win1)
               button[nr*nr+2] = new qpushbutton(win1)
               button[nr*nr+3] = new qpushbutton(win1)
               scramblebtn = new qpushbutton(win1)
               resetbtn = new qpushbutton(win1)   
               button[nr*nr] {settext("")}
               empty = nr*nr
               nrold = nr





<lang ruby>require 'io/console'

class Board

 SIZE = 4
 def initialize
   width = (SIZE*SIZE-1).to_s.size
   @frame = ("+" + "-"*(width+2)) * SIZE + "+"
   @form = "| %#{width}d " * SIZE + "|"
   @step = 0
   @orign = [*0...SIZE*SIZE].rotate.each_slice(SIZE).to_a.freeze
   @board = @orign.map{|row | row.dup}
 def randomize
   @board[0][0], @board[SIZE-1][SIZE-1] = 0, 1
   @board[SIZE-1][0], @board[0][SIZE-1] = @board[0][SIZE-1], @board[SIZE-1][0]
   x, y, dx, dy = 0, 0, 1, 0
   50.times do
     nx,ny = [[x+dx,y+dy], [x+dy,y-dx], [x-dy,y+dx]]
               .select{|nx,ny| RANGE.include?(nx) and RANGE.include?(ny)}
     @board[nx][ny], @board[x][y] = 0, @board[nx][ny]
     x, y, dx, dy = nx, ny, nx-x, ny-y
   @x, @y = x, y 
 def draw
   puts "\e[H\e[2J"
   @board.each do |row|
     puts @frame
     puts (@form % row).sub(" 0 ", "   ")
   puts @frame
   puts "Step: #{@step}"
 DIR = {up: [-1,0], down: [1,0], left: [0,-1], right: [0,1]}
 def move(direction)
   dx, dy = DIR[direction]
   nx, ny = @x + dx, @y + dy
   if RANGE.include?(nx) and RANGE.include?(ny)
     @board[nx][ny], @board[@x][@y] = 0, @board[nx][ny]
     @x, @y = nx, ny
     @step += 1
 def play
   until @board == @orign
     case  key_in
     when "\e[A", "w" then move(:up)
     when "\e[B", "s" then move(:down)
     when "\e[C", "d" then move(:right)
     when "\e[D", "a" then move(:left)
     when "q","\u0003","\u0004"  then exit
     when "h"  then message
   puts "Congratulations, you have won!"
 def key_in
   input = STDIN.getch
   if input == "\e" 
     2.times {input << STDIN.getch}
 def message
   puts <<~EOM
     Use the arrow-keys or WASD on your keyboard to push board in the given direction.   
     PRESS q TO QUIT (or Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D)



|  5 |  7 |  2 | 13 |
|  6 |    |  8 | 12 |
| 10 |  3 |  1 | 15 |
|  9 |  4 | 14 | 11 |
Step: 0
Use the arrow-keys or WASD on your keyboard to push board in the given direction.
PRESS q TO QUIT (or Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D)


<lang runbasic>call SetCSS ' ---- fill 15 squares with 1 to 15 dim sq(16) for i = 1 to 15: sq(i) = i: next

'----- shuffle the squares [newGame] for i = 1 to 100 ' Shuffle the squares j = rnd(0) * 16 + 1 k = rnd(0) * 16 + 1 h = sq(j) sq(j) = sq(k) sq(k) = h next i

' ---- show the squares [loop] cls

html "


for i = 1 to 16

html "" if i mod 4 = 0 then html "" next i html "

if sq(i) <> 0 then button #pick, str$(sq(i)), [pick] #pick setkey(str$(i)) #pick cssclass("lBtn") end if

html "


' ---- Find what square they picked [pick] picked = val(EventKey$) move = 0 ' 0000000001111111 if picked - 1 > 0 then ' LEFT 1234567890123456 if mid$(" *** *** *** ***",picked,1) = "*" and sq(picked -1) = 0 then move = -1 :end if if picked + 1 < 17 then ' RIGHT if mid$("*** *** *** *** ",picked,1) = "*" and sq(picked +1) = 0 then move = 1 :end if if picked - 4 > 0 then ' UP if mid$(" ************",picked,1) = "*" and sq(picked -4) = 0 then move = -4 :end if if picked + 4 < 17 then ' DOWN if mid$("************ ",picked,1) = "*" and sq(picked +4) = 0 then move = 4 :end if ' ---- See if they picked a valid square next to the blank square if move = 0 then print "Invalid move: ";sq(picked) wait end if

' ---- Valid squire, switch it with the blank square sq(picked + move) = sq(picked) ' move to the empty square sq(picked) = 0 for i = 1 to 15 ' ---- If they got them all in a row they are a winner if sq(i) <> i then goto [loop] next i

print "----- You are a winner -----" input "Play again (Y/N)";a$ if a$ = "Y" then goto [newGame] ' set up new game end

' ---- Make the squares look nice SUB SetCSS CSSClass ".lBtn", "{ background:wheat;border-width:5px;width:70px; Text-Align:Center;Font-Size:24pt;Font-Weight:Bold;Font-Family:Arial; }" END SUB</lang> Output: File:KokengeGame15.jpg


<lang rust> extern crate rand; use rand::{thread_rng, Rng}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt;

  1. [derive(Copy, Clone)]

enum Cell {



  1. [derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]

enum Direction {



enum Action {



struct P15 {

   board: Vec<Cell>,


impl P15 { // todo: make the board valid right from the start.

   fn new() -> P15 {
       let mut board = (1..16).map(Cell::Card).collect::<Vec<_>>();
       let mut rng = thread_rng();
       while !P15::is_valid(board.clone()) {
       P15 { board: board }
   fn is_valid(mut board: Vec<Cell>) -> bool {
       let mut permutations = 0;
       let pos = board.iter()
           .position(|&cell| match cell {
               Cell::Empty => true,
               _ => false,
       if pos != 15 {
           board.swap(pos, 15);
           permutations += 1;
       for i in 1..16 {
           let pos = board.iter()
               .position(|&cell| match cell {
                   Cell::Card(val) if val == i => true,
                   _ => false,
           if pos + 1 != i {
               board.swap(pos, i - 1);
               permutations += 1;
       permutations % 2 == 0
   fn get_empty_position(&self) -> usize {
           .position(|&cell| match cell {
               Cell::Empty => true,
               _ => false,
   fn get_moves(&self) -> HashMap<Direction, Cell> {
       let mut moves = HashMap::with_capacity(4);
       let i = self.get_empty_position();
       if i > 3 {
           moves.insert(Direction::Up, self.board[i - 4]);
       if i % 4 != 0 {
           moves.insert(Direction::Left, self.board[i - 1]);
       if i < 12 {
           moves.insert(Direction::Down, self.board[i + 4]);
       if i % 4 != 3 {
           moves.insert(Direction::Right, self.board[i + 1]);
   fn play(&mut self, direction: Direction) {
       use Direction::*;
       let i = self.get_empty_position();
       match direction {
           Up => self.board.swap(i, i - 4),
           Left => self.board.swap(i, i - 1),
           Right => self.board.swap(i, i + 1),
           Down => self.board.swap(i, i + 4),
   fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
       for (i, cell) in self.board.iter().enumerate() {
           match cell {
               &Cell::Card(value) if value == i + 1 => (),
               &Cell::Empty if i == 15 => (),
               _ => return false,


impl fmt::Display for P15 {

   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
       use Cell::*;
       try!(write!(f, "+----+----+----+----+\n"));
       for (i, cell) in self.board.iter().enumerate() {
           match cell {
               &Card(value) => {
                   try!(write!(f, "| {:2} ", value));
               &Empty => {
                   try!(write!(f, "|    "));
           if i % 4 == 3 {
               try!(write!(f, "|\n"));
               try!(write!(f, "+----+----+----+----+\n"));


fn main() {

   let mut p15 = P15::new();
   let mut turns = 0;
   loop {
       println!("{}", p15);
       match ask_action(&p15.get_moves()) {
           Action::Move(direction) => {
           Action::Quit => {
               println!("Bye !");
       turns += 1;
       if p15.is_complete() {
           println!("Well done ! You win in {} turns", turns);


fn ask_action(moves: &HashMap<Direction, Cell>) -> Action {

   use std::io::{self, Write};
   use Action::*;
   use Direction::*;
   println!("Possible moves :");
   match moves.get(&Up) {
       Some(&Cell::Card(value)) => {
           println!("\tU) {}", value);
       _ => (),
   match moves.get(&Left) {
       Some(&Cell::Card(value)) => {
           println!("\tL) {}", value);
       _ => (),
   match moves.get(&Right) {
       Some(&Cell::Card(value)) => {
           println!("\tR) {}", value);
       _ => (),
   match moves.get(&Down) {
       Some(&Cell::Card(value)) => {
           println!("\tD) {}", value);
       _ => (),
   println!("\tQ) Quit");
   print!("Choose your move : ");
   let mut action = String::new();
   io::stdin().read_line(&mut action).ok().expect("read error");
   match action.to_uppercase().trim() {
       "U" if moves.contains_key(&Up) => Move(Up),
       "L" if moves.contains_key(&Left) => Move(Left),
       "R" if moves.contains_key(&Right) => Move(Right),
       "D" if moves.contains_key(&Down) => Move(Down),
       "Q" => Quit,
       _ => {
           println!("Unknown action : {}", action);

} </lang>


Library: Tk

Works with Tcl/Tk 8.5

This program uses Tk, the graphical counterpart to Tcl. The tiles are made of a grid of buttons, and the text on the buttons is moved around.

The button "New game" selects one of the canned puzzles. The window-title is used to show messages.

<lang tcl> # 15puzzle_21.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2016-02-16

# http://wiki.tcl.tk/14403
#: 15-Puzzle - with grid, buttons and colors
 package require Tk
 set progVersion "15-Puzzle v0.21";        # 2016-02-20
 global Msg Moves PuzzNr GoalNr
 set Msg    " "
 set Moves  -1
 set PuzzNr  0
 set GoalNr  0
 set Keys   { 11 12 13 14  21 22 23 24  31 32 33 34  41 42 43 44 }
 set Puzz_T {  T  h  e  F   i  f  t  e   e  n  P  u   z  z  l  e }; # Title
 set Goal_T {  x  x  x  F   i  f  t  e   e  n  x  x   x  x  x  x }; # Title-highlight
 set Puzz_0 {  E  G  P  N   C  A  F  B   D  L  H  I   O  K  M  _ }; # -  / 116
 set Puzz_1 {  C  A  F  B   E  G  P  N   D  L  H  I   O  K  M  _ }; # E  / 156 from Tk-demo
 set Puzz_2 {  E  O  N  K   M  I  _  G   B  H  L  P   C  F  A  D }; # L  / 139
 set Puzz_3 {  P  G  M  _   E  L  N  D   O  K  H  I   B  C  F  A }; # EK / 146
 set Goal_0 {  A  B  C  D   E  F  G  H   I  K  L  M   N  O  P  _ }; # Rows LTR   / 1:E : 108
 set Goal_1 {  A  E  I  N   B  F  K  O   C  G  L  P   D  H  M  _ }; # Cols forw. / 1:M : 114
 set Puzz $Puzz_T
 set Goal $Goal_T
  1. ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---
 proc Move {k} {
 # find the key with the empty tile:
   set e -1
   foreach p $::Keys  {
     set t [.key$p cget -text]
     if { $t eq "_" } { set e $p }
   if {$e  <  0} {return 0};   # no key with empty tile found
   if {$k == $e} {return 0};   # click was on the empty tile
   set t [.key$k cget -text]
   .key$e config -text $t
   .key$k config -text "_";  
   return 1
 proc Check {} {
   set ok 0
   set i  0
   foreach k $::Keys {
     set t [.key$k cget -text]
     set g [lindex $::Goal $i]
     incr i
     .key$k config -background white
     if { $t eq $g  } { .key$k config -background lightgreen; incr ok }
     if { $t eq "_" } { .key$k config -background gray }
   # Solved:
   if { $ok > 15 && $::Moves > 0} {
     foreach k $::Keys  {
       .key$k flash; bell;
 proc Click {k} {
   set ::Msg ""
   set val [.key$k cget -text]
   set ok [Move $k]
   incr ::Moves $ok
   wm title . "$::Moves moves"
 proc ShowKeys {} {
   set i 0
   foreach k $::Keys  {
     set t [lindex $::Puzz $i]
     incr i
     .key$k config -text $t -background white;  
 proc NewGame {N} {
   global Msg Moves PuzzNr GoalNr
   incr  PuzzNr $N
   if { $PuzzNr > 3} { set PuzzNr 0 }
                        set ::Goal $::Goal_0;
   if { $GoalNr == 1} { set ::Goal $::Goal_1; }
   if { $PuzzNr == 0} { set ::Puzz $::Puzz_0; }
   if { $PuzzNr == 1} { set ::Puzz $::Puzz_1; }
   if { $PuzzNr == 2} { set ::Puzz $::Puzz_2; }
   if { $PuzzNr == 3} { set ::Puzz $::Puzz_3; }
                 set Msg "Try again"
   if { $N>0 } { set Msg "New game" }
   set Moves 0
   wm title . "$Msg "
  1. ---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+---
 button .reset   -text "Restart"  -fg blue -command {NewGame  0}
 button .newGame -text "New Game" -fg red  -command {NewGame +1}
 foreach k $::Keys {
   button .key$k -text "$k" -width 4 -command "Click $k"
 grid .newGame x .reset x -sticky nsew
 grid .key11 .key12 .key13 .key14  -sticky nsew  -padx 2 -pady 2
 grid .key21 .key22 .key23 .key24  -sticky nsew  -padx 2 -pady 2
 grid .key31 .key32 .key33 .key34  -sticky nsew  -padx 2 -pady 2
 grid .key41 .key42 .key43 .key44  -sticky nsew  -padx 2 -pady 2
 grid configure .newGame .reset  -columnspan 2 -padx 4
 ShowKeys; Check
 wm title . $progVersion
 focus -force .
 wm resizable . 0 0
  1. For some more versions, see: http://wiki.tcl.tk/15067 : Classic 15 Puzzle and http://wiki.tcl.tk/15085 : N-Puzzle



This allows the user to specify the size of the grid (N x N). Only solvable layouts are displayed.

This uses InputBoxes to display the grid of tiles, and prompts the user to enter the number on the tile they wish to move into the empty space.

The last move is displayed on the input box, or an error message if an invalid move is attempted. When the puzzle is solved, the move count is displayed.

<lang vb> Public iSide As Integer Public iSize As Integer Public iGrid() As Integer Public lMoves As Long Public sMessage As String Public Const sTitle As String = "Tile Puzzle"

Sub PlayGame()

   Dim iNum As Integer
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim vInput As Variant


   vInput = InputBox("Enter size of grid, as a whole number" & String(2, vbCr) & "(e.g. for a 4 x 4 grid, enter '4')", sTitle, 4)
   If vInput = "" Then Exit Sub
   If Not IsNumeric(vInput) Then GoTo DefineGrid
   iSide = vInput
   If iSide < 3 Or iNum > 10 Then GoTo DefineGrid
   iSize = iSide ^ 2
   ReDim iGrid(1 To iSize)


   If Not IsSolvable Then GoTo Initalize


   vInput = InputBox(ShowGrid & vbCr & "Enter number to move into empty tile", sTitle)
   If vInput = "" Then
       If MsgBox("Are you sure? This will end the current game.", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, sTitle) = vbYes Then Exit Sub
   End If
   If Not IsNumeric(vInput) Then
       sMessage = "'" & vInput & "' is not a valid tile"
       GoTo GetInput
   End If
   iNum = vInput
   If iNum < 1 Or iNum > iSize - 1 Then
       sMessage = iNum & " is not a valid tile"
       GoTo GetInput
   End If
   i = FindTile(iNum)
   If Not ValidMove(i) Then GoTo GetInput
   MoveTile (i)
   If TestGrid Then
       MsgBox "SUCCESS! You solved the puzzle in " & lMoves & " moves", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, sTitle
       GoTo GetInput
   End If

End Sub

Function RandomTile() As Integer

   RandomTile = Int(Rnd * iSize) + 1

End Function

Function GetX(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer

   GetX = Int((i - 1) / iSide) + 1

End Function

Function GetY(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer

   GetY = (i - 1) Mod iSide + 1

End Function

Function GetI(ByVal x As Integer, y As Integer)

   GetI = (x - 1) * iSide + y

End Function

Function InitializeGrid()

   Dim i As Integer
   Dim x As Integer
   Dim y As Integer
   sMessage = "New " & iSide & " x " & iSide & " game started" & vbCr
   For i = 1 To iSize
       iGrid(i) = 0
   Next i
   For i = 1 To iSize - 1
           x = RandomTile
           If iGrid(x) = 0 Then iGrid(x) = i
       Loop Until iGrid(x) = i
   Next i
   lMoves = 0

End Function

Function IsSolvable() As Boolean

   Dim i As Integer
   Dim j As Integer
   Dim iCount As Integer
   For i = 1 To iSize - 1
       For j = i + 1 To iSize
           If iGrid(j) < iGrid(i) And iGrid(j) > 0 Then iCount = iCount + 1
       Next j
   Next i
   If iSide Mod 2 Then
       IsSolvable = Not iCount Mod 2
       IsSolvable = iCount Mod 2 = GetX(FindTile(0)) Mod 2
   End If

End Function

Function TestGrid() As Boolean

   Dim i As Integer
   For i = 1 To iSize - 1
       If Not iGrid(i) = i Then
           TestGrid = False
           Exit Function
       End If
   Next i
   TestGrid = True

End Function

Function FindTile(ByVal iNum As Integer) As Integer

   Dim i As Integer
   For i = 1 To iSize
       If iGrid(i) = iNum Then
           FindTile = i
           Exit Function
       End If
   Next i

End Function

Function ValidMove(ByVal i As Integer) As Boolean

   Dim e As Integer
   Dim xDiff As Integer
   Dim yDiff As Integer
   e = FindTile(0)
   xDiff = GetX(i) - GetX(e)
   yDiff = GetY(i) - GetY(e)
   If xDiff = 0 Then
       If yDiff = 1 Then
           sMessage = "Tile " & iGrid(i) & " was moved left"
           ValidMove = True
       ElseIf yDiff = -1 Then
           sMessage = "Tile " & iGrid(i) & " was moved right"
           ValidMove = True
       End If
   ElseIf yDiff = 0 Then
       If xDiff = 1 Then
           sMessage = "Tile " & iGrid(i) & " was moved up"
           ValidMove = True
       ElseIf xDiff = -1 Then
           sMessage = "Tile " & iGrid(i) & " was moved down"
           ValidMove = True
       End If
   End If
   If Not ValidMove Then sMessage = "Tile " & iGrid(i) & " may not be moved"

End Function

Function MoveTile(ByVal i As Integer)

   Dim e As Integer
   e = FindTile(0)
   iGrid(e) = iGrid(i)
   iGrid(i) = 0
   lMoves = lMoves + 1

End Function

Function ShowGrid()

   Dim x As Integer
   Dim y As Integer
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim sNum As String
   Dim s As String
   For x = 1 To iSide
       For y = 1 To iSide
           sNum = iGrid(GetI(x, y))
           If sNum = "0" Then sNum = ""
           s = s & sNum & vbTab
       Next y
       s = s & vbCr
   Next x
   If Not sMessage = "" Then
       s = s & vbCr & sMessage & vbCr
   End If
   ShowGrid = s

End Function </lang>

Sample output:

10  4   3   14  
9   15  1   6   
12  11  7   8   
2   5       13  

New 4 x 4 game started

Enter number to move into empty tile